#Tryian Callows
rwby-soh · 17 days
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The Vanille Half Siblings
At a glance, one would assume Romeo Torchwick and Lavender Callows had nothing in common, Romeo's an extroverted crime lord happy to flaunt his exploits all around the Kingdom and Lavender's a reclusive cultist indoctrinated by her Father's protege. While both of them follow in their late father's footsteps it's their mother Trivia Vanille aka Neopolitan that connects the two. Growing up with a depressed and emotionally unstable mother it mostly fell on Romeo to raise his younger sister resulting in a close bond early on.
However as Lavender grew older she began to notice the differences in how their mom treated her compared to her older brother especially when it came to their fathers as Neo clearly regretted the union that her daughter came from. While not outright abusive the neglect she faced would cause her to act out and rebel as a means to get her mother's attention eventually growing to resent him and Roman.
Being the Golden child wasn't everything it was cracked up to be as Romeo was groomed to take his father's place as Vale's kingpin, while the impressionable young man quickly grew to enjoy the lifestyle he recognized his own mother saw him more as an extension of the love of her life's legacy than his own person, similarly growing resentful both for choosing his path for him and the neglect his younger sister faced
One day Lavender would reach her breaking point after finding her father's journal and would lash out violently at her brother causing Neo to step in and defend him. Driving Lavender away to seek out her father, the very thing Neo hopped to avoid while breaking the already weak bond with both of her children.
You can read about these two in the fanfiction RWBY: Seeds of Hope, Sins of the Past on Archive of Our Own and Fanfiction.net
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sheepydraws · 2 years
All I want from Tyrian's story arc is the rich satisfaction of watching him do something suicidally stupid and then say "Well, it is in my nature"
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wolfandsheep200 · 3 years
Chapter 2. Everything that can go wrong.
Mercury entered the captains cabin without saying a word to Tryian. Silently he slid into the copiolits seat of the stolen Mistral Style Air Craft. His hands moved quickly a blur speed and certainty. Frist the young Assassin began flipping an array of multicolored switches.
In response to this action. Several lights located on the dashboard in front of him, flared to life. Next Mercury turned his attention to a dual line of assorted knobs. Swiftly he began turning these in a very sepific order. A warning bell dinged softly in response. Next a panel concealing the copiolits steering column slid open and the steering column itself jutted foward. Mercury half grinned. The hidden steering column had been a big reason behind choosing this particular model to steal. Mercury knew if one wasn't familiar with the vessel design they would never even suspect a secondary steering column was apart of the craft. Leaving him an easy way to resize control of the craft. If this vessel was boarded by unwanted guest. Once the steering column settled into place. Mercury began watching the gauges. He watched fixatedly as the corresponding Needles behind the Glass casing rose and leveled off inside the Green. Now self assured that the electrical power being produced inside the engine had been sent to all the right places. Mercury allowed himself to relax. No part of himself trusted Tryian Callows the sanity challenged Scorpion Fanus sitting in the piolits chair and no part of himself ever would. So for Mercury seeing the ship working properly with his own two eyes. After catching a few hours of much needed sleep. Left an overly paranoid Mercury with absolutely no doubts whatsoever in his ability to have some semblance of control over the steering column and the ship itself. Tryian was a Nut Job and if the Nut Job to his left decided to suddenly take issue with Mercury's maneuverability of the craft. He would frist have to bodily pry. The young Assassin away from the controls. And then beat him into a bloody stupor. Lastly Mercury checked the set course. Tryian had been guarding this information closely from him over the last several days. Yet now with their destination nearing. Tryian seemed to no longer care if Mercury knew where they were going Mercury's proof of this is the fact Tryian had left the Navagational Console unlocked. Greedily Mercury poured through the pre-programmed course logged into the Navagational Console. Eager to see where Tryian planned to set the craft down. Mercury's jaw hardened with sudden realization as he silently read the course route. Tryian's route planned to skip the Vacuo Airfield entirely. "You can't be this stupid." Mercury nearly said aloud. Then think8ng better of it he caught himself.
Instead of heading towards the Airfield like every other civilian and criminal in the towns history. The Creep. Had decided to opt for heading straight towards the city itself.
This decision right here would cause them nothing except an endless string of nightmarish problems. It would get so bad that the blow back wasn't going to be even remotely funny. Mercury could already picture his view from behind the electrical fencing of a Vacuo Prison Cell and he didn't like what he was seeing. Nothing would be worse than actually forcing the Vacuo police to do their job.
For the Desert City of Vacuo. Only had the one major Airfield and the Airfield in question is the Jadeparks Merrygold International Airfield. The airfield itself was A gigantic place containing over two hundred full sized hangers and at least sixty of those Hangers either privately-owned or corporately operated. Jadeparks itself lay some twelve point four miles westward outside of the up-swingly prosperous Vacou community. Anyone who had ever been to Vacuo quickly received an education in the laws and by laws of Cross Kingdom Air Travel. Each non-kingdom registered incoming vessel. Entering Vacuo Air Space. Was expected to check in with the Vacuo Citizens Registration Authority.
