#tsuki the cinderace
askamelanisticvee · 2 years
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Nora and her team. Not everyone has a name yet, but working towards it! A few peeks towards Mochi’s life before Noir.
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pumpkachubby · 5 years
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Introducing Tsuki the Cinderace! 
The partner of Gregory and another member of the Obsidian Guild, a strong, cheerful and friendly adventurer, here are some facts about him:
Tsuki was found 5 years ago by Petrov’s dad in the Wild Area with multiple injuries in the left side of his body and no memories, he haven’t remember anything of his past until now but he doesn’t mind, he loves his current life.
His name means “moon” in japanese, it was given by Petrov’s dad because he likes an old tale about rabbits living in the moon, and since Tsuki was only a Scorbunny when he found him he called him that. it was supposed to only be temporarly until he regained his memories but that haven’t happen.
The patch he is wearing on his left leg was part of a jacket that was gifted to him when his injuries were fully cured, it was torn apart in a fight but he treasures that remaining patch
He likes to tease Gregory calling him different names such as Greg, Gory, Yorge, Regor, etc. any the possible anagram of his name.
He can’t stand spicy food
Tsuki has a very bad sence of orientation, he says that maps are his biggest weakness
He is really close to Petrov’s parents, specially his dad since he saved him, to the point he would do anything for his sake.
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poke-trainer-tsuki · 5 years
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Pokémon Headcanon Meme from @memeingovermemes
Hi there! My name’s Tsuki and I’m from Kalos! I figured I would just answer all of these as my introduction to you all!
☀️ : Who is your character’s partner Pokémon? Do they prefer to stay outside of their Pokéball? What’s their dynamic with their trainer?
Back home, my partner was (and still is) Pumpkaboo! When I was around 9, my mother and I were taking a walk and came across a lone Pumpkaboo on our normal route in the local forest. I got so excited and my mother helped me catch her and ever since, we have been best friends! She is shy like me and really only likes to stay out of her Pokéball when we are at home or somewhere familiar to her. She’s EXTREMELY sweet, but very protective of me since we’ve been together for what feels like forever.
🌗 : Does your character have a favourite Pokéball? Which ones do they use the least?
My favorite Pokéball would have to be the Moon ball. I remember the first time I ever saw one, and immediately fell in love. Space has always been super interesting to me and seeing a ball with the moon on it, just made me so happy and excited. I once tried to be slick and try to catch an Umbreon in a Moon ball. I learned VERY quickly that it wasn’t going to work. I still managed to catch the Umbreon that day though so I wasn’t too sad. The ball I use least is probably the Luxury ball or the apricorn balls. Ones super expensive and the others are SUPER rare.
💾 : What is your character’s Pokémon team? Any Pokémon they don’t  have currently in their team (in their PC Box or elswhere)?
As of right now while traveling through the Galar region, my team consists of, a “Gigantamax” (I think that’s what they called it) Corviknight, My Pumpkaboo, Cinderace, Silvally (Whom I caught as Type Null while traveling through Alola), Flapple, and Zacian. I think back home I caught maybe only 50 Kalos originating Pokémon and MAYBE 40 Alolan Pokémon. In Galar, I have completed my Pokédex and then some!
😀 : Describe one of your character’s relationships with their Pokémon.
My relationship with my Pumpkaboo has such a different dynamic than my other Pokémon. She’s basically my sister at this point and I wouldn’t have it any other way. I remember when I was little, I was extremely afraid of the dark and honestly I still kind of am, but she would act as my nightlight and make sure nothing scared me at night. Most people think that all ghost Pokémon give you nightmares, and while some do, she has never done that to me.
👥 : Does your character travel with anyone aside from their Pokémon?
So far during my time in Galar, I’ve been traveling alongside my friend “Panda”! He’s learning as much as he can so he can officially be a professor one day so any time I have a question, he’s right there to answer to the best of his ability! Right now, he’s teaching me the ins and outs of putting together a great competitive team.
♠️ : Does your character specialize in a Pokémon type or do their types vary? Do they pay much attention to type match-ups?
I don’t really specialize in any certain type of Pokémon. Though I do prefer having a great speed stat so I am able to move first (unless the opposing trainer uses a priority move). I do my best at remembering type match ups. When Pokémon become dual types is when I have the most trouble though.
🗻 : What type of journey is your character on? Are they tackling the Pokémon League, engaging in contests, on researching endeavors, a ranger scouting for danger? Or do they have a more ‘normal’ occupation? What type of life do they lead?
I recently decided to take part in the Galar Gym Challenge. I am definitely nervous doing these challenges, but I’ve been learning so much from each and every gym leader here! Back home, I was more of a breeder/groomer in my spare time.
🌟: Has your character met any Legendary Pokémon before? If so, what were the encounters like? Do they have any Legendary Pokémon on their team? If not, do they believe in Legendary Pokémon?
