#Wolter the wooloo
pumpkachubby · 2 years
Crossroads: Wolter’s side
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It’s been a while but a new chapter is finally here! After the events in the changing room Wolter is quite conflicted with how to feel about it, and Sven decides to have a talk about it.
Crossroads: >Trevor’s side< - >Wolter’s side<
Make sure to check the Story Archive for past chapters!
I have watched the opening ceremony of the gym challenge every year on TV. We used to watch it at home since my grandfather was quite a fan of it, he never missed it, but I have to say that it is quite disappointing that when I was finally there, I barely remember anything about it.
Maybe it was because of all the new friends I had made during the last couple of days, but somehow I completely forgot that Scott would show up too, it was obvious he would be here. If I had stopped to think about it for a second maybe all the situations in the changing room could have been avoided, but it was too late for regrets, all I could do now was deal with the consequences.
I spent the whole ceremony looking at Sven’s back, sure he was in front of me, but it wasn’t as if we were instructed to stay in a certain position, no… I was fixated on him because he was the only thing in my mind. I didn’t know how to describe my feelings, part of me was extremely grateful for coming to my rescue when I was totally frozen, I couldn’t believe how he didn’t even seem to hesitate, and I wasn’t expecting him to be so strong too, he lifted Scott with only one hand like he was made of paper and kept him in place for what seem like an eternity… but that wasn’t all. I felt the danger in the air, somehow I knew that if nobody stopped Sven he could have easily done something terrible, and yet I was unable to do anything, just like everyone else in the room. My friend turned into something you shouldn’t mess with, and it terrified me and yet… part of me wanted him to go even further.
I don’t remember what or who stopped him, since I was so shocked all I could remember was him dropping Scott and grabbing my hand, taking me to the main arena of the stadium as he smiled, like nothing had happened.
-”Are you ok?” - Said Khyto as he patted my left shoulder, taking me out of my thoughts, I didn’t even realize he was by my side this whole time too. - “Come on, the ceremony is over, let’s go!”
-”Oh, yeah…” - I replied, looking at Sven who looked back at me with curious eyes.
As we walked through the hallway on our way back I saw Sven stopping and saying something to Khyto making him rush forward, not many people were left so we were practically alone as Khyto followed the rest of the pokemon trainers in their way out.
-”Did something happen?” - I asked without thinking too much.
-”I just want to talk to you alone for a moment…” - He said, not turning around, but for some reason his back looked somehow smaller now - “I’m sorry… I must have scared you, didn’t I? Back in the dressing room…”
-”Well… yeah,  I didn’t see that kind of reaction coming from you…”
-”I just couldn’t bear the sight of that guy, knowing all that went between you two and yet he still feels like he can look down on you, I just couldn’t control myself, I’m sorry…”
-”That’s just how he is, you shouldn’t feel bad… I’m actually quite grateful you interfered. I completely froze when he started to talk to me out of nowhere, as if nothing had happened… I’m still uneasy, and angry with myself.”
- “Why? You didn’t do anything wrong.”
-”I know, but I was the one who let him do that. Instead of stepping up for myself I couldn’t do anything at all… I’m still weak after all…”
- “You shouldn’t say that!” - He said, finally turning around and I could see his face, he was a crying mess falling to his knees -”It’s not your fault! *snif* It’s not your fault!”
-”It's Ok Sven, please don’t cry…” - I said as I got closer to him and gave him a hug, he was shaking.
-”I could have done something terrible…” - He said, hugging me tight - “I- *snif* I’m not that kind of person, I don’t want to be like this… and yet… I just *snif* I don’t want to be a scary person, I don’t want to-”
-”I’m not going anywhere Sven, you are my friend who came to my rescue when I needed the most, sure you went a bit too far but thats my failure, I should have been the one to stop you… ”
-”But you-!”
-”Tell me, Sven, since you came into this world, how many times have you been in a stressful situation like this?”
-”I… I think this is my first time, sure I have seen a good handful of arguments but nothing of this kind…”
-”Then don’t blame yourself for the way you reacted to a new situation, your instincts kicked in, that’s all. Didn’t you tell me you started this trip to have new experiences? Well, not everything is going to be nice.”
-”But what if it happens again?”
-“Then I will make sure to do my part and stop you, it's a promise. I will become stronger not only for myself, but for my friends too”
-“Thank you, Wolter” - He said, whipping away his tears and standing up again - “Who would say that being a person was this complicated, hehe” - He laughed, inviting me to walk by his side.
-”I know right? But at the end of the day it's worth it when you have good friends around.”
-”Ah” -He suddenly stopped, as if he just realized something - “Master was here! He was in the changing room, he was the one who stopped me!”
-”Oh, so that's what happened… wait, did you just realize that now?”