Nowadays in The Kingdom of Vacou. A law such as the Vacou Regersation Act. Wouldn’t normally be considered a big problem. Seeing as how most of Vacuo Law Enforcement Officals looked the other way and didn't have too many laws in which they regularly bothered to even enforce. Seriously, the joke among the Bats. Vacuo top criminal Organization is this. "In order to get ones self arrested. A body just about has to blatantly break the law infront of an officer. And then ask that Officer. "So what are you going to do about it?" Which unfortunately had actually happened on more than one occasion.
As with all things there was a handful of exceptions to a Vacou authorities line of thought. Murder for one, just wasn't tolerated. Also inappropriate sexual misconduct would be another, after that the granddaddy of them all would probably be stopping local female lead vocalist Milia Pheonia. From performing at a live concert, That last one might actually be the death penalty. Mercury wasn't sure and would have to check. Oh, and of course. Vacuo Law Enforcement also enforced the very law in which they were about to violate. As far as exceptions went. The Vacuo Registration Act was listed as being tied for the number one slot.
"See this regulation carried an importance to the town. And that importance had never been forgotten.
It had all taken place not long after the town of Vacuo was founded. In those days Vacuo was still a town and hadn’t yet become recognized as an Official Kingdom. And as a consequence the entire Desert Community was struggling to make ends meet. Things grew bad for the average Vacuo Citizen. Crime grew rampant and as a response the city grew dangerously close to being shunned by all other Kingdoms and communities. In an effort of self interest to ensure their communitys survival. The relatively law abiding citizens of Vacou banneded together and the VCRA was formed. Mostly out of a necessity. With It's one and only purpose being. The collection of a small non negotiable toll from all non-community and Outside Commercial Air Traffic. This small yet enforceable fine would be levied against any non citizens. Entering Vacuo Air Space from anywhere outside its borders. The upside to the fine was this. It provided the community with the funds to being keeping a stable police presence in the region. Any person caught failing to comply with this regulation. Could face jail time, community service, or Vessel impoundment. Mercury knew immediately that within another mile or so. The ship they were riding in would be flagged by the Vacuo Registration Board, One of the hidden security cameras placed in the desert would capture and transmit a photo of their vessel to a tech located at Jadeparks Merrygold International Airfield. Who would conduct a quick visual scan of the video for identifying marks against all incoming vessels expected on the docket. Finding no such non-mistakeable identifying features. The tech would then pass their case over to an Air Traffic Agent who would hail their vessel and inquire as to the nature of their visit. If they failed to show a legitimate reason for their trip. Such as a wedding or funeral that could be easily fact checked. The two criminals would be told where to land and have to pay the entrance fee. After that it would only be a matter of time before the Agent checked their faces against a criminal database and either matched those faces to a wanted poster or ran a check on the ships onboard computer and realized the ship was stolen. Mercury knew he had only moments to act. Within the next couple of miles Jadeparks International Air Traffic would be bringing them up on sensors. He had to say something.
"Tryian." Mercury said suddenly. Cut the speed to the engines, drop our elevation, slow this craft to a crawl, and set us on an easterly course twoards this Canyon. Mercury pressed his finger against the map located on the navagation route.
Tryian Callows looked towards his younger coworker. A whimsical simile of surprise. Shifting across his manic features. He started to say something off handed. Read an air of the seriousness running across the younger man's face. Shrugged then allowed his curiosity get the better of him. He quickly brought the throttle backwards reducing the crafts speed. Pushed foward on the steering column droping the crafts nose. When they were within a hundred feet of The Desert Sands Tryian leveled the craft off and asked.
"OK. Mr. Black care to explain why you just had me slow the ship?"
"Because, for the frist time since we started this little trip. You left the navigation console unlocked and I just saw our course destation."
"And." Tryian rolled his eyes, letting let the word hang.
Mercury took the bait. "And" He began. "It heads directly for the city."
"So what's wrong with that? The city is where we need to go. Or have you forgotten the purpose of our mission. Mr. Black!"
"What's wrong with that?" Mercury couldn't believe his ears. "We're moments away from being signaled by the VCRA and your course has us making a bee line directly for the city instead of the air field. That what's wrong."
As if to emphasize Mercury's point. Both of The Ship's dual communication modules began to ping. Next the flashing sensor lights. Stating that the ship was being hailed began to rotate through out the interior of the cockpit.
Tryian frowned as if he'd missed something obvious. His eyes drew slowly to the communications console located infront of him. One hand ran across his jaw line. Tryian nearly growled his next question. "Who the hell is that?"
Mercury's hands shot forth violently ripping the video cords from each of each communications console. Just as quickly, he shoved the cords haphazardly into his pants pocket. Then opted to grab for the push button transceiver. Each steering unit had an old fashioned push button transceiver. Nestled into the housing. Mercury grabbed the one infront of Tryian's piolit seat.
Looking to Tryian, Mercury said. "Tell me you have a reserved hanger at Jadeparks Airfield."
"No." Tryian said. Still bemused.
"Then let me do all of the talking." Mercury nearly whispered. "And for Gods sakes change our course and head us east away from the town and the airfield."
Tryian turned the ship East. Gestured towards his newest associate and said. "Let's see what you've got. Mr. Black.
