#Trish Spencer parents
Risky Business: Part Two
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Female!Reader
Word Count: ~2.2k
Summary: The repercussions of being in prison finally take a toll on you. You're yelling at everyone, short and curt, and you're in a constant state of wanting to cry. Will this bitter cycle ever end?
Warnings: canon violence, canon language, canon talk of death, methods of kill
Season Five Masterlist
Author’s Note: I do not own anything from Criminal Minds. All credit goes to their respective owners. If there are any warnings that exceed the normal death/kills from the show, I will list them.
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Spencer and Derek went to check out Ryan Krouse's house to get a feel of who he was before he died. He was the one who died in the hospital after being treated. Like with Trish, there were no secret hiding places or drug paraphernalia. There are pictures of Ryan and his girlfriend, Shaunna in his room that give off a look of happiness. According to his parents, Ryan never dated Trish or even knew of her. The only time they met was at the hospital.
Ryan got good grades and he got a recommendation letter from the football coach to play varsity next year. Derek wanted to take his laptop for evidence but Ryan didn't have one. His father didn't want him to be online without supervision, so Derek will settle for the network IP address instead. Penelope can get into it from where she is.
You get back to the station and meet up with everyone else. You hand Trish's laptop to Penelope who immediately goes through it. You stand off to the side and watch as everyone engages in the case. You'll help if needed but you don't have the energy to be as involved as they are. You're so lucky to have someone like Hotch. Anyone else would have suspended you.
"Hey, you ready to delve into Trish's online world?"
"If by ready you mean extremely capable and even more reluctant, then yes." she hacks into the computer. "That's weird. There's nothing here."
"Nothing useful?"
"Nothing at all. There's no root directory or operating system. The registry appears to be blank."
"Why would she have an empty computer set up?"
"I did not say empty, I said appears to be blank. I'm gonna need a little while." She does something different and immediately unlocks what is hidden. "I got it! It was just a basic Trojan Horse. It just hid the directories and didn't erase them. Oh, God."
"What is it?"
You look up and see Derek and Spencer walk into the police station. Penelope pulls up a website that she frequented a lot.
"She was on a choking game site the night she died. It looks like it's a game kids play where they choke themselves to get a buzz, to get high."
"They call it the good kids' high," Spencer says. "You get lightheaded and a sense of euphoria even though no actual drugs are involved. It's something kids in high school play."
"Did Ryan have a computer?"
"Not in his room."
"What about a gaming system?" Pen asks and Derek nods. "Teenagers will find a way to get online."
"I have the IP address."
Penelope uses it to get into the system where she finds the exact same website Trish went to.
"Bingo. Ryan was on the same site on the same night. I don't think it's suicide." She continues to type. "Hang on, this is a text-to-voice icon. Let's see what happens."
She clicks on it and a computer-animated voice starts to speak.
"Come on, try it. We all do it. I dare you."
"I dare you? Someone was orchestrating this, purposely getting the kids to choke themselves."
"Make sure you close the door. Tomorrow's the big night. We're all gonna play the game."
"There's a whole subculture around this game. They make up names for it and do it at parties. Someone is daring these kids in this area to play the game," Penelope says and looks into the website more. "It's a contest, and there are rules. 'Come on, Evans High, this is the big one. Garfield edged out Casper High last week. You gonna let them diss us?'"
"Diss? That sounds like a kid. Who else would pit schools against each other?"
"Reckless teenage competition," Rossi scoffs.
"The school that logs the most high times this Friday wins. Get your friends on board. Practice makes the high last longer. Gotta do it alone, video it with your webcam, and upload it to the site for it to count," Penelope reads.
"Friday? That's tomorrow."
"Doing it alone requires ligatures. He's basically encouraging them to play the deadliest form of the game with no one there to revive them."
"Garcia, shut this site down," Hotch says.
"Sir, I can totally do that but I don't think you want me to."
"Right now this site is our only way to track the unsub. If I cut into it, he'll know we're watching him, in which case he'll shut it down. He'll write a simple change in code and bring it back up in a more covert fashion. Plus, there's no telling how many servers it's replicated on, anyway."
"You're right," he sighs. "We're ready to give the profile."
You've been writing in your notebook just like your therapist has suggested but nothing is happening. Maybe your own fear is clinging to theirs. Maybe your fear doesn't want to be alone so it brings you down with it. How can you possibly hope to overcome this if you can't even get away from your fear?
"We believe the unsub responsible for these deaths may be a teenager," Derek begins the profile. "He's a loner and doesn't participate in team sports or group activities. He's withdrawn with very low self-esteem."
"His only form of pure interaction is online. He engages in activities that draw attention to himself yet isolate him from his peers. Parents and teachers should watch out for the warning signs--bloodshot eyes, marks on their necks, severe headaches, and disorientation."
"In real life, he considers himself a loser. In cyberspace, he can pull strings. It makes him feel powerful."
"Does this kid know that other kids are dying because of him?" an officer asks.
"Could be. He's choking himself and daring others to do it, so we're most likely looking at reckless homicides here."
"If you see anything that's unusual or suspicious, just call the sheriff's department and we will try to direct you as best we can. Thank you," JJ finishes.
The police will appeal to the public but you, Derek, and Spencer are going to a school to appeal to the kids. Hotch and Emily are at another school, and Rossi and a few officers are at another. The classroom you're in has students who look like they want to be anywhere but here. They aren't paying attention, and some of them are even on their phones and giggling.
"Two different mechanisms--strangulation and hyperventilation--create the same effect: oxygen deprivation in the brain."
A phone beeps and a student tries to hold his laughter.
"Hey, kid. Not a good idea. Let me see it." Derek snatches the phone from the kid and reads his text out loud. "What planet is this dude from? He doesn't want us to win the contest."
"I think the accurate statement would be, 'he doesn't want us to participate in the contest at all.'" He walks to the empty desk in the room and points to it. "This was Ryan's desk, right? This is where Ryan sat? You guys remember Ryan, right? He played football and took Shaunna to Prom. I'm assuming that some of you were probably even friends with Ryan.
"He wanted to win the contest, too, but the way Ryan choked himself, he cut off all the oxygen to his brain. That sent a distress signal to his heart, slowing it down. Then his brain, in an effort to preserve itself, shut off all non-essential bodily functions. His arms gave out. His legs gave out. That means he couldn't loosen the tie around his neck, at which point panic set in.
"In Ryan's case, it escalated to cardiac arrest, which means that his heart stopped. Brain damage began, and within four minutes, he was completely and totally brain-dead. He died scared and probably in a lot of pain, unable to stop what he thought he had complete control of. All because he wanted to participate in what I consider to be a pretty lame game. So, I mean, your text is actually completely accurate. I don't want you to win the contest because I don't want you to play the game."
Every single student is looking at Spencer in silence but they aren't connecting to what he's saying. He gave them technical talk they're not interested in so you have to step it up. You shouldn't be talking to these kids in your condition but you think they need someone like you to make this real for them.
