#Trish Spencer daughter
luminouslion-spam · 8 months
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Finally finished a new chapter! Sorry for the longer wait but chapters won’t be published that frequently anymore since school started again and with that my final few month. Also next chapter will be the L.D.S.K case so you guys can look forward to that! Lots of Reid and Hotch whump and hurt/comfort!
Disclaimer: Gideon is slightly ableist at the end but that’s not because he is intentionally trying to harm Spencer he is just trying to protect him (in all the wrong ways). Though in real life this is never ever an excuse to be ableist!!!
Word Count: 1914
Ao3 Link
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S1 E5 Broken Mirror
Spencer and Derek were walking through the halls of the Quantico headquarter when Derek started questioning him about his meeting with JJ, but he didn’t really feel like talking about it. Especially when all of the other female agents are visible attracted to the other man without him having to do anything at all.
But they didn’t have long till Hotch came out of his office, calling them to the conference room to discuss their newest case. The abduction of a young woman called Trish Davenport. The father received a note stating that he will get a call with further instructions to get his daughter back at 8:00p.m.
The note is real as shows a comparison of the handwriting in the note and Trish’s handwriting. This means the team is short on time. They only have 9 hours left to get to Connecticut and work on the vctimology as well as prepare the father for the call. Abductions with an active involvement of family members are always hard. They have to keep a cool mind while everyone else is swallowed by their emotions.
Something about this case feels wrong. The entire team agrees with that. While the unsub did demand $500,000 now he seems not really worried about the money. Furthermore, the unsub seemed just a bit too interested in Cheryl. Demanding to only talk to her and for her to make the exchange alone.
On top of that it felt like the unsub was constantly a step ahead of them. Like he knew exactly what they were saying as if he was watching and listening to the team.
Hotch and Derek followed Cheryl to the ransom drop location in an unmarked car with tainted windows. The location was a rental car lot, and they first thought the unsub would instruct Cheryl to switch cars, but the entire situation still felt of.
“Something’s not right about this.” Derek started. “If I was the unsub I would have told Davenport not to involve the police or the media. I would have told him $500,000. No consecutive serial numbers on the bill. No marked bills. No new bills. No tracking devices in the money bag or in the car.”
“Why didn’t he say any of this?” Hotch asked.
“Hotch, this was never about the money. It’s not a ransom drop.” Hotch looked at Derek with a certain hectic in his eyes, alread going for the door.
“It’s a second kidnapping.” He filled in grabbing his gun. He could hear Derek doing the same thing behind him.
“Cheryl, get down get down! Don’t move.” Hotch started shooting at a car that was frantically driving away from them, but the unsub was already too far away.
Back at the Davenport residence they told the others what happened. It wasn’t long until the phone started ringing again. It was the unsub, and he was clearly upset. Bashing on the FBI agents and on Cheryl while only directly addressing said girl.
Cheryl on the other hand started moving towards the phone. The team tried to stop her but she answered anyway. “What do you want?” She simply asked.
The unsub explained that he wanted her. He wanted both of the Davenport twins since they clearly wanted him, too. He thought the the two girls were sending him signals just by looking at them.
After the call ended Cheryl told the team that Trish and her boyfriend were getting engaged and they agreed that that was the likely stressor for the unsub who most likely was suffering from the De Clerambault Syndrom, also known as erotomania. It is the belief that someone of higher social status is in love with you.
The team confided alone in the kitchen summarizing what they knew about the unsub. While doing so Gideon grabbed an orange from a food bowl and started peeling it. Elle automatically reached out to grab a piece and Gideon continued to dispute the other pieces to the rest of the team. They have been working this case all day and night and neither of them ate anything during this time. He doubted that they even took time to drink something.
They didn’t have long, though, before the unsub called again. The team went back towards the set up phone and Gideon took the lead in answering. They didn’t have long now. It was time to turn the cards around and play with the unsub.
He let the phone run for a while, then answered and hung right up again. The Davenport family became frantic and started quuestioning him but he ignored them and just accepted the call.
“Agent Gideon.” He answered but didn’t wait for a response and hung right back up again. They did this a few times before they let the unsub talk for a short while. With each time the unsub became more and more upset as could be heard in the change of his voice.
The more time they spend doing this little game the more hectic it became. The unsub started threatening to kill Trish if they kept going but the team knew he wouldn’t. The farther and the sister on the other hand didn’t. They grew more and more hysterical demanding Gideon to answer the phone properly.
After some more time Gideon let the unsub talk.
“Put Cheryl on the phone.” He demanded but Gideon denied that.
“No. You are finished talking to Cheryl.”
“Listen to that tone of authority. Just like your published work, agent Gideon.” The unsub counterted. “Oh, I know all about you. The ambitious agent Hotchner? Do you wanna be director of the FBI someday, agent Hotchner? Would you step on agent Gideon to get there? I think you would. Posttraumatic stress is a very good excuse. Even your sick, pregnant wife can’t get you to leave your post.”
Hotch didn’t let himself react to what the unsub just said. They all knew the unsub’s plan. He was trying to upset them. To play the team against each other and to vocalize their worst fears and insecurities. But they let him talk in hope of him slipping up and accidentally telling them who he is.
“Jason Gideon, an expert in the criminal psyche yet unable to diagnose the autistic leanings of the very insecure Dr. Reid. Well, maybe he can make money counting cards in Las Vegas.” Hotch felt Reid stiffen slightly beside him. They would eventually need to address that one. Reid’s autistic leanings is something he has noticed over the time the young man has been working at his side and he was positive Gideon has too. He just chose to ignore it for the boy's sake. Though in Hotch’s opinion he might just be doing more harm than good by doing so. But for now, they needed to focus on getting Trish back.
“The lovely Elle was promoted too soon. She doesn’t have what it takes to make it in the BAU boys club. You’re no threat to me, you’re no threat to anyone. And Token Derek Morgan wants to be taken seriously but he is just a pumped-up side of beef. I know who you are, I know what you think and I know what to do next! Do you?” And with that he hung up.
The unsub made a mistake. He became emotional and profiled them to show them how smart he is. But now they know for sure that the unsub must be someone working in the house. But before they can catch the unsub, they need to get Cheryl out of here. She is still a target.
As soon as Cheryl was out of the house the team realized that the unsub had to have been listening to them, but they did a bug sweep before they set up. The only thing that hasn’t been checked was the security equipment. They checked it and did find a listening device.
Meanwhile at the safe house Derek has been attacked and the Davenports personal security chief was on his way to Cheryl’s room. All his life he has been guarding the girls and constantly were they sending him signals about their feelings for him.
But before he could do anything he was stopped by Elle who took him out and got him to tell her Trish’s location. The team doesn’t exactly know how Elle managed to get him to talk and honestly they are not entirely sure if they want to know. But from the looks of it the unsub will never underestimate her again.
Back on the jet home everyone was asleep aside from Hotch and Gideon who were siting opposite of each other. Gideon reading a book while Hotch silently observes his youngest agent who is currently peacefully sleeping on one of the jet’s couches.
“Everything okay?” Gideon asks as he looks up from his book just to see his friend thoughtfully observing his protégé.
“You know he might have been wrong about the rest of us, but he wasn’t completely of about what he said about Reid. I have noticed it, too.” Hotch admitted now looking at the older man to see his reaction.
“Spencer is not autistic.” Gideon answers immediately, putting his book aside and taking on a more defensive stance. “Yes, he may have his quiks, but that’s just him being Spencer. He can do his job just fine.”
“I’m not saying he can’t. I’m just saying that he shows signs of autism and that maybe it would benefit him to get a diagnosis.” He explains calmly.
“You know as well as I do that a diagnosis could cost him his job. Spencer belongs here, on this team. This is probably the first time that he finally has real friends who will look out for him and not step him in the back when he isn’t looking. I’m not going to be the one to take that away from him.”
“I know, Jason. Which is why we wouldn’t make it official of course. He doesn’t have to get his diagnosis through the FBI. We could take him to an independent psychologist. I would never suggest anything that would risk his position on this team. But as the Unit Chief it’s my job to look out for this team’s wellbeing and that includes the team member’s mental state and happiness. If we knew for sure that he has autism, we could accommodate his needs better. We both know the kid puts too much pressure on himself and that he often feels out of place so maybe we could change that.”
“Look, Aaron, I understand where you are coming from, but Spencer is fine. He is doing well. He is a bit insecure and needs a bit longer to open up to the team, but he is fine. I know the kid since he was sixteen. He doesn’t have autism. He is just quirky. And the risk of someone finding out about us taking him to get a diagnosis is just too high.”
Hotch sensed that he wouldn’t be getting anywhere with this conversation and decided to drop it for now. Instead of answering Gideon he just turns his head to look outside the window. He might not be able to give Spencer clarity, but he silently promised to himself that he would keep an eye on his youngest agent and that he would do anything he can to make him feel as comfortable and accepted on this team as he could.
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Differences Between Reality and SWS: 2001-2003
Taglist: @tantamount-treason @thedollmaker16 @piratewithvigor
Please like or reblog this to show you have read it. (I would prefer a reblog because then we can have conversation)
Key: Same as our timeline. Change. OC stuff.
Kirby Andréa Roussimoff is born in 1970.
Delilah Keshet Rosenbaum is born in 1974.
WWF creates the 'Intergender Tag Titles', the first champions are Stephanie McMahon and Triple H.
The Invasion happens.
Ric Flair returns to the WWF.
TLC 1 happens.
The Hurricane (Gregory Shane Helms) marries The Blacklight Bandit (Kirby Andréa Roussimoff) on WWF Television.
Behind the scenes Shane Helms marries Kirby Roussimoff and a couple months later Kirby steps back from wrestling due to pregnancy.