-”Well I was strangling someone in my hand, I had more serious issues to deal with” - He replied scratching his back.
-”Then? What are you going to do? Do you want to see him? I’m sure he must be waiting for you in the lobby”
-”I’m not sure… I’m grateful he showed up at the right moment but… last time things were weird between us, and to begin with, what is he even doing here? and at normal size?? Horacio said it could take weeks or months!”
I’d be lying if I said that the last part made sense to me at that moment, but I could tell my friend was conflicted about what to do, so I just patted his shoulder in support.
-”Don’t worry, whatever it is, I will be there for you” -I said, making him smile.
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pumpkachubby · 2 years
Any random headcanon for your big wooloo boy?
First of all, one thing that must be clear: my oc's stories don't happen in the same world that the games at all, so some events from the games haven't/didn't ocurred (unless it has been pointed out, for example, the ending of Sword/Shield haven't happened, but the Sun/moon one did, since my Professor Guzma series happen in the same world), but all of the human characters from the games do exist
With that in mind, here are some facts about Wolter:
He is a big fan of Leon, he wears his hat like that because of him
His hair growls very fast, so he has to constatly trim it to avoid having it too long, at least once a week
Belts stress him, so most of his wardrove consist of overalls and dungarees
He really loves fruits and berries, and is usually snacking on them when taking a break, the problem is that he is always running low on them because of that
He doesn't know how to read maps, but even if he did he would still get lost
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pumpkachubby · 4 years
Sven’s route - Part 4
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Pokemon battles, new encounters and another Sven!? All that in this last part of Sven’s route (for now)
Make sure to check the Story Archive for past chapters!
We could see the gate of Motoske from where Wolter suggested we should have a practice battle. I still couldn’t believe Volke and Khyto leave that early without even waking me up to say bye, sure they should be back by tonight but I was still a bit angry at them.
“Sven, focus!” – Kynglsey shouted at me as he barely avoided one of Wung’s attacks – “I know you are salty but get yourself together! We are in a battle at the moment!”
“S- Sorry…” – I replied, trying to focus
“Don’t worry about them!” – Said Wolter, almost like if he understood what Kynglsey said- “I’m sure they will be back sooner than” – his phone started to ring so we paused our battle for the moment and I got closer to him – “Oh, really? What a pain… well the ceremony is tomorrow… we can meet at the gym then, bye!” – He put his phone away and immediately told me what happened – “It was Volke, apparently something unexpected happened so they have to visit his parent’s house, seems like they won’t be coming until tomorrow.”
“Really? I hope they are ok…”
“Don’t worry don’t worry~ they will be fine, let’s go back to our battle!”
I went back to my position and tried to focus. This is probably my first Pokémon battle and it’s quite the odd one: A wooloo, normal type pokemon, against a Phantump, ghost and grass type. You may see this battle as meaningless since their types are immune to each other but they do know a couple of moves that can damage the other: While a wooloo’s moveset is quite limited Wolter has trained Wung very well and it learned Electro ball, and in my side Kyngsley knows Horn leech but he doesn’t seem to fully know how to use it since he hasn’t been a Pokémon until a few days ago.
“Ok, let’s do this! Wung, use tackle!”- the wooloo quickly charged towards and my brain must have forgotten everything I knew because I panicked and shouted at Kyngsley to avoid it, he looked at me confused and before he knew Wung was mere centimeters from him – “Now, use Electro Ball!”- Shouted Wolter, giving us no moment to react and my phantump receiving the attack right on the face, it shouldn’t be very effective but the shock was more damaging at a morale level.
“What the hell Sven!” –Kyngsley shouted angry at me- “What was that nonsense? You threw me off my focus!”
“I’m sorry I … just panicked, this IS my first time after all!” – I tried to excuse myself
“Don’t worry Sven” – said Wolter- “Everyone makes that type of mistake, it’s not easy to get how different types works with each other, that’s why starters are of one type only, I think, and its natural to not like seeing your partner begin hurt. Let’s do this again.”
“Ok, thanks!”- I looked at Kyngsley and got ready for our next move – “Wung’s tackles will not damage us, but we can do it! Kyng, use tackle!” – I shouted as my Pokémon followed my command immediately, but our rival easily avoided out attack.
“Great thinking!” – Said a voice coming from my back, when I turned around I saw a large man with long curvy brown hair, for his lock of hair sticking out I deduced he was a pumpkaboo like some of my friends, but there was something on him that looked oddly familiar – “A ghost-type using normal-type attacks is something some people don’t even consider at first, you surely are a beginner but you may have something in you, young litwick!” –He said as he clapped his hands.
“Thank you, but may I ask… who are you?” –I said to the stranger
“WHO IS HE!? YOU DON’T KNOW!!??” – Yelled Wolter who ran to my side, he looked very excited – “His name is Tsvetko, he is the head of the Obsidian Guild! It’s a pleasure to meet you sir! My name is Wolter and this is my friend Sven”- He said as he shook his hand.