"This isn't a game. This your life," you snap. "Do you want to grow up? Get out of this school? Make a life for yourself? See the world and enjoy it? Well, you won't because you'll be dead due to a dumbass decision you made."
"Okay, that's enough," Derek says.
"No, they're not listening! They're teenagers. They think they're right. They think they can do whatever they want and bad things won't happen to them. They'll play this game because they want to be cool." You turn to the students. "Do you want to know what's cool? Graduating. Getting a job you love. Making money. Starting a family. Guess what? You won't be able to do that because you will kill yourselves, and everything you've worked for will be for nothing. You will be gone and eventually forgotten."
That seems to instill fear in some of them. There are a few that don't care what you're saying but you're not sure what else you can say to get them to realize the gravity of the situation.
"You all believe this shit?" a young goth boy in the back speaks up.
"You don't? Why don't you come up here and tell us what you think?"
The boy gets up and looks like he is going to go up and talk when he takes off running out of the classroom like a guilty man.
"Hey! Hey! Come here!"
Derek immediately chases off after him followed by Spencer. You stay in the classroom and look at everyone there.
"Listen, I'm not your parent. I can't tell you what to do, but I can tell you what your life will look like if you decide to play this game. You might be fine afterward or you might be dead, but the second that you are born, you start to affect everyone around you. What if your best friend played and then died? How would you feel? How do you think they'd feel if you died? Your parents? Siblings?
"You get one life. If you make one mistake, that's it. There are no do-overs. Do you really want to be the person who died too young? Who died because of a game? Games are supposed to be fun, not deadly. You're old enough to know what death is but young enough to not have to be around it. Just something to think about the next time you wrap something around your neck."
If that doesn't get to them, you don't know what will. You leave the classroom and finally join Derek and Spencer's side who has the young goth kid pinned to the ground. Well, Derek does.
"Stop fighting. Stop it!"
"Let me go!"
They wait until he is calm to talk to him.
"Why did you run?"
"Morgan, look at his neck," Spencer says.
Derek reaches for the choker the kid has on but he freaks and struggles against him.
"Don't touch that!"
"Hey, what did I say? Relax."
The kid must realize he can't do anything against Morgan so he has no choice but to let him pull down his choker. There are ligature marks around his neck varying in different colors. 
"Different colors mean different stages of healing," you say.
"You've been doing this to yourself for a long time, haven't you? There's no telling how much his brain has suffered," Dean sighs.
Derek has no choice but to take the kid to the hospital to get checked out. Rhonda is the only one who meets you there since the rest of the team is still at the other schools.
"Dr. Reid," she says when you get there. "Do you think it's him?"
"He's a pretty likely candidate."
A man walks in and you are floored by the energy you feel. It's not a good one. There's something evil about him. You don't like him at all.
"Hi, I'm Wilson Summers. The school called and said my son was injured," he says to a nurse.
"Will," Rhonda says and waves him over.
"Do you know him?" you ask.
"Professionally. He works for the fire department."
"You don't say."
"Sheriff, hi.
You cross your arms and watch him with a careful eye.
"Is my son all right, doctor?" he asks Spencer.
"I'm not that type of doctor. We're with the FBI."
You sense panic in his body language but he tries to play it off.
"Your son, Christopher, has been choking himself," you put bluntly. "Did you know the kids that have died recently?"
"You're talking about the suicides?"
"They're not suicides. It's a game that kids his age tend to play where they force themselves to pass out for the buzz that it gives them. Do you know anything about that?" He narrows his eyes at you, not liking what you're implying. "How long has Christopher been dressing in the gothic fashion?"
"A while. He's been having a rough time."
"Why's that?"
"His mother died a few years ago, and he's been wearing black ever since."
"Does Christopher spend a lot of time on the computer?" Rhonda asks.
"Just about every waking hour. Why?"
"We think your son may have created a website encouraging kids to compete in this choking contest. Let me ask you again, do you know something about that?" you ask.
"I don't like what you're implying, Agent."
"I'm not implying anything."
Christopher is wheeled in on a wheelchair with Derek by his side.
"Hey, buddy."
"Take him inside," Derek says to the doctor. "Your son needs to go in for some tests."
"Will, when he's done, we're gonna need to talk to him down in my office."
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Follow my library blog @aqueenslibrary​​​​​​ where I reblog all my stories, so you can put notifications on there without the extra stuff :)
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boozyoranges · 1 month
yume ask game :]
🏳️‍🌈: What is your self-insert’s gender identity? What’s their sexuality? Are they the same as yours irl?
- they’re the same as mine irl in that i can never decide what they are. she’s obviously bi but she’s mostly female presenting out of convenience. her and narancia are t4t to me in ways that are difficult to explain
🐣: What are some unique experiences that your self-insert has had that you have not?
- never overdosed on heroin lol. it is but a metaphor for other addictive habits i struggle with
- and my parents are still alive
🤷: What is your self-insert’s most mundane hobby?
- watching cute girl anime. her favorite is azumanga daioh
🌻: Who would your self-insert say that their biggest role model is?
- narancia inspires her to be a better person every day. he rescued her from her rock bottom and treated her with kindness, he loves with his whole heart, he risks his life for the ones he loves. she loves him so much and he makes her proud. ueeeee [soung of crying]
- she also admires trish even though trish is younger than her. moscato was never able to exude feminine charm so easily. trish helps her with her makeup and hair sometimes
‼️: What is your self-insert’s most extreme hobby?
- committing felonies with the rest of the gang 👍
- cooking mushrooms she finds on walks
👑: What’s something about your self-insert that completely matches up with you irl?
- autism
- piano ability
- hair + eye color
- childhood trauma™️
- addictive tendencies
- loves animals
- cringefail weeb
- and more….
❤️: What does your self-insert do when they feel happy?
- big dumb smile like this :]
❓: What’s a random fact about your self-insert that you want to share?
