#Trezzie's answers
bicayaya · 10 months
I'm gonna return 1 and 19 at you, but also give you 14, 34, and 46 😌
thank you for the ask, trezzie 💞
1 and 14 answered here
46 answered here
19. imagine we’re at a sleepover, would you paint my nails?
of course i would (if you wanted, ofc), just choose the color and we’re set hahah
34. is there a song you know every word to by heart?
a few! i actually have a playlist only for the songs i know how to sing by heart. a few examples would be: “line without a hook” - ricky montgomery; “safe & sound” - taylor swift and “anna júlia” - los hermanos
🩷 ask game
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radioactivesoda-gw2 · 5 years
Do all of your OCs have in-game counterparts? So many of them have very unique designs, and I would love to see how different they might look within the character creator's limits.
Aww thank you! qwq OH what a fun question! A lot of them do have in-game counterparts! I tend to try and make them as close to the in-game model as possible. Sometimes the more I draw them the more they take on their own unique features. Other times I take creative liberties for extremes I couldn’t reach within the character creator, or things that simply aren’t included (such as facial hair). I also try to make things unique to each character, for example if I had multiple characters with the dreads + bandana hairstyle I would style it differently to each character. Here are comparisons of everyone in-game! :D
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Khallalh I’ve had a lot of struggles with in the past, and I’ve had to compare his in-game look to the ways I’ve drawn him to sort of pick and choose what features felt the most correct or incorrect. I used to draw him with more extended cheeks or “anime face” as I call it lmao, but going back to the drawing board helped me reel that back in and also smoosh his face a little more like it’s supposed to be.
Aaaand I don’t want this post to get too terribly long so if you’d like to know more details on how I draw/struggles I’ve had drawing any of my characters just send another ask specifying who! : D
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contented-heart · 3 years
Case in Point; FNAF SB
I don’t know what I was going with on this, I got lost, wrote it based off of exhaustion and the fact that it was written about a week after watching someone play it. But point is, this is all 100% on platonic grounds because: 
1. Glamrock Freddy is a bro, I’d love to be friends with that funky little robo bear. 2. Gregory is my child now, I am claiming this Orphaned child as my son and will Co-Parent Figure him with Freddy.
Words: 1,124
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“This outta work, though it’s a bit out there for a Pizzaplex Pizzeria to offer up a baseball bat as an actual ticket prize.” She mused, twirling the bat around in her hand to get a weighted feel over it.
“But you work here! Didn’t you already know?!”
Trezzie blinked owlishly at Gregory before letting out a long winded sigh, there were things she honestly would have been better off with dealing with, but a sassy mouthed child was pushing what she was willing to deal with.
Though, admittingly he was easier to deal with than trying to keep Monty engaged long enough to avoid property damage. However that still left her with the conundrum of moving around the kid and the protective Glamrock Freddy amongst the rogue remaining animatronics to continue through her personal motives.
“Look kid, I may work here. But all my time is spent guiding Montgomery Gator and Roxanne Wolf to their Green rooms from the floor.” She replied, stamping out the need to equal his nature. “Besides, how did you even get in here after hours in the first place?”
Gregory went quiet, looking away from Trezzie’s inquiring look. He didn’t want to repeat the vague answer that he had already given Freddy, but the difference between her and the bear animatronic was stark thin. She hadn’t ratted him out to the wandering animatronics, nor to the security guard. The only similar thing she even had going on with everything happening was how she had been quick to deny having even seen him, much less even find the kid.
“I’d.. I’d rather not talk about it.” He responded, catching the brief look of understanding coming from the woman. Thankfully she didn’t press it any further.
“Alright then, keep your secrets, kid.” She said with a shrug, turning her attention to the prize counter’s window. “But for now, we should get moving. Where did Freddy say you needed to go?”
“The Security Office.”
“Ooooh, that’ll be fun.”
The two made tracks towards the next location, Trezzie keeping her focus on their path while Gregory struggled for a moment to keep up with her speedy strides. That made two beings that he had a rough time trying to keep pace with due to their pace, though the difference once again between the two that despite Trezzie’s current strike to keep a lofty and distant air around him, she did her best to slow her pace to allow him to stay caught up with her.
“Hey Lady, I have a question for you. Why are you here after hours?” He asked, the obvious realization hitting him squarely in the face long after she had asked him how he even became trapped behind locked Pizzaplex doors.