“The pleasure is mine, Wolter…  hm…you seem familiar, have we meet before?”
“Yes! My family owns a farm close to Wedgehurst, you helped my family when our wooloos ran away during a storm a couple of years ago, all the town was impressed the head of the guild himself took our request and quickly ran to our help! We really appreciate it!”
“Our role is to help those in trouble, and no mission is too small even for the head of the guild, ahahaha!” – He laughed as he kneeled down to greet our Pokémon – “Shiny Pokémon are very rare, so seeing a two in battle is an even rarer sight. For what I saw you aren’t very experienced trainers, specially you, young Sven.” – He said as he petted both Wung and Kyngsley
“Oh, yes. My phantump is my first Pokémon and I meet him yesterday, I wasn’t particularly interested in becoming a trainer but… he wanted us to become a team, and I came to Galar to test myself, so… it happened.”
“He wanted, you say…” – He said as he stood up caressing his long beard with his left hand, after a few seconds he turned around with a large smile – “Wolter, Sven, do you happen to be interested in joining this year’s gym challenge?”
“YES!” –Said my friend, grabbing my arm with a lot of strength, I think everyone could see how excited he was for what Mr Tsvetko was going to say.
“Then if you don’t have already, I can give you my recommendation so you can properly participate”
“T-That would be a dream come true!” – replied my friend.
Mr. Tsvetko laughed and after a few minutes he handed a letter for each of us.
“With this you shouldn’t have a problem to join”- He said – “Can’t wait to see your progress”
“We won’t disappoint you Sir!” – Wolter said, very happy after finally getting the recommendation he wanted.
“But, aren’t you busy with all the work at the Guild?” – I asked
“Sven! Don’t be rude!” – my friend said as he shake me by the shoulders.
“Oh don’t worry, I’m currently taking a vacation, my son is taking care of the guild for me at the moment, he practically forced me to take a break ahahaha” – He laughed – “I will need to take care of some business at Motoske now, do you want to come with me?”
“I’d love to Sir, but I’m afraid we must decline the offer, Sven need more experience in battle so he doesn’t embarrass himself.”- Said my friend, I would complain by the way he said it but it was the truth.
“I understand, make sure you get stronger! See you in the opening ceremony tomorrow!”
After saying our goodbyes and lossing sight of him, Wolter finally collapsed.
“We did it… Oh my god and we meet HIM!!! And not only that! He gave us a recommendation!! He said he can’t wait to see our progress!!” – He rolled in the grass in utter joy, I looked at Wung and he explained me that after the incident with the storm Wolter became a huge fan of Mr. Tsvetko, and suggested he has a crush on him since.
After a few minutes of my friend jumping of happiness he noticed he was hungry so we decided to search for some shade under some trees and get everything ready for lunch, as we ate Wolter kept his high energy, I know him for only a couple of days but I never saw him with this level of joy in his eyes.
“You really like him” – I said
“Of course! He is the best!” – He quickly replied
“No, I mean… do you like like him?”
“Yeah, any problem with that?  I can’t deny how handsome and strong he is, I heard the rumors that he had let himself go recently but I can’t believe how good he looks now, it was a dream come true~ ”
I looked at Wung and he gave me an “I told you” look.
“We will not disappoint him, you hear me!?” – Said my friend as he stood up – “And, I- If I made it to the Champion cup I- no no, I couldn’t do it”
“What? Say it~”
“I… would like to ask him out.” – He said blushing, he was serious – “I know it’s a crazy idea, he is way older than me, he even has a son that is around my age but, I mean, It’s not like I want to- I just want to get to know him better”
“Don’t worry you don’t have to excuse yourself Wolter, You are both adults after all. Hm… but you say he has a son… that has the potential to be troublesome…”
“Yeah… but I wonder what made him come back, for what I know he never shown interest in the Obsidian Guild’s business… what was his name? Petrov or something…?”
“Wait a moment, can you repeat that again?” –I asked
“What? The name of his son? Yeah I’m pretty sure it was Petrov, he is really big and hot, and apparently he has-”
“I know him”- After I replied, there was like it felt like a long pause
“Excuse me?”- my friend said, frozen with dead eyes
“I came to Galar with him, look” – I took my phone and showed him a photo of us together that I Harold took last Christmas’ party – “He is the Petrov you are talking about?” – Wolter stood there in silence for a couple of minutes until he finally snapped out of it.
“How dare you hide this from me? I thought we were friends!” – He said struggling me.
“I- I didn’t even knew you liked him! And for the record, today was the first time I saw his father! If you didn’t mention Petrov’s name I wouldn’t have made the connection in the first place!!”