- narancia eventually proposes to her with a ring he got from spencer’s gifts
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Heterosexual Parents
Cheryl and Justin Tran
Lily and Kenzõ Sano
Susan and Seo-Yun Moon
Rachel and Michael Macedo
Linda and Trevor Rhee
Charlene and Charles Bubble
Melissa and Nathan Sparkler
Claudia and Spencer Jagels
Janet and Gregory Coffey
Judith and Darius Burdette
Bernice and James Berger
Martha and Jason Sweetz
Regina and Holden Van Dew
Polly and Lucian Marlowe
Leonora and Henry Ekins
Ava and Titus Teaford
Vera and Ivan Borisov
Dahlia and Dante Crook
Lorie and Kenneth Salts
Lucia and Giovanni Capello
Aikara and Ritsu Miyamoto
Barbara and Atticus Madler
Eden and Jarvis Linnet
Marjorie and Caleb Crisper
Sharon and Peter Janzer
Imogen and Gideon Blue
Victoria and Lucas Lacelle
Isadora and Porter Paratore
Charlotte and Edward Paratore
Sandra and Andre LaMane
Aylin and Nicholas Carbine
Ashley and Gordon Naron
Dina and Dewey Decko
Priscilla and Andrew Pearlette
Isobel & Preston Brightwind
Geraldine and Glen Gibbsite
LGBT Parents
Catalina and Natalia Gonzalez
Lisa and Gloria Gaffner
Roxanne and Erin Forestier
Uma and Penelope Taplin
Thora and Jane Pagels
Mitchell and Noel Prickler
Tessa and Iris Welling
Sylvia and Sheila Froning
Avery and Logan Zill
Cole and Stuart Glover
Eddie and Chris Lacer
Ethan and Gavin Balliet
Andrew and Ronald Kidwell
Zachary and Levi Heers
Liam and Asher Crowding
Travis & Cameron Nelligan
Susan & Monica Gooseberry
Gerald & Dylan Nutbrown
Marissa and Leona Turmeric
Divorced Parents
Zelda Zilles & Freddy Valois
Piper Citrus & Douglas Zahler
Felicity & Tommy Axtell
Geraldine & Timothy Turcaz
Brianna & Andrew Berrien
Seraphina & Dominic Marrone
Tamara & Percy Purnell
Marsha & Ross Ebonite
Diana & Alexander Zhōu
Audrey & Maxwell Juneberry
Carmelita & Diego Romero
Alexandra & Johnny Blackberry
Selena & Earl Glowez
Other Residents
Anastasia Novikov
Shannon Twist
Bertha & Ernest Crumble
Nancy Zheng
Lila Wonderstar
Edith Prism
Janice Timmons
Karen Gim
Tammy Cho
Stephanie Song
Renee LeGrand
Evelyn LaMane
Fiona Lavergne
Régine Cardoux
Tracy Timmons
Teens and Children
Clover Tran
Ozzy Tran
Enzo Moon
Prudence Sano
Tyler Zahler
Cory Sparkler
Alan Jagels
Darcy Valois
Sapphire Rhee
Sage Rhee
Mackenzie Macedo
Ruby Marlowe
Ginger Gonzalez
Genevieve Gonzalez
Chloe Bubble
Joey Bubble
Trish LaMane
Harley LaMane
Praline Coffey
Lena Welling
Elijah Welling
Zelda Froning
Kendra Burdette
Jessica Burdette
Zaria Burdette
Fiona Heers
Calliope Snowflake
Juniper Blue
Tiffany Van Dew
Topaz Van Dew
Bijou Carbine
Delilah Naron
Lemon Javins
Mona Kulkarni
Ophelia Davern
Elodie Ekins
Posie Lacelle
Jameson Paratore
Luna Chen
Phoebe Teaford
Esme Berger
Eloise Ollinger
Leona St. Cloud
Alexis Miyamoto
Roxy Capello
Lizzie Zant
Willow Forestier
Wendy Lacer
Desmond Decko
Esther Janzer
Luanne Junebug
Dion Marzel
Julianne Inglett
Heather Salts
Hudson Taplin
Blake Balliet
Mabel Pagels
Axel Crowder
Jasmine Crook
Marco Crisper
Samuel Linnet
Rebecca Madler
Lexi Daffron
Shawn Dasinger
Dariel Farson
Ryan Canright
Dimitri Borisov
Margaux Nelligan
Kate Kidwell
Dexter Axtell
Logan Turcaz
Jacques Berrien
Yvette Marrone
Tobias Purnell
Athena Pearlette
Vincent Ebonite
Nathan Gooseberry
Maxwell Nutbrown
Maxine Zhōu
Isla Brightwind
Juliet Turmeric
Grace Juneberry
Amaya Romero
A.I. Blackberry
Pepper Glowez
Ingrid Muse
Kylie Spize
Agatha Glover
Patty Perrin
Opal Sourtwist
Elio Zill
Mandy Tunesong
Betty Crinkle
Dorcas Cloudberry
Finn De Glam
Zoe Sweetz
Gina Gibbsite
Josephine Joynes
Lola Jentzen
Luca Barone
Kevin Prickler
Haylie Sweetbutton
Brielle Thames
Cheryl Tran = Baker
Justin Tran = Comic Book Writer and Illustrator
Lily Tran = Lawyer
Kenzõ Sano = Business Owner and CEO
Polly Marlowe = Mayor
Lucian Marlowe = High School P.E Teacher
Rachel Macedo = Lawyer
Michael Macedo = Lawyer
Linda Rhee = Doctor
Trevor Rhee = Doctor
Zelda Zilles = Music Producer
Freddy Valois = Fashion Designer
Claudia Jagels = Judge
Spencer Jagels = TV Producer
Piper Citrus = Juice/Smoothie Bar Owner
Melissa Sparkler = Weather Host
Nathan Sparkler = Dentist
Charlene Bubble = Socialite
Charles Bubble = Real Estate Developer
Catalina Gonzalez = Chef/Restaurant Owner
Natalia Gonzalez = Chef
Nancy Zheng = 7th Grade Teacher
Shannon Twist = Hair Stylist
Bertha Crumble = Candy Store Owner
Ernest Crumble = Candy Store Owner
Edith Prism = Middle School Principal
Anastasia Borisov = Dance Teacher
Gloria Gaffner = Romance Self Help Book Writer
Lisa Gaffner = Scientist
Susan Moon = Nail Salon Owner
Seo-Jun Moon = DJ
Crazy Treats
Moon Mani
House of Styles
Hair 2 Dye For
LaMane Books
Mademoiselle Renée’s Theater
Sweet Snowflakes
Sugar Hills
Hecho Con Amor
Fiery Rockets
The Sparkle
Pizza Pizzazz
Chamber of Imagination
Black Fruity
Funk N Fresh
The Lotus Dragon
Athena's Eye
Game Space
Rain of Petals
Purple Brew
Miss Anastasia S Dance Studio
0 notes
oddlovergirl · 4 years
Hey, the Golden Wind English dub is coming to a close pretty soon, and I wanna talk to you guys about something. Remember a common complaint about the English dub being about Narancia sounding a lot more masculine than his Japanese sub, which was considered more fitting to his androgynous appearance? Today, while I was browsing the Trivia section of JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Vento Aureo https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Trivia/JojosBizarreAdventureVentoAureo out of boredom for the umpteenth time, I discovered a new fact added on the web page that there is a tweet stating that a non-binary trans-male actor named Casey Mongillo wanted to audition for Narancia but the BangZoom casting director didn't let them because she didn’t believe an LGBT actor could sound non-LGBT. As you can see from this article https://comicbook.com/anime/news/jojos-bizarre-adventure-dub-english-discrimination-lgbt-anime/, this is going to stir up quite a controversy, and for good reason, too.