Trezzie made a humming noise, she didn’t know the kid well enough to even begin explaining to the ten year old that she finally bit the bullet and chose to stay after hours in an age old pathetic attempt to try solve some old cold cases involving the Fazbear name. But to even try and make a pathetic attempt at giving the kid an answer was better than nothing, whether or not the kid chose to believe her was his call, however Glamrock Freddy trusted the kid enough to help him get out of here then she’d do her best to assist.
So a lie was better than not.
“Kinda got sidetracked, lost track of time and by the time I realized it was closing time. I was halfway across the establishment and away from the exits.” She said with a shrug. “Moral is, keep track of time and you won’t wind up locked up in the Pizzaplex after hours fighting for survival.”
Gregory was silent for a moment, then scoffed. “That’s dumb.”
Trezzie bit the inside of her cheek to bite back a snarky comeback to the kid, of course he wouldn’t fully believe that. Better either way to have him believe that she was incompetent than spill her motives, she stopped in her tracks at that thought with a blank expression that then blossomed into a look of pure panic, completely missed by the kid-
“Just so you’re clear, kid! That doesn’t mean I’m incompetent in any means!” She hissed, turning sharp on her heel to face him, throwing her hands down onto her hips as she stared him down. “It doesn’t mean any of that at all!”
“Surely I do not believe that is what Gregory is thinking, Trezzie”
“Oh no, Freddy. It is, the only adult here that can help is useless!” Gregory replied, whatever look of low hope he had completely gone from his face.
“Did you truly forget about closing time, Trezzie? You have always been so diligent.”
“I’m of no means incompetent, but yes I did forget. It happens sometimes.” She answered, trying to find some other means of defending her pathetic excuse.
This wasn’t helping her case at all in the slightest from Gregory’s point of view and no doubt Freddy’s as well, even though he was for the most part programmed to think otherwise… so said Parts and Services anyway. She never really did trust them in the slightest, always babbling on about how they couldn’t fix certain quirky behaviors of the bots in the establishment to avoid costly property damages.
“So you had an old person moment?”
“Gregory! That was not nice at all!”
Trezzie glared at him, wishing for a brief moment that her irritated and icy stare would instill some kind of fear into the kid over it. But he continued to stand there, unbothered by her look of anger and dislike for the kid presently.
“Kid, you can’t have an old person moment if you aren’t even 50. ‘sides, you’re lucky you’re a cute kid and I’d feel bad about leaving you to fend for yourself.” she retorted as she waved her hand and choosing to turn on her heel to face forward and find the Security Office with Gregory in tow.
“He would not be without defense though.”
“Yeah, I’d still have Freddy!”
This kid was going to be the death of her, however she couldn’t fault him for his behavior or even his attitude. People had weird ways of coping with being stuck in a building with extremely dangerous animatronics that she couldn’t even begin to explain their now present malfunctions over. But at least if she messed up the kid still had Freddy to keep him safe, though as much as he annoyed her she would be damned if something happened to the kid.
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undertoggle · 5 years
Are you gonna finish this series?
I’ve been away a while. Going back to work after taking a year off really started draining me.Was working on a band, that’s on hold.Have a big deal with some big people...possibly? Not allowed to say much.The makers of Undertoggle really just didn’t have a lot of time during the past year or so. Also apparently after I backed off the Discord server there was some major drama dealing with the AU and some others. I chose to ignore it.However, I’ve been talking with Trezzy the last week or so and he’s popping out crazy sprites for UTOG. He’s also gotten much better and can create backgrounds.SO TO ANSWER YOUR QUESTION...Yes? Maybe?These days, I’m not satisfied with my own art/spriting. So that job has been passed on and I’ll be working on the story with Trez.
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cuddlesandcomfort · 7 years
Just some basic stuff to get this blog rolling…
♥ 1-4 Characters for headcanons/imagines
♥ We will do nsfw, but it’s mostly Scales that will answer these, although Trezzie will chip in when she feels comfortable.
♥ When submitting ships, the ask should include basic information that you’d like me to know. This includes physical descriptions and personality. I also need to know what universe/fandom you want to be shipped in. Here’s an example:
Hi! I would like a matchup for tfp! I am 5′ 2″, skinny, and have shoulder length hair. I dress pretty cutely and try to have a different outfit everyday. I am very vain, although it is usually a joke and turns into something self deprecating right after. I sleep until noon if I have the chance, and my fav thing to do is sing, although I’m shy about people listening. I love 21 Pilots, but my fav styles of music differ as the day goes on. Thank you!