“No, you are guilty, and I will make you pay! Let’s resume our battle, and this time I won’t let you go until you defeat me!”
“Eh!? That doesn’t make any sense! And we are in the middle of lunch, at least let’s finish ou-”- suddenly an unknown figure came from behind me.
“I found you! Don’t leave me alone like that, darling~!” – They said, as I felt a bite in my left ear.
“WHA- WHO ARE YOU”- I jumped immediately, trying to distance myself from the stranger as much as possible, and for some reason Wolter’s immediate reaction was to stand in front of me, I know this is an odd situation but he looked ready to fight the person in front of us.
“Eh?! Who- WHO ARE YOU!? AN IMPOSTER? A DOPPLENGANGER??” – They shouted, at first they looked embarrassed but it quickly turned into anger – “Answer me! Faker!”- They demanded as pointed at me with their finger.
“You were the one who jumped out of nowhere and assaulted my friend; if anyone is suspicious here it’s you!” – Said Wolter, his voice was furious, it almost scared me too.
“Calm down, I’m sure my darling didn’t mean to cause any harm, it’s just…” – A new voice appeared as I felt a hand on my shoulder, as I turned around the first thing I noticed was a floating flame on top of a head with white curvy hair, just like mine’s – “…We look pretty similar, right?” – He said with a big smile.
The couple of strangers introduced themselves as Charlie, a galarian Marowark, and his husband Hektor, a shiny litwick who looked at lot like me, but a bit shorter and fatter. Apparently they got separated a few minutes ago and Charlie mistook me for their fiancé. After a few minutes of talking between the two of them (Or more precisely, Charlie being scolded) we sat down back to where we left our lunch, Wolter really close to me.
“You must be Sven, right?” –Said Hektor as he took a bottle out of his bag and started to pour juice for everyone.
“How do you know his name?” – Asked my friend, rejecting the juice.
“Well that’s quite the funny story; you see… we are the same person.” –He replied, drinking the rejected juice and pointing at our floating flames – “Right? Mister from another dimension?”
“WHAT!?” –Charlie and Wolter shouted at the same time, both confused by how casually he dropped that statement.
“Calm down, sit down. This is the first time I get to see you in person but I have been aware of your existence for a while, let me tell you a story: I was born in Alola and I can say that I was a pretty normal litwick, surrounded by beach it was natural that I started to show interest in surfing but it was quite hard to get the catch of it since you know, fire-types don’t get along too well with large sources of water, but everything changed when in one Halloween night this flame appeared in top of my head. All my life I was told that I needed to become really strong to handle the waves of the large sea, and that night that wasn’t the only change that I felt in my body, I felt strong, stronger than I ever was. I picked my surfboard and ran towards the sea, and spend all night riding those waves. Months later a couple came to Alola, I was used to talk to strangers that felt curious by my look, but this couple of a pumpkaboo and gourgeist were different, they said that they had a friend that looked a lot like me back on Kalos, after listening to my story they told me that the same night my flame appeared you, Sven, came to our world through a magical mirror. Most people won’t believe that kind of tale but I’m from Alola, we have a long history of visitors from other dimensions, but I need to admit that I wasn’t sold on it until a few moments ago when I saw you…”
I stood up and got closer to him, Wolter and Charlie looked ready to jump but I ignored them. I really was like looking at my own reflection, only chubbier. There was a warm feeling too, a feeling that couldn’t properly put it into words, and I knew he felt it too.
“Ok, this is all cute but I have a question” – Said Wolter, interrupting the moment – “I get that you two are the same person, but what does that have to do with the floating flame? Why does it suddenly showed up in Hektor?”
“Well, this is all my theory but back in my world I was a normal litwick, I don’t remember exactly how long I lived there but Pokémon are stronger than normal people, right? Maybe when I crossed the mirror my natural potential got distributed in both of us to keep balance…?”
“You just came up with that explanation, right?” – Said Charlie, hugging their husband and taking him farther away from me, I got it as a sign that it was time to go back to my seat.
“N- no! I mean, Yes, but it’s based in a good example. I came to this world following my master, Knoll, who is the same person as Koh, born in this world. The big difference between them is their age, but when he crossed the mirror he got quite younger, resembling his counterpart a lot more than he used to. Miss Agatha and Crescente always said that everything has to do with balance when it’s about magic”
“And who are they supposed to be?” – Asked Charlie.
“They are the owner of the magical mirror, she is quite the experienced witch and his son is following her footsteps in magic.”
“Thanks Sven, I try to hide it but if I’m completely honest I have been trying to make some sense of all this for a long time… you don’t know how much I appreciate having some answers ahaha”– Said Hektor -“and I’m sorry for the behavior of my fiancé, they are a better person than what you have experienced today.”
