#Trish Spencer Husband
digitaligyaan · 2 years
Trish Spencer Wiki, Age Bio, Family, Everything About Matty Matheson’s Wife
Trish Spencer Wiki – The wonderful Canadian lady Trish Spencer may be the joint owner of Loveland, a bridal boutique on another of the main arterial roads in Toronto (Ossington Avenue). Furthermore, she actually is the beloved wife of one of Canada’s most well-known chefs Matty Matheson. Discover more information regarding this mother that is amazing including her relationship with your extensively traveled cook Matty Matheson.
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Trish Spencer Wiki, Bio
Unlike her star chef spouse, the biodata Trish Spencer Wiki just isn’t when you look at the public domain. She has held details of her individual life such as her day of delivery, age, schools went to and early life out of the spying eyes of the public. Nevertheless, it is a known truth that Trisha was a crush that is matty’s teen. Trisha was not the child that is only of parents as you will find four various other siblings with whom she spent her youth within one of many provinces, in Canada.
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yolandag26 · 3 years
Black Horror Tropes
I was incredibly overwhelmed by the documentary Horror Noire. This documentary delves into a century of horror films that used and exploited Black Americans in Hollywood. Horror Noire opened my knowledge to an array of familiar tropes that Black people are expected to fulfill for white audiences. We commonly see that Black figures in movies are side characters cast to help white people resolve their dilemmas. For instance, in The Shining, Dick Hallorann is a typical Black magical character that exists to spread knowledge of the supernatural world. Jezelle Gay Hatman, in the movie Jeepers Creepers, is a psychic who sees an evil dream about Trish and Darry. Another trope we often see is the sacrificial Black person who is the first to die, protecting the white person. White directors assigned these roles with their preconceived notions of Black people and what they meant to them. Needless to say, the representation of Black people is, most of the time, incorrect and perpetuated by white directors for their benefit.
Moreover, throughout history, I have learned that white filmmakers want Black actors to be what they believe the Black identity to be. However, directors such as Spencer Williams defy these stereotypes and reclaim the Black identity. William, Son of Ingagi, does this exactly as he depicts his all-Black cast as middle-class people who are husbands, wives, scientists, lawyers, and detectives. Casting Black people in this way was a breakthrough. Another more recent and modern example is Get Out by Jordan Peele, who created Chris, a Black protagonist, as the hero and white people as the villains. Peele’s movie reverses familiar tropes we see throughout the history of Black Horror and eliminates the white perspective, which commonly decides how Black people are defined. Instead, the movie is depicted through a Black lens and frames racism as the monster in the film. My absolute favorite scene from Get Out is when Chris picks cotton from his chair, plugging it into his ear to stop his hypnosis state. It is incredible how Chris can avoid white people from owning his body by repurposing the use of cotton, a symbolic remembrance of a type of labor used during slavery. 
I begin to learn so many insightful topics from this class and the documentary Horror Noire that I hope to continue learning to expand my knowledge of Black Horror. Along the way, I'm excited to watch a myriad of films I've never had the opportunity to watch before.
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finalgirlkateausten · 5 years
Madry + “pool party?”
It is Shawn’s fourth birthday, the first one he ever has any input in. He sits on Maddie’s lap, and she strokes her fingers through his hair. “What kind of party do you want, Goose?”
Shawn looks up at her, his wide eyes close to blue today. “Pool party?”
Maddie and Henry exchange glances. Henry grimaces. Maddie shrugs.
One week later, the parents find themselves at a public pool in Santa Barbara. Shawn, Gus, and Trish are splashing through the fountains in the wade-in section, Brett and Sharon supervising. Joy is floating in her baby float, Winnie next to her to keep her from floating away. Bill is under the pavilion they’ve rented, sipping a coke. Henry chuckles. “Too much sun already?”
Bill laughs. “You two are the cool parents,” he answers. “You’re the young ones who can throw a pool party for a four-year-old and still enjoy it yourselves. Us older folks need some shade.”
“You’re only five years older than Henry, Bill,” Maddie points out.
“Nah. the man’s got a point, Mad,” Henry counters. “C’mon, let’s show him how much fun we can have.”
Maddie raises an eyebrow. “Henry Spencer, what are you thinking?”