I have only met two Legendary Pokémon so far. In Alola, it was Type Null whom I managed to evolve into Silvally while in Galar, and Zacian in Galar. Both encounters were extremely scary and nerve wracking to me. It took so much patience and effort to get Type Null to trust me back then, but I don’t regret it one bit. Even now, there are days where he has his moments of distrust, but I always manage to calm him down and remind him that I’m not here to hurt him. He prefers to sleep near me at night as well just like Pumpkaboo does and honestly I wouldn’t have it any other way. Zacian on the other hand acts like a guard dog at night and if something is wrong he alerts Silvally before waking me up. It’s definitely a weight off my mothers shoulders knowing I’m being protected so well though.
🍼 : Are there any Pokémon your character has difficulty handling? Are there any they find easiest to raise?
Right now, Silvally has been a little hardheaded and doesn’t listen to me sometimes. He hasn’t really been aggressive or anything, but I might have to take him to a professor to get him checked out because I’m worried something’s wrong. As much as I love Nurse Joy, I don’t think she has the knowledge on him in that regard.
🐤 : Does your character use Daycares? Or do they manage all the training and caretaking themselves?
I do my absolute best to take care of my Pokémon myself. I also prefer to oversee my Pokémon when it’s mating season as well. You learn a lot about them when you’re the one in charge and I love learning!
🕶 : Are there ‘troublemaking’ Pokémon on your character’s team? If so, how do they tackle these troubles?
I don’t think I’ve ever really had a troublemaker on my team except MAYBE Mimikyu when he’s having a bad day. But usually when that happens, I take him out for some “alone time” with me and I treat him to special poké-treats and playtime.
🥘 : Is your character any good at making Poffins?
I’d say I’m pretty good at it! Definitely not the best, but my Pokémon seem to enjoy the ones I make!
🎊 : If your character takes part in contests, what category is their favourite? What are the best at? What are they worst at?
Oh gosh. I’ve tried my hand at contests...they definitely aren’t for me. I’ll just keep to making Poké-treats and grooming my Pokémon.
📱 : How full is your character’s Pokedex?
I haven’t completed my Kalos dex, nor my Alolan dex as of yet. However Galar was the first dex I was able to complete with the help of my friend whom I call “Panda”.
✨ : Has your character ever encountered a shiny Pokémon ? Do they have one in their team?
Funny enough, my Pumpkaboo that my mother helped me catch whom I brought to Galar with me, was shiny! I remember asking my mother why she was purple instead of orange like the ones I saw in my textbooks from school, and she explained to me that my Pumpkaboo was rare and super special. Recently in Galar, I encountered and caught a shiny magikarp in this instance event they called a “raid”. I was able to get him to evolve into Gyarados and to be blunt, I think I prefer his shiny form over his natural colors!
🎲 : Has your character ever been to a Game Corner or equivalent? How much time do they spend there? Have they ever gotten really lucky at the slots?
I’ve been MAYBE a handful of times with Panda, but I usually don’t spend a lot of pokédollars. I’m never lucky when it comes to playing games like Panda is, so I just end up watching him play and cheer him on.
🌑 : How does your character handle villainous organizations? Have they ever encountered one? How did that go?
Back home, I was utterly terrified with my first ever run in with Team Flare. I’ve always been super shy and take things to heart too much. By god when I had to battle Lysandre, I thought I was going to faint, that’s how intimidating he was to me. But as I continued to travel, I learned new ways to cope and now in Galar, I’m not so scared. Team Yell for sure isn’t as intimidating as Team Flare back home as of yet.
⛔️ : Has your character ever mistaken an owned Pokémon for a wild Pokemon and tried to catch it?
I probably have when I was a tiny child, but as I’ve been older to understand really how catching Pokémon works, I have never mistaken one for a wild Pokémon. Thankfully.
🚴: Does your character own a bicycle? Can they ride it? Are they constantly lectured by their professors for riding it where they’re not supposed to?
I do have one! I obtained one a little into my journey in Galar! It’s super cool! It has a Rotom inside it to help me go faster and ride across water! I haven’t been lectured about riding it though. Now back home however, I had a pair of roller blades and my professors would CONSTANTLY have to remind me to take them off when going inside anywhere because I would always forget I’d be wearing them.
🎣  : Does your character fish? Do they have any luck with it? If so, what’s the biggest Pokémon they’ve caught? What’s the smallest?
I do here and there. Most of the time I don’t really find anything exciting. The biggest thing I’ve found was a Luvdisc in Alola and the smallest was a Wishiwashi in Galar.
🎃 : Do any Pokémon types unsettle your character? Do they have a phobia of them? Why?
Oh my gosh! I have such a phobia of bug type Pokémon! I had a scary run in with a spinarak a good few years ago and have had the phobia since. I’ve never liked bugs to begin with though so this bad experience just made it worse.