“HAA?! What is that supposed to mean? I don’t know what you think but he is still an impostor to me!”
“Charlie… he is literally me, just from another world. We are the same person, just different versions, there aren’t any impostors or fakes here, and…” – Hektor said, grabbing his partner by their hand – “…If Sven wouldn’t had crossed the mirror, we wouldn’t have met in the first place, right? The light of my flame got us together in that dark winter night when you were lost in the woods.”
“NNNGGGHHH!! Shut up! Fine! I will accept him, but only if he can win a Pokémon battle against me!” –They replied, pointing towards me – “Do you take the challenge?”
I hesitated for a moment but Kyngsley looked ready for another fight, so I accepted the challenge and after finishing lunch we got ready to start.
“I don’t care how experienced you are in battle, if you are a trainer here I will make sure to defeat you, after all…” – They said as they energetically threw a poke ball, revealing a huge Kommo-o, I had seen some in the past days in the wild area, but this one was oddly huge – “…You are facing a former Trial captain!”
“Wait a moment, a Trial captain!?” – Said Wolter.
“Any problem with that?”- Replied Charlie with a confident pose.
“No, I mean, aren’t you a Marowark? Shouldn’t you specialize in ghost-type Pokémon? Why a Kommo-o?”
“Sigh… just because you are a wooloo who trains a wooloo doesn’t mean we all have to do it… But you are right, I DID specialized in ghost type, but I like to challenge myself! That’s why when I stopped working as a captain I went to caught this lovely Totem Kommo-o and now I traveled to Galar to face the famous Gym challenge!”
“Wait a minute! What is all this about!? I really don’t understand!”  -I screamed in panic at both of them, Kyngsley also looked scared at the situation.
“I will explain you later, for now just know that that Kommo-o is really bad news for you…”
“And not only that!” – said Charlie in quite the cocky tone – “Your partner is a ghost-type Pokémon, which I’m quite the expert and just by looking at it, I can tell that he is not precisely very experienced… does he even knows how to tackle at the very least?”
All that talk seem to have made Kyngsley angry since he threw himself to the huge Pokémon in front of him, tackling it with all his strength but the Kommo-o looked unbothered. Charlie didn’t hesitate and commanded it to use dragon tail, but instead of following their orders the Pokémon picked up the tiny phantump and gently handed it back to me, as it went back to his trainer he said “That was a good tackle, keep training. I’m sorry for the behavior of my trainer”. Charlie had no idea what happened since they can’t understand what Pokémon say, but it was very clear that they must have offended their Pokémon in some way, apologized and put Kommo-o back to his poke ball.
Hektor got closer to his partner and gave them a knock in the head, followed by an intense scold. I had no idea why all that happened so I turned to Wolter for some answers.
“Kommo-o is a proud fighter, they train all their life to get stronger and don’t pick up fights against weaker rivals, and not only that but also Charlie knew that Kyngsley is not strong.”
“Again, I’m really sorry for my stupid fiancé.” – Said Hektor when he was done scolding – “Thankfully Kommo-o has more common sense than them it seems, otherwise I don’t know in which condition your phantump would have ended up…”
“Don’t worry, we shouldn’t had accepted that battle in the first place I guess…”- I replied – “but I’m glad anyway, it can’t hardly be considered as a battle but I will not forget Kommo-o’s words and keep training to become stronger.”
“Oh you can understand Pokémon too!?” – He said very surprised, I guess it’s a natural reaction, maybe I should consider not saying to every person that I meet from now on…
“Yeah, I was born a Pokémon after all.”
“I see, interesting. Well, we should get going to Motoske, we need to properly register ourselves so we can assist to the opening ceremony tomorrow, you should come along!” – Said Hektor, looking back to his partner – “And you better come here and apologize!”
Charlie got closer still looking angry at me, stepping pass their darling and looking me straight in the face.
“You better train a lot and get stronger so we can have a proper battle next time!”
“I will do my best!” –I replied.
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pumpkachubby · 4 years
Sven’s Route - Part 2
The group talks about finding a proper name for their newest addition, but how that casual talk could connect with Volke and a lost bond from his childhood? Check it in this new chapter!
Make sure to check the Story Archive for past chapters!
“We need to give him a name” – Said Wolter as we finished packing up our stuff and ready to move forward in our travel – “We can’t just call him Chesnaught, right?”
“Are you stupid?” – Argued Volke – “We can’t just name someone else’s Pokémon, right?”
“Do you realize that he is no longer just a Pokémon, right? He is no different than us!”
“Well, I can recognize when I’m being insensible, I’m sorry Chesnaught…”
“No worries!” – He replied, scratching the back of his head –“It’s still hard to get used to it, I still don’t know what exactly I am now… I mean, I’m still a Chesnaught, right?”