Also behind the scenes: Lita (Amy Dumas) gets engaged to Matt Hardy. Molly Holly (Nora Greenwald) gets engaged to Spike Dudley (Matthew Hyson).Trish Stratus (Patricia Stratigeas) gets engaged to Christian Cage (William 'Jay' Reso) and Jeff Hardy gets engaged to Delilah Rosenbaum.
WWF becomes WWE. The Brand Split happens.
The NWO comes to WWE.
TNA starts up.
Brock Lesnar, Randy Orton, Batista and John Cena debut.
Bischoff as General Manager.
Behind the scenes: Shane and Kirby Helms adopt Harleen Dark Phoenix Helms a couple months after the birth of their daughter Lilith Raven Helms. Amy 'Lita' Dumas marries Matt Hardy, becoming Amy Christine Hardy aka Lita Hardy. Nora Greenwald (Molly Holly) marries Matthew Hyson (Spike Dudley), becoming Nora Kristina Hyson and joining the two kayfabe families. Patricia Stratigeas (Trish Stratus) marries William 'Jay' Reso (Christian Cage), becoming Patricia 'Trish' Anne Reso. Delilah Rosenbaum marries Jeff Hardy, becoming Delilah Keshet Hardy.
Austin retires. Kane unmasks (but is actually shaved totally bald). Goldberg debuts.
Behind the scenes: Lita gives birth to Priscilla Teagan Hardy. Molly/Nora gives birth to Joseph Spencer Hyson. Trish gives birth to Laila Gianna Reso. Delilah gives birth to Zachary Asher Hardy & Israel Elazar Hardy.
0 notes
Broken Mirror: Final Part
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Reader
Word Count: ~1.3k
Warnings: canon violence, canon language, canon talk of death, methods of kill, and angst
Author’s Note: I do not own anything from Criminal Minds. All credit goes to their respective owners. If there is any warnings that exceed the normal death/kills from the show, I will list them. If you’ve seen the show, then it’s the same level of angst unless otherwise stated.
Feedback is gold, and it’s the only currency I take
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“What the hell was that? Why did he say that he knows what to do next? Is he gonna hurt my daughter?” Evan was the first to speak.
“He was grandstanding.”
“You don't know that. You--you can't possibly know that.”
“Mr. Davenport, I have learned more in the last five minutes than in the last twenty-four hours.”
“Oh, really? Well, I don't understand. Why is he focused on you right now?”
“Because we are interfering in his relationship with the girls,” you answered.
“He said he knows all about you.”
“He profiled us, Mr. Davenport.”
“Why would he do that?” Cheryl asked.
“To show us how smart he is.”
“Often times the best profilers are the unsubs themselves. They're the ones able to walk into an arcade full of children and pinpoint the boy or girl that can be led out quietly,” Spencer explained.
“But he made a mistake, because he gave us something he didn't expect,” you smirked, looking at the other agents in knowing.
“Which is?”
“He told us how to find him,” Gideon smiled.
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Of course, right when the calls ended, Vincent shows up and pretends like he has Evan’s back. The glares coming off of you were very strong as he moved about the house as if he didn’t have Trish locked away somewhere nearby.
“You said you knew how to find him, that you were gonna save my daughter. Why don't you get out there and do something? What are you--Everybody's standing around here, looking--”
“Mr. Davenport--”
“Don't condescend to me. Don't patronize me,” he interrupted Gideon.
“Evan, Evan, Evan,” Vincent swooped in to save the day. “Everybody is doing the best that they can. Come on. Come on. Take a break, come on.”
“For the suspect to know that much about us he has to be one of us,” Derek said.
“I'm gonna have Garcia do a search of the New Haven FBI field office. The guy we're looking for knows this house and knows the family.”
“There's seven hundred agents in New Haven and another seventy in satellite offices. Davenport knows quite a few of them,” Spencer spit out.
“While we're narrowing the list, Cheryl can't stay here. If he's one of us, he has access and weapons, and you bet he's got a strategy.”
“So who can we trust?” Derek asked.
“No one. We need to get Cheryl to a safe house.”
“And limit the amount of agents she comes in contact with.”
“Don’t let it be Vincent,” you whispered to Hotch when Gideon moved about the room to select who would go with Cheryl to the safe house.
“I don’t care if you believe in what I can do or not, but I know something is wrong with him. I don’t mean to disrespect you or anything like that, but all I’m asking is that you have a little faith. Can you do that? For me?” you asked, begging the older agent with your eyes.
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Apparently it didn’t matter what you said because Vincent went with Cheryl, Derek, Elle, and a few others. Hotch tried to make the point that Elle and Derek would be there, but you didn't stay to listen. You were angry at the fact that despite what Derek said about you being part of the family, no one was treating you as such. Hotch said you were on the team, but he wasn’t making you feel like it at all which is what bothered you the most. The only thing you could do without jeopardizing your career was sit with Spencer and monitor what could be controlled. As soon as Elle and Derek arrived at the safe house, she called you since she thought of something important. Placing the phone between yours and Spencer’s ear, you let him listen in. It was better than putting her on speakerphone to let everyone know what you three were talking about.
“They did a bug sweep right when we arrived.”
“Yeah, what about it?”
“Yet, the unsub seems to know all about us. Hey, Reid, do you know what non-local interaction is?”
“What are you getting at?” he asked.
“How can he be holding Trish prisoner, and still know exactly what we're talking about?” she wondered.
“I know what you're saying. It seems like he knows what's going on here the moment that it happens.”
“It’s what I’ve been saying this entire fucking time,” you hissed quietly.
“There's gotta be a listening device.”
“They swept the room when we got here,” Spencer stated.
“Then they brought in their own equipment.”
“Gideon, come here,” you announced. Once the older agent approached, you voiced Elle’s opinion. He decided the best thing to do was to do a bug sweep on the new equipment, and low and behold, there was a bug placed inside their machine. Looking at Hotch, you didn’t say anything but the look in your eyes was enough.
“Agent Shyer called you by your first name,” Gideon said to Evan. “You know him that well? He works out of the New York field office.”
“I know his father. We've met socially on occasion.”
“Has he been here before?”
“A few times. Why?”
“He’s the one that has Trish and you handed Cheryl over on a silver platter,” you announced.
“Y/N, can I speak with you for a moment?” Hotch asked, bringing you to the side.
“I don’t appreciate how you’ve been acting lately. I know you’re new to this, but we work together as a team.”
“I get it, Hotch. I’m new and I can do things you’ve never seen before. I truly don��t mean disrespect, but I’ve been living with this… thing… my whole life. Never once has it let me down. I’d like to think that my teammates have my back when I tell them who our unsub is. You want to punish me for being a little frustrated, fine, but please consider what I have to say next time so we can avoid all of this.”
“We’ll talk more about this when we get back to the office,” he said with a stern tone, leaving your side to go help save Trish and Cheryl since Derek wasn’t answering his phone.
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Once Cheryl was found unharmed, Vincent gave the location of Trish which wasn’t far from Evan’s house, just like you said. When Hotch saw Vincent in cuffs and both young girls fine, he apologized for not listening to you, and you apologized for not handling things better. There was no need for a conversation once Hotch promised he would work on believing you when you tell him things.
The family of three were reunited, and you stood by Spencer and Gideon’s side to watch their happiness. Trish was taken away on a stretcher, and Cheryl and Evan went with her in the ambulance.
“Hey, how did Elle get Shyre to give us Trish's location?” Spencer asked.
“I imagine she found some creative way to persuade him.”
“What do you think--”
“You know, you just don't need to ask so many questions. Let's just enjoy the moment,” Gideon interrupted, making his exit.
“I have a question for you,” you said, turning to face him. “What did our date mean? I mean, I don’t want to be one of those girls who demands a relationship or whatever, but I just wanted to know if it’s something you want to do again? Maybe we can do something you want to do. I can’t imagine sitting through four hours of horror movies with me sleeping on your shoulder would be considered a fun time.”
“I actually do have something in mind. Do you know Russian?”
“No, but I’d be willing to learn for you. Photographic memory so I can’t forget it,” you told the truth, knowing what he wanted to do was to watch a film in Russian. You didn’t know a lick of Russian, but if it would make him happy then you would do it.
“There is a showing of my favorite movie this weekend. Do you want to go with me?”
“It’s a date,” you grinned.
"When love is in excess, it brings a man no honor, nor worthiness." - Euripides
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@averyhotchner @lets-be-gay-for-the-angel @fan-girl-97 @paulaern @inkstainedwritergirl​ @estrela-rogers @abitchforjay @kwbaby24 @redsalv20 @joonie-centric​ @havesaltwilltravel @spencerreid-mgg @sixpencespencee
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isitsapphic · 4 years
All of these shows/movies have sapphic characters in them
Attempting to provide the most comprehensive list of TV shows and movies with sapphic characters. TV shows are followed by a list of wlw characters. Some films have been cited with their original title as well as the English translation. Please message me or submit a post with any missing shows or films. 