📖 : Did your character go to Pokémon School? If so, was it public or private? Were they homeschooled?
I did! I went to a public school as my parents were never gifted with the kind of money needed to send me to a private school. Though, I met Panda YEARS after I finished school through another friend of mine. As a child I absolutely hated school, but as I grew older, I became so much more interested in learning about Pokémon that I grew to enjoy it more and more as the years passed.
I hope you all were able to get to know me a little better and I hope I can learn more things from new people soon! Feel free to send me asks as I’ll answer them as best as I can!
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askamelanisticvee · 2 years
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[I promise I’m still here. Just…quiet for the time being. RL still is more crazy than I’d like.]
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pumpkachubby · 4 years
The Guild’s Master
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Petrov, Crescente and Koh are on their way to meet Tsvetko, Petrov’s father, at the Obsidian Guild but how are they gonna react to the reality of the situation? Check it in this new chapter~
Check past chapters! Pumpkaboo Hunting:  >Part 1< - >Part 2< - >Interlude< - >Part 3< - >Part 4< Before the trip : Sven’s reflections - Little Argument - Taking care of Knoll - Aerial Preparations - Trip to Galar - : First encounter  - The Guild’s Master 
The Obsidian Guild is in one of the northern towers of the old city, we only arrived the day before and Petrov, Koh and I were already in our way to meet his father. I was still slim and shorter than usual but I kinda enjoyed seeing Petrov bigger than me so that vision of my boyfriend kept me happy. He was wearing the guild’s uniform and asked us to wear a couple of matching hats, apparently this way everyone would recognize our status or something. Knoll was sleeping inside of a pocket of my shirt, but apparently he was quite interested in meeting Tsvetko.
When we arrived to the guild everyone in there went silent, I have never seen Petrov this serious, he really was playing the role of the son of the guild’s master. Around the hall the walls had all kinds of petition papers, as Koh explained to me in our way here, each one had different level of urgency and difficulty, and adventures who belonged to the guild could take them based on their own rank which was noticeable  by their outfit: The lowest tier did not had anything more than a credential, since most of them just joined, but when they are promoted they are given the guild’s jacket, it can be personalized but they all have the guild’s symbol in the back, Tsuki belongs to this rank. From the next rank onward they receive a badge that they must use all the time, they can go take difficult missions but can only go alongside others of the same rank to them. The next one are given a golden cord to go along with the badge, those in this rank can take higher difficulty missions and take members of lower ranks with them. The fourth tier are given a personalized cape, it is embodied with protective magic and are a very valuable object, only given to those of high trust, they can do administrative work too like Gregory, who belongs to this one. The fifth tier is given a second cord with healing proprieties, given only to those who can potentially inherit the ownership of the guild or being the head of their own branch, they have a voice in any important guild decision and must attend to aid in any life-treating situation. Petrov belongs to this tier because he is the son of the founders of the guild but apparently he is quite strong. Rompt told me once that he would never have a physical fight against Petrov because he couldn’t point how strong he really was… I tried to ask about this last night at dinner but he avoided the question. Apparently the final Tier has a third cord, showing their status as the master of the guild, only Petrov’s dad, mom and her new wife has this rank.
We kept walking on the hall as everyone looked at us, it was quite embarrassing specially for Koh who just held my arm and Petrov’s cape. The matching hats we were wearing indicated we were Petrov’s romantic partners, so in theory we had the same rank and authority as him but still… it was a little overwhelming. Down the hall there was a large counter where Tsuki and Gregory were waiting for us, I never saw any of them before but I could tell by how Koh described them. You could expect them to be a little less tense than the others but it was clearly not the case: Tsuki was sweating and doing his best to avoid Petrov’s eyes and Gregory was rhythmically moving one of his legs, making him shake a little but noticeable anyway. I know we come for something important but it looked more that these two were hiding something and were about to be found out instead of expecting us to come.
“Seems like you had a good flight, what do you think of Galar?” – Said Gregory, trying to break the ice.
“We arrived yesterday so I haven’t seen much, but I am not here doing tourism anyway.” – Petrov laid his hands in the counter as he got closer to Gregory – “You know I came here to see my father.”
“Hi yes sir please follow me!” – Shouted Tsuki at his left, I couldn’t help but to feel sorry at the poor guy, Koh looked at him worried, then at me trying to ask me my opinion on this odd scenario but I was just as lost as him.
We followed him through a large door at the corner of the room, after a little corridor we went upstairs until we saw another old door, it said “Guild’s Master room” on a little sign, apparently he wasn’t the only one who lived there, a large room with beds for the members of the guild was available at all times, but the Master had his own room.