For those of you who don’t know who Casey Mongillo is, they are the voice for Shinji Ikari in the 2019 Netflix English dub for Neon Genesis Evangelion, Scorbunny and Chrysa in the Pokémon Journeys television series, Shou Suzuki from Mob Psycho 100, and more. They’re also a gamer as well; you can find their gaming channel on YouTube. Once I got home from work, I decided to go on Youtube to find some videos on Casey Mongillo just to get an idea on what their voice sounds like, especially as Shinji. Needless to say, I am quite amazed to hear how Casey talks and even gave range when voicing Shinji, managing to give an androgynous edge to the boy (even if Spike Spencer managed to do a fantastic job voicing Shinji in the ADV dub). If Casey were to voice Narancia instead of Kyle, imagine the memes popping up about Shinji finally growing a pair and living in an alternate timeline where his relationship with his father isn’t so badly damaged, being rather healthy even (fun fact: the Netflix dub voice for Gendo is Ray Chase, and I know y’all like to make memes about Bruno being a parent). 
Also, I would like to let you guys know that Casey Mongillo has one thing to share in the aforementioned article I had a link to; they stated they don't want any negative energy to obscure the love fans have for JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure:
Casey Mongillo: “I need to reiterate that I’ve discussed this with the casting director since. While it does hurt to not have been able to audition for this show and others because of my orientation, it also hurts to see people throwing hate around towards the director. Nothing gets solved with hatred. It's negative energy, and doesn't help anyone. It's better to help educate people with outdated views than hate and shun. I still have faith the studio will change for the better. Support VAs from marginalized groups. That is all.”
So yeah, please do this for Casey.
It’s truly a huge letdown that Casey didn’t get to voice Narancia. Don’t get me wrong, Kyle McCarley did a GREAT job voicing Narancia. Even if it sounds weird to hear Narancia sound masculine, at least Kyle managed to give a stellar performance as him, especially regarding Narancia’s heartbroken reaction in GW episode 28, and his talk with Trish in GW episode 30 is quite stunning, with him making the boy sound so calm and weary. But still, having Casey give Narancia an androgynous voice would be a match made in heaven (no pun intended regarding one of the Stands)! It just made me wish that I can hear Casey voice-act as my favorite little orange boi.
Just imagine! How frigging epic would it be to hear Shinji be an extraverted, childish cutie with a huge violent streak and even scream out the Volare Via stand cry? Just imagine that shit.
UPDATE circa 1/30/2021: Last night I happened to have rewatched a video Casey made https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w6yDW5vLz-A, and it is spectactular to hear them give Narancia the appropriately high-pitched, childlike emphasis on the voice (and especially yelling out the Stand name Aerosmith). If there was a Golden Wind/Vento Aureo abridged series with a cast that includes Casey Mongillo as Narancia, I would watch it in a heartbeat.
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finalgirlkateausten · 5 years
Madry + “pool party?”
It is Shawn’s fourth birthday, the first one he ever has any input in. He sits on Maddie’s lap, and she strokes her fingers through his hair. “What kind of party do you want, Goose?”
Shawn looks up at her, his wide eyes close to blue today. “Pool party?”
Maddie and Henry exchange glances. Henry grimaces. Maddie shrugs.
One week later, the parents find themselves at a public pool in Santa Barbara. Shawn, Gus, and Trish are splashing through the fountains in the wade-in section, Brett and Sharon supervising. Joy is floating in her baby float, Winnie next to her to keep her from floating away. Bill is under the pavilion they’ve rented, sipping a coke. Henry chuckles. “Too much sun already?”
Bill laughs. “You two are the cool parents,” he answers. “You’re the young ones who can throw a pool party for a four-year-old and still enjoy it yourselves. Us older folks need some shade.”
“You’re only five years older than Henry, Bill,” Maddie points out.
“Nah. the man’s got a point, Mad,” Henry counters. “C’mon, let’s show him how much fun we can have.”
Maddie raises an eyebrow. “Henry Spencer, what are you thinking?”
Laughing, her husband races to the side of the pool. “Cannonball!”
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abramsbooks · 6 years
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RECIPE: Baked Rigatoni (from Matty Matheson: A Cookbook by Matty Matheson)
This is an incredible dish made straight from the heart. Crisp, burnt rigatoni edges; melted mozzarella cheese; rich, sweet tomato sauce; and little meatballs all nestled inside this beautiful mess. Dishes like this are low risk and high reward. Carol and Trish make different versions of this, and now I make my own too. How many renditions of this dish are out there, I have no idea: Every nonna or nonno or Italian American or Italian Canadian parent has his or her own version. Some may add basil leaves, dried oregano, more Parmesan, maybe even some Asiago, or all pork balls, all-beef, or a combination or the holy trinity: veal, pork, and beef. I want to make you my version, which is inspired by my mother-in-law and my lovely wife.
I had another mind-blowing experience the first time Carol made this for me. I thought pasta was powdered cheese and overcooked little noodles that were mixed with water instead of milk or cream, and not even a nice little knob of heavenly butter. But then I saw this bubbling, glowing, cheesy casserole coming out of the oven like a newborn rigatoni baby, and it was instant love. I knew I would fight for this dish if anyone ever disrespected it—I would stand behind it like an overprotective uncle who’s had one too many brown pops at a little league baseball game. I hope that when you pull this casserole out of the oven, it’s one of those moments like seeing the Sistine Chapel or the ocean for the first time.
Serves: 4 Prep time: 1½ hours
½ pound (225 g) ground pork
½ pound (225 g) ground veal
½ pound (225 g) ground beef
1 egg
1 cup (100 g) freshly grated Parmesan cheese
½ cup (50 g) dry bread crumbs
1 handful chopped flat-leaf parsley
Kosher salt
10 turns freshly cracked black pepper
1 tablespoon dried red chile flakes
2 tablespoons peeled and minced garlic
Olive oil
8 cups (2 L) Sunday Gravy (see below) without the meat
2 (16-ounce/455 g) boxes dried large rigatoni
2 balls mozzarella cheese, one cubed and one shredded
Place all the ground meat in a large bowl. Crack the egg on top and add the Parmesan, bread crumbs, parsley, 2 teaspoons salt, the pepper, chile flakes, garlic, 4 tablespoons (60 ml) oil, and 2 tablespoons water. Mix with your hands—make sure to dig deep with your fingers and use your shoulders to really work the mixture.
Line a baking sheet with parchment paper. Place two spoons in a cup of water; use one spoon for scooping and the other for scraping off. Make sure to dip your spoons into the water every other scoop. Scoop 1 tablespoon meat and scrape it onto the baking sheet; make little rows until done. Lightly coat your hands with oil and form the meat piles into perfect little balls.
Preheat the oven to 400°F (205°C). In a Dutch oven, pour ½ inch (12 mm) of oil and set over medium-high heat. Place the balls in the pot, but don’t overcrowd the pot. Brown the meatballs in batches and place on a rack while you build your casserole.
We are going to build the casserole hot so it just has to brown in the oven. In a small pot, heat the gravy. Meanwhile, bring a large pot of salted water to a boil; cook the pasta until al dente. Check the pasta every few minutes to make sure you’re not overcooking. Because we are baking in the oven, we don’t want mushy noodles! We want perfect rigatoni.