-Aimee & Jaguar
-All About E
-All American (Coop, Patience)
-Almost Adults
-Ana Y Vitoria
-Anatomy of a Love Seen
-Antonia’s Line
-Anyone But Me (unsure which characters)
-Atomic Blonde
-Atypical (Casey, Izzie)
-Battle of the Sexes
-La Belle Saison/ Summertime
-Below her Mouth
-Better Than Chocolate
-Birds of Prey
-The Bisexual (unsure which characters)
-Black Lightning (Anissa, Grace)
-Blue Gate Crossing
-Blue is the Warmest Color
-The Bold Type (Kat, Adina)
-Broad City (Ilana)
-Brooklyn Nine-Nine (Rosa)
-Buffy the Vampire Slayer (Tara, Willow, Kennedy)
-Bumblefuck USA
-But i'm a Cheerleader
-Cable Girls (Carlotta)
-Carmilla (Carmilla, Laura)
-Charmed reboot (Mel, Nico, Jada)
-Chasing Life (Brenna)
-Ci Qing/Spider Lilies
-The Danish Girl
-Dear White People (Kelsey, Brooke)
-Degrassi: Next Class (Rasha, Zoe)
-Desert Hearts
-Drifting Flowers
-Duck Butter
-The Duke of Burgundy
-Elena Undone
-Elisa and Marcela 
-Entre Nous/Between Us
-Everything Sucks (Kate, Emaline)
-Faking It (Amy)
-Farewell, My Queen
-The Favourite
-Fear of Water
-Feel Good (Mae, George)
-The Feels
-Les Filles Du Botaniste/ The Chinese Botanist’s Daughter
-The Firefly
-First Girl I Loved
-The Fosters (Stef, Lena, Monty)
-Four-Faced Liar
-Fremde Haut/Unveiled
-Friends (Carol, Susan)
-Fucking Amal/Show Me Love
-Gentrified (Ana, Yessika)
-The Girl King
-Girltrash: All Night Long
-Glee (Brittany, Santana, Dani)
-Glow (Yolanda, Arthie)
-Gentleman Jack (Anne, Ann)
-Gray Matters
-Grey’s Anatomy (Callie, Arizona, Carina, Penny, Amelia, Erica)
-Go Fish 
-Godless (Mary Agnes)
-Good Trouble (Alice)
-The Good Wife (Kalinda)
-Gotham (Barbara, Tabitha, Renee)
-Gypsy (Jean, Sidney)
-The Half of It
-The Handmaid’s Tale (Moira, Emily)
-The Handmaiden 
-Hart of Dixie (Crickett)
-The Haunting of Bly Manor (Jamie, Dani)
-The Haunting of Hill House (Theodora, Trish)
-Heart Beats Loud
-Heavenly Creatures
-High Art
-High Fidelity (Robyn)
-The Hours
-How to Get Away With Murder (Annalise, Eve)
-The Hunger 
-I Am Not Okay With This (Sydney)
-I Can’t Think Straight
-If These Walls Could Talk 2
-Imagine Me & You
-The Incredibly True Adventure of Two Girls in Love
-The Intervention
-Intimates (Ji sor)
-Itty Bitty Titty Committee
-It’s In the Water 
-Jane the Virgin (Rose, Luisa, Petra, Jane Ramos)
-Jennifer’s Body
-Jenny’s Wedding
-Jessica Jones (Jeri)
-Joven y Alocada/Young and Wild
-Karmen Gei
-The Kids are Alright
-Killing Eve (Eve, Villanelle)
-The Killing of Sister George
-Kissing Jessica Stein
-Kyss Mig/ Kiss Me
-The L Word (basically all of them)
-Legends of Tomorrow (Sara, Ava)
-Lez Bomb
-Life Partners
-Light as a Feather (Alex)
-Lip Service (basically all of them)
-Liz in September
-Lost and Delirious
-Lost Girl (Lauren, Bo)
-Love My Life
-Loving Anabelle
-Madam Secretary (Kat)
-Madchen in Uniform
-Madre Solo Hay Dos (Mariana, Ana)
-Margarita with a Straw
-Marvel’s Runaways (Karolina, Nico)
-Master of None (Denise)
-Mein Freund aus Faro/ My Friend from Faro
-A Mi Madre Le Gustan Las Mujeres/ My Mother Likes Women
-The Miseducation of Cameron Post
-Mulholland Drive
-My Summer of Love
-El Nino Pez/ The Fish Child
-One Day at a Time (Syd, Elena)
-Orange is the New Black (a lot of them)
-The Originals (Freya, Keelin)
-Orphan Black (Cosima, Delphine, Kenzie)
-A Perfect Ending
-The Perfection
-Person of Interest (Root, Shaw)
-Personal Best
-Pitch Perfect Trilogy
-The Politician (Skye)
-Portrait of a Lady on Fire
-Portrait of a Serial Monogamist 
-Princess Cyd
-Pretty Little Liars (Emily, Maya, Paige, Alison)
-Professor Marston and the Wonder Women
-Puccini for Beginners
-Queen Sugar (Nova)
-Queer as Folk (unsure which characters)
-Reaching for the Moon
-Red Doors
-Riverdale (Cheryl, Toni)
-Rookie Blue (Gail, Holly)
-Room in Rome
-Rosewood (Pippy, TMI)
-Rough Night
-The Runaways
-Russian Doll (Lizzy)
-Sancharram/ The Journey
-Santa Clarita Diet (Lisa, Anne)
-Saving Face 
-Saving Hope (Maggie, Sydney)
-The Secret Diaries of Ms Anne Lister
-A Secret Love
-Sense 8 (Amanita, Nomi)
-Set it Off
-Sex Education (unsure which characters)
-She’s Gotta Have It (Nola)
-Shrill (Fran)
-Signature Move
-The Sinner (Heather)
-Skins (Naomi, Emily)
-South of Nowhere (Ashley, Spencer)
-The Spy Who Dumped Me
-Stranger Inside
-Stranger Things (Robin)
-Stud Life
-The Summer of Sangalie
-Supergirl (Alex, Maggie, Kelly)
-Tales of the City (unsure which characters)
-Trinkets (unsure which characters)
-Tru Love
-The Truth about Jane
-V for Vendetta
-Vida (unsure which characters)
-Viola di Mare/The Sea Purple
-Vita and Virginia
-The Walking Dead (Tara)
-Water Lillies
-The Watermelon Woman
-Wentworth (Bea, Allie, Frankie, Bridget)
-When Night is Falling
-With Every Heartbeat
-Workin’ Moms (Frankie, Giselle)
-The World to Come
-Wynona Earp (Waverly, Nicole, Shae)
-Yes or No
-You and Me Forever
-You, Me, Her (Izzy, Emma)
-Younger (Maggie, Lauren)
-The 100 (Clarke, Lexa, Niylah)
-911 (Hen, Karen, Eva)
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realreadreid · 5 years
Lesbian Fandom Guide
A complete domestic and international list of lesbian TV & movie femslash ship names. 
(Updated 12/9/19)
So, in spectacular idiot fashion, I accidentally deleted the original post. Bright side, it has lead to a major overhaul and update to the list. As always, suggestions are desired and welcomed. Enjoy!
NOTES: 1. Only listing ships name mashups, 2. Alphabetical
KEY:  C=Cannon, *=Ship currently in progress, D=Domestic (USA), I=International, D/I=Int’l shows that air in the US
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ADAMS FOSTER = Lena & Stef (Adams-Foster) [The Fosters] C D
AGUSLERIA = Agustina & Valeria [Vecinos En Guerra] C I
ALBY = Alex Parrish & Shelby Wyatt [Quantico] I
AMANDIE = Amanda & Edie [Almost Family] C* D
ANN(e) = Anne Lester & Ann Walker [Gentleman Jack] C* D/I
ANNALEVE = (Annalise) Keating & (Eve) Rothlow [How to Get Away with Murder] C D
AURELIA = Aurora & Celia [Seis Hermanas] C I
AVALANE = (Ava) Sharpe & Sara (Lance) [Legends of Tomorrow] C* D
BADISON = Bird & Madison [Finding Carter] C D
BALLIE = Bea & Allie [Wentworth] C I
BARCEDES = Barbara & Mercedes (Mechita) [Perdona Nuestros Pecados] C I
BECHLOE = Beca & Chloe [Pitch Perfect] D
BERENA = (Bernie) Wolfe & (Serena) Campbell [Holby City] C* I
BERING & WEKLS = Myka (Bering) & Helena G. (Wells) [Warehouse 13] D
BRITTANA = Brittany & Santana [Glee] C D
CABESON = Alex (Cabot) & Olivia (Benson) [L&O SVU] D
CALZONA = Callie & Arizona [Grey’s Anatomy] C D
CAZZIE (CIZZIE) = Casey & Izzie [Atypical] C* D
CHELLY = Chloe & Elly [Neighbors] C I
CLARINA = Clara & Marina [Em Familia] C I
CLEXA = Clarke & Lexa [The 100] C D
COPHINE = Cosima & Delphine [Orphan Black] C D/I
CRISABEL = Cristina & Isabel [Tierra de Lobos] C I
CROANA = Cris + Joana [SKAM Espana] C* I
DALICE = Dane & Alice [The L Word] C D
DANSEN = Alex (Danvers) & Kelly (Olsen) [Supergirl] C* D
DEANORU = Karolina (Dean) & Niko (Minoru) [Marvel’s Runways] C*
DOCUBUS = Doctor (Laruen) & Succubus (Bo) [Lost Girl] C D/I
ELIZONA = Arizona & Eliza [Grey’s Anatomy] C D
EMAYA = Emily & Maya [Pretty Little Liars] C D
EMISON = Emily & Allison [Pretty Little Liars] C D
FABERRY = Quinn (Fabray) & Rachel (Berry) [Glee] D
FIMOGEN = Fiona & Imogen [Degrassi] C D
FLOZMIN = Florencia & Jazmín [Las Estrellas] C I
FREELIN = Freya & Keelin [The Originals] C D
FOXXAY = Cordelia (Foxx) & Misty (Day) [American Horror Story] D
FRIDGET = (Franky) Doyle & (Bridget) Westfall [Wentworth] C I
FUFFY = Faith & Buffy [Buffy the Vampire Slayer] D
GOLLY = Gail & Holly [Rookie Blue] C D
GRANKIE = Grace & Frankie [Grace & Frankie] D
GRENNA = Greer & Brenna [Chasing Life] C D
GREYES = Abby (Griffin) & Raven (Rayes) [The 100] C* D
HACKLE = Ada (Cackle) & Hecate (Hardbroom) [The Worst Witch] I
HICSQUEAK = Hecate Hardbroom & Pippa Pentangle [The Worst Witch] I
HOLLSTEIN = Laura (Hollis) & Carmilla (Karnstein) [Carmilla] C D/I
HOLTZBERT = Holtzmann & Gilbert [Ghostbusters] D
JASSANI = Jasmine & Anni [GZSZ] C