“Yeah, we hybrids have some level of pride on what species each of us are”- Started to explain Volke- “I’m a toxtricity raised by a family of musicians, Wolter is a Wooloo who was born in a yarn and we are proud to be like this, feel free to call yourself as you feel like… but… yeah I think we should give you at least a nickname, any ideas?”
He looked straight at me demanding an answer and I panicked, I never named anything before so I just panicked
“He- he is a Chesnaught, so… Chess?”
“That’s the most awfully uninspired nickname I’ve ever heard” – He replied with a disgusted expression and turning to Wolter – “If you can’t come up with something better I’m leaving this band”
“We are not a band, what are you talking about…? Wait, did you just casually mentioned that your family is full of musician? Are they famous?” – Asked Wolter with genuine interest, but by looking at how disgusted Volke’s expression was turning he realized he was going far away from the current topic –“a- anyway, a nickname, hm… what about… let me improvise… Khethocsmagne?”
“How in the hell did you improvised that name!?” – Replied Volke so surprised he almost fell to the floor – “ hm… Khethoc… Khy…what about Khyto? Maybe it’s a bit too cute…”
“Oh I like that! You can call me that!!” – Replied Chesnaught exited – “It sounds cool! Pleased to meet you! I’m Khyto! hahahahaha”
We kept talking as we moved forward, after all Wolter still needed to find someone who would endorse him so he can participate in this year’s gym challenge, he expected to find someone around Motoske city since apparently  it’s well known that those willing to sponsor new trainers are usually at that area in this time.
As we walked behind a large bridge Volke’s phone started to ring, someone was calling him and after looking at it he put a serious face and asked us to wait for him since it was important and it would take him a while.
“Sure, we can take a break and have lunch!” – I said
“Great, just make sure you don’t find another guy in trouble when I’m out, ok?” – He said, half joke, half serious.
 But I failed
The next moment we saw each other, I was holding a phantump on my arms.
  Volke walked fast and made sure he was as far away from the group as possible when he was talking to the phone. When he was sure his friends wouldn’t be able to find him quickly he found a spot in the shadow of a berry tree and put his phone against a rock in the floor, it was going to be a video call after all.
“I wasn’t expecting you to call so soon, is this situation this urgent?” – He asked – “Or maybe, you are suspicious of me?  You are glad I have an expensive phone with a reception good enough to properly see my face”
“I knew that you would, after all you are the younger son of that family, right, Volke? Or should I call you by your real name, Khethocsmagne?”
Volke’s real name was Khethocsmagne, his family had the old tradition of coming up with a new and original name for their children to make them feel special since the day of their birth, but that name was only used in formal documents, after all they had to come up with an artistic pseudonym for their public life, “Volke” was that pseudonym.  
“How do you know that stupid name? What the hell is my life anymore, first Wolter casually dropping that name too and now you too, Horacio”
“Sorry sorry, I just wanted to tease you a little, your father used to call you by your real name when you were little, he was super proud for that creation. Last night when you texted me with your phone number to be in contact after Sven’s situation, I remembered that small Toxel that one day told me his name was going to be Volke and I needed to check if my hunch was right”
“Same for me, but how long has it been? 15 years? Sorry to ask this so sudden but… why did you stop visiting us?”
“You know I’ll forever be grateful of your father for giving me the support for my studies, I’ll never be able to pay him back… You know I had to travel for my studies and when I came back to Galar I had so much work to do at the laboratory and then… well… things got complicated and I had to run…”
“I know that, but you should have send me a letter or something at least…” – Replied Volke, turning his head to the left – “You were like a big brother to me you know, better than my own…” – He whispered.
“um? What did you said?” – Asked Horacio, who couldn’t listen to the last part.
“Don’t worry, it’s nothing. Let’s go back to the topic: Sven. What’s going on with him? I mean, besides well, everything around him.”
“Do you know a grimmsnarl named Noah Grimm?”
“Ugh, he is an asshole, my dad pushed me to do some musical work for his company, a little tune for a tv spot or something, I only met him once a couple of years ago and I’m glad our paths have never crossed again. I know it’s an awful Dark-type stereotype but there is something about him that I don’t like, he is… dangerous, he don’t see people as nothing more than test subjects, he gives a strong mad scientist vibe. But what’s going on with him?”
“He is after Sven”- Replied Horacio, his voice almost breaking.
“WHA- What..!? How? Is he aware of his situation!? But as far as I know Sven never left Kalos until this travel, right? Then why…”
“It’s my fault… you see, he and I… we know each other, I did something awful to him in the past and he kept a close eye on me and my friends, right now he is using Sven as a hostage to force me to collaborate with a potentially dangerous work”
“That asshole! Are you ok? I knew he was dangerous…”
“I’m ok, I just need to finish this work and he promised to let us go, and if there is still a part of the Noah I knew when I was young he will keep his word, but even so… I’m scared that he could try to do something bad to Sven if I don’t give him the results he wants”
“Don’t worry Horacio, I’ll protect Sven with my life” –Volke’s words hit Horacio harder than he expected and the old Incineroar couldn’t hold up tears, it was like if all the weight that was on his shoulders since they arrived to Galar had finally loosen up just a little.
