#True Detective S04E05
tv-moments · 5 months
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True Detective: Night Country
Season 4, “Part 5”
Director: Issa López
DoP: Florian Hoffmeister
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lousolversons · 8 months
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Kali Reis as Evangeline Navarro & Jodie Foster as Liz Danvers TRUE DETECTIVE (NIGHT COUNTRY) - S04E05
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woodsfae · 4 months
B5 S04E05 The Long Night previous episode - table of contents
Susan's feeling so much more relaxed since Sheridan got back that she took the time to curl her hair into perfect ringlets today. 
The Shadows struck back against the Vorlon assault by wiping out a planet of inhabitants who supported the Vorlons. And they did it in an unknown and unknowable way that their scanners can't even detect. 
Londo is really networking his treason now. And Vir's helping too! Thankfully everyone else seems to be taking Vir more seriously than Londo does. 
This seems so endgame! In episode 5! How high are these stakes going to go, anyway. 
Bryan Cranston is in this. Walter White is in this?? I haven't even seen Breaking Bad, but it was so culturally pervasive, yanno. Partner informs me that google has informed him that this was before Malcom in the Middle, too. Years before. ALso haven't seen that but tumblr loves Hal so I know about him. 
Sheridan sending out Susan to go look for a First One again. With Lorien! Does anyone else know about that First One that G'Kar rescued Sinclair's girlfriend Caroline (?) from when she was surveying in the area? 
An extra layer of Susan's traumatic backstory just unlocked. Recalling the time around her mother's suicide, and how her mother sent her next door saying she'd come for Susan later and then died. Susan tells Sheridan she wants him to swear she'll be with the fleet "at the end," and they have their most touching friendship moment to date! But I see that Sheridan didn't actually promise her anything, only said how proud he was of her and how grateful to have her as a friend. 
Cartagia remains astonishingly sane and well grounded for someone with as much power as he posesses. As expected. /s
G'Kar's depth perception is gone for good, it seems. The eye was plucked in twisted biblical reference by an alien to another alien who don't know earth culture, lol. 
Londo fills G'Kar in on the plan. On Narn, G'Kar will "distract" Cartagia's guard "for a few minutes" while Cartagia is taken care of. But G'Kar isn't supposed to hurt Cartagia because Londo says if a Narn harms the Emperor, Narn will suffer. So the Centauri have to do it and are going to do it. 
Sensible, actually. If that's how it ends up playing out! Londo's plans tend to come true in really awful ways, so we'll see if it goes as smoothly as he describes it to G'Kar. 
Vir has procured the murder device: a single-use epi-pen-style neurotoxin. Londo has to stab him right between the hearts for it to work, which it should almost-instantaneously, and then it will disguise the wound by releasing a sealant. 
How the hell if G'Kar meant to cause a distraction when he's in yoke and chain? Like, dude. Also the death sentence is by vivisection jfc. 
G'Kar's plan is pretty metal. As in, he breaks his chains and actually fucking thrashes Cartagia's personal guard. And the plan is going perfectly so far! Till Catagia attacks Londo in his utter saneness. 
So Vir takes care of the stabbing. 
"Almost instantaneously" apparently means "After he clutches his heart, staggers, and says: "No! I was to a god, you understand?""
"We think it's his hearts," Londo says gormlessly, really counting on the fact that Cartagia has openly talked about Centauri Prime being destroyed and the court is freaked the fuck out about him. 
The royal physician couldn't find anything, and it's just as if his hearts gave out. Londo persuades people to support his plan of leaving Narn and the Narnuans alone. Two Emperors in a row have died in dealings with Narn, so they're calling it a sign from the gods and shaking the Narnuan dust off their feet. 
And now Londo is Prime Minister and responsible for planetary security! Yay! From there the jump to Emperor is hardly more than a lateral move! :P
The White Star fleet's ships don't have names, they're just numbered. And White Star 14's captain is Bryan Cranston! He's taking his role very seriously. The Shadows' planet killer is sort of trackable with Captain Ericcson of White Star #14. Something burrowed to the planet's core, then detonated a crazy powerful bomb, and the planet is being destroyed horribly. Not everyone there is dead, but they will be within twelve hours. And their immediate planning is to predict where the Shadows will go next, not coordinating rescue for the potentially living people on the attacked planet! 
whoops. RIP in advance, y'all. 
Vir is drunk. Drinking both sides of an ongoing toast with Cartagia. He's not feeling well about himself and his actions. Because he's got more morals than anyone else we've seen at court. 
Poor Vir. He just wanted a job that was OK to work, a wife he was in love with. And would have counted himself lucky if she loved him, too. And he's having trouble reconciling that with the life he has been living with intrigue and genocide and now murder with his own hands.
Londo apologizes for treating Vir poorly at first, as though he hasn't been doing it right up till this very episode, the audacity! But his adivce to Vir is better than any of his advice up to this point has been. 
The Narnuan have started celebrating the Centauri's planned departure, with fireworks. Time to go before they get chased off posthaste. 
Ah it's the Vorlons going after the next planet, with 6 million inhabitants. The League is being told to stall the Vorlons with hit-and-run attacks while the White Star Fleet gets into position. Sheridan is going get the Shadows to be there, trick them somehow. 
Trick them by fighting to the death! With the "secret" of a base that the Shadows are meant to come attack. Which will trick them into being at the place the Vorlons will be attacking. 
Bryan Cranston swears it by Valen's name and a Minbari saulte. Delenn looks rather awed, and returns it. 
In Jeff Sinclair's name.
By Jeff, they salute each other. 
Phew, G'Kar's mostly alright. And the Narn want to counter-attack the Centauri with G'Kar leading the military offensive. G'Kar is offended at the idea of being established as a single leader, when they were previously lead by a large, diverse council of Narnuan. He refuses to be party to striking back. 
This offends the Narn dude speaking to him. "What have you endured?" he asks.
Wrong question buddy. 
G'Kar gives this the due consideration it deserves and walks away, cackling wildly. 
John Sheridan and Delenn listen to the final transmissions of the doomed White Star 14 and Captain Cranston Ericcson going out. 
Well that's s eventful! Cartagia dead, G'Kar and Narn freed. A planet destroyed, a base's capture faked by really killing a whole ship ("Are you married?" is a terrible way to inform someone they're being given a suicide mission, btw.),  Bryan Cranstron's career launched, and a Susan-Lorien field trip teased. 
out of the frying pan and...
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jvlewis77 · 7 months
TV Show Tracker - trakt.tv client
True Detective - S04E05 - Night Country: Part 5 : https://trakt.tv/shows/true-detective/seasons/4/episodes/5
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geekbroll · 3 years
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Michael Greyeyes (Fear The Walking Dead, True Detective, Rutherford Falls) plays an interesting character named Felix in today's episode of Star Trek Discovery, S04E05 The Examples. #StarTrek #StarTrekDiscovery #MichaelGreyeyes #SonequaMartinGreen #Felix #FTWD #FearTheWalkingDead #TWD #TheWalkingDead #Discovery #Disco #TrueDetective #RutherfordFalls #DavidAjala #ClevelandBooker #MichaelBurnham #QaletaqaWalker #SashaWilliams #Nêhiyaw #Nehiyaw #PlainsCree (at Portland, Oregon) https://www.instagram.com/p/CXjwtpuv-Kn/?utm_medium=tumblr
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tv-moments · 5 months
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True Detective: Night Country
Season 4, “Part 5”
Director: Issa López
DoP: Florian Hoffmeister
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