JATHEA = Jade & Althea [The Rich Man’s Daughter] C I
JEMILY = (Jennifer) “JJ” Jareau & (Emily) Prentiss [Criminal Minds]* D
JEMMA = Jenna & Emma [Hand auts Herz] C I
JETRA = (Jane) Villanueva & (Petra) Solano [Jane the Virgin] D
JULIANA = Julia & Mariana [Las Aparicio] C I
JULIANTINA = Juliana y Valentina [Amar a Muerte] C I
KADENA = Kat & Adena [The Bold Type] C* D
KANA = Kate & Rana [Coronation Street] C I
KANNI = Katrin & Anni [GZSZ] C I
KARMY = Karma & Amy [Faking It] C D
KEMALINE = Kate & Emaline [Everything Sucks] C D
KERIETTA = Kerstin & Juliette [Marienhof] C I
KINGS’S GOLD = Quinn (King) & Rachel (Goldberg) [UnREAL]* D
LIMANTHA = Lica e Samantha [Malhação] C I
LINTZ  =Maggie (Lin) & Sydney (Katz) [Saving Hope] C D
LUIMELIA = Luisita y Amelia [Amar es para Siempre] C I
LUTRICIA = Lucia & Patricia [Las Trampas del Deseo] C I
LYRETRIA = Lyria & Eretria [The Shannara Chronicles] C* D
MALEX =Marissa & Alex [The OC] C D
MARBECCA = Marlene & Rebecca [Verbotene Liebe] C I
MELKO = Mel & Niko [Charmed] C* D
MELLIVIA = (Mellie) Grant & (Olivia) Pope [Scandal] D
MENESIS = Megan y Genesis [Mi Familia Perfecta] C I
MIRANDAY = Miranda & Andrea [The Devil Wears Prada] D
MINX = Marissa & Bianca (Binx) [All My Children] C D
MOLLUNA = Molly & Luna [Burden of Truth] C D
MOTHERSHIP=Xena & Gabrielle [Xena Warrior Princess] C D
NAOMILY = Naomi & Emily [Skins UK] C D/I
NICHORELLO = Nicky & Morello [OITNB] C D
NOMANITA = Nomi & Amanita [Sense 8] C D
OTALIA = Olivia & Natalie [Guiding Light] C D
PAILY = Paige & Emily [Pretty Little Liars] C D
PALEX = Paige & Alex [Degrassi] C D
PARCOR = Parker & Kristina (Corinthos) [General Hospital] C D
PATTEN = (Patty) Hughes & (Ellen) Parsons [Damages] D
PAUGELA = Paula y Angela [La Otra Mirada] C I
PEPSI = Pepa & Silvia [Los Hombres de Paco] C I
PETRAMOS = (Petra) Solano & Jane (Ramos) [Jane the Virgin] C D
POSIE = Penelope & Josie [Legacies] C* D
PUPCAKE = Patsy & Delia  [Call the Midwife] C D/I
REAMY = Reagan & Amy [Faking It] C D
RED SLIPPERS = Red & Dorothy [Once Upon a Time] C D
RIZZLES = Jane (Rizzoli) & Maura (Isles) [Rizzoli & Isles] D
ROISA = Rose & Luisa [Jane the Virgin] C D
SANVERS = Maggie (Sawyer) & Alex (Danvers) [Supergirl] C D
SARLOTA = Carlota & Sara [Cable Girls] C* D/I
SAULA = Sophie & Paula [Coronation Street] C I
SHARMEN = Shane & Carmen [The L Word] C D
SHOOT = Shaw & Root [Person of Interest] C D
SKIMMONS (BIOHACKER/BIOQUAKE) = Jemma Simmons & Daisy “Skye” Johnson [Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.] D
SLEEPING WARRIOR = Aurora & Mulan  [Once Upon A Time] C D
SPARIA = Spencer & Aria [Pretty Little Liars] D
SPASHLEY = (Spencer) Carlin & (Ashley) Davies [South of Nowhere] C D
SUPERCORP (KARLENA) = (Kara) Danvers & (Lena) Luthor [Supergirl]* D
SUPERCAT = Kara (Super)girl Danvers & (Cat) Grant [Supergirl] D
SWAY QUEEN = Emma (Swan) & Evil (Queen) [Once Upon a Time] D
TALICE = Tasha & Alice [The L Word] C D
TERIAH = Tessa & Mariah [All My Children] C* D
THUNDERGRACE = Anissa (Thunder) Pierce & Grace Choi [Black Lightning] C* D
TIBETTE = Tina & Bette [The L Word] C D
TILDESSA = Tilda & Odessa [Into the Badlands] C* D
TILLOW = Tara & Willow [Buffy the Vampire Slayer] C D
TRIMBERLY = (Trini) Kwan & (Kimberly) Hart [Power Rangers] D
TRISHICA = (Trish) Walker & (Jessica) Jones [Jessica Jones] D
VANITY = (Vanessa) Woodfield & (Charity) Dingle [Emmerdale] C* I
VAUSEMAN = Alex (Vause) & Piper (Chapman) [OINB] C D
WAYHAUGHT = (Waverly) Earp & Nicole (Haught) [Wynonna Earp] C* D/I
WILLEX = Willow & Alex [Home & Away] C* I
WYNHAUGHT = (Wynonna) Earp & Nicole (Haught) [Wynonna Earp]* D/I
ZASHA = Zoe & Rasha [Degrassi] C D
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glucophage5mg · 3 years
Matty Matheson Net Worth 2021: Age, Height, Weight, Wife, Kids, Bio-Wiki
Matty Matheson Net Worth 2021: Age, Height, Weight, Wife, Kids, Bio-Wiki
Matty Matheson Celebrated Name: Matty Matheson Real Name/Full Name: Matty Matheson Gender: Male Age: 39 years old Birth Date: February 7, 1986 Birth Place: New Brunswick, Canada Nationality: Canadian Height: 5ft 6inches Weight: 96 kg Sexual Orientation: Straight Marital Status: Married Wife/Spouse (Name): Trish Matheson Spencer Children/Kids (Son and Daughter): 2…
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sfdfmoviereviews · 7 years
Upcoming Flicks January 2018
Here are the upcoming films being released in Australia in January 2018, accompanied by my personal thoughts of them.
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January 1
·         Pitch Perfect 3
The girls have reteamed for one last hurrah and are on tour with the USO, singing for the troops overseas, along with some other musical groups. Genre: Musical Comedy Director: Trish Sie Stars: Anna Kendrick, Rebel Wilson, Brittany Snow, Hailee Steinfeld, Elizabeth Banks, Anna Camp, Alexis Knapp, Ruby Rose Recommendation: I reckon it won’t be worth the price of admission. The first one was a great success. The oddball characters thrown together were comedy gold, but should not have been repeated. The sequel provided nothing new and now I think they are milking a cow that’s giving sour milk. It’ll be aca-crapa.
 ·         Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri
After the police fail to solver her daughter’s murder, Mildred Hayes buys advertising space on local billboards slamming the local police. Genre: Comedy/Crime/Drama Director: Martin McDonagh Stars: Frances McDormand, Woody Harrelson, Sam Rockwell, Abbie Cornish, Lucas Hedges, Caleb Landry Jones, John Hawkes, Peter Dinklage Recommendation: Three Billboards won the People’s Choice award at the Toronto Film Festival, is  being critically acclaimed. There is a fantastic cast with what looks to be a compelling story and characters. I think this is the perfect movie to start 2018.
  January 4
·         All the Money in the World
Inspired by true events, All the Money in the World is the story of the kidnapping of John Paul Getty III, whose rich oil giant grandfather doesn’t hand over the $17M the kidnappers are demanding. Genre: Thriller Director: Ridley Scott Stars: Christopher Plummer, Mark Wahlberg, Michelle Williams, Charlie Shotwell, Charlie Plummer Recommendation: You may have heard about this movie after Ridley Scott recast and reshot the film with Christopher Plummer after the controversy around Kevin Spacey. Probably a better choice anyway as Plummer would be closer to the age of the tight-arse grandfather. The trailer looks good. It has an intense spy thriller vibe. See it.
   January 11
·         Darkest Hour
Darkest Hour is the war biopic of Winston Churchill as he is sworn in as Prime Minister of Great Britain just prior to the first World War. Genre: War/Biopic Director: Joe Wright Stars: Gary Oldman, Lily James, Ben Mendelsohn, John Hurt Recommendation: See it. It’s a great piece of history concerning an integral person who changed the course of the world. Plus, you cannot go wrong with Gary Oldman.
 ·         The Nut Job 2: Nutty by Nature
Some animals need to stop a greedy mayor from destroying their bit of nature for an amusement park. Genre: Animation Director: Cal Brunker Stars: Will Arnett, Gabriel Iglesias, Jeff Dunham, Katherine Heigl, Jackie Chan, Maya Rudolph, Isabela Moner, Bobby Cannavale, Sebastian Maniscalco Recommendation: To quote my wife “There was a Nut Job 1?” I’m surprised they made the second. Skip it.
 ·         The Post
The U.S.’s first female newspaper publisher uncovers government  secrets that have spanned four presidents, and seeks to make them public. Genre: Biographical Drama Director: Steven Spielberg Stars: Meryl Streep, Tom Hanks, Sarah Paulson Recommendation: Spielberg, Streep and Hanks. The three biggest names in Hollywood comes together to make a hard hitting bio drama. Count me in. Spielberg is my favourite director and Hanks is, in my opinion, the greatest working actor today. You cannot miss this. Also, everything about it screams Academy Awards.