Laughing, her husband races to the side of the pool. “Cannonball!”
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reject-princess97 · 7 years
Criminal Minds - Spencer Reid Part 2
Part 1  Part 2  Part 3  Part 4  Part 5  Part 6  Part 7
*Two Years Later*
"So Dr Prentiss, if you were the unsub, which of these possible victims would be your next target?" Detective Daniels asked as I shifted through the files.
The profile we gave was to the police about an hour ago and the last body was found half an hour later.
"This is a small town and we had our technical analysis narrow down or possible victims into these 15 girls. Each fits the unsubs preference and each are all in the victims abuse of their family and loved ones. Each are blonde, aged between 16-18 and have most lightly moved here recently as a way of getting away from someone." I flicked through the files until one caught my attention. I grabbed the phone and dialed Garcia number.
"You've reached tech genius Penelope Garcia please speak and I shall do all I can to help you." She spoke into the phone.
"Garcia get me everything you can on Abby Wilson."
"You got it Dorothy."
"Garcia I told you not to call me that anymore." I told her.
"Yeah, I know but I love it...anyway. Abby Wilson, real name Sarah rollings, aged 17, abused by her father until she finally stuck up for her self and fought back. She told the police and her father was give 5 years in prison."
"Oh, she ran away from home after her mother, Trish Rollings, tried to kill her. The Mrs Rollings tried to strangle sarah with a line of fishing wire from abbey's fathers fishing box. Just like the recent victims."
"Garcia, I think we just found our unsubs end game." I sighed.
"I have an address, I sent it your way and I'll contact the others."
"OK thanks" I told her before she hung up and I dialed Em's number.
"Prentiss." She answered.
"EM I have a name and address of our next victim." I told her as I grabbed my gear and walked out of the station, five police men in tow.
"What how did you do that so fast?" I heard Morgan ask.
"I was looking through the files and I noticed Abby Wilson, she left home after her mother tried to kill her. The same way the unsub killed the last three victims."
"Are you sure about this?"
"Yes, today marks the anniversary for the day Abbey's father was convicted."
"OK head over there and wait for us to get there. We'll be there soon." Em instructed.
I hung up and I drove to the address Garcia had given me. When I got there the door was open ajar and I saw a shadow of someone walking past the window.
I grabbed my bullet proof vest and gun and I climbed out of the car.
"Had anybody gone inside?" I asked.
Each of the cops looked at me and shook his head. I was about to speak again but the I heard a scream. I looked at the cops and shook my head.
"No, I'll go in, you could spook the unsub and she could attack quicker." I called as I grabbed my gun and ran towards the house.
Upon entry I saw Abby lying on the floor, a piece of wire wrapped around her throat and her mother holding on to it.
"FBI! Trish Rollings, release Abby and step away." I shouted.
Trish only looked at me, smiling.
"After what she did, she deserves what's coming."
I watched as Abby began struggling for breath. She pulled tighter and used one hand to pull tighter. She reached down and grabbed a gun, holding it out.
"Now, you move again and I'll see you die just as Sarah will." She shouted.
I shook my head and shrugged. "I didn't do anything to you, I only want to make sure you don't do anything you will regret."
"Believe me, I won't regret this. I have been waiting 4 years to kill her and I have searched everyday until I finally found her."
"You kill her and you'll never see your husband again."
"What, what do you mean?" She asked, loosening the wire slightly.
"Well we have information that in a month he is up for a parole meeting, and it's looking good. If you kill Abby you will be sentenced for 25 years or more. Never seeing your husband again."
"Really?" She asked. I nodded and slowly put my gin down.
"Just let Abby go." I reasoned but she shook her head and pulled tighter.
"Stop..stop calling her that. She is called Sarah and she ruined my life. She stole everything from me, my life ended the day she rated her father out and now I'm going to end hers." Then she pulled the gun back and pointed it at Abby's head.
It all happened I  slow motion.  Trish moved her finger to the trigger and slowly began to pull. I aimed my gun and fired hitting the hand that held the gun, coursing her to drop the gun and cry out in pain. Abby took this opportunity to move away from her mother and to words me.