Drain the pasta and pour most of it into a 9 by 13-inch (23 by 33 cm) baking dish, then add enough sauce to cover the noodles and stir. You don’t want the casserole soupy and you don’t want it dry; you can always add, but you can never take away. That’s why I like building this by eye once all the ingredients are ready: You can add more sauce, meatballs, and rigatoni depending on your tastes. Stir the cubed mozzarella into the casserole, then add as many meatballs as you want. Stir to evenly disperse everything, then cover with a few ladles of sauce and the shredded mozzarella. Bake 20 minutes, or until the edges are almost burnt, the cheese is golden brown, and the sauce is bubbling. Remove from the oven and let rest 10 minutes.
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RECIPE: Sunday Gravy
This is something I loved eating when I first started dating Trish. Her mother is Italian Canadian and comes from a long line of amazing cooks from Calabria. I never had real Italian food until I met Trish. Maybe that’s why I was so in love with her initially. It was her mother’s cooking! I remember the first time I was allowed to help make this meal. Her mother watched me like a hawk soaring in the bright blue sky, searching for trout. If I did something wrong, she let me know right away with a slap on the hand. If I overworked the meatballs, she would make a comment that cut deep. This was before I went to cooking school—I was just an eager kid looking for the secrets to this dish. A red sauce is the foundation of every Italian family, and it was a privilege to help. I had a duty to make the best meatballs I could so I didn’t let down Carol and Bill and the Spencer family. Making this sauce is like painting: You need to know when to stop. It’s a powerful sauce that still needs restraint.
I used to think that spaghetti sauce had green peppers and mushrooms in it. It took me a long time to understand the power in simplicity. This sauce is the cornerstone to most of the dishes in this section; once you’ve made this sauce, you can add it to so many dishes. When I make it, I like to take out all the meat and divide the balls, ribs, and sausage in containers and cover with just enough sauce. Then you can take as many of these little gems as you want and reheat for days to come, or you can make little bundles of meat and sauce and freeze for a special day. Serving the meat on a massive platter and then tossing fresh spaghetti in the sauce and topping with fresh grated Parmesan is the way to go!
Serves: A large Italian-Irish family and one white kid from the maritimes Prep time: 5½ hours
1 loaf day-old bread, torn into small pieces
1 cup (240 ml) milk
1 pound (455 g) ground beef
1 pound (455 g) ground veal
1 pound (455 g) ground pork
2 cups (200 g) freshly grated Parmesan cheese
1 cup (100 g) freshly grated Pecorino-Romano cheese
½ cup (70 g) peeled and minced garlic, plus 1 cup (145 g) whole garlic cloves, peeled and sliced thin
1 handful chopped flat-leaf parsley
1 cup (100 g) dry bread crumbs
4 eggs
2 tablespoons dried red chile flakes
Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper
Olive oil
2 pounds (910 g) Italian sausage
2 racks (2 pounds/910 g) pork ribs
½ cup (15 g) tomato paste
6 (28-ounce/794 g) cans tomato puree
1 pound (455 g) any shape pasta
Grated Parmesan cheese, for serving
Line a baking sheet with lightly oiled parchment paper.
Soak the day-old bread with just enough milk. You don’t want soupy bread; you want milky bread.
In a large bowl, place all the ground meat and mix with your hands so it’s incorporated. Next, add the cheeses, minced garlic, parsley, bread crumbs, eggs, chile flakes, milk-soaked bread, salt, and pepper. This is the fun part: Deep-dive your hands into the meatball mixture, and with your fingertips, disperse all the ingredients evenly, using your full arm to reach down to the middle and flip the mixture. Imagine you are a human bread mixer. Keep pushing down and knead it almost like a dough. Once it is truly mixed, you’ll know—it will look like a piece of beautiful meat marble, with the cheese, parsley, and garlic all glistening through like rock layers.
With lightly oiled hands, roll the meat mixture into perfect 2-inch (5 cm) balls, making sure they are worked just enough. Do not squish the balls—just keep rolling so they stick together. Place on the prepared baking sheet. Drape a kitchen towel over the balls as you roll so they don’t air-dry at all.
In a large heavy pot, pour ½ inch (12 mm) of oil and set over medium heat. Sear the meatballs on all sides. As each ball is fully browned, remove and place on another baking sheet until needed. In the same pot, sear the sausages, about 8 minutes. Set aside.
Cut the ribs into 2-bone pieces and season with salt and pepper; sear them, about 5 minutes per side. You will find that there is a lot of crisp golden meat on the bottom of the pot. This is called fond. This is the gold.
Turn down the heat to low—there is enough residual heat to get the garlic cooking. Add the sliced garlic to the pot and cook until golden brown. Then add the tomato paste; cook 5 minutes to cook out the tin flavor and develop the rich, deep flavor tomato paste is made for.
Add all the meat and the tomato puree. If it’s a little thick you can add just enough water to make it easier for you to stir the meat. You don’t want it too thick right now, as it’s going to cook at least 3 hours, and as it cooks, it will concentrate. We will cook it to the consistency we desire.
Don’t turn the heat to high to bring it to a boil. We have to bring it up slowly to make sure nothing burns. It may take almost an hour to start bubbling and simmering the way we want it to. Once it starts simmering, turn down the heat even lower. Stir the pot gently, making sure not to break up the meatballs. Cook 3 hours.
Bring a large pot of salted water to a boil. Cook the pasta as the label directs; drain and return to the pot. Ladle in enough sauce to coat the noodles—you don’t want this to be saucy. Place the pasta on a platter, then ladle extra sauce into another bowl for those who want more sauce. Remove the meat and place on top of the pasta; add more sauce. Top with cheese.
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Matty Matheson, star of Viceland’s It’s Suppertime and Dead Set On Life, reveals his favorite recipes and stories in a cookbook that his devoted fans have been waiting for.
Matty Matheson is known as much for his amazing food as his love for life, positive mental attitude, and epic Instagram account. This debut cookbook is about Matty’s memories of the foods that have defined who he is. With a drive to share his zest for life, he creates dishes within these pages that reinterpret the flavors of his youth in Canada, as well as the restaurant fare for which he has become so well-known. Interpretations of classics like Seafood Chowder, Scumbo: Dad’s Gumbo, and Rappie Pie appear alongside restaurant recipes like Bavette, Pigtail Tacos, and his infamous P&L Burger. This is a very personal cookbook, full of essays and headnotes that share Matty’s life—from growing up in Fort Erie, exploring the wonders of Prince Edward Island, struggling and learning as a young chef in Toronto, and, eventually, his rise to popularity as one of the world’s most recognizable food personalities. His no-nonsense approach to food makes these recipes practical enough for all, while his creativity will entice seasoned cooks. This book is like cooking alongside Matty, sharing stories that are equal parts heartwarming and inappropriate while helping you cook dishes that are full of love. Matty Matheson: A Cookbook is a new collection of recipes from one of today’s most beloved chefs.
For more information, click here.