“Be- Before you enter, there is something we need to tell you, Petrov…” – Said Tsuki very nervous, making Gregory uncomfortable
“You have been lying to me, right?”- He responded very calm with his hand in the doorknob – “I knew something was odd from the very beginning: My dad can be quite assertive but he is not a predator, you probably don’t know this since it’s an old family story, but apparently my dad never had the confidence to date anyone before my mom, he is a total inept when it comes to flirt and give compliments so I knew you two were lying. I decided to come here to see with my own eyes the reason you two decided to go all the way to Kalos only to lie at my face”
The two stayed in silence looking at the floor, apparently they did not expected Petrov to find out so quickly and be so calmed about it, but even so their plan worked and here we were, in front of his dad’s room.
Upon opening the door we could see the mess it was inside: clothes, candy wrappers, soda and beer cans lying around a large sofa at the other side of the room, with a regular tv in front of it showing what it looked like a superhero show. Suddenly a large figure that was resting on the sofa sat up.
“I told you… you can take care of things!! If you want me to sign anything just leave it on the entrance…” – Said the person with a deep voice that clearly was quite sleepy. Both Koh and I looked at Petrov who just indicated us to not move, as he walked in.
“What is the meaning of this mess, father?” – He asked, making the figure quickly get up and turn around in shock. I have only seen Mr. Tsvetko in photos, he looked like a strong and muscular old man on his forties, proud of his physique and his work as an adventurer wearing his uniform with honor, but the man in front of Petrov’s looked nothing like I was expecting: his hair was a total mess and his belly was a good match to his son’s, wearing a tank top and a couple of boxers with a dark sleeping coat, that clearly had candies on it’s pockets. He was so shocked he tripped and fell on his back. Petrov didn’t seem to care and stayed there, looking down at his father.
After a few uncomfortable seconds Petrov spoke again:
“What’s the meaning of this!?” – He said looking at the other side of the doorframe at Tsuki and Gregory who ran away in panic. – “I can’t believe this mess… ” – He sighed as he took off his cape and hat and sat down on the sofa, inviting his dad to join him at his side. The old man stood up and sat down to his side, they seemed to have a little trouble fitting together.
“Mom’s new life really affected you, right?” – He asked to his father. – “Why did you not talked to me about it? You always said you were fine and sounded like always so I had no way of knowing…”
“But… parent’s shouldn’t involve their children in their own problems, right? –asked the father, his voice was low and you could notice he was holding back tears - That’s what you said when you left to go live by yourself…  I am fine with her new partner, she is an awesome woman that can make her happy, I’m truly happy for your mom but… when we finished the opening of the Hoenn branch and I came back to this empty room I got really scared, I… I realized that I was alone, it was the first time I had to face the reality that her happiness meant my solitude, sure I have everyone in the guild by my side but… it’s not the same… I… I don’t want to be alone Petrov…”
“I am here now dad.” – He said, making his dad break into tears.
 Koh and I decided to wait downstairs, it was a very intimate moment and we had no place there for now.
After around half an hour Petrov came back and asked us to come with him to properly introduce us to his father. When we entered the room once again Mr. Tsvetko was wearing more proper clothes, a, very thigh, pair of jeans and a big pink sweater.
“Dad, these are Crescente and Koh, they are…”
“You boyfriends! I know! Pleased to meet you two, I am Tsvetko but you can call me dad, please take care of my son!...  Sorry about this mess… I didn’t want to meet you in such a poor shape…” – He said as he grabbed his large belly.
“With a lot of respect sir, I think you look fantastic”- Said Knoll coming out of my pocket, surprising him.
“Wha- who…?” – He looked confused at his son at the sight of the tiny guy hanging around my chest.
“This little guy is Knoll” –He said as he grabbed Knoll with one hand and got him closer to his dad – “It’s a long story but he is an older version of Koh from another world.”
“Oh, I remember you mentioned him before, I just wasn’t expecting people from other world’s to be this small, pleased to meet you little buddy!”
“I’m older than you, you know? And normally I am around the same height as Koh but I got shrunk for… medical reasons.”
“What an interesting situation! Would you mind telling me all about it?”
“Sure!” – Shouted Knoll as he jumped off Petrov’s hand to Tsvetko’s beard, but was grabbed once again by Petrov before he could land.
“Not so fast you, there are a lot of things to do first” -Said the son as he threw the tiny guy at us.
“What… do you mean?” –Asked the father.
“What do you mean you don’t know, your room is a mess, there is a pile of request no one has approved lying at the entrance, and you have gotten so big I can bet you don’t have much clothes to wear, right? Don’t worry dad, we are here to help you come out of this. You are not alone”
“Petrov…” – Said his father, barely containing his tears.