"OK sweetie, I need to you to go out side and find a medic they will help you." I told her.
She nodded and ran. I turned to Trish only she had the gun in her other hand.
"You took my victory, you bitch." She yelled and pulled the trigger. The bullet hit my arm. And I yelled I pain but I ran quickly towards her and kicked the gun out of her hands.
I pulled her up, ignoring my pain and bleeding arm. And cuffed her.
"Trish Rollings, you are under arrest." I stuttered through gritted teeth.
"You lucky I'm I didn't use my right hand. I have a great shot." She bragged a smirk on her face.
" Yeah well you lucky you took me by surprise. You'd have a gaping whole in your head otherwise." I sassed back as I pushed her forward and out of the house.
A group of cops came running towards me, the took Trish off my hands and took her away.
"Dr Prentiss, are you OK?" Detective Daniels asked pointing at my arm.
"I'm fine, just get her out of here." I said nodding towards Trish sitting in the squad car. Daniels nodded and walked off.
"Wait, before you go..." I yelled after him. He turned and raised and eyebrow. I looked up at him and smirked "Book um Danno" I called making him laugh.
"How long you been waiting to use that one?" I heard a voice ask I turned to see Reid and Hotch standing behind me.
"Oh God since we got here on Monday." I shrugged, wincing at the pain that shot through my arm.
"Y/N are you OK?" Hotch asked I nodded and turned and walked towards the medics.
"Yeah I'm fine I just need to be checked out and wrapped up." I smiled. Spencer followed me, not saying a word until I got the ambulance.
"I was worried you know. We got here and they said you went in alone. Then we heard gun shot and Hotch had to stop me from running in." he smiled as he took my hand.
"Spencer I promise I'm fine. The bullet missed anything major and it only hurts a little." I smiled placing my free hand against his cheek, wincing a little at the movement.
"See," I laughed letting my hand drop to my lap. The medic patched me up and gave me a couple painkillers and that was it, no real damage so no need to go to the hospital.
"All done." I announced as I popped my head from the back of the ambulance. Reid and Em rushed over and smiled.
"That's good.' Em smiled before she hit me on the side of the head. "Now don't be an idiot next time" She yelled. I laughed and apologised. I wobbled a little and my feet and laughed as I fell forward a little.
"Y/N!" Reid yelled as he held his arms out to steady me. "Are you OK?" He asked.
"OH I'm fine Reid, the painkillers were a little stronger than expected." I giggled. Em laughed and shook her head.
Spencer nodded and he grabbed my waist and pulled me down of the back of the van. I smiled and stumbled a little until I felt my feet flat on the floor, once again.
"Thank's Dr Reid." I laughed. I pulled away a little but stumbled again so Reid grabbed me again and this time he didn't let go.
" You're sweet Reid, always looking out for me. I swear you the best boyfriend ever." I giggled resting my head on his chest. I looked up a little and noticed his eyes were wide.
"What, what did I say?" I asked then I remembered Emily was stood next to him. I looked over at her and remembered....she didn't know. Nobody knew about me and Spencer yet except Hotch of course.
"Boyfriend?" She asked looking between me and Reid.
"What know I didn't say that what are you talking about?" I asked playing dumb.
"Y/N, I am not stupid. I heard you tell him he is the best boyfriend ever." She smirked.
"Who's the best boyfriends ever?" I heard Morgan asked as he stood by Em, the rest of the team not long behind him.
"Sorry Reid, it was an accident." I slurred at him giggling him at he end.
"What's with her?" JJ laughed
"Pain killers" Reid laughed "they make her say the most random things." He shrugged.
"Back to my original question, who's the best boyfriend ever?" Morgan asked.
"Well according to my niece, Dr Spencer Reid is." Em informed them.
They all looked at us in shock.
"You two? Really?" JJ asked pointing at us.
"Yeah?" Reid answered.
"How long?" Em asked.
"A year." I spoke up.
"And you didn't tell us until now? I thought we were family." Emily sulked.
"Well we told Hotch?" I mumbled.
"You knew?" Em asked turning to Hotch who just smiled.
"Yeah I mean I have them both watch Jack so often I figured it would happen eventually and then about a year ago they both told me what was going on." He smiled.