 January 18
·         Maze Runner: The Death Cure
Thomas and his mates must break into the Last City, the deadliest maze of all in the third and final instalment of the Maze Runner series. Genre: Sci-Fi/ Adventure Director: Wes Ball Stars: Dylan O'Brien, Thomas Brodie-Sangster, Ki Hong Lee, Kaya Scodelario, Katherine McNamara, Giancarlo Esposito, Rosa Salazar, Barry Pepper, Aidan Gillen, Patricia Clarkson Recommendation: At least the Pitch Perfect cow was giving sour milk. This is like milking a dead cow. Critics and audiences agree that the first was average at best, and the second was just plain terrible. May as well complete the trilogy, I suppose. Skip it.
 ·         Swinging Safari
This Australian comedy shows us the sexual swinging 1970s in a small beach-side town. Fearless kids and carefree parenting by day, key party by night.  Genre: Comedy Director: Stephan Elliott Stars: Guy Pearce, Kylie Minogue, Radha Mitchell, Julian McMahon, Asher Keddie, Jeremy Sims, Jack Thompson Recommendation: Australian comedies set in the 70s and 80s are hilarious. I loved the trailer for this. Elliott directing Pearce again with Neighbours legend Minogue (I also think she sings) tops it off for me. Julian McMahon… I haven’t seen him since he shimmered out of Charmed. See it.
 ·         The Commuter
Michael, an insurance salesman, is riding the train home when things go amiss. Michael gets caught up in a criminal conspiracy and races the clock to uncover a mystery passenger before it is too late for them all. Genre: Action Director: Jaume Collet-Serra Stars: Liam Neeson, Vera Farmiga, Sam Neill, Patrick Wilson Recommendation: Collet-Serra sure likes to get himself a bit of Neeson. I suppose we are lucky he wasn’t cast in the Shallows or the shark would never have had a chance. It’s weird. The start of the trailer intrigues and surprises me. It mystery aspect has me yearning to see it but then the last half of the trailer makes it seem like a generic Liam Neeson actin flick on a train, which has me yawning, so I’ll give it a 50/50 chance of it being any good.
 ·         The Shape of Water
During the Cold War, a mute cleaner of a top secret government laboratory forms a relationship with their experiment, a creature who looks like should have come from the Black Lagoon. Genre: Fantasy/Romance/Thriller Director: Guillermo del Toro Stars: Sally Hawkins, Michael Shannon, Doug Jones, Michael Stuhlbarg, Lauren Lee Smith, Octavia Spencer, Richard Jenkins Recommendation: This really looks fantastic. I have been looking forward to it for a long time. Coming from the mind of del Toro with this cast and Doug Jones (aka Suru from Star Trek Discovery) as the creature I have high hopes that I’ll be talking about this in my ‘Best of 2018’ list.
  January 25
 ·         Den of Thieves
Den of Thieves follows a group of bank robbers who have their eyes set on the Federal Bank, while the elite unit of cops with unconventional police morals chase them around every turn. Genre: Action Director: Christian Gudegast Stars: Gerard Butler, 50 Cent, Pablo Schreiber, O'Shea Jackson Jr., Recommendation: Skip it. There is nothing new here.
 ·         I, Tonya
If you were curious about the upbringing and what led to Tonya Hardings ice skating success and her attack of a fellow competitor, this is your chance to find out. Genre: Biographical drama Director: Craig Gillespie Stars: Margot Robbie, Allison Janney, Sebastian Stan Recommendation: Who knew ice skating could hold so much potential for a decent crime drama. Surprisingly, I am keen for it. See it.
 ·         Sweet Country
Based on a true story, Sam, an aboriginal stockman, in the Northern Territory in 1929, kills the white station owner in self defence and goes on the run. Sam and his wife flee into the outback only to give themselves up due to the health of his pregnant wife. Genre: Biographical Crime Drama Director: Warwick Thornton Stars: Bryan Brown, Sam Neill, Hamilton Morris Recommendation: Sweet Country looks to be a great Australian western. There is such a rich story to be told here and the trailer has me wanting to see how it all unfolds. See it.
  As usual, January in Australia is mostly biopics and Oscar bait films with a few shit ones thrown in for good measure. My picks for the month are The Post, The Shape of Water and for a good laugh, Swinging Safari. Let us know what you are planning on seeing.
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heartlandians · 5 years
The excitement, love, and drama continue in Season 13 of Heartland (10x60). As Amy (Amber Marshall) and Ty (Graham Wardle) continue to build their business together, the inevitable ups and downs of entrepreneurship will test the strength of their marriage. The added pressures of building a new home, raising their young daughter, Lyndy (Ruby and Emmanuella Spencer), and keeping an eye on Luke (Lucian-River Chauhan), a young boy they are fostering, will also challenge the couple along the way. Georgie (Alisha Newton) returns from an elite equestrian training camp in Europe only to realize that things in Hudson are not as they were when she left - or perhaps she is the one who has changed. We follow Georgie’s momentous life experiences, including high school graduation, as she grapples with what’s next for her in relation to competing, academics, and romance. When a dangerous storm heads towards Hudson, Jack (Shaun Johnston) is forced to face some tragic memories from his past. He will also end up weighing some major decisions for his business and his future. Lou (Michelle Morgan) and Mitch (Kevin McGarry) make things official in their relationship, but soon realize that their career aspirations may not be as in sync as they had hoped. Tim (Chris Potter) sorts out what happens next after last season’s failed marriage proposal and it might include a new business venture.
Heartland is the longest running one-hour drama in Canadian television history; it is a multi-generational family drama that is much loved by fans of all ages, not only in Canada, but all around the world. Heartland has made its way into the hearts of families in more than 119 countries. Including its upcoming thirteenth season, Heartland has a whopping 214 one-hour episodes and a 2-hour Christmas movie.
Heartland is based on the bestselling series of books by Lauren Brooke. The executive producers are Michael Weinberg, Tom Cox, Jordy Randall, and Heather Conkie who also serves as the showrunner. The series is produced by Dean Bennett. The series writers are Mark Haroun, Ken Craw, and Alexandra  Clarke. The season’s directors are Ken Filewych, Pierre Tremblay, Megan Follows, Eleanore Lindo, Chris Potter, Kristin Lehman and Dean Bennett. For CBC, Sally Catto is General Manager, Programming; Trish Williams is Executive Director, Scripted Content; Helen Asimakis is Senior Director, Scripted Content; and Melanie Hadley is Executive in Charge of Production.
Heartland is produced by Dynamo Films and SEVEN24 Films in association with CBC with the financial participation of the Canada Media Fund, Government of Alberta-Alberta Media Fund, the Canadian Film or Video Production Tax Credit, the Ontario Film and Television Tax Credit and the Shaw Rocket Fund. Entertainment One (eOne) is the international distributor of the series.
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Broken Mirror: Part One
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Reader
Word Count: ~1.5k
Warnings: canon violence, canon language, canon talk of death, methods of kill, and angst
Author’s Note: I do not own anything from Criminal Minds. All credit goes to their respective owners. If there is any warnings that exceed the normal death/kills from the show, I will list them. If you’ve seen the show, then it’s the same level of angst unless otherwise stated.
Feedback is gold, and it’s the only currency I take
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"When a good man is hurt, all who would be called good must suffer with him." - Euripides
Thinking about going on a date with Spencer is way different than actually doing it. Gideon got you two the good seats even if it is a first come first serve. However, you made sure to arrive early enough to get a seat by the exit so you didn't have to waste time just sitting around while everyone else leaves. Gideon picked a good day as well since they were playing a two special horror movies, Psycho and The Shining. Spencer hadn’t seen either of them, but you have and you knew you would have a good time.
“Okay, I got literally every sweet thing they had,” you announced, climbing into the bed of your truck. Spencer didn’t have a car since he preferred to take public transportation to work. Sometimes you would be his ride if he asked for it, so it was natural that you two take your car. It was better anyway since you had a 4x4 off road truck with a comfortable bed if you laid down blankets and pillows, which you did. Spencer leaned on the back of the truck as you sat next to him, handing him the candy he requested.
“I didn’t know you liked sweet stuff.”
“Sweetheart, my whole life revolves around sugar,” you chuckled, pausing when you realize what you just said. “Sorry.”
“What are you sorry for?”
“For calling you sweetheart. It just came out,” you chuckled nervously.
“It’s okay. I like it,” he smiled.
“Great, okay,” you immediately felt better.
“So, what do we do here?”
“You’ve never been to a drive-in theater before?”
“Well, some people stay inside the car with the windows rolled down, but that’s only if they have a bench for a seat so they can sit really close to each other. I don’t have that so I chose the bed. We can sit anywhere we want,” you began to demonstrate by moving all around the trunk to show him before settling right… next… to… him, “even here.” You go to move, but he placed a hand on your shoulder to stop you.
“You can stay here if you want.”
“Oh, okay, sure,” you cleared your throat, trying to get the awkwardness out of the way. It was clear Spencer didn’t do this too often which was fine, but you wanted to move past the awkward phase.
“Aren’t these movies two hours long each?”
“Yeah, or more, which I don’t know why Gideon thought getting us tickets for this day was a smart idea. He knows I fall asleep during movies all the time.”
“How do you know Gideon?” he asked. Your intentions were to lean against the car, but you shifted too much and ended up against his side, which he didn’t seem to care. Opening the bag of candy you got, you popped one in your mouth and chewed.
“He was the lead agent on my case,” you finished once you swallowed.
“What do you mean?”
“My sister was murdered by her boss since he kept harassing her at work and she would always deny him. He was the one who helped me through losing her. I mean, she wasn’t my blood sister since my parents were fostering a bunch of kids, but she was my sister. The man killed himself before Gideon and his team could get to him, but at least we know he did it. He had the whole plan and more laid out at his apartment.”
“I’m so sorry. I didn’t know,” he said quietly.