Mercury's eyes went to the transceiver in his hand. He could feel his stomach tightening, his neck stiffen, and his throat was suddenly dry. Mercury sawolled hard. Somewhere in the back of his mind. He heard Marcus's voice, saying. "Your fiction has to be plausible, your demeanor impeccable, and your voice honest and believable. Now you try." For a moment Mercury was eight years old again. "Telling his frist real lie. He could imagine it visibly. A complete stranger. A woman, brown haired, in her late forties early fifties stood in front of him. His tiny voice had shook with every word as if he was scared. The young Mercury Black had begun by looking down towards the floor before stepping closer. To the strange woman. Mustering his courage. The tiny Mercury had blurted out. "Please help me miss. I can't seem to find my father."
The woman looked to him with genuine concern on her face. "Well where did you see him last." She ask.
"This way." Mercury said. Grabbing at the woman's hand. Then letting it slip through his fingers. Before bolting off ahead of her. Mercury headed Towards the alley. "Wait!" She called. As Mercury drew father and father away from her. He could remember her turning into the alley. Rember her calling out to him. "Little Boy are you here!" Those words of concern had been her last words. His Father had appeared behind her. Marcus had moved so fast it was a wonder the man wasn't a mirage. What Mercury had seen was her head snapping backwards. Her mouth opening to form a scream which had never come and a thin crimson line appearing across her throat. All Marcus had said to his son after the deed was done and her body had been disposed of was this.
"Now my boy you know how to lie. This is a skill Mercury. And one which will serve you well someday. Telling stories which aren't true is the same kind of skill as any other. The more you practice and hone this craft. The easier your technique will be to perform in your everyday life. And as you grow older. The more useful such a skill will become. It may even be the key to your very survival. "
Mercury Swallowed hard. Staring at a point on Tryian's neck. Then with steely confidence, he pushed the talk button on the transceiver. Before so much as a word could be spoken from Tryian or by the unknow voice on the other side. He gripped hard on the device in His left hand and began spouting lyrical nonsense. In the same fashion that the Long haul cargo piolits used to do. When Marcus and himself would travel between kingdoms.
"The desert air is hot, yet the A.C. works fine, and my looks rival on the damn divine. So I must ask to you out there, who have'th signaled me. Who do I have the pleasure of speaking to? Oh so verily. Answer me now and answer me quick. While I carve up time and space. With my oh so reliable ship." He then released the transceivers button and listened intently. Tryian in the seat beside him raised one eyebrow clearly wondering where all that had just come from.
The voice which filtered in through the speakers. Was Male, adult, and one hundred percent all business. Mercury listened intently. Hanging on every word being spoken. While simultaneously adjusting the channle settings of the ships other communications console. Located directly infront of Mercury's Co-Piolit Seat. Furiously Mercury began typing a code into the channel encryption module. When this was done he hit send and turned his attention back to the communications console in front of Tryians Piolit Seat.
"This is Vernan Tell. I am a Senior Agent with the Vacuo Citizens Registration Authority or the VCRA for short. We have a Tech over here at Jadeparks International Airfield. Who has noticed that your craft a White Mistral Elite Six, J, Thrity Two. Is not listed on our incoming manifest. Also according to your vessels trajectory we have made an assumption that your ship is pegged on a direct course toward The Kingdom itself. We here with the VCRA would like to accusation your reasons for travel to our fair kingdom and dissuade you from making the foolish error of heading directly into town airspace."
Mercury cut him off before Vernan Tell could say more. " Well if that ain't one of the friendliest voices I've heard all day. You said your name was Tell was it. I used to know this girl named Tell. Back in Mistral. Now that there was a perrty girl if there ever was one. Easy outgoing type too. Took her to prom senior year. Man I sure miss her. Anyway didn't you say something about needing to know the reasons for this here little road trip of ours?"
The Communications Console infront of Mercury began to light up. Before the buzzer could so much as sound Mercury released the talk button on the transceiver in his hand and grabbed the transceiver from the communications console infront of himself. Mercury knew Vernan Tell was going to repeat himself. The way he'd probably repeated himself hundreds of times, on a daily basis. Air Traffic Agents hated dealing with Crass, Crossed and Nit-Witted Across Kingdom Truckers.
Not sparing a moment. Mercury mashed the button on the Co-Piolit Transceiver and began reciting from memory. A password of rhythmic lines.
"In the Kingdom of Veil the Rats know it all. Information filters downwards through the cracks and crevices nestled in the wall. While in Mistral. The electronic webbing is spun. To make transactions easier for the Lords of Spider's and funds. For in the civilized world. This is how business is done. Yet here in Vacuo among the Desert Sand. Where Oceans run dry and wind upheavals the land. The Bats rule the nights through sound and fear. For the midnight hours are theirs. The message is clear. While the days belong to The One who cares. For all who subscribe to mischief and stolen wares. A fair lady who looks out for those in the organized world. A Mother tending to ducklings from every court in every pond. Oh Mother Goose are you there? Do you hear my quacks through the still morning air? If so then this Ugly Duckling of yours is in need. Show me love, care, and help me to succeed."
Mercury released the button switching back to the first conversation with Agent Tell. The man's no nonsense voice seemed perturbed with Mercury.
"I'll say again White, Mistral, Elite, Six, J. Thrity Two. What is the reason for your visit to our fair kingdom?
Mercury was perpared this time and was off to the races answering Tell's question.