"Looks I'm getting tired, go you think we can get back to the jet soon so I can sleep?" I muttered leaning against Reid who laughed.
"Yeah. Let's get packed up." Hotch laughed and we all headed to the car. Daniels took my car back with him because I couldn't drive due to being dosed up on painkillers.
*back in Virginia*
"Daddy" I heard a little voice shout as we entered the bullpen. We all looked to see Jack swinging on the swivel chair at my desk.
"Jack, what are you doing here?" Hotch laughed.
"Penelope is looking after me." He smiled.
"His auntie dropped him off she had to work and had nobody to watch him so I offered?" Penelope interrupted as she walking into the room with a glass of water and handed it to Jack.
"OK but why is he sat at Y/N's desk" Rossi laughed as I walked over and high five Jack.
"Because he shares a desk with me and Reid when ever he's here" I called back.
"Yeah, see Auntie Y/N and Uncle Spence bought me a name plate too." He laughed pulling out a small name plate from my draw and true to his word on the name plate read 'Jack Hotchner, Jr FBI'. He placed it on the desk and sat on my knee while I started some paper work.
"Here Jack why don't you come sit In my office so Y/N can work." Hotch smiled as he walked off. Jack kissed my cheek, high five days Reid and ran of after his dad.
"He's the cutest." I smiled over to Reid who nodded in agreement.
"How can someone so small have such a huge impact on my mood." I asked and earned a laughed from everyone in the office.
"So are you free from the effects of the pain killers now?" Em asked. I nodded and sighed.
"Yeah, how much trouble am I in for not telling you about Reid and I?" I asked turning to the rest of the team.
They each smiled and shook there head.
"Alot. It's one thing to keep your relationship from them but I'm family." Em sulked. I laughed and stood walked over and wrapped my arms around her.
"Auntie Em, have something really important to tell you...Reid and I have been dating for a year now and I really love him, like a lot and I want you to know he treats me right and makes me happy. I hope you will be happy for us." I said, jokingly informing her of mine and Reid's relationship.
"It's a bit late now, wait, did you say you loved him?"
"Yeah, I did and I do." I smiled glancing over to Reid who stood and walked over to us.
"OK fine I happy for you both, I figured it would happen eventually anyway." She laughed She stood up and pointed at Reid. "You look after my Dorothy OK. You hurt her I kill you." She informed him before laughing and pulling us both into a hug.
"Awwwww we are gonna have so much fun annoying them two." Morgan called over to Em who nodded.
"Absolutely." She laughed.
"Annoying who two?" Garcia asked walking back over to us.
"Well it seems pretty boy and young Dorothy have been dating for a year." David Rossi informed Garcia.
"I knew it!!!" She yelled before she ran off.
"OK, so it's time to go home" JJ yelled as she grabbed a bag and coat.
"Yes let's go. Spence you want a ride home?" I asked.
"You know you don't have to pretend were car pooling anymore right?" He laughed as he grabbed his coat and my bag.
"Yeah, you're right." I laughed. "My place are yours?" I asked.
"Yours is closer" he shrugged.
"What we gonna do about dinner?" He asked. I waved to everyone as we left the bullpen and walked towards the elevator. Spencer grabbed my hands and brought it to his lips, placing a gentle kiss on the back on my hand.
"We can call for a takeout when I've showered and changed into something not covered in blood." I laughed as we walked to my car.
"Sounds like a plan." He smiled down at me.
We made our way home, talking and laughing, not really care what about we just liked being happy together, this is what it's always like with Spencer, we didn't care what we were saying or doing as long as we were together we were happy.
"Do you think Em was mad?" I asked Spencer after a moment of silence. I turned onto my street and pulled up outside me house.
"I don't think so. I think she was only joking. She knew it would happen eventually, they all did I guess." He replied as he climbed out of the car. I nodded and shrugged.
"Yeah I guess you're right. But I hate upsetting her. She brought me out here, she made me happy to be who I am and she is the reason I met you. I owe her a lot." I sighed as I pulled out my Keys and unlocked the door.
"OK, you jump in the shower, I'll order some food OK." Reid smiled as he grabbed my arm and pulled me into his chest. He kissed me quickly before I ran to jump in the shower.