“You couldn’t have. It’s fine. The more I talk about it, the less it hurts. I was the one who led Gideon to his apartment since I saw the whole thing after it happened. After that, Gideon and I stayed in touch and would occasionally ask me for help on cases. It’s why he wanted me to join the BAU.”
“That must have been so difficult.”
“It was, but I’m glad I have it. I get to help a lot of people because of it,” you grinned. The first movie started playing, and you and Spencer got comfortable enough to sit through four and a half hours of both movies.
“Did you know due to how repressed Americans were in the 1950s, Psycho is actually the first American film to show a toilet on screen. Consequently, it’s the first American film in which we hear the toilet flush,” you informed him.
“I didn’t know that, no,” he chuckled. 
Halfway through the movie, Spencer began to feel your weight getting heavier as you gave up holding yourself up as to not crush him. He looked over at you to see your eyes closed and your mouth parted. He didn’t want to move for fear of waking you, but he couldn’t help but give a smile at your state.
Walking into work the next day, you couldn’t help but recall the events of yours and Spencer’s date. You did fall asleep halfway in the first movie, and you didn't know why he didn’t wake you since it was supposed to be a date. Nonetheless, when it was all over, you two got some ice cream which was way better. Gideon did a good job sparking up the flame between you and Spencer, but it was now up to you two to keep it lit.
“You fell asleep?” JJ laughed as you, her, and Penelope walked down the hallway to the bullpen. 
Of course, you told your two best friends what happened on the date. You three were getting closer which is why you thought it would be good to engage in some healthy gossip.
“Yes, I did. I always do. But Spencer and I went out for ice cream afterwards which was way better,” you chuckled.
“Did he kiss you?” Penelope asked with a grin.
“No, he didn’t. Well, not on the lips. He did kiss me on my cheek, but it’s a first date and I don’t even know if it’ll happen again. I mean, he hasn’t really talked about it. We haven’t had time to really talk about what this might mean. I can tell he’s nervous and tense which can either mean he’s trying to find a reason to let me down gently, or he likes me but won’t do anything about it,” you explained as you walked into the bullpen.
Spencer was on the other end of it talking with Derek, and when you two made eye contact, you gave him a small wave. He stiffly waved back, and you looked away with a sigh.
“His emotional state is all over the place, but I don’t know what it means,” you shrugged.
“Reid, Morgan, Y/L/N,” Hotch announced when he and Elle exited his office, “document's up on the screen regarding the kidnapping of Trish Davenport.”
“That’s my cue,” Penelope left the group.
“Keep me updated,” JJ whispered.
“Have you read them yet?” Spencer asked as you three walked up the stairs to follow the duo.
“Yeah, I got a copy from the document examiner.”
“What does it say?” you wondered.
“That we've got until 8:00 tonight,” he sighed, closing the door once everyone was inside the briefing room. The note that was left for Evan Davenport, the father of the kidnapped girl, was up on the screen.
“You will follow instructions carefully. You will do this to ensure the safety of your daughter. You will wait for the call. You will answer the call at 8:00 P.M. You will write down the instructions and follow them to the letter,” Spencer read it word for word.
“That gives us less than 9 hours to get to Connecticut, work up victimology on Trish Davenport, and prepare her father for the ransom drop.”
“How do we know the letter is real?” you asked.
“The handwriting is a match for Trish's,” he explained as he showed it. “He dictated it to her, and they found saline on the paper.”
“Her tears,” Gideon muttered.
“He never says ‘I’. He doesn't say, ‘I will call’. He says, ‘you will answer the call’. He's distancing himself from the kidnapping. If he said ‘I’, he'd be taking responsibility for it,” Derek noted.
“There's also another missing element. No mention of the police.”
“Ransom notes almost always forbid police involvement,” Elle stated.
“So, is he expecting law enforcement to get involved?” you wondered.
“Well, if he's expecting us, let's not disappoint him,” Gideon smiled.
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“Is everyone familiar with the father?” Hotch asked as he passed out the case files while the plane was in the air.
“Evan Davenport, U.S. Attorney, executive assistant southern district, New York, widower. He assigned U.S. Marshals three times in the past ten years due to death threats,” Spencer spit out the facts.
"Is the protective detail still current?” Derek inquired.
“Around the clock, but Trish declined protection when she turned eighteen.”
“But why kill the boyfriend?” you asked, crossing your legs in your seat.
“Well, if I'm gonna kidnap someone I know, I have to take out whoever's with them. It says here she's got a sister,” Derek stated.
“Any problems? Were they close?”
“Yeah, they’re identical twins,” you showed everyone the picture of both sisters side by side. “Which makes me think was Trish the target or was Cheryl?”
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Broken Mirror: Part Two
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Reader
Word Count: ~2.6k
Warnings: canon violence, canon language, canon talk of death, methods of kill, and angst
Author’s Note: I do not own anything from Criminal Minds. All credit goes to their respective owners. If there is any warnings that exceed the normal death/kills from the show, I will list them. If you’ve seen the show, then it’s the same level of angst unless otherwise stated.
Feedback is gold, and it’s the only currency I take
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“Please, come in,” Evan Davenport greeted when you finally showed up at his house. You, Gideon, Hotch, and Spencer went to his house while Elle and Derek met Cheryl at the crime scene. “I have six people on my staff. I have three bodyguards. They've all had polygraphs. Everybody's been vetted.”
“Have they all have alibis for the night of the kidnapping?” Hotch asked. Entering the house, you looked around at family pictures and little trinkets they ad at the house. Sometimes, those are the biggest clue about who a person is and what they are capable of. There were a lot of people at the house to make sure it wasn’t bugged so that Evan’s team can come in and set up their equipment.
“All accounted for by the local FBI field office. Cheryl flew in yesterday. I'm just making sure that she's not alone even for--sorry, I just feel like I'm suffocating here. I just want somebody to tell me that she's okay.”
“Dr. Reid,” Gideon called for him, waiting until he was by his side. “What do the statistics tell us?”
“If you follow their instructions and give them the money, your daughter will be returned.”
“Done. This house is bug free,” an FBI agent from the local field office announced. The head bodyguard or whatever he was called in for their equipment. His name is Vincent Shyer, but there was something off about him. You couldn't place exactly what it was, but you were going to make sure he was watched very closely by your eye.
“Alright, bring it in!”
“Gideon,” you whispered, motioning him to come over. “I’m getting a weird vibe from Vincent. Like weirder than normal. Almost as if I can feel Trish’s energy all over him.”
“Keep an eye on him. We can’t rule anyone out.”
“Okay,” you nodded slightly. He left your side to go back to the group to question the father some more, leaving you alone.
“So, what are your theories so far about this kidnapper?”
“That he targeted you for a reason. Every line of the letter starts with the word ‘you’. He's angry at you and probably feels like you owe him. That everything you own, you don't deserve,” Hotch answered.
“From the language in the ransom we most likely believe that he's working alone,” you added from your corner of the room. Looking at the agents, you just gave them a smile before heading over to the group. “So, your daughters are identical twins?”
“They're not entirely identical. They're mirror twins. Some of Trish's organs are on the right side that should be on the left. Doctors assured us that it wasn't life-threatening,” Evan explained, showing your team the book that explained the condition in detail. Spencer took it, opened it, and began reading it. Along with Evan’s team’s equipment, you brought some of your own to monitor the call which Hotch was getting set up right now. He was going to make sure that when this bastard called, he would track him.
“Situs inversus,” Spencer said from his spot, naming the condition that Evan just described. He ran his finger down the length of the page quickly since his mind could process that many words per minute. He was flying through the pages at an incredible speed, and Evan kept watching him out of the corner of his eye.
“They had self-defense training?” Gideon asked.
“Yeah. I insisted on it. The protective detail rankled when they hit puberty, and I was sure that they would refuse their bodyguards when they left for college,” he stuttered at the end, turning to Spencer to address his reading skills. “Excuse me. Can you actually read that fast?”
“Our conscious minds can process sixteen bits of information per second. Our unconscious, however, can process eleven million,” Spencer informed, going back to the book.
“That’s his talk of yes, he can read that fast,” you chuckled.
“If whoever took her wants me to blow cases or suppress evidence or stand down--”
“What makes you think it's someone you prosecuted?” Gideon interrupted him.
“Well, I have money, but I don't have millions. I mean, what else could it be?”
“In our experience, Mr. Davenport, every case is different,” you said.
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Once the rest of the team and Cheryl was back safe in the house, it was almost eight. The call monitoring system was all ready to go, and Evan was going to be the one to answer the call. He didn’t know how to use the system, but Spencer was showing him how.
“This button answers the call,” he explained, pointing to the right ones, “this button makes everyone in the room silent. It'll flash red. You'll be able to hear his side of the conversation. He won't be able to hear us.”
“We'll be running the trace through the field office, but you're in good hands with agent Gideon and his team,” Vincent assured. There was something completely off about him, even after he and his team left to go track it through the field office where they work. There was something wrong, and it bugged the shit out of you that you couldn’t place it.
“You think Cheryl's a whack job because she claims she can feel her sister's anxiety?” Elle spoke to Derek in the kitchen which was right next to you. Leaving your post, you approached the duo.
“I never said whack job.”
“Actually there may be a physiological basis for it,” you said. “Reversed asymmetry monozygotic eggs split late between nine to twelve days.”
“Don’t tell me there’s another one of Reid,” Derek groaned.
“How do you think I got two PhDs at my age? I may not be a genius with an IQ of 187, but I do know a lot,” you grinned.
“She’s actually right,” the young genius said as he joined the group. “The DNA matches right down to the very last stranded code, and there's sporadic documentation of shared physiological pain.”
“You believe it?” Derek asked after staring at you for a good minute.
“No, I'm just saying it's possible. I don't know everything. I mean, despite the fact that you think that I do.”
“I never said that. When have I ever said that?”