"Oh that? That's an easy one Vernan my man. Can I call you Vern? Well you see Vern . My partner and I have worn ourselves down to a frazzle. There's only so many trips hauling freight between Mistral and Veil that two people can take before they're at their wits end. I mean we've been out there avoiding Grim, escaping bandit tribes, and still somehow insuring our freight arrives on schedule. It's all just been so..... exhausting. You know what I mean Vern." Mercury paused counting off the seconds in his head. Letting the implications of his words set in. When he counted to seven. He began speaking again with renewed vigor. "However, Were not gonna let that sort of thing stop guys like us. Are we Vern? Naw, not us. That's why Me and my Partner here. We got it in our heads that we need to blow off a little steam. Just like every other being on this world and after much drinks and inebriated discussion. We came to a very serious decision. A decision to party in the one and only Desert City. Were gonna See the sight. Take in the shows, Chat up a few girls and just generally relax. This is our vacation time after all Vern.
Mercury un-mashed the button, with a grin a mile long this was a performance worthy of the Mistral Theater Company.
"Breath." Mr. Black. Tryian said. Mercury drew in a deep breath. Saw that the Co-Piolits communication console had started talking at him and muttered. "No rest for the wicked." Quickly Mercury pointed Tryian to the speaker in the piolits seat. "Let me know everything Vern says." Then began listening to the voice playing through the Co-Piolits speakers.
"Hello there Ugly Duckling." A Woman's sensuous voice leeched in through the co piolits speakers. "This here is your Mother Goose. Letting you know your quacks for help haven’t fallen on deaf ears. Now before I can act there are a number of variables I need to know to solve the equation of your problems. For instance which Duckling am I speaking to?"
"No true Duckling at all my dear. Just a Young Gray Souled Fox traveling with a real nasty Porcupine. Trapped in a Flying Hen House, outside the town limits, and to make matters worse Mother Goose. I have no keys to the grand coup.
"Sit tight while We verify your identity Little Fox."
Mercury turned his attention back to Vernan. Tryian's mouth was hanging open. Clearly wondering what in the blue blazes was going on beside him. Mercury had barely spoken a hundred words on this trip, heck in all the time since Cinder brought the young man in. He'd barely spoken a thousand, and now all of a sudden he was carrying on multiple conversations at once. Reciting coded lines, conjuring a fictional persona, and reaching out to a mysterious unknown backer. Who was this boy and what had happened to the one he'd been saddled with?
"What has our friend Agent Vern said?" Mercury asked.
"The suit wants to know why we changed or trajectory and headed east. Also inquired into us having a reservation at the air field." Tryian recanted.
Mercury pushed the talk button and began talking with Vernan Tell once again.
"Vern my man. Sounds like you'd wish to know why we're headed East. Shoot that's an easy one. Old man Vin still got the track out there right? And anyone who can set the season record with their ship will win a free tank of fuel. Redeemable at Jadeparks Airfield correct? Well we want to experience everything Vacuo has to offer during our stay. So before we come in will be headed to Chargers Track. After that it's a quick trip to the airfield. Where will be docking at one of those private Bays. As soon as we're done at Chargers Track that is.
Mercury's eyes drifted to the copiolits communication console. He needed Mother Goose to come through for him and in a big way. Or he and Tryian would have to be done playing nicely. With Vernan Tell and everyone else in Vacuo.
"White, Mistral,Elite, Six, J. Thrity Two. I'm relived to hear you have a reservation. All I need from you now is to know the projected time of arrival and the identification code for the hanger. You plan on docking at." Vernan responded.
Mercury began crunching the numbers in his head. Calculating in the time for travel between the track and the airport. Then factoring in time to run through the course at least once. And finally adding himself an extra ten minutes to spare for a miracle. Mercury then thumbed the button and spoke into the transceiver.
"Around One hour and sixteen minutes until our arrival at the airfield. And the identification code for the hanger is right here inside the ship somewhere. I'm just going to need you to give me a minute or two to look for it. You see my friend. Who gave me hanger access told me not to lose it. So I put it here in the ship somewhere safe and might have forgotten exactly where I put it." Mercury sounded slightly defeated as he finished speaking then released the button.
Turning to Tryian Mercury said. "He's going to be furious. With an answer like that. Yet. That little story might have just bought us a couple of minutes. Still that storys not going to fly forever. At most I bought us a little over an hour.
Tell me about this track. Tryian said.
"Ok. The Track is something called a Buzzer Beater. You see a Buzzer Beaters is a strategically placed business set up and run by the Criminal Underworld. There's always a few places like Charager's Track set up in are around ever kingdom. If one knows where to look for them. Now a Buzzer Beater itself is a legitimate way for a wanted criminal to buy time for themselves. While under direct scrutiny from law enforcement. For example we showed up unannounced. Which is bad for us. The only thing. Working in our favor is this. The agent questioning us isn't physically here. To interrogate us with a direct line of questioning. So for our agent Vernan Tell to feel comfortable in questioning us over the radio. He has to feel secure in his ability to question us in person. Then why dose he feel secure questioning us over the radio? You ask. Because he has to only ask himself one question. To insure himself he has the upper hand here. Which he dose. And that question is this. Do we have enough fule to run and avoid him or are we going to be forced to land the ship somewhere. This distinction is what makes it possible for the Buzzer Beater to work. The agents obviously not going to have a team of Professional Huntsman borde and question every ship entering kingdom air space in person. It would cost the Kingdom too much capital to go this route. Instead they'll wait until the fule in our ship run out. Then send an emissary team of Huntsman and huntresses to our ship to search, interrogate, and arrest us. Likely led by our friend Vernan Tell. So theres no need for unnecessary action. Upfront on the agents part. He has us right where he wants us and he knows it. He has knowledge of the desert terrain, air and ground support at his disposal a vast network of cameras planted throughout the desert an army of tech support ready to assist in a search attempts, and he can order are vessel shot down if we fail to comply with even a single one of his demands. Of course all this make his moves predictable. You see his ace is the simple fact that ships such as this one generally don't carry enough fule to travel all the way out to Vacuo and return to the kingdom they filled up in originally. So he knows we're not going anywhere. This is where the Buzzer Beater comes into play. Criminals need to buy time while they make their arrangements. They Need something legitimate to do. That can't be argued with by a law abidingprofessional. So by partaking in an activity such as The track which the whole community can partake in before docking at the airfield. The track will gives us those few precious minutes to beat the buzzer so to speak.