Voke waited until his old friend got it together to continue the talk, he had already realized how important was Sven to him with the phone call last night when neither of them was aware they were talking to each other.
“Thank you… *snif* I know I am no one to ask you this, but still, please take care of Sven, he is a dear friend of mine and I couldn’t keep living if something happened to him for my fault…”
“Don’t say that! You are really important to me too… if I can pay you back for those happy days I spend with you back then… I will do my best.”
“Volke… thank you.”
“Then? What’s the plan? What do you think I should do to keep him safe from Noah?”
“Well… I think that just by being by his side is enough to keep him from doing anything risky, after all you are the son of a very powerful person, as long as Sven can keep traveling without knowing about Noah we should be fine”
“I can’t believe the day when I’m glad I was born in a famous family is here… Ok Horacio, I’ll keep a close eye on him for you, he is a good friend to me too after all. You focus on that work for that asshole and let’s meet again to celebrate once this is over!”
“Yeah, I’ll do my best!”
After saying goodbye to Horacio and promising to send him periodic updates of their location Volke was ready to go back to camp when he realized he wasn’t alone, someone was hiding behind the bushes close to the tree he was under and probably listened to their talk. The idea of them being an spy from Noah immediately crossed his mind and got ready to challenge the possible treat, as he hold a pokeball on his hand tiny bits of electricity started to surround him, but they completely dissipated when he saw who was behind the bushes.
“Wait wait it’s just me, Wolter!” – Said the wooloo as he jumped out of the bush – “Man, you are really scary when you get serious…”
“What the hell are YOU doing here!? I made sure no one would be able to follow me!”
“Well… I went to the nearby lake for some water and before I realized I found you…”
“That lake was a couple of feet away from where I left you… to think that you would get lost…” – Volke was exhausted and he dropped to the floor, he was being too paranoid, not even Horacio suggested the possibility of a spy but he was already considering it. The wild area was too large to find a single person and even so they wouldn’t had a reason to spy him after all.
“How long did you hear?”
“From the moment you whispered he was like a brother to you…” – Replied Wolter, a bit ashamed of his unintentional eavesdropping
“So, from the very beginning…”
“Is that Noah guy that dangerous?”
“Yeah, he is the head of a very important laboratory, they not only study odd health-related situations, they even supply people from different regions with vital medicine. To put it simply no one would believe us… all we can do is make sure Sven is safe, that’s all.”
“I see… then I have an idea to make sure he is safe!”
“An idea?”
“Yeah, and a really good one! All we need to do is to make sure Sven joins the Gym Challenge too! Believe it or not the security at gyms is really good, especially for trainers participating, if he is in the eyes of everyone then there is no way that Noah guy would try to kidnap him”
“Hm… that’s not a bad idea, but your plan has a big flaw: Sven doesn’t want to become a Pokémon trainer.”
“tch! You are right… well, I’m sure we can come up with something!”
But we didn’t even had to try, because when we came back to the camp a few minutes later our friend was sitting nervously at the camp holding a shiny Phantump in his arms
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pumpkachubby · 4 years
Sven’s Route: Part 1
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Following Sven’s group in the wild area, their path crosses with an amnesic Chesnaught, but things seems to be darker than they could have imagined
Make sure to check the Story Archive!
It’s been two days since Wolter joined our group, he can be a bit too forthright but he makes good company and he gets along with Volke, sure they can argue from time to time, specially when its about food but overall we are having a good time. I would have liked to stay and watch the training battle their Wooloo and Swirlix were having that morning but it was my turn to make lunch and I needed to go for some water, so I was alone at the forest when I found him.
It was a very large man resting in the ground, or that would have been the case if it wasn’t for the notorious damage in the area surrounding him. Did he got attacked by a wild pokemon? I rushed to help him but I tripped with something and when I turned around to check what was in my way I noticed it was an empty used pokeball, I picked it up without thinking much and went back to the guy.
He had white short hair and a messy beard, besides a green cloak with spikes around his shoulder and his pants he was pretty much shirtless, very hairy I must add, and on both of his arms were some type of spiky protector. Around his head there were broken pieces or something that could have been a helmet in better days, whatever hit him he must be grateful for that piece or armor. When I got closer to check if he was injured he slowly started to wake up, upon opening his eyes and noticing my presence he immediately said one word, one single word I was too used to say until a few days ago:
-“…Master?”- He said in a confused tone with a deep voice. I didn’t know what to say or how to react, as he tried to get up it looked like his head started to hurt a lot, lying in the ground holding his head with both hands.