♥ Please don’t be vague with requests. Example of what not to do:
Can I get some Sidon headcanons?
♥ Any and all requests that do not follow these guidelines will be deleted!
♥  We will close the ask box when we get around 30 asks, and open it up again when we get down to less than ten!
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xenokiryu--archive · 8 years
trezzie!! a true sweetheart! for the ask meme how about daisies, bands, beaches, marble and storms!
! ! ! ! Oh goodness I don’t know about that!! Ahhh!!!
Daisies;What is the greatest accomplishment of your life?
My greatest accomplishment of my life? So far me having kept this job for almost 4 years now! Not much of an accomplishment, but to me that’s something pretty big. u v u
Bands;Talk about a song/band/lyric that has affected your life in some way.
I don’t really have any bands that have affected my life in anyway, but one of the songs that always seems to get me every single time WITHOUT fail is and has been “We’re all to blame” by Sum 41.
There is a lot of emotion residing inside of it for me.
Beaches; If you had to dye your hair how would you dye/style it and why?
I answered it already, but I am so ready to share another style!! I personally wouldn’t mind dying it again with a good chunk of blonde for my bangs again while keeping the rest a normal coloring again. 
I kind of missed having blonde bangs.
Marble; What is the most important thing to you in your life right now?
The most important thing for me right now is both my family and kind of sort of my self health. But more than anything? What’s most important is this little personal story that I have been working on for ages, I hope to one day have it finished. u w u
Storms; You on only listen to one song for the rest of your life, or only see one person for the rest of your life. which and why?
The one song I could only listen to for the rest of my life would probably be either ‘Try everything’ by Shakira or ‘Living on a Prayer’ by Bon Jovi. c:
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bicayaya · 10 months
Sending yoooou 📷 🍪 🎵 & 🎧 for your emoji ask game!
thank you for the ask, trezzie! 💕 i’m sorry it took a few days for me to answer
📷 What’s set as your phone’s lockscreen?
my lockscreen changes hourly, right now’s this one:
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(my baby 🤍)
🍪 If you were a cookie, what kind would you be?
hmmmm, probably sugar cookies!
🎵 Last song you listened to?
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🎧 Headphones or earbuds?
100% headphones!!! ever since i bought mine, i can’t use earbuds again, it hurts my ears 🥲
🩷 ask game
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radioactivesoda-gw2 · 5 years
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Two asks from my server that I combined into one! Trezzi for 📕 Books - Draw an OC reading their favorite book in their favorite spot, and her father Trokk for 🌸 Flower - Draw your OC in a flower crown. uvu
And now I’m taking asks from y’all! Send me one of my OCs and an emoji prompt from this list to doodle! : D
Access the Discord server (and more!) for just $1!
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radioactivesoda-gw2 · 5 years
For the OC associations ask meme (sorry if any of these are duplicates): 4, 9, and 16!
4. Feels like an outsider
Vex- Probably my biggest outsider. Vex feels completely left behind/outcasted by Asura-kind. He is smart but was a slow learner, coupled with inattentive and ignorant parents who blamed him for it, he eventually ran from home. His attitude and rough-n-tumble appearance have caused a lot of Asura to judge him at first glance. Deep down Vex is upset that he’s not more of an “acceptable” Asura by their society’s standards though he has no intention of changing who he is. Almost all Asura he encountered in his life have let him down in some way, and led to a very distrusting disdain for his own kind. 
Barkk, Barnaby- Both of these boys are descendents of ancestors who spliced themselves with Norn DNA in an effort to be bigger and stronger than their competition. As a result of this, they both have traits that cause them to appear “monstrous” to other Asura. For Barkk he has larger body mass as well as tusks that jut out from his mouth. For Barnaby, he is much taller than the average Asura. Both have insecurities surrounding these things as they have been ridiculed for them by peers in the past.
Larain- Being someone who is not a very emotional person, and someone who relishes battle, Larain has often felt like an outsider amongst her fellow Sylvari. She does not share the seemingly romantic and curious natures of a majority of her peers. This has caused her to travel outside of The Grove in the hopes of finding others like her, or at least some battles she can bash some heads in.
9. Will grow distant from friends if constant contact isn’t there
Vex- He has a lot of trust issues from things mentioned above, but additionally he has not been shown a lot of affection in his life. As a result, he’s learned a defense mechanism of sorts to just let others go or forget about them if they don’t pay attention to him or start to grow distant. Friendship with Vex is a difficult trek, but those who’ve made the journey earn a very loyal friend who will fight for them till the end. Additionally, he won’t grow distant or forget those who’ve made the journey.