“No time for that again now, maybe later. Ok? I’ll be taking temporal command of the guild, I’ll ask Gregory and Tsuki to help Crescente cleaning your room, it will be ok in no time. Koh will make you some nice fitting new clothes. Everyone is gonna help, right guys?” – He commanded with such a conviction it was hard to argue, it’s true that I like to clean and I’m fast at it, after all I have an extra pair of hands in my scarf, Koh only sighed in agreement and he took out a measuring tape of his pockets, apparently he was ready for something like this to happen. Knoll was enjoying the moment, laughting at how busy everyone was gonna be until Petrov grabbed him once again and stared at him cold in the eye.
“You are too tiny to be of help in any of this, so…” – He said as he dropped the tiny man on his father’s hand. – “Now you can have Knoll, dad. He can be a tiny little pervert but he is also very nice to have around. Have fun with him.”
“Petrov! You shouldn’t treat him like that, isn’t he a person too! There is no reason to be this cold.” – Replied his dad feeling sorry for the tiny guy sitting on his hand.
“I want to help you with everything I can dad, that means I’ll have to do your work in the guild because you need a proper vacation, but that also mean I’ll not be able to be around all of the time to take care of him too… so I want you to that for me instead, I’m trusting my friend to you dad, do you think you can do it?”
Mr Tsvetko looked down at Knoll and then replied to his son with a loud and happy “yes” lifting his fist on the hair, completely forgetting about Knoll on his fist. He got really worried he hurt him but we immediately explained how he was quite durable.
After sending his dad to the bathroom we started with the cleaning, Petrov was organizing the unread request when I approached him with a question.
“I get that you don’t want your dad to be alone, but do you really think it’s a good idea to leave Knoll at his care?”
“I think it’s the best for both of them” – Interrupted Koh who was collecting old clothes, seeing what he could repair or use – “Didn’t knoll just went through a similar experience? It would be best for both to see each other experience.”
“Exactly, we still need to check on them from time to time so they don’t get depressed together, but I have high hopes from them.”
“Wait a moment, please tell me you are not planning to make Knoll date your dad…” – I asked really worried, it really gave me a bad feeling about all of this.
“Of course not! That would be really weird, after all he HAS Koh’s face! I don’t want a new dad that looks like my own boyfriend!”
“You guys realize that I am here, right? –Interrupted Koh with a cold stare –“Besides I thought it was already clear enough that we may be different versions of each other but we are not the same person… Knoll have feelings for Sven but at the same time they are both lonely old men, if anything happens just let them be, ok? We don’t even know if they will be able to get along and you two are already considering them dating, calm down a little!”
Upon this statement we decided to stop theorizing and get back to work, there are more to do than we expected after all. I wonder what everyone else is doing… after all we are not the only ones who come to Galar with things to do.
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pumpkachubby · 5 years
Pumpkaboo Hunting: Part 2
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Who is this happy Cinderace? Who is he going to meet? Find it in this new chapter!
Check the last chapter here: Pumpkaboo Hunting Part 1
“I have to be honest Knoll, I didn’t expect you to come and help me in taking Crescente’s measurements”- I said as we walked though the forest going back to my home.
“Well, he is too huge so I figured you wouldn’t be able to do it alone, right?”- He said as he started to walk faster, avoiding eye contact.
“You are lying, did Petrov said something?”
“Glad to see that your senses are getting sharper. Yeah he mentioned how you needed his help when you took Crescente’s measurements after he was done getting fatter, so he asked me if it was ok if I helped you… and you know I would never say no to being close to a fat body.”
“Let me remind you that he is my boyfriend now”
“I’m joking! Also, if I wanted to feel the touch of a fat body, I have plenty of contacts.”
“Oh yeah, you did have a lot of numbers of clients when I was at Petrov’s… how is that going? I’m still surprised you managed to keep the store alive… ”
“Well, since you didn’t seem to want to go back, I had to do something right? When I realized that the stock of clothes you had was slowly getting close to disappear I decided to try and sew my own stuff.”
“Oh I have seen some of them, they are not that bad!”
“They are because I spent too much time learning how to do it, the first ones were atrocious, I would say I’m surprised they were sold but the guys who did… wanted more from me than taking their measurements, if you know what I mean.”
“I see, but… did you do it? Did you go further?”
He stopped in silence until I passed by, he was looking at the floor with a grim face.
“Did I say something bad…?”
“No, it’s not that… Nothing happened, sure I love the feeling of a fat belly but I’m not interested into going that way with a person I just met, maybe I am too old for that kind of behavior, it’s just…”
“it’s… it’s nothing, don’t worry about it.”
“Oh you are not getting away from this, is there something you haven’t told me? Please Knoll I want to know, if there is anything I could do to help you…”
I could see the doubt in his face, but when he was about to say something we heard a scream close by and the sound of three branches breaking and something impacting against water and mud. It was very close so we get into the forest to see if we could help, after a few minutes of searching we found a buff guy covered in mud walking like nothing, his white clothes were all dirty but he didn’t seemed to be bothered at all, but his face got quite excited when he saw us.