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mythweavcra-blog · 6 years
         there’s something to be said about spencer showing up to a formal family dinner  ( a family that she doesn’t speak with, that she’d all but destroyed her relationship with years prior )  with a recovering drug addict, especially given her own history ( and knowing just how her parents feel about that blemish on the otherwise perfect hastings record ). the thought of that lie alone is enough to make her want to laugh or claw her eyes out — she’s still not quite sure which one. it’s one thing in the hastings household to show up with an unannounced guest, leave them scrambling to get together another plate, another spot at the table and appear gracious all the while. it’s another thing entirely to bring someone who’s going to turn the entire event on its head in the absolute best and worst way ever. spencer knows this.
          she also knew the moment that she met trish, from their very first discussion that this is going to be fucking magical. it’s obvious from the moment they walk in together, side by side — from the way melissa regards the pair of them with something akin to contempt to the way her father’s lip curls or the way her mother’s eyebrow raises just so. the day has barely begun and it’s already better than she’d expected. the quiet who’s this from her mother almost makes her laugh — as if she doesn’t recognize the woman standing in their rarely touched, almost never used formal dining room. but she doesn’t. doesn’t laugh, does her best to bite her tongue, just looks at blonde with what she hopes is a fond expression, “ this is trish. my, uh, my girlfriend. ”
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digitaligyaan · 2 years
Trish Spencer Wiki, Age Bio, Family, Everything About Matty Matheson’s Wife
Trish Spencer Wiki – The wonderful Canadian lady Trish Spencer may be the joint owner of Loveland, a bridal boutique on another of the main arterial roads in Toronto (Ossington Avenue). Furthermore, she actually is the beloved wife of one of Canada’s most well-known chefs Matty Matheson. Discover more information regarding this mother that is amazing including her relationship with your extensively traveled cook Matty Matheson.
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Trish Spencer Wiki, Bio
Unlike her star chef spouse, the biodata Trish Spencer Wiki just isn’t when you look at the public domain. She has held details of her individual life such as her day of delivery, age, schools went to and early life out of the spying eyes of the public. Nevertheless, it is a known truth that Trisha was a crush that is matty’s teen. Trisha was not the child that is only of parents as you will find four various other siblings with whom she spent her youth within one of many provinces, in Canada.
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sfdfmoviereviews · 7 years
Upcoming Flicks January 2018
Here are the upcoming films being released in Australia in January 2018, accompanied by my personal thoughts of them.
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January 1
·         Pitch Perfect 3
The girls have reteamed for one last hurrah and are on tour with the USO, singing for the troops overseas, along with some other musical groups. Genre: Musical Comedy Director: Trish Sie Stars: Anna Kendrick, Rebel Wilson, Brittany Snow, Hailee Steinfeld, Elizabeth Banks, Anna Camp, Alexis Knapp, Ruby Rose Recommendation: I reckon it won’t be worth the price of admission. The first one was a great success. The oddball characters thrown together were comedy gold, but should not have been repeated. The sequel provided nothing new and now I think they are milking a cow that’s giving sour milk. It’ll be aca-crapa.
 ·         Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri
After the police fail to solver her daughter’s murder, Mildred Hayes buys advertising space on local billboards slamming the local police. Genre: Comedy/Crime/Drama Director: Martin McDonagh Stars: Frances McDormand, Woody Harrelson, Sam Rockwell, Abbie Cornish, Lucas Hedges, Caleb Landry Jones, John Hawkes, Peter Dinklage Recommendation: Three Billboards won the People’s Choice award at the Toronto Film Festival, is  being critically acclaimed. There is a fantastic cast with what looks to be a compelling story and characters. I think this is the perfect movie to start 2018.
  January 4
·         All the Money in the World
Inspired by true events, All the Money in the World is the story of the kidnapping of John Paul Getty III, whose rich oil giant grandfather doesn’t hand over the $17M the kidnappers are demanding. Genre: Thriller Director: Ridley Scott Stars: Christopher Plummer, Mark Wahlberg, Michelle Williams, Charlie Shotwell, Charlie Plummer Recommendation: You may have heard about this movie after Ridley Scott recast and reshot the film with Christopher Plummer after the controversy around Kevin Spacey. Probably a better choice anyway as Plummer would be closer to the age of the tight-arse grandfather. The trailer looks good. It has an intense spy thriller vibe. See it.
   January 11
·         Darkest Hour
Darkest Hour is the war biopic of Winston Churchill as he is sworn in as Prime Minister of Great Britain just prior to the first World War. Genre: War/Biopic Director: Joe Wright Stars: Gary Oldman, Lily James, Ben Mendelsohn, John Hurt Recommendation: See it. It’s a great piece of history concerning an integral person who changed the course of the world. Plus, you cannot go wrong with Gary Oldman.
 ·         The Nut Job 2: Nutty by Nature
Some animals need to stop a greedy mayor from destroying their bit of nature for an amusement park. Genre: Animation Director: Cal Brunker Stars: Will Arnett, Gabriel Iglesias, Jeff Dunham, Katherine Heigl, Jackie Chan, Maya Rudolph, Isabela Moner, Bobby Cannavale, Sebastian Maniscalco Recommendation: To quote my wife “There was a Nut Job 1?” I’m surprised they made the second. Skip it.
 ·         The Post
The U.S.’s first female newspaper publisher uncovers government  secrets that have spanned four presidents, and seeks to make them public. Genre: Biographical Drama Director: Steven Spielberg Stars: Meryl Streep, Tom Hanks, Sarah Paulson Recommendation: Spielberg, Streep and Hanks. The three biggest names in Hollywood comes together to make a hard hitting bio drama. Count me in. Spielberg is my favourite director and Hanks is, in my opinion, the greatest working actor today. You cannot miss this. Also, everything about it screams Academy Awards.
 January 18
·         Maze Runner: The Death Cure
Thomas and his mates must break into the Last City, the deadliest maze of all in the third and final instalment of the Maze Runner series. Genre: Sci-Fi/ Adventure Director: Wes Ball Stars: Dylan O'Brien, Thomas Brodie-Sangster, Ki Hong Lee, Kaya Scodelario, Katherine McNamara, Giancarlo Esposito, Rosa Salazar, Barry Pepper, Aidan Gillen, Patricia Clarkson Recommendation: At least the Pitch Perfect cow was giving sour milk. This is like milking a dead cow. Critics and audiences agree that the first was average at best, and the second was just plain terrible. May as well complete the trilogy, I suppose. Skip it.
 ·         Swinging Safari
This Australian comedy shows us the sexual swinging 1970s in a small beach-side town. Fearless kids and carefree parenting by day, key party by night.  Genre: Comedy Director: Stephan Elliott Stars: Guy Pearce, Kylie Minogue, Radha Mitchell, Julian McMahon, Asher Keddie, Jeremy Sims, Jack Thompson Recommendation: Australian comedies set in the 70s and 80s are hilarious. I loved the trailer for this. Elliott directing Pearce again with Neighbours legend Minogue (I also think she sings) tops it off for me. Julian McMahon… I haven’t seen him since he shimmered out of Charmed. See it.