Trezzi- It’s not really her intention to grow distant from others, but she lacks a lot of social skills, and has other goals in mind other than making friends. As a result she tends to forget about people if they aren’t consistently around or don’t consistently contact or engage with her.
16. Has numerous rocks
Crystal- She gets distracted easily, and loves finding pretty or unique looking rocks. She absolutely has a shelf dedicated to random rocks she’s found.
Khallalh- He is a jeweler after all! He has a few rocks as well as gemstones on display in his lab because their natural look/how they formed is so unique and beautiful to him he can’t bring himself to do anything to them.
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radioactivesoda-gw2 · 5 years
Bookah or human?
I’m not entirely sure what you’re asking but HERE’S EACH OF MY ASURA AND WHICH TERM THEY USE. XD
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radioactivesoda-gw2 · 7 years
Rumor has it that Trezzi could benchpress a PK golem.
Trezzi blinks, surprised by the remark. Benching a PK golem? She’d never considered such a thing. After some serious thought she puffs up her chest confidently,“I probably could!” She declares proudly.
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radioactivesoda-gw2 · 7 years
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Descriptions in the captions! :D And here’s more that didn’t fit in the post…
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Zarrn gets sick but whenever he does he just gets really tired and apathetic
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Since Kezz is so tiny and frail, sickness can be deadly to him, but if he can soak in some water and use his elementalist abilities to control the temperature usually he will be fine. [guest appearances! his salad mom Desdemona(Dezz) and dadsura Lezzon!]
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Harvey tries too hard
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radioactivesoda-gw2 · 7 years
can I get a Trezzi? (alternative: Snazz)
10 Facts about… TREZZI
1. Is much smaller than the average Asura, she’s about 2 ft. tall. 2. In a relationship with Trumbus. Their relationship could be described as innocent & platonic, Trezzi doesn’t really understand romance or sexual topics, and Trumbus is a hopeless romantic.3. Since Jishore sees Trumbus as a father figure, he sees Trezzi as a mother figure, even if she’s the size of a human toddler, Trezzi accepts this even if she isn’t quite sure how to be a mom4. Is not knowledgeable about figures of speech, innuendos, or social cues, they will often fly over her head, or get a delayed response5. As mentioned in 2, she understands very little about romance and sexual topics, all she knows is she feels comfortable around Trumbus and enjoys his company the most out of everyone she knows6. Rarely is angry but will react with anger to criticisms of how she looks or what she’s wearing. Stems from how her mother treated her during her childhood. (you can read about that here)7. Does surprisingly well in cold weather8. Can’t sleep in total darkness, needs at least a dim light around somewhere (stems from her time in The Mists, often a small light was her only comfort in dark and dangerous places)9. Very close to her father 10. Enjoys every type of vegetable
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contented-heart · 5 years
Day 14: Valentine’s Day Plans
Razzie (MTMTE!Ravage x Trezzie)
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“Do you have any plans for today?”
That was the question that had caught her completely off guard.
One blink, two blinks, and finally three blinks before the feeling of confusion crossed her features. What on Earth and the Stars between was he even remotely talking about in the first place.
“Ravage, you know the answer to that.” She stated, her confusion briefly fading away from her features before returning and allowing herself to narrow her eyes at the Cybertronian Feline. “Wait, do you?”
“You know the answer to that, Theresa.”
There was some silence before Trezzie said, looking absolutely defeated, a rarity in on itself. “Right then, anyway what’s the reason?”
“Not for any reason in particular.”
“That’s not ominous or anything, Rav.”
“I thought we agreed not to call me that.”
“We did, but we also didn’t establish ground rules either.”
More silence before Ravage took it as a cue to speak up, his red optics trained and focused on Trezzie.
“Point taken, however I believe today aligns with a very specific date on Earth.” He spoke, keeping his eyes on her, watching her try to wrack her brain to figure out what date he was talking about specifically. “Don’t hurt yourself over it, but if I recall it right, it was Valentine’s Day?”
“So…? Are you…?” She asked, narrowing her eyes again at her partner.
“I’m asking you if you would like to do something tonight to celebrate it.”