Tryian looked at Mercury as if he was from another planet. He'd never thought much of the younger man until this moment and didn't know how to fell about having misjudged him.
"Now I see why Cinder kept you around. And Salem promoted you Mr. Black."
"Ugly duckling you still out there." Mercury brought the transceiver to his lips saying go ahead Mother Goose. I read you. Seems you check out. Gray fox how can your Mother Goose be of service."
"Mother Goose I require four things. Frist I'll need Private Hanger access. With a legal identification code. Secondly a decoy package with matching vessel Our is a White Mistral Elite, Six, J. Thrity Two. Thirdly We will also need Two stand ins claiming to be Across Kingdom Truckers, and fourth we will require a silent exit from the Airfield itself."
"That's a tall order Little Gray Fox. how much time do you have?"
"An hour." Mercury responded, then added. "If that."
"So no pressure then. Came a dry humorless reply "Can I also assume you'll need the identification code frist little Grey Fox?"
"You assume correct Mother Goose."
"Then only Hanger I have available belongs to the Bats will this be a problem Grey Fox?"
"Just tell them I have a Porcupine on board and I'd hate for them to get needles in their wings."
"Will do. Grey Fox. The identification code for the Hanger is Zero, Four, Eleven, Fourteen, Thrity Six. Will do, make sure the Bats know to expect a visit from the Sheep Dogs and a possible Sheppard."
"Understood Grey Fox and also welcome back to the Desert. My castleis yours for your stay." The line went dead. The otherside was no longer receiving any transmissions.
Mercury grabbed the transceiver and thumbed the talk button. "Vern are you still there?"
"Waiting anxiously with baited breath." Came Vernan Tell's sarcastic reply. "You better have that code for me. Or were going to have some real problems."
"I got it right here Vern found it in the walk in freezer of all places." Right under a half eaten pint of Electric Blue Fire Fudge. Anyways You got something to write with Vern. Hope you do. Here I go. Hanger Identification code. Zero, Four, Eleven, Fourteen, Thrity Six. Did you get that?"
"Copy that Mistral Elite and I got something for you too. Expect a collections committee member. To greet you when you land. And please enjoy the rest of your trip.
Several minutes later. Tryian Callows and Mercury Black. Found themselves approaching Charger's Track. To the left side of the Canyon Mouth setting alone atop the Canyon Wall. Located around two hundred feet above the Desert floor . Sat a tiny Orange building with a black and white checkered board pattern painted on one end. The only other notable feature A humongous Flashing Billboard. Which spaned the entire distance of the canyon opening. On the left side were the names and times for the top ten best drivers and runs. In the middle was two separate dollar figures amount. One posted above the other. The right side of the board contained an honorable mention's list with vessel dicription and times posted next to them.
Mercury slowed the craft using the copiolits steering column then turned the nessary knobs to engage in hover mode. The ship eventually leveled off. Once the ship wasn’t going anywhere Mercury grabbed the piolits communication console. Turning it to an open broadcast line Mercury set the dial to channel twenty three.
"To whoever is listening inside Charager's Track. Tell old man Vin he has a customer waiting outside for him. Mercury then went and opened the side door to the ship. A few minutes later an older gentleman bald headed standing six three with tattoos on both arms came walking out of the little building. He headed straight to a ship then flew it up to within feet of the open door. Once his ships hoover mode was engaged the Older man opened his door. Extended a bridge across and with clipboard in hand walked over to Tryian and Mercury's vessel.
"Hello Vin." Mercury said grining ear to ear. As the older man entered
The older man looked at the boy for several minutes before recognition hit him..
"Mercury." Vin said astonished. "By the gods. Its good to see you boy." Vin threw both his muscular tattooed arms around the younger man. "How have you been my boy?" Vin suddenly pushed away from the hug. Quickly giving Mercury a once over. "Did you get shorter somehow?" Then as if remembering himself. Vin said. "I'll bet your hungry. You and your..." he looked at Tryian. "friend here." Then turning back to Mercury. "Has that no account Father of yours been feeding you well. Because if he hasn't. I have an old fan belt inside. Which I'll use to tan the hide from his bones.
Mercury winced slightly perhaps not wanting to give Vin the news. "My Father isn't with us any longer Vin. He Passed sometime back."