“HEEEEYYY!!! Are you guys from here? I came here to deliver a very important message but I’m a little lost… I’m looking for a Pumpkaboo and if I’m not wrong, you guys look like two, right?? Would you happen to know more of your species?”
Knoll looked at me and I knew that whatever he was going to tell me it could wait a little longer. He got close to the stranger and started to talk to him.
“First of all, hi, my name is Knoll and this is Koh, we heard something and we thought someone was in trouble and came to help, are you ok? You look like you fell off a cliff or something.”
“Oh, yeah, I did! It was awesome! My name is Tsuki, I’m a cinderace that came all the way from Galar to deliver a message to a certain person in this town as a request by my Boss.”
“Your Boss, you say… from your clothes I assume you are not some kind of postman, right?”
“Oh you are absolutely right! I’m an adventurer, member of the Obsidian Guild!”
Oh no, I had heard that name before, my intuition was telling me to run away and avoid this person at all cost, but Knoll noticed it and grabbed my arm with all the strength he could.
“I came with my partner but we got separated and I’m a little lost… would you mind helping me find the person I’m looking for? Or at least help me reunite with my partner…”
“Of course!” –Said Knoll with a huge smile – “We are a little far from the town so if you come with us we can see if we can help you.”
“Oh that would be awesome! I’m looking for the son of my boss, his name is Petrov, would you happen to know him?”
“Petrov, you say?”- Knoll said as he turned back at me, I tried to avoid his eyes but even if I closed my eyes I could feel his malice –“We are good friend him, right Koh~? In fact, this guy here is one of his-”
“OH YOU ARE SO WET FROM THE MUD, YOU SHOULD CHANGE YOUR CLOTHES IF YOU DON’T WANT TO GET A COLD, RIGHT!!!??”- I panicked, it was as I thought, everything happened so quickly I didn’t even knew if Petrov’s parents knew about our relationship. It’s not like I’m deliberately trying to keep it a secret, but it’s just that his dad… scares me a little. I met him years ago when I did a job for their guild, designing their uniforms, but since then I have a feeling he doesn’t like me, he was very vocal about what he didn’t liked in the designs and what parts weren’t of his taste, his personality is really strong as well as his body… He is the only person that I could imagine defeating Rompt in a fight.
“Oh you are right! I’m such a mess, give me a second”-When I thought I had managed to change the topic for a long time, he proved me wrong just by clapping his arms together and sending a heat wave out of his body, drying his clothes in seconds and going back to the topic. –“I would really appreciate if you could guide me to Petrov’s house… oh shit! I completely forgot that my partner has the message with him!”-He checked his phone and looked very surprised when he realized it didn’t had any battery left –“I know I may be asking too much, but would you mind helping me find my partner first, please? We are staying at a local Inn… ”
“Sure! There is no problem at all! We don’t have much else to do, right Koh?”
“I have to work on Crescente’s clothes!”
“He haven’t gotten much bigger, his pants are not gonna rip anytime soon, and…” –He leaned very close to my face and whispered – “If you are gonna have to meet your Father-in –law, you better know all of the details so you can control the situation as much as you can, right?”
Damn you Knoll for your twisted mind, but he was right, I better have all the knowledge of the situation so I can be ready for what’s to come. We walked calmly on the road of the forest, all this time Tsuki was telling us tales of his adventures, I was quite surprised how wide is the range of request a guild can get, from helping a farm to fighting wild pokemon on a rampage.  When we arrived to the town Knoll got a call from Horacio, it seemed quite urgent so he said goodbye to our lost companion. I got a message from Sven saying he found a lost gogoat that was looking for Petrov too and they were on his way to his house, we decided to go directly there since Tsuki’s partner was going there too.
“Well, it shouldn’t be too far away from here”- I said pointing the road – “Mind if I ask, are you close to Petrov’s dad.”
“I love him.”- he said abruptly – “He is like a father to me, you see, he found me 5 years ago in the Galarian Wild Area, I had no memories and I was in a very bad shape, but he took me in and took care of my injuries, he even gave me a name… I don’t have any clue of who I was but when I’m in the guild I know that it doesn’t really matters, what matters is who I am right now and what I wanna do with my life, that’s what he said and now… is my turn to help him”
“Help him? Is there something wrong…?”
“I’m… not sure if I am allowed to say anymore, sorry…” –Did something happen to his parents and Petrov haven’t told us? I know he talks to them at least once a week but I haven’t noticed any changes… I guess I will have to be there when Tsuki delivers his message. I tried to change the topic to lighten up the mood a little – “What do you think of this town?”
“Oh its lovely! In fact I have a personal reason to be there, there is someone else I want to meet.”