“Every day since I met you.”
“This morning at breakfast,” you added.
“Yesterday when he beat you at cards,” Hotch interjected with a grin. “Um, we've got one minute.”
“Anybody ever heard of sarcasm?” Derek scoffed, following the group back into the main room where everyone was waiting. Evan was very nervous, almost to the point of sweating, but he was trying to remain calm. Cheryl, on the other hand, wasn’t doing too well visually. The emotional energy in this room was very nerve racking, it was almost getting to you.
“Remember keep your voice even and calm and agree with everything he says,” Gideon instructed.
“He's late,” Evan sighed impatiently when the clock read 8:02 pm.
“He'll call. Just try to relax. This is his strategy. He wants you on edge,” you said.
“Remember to repeat any important information he gives you to make sure you understand. You try to keep him talking to reveal something about Trish or about himself,” Gideon encouraged. The phone began ringing, and just to keep the unsub stewing a bit, Gideon let the phone ring for a few more seconds before pressing the button that answered the call.
“This is Evan Davenport.”
“Hello, Mr. Davenport,” the unsub spoke. For a split second, you got a flash of Vincent’s face. It disappeared as quickly as it came, but it left you confused as to why you got that image.
“Are you the man who has my daughter Patricia?”
“I have your daughter.”
“Can I ask you--”
“You may ask me nothing,” he interrupted. “This is not an interrogatory. You will only listen to my instructions.”
“Okay,” he whispered.
“But I will not give them to you. I do not want to talk to you, Mr. Davenport. I want to talk to her. I want to talk to Cheryl,” he revealed. Gideon pressed the button that muted the call so that the unsub couldn’t hear anything the room was saying.
“What's he doing?” Evan asked.
“What most of the offenders we catch try to do is establish dominance,” Derek explained.
“How long can we keep him on hold?” Elle questioned.
“We can’t put her on,” you stated the obvious.
“Why not? I want to help. I'll talk to him,” Cheryl jumped at the chance to hear her sister’s voice.
“Cheryl doesn't have the authority that Davenport holds. He shouldn't want to talk to her.”
“I think that she should speak to him,” Elle determined.
“Do I need to repeat myself? I want to talk to Cheryl. Put her on the phone. Now,” the unsub grew impatient on the other line.
“No,” Evan shook his head.
“I think she should speak to him. He wants to talk to her. The more he speaks, the more he reveals.”
“She is right, Gideon,” Derek sighed.
“He has my sister!”
“No,” Gideon shook his head. “Y/N, you do it.”
“Okay,” you whispered, switching places with him. It was either you or Elle, and you had the more delicate voice which would best represent Cheryl’s.
“I’m waiting,” the unsub sighed. Once the room got silent, you pressed the button and began speaking.
“Okay, this is Cheryl.” No answer. “This is Cheryl.”
“I have Patricia by my side. I know her voice, so therefore, I know her sister's. Get off the phone. I want Cheryl. I'll give you 60 seconds. If you don't put her on the phone, I will hang up, and you will never hear from me or Patricia again.”
“Prep her,” Gideon said once the call was muted. Taking a seat next to Cheryl who took your spot, you had to make sure she was ready.
“Fifty seconds.”
“This guy's arrogant. Let him know that he's in control. Let him guide the conversation.”
“Use your sister's name. Say my sister Trish or her name's Patricia. Talk about her.”
“Let him get to know her through you. Don't veer off topic.”
“Got it,” Cheryl nodded.
“I know you’re scared, okay? But this is really important that you follow what I say. Agree with him.”
“Twenty-five seconds.”
“Tell him that you understand him. I know this is going to be very difficult, but empathize with him. If you do so, he might reveal where he’s holding her.”
“Let him know that he didn't mean to hurt Trish or go this far, and that he can fix it. He has a chance to show that he's a kind and forgiving person by letting your sister go.”
“Ten seconds.”
“If you don’t know what to say, I’ll be right here to help you. I know a thing or two about empathizing.”
“Three, two, one.”
“This is Cheryl,” the young woman spoke a second after the countdown ended.
“Hello, Cheryl. How are you?”
“I'd be a lot better if I knew that my sister Patricia is okay.”
“I can tell you have a lot of empathy, Cheryl. You care about others.”
“Yes, I do, and it sounds like you understand,” she sniffled, but tried to keep her sobs silent.
“You mean that I empathize? Yes. I do. Very much. I empathize. I empathize with you, Cheryl. I know you want to be with your sister.”
“Yes, I want Trish back.”
“Good. Tell me what you want, Cheryl. I'm very interested. Tell me all about yourself. What's your favorite color?” he asked, and you were quick to press the mute button.
“Don’t answer that. Stay on the topic of Trish,” you informed, pressing the button once more to unmute it.
“If I tell you, will you let me talk to my sister?”
“Maybe. Maybe not.”
“I like blue,” she said, letting a tear roll down her cheek.
“How ordinary. Do you like chocolate, Cheryl?” he asked, but received no answer. He was growing impatient, so he repeated the question in a much slower done. “Do. You. Like. Chocolate?”
“Yes,” she whispered.
“I do as well,” he laughed.
“Please, let me talk to my sister. All I want to do is hear her voice. Please,” she begged. There was some skuttle on the other end, and you hoped Trish was alive enough to answer the call. “Hello?”
“Cheryl?” Trish’s voice sounded groggy like she didn’t know where she was or if she was hopped up on drugs.
“Cher, is that you?”
“Trish, it's me. I'm here. Are you okay?” Cheryl asked, a tear rolling down her cheek.
“Cher, I can't,” the other sister whimpered.
“Where are you? What do you see?”
“I-I see the moon,” she groaned. The same skuttle sounded, and the phone was taken from the other sister.
“Have 500,000 ready,” the unsub spoke.
“Let me talk to her!”
“$500,000 is what I'm owed. The Davenports will wait by the phone. You will receive a call with precise instructions in exactly 15 minutes,” the unsub said right before hanging up. Your eyes went to Spencer since he was the one doing the tracing.
“Were your able to trace it?” Gideon asked.
“No. He's probably using a disposable cell phone. They're impossible to trace.”
“She said she could see the moon.”
“She sounded delirious.”
“She was sedated,” you concluded. “It could have been a light.”
“If he's keeping her drugged, it might mean he's not very strong. He might have to keep her weak just so he can dominate her,” Derek observed.
“Or he's keeping her quiet,” Elle added.
“Has Davenport told us everything about his staff?” Gideon wondered.
“Oh, yeah, we have detailed reports but we should probably revisit background on household staff aides and current docket.”
“Pay close attention to Vincent,” you blurted out softly.
“Why? What is it?” Hotch whispered to you.
“I don’t know. All I know is that when the unsub started talking, I got a flash of Vincent’s face. Isn’t it a bit weird that they both sounded the same?”
“Similar, yes. I’ll have Garcia check it out.”
“Thanks,” you nodded.
“He said owed,” Gideon interrupted, thinking out loud.
“$500,000. His demand sounded scripted, like he was reading it to us,” Spencer remarked.
“But the rest of the conversation wasn't. He was his most relaxed just talking to Cheryl,” you conversed.
“What does that mean?” Evan stressed.
“He might know her already.”
“How quickly can you get the money?” Gideon wondered. Deciding to let Gideon handle him, you looked to your left to see Cheryl in the kitchen with a bottle of alcohol in her hand. Sighing, you left their side to join the underaged girl and took both the glass and bottle out of her hand.
“Look, I know I shouldn't drink, but under the circumstances, do you think you could let this one slide?” she sighed.
“I know it’s hard, but we need you at your best.”
“Have you had many cases like this?”
“I’ve seen my share of abductions, yes.”
“I don't know how you do this job. How do you stomach it?”
“Sometimes I don’t. I’m not your normal FBI agent. I see more than most, and I feel it. I’m an empathic psychic. Whether you believe in that sort of thing or not is up to you, but I feel your pain and I feel your sister’s fear as if it were my own. She’s close, but I don’t know where. No matter where I go, all I see are abductions, murders, and everything else you can see. For the most part, all these criminals are just cowards. There's nothing I'd rather do more than put the bastards away.”
“I just wish you could get them before they snatch someone,” Cheryl sighed sadly.
“Trish is alive, I can feel it. I know you can too. You've trusted your feelings this far. Hold onto that.”
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wanna be tagged? add yourself to this document! if your tag doesn’t work, find out why!
@averyhotchner​ @lets-be-gay-for-the-angel​ @fan-girl-97​ @paulaern​ @inkstainedwritergirl​ @estrela-rogers​ @abitchforjay​ @kwbaby24​ @redsalv20​ @joonie-centric​ @havesaltwilltravel @spencerreid-mgg @sixpencespencee​
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Broken Mirror: Part Three
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Reader
Word Count: ~2k
Warnings: canon violence, canon language, canon talk of death, methods of kill, and angst
Author’s Note: I do not own anything from Criminal Minds. All credit goes to their respective owners. If there is any warnings that exceed the normal death/kills from the show, I will list them. If you’ve seen the show, then it’s the same level of angst unless otherwise stated.
Feedback is gold, and it’s the only currency I take
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“Everything will be done by Cheryl. Cheryl will gather the money packets. Only she will touch the money. Cheryl will make the drop. If she is wired or if you use a look-a-like, Patricia dies. Cheryl will get in her car. No one is to be in the car with her, no one is to follow her no air surveillance, and no car surveillance of any kind will be tolerated. I will give directions over a cell phone as Cheryl drives. She must make the drop at exactly 3:00 A.M. She will follow each instruction to the letter.”
The unsub’s message was clear, and Cheryl did just that. She packed the money into one duffel bag, making sure to fill it to the brim with every single stack. Just for good measure, Derek and Hotch were going with her to make sure that everything was in place. The unsub might not do what he says or there could be more than one person so it was smart to take the two agents.