While in the shower I heard my phone ring and Spencer answering it. I smiled as I shut the shower off and listened to his soft voice down the phone.
"Yeah, We were just going to order after we showered...no not together...I'm sure she'll be OK with it....OK i'll add it to our order...OK bye." He sad before hanging up.
I had put on my PJ's as he walked into my bedroom and smiled at me.
"Well look at you all clean and comfy." he smiled as he came and kissed my forehead.
"Who was on the phone honey?" I joked.
"Well Dear it was you Aunt Emily. She was wanting to come over so I said she could join us for dinner." Spence replied as he took off his jacket, tie and shirt.
"OK, have you phoned the order in?" I asked as I pulled out on of the FBI sweaters I had stolen from Reid while staying over at his.
"No, I was just gonna leave it until I been in the shower." He smiled before walking of into the bathroom.
"Reid wait, come back." I called after he shut the door. He opened the door and popped his head out
"Whats up?"
"Nothing, just wanted to see you half naked again." I winked. I walked over and kissed him before I left the room and walked out into the kitchen. I grabbed the phone and ordered our usual takeout as well as what Spence had written on a note pad by the phone, which I assumed was Ems order.
I cleaned around a little bit and switched the TV. There was a knock at the door and I opened it to see Em smiling at me.
"Hey, Y/N, Spence said I was OK to drop by," she smiled as I moved to the side to let her in.
"Of course, you know you always welcome. Food should be here soon anyway." I smiled as I lead her in to the living room.
"Wow, I just realized I've never actually been in your living room before." Em laughed. "Wait, is that a photo of the team?" She asked pointing at a picture of us all at the bar, take after my first Case.
"Yeah, It was only two years ago but it seems like it was forever ago." I shrugged.
My bedroom door opened to reveal a shirtless Reid.
"Reid!" Em laughed in surprise her eye locked on Reid's shirtless torso, "You have abs?" She smirked. Reid laughed and shook his head before he grabbed a shirt from the laundry pile and pulled it on.
"Hi Emily." He smiled awkwardly.
There was a loud knock at the door and we all jumped a little.
"That would be the food" I called as I handed Em some money and asked her to grab it. Reid and I went into the kitchen and grabbed everything we needed, plates, Glasses and forks. We moved in sync, maneuvering around each other so not to knock each other and drop stuff.
Once we grabbed everything we turned to see Emily watching us.
"Well, you two have got that down...what ever that was." She laughed as she began setting out or dinner.
Dished out and set everything on the table and sat down.
"Oh balls, I forgot the Soda." I sighed as I moved to stand up but Spencer beat me to it.  
"I got it. sit your butt down." He called making me and Em laugh. He waled out and came back in a couple of seconds later with three glasses of Soda. He placed on in front of Em, and them one in front of him and finally he placed one in front of me, kissing my forehead as he did.
"Your guys are cute." My Aunt gushed as she watched us.
"What can I say, we work well together."I grinned.
"So, how did you to become a thing?" Em asked. I looked aver and Spencer, wide eyed.
"You know I don't know. We kind of just had that flirty thing going on for a while and one night while we were watching Jack for Hotch, Jack asked me if I like Spence, I told him I did and the he told Reid. We then made a bet while playing poker after Jack was in bed If I won he couldn't correct anybody for a week at work and if he won I had to go on a date with him.
"Who won?"
"I did, he went a week with no correcting people but I agreed to go on a date with him anyway."
"How Cute" She smiled.
We ate and Spoke for a while and just chilled out for a while. It got to about 10:30 and I rested my head on Spencer's shoulder, feeling a little sleepy due the the pain killers I had taken after dinner.
"I'm gonna get home honey, I can see you're getting tired." Em smiled as she stood up and grabbed her coat.
"OK, sorry I don't want you to feel unwelcome Em." I rushed, feeling a little guilty about falling asleep on Spence.
"No don't be silly, it's been a hell of a day and you got shot, you're tired and we know you don't mean to fall asleep." She laughed as she carefully hugged me. She then Turned to Spence and pulled him into a hug.
"Look after my niece, Spence."
"Always do Emily, Precious cargo my girlfriend." He smiled "Ha, thats the first time I've called her that to somebody else." He laughed.