“Yeah! You probably know him! I heard is one of Petrov’s friends, the tailor that designed our uniforms! Well most of us only wear the jackets since we all have different styles… but I really wanted to congratulate him for his awesome job! I heard he is a pumpkaboo too, do you have any idea who could be?”
I couldn’t help but to laugh a little, and for a moment I felt like Knoll’s soul took over my body and decided to tease Tsuki a little.
“Well… sadly you can’t meet him anymore…”
“EEHHH!!??? Why???”
“That pumpkaboo doesn’t exist anymore…”
“WHA- Oh… sorry, so did he…? ”
“He evolved recently, he is a gourgeist called Koh.”
His gloomy face shined once again when I revealed to be who he was looking for, and throw himself on me to give me a strong hug, not a match to Rompt’s but he could definitely break my spine… what kind of food is Petrov’s dad feeding him to be this strong??
We walked a little more and we arrived to our destination, Sven was there with a gogoat in front of the door, waiting for Petrov to open it and see what this Galarian duo would bring to his future.
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pumpkachubby · 5 years
Pumpkaboo Hunting: Part 3
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Petrov finally receives the message from his father, but is it what he expected?
- Check past chapters!  Pumpkaboo Hunting:  >Part 1< - >Part 2< - >Interlude< - >Part 3<  
“A message from my Dad?” – Petrov said as Koh and I entered into his house with the two guys from the guild. –“Why did he sent two adventurers instead of just calling or sending a letter? I can’t believe how extra he can be…”
“Indeed, even we believe that” –Said Gregory –“But he said it was a really important message, so… here, take a look”
He handed a cylindrical container, upon opening it a scroll came out of it. Koh got close so he could read too but Petrov didn’t look very amused. Upon doing a quick reading in silence he just tossed it away carelessly.
“He just wants me to go see him.”
“And?” –Asked Koh
“I don’t wanna go! I know he is gonna ask if I can take over the administration of the guild as always! I know that if I go I wouldn’t be able to reject him, not after, well…”
“The divorce, right?  –Replied Gregory with a serious look on his face.
“Wait a moment!”-Interrupted Koh- “What do you mean by divorce? Did your parents…?”
“Yeah, it was two years ago, around the time Knoll and Sven come into our world. It wasn’t a bad breakup so I didn’t thought it was worth mentioning it. Mom found a new love, she is a cool and competent woman and loves her, Dad loved mom so much that he wouldn’t do anything against her happiness so they decided that the divorce would be the right thing to do. They still administrate the guild together but in different branch, their relationship is good so I don’t see why I should go and see him, he is fine!”
Tsuki and Gregory looked at each other concerned.
“He is, right?” – Asked Petrov, worried. –“He always seems cheerful when we talk”
“Not really…” – said Gregory looking away.
“He tries his best to keep the morale high around the guild, he always calls you from there” –continued Tsuki – “But those of us who are close to him know that he breaks when he is alone at home…”
“You are Tsuki, right?”- Asked Petrov – “You are the Scorbunny he found a couple of years ago.”
“I’m a Cinderace now, but yes I am”
“Look at me in the eye and tell me this is not a bad scheme to make me go all the way to Galar”
“He adopted me five years ago and I have been living with him for years, I respect and love him as a father so I would never joke about that. He is a very tough person, but since your mom left him, he has changed… the first months he started to take the more dangerous requests only by himself, it wasn’t until he suffered an injury that forced him to take rest for a couple of months that he started to process the divorce…  Now every night when he comes back home he just collapse on his bed and… I just, I wanna see him smile again, not the façade he puts on in the guild, I want him to be happy…”
“Thank you Tsuki, for taking care of him”
“It’s the least I can do, I own him my life.”
“Hm… sorry to interrupt, but what do you think is bothering him more? If we know his worries, we can set up a plan to help him, right?” – asked Koh
“Oh he is lonely” – Said Gregory abruptly – “It is well known among the adventurers that he tried to hit on a couple of the guild members, male and female, some months ago but he was weird about it so no one actually accepted any of his invitations to dinner…”
“Wait what do you mean, I didn’t know any of that!” – Replied Tsuki.
“Oh you where on a mission in Kanto at that time, we all agreed to not take it so seriously so it just passed by. And I’m not only saying this because of the rumors, he tried to flirt with me too, he complimented my antlers and tried to touch them, but I rejected him immediately. I really respect him but he is just not my type.”
Petrov looked really embarrassed by this revelation; I couldn’t help to wonder how could he be so bad at flirting when his own son has made a little fortune entertaining strangers in the internet with his charm and voluptuous body? Koh did his best to calm him down by focusing on the problem.
“Then we only need to find him a boyfriend or girlfriend, right? ” – He said
“But… I don’t wanna, it feels weird! One thing is going there and support him, but finding a partner… it would be too much for me…”
“Then I’ll do it”-Responded Koh with a confident look .