Spencer was hooking the computer up to the GPS in Cheryl’s car so he could track it wherever it went, even if she got lost or the unsub hijacks her in any way shape or form. No matter what happens, Cheryl will be covered in every way there is. As soon as the trio left, you called Derek on his phone just to keep in contact with your teammates.
“Cheryl's car has GPS. We'll be able to track her,” Spencer said as you leaned over his shoulder to look at the computer screen. The phone was close to his mouth so Derek heard every word he said.
“The first thing he's gonna do is have her switch cars. Where are we headed?”
“Where are they headed, Spence?” you asked.
“Let's see,” he muttered, typing on the computer until the map popped up. “An address which appears to be a rental car lot.”
“Keep an eye out and be careful please,” you told Derek right before hanging up. Sighing, you fell into the seat next to Spencer and looked at him with careful eyes.
“Nothing, just trying to figure you out,” you muttered to yourself, but he heard you loud and clear. All you could do at this point is wait, but you couldn’t help but notice something odd. Evan’s security team was inside the house, but there was one person who keeps missing all of the action.
“What’s wrong?” the doctor asked, noticing the look on your face.
“Isn’t is kind of weird that Vincent is missing all of this? He seems to disappear right when the calls or something important is happening.”
“You’re right. Where is he?”
“That’s what we have to figure out.”
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Just like you predicted, the drop didn’t go as planned. Instead of it being about the money, it was set up as a second kidnapping. Cheryl was almost taken from the car lot if it hadn't been for Derek and Hotch there. The unsub got away, and the first thing they did was bring Cheryl back to her house where she was safe. When her father heard about this, he visibly and emotionally freaked out until he could see her for himself.
“Cheryl’s alright,” Derek assured when the trio returned. Evan immediately went to his daughter who held the duffel bag of cash in his hand. It was never about the money. The phone started ringing and you knew who it was and what they had to say. Everyone headed over to the machine, and you made sure the room was silent before pressing the button.
“That was fun, wasn't it? A little running around and getting our pulses racing. Are you there, Cheryl? Are you there?! Tell me you didn't feel a slight tingle, a thrill run up your spine. Huh? But those clever and cunning FBI agents deduced my little plan just in time. They figured it out. If they hadn't, I would have had you both. The whole set. The matching pair,” the unsub laughed. Looking over at Spencer, you noticed he typed ‘collector’ since he was trying to take notes on the unsub the more he revealed about himself.
“Why are you doing this?” Cheryl blurted out.
“Because you asked me to, Cheryl. You asked me with your glances. The way you talk. Those little gestures.”
Reaching over, you pressed the mute button which only confused the young girl.
“What are you doing?”
“Do not answer this man.”
“You asked for this! You asked for it, Cheryl!” the unsub yelled. She jerked away from you and pressed the button to speak. Derek reached out for her, but she managed to evade his capture at the last minute.
“Cheryl!” Derek hissed, but covered his mouth when the call was unmuted.
“What do you want?” she screamed.
“What do I want?! You! It may not be today, it may not be tomorrow but I promise you, we will be together!” he yelled back and hung up. Sighing, you scratched the back of your neck and looked at Gideon for further guidance.
“We can not let Cheryl speak with him any further.”
“Why not?”
“It's only feeding his psychosis to allow your interaction,” Spencer answered. “Was Trish involved in any serious relationships prior to the kidnapping?”
“With the boy that was killed. They were together for 2 years,” Evan answered.
“Trish didn't want me to tell you. They were getting engaged,” Cheryl sighed.
“Well, that certainly could have been the unsub's stressor,” you pointed out.
“What does that mean?” Evan asked, but nobody answered him. “Will someone please tell me what we're dealing with here?”
“De Clerambault's syndrome, otherwise known as erotomania which is the belief that someone, usually of a higher social status but not necessarily a celebrity, is in love with you. Erotomanics believe that the objects of their affection are subtly professing their love for them through looks, gestures, and glances. The unsub truly and full-heartedly believes that Cheryl and Trish are in love with him. They don't tell him this with their voices. No, with gestures and looks. He's obsessed with them.”
“What does this mean?”
“He’s the most determined kind of criminal,” you stated. “Which is the most dangerous since there isn’t anything that they won’t do.”
“Crime of obsession. Your specialty, your lead, Morgan,” Hotch said from the other side of the room. Leaving the group you were with, you approached the other one to voice your opinion on what should be done.
“I think we should recheck everyone on Davenport's staff against the profile of a stalker,” Derek said once you got there.
“No need. Just do one: Vincent. I don’t like him,” you shrugged.
“That may be, but we need to be open minded here,” Hotch dismissed.
“Aren't stalking behaviors pretty diverse?” Elle asked.
“There's overlap. Narcissistic, inflated sense of self-worth, and history of bad relationships.”
“What do we know so far?”
“He's probably white, and obviously male sophisticated speech patterns.”
“Sophisticated, yet bizarre. He rarely uses contractions. It's not ‘you're’, it's ‘you are’. He’s pretentious,” Gideon added in his two cents. “He wants to sound smarter than he actually is. Whatever position of authority or level of success this guy has, he had to struggle for it.”
“We also have to face the possibility at this point that Trish may already be dead,” Hotch whispered so that Evan couldn’t hear him.
“I don’t feel it, though. She’s close, and I can feel her fear, Hotch. She’s not dead… not yet.”
“You know, so far he's called every play. I say we apply some pressure, make him sweat,” Derek suggested.
“Well, there's only one way to do that,” Gideon smiled. As if on cue the phone started ringing, and everyone gathered around it. Gideon was the one who was in charge here, and he let it ring, and ring, and ring, and ring. Evan was getting impatient and went to answer it, but Gideon interjected him.
“Hold on, hold on, hold on,” Gideon muttered, answering the call but hanging up right away.
“What are you doing?” Evan asked. The phone rang again, and you could sense the anger coming from the unsub through the phone. When the older agent didn’t answer, he tried again. “Agent Gideon.”
“Hello?” Gideon asked once he answered the call.
“Tell me there was a technical issue with the line because if you actually just hung up on m--”
“What the hell are you doing?” Evan screeched. Gideon hung up while the unsub was talking which would surely get him angry enough to reveal something important about himself.
“Are you gonna answer it?” Cheryl asked.
“Why is he doing this? What is he--what--you're gonna drive this guy crazy!”
“Just, quiet. Please, quiet,” Gideon whispered.
“Cheryl, he knows what he's doing,” Elle tried assuring her. The phone started ringing again, but Gideon made no move to answer it.
“Somebody has to answer it!” Cheryl shouted.
“Just answer the phone, for god's sake!” Evan yelled, reaching for the phone. Gideon was on him in seconds because it was important that he doesn’t touch the phone.
“Don't touch it!”
“He knows what he's doing!” Derek held Evan back from touching it.
“Davenport residence,” Gideon finally answered.
“Are you out of your mind? You do realize, you do understand, that I'll kill her?! Do you--”
“You're killing my daughter!” Evan cried. He didn’t understand what was going on, and you were kind of overwhelmed by the amount of emotions that were in the room. The phone started ringing once more, and Evan almost lost it. “Pick up that phone!”
“Get him quiet. Mr. Davenport, get a hold of yourself.”
“Answer the phone!”
“Quiet him!”
“Evan! Stop! Trish isn’t dead! Please, let us do our jobs!” you stated, putting yourself between Gideon and Evan. He could only whimper at this point, and Cheryl was a silent mess all on her own. However, she had Elle there to lean on in case she needed to. Gideon finally answered the phone, but the unsub was the one to speak first.
“She is dead! You hang up on me again, and I rip her open!”
“I'm sorry. You must have the wrong number,” Gideon chuckled, hanging up once more. Evan was a crying mess, but Derek helped him try to stay on his two feet.
“Come on, Gideon,” Derek sighed.
“You killed her.”
“No, he isn’t.”
“Oh, yeah? Then what--what the hell does he think he’s doing?” Evan directed his question at you.
“I'm saving your daughter, Mr. Davenport. Have a little faith,” Gideon answered. The phone rang for the last time, and Gideon gladly answered it.
“Put Cheryl on the phone.”
“No, you're finished talking to Cheryl.”
“Listen to that tone of authority. Just like your published work, agent Gideon. Fascinating to hear the same arrogant quality in your own voice. You are a bit of a pedant, Jason, a bit didactic.”
“Well, that's a very interesting conclusion. You sound intelligent, and you certainly sound educated, but we both know that's not true.”
“Oh, I know all about all of you. The ambitious agent Hotchner? Do you wanna be director of the FBI someday, agent Hotchner? Would you step on Jason Gideon to get there? I think you would. Posttraumatic stress is a very good excuse. Even your sick, pregnant wife can't get you to leave your post.
“Jason Gideon, an expert in the criminal psyche yet unable to diagnose the autistic leanings of the very insecure Dr. Reid. Well, maybe he can make money counting cards in Las Vegas. The lovely Elle was promoted too soon. She doesn't have what it takes to make it in the B.A.U. Boys club. Let’s not forget Y/N and that gift she calls psychic when we all know it’s pure shit! She is overcompensating for something truly terrible, isn’t that right? You're no threat to me, you're no threat to anyone!
“And Token Derek Morgan wants to be taken seriously, but he is just a pumped-up side of beef. I know who you are, I know how you think and I know what to do next! Do you?” the unsub finally finished, slamming the receiver down. Everyone was in shock that he knew this much about you which could only mean one thing…
He was one of you, and you were right.
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@averyhotchner @lets-be-gay-for-the-angel​ @fan-girl-97​ @paulaern​ @inkstainedwritergirl​ @estrela-rogers​ @abitchforjay​ @kwbaby24​ @redsalv20​ @joonie-centric​ @havesaltwilltravel @spencerreid-mgg @sixpencespencee​
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