Em laughed and exited the house.
"I'll see you guys later OK?" She said as she climbed into her car and drove off.
"Right, let's get you to bed little one." Spence ordered as he locked my front door and pulled me into my bedroom.
"Hey, I maybe small but I can still kick your ass." I muttered as we climbed into bed. I cuddled into his chest as he laughed.
"Goodnight Spence, I love you." I mumbled into his chest.
"I love you too little one." He mumbled back kissing the top of my head as I drifted to sleep.
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shaolinbynature · 7 years
Omg if they do have spencer having a twin i NEED her to crash ezrias wedding and when the minister person says "does anyone have an objection" i need her to walk down the aisle and be like i do
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That is giving me Trish Stratus interrupting Lita & Kane’s wedding circa 2004 REALNESS (if anyone gets/remembers this, we are now officially married). 
I swear I literally fantasize about Ezria’s wedding being ruined. I had a thought like what if EzrA is A.D. and on the day of the wedding, the girls are getting ready and Aria realizes she forgot to bring…..whatever. She starts panicking and the other girls tell her not to worry and that they’ll go back to Ezra’s apartment to get it. Time goes on as the girls search for this object and Hanna (bc she would be the one to find something) starts fishing though Ezra’s things and low and behold, she comes across papers, receipts, pictures, emails, plans, and everything else that appear wildly incriminating. She gets the girls’ attention and they start slowly putting things together and before you know it, they are finding more and more things that A.D. had/use against them and that’s when it reality hits. 
Ezra is A.D.
Meanwhile at the wedding, everyone is waiting for the girls to come back but Ezra starts getting restless, urging Aria to start without them. After some hesitance, She agrees and there begins the ceremony. The girls realize they need to stop Aria from marrying him ASAP so they rush out of the apartment. Cue the dramatic music and camera cuts as the girls race to the wedding while Ezria start their vows. Spencer hops into the driver’s seat of the SUV and tells everyone to hold on while she starts the ignition and thrusts the gear into drive in one fluid motion.
“Ezra Fitzgerald, do you take Aria Montgomery to be your wedded wife, to live together in marriage?  Do you promise to love her, comfort her, honor and keep her for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and health, and forsaking all others, be faithful only to her, for as long as you both shall live?”
“I do.” Ezra grins with his mouth spreading out across his face. The girls are holding tightly onto the grab handles of the car as Spencer floors the gas and speeds past other vehicles - a couple of scared squeals from the others as we, the viewers, start to notice how evil Ezra’s smile is becoming while Aria is obliviously staring up at him with heart eyes.
“Aria Montgomery, do you take Ezra Fitzgerald to be your wedded husband to live together in marriage?  Do you promise to love him, comfort him, honor and keep him for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and health and forsaking all others, be faithful only to him so long as you both shall live?”
“I do.” Aria happily beams, smiling with her teeth. Her eyes begin to slightly water just because she’s been waiting for this moment for what feels like forever and it’s now finally happening. They’re really doing this. They go through the process of giving and receiving the rings when Spencer flies right onto the curb outside the establishment, not caring to waste time to find parking. The girls undo their seat belts and jump out the car, hiking up their dresses as they run as fast as they can in their heels.
“And now by the power vested in me by the State of Pennsylvania , I pronounce you husband and w-”
“ARIA, STOP!” the girls scream out in unison as they burst through the double doors of the entrance. Everyone’s attention snaps to the back with the entire building frozen in shock at such an abrupt interruption. Aria’s eyes go wide as she watches her friends stroll down the aisle, breathless.
“Aria…you…you can’t marry Ezra.” Spencer warns her.
“Wha-what are-what is this?!” Aria finds herself confused yet gradually growing infuriated by the second as she sends dagger-like glares at the girls. “Why not?!”
Emily sorrowfully steps forward with a hyper-realistic mask in her hand as her and Aria’s eyes lock. 
“Because he’s A.D.”
………………….Now you tell me if that’s not something you would love to see happen???lmao idk why i just busted out into story-mode that’s a true pipe dream of mines. But now that you brought up the Spencereitta ruining the wedding, I’m just as excited! Man, the possibilities! 
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