 ·         The Commuter
Michael, an insurance salesman, is riding the train home when things go amiss. Michael gets caught up in a criminal conspiracy and races the clock to uncover a mystery passenger before it is too late for them all. Genre: Action Director: Jaume Collet-Serra Stars: Liam Neeson, Vera Farmiga, Sam Neill, Patrick Wilson Recommendation: Collet-Serra sure likes to get himself a bit of Neeson. I suppose we are lucky he wasn’t cast in the Shallows or the shark would never have had a chance. It’s weird. The start of the trailer intrigues and surprises me. It mystery aspect has me yearning to see it but then the last half of the trailer makes it seem like a generic Liam Neeson actin flick on a train, which has me yawning, so I’ll give it a 50/50 chance of it being any good.
 ·         The Shape of Water
During the Cold War, a mute cleaner of a top secret government laboratory forms a relationship with their experiment, a creature who looks like should have come from the Black Lagoon. Genre: Fantasy/Romance/Thriller Director: Guillermo del Toro Stars: Sally Hawkins, Michael Shannon, Doug Jones, Michael Stuhlbarg, Lauren Lee Smith, Octavia Spencer, Richard Jenkins Recommendation: This really looks fantastic. I have been looking forward to it for a long time. Coming from the mind of del Toro with this cast and Doug Jones (aka Suru from Star Trek Discovery) as the creature I have high hopes that I’ll be talking about this in my ‘Best of 2018’ list.
  January 25
 ·         Den of Thieves
Den of Thieves follows a group of bank robbers who have their eyes set on the Federal Bank, while the elite unit of cops with unconventional police morals chase them around every turn. Genre: Action Director: Christian Gudegast Stars: Gerard Butler, 50 Cent, Pablo Schreiber, O'Shea Jackson Jr., Recommendation: Skip it. There is nothing new here.
 ·         I, Tonya
If you were curious about the upbringing and what led to Tonya Hardings ice skating success and her attack of a fellow competitor, this is your chance to find out. Genre: Biographical drama Director: Craig Gillespie Stars: Margot Robbie, Allison Janney, Sebastian Stan Recommendation: Who knew ice skating could hold so much potential for a decent crime drama. Surprisingly, I am keen for it. See it.
 ·         Sweet Country
Based on a true story, Sam, an aboriginal stockman, in the Northern Territory in 1929, kills the white station owner in self defence and goes on the run. Sam and his wife flee into the outback only to give themselves up due to the health of his pregnant wife. Genre: Biographical Crime Drama Director: Warwick Thornton Stars: Bryan Brown, Sam Neill, Hamilton Morris Recommendation: Sweet Country looks to be a great Australian western. There is such a rich story to be told here and the trailer has me wanting to see how it all unfolds. See it.
  As usual, January in Australia is mostly biopics and Oscar bait films with a few shit ones thrown in for good measure. My picks for the month are The Post, The Shape of Water and for a good laugh, Swinging Safari. Let us know what you are planning on seeing.
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heavenmarie13-blog1 · 7 years
New Fandom List
RC9GN: Randy Howard NomiRandy Human! Nomicon The Thundermans: Max Thunderman Phoebe Thunderman Nora Thunderman Billy Thunderman iCarly Freddy Sam Carly Spencer Gibby Neville Victorious Tori Trina Beck Jade Robbie Andre Cat Spongebob(I don't know anymore.) Spongebob Squidward Mr. Krabs Sandy Plankton Kick Buttowski Kick Brad Gunther Jackie(why not?) Fairly Odd Parents Timmy Aj Chester Cosmo Wanda Winx Club(don't judge me, I may be 14, but me and my bestie love this show! #winxclubforever) Bloom Stella Musa Teccna Aisha Flora Helia Sky Riven Brandon Naboo Timmy Lord Darkar Valtor Icy Darcy Stormy Tritanus Nerayus Roy Adventure Time Finn Marshall Lee Jake Cake Fionna Marceliene Princess Bubblegum Prince Gumball Flame Prince Flame princess Amazing World of Gumball Gumball Darwin Penny Anise Teen Titans Robin Starfire Beast Boy Raven Cyborg ______________ My other fandom list! Fictional Characters: Descendants: Ben Mal Evie's Jay Carlos Uma Harry Hook Gil Fate Of The Furious: Letty Dorm Brian Mia Tej Roman Luke FNAF(Human or Animatronic): Bonnie Foxy Chica Golden Freddy Freddy Springtrap Crying Child Cupcake Balloon Boy Plushtrap Fredbear Nightmare Any Other Animatronic Titanic(Oh yeah): Jack Call Rose Fabrizio Tommy Austin And Ally: Austin Ally Trish Dez Girl Meets World: Lucas Farkle Riley Maya Zay Maybe Josh Beat Friends Whenever: Cyd Shelby Barry Naldo Any other Disney Characters. Big Hero 6: Hiro Hamada Tadashi Hamada Baymax Fred Wasabi Honey Lemon GoGo Tomango Real People: Magcon: Cameron Dallas Nash Grier Matthew Espinosa Carter Reynolds Hayes Grier Aaron Carpenter Taylor Caniff Glinsky Johnson Jacob Whitesides YouTubers: Jackseoticeye Markiplier Pewdiepie Danisnotonfire Amazingphil Tyler Oakley Mikey Manfs Jake Dufner Ademir Adamo Daz Games SSSniperwolf MatPat Jordan Hanna Celebrities: Leonardo DiCaprio(young or old) Bea Miller Sabrina Carpenter Any Other Person _____ I write about all these and more, if I come up with more, I'll add them. So please remember, requests are open, tell me your ideas please.
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Broken Mirror: Part One
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Reader
Word Count: ~1.5k
Warnings: canon violence, canon language, canon talk of death, methods of kill, and angst
Author’s Note: I do not own anything from Criminal Minds. All credit goes to their respective owners. If there is any warnings that exceed the normal death/kills from the show, I will list them. If you’ve seen the show, then it’s the same level of angst unless otherwise stated.
Feedback is gold, and it’s the only currency I take
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"When a good man is hurt, all who would be called good must suffer with him." - Euripides
Thinking about going on a date with Spencer is way different than actually doing it. Gideon got you two the good seats even if it is a first come first serve. However, you made sure to arrive early enough to get a seat by the exit so you didn't have to waste time just sitting around while everyone else leaves. Gideon picked a good day as well since they were playing a two special horror movies, Psycho and The Shining. Spencer hadn’t seen either of them, but you have and you knew you would have a good time.
“Okay, I got literally every sweet thing they had,” you announced, climbing into the bed of your truck. Spencer didn’t have a car since he preferred to take public transportation to work. Sometimes you would be his ride if he asked for it, so it was natural that you two take your car. It was better anyway since you had a 4x4 off road truck with a comfortable bed if you laid down blankets and pillows, which you did. Spencer leaned on the back of the truck as you sat next to him, handing him the candy he requested.
“I didn’t know you liked sweet stuff.”
“Sweetheart, my whole life revolves around sugar,” you chuckled, pausing when you realize what you just said. “Sorry.”
“What are you sorry for?”