She grinned and shook her head, barely fighting the feeling of a blush dusting her cheeks. It honestly was adorable watching and hearing a Decepticon telling a little old Human how he wanted to do something with her on Holiday that she didn’t personally celebrate but enjoyed watching others do. Even more so amusing at the fact that not too long ago they weren’t exactly the best of best with each other.
“That’s honestly really sweet of you, Rav.” She mused, her smile staying on her face. “I don’t really celebrate it, but… with you? I’ll make an exception.”
“Really?” He asked, sounding nearly too relieved to hear that answer. “I see.”
“Don’t make it a habit, besides, I’m the easiest date by far.” She paused before waving her hands defensively. “You know what I mean.”
“Of course.” He mused, amusement evident in his optics at her attempted recovery. “I wouldn’t dare to assume that of you.”
“Once again, that’s so sweet of you, Rav.”
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contented-heart · 5 years
Day 10: Domestic Life
I am so far behind on a lot of these days I feel bad but I’ve been in a nasty funk... So h e y-
Ghostbusters: Answer the Call; Holtzmann x Trezzie x Patty
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☆ Let’s get real, a normal domestic life involving Holtzmann is relatively slim seeing as she’s way too out there to be contained completely. But when Trezzie and Patty are absolutely involved, there’s those moments when she will tone it down.
☆ There’s a lot of nights where Trezzie pulls Holtzmann away from her work and calls Patty over to enjoy dinner together at her place, it’s soft, sweet, and to the point.
☆ Until Holtzmann says something that gets Patty riled and Trezzie laughing.
☆ There’s occasional Game nights, in some unknown way Holtzmann always seems to win and neither Patty or Trezzie can get how or why. However Patty always wins in Monopoly, Trezzie isn’t the best at board games, but Holtzmann cheats an attempt to help her win.
☆ Patty scolds her for doing it, she doesn’t enforce it really because she knows for a fact that Holtzmann won’t listen and Trezzie will forget about it later.
☆ Out of the three of them, it’s mostly Patty that reminds them to eat seeing as sometimes Holtzmann forgets when she gets into the zone and Trezzie just in general forgets due to her lack of concept of time.
☆ If and when they can get away with it, sometimes they end up accidentally sleeping in longer than they need to, at least until Abby comes over to get all three of them up for sleeping.
☆ Soft, quiet moments are perfect times between the three of them.
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contented-heart · 5 years
Day 17: Coffee Shop AU
Scales, you’re a goddamn goddess you know that? Especially when you did that little cutesy Easter Egg on your Day One Prompt ♥
But more so because you’re a goddamn lifesaver when I’m not 100% on plot ideas.
Starburst (AA!Carol Danvers x Trezzie)
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☆ I don’t think much about Coffee Shop AUs, or AUs in general, so some suggestions were made. Namely Carol Danvers being a Barista and Trezzie the ever so loyal customer that keeps coming in for Coffee at the seemingly weirdest of times.
☆ Depending on the days, sometimes Trezzie comes in at exactly 4am on the dot when the shop opens. Other days it’s practically 7pm, just two hours shy of it closing. There’s no in betweens, oddly enough she seems to come in whenever Carol is working.
☆ Coincidence? Maybe, or maybe because Trezzie totally has a thing for this tough but sweet Barista, it’s hard to tell with the way she stammers her usual order out to Carol. It’s a normal thing, but one can never tell.
☆ It’s extremely safe to say that Carol 100% has a thing for this bizarre, awkward, and shy customer, she’s almost always seen flirting with her every chance that she can get.
☆ Even boldly going so far to mess with the “Caution: Contents may be Hot” on the cup just to change it to say “Caution: You’re Super Hot.”, Carol always ends up looking a tad down every time Trezzie never notices the change. But she’s determined to say something to her while on the clock. (Scales, you’re a goddamn Goddess okay?)
☆ She’s about to take the step to ask Trezzie out on a date one day and ends up getting beaten to the punch over it because Trezzie instantly asks her.
☆ It’s totally cute, she’s all red in the face from her blushing and this extremely hopeful look that borders right down on the line of absolute embarrassment at the general idea of Carol just shooting her down in public.
☆ Trezzie gets asked by Carol how long did it take her to realize that she liked her and Trezzie admits that it took her way too long (A total of practically 3 months) and that she didn’t realize that Carol even had a thing for her until 2 weeks ago when she saw the “Caution: You’re Super Hot.” note and saw it again later.
☆ Carol finds it adorable and tells her that she can make it up to her come Next Saturday and Trezzie doesn’t hesitate to even answer “Yes” at the request.
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