"Oh!" Vin said in surprise. There was an instant where the life seemed to drain out of him. Then in a much more somber tone Vin spoke his truth. "Well can't say I'm sorry to hear that."
Tryian burst out in a fit of laughter.
Vin shot him a halfway dirty look. Before remembering himself. "Anyway I've got food inside I’ll throw something on the grill and we'll be eating in no time."
"Can't." Mercury said. "I'm working and am pressed for time. On one hand, Mother Goose is making arrangements for the two of us as we speak. And on the other. There's an Airport Agent montoring our ship on radar. If we don't dock soon he'll eventually send huntsman. To board, question, and detain us. I'd much prefer to avoid this outcome if possible. So..."
Vin cut him off. "So you need to run the track, post a credible time incase they check and get out. I got you. What time do you wish to actually post"
"Something nice not fast enough to get on the board yet not pathetic either. Have you had anyone make the board and fall off?" Mercury asked.
"Two." Vin replied. "I can get you in the middle with a quarter of a seconds in between them."
Thanks Vin Mercury said attempting to hand the Older man some money.
Well If you boys don't have time to eat I understand. Yet at-least let me pay the race fee for you.
Mercury started to protest. Except Vin shot him a look that said I won't hear of it.
As soon as Vin was back in his own ship The older man pulled the makeshift bridge back into his vessel. Then yelled out to them. "Lower your ship to the desert floor and place the nose of your craft on the starting line. Once the ships in place the countdown clock will begin. I'll be monitoring channel twenty three on coms. Mercury watched Vin fly his ship back to the tiny building. Then walked back and slumped tiredly into the copiolits seat. He was suddenly exhausted. All the mental work it took to keep the lies straight. Demanded a heavy toll. "It's the same as being in a prolonged fight. Mercury though. Easiest thing in the world to do. If all you do all day, day in and day out. Is fight. Brutal if you haven't been in that sort of environment for years and just come back to it suddenly." Days only half way over." He told Tryian. And we still got a job to do."
With that the unusually quiet Tryian Callows reved the Engine and took off for the starting line.
This has been a chapter by wolf and sheep200. I've enjoyed writing this and hope you enjoyed reading it. It was getting long so I'll try and write a follow up conclusion. Fell free to leave me a comment thank you for reading.
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greenkneesocks · 3 years
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Some art I had done for @ ACCME my writing bestie :-)
EDIT: I know jack shit about RWBY. Does it look like I know jack shit about RWBY? Obviously not. So if you’ve got some mean comment to make look at all the other shit I’ve posted and think....hmm....does this person know anything about RWBY or were they just posting something for a bestie?
Art drawn by: https://www.instagram.com/jkii_digital_art/
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lil-lil-pillow · 4 years
🥰😊🦂manifesting a new tyrian outfit next episode🦂😊🥰  
✨⭐️Like to charge and reblog to cast⭐️✨
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Personal Crack Pot Ship!
Fandom: RWBY
Ship: Tyrian Callows & Arthur Watts (IDK if there's an actual name for it so.... Ultra Violet?)
These two seem like total opposites and not even remotely romantic in the show but I ship it!
First of all, Tryian. He's a crazed scorpion villain devoted to spreading chaos and death. Yet he is a very intelligent character and established serial killer before he joined the big bad witch. So pairing him with Watts was extremely strategic on Salem's behalf. Because....Watts is a genius scientist that was disgraced in Atlas where both he and Tryian shine the best.
Volume 7 and 8 really allowed both to work completely in sync. And was the basis for this crackpot ship. Even without the context for genuine romance, it is fun thinking about these two as just a rogue pair of villains separate from the main plot, or just a fun dynamic in any place not just the show it was in.
Oh but just imagine them in a romantic relationship....heh heh...
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violetren · 4 years
Only Tryian Callows can make you feel bad for a grimm.
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wolfandsheep200 · 3 years
When Tryian Callows and Mercury Black arrived in the air space surrounding the desert Oasis of Vacuo. The mismatched pair of killers had been expecting to have several beneficial puzzle pieces. Working together in their favor.
The most crucial pieces of any puzzle Mercury knew. Was always the borders. In this case the borders which made up the puzzles foundation were time and anonymity. In the case of time. Salem herself had taken serval steps to insure that for their mission time would be on the side of her two appointed henchmen. To accomplish this task.. Salem had intentionally led the Grim forces at her disposal to Atlas in such a path that all stations montoring air traffic between Atlas and Vacuo were no longer exzestient. Mercury could only imagine the horror of the normal everyday people working inside those buildings. He shudder slightly putting himself in their place. The terror of being suddenly and savagely flooded upon by a torrent of angry snapping fangs and gapping maws.