“Are you sure? You barely know him!”
“I know, but I wouldn’t do it alone, I’m going to bring Knoll too, and he is good at this!. Also I heard from Guester that Harold was planning to go visit Galar for a season since it seems Horacio has some business to take care there, and Rompt is going too, we can all go and help your dad, together!”
“That sounds wonderful! I wanna go too!” – I said – “There is so much about this world I don’t know about!”
“Then I guess we only need Crescente to join… do you think his mom would let him come along?”
“Well, Miss Agatha have been saying how much he lacks in experience, so I guess I can convince her to let him go?”
“Then it’s settled! We are going to Galar!”
Gregory and Tsuki only looked at us astonished; they clearly did not expect it to go this way.
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pumpkachubby · 5 years
Pumpkaboo Hunting: Part 4
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Tsuki and Gregory make a video call to someone... but who is this person? truths revealed in this short chapter!
- Check past chapters! Pumpkaboo Hunting:  >Part 1< - >Part 2< - >Interlude< - >Part 3< - >Part 4<
“Do we really need to call him right now?” – Asked Tsuki as his partner turned on his computer
“Of course” – Replied Gregory – “He wanted us to inform him as soon as the mission was completed”
They have just come back to the Inn they were staying from Petrov’s house after delivering the message. After a few minutes the video call was being made and at the other side of the screen a tall figure with pointy ears appeared, due to the bright light behind him they couldn’t see his face but they were sure who he was.
“I hope you bring good news” – Said the person without caring if his hidden face.
“Yes, the message was delivered as you requested” – Said Gregory.
“Yeah but we had to say those stupid lies!” –Replied Tsuki -“Petrov is gonna hate us when he realize! We made the Boss look like a total pervert! I can’t believe I let you convince me, Reg!”
“But you got the results you wanted, don’t you?” – Said the voice at the other side of the screen, making Tsuki turn around angry. –“If you told the truth about his father to Petrov, he would have probably rushed to call him, but we know how Tsvetko is… he would have denied it and in the worse case they could have start a fight with unknown results, in the worst case he would have stayed without a change.”
“I agree with you, making it look worse than it is is a better way to have the results we want.” –Said Gregory calmed –“Now we are sure he is going to see his father. Thank you for all of your help”
“A pleasure to help” – Responded the voice – “Tsvetko saved my life back then, I’ll do all I can do to help him, I want to see him smiling again.”
“Me too” – Agreed Tsuki –“Just make sure to keep your promise, or I’ll make you pay.”
“Haha, scary, you are too cute to be saying that little bunny” – Laughed the other person – “Now if you excuse me, I need to take care of some business, wish you have a good flight back to Galar.”
“Thank you, see you in a couple of days” – Said Gregory as he closed the video call. He looked at Tsuki who was still angry.
“I don’t like that guy, I just can’t trust in him.”
“I know Tsuki, he is known for being shady, but we can’t let this situation keep going, we tried all we could… he needs to see his son, Petrov needs to see the current state of his father. Tsvetko needs help…”
“I know! It’s just… I can’t believe you said that the Boss tried to hit on you! You could have come up with something else don’t you think?”
“It was one of the suggestions that person made! I think it was funny~”
“Your taste for jokes is as awful as always, Roryg”
“And you never stop calling me names! So none of us gets what we want in the end!”
Tsuki let out a deep sigh and let his entire body fell into the bed.
“We are gonna pay for this…”
“Yes… but I don’t regret it, it’s for his sake, and for the Obsidian Guild”
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askamelanisticvee · 2 years
Tsuki seems very scatterbrained and not too bright, Mochi. Do you guys have trouble controlling her?
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askamelanisticvee · 3 years
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This popped into my head after looking at yesterday’s post.
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askamelanisticvee · 3 years
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[Tsuki’s bout to ruin this guy. Stay tuned. Again sorry for the delays in posting. Working my way slowly through some stuff and getting this done as I can. Thanks to everyone who’s stickin around! I really love and appreciate all of you.]
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askamelanisticvee · 3 years
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[Tsuki used Blaze Kick. I don’t care if she can’t learn it in game.]
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askamelanisticvee · 3 years
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[Tsuki vs. Mochi. Take your bets on who will win. Noir’s still around, don’t worry. We’ll see her again shortly. Sorry for the delay, figuring out how to do the fire effects was difficult, but I think that I have it down now. Lemme know what you think!]
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askamelanisticvee · 3 years
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Tsuki. Trying more dynamic poses out.
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askamelanisticvee · 3 years
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askamelanisticvee · 3 years
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Tsuki attacks!
[Well I’m back! Things took a little longer than I thought they would, but there’ll be a little more coming soon. Fight scenes are hard to draw and I’m still lacking on backgrounds.]
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