“For calling you sweetheart. It just came out,” you chuckled nervously.
“It’s okay. I like it,” he smiled.
“Great, okay,” you immediately felt better.
“So, what do we do here?”
“You’ve never been to a drive-in theater before?”
“Well, some people stay inside the car with the windows rolled down, but that’s only if they have a bench for a seat so they can sit really close to each other. I don’t have that so I chose the bed. We can sit anywhere we want,” you began to demonstrate by moving all around the trunk to show him before settling right… next… to… him, “even here.” You go to move, but he placed a hand on your shoulder to stop you.
“You can stay here if you want.”
“Oh, okay, sure,” you cleared your throat, trying to get the awkwardness out of the way. It was clear Spencer didn’t do this too often which was fine, but you wanted to move past the awkward phase.
“Aren’t these movies two hours long each?”
“Yeah, or more, which I don’t know why Gideon thought getting us tickets for this day was a smart idea. He knows I fall asleep during movies all the time.”
“How do you know Gideon?” he asked. Your intentions were to lean against the car, but you shifted too much and ended up against his side, which he didn’t seem to care. Opening the bag of candy you got, you popped one in your mouth and chewed.
“He was the lead agent on my case,” you finished once you swallowed.
“What do you mean?”
“My sister was murdered by her boss since he kept harassing her at work and she would always deny him. He was the one who helped me through losing her. I mean, she wasn’t my blood sister since my parents were fostering a bunch of kids, but she was my sister. The man killed himself before Gideon and his team could get to him, but at least we know he did it. He had the whole plan and more laid out at his apartment.”
“I’m so sorry. I didn’t know,” he said quietly.
“You couldn’t have. It’s fine. The more I talk about it, the less it hurts. I was the one who led Gideon to his apartment since I saw the whole thing after it happened. After that, Gideon and I stayed in touch and would occasionally ask me for help on cases. It’s why he wanted me to join the BAU.”
“That must have been so difficult.”
“It was, but I’m glad I have it. I get to help a lot of people because of it,” you grinned. The first movie started playing, and you and Spencer got comfortable enough to sit through four and a half hours of both movies.
“Did you know due to how repressed Americans were in the 1950s, Psycho is actually the first American film to show a toilet on screen. Consequently, it’s the first American film in which we hear the toilet flush,” you informed him.
“I didn’t know that, no,” he chuckled. 
Halfway through the movie, Spencer began to feel your weight getting heavier as you gave up holding yourself up as to not crush him. He looked over at you to see your eyes closed and your mouth parted. He didn’t want to move for fear of waking you, but he couldn’t help but give a smile at your state.
Walking into work the next day, you couldn’t help but recall the events of yours and Spencer’s date. You did fall asleep halfway in the first movie, and you didn't know why he didn’t wake you since it was supposed to be a date. Nonetheless, when it was all over, you two got some ice cream which was way better. Gideon did a good job sparking up the flame between you and Spencer, but it was now up to you two to keep it lit.
“You fell asleep?” JJ laughed as you, her, and Penelope walked down the hallway to the bullpen. 
Of course, you told your two best friends what happened on the date. You three were getting closer which is why you thought it would be good to engage in some healthy gossip.
“Yes, I did. I always do. But Spencer and I went out for ice cream afterwards which was way better,” you chuckled.
“Did he kiss you?” Penelope asked with a grin.
“No, he didn’t. Well, not on the lips. He did kiss me on my cheek, but it’s a first date and I don’t even know if it’ll happen again. I mean, he hasn’t really talked about it. We haven’t had time to really talk about what this might mean. I can tell he’s nervous and tense which can either mean he’s trying to find a reason to let me down gently, or he likes me but won’t do anything about it,” you explained as you walked into the bullpen.
Spencer was on the other end of it talking with Derek, and when you two made eye contact, you gave him a small wave. He stiffly waved back, and you looked away with a sigh.
“His emotional state is all over the place, but I don’t know what it means,” you shrugged.
“Reid, Morgan, Y/L/N,” Hotch announced when he and Elle exited his office, “document's up on the screen regarding the kidnapping of Trish Davenport.”
“That’s my cue,” Penelope left the group.
“Keep me updated,” JJ whispered.
“Have you read them yet?” Spencer asked as you three walked up the stairs to follow the duo.
“Yeah, I got a copy from the document examiner.”
“What does it say?” you wondered.
“That we've got until 8:00 tonight,” he sighed, closing the door once everyone was inside the briefing room. The note that was left for Evan Davenport, the father of the kidnapped girl, was up on the screen.
“You will follow instructions carefully. You will do this to ensure the safety of your daughter. You will wait for the call. You will answer the call at 8:00 P.M. You will write down the instructions and follow them to the letter,” Spencer read it word for word.
“That gives us less than 9 hours to get to Connecticut, work up victimology on Trish Davenport, and prepare her father for the ransom drop.”
“How do we know the letter is real?” you asked.
“The handwriting is a match for Trish's,” he explained as he showed it. “He dictated it to her, and they found saline on the paper.”
“Her tears,” Gideon muttered.
“He never says ‘I’. He doesn't say, ‘I will call’. He says, ‘you will answer the call’. He's distancing himself from the kidnapping. If he said ‘I’, he'd be taking responsibility for it,” Derek noted.
“There's also another missing element. No mention of the police.”
“Ransom notes almost always forbid police involvement,” Elle stated.
“So, is he expecting law enforcement to get involved?” you wondered.
“Well, if he's expecting us, let's not disappoint him,” Gideon smiled.
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“Is everyone familiar with the father?” Hotch asked as he passed out the case files while the plane was in the air.
“Evan Davenport, U.S. Attorney, executive assistant southern district, New York, widower. He assigned U.S. Marshals three times in the past ten years due to death threats,” Spencer spit out the facts.
"Is the protective detail still current?” Derek inquired.
“Around the clock, but Trish declined protection when she turned eighteen.”
“But why kill the boyfriend?” you asked, crossing your legs in your seat.
“Well, if I'm gonna kidnap someone I know, I have to take out whoever's with them. It says here she's got a sister,” Derek stated.
“Any problems? Were they close?”
“Yeah, they’re identical twins,” you showed everyone the picture of both sisters side by side. “Which makes me think was Trish the target or was Cheryl?”
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mythweavcra-blog · 6 years
@itsnotpatsy   ( x )
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        “ they’ve asked about you, you know, ”  spencer says, smirk on her face as she fiddles with the cup of coffee before her   ( how TERRIBLY unlike her to not be downing the scalding drink like it’s her lifeblood — it was not for no reason her friends insisted that she bled caffeine. she’d say it’s the NERVES but that’s never been a reason for her to quit beforehand. she wonders, briefly, what’s so different about this? ),  “ my parents. ”  finally, the brunette looks up from the steaming cup, meets trish’s gaze and that smirk becomes a full blown grin, a half step away from looking goofy and entirely out of place in this nice CAFE,  “ they really hate you, but there’s nothing they love more than pretending to be supportive. ”
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