While it was true that Mercury had never had anything nice to say about Atlas personnel. Some tiny part of himself couldn't stop from wondering if those people deserved their fate. It had been this very line of thought that had brought Mercury to thinking about their death from Salems perspective. For Salem the lives of the people inside those buildings were nothing more than acceptable losses from a position of strategy. She had everything to gain by destroying all those lives and concenquently the technology and equipment they were stationed to use and guard. Yes from the players position on the board the carnage delivered was nothing more than a single nessary stroke. In the case of each building. Atlas personnel had been prevented from getting off even one single word of warning to the blissfuly ignorant Atlas populace. This single gambit on Salem's part had accomplished three moves in the span of one turn. The frist move being. Atlas front line of communication had been effectively cut off leaving Atlas a sitting duck in a shooting gallery. The second being Atlas would have little to no hope of calling out for help from another kingdom before the big showdown was to take place. Atlas would have to stand its ground with the army it had and nothing else. The thrid move. Was in giving Tryian Callows and Mercury Black the oppurtunity to travel between kingdoms without any person being aware of their presence. To insure this Mercury and Callows had left Atlas air space right as the fight had begun. Mercury, when not piloting the ship. Had sat back in the passenger cabin dozing in a leather bound chair. During this free time he had used the slience to contenplate all the angles inside his head. And upon seeing the scope of the project found himself a little overwhelmed at seeing the size and scope of the entire puzzle.
Mr. Black Tryian Callows called from inside the captains cabin. We're making our final approach. Now I'd like you up here to help me land the craft.
Mr. Black was his Father. Mercury still somehow hadn't gotten use to hearing the name Mr. Black. The scorpion bastard in the captains cabin had only taken to calling him that after Salem had prompted him. If the insect had spoken his family Name in that slimy tone to Mercury Father. Then Marcus Black would have delighted in smearing his guts upon the wall of the aircraft. Mercury however was a whole different breed of nightmare than his Father. He had nethire his father's power nor physical brute force. It would take him a little longer to deal with an unstable enity like Tryian Callows. So until that moment came Mercury had decided to play nice. He would attempt to use the fanus to complete the job and the moment the contract was fulfilled. He would be returning alone. With report of his success to Salem.
I'll be right there Mercury shouted.
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wolfandsheep200 · 4 years
My observations and general theories on the Rwby Character of Mercury Black.
The one thing you can say about Mercury Black is his demeanor is a constant. For the most park Mercury is a very quiet Character and deliberate Character. He's quick with a comeback when speaking to Emerald and went out of his way to avoid speaking with Rwby. Everyone loves to poke a little fun at this Character for smelling a boot. Yet I'd like to look at this a little more seriously. So Strap in and let's see what this funny little scene say about Mercury's Character. Emeralds approached Ruby Rose and her three team mates to obtain information important to Cinder Fall. This could easily be something she could have accomplished on her own yet Mercury is nearby. He takes no part in the conversation. Yet when Emeralds is asked to spend time with Ruby's group. Mercury disturbing antics give Emeralds the perfect excuse to politely decline. Not only is he watching the back of someone he's working with I could argue he had that set up.
Next I'd like to skip around a little and prove Mercury is a capable fighter. Frist He shown being fast enough to out run bullets, coordinated enough to work in conjunction with a partner to separate a pair of skilled fighters, and agile enough to take a blow from a stronger opponent then use the momentum from the blow to put that opponent into a position where they could have been seriously injured by their own ally. On top of that in combat Mercury has landed a blow on a Madien. Leapt fearlessly through magical fire. And defeated his own father in combat. When one starts compiling a list of offensive feats the list goes on and on.
Now let's look at his losses. He lost to Ruby's sister Yang not once yet twice. And is Currently holding an L. To Salem's resident physotic scorpion. The frist lost to yang could be argued and defended as intentional. In the fight Mercury brings Yang down to the equivalent of one hit point remaining before intentionally pandering to the audience of the arena. Yang the makes an upsetting comeback. To victory which leaves her feeling proud of her self. An emotion Mercury needs her to feel to get a desired response. Just like when he smells a boot to trigger a desired response. Yangs elated to have won when emerald triggers her power to make yang believe she been attacked by her vanquished opponent. Next he loses to yang a second time yet for a different reason. Being someone with artificial limbs Mercury is caught unaware and potentially horrified for yang when her arm which was flesh and bone in their last encounter detached and is robotic. Perhaps sympathy for Yang played a part in this. Now the big loss a one hit engagement with Tryian Callows. Mercury reaches a heated discussion where he finally reveals information about himself. Only for the Scorpion to ruin the moment. He claims he has no power. Which could very well be legitimate. Acts as if he never knew Tyrian was easy droping then loses a fight in one blow. This loss is tricky because the Scorpion is a fast character and might be that much faster. Yet One could argue that Mercury Black knew his opponent was there. Provided false information to get him to show himself, worked with his partner to accomplish this, and managed to reinforced the idea that he is no threat to Tyrian. Just like sniffing a boot man. This is just a theory anyway. Its all in fun please take it with a grain of salt.
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wolfandsheep200 · 4 years
Chapter 5: Connection and Broken Pathways.
Having concluded his meeting with Salem. Mercury Black hurridely traversed the labyrinth of corridors inside Salem's castle. There was no time to waste he had to find Emerald and Cinder and inform them that Salem expected Cinder to betray Salem's trust. If he could do that then he could potentially avoid a troublesome incident. Mercury scanned every room as he passed them by. Once during his search he saw Tryian. The maniac was standing upside down. With his feet planted firmly on the ceiling. While being held in place by his mechanical tail which was wrapped firmly around a pipe. Mercury crossed the doorway quickly and quietly. Doing his level best to make sure he passed by unnoticed.
Marcus Black. Had a saying when it came to the Tryian Callows of the world. Mercury's Father used to say. "There is always a time and a place to eliminate trouble makers. The key is to make sure there is absolutely no witnesses. Living or otherwise when you performthe deed." This saying was all Mercury could think of as he passed by Tryian.
"Now is neither the time, nor the place."
Mercury moved on un assaulted as he looked through room after vacant room. He then checked their quarters. It was there in Emeralds room that he got his frist hint. That he was too late to stop them. His frist hint that the pair had left him without so much as a word. Mercury stared angrily at the empty spot in which Emerald normally hung her weapons. If her weapons were gone then most likely they were as well.
"So that's how it is." Mercury thought." All of you up and leave and the only person who tells me that there not going to be where there supposed to be is Neopoilitan. The most limited one of the bunch. When it comes to verbal communication."
All it took from there to confirm his suspicion was to check the hangar. Only one ship was missing the one Neo had indicated she be leaving in. Mercury didn't have to be a rocket scientist to put two and two together. His thoughts however filled with sarcasm.
"So Neo. It might have beehoved you to be like. Ha Merc. Cindy an Em snuck out with me on the flight. Just figured someone ought to give you a little heads up since where working together as a team and all.
That thought brought another. Reminding Mercury of Neo's broken aura through her crumbling clone. "I wonder if Cinders responsible for breaking your aura?"
Mercury's thoughts were cut off by the buzzing of his watch. Mercury peeled back the long sleeves revaling a Mark and Timer unbreakable steel wristwatch. Quickly he shut off the alarm. Taking note of the time. "Ah cripes. I forgot all about Hazel. Quickly Mercury turned and began making his way towards the kitchens. Twelve minutes later he found the big man standing over a pot of Coffee drinking directly from the fresh brewed pot.
Your late. Is all Hazle said as Mercury entered the kitchen.
"I do apologize about that." Mercury said. "I had a meeting with our queen and after the meeting was over my thoughts got the best of me and my mind wandered.
Hazel smiled a big gigantic wonderful smile. "So she finally called you in did she? I wondered when it would happen. Did it go well?"
"Yes. Mercury responded. "I'd have to say. It went well. She promoted me. Though please don't tell Cinder. I'd like to tell her myself it would mean more coming from me."
Hazle nodded and the two began walking towards the training room. As they walked they continued talking. Hazle spoke frist between sips of coffee.
"Then this shall be the last time we will get to spar. So spar with me today as equals."
"It would be an honor. To spar with you as an equal Hazle."
"The honors all mine boy. That's the reason I put you in for that promotion. Because I saw the way you reacted after we were defeated at Haven Academy. Most people would have just went and moped. Not you thought you walked right up to me and called me out for being too slow. You spoke up pointing out. How that brat took me apart. And you even offered a solution identifying your own personal flaw of not having a sparing partner to practice with. In the process.
Hazle put down the coffee on a small table before waking to the center of the large training room. Mercury fiddle with the alarm on his watch. The two combatants faced each other. Bowed low. Then retreated a number of steps before taking up their fighting stances.
"Hazle have you noticed how much leaner you've become from just our daily sparing sessions. In just a few months. You've taken all that muscle sized it down and made yourself faster for it. Before you were terrifying because you were an unstoppable monster. Now you'll be terrifying because you have all that size and strength and they won't be able to keep up with your speed."
"Thrity points. Hazel said. No matter whats going on when the thirtieth blow is struck on one side. The contest is over. Agreed.
Mercury said. "Agreed" with resounding tenacity.
The watch alarm rung out and both men launched themselves ferociously at each other.
Two and a half hours later Mercury returned to his quarters. To shower and change clothes. It had been a good match. And when it was done both himself and Hazel had been exhausted.
Mercury dressed then layed down on top of the large bed. He had no desire to crawl under the covers and mess them up. He had made the bed this morning and did not fill like making it again. Several hours later he heard the door to his room open.
Mercury's head jerked upwards to see Neopoilitan standing in the doorway. He rested his head back against the pillow.
Are you ok? He asked aloud. Neopoilitan walked around the bed to the opposite side in which he took up space and layed with her back to the mattress. The two laid there like that in complete silence for several minutes. Not moving our talking. Finally Mercury broke the silence.
"Careful I might take advantage of you." Neopoilitan swung her fist into Mercury's solar plexus. Mercury's body curled upwards on the bed. "Alright fine." Mercury wheezed. "If your gonna be like that you can take advantage of me."
Neopoilitan hit him again. When Mercury stopped coughing. He reached over grabbed her hand and Tapped his finger once against her palm. Saying "Yes." Then tapped twice saying. "No"
He then turned her hand over. So her hand rested on top of his own.
"Your aura broke. Was it Cinder?" Thump,Thump.
"Were you successful in whatever it was you were doing." Thump, Thump.
"Was there any causalities on our side?" Thump. Thump.
"Did Emerald and Cinder go with you?" Thump.
"Are they injured?" Thump.
"Emerald?" Thump, thump.
"Cinder then?" Thump.
"Are we still together in this?" Thump.
Mercury rose from the bed. "Then I have damage control to run. I'll fill you in on everything from my end when I get back.
The door opened and Mercury left His partner lying there. To sleep it off.
This has been an exciting chapter to right I hope you have enjoyed reading it. As much I have enjoyed writing it. As always leave a comment if you wish. And have your self a safe and happy new year. This chapter is a work of fan fiction and if provided by wolf and sheep 200.
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