-“A-are you ok?” –I said, slowly touching his shoulder which apparently helped to calm him down a little.
- “What… happened, Master?” – He called me that, once again – “I can’t… I can’t remember… where are we…?”
- “I- I don’t know who you are…” – I said without thinking – “I just found you lying in the ground and…”
-“What are you saying, Master? You are my dear Master… right?” – He said as he lose conscious once again and fell to the ground.
While in one hand I was quite uncomfortable by how he was calling me, there was no way I would leave him alone there, so I picked him up and carried him back to our camp. Physically I think I’m very strong, sure not as strong as Rompt but I can carry at least 3 or 4 people at the same time, but he felt so heavy I was exhausted when I made it back.
-“I can’t believe this…” – complained Volke – “What are you? An magnet for people? You have been in this trip for what, a week? and this group is already growing larger and larger…”
- “Then what do you wanted him to do? Leave the dude lying in the ground?” – Responded Wolter as he started to serve lunch – “But I agree, it’s almost scary how people are attracted to you, he even called you “Dear Master” right? Are you sure he is not a lover you broke his heart back in Kalos?”
“As I said many times, I don’t know him!” – I responded as I took a plate from Wolter’s hand.
We were ready to eat lunch as the mysterious guy slept in my tent for now, by their appearance my companions agreed that he must be a Chesnaught, he wasn’t carrying any type of ID so the only clue we had was the empty poke ball I tripped with back then, which based in their knowledge as trainers, it used to storage a Pokémon, or more specified, the Pokémon that used to be inside it was outside for now.
Apparently the smell of food affected the big guy as he started to wake up again. I left my food by the side and went to check on him.
“Are… are you ok?” – I asked as he started to sit up, looking at me in silence, I couldn’t help but to notice there was a bit of sadness in his eyes for a moment.
“I’m ok, Master”- He responded with a bit of surprise, touching his mouth for a moment, almost like there was something odd in his voice- “I’ll get better after I eat something”
“He called you his Master” – Said Volke
“Yes he did” – Remarked Wolter with a smile.
I didn’t know how to get out from this awkward situation without putting more pressure on the stranger in front of me, so I just went to what was needed in the moment: he needed to get better and to do so he should begin with eating something and regain energy. We offered him a plate of food and at first he looked like he was at a loss, he tossed the spoon and started to devour the food with his bare hands, it felt like we were looking at a wild Pokémon. Volke and Wolter didn’t said much and could only see him eat and eat. When he was satisfied I decided to go straight to the important topic.
“Um… I’m sorry to ask you this now but, what is your name? Do you know who I am? Do you remember… anything?” –I asked
“What are you saying, Master? You are my Master and I am your Chesnaught who is here to protect you, right? Chesnaught is Chesnaught, and I…” – His happy and assertive way of talking was suddenly interrupted when he stopped to think- “…What was I doing? I am… eh?” – I could see the desperation slowly growing in his face; he suddenly stood up and started to check his appearance with anything that reflected.
“Is something wrong?” – Asked Volke who was noticeably having a good time watching the odd situation.
“It’s… this is… this is me, but… this is not me…” – Replied Chesnaught falling to his knees, completely confused – “I don’t… I can’t remember what I was doing… or anything at all, everything seems to be blank, white, except… white, the long white hair of my Master” – He said, looking at me, almost like asking me to confirm that single fact that remained in his memory.
“I… I can see that you are confused, but…” – I said as I approached – “… but I am not the person you call your Master, sorry…”
“NO”- He said, as he grabbed me by the shoulders, intuitively I tried to free myself but I noticed he was too strong for me, all I could see was the despair in his face as tears started to drop – “No no no, you… you have to be my Master, because, without him… I… what am I…?” He said as he lose conscious once again and fell on my arms.
 We carried him back to my tent and let him rest for now. As the afternoon went by we talked about what just happened: it was very clear that he must have a serious level of amnesia, Volke went to check the area were I found him and according to his experience it was very likely that he was in some kind of explosion, and probably that caused his amnesia.
“Then, what are we going to do with him?” – Wolter asked as we started to lit the fire once again since it was getting dark already – “In my opinion we should report him to the police, he needs medical help as soon as possible”
“I agree, but…” – replied Volke – “There is something about this that doesn’t make sense and it’s worrying me too much”
“What do you mean, are you a detective or something now?”
“Well I can try, right?” – he said with a smirk – “I said that it looked like he was in a explosion but he doesn’t have a single scratch on his body, so whatever happened there it wasn’t trying to hurt his body, its almost like… it was an attack to his mind or something? I don’t know how to put it into words but all of this is frighten me. We know that something happened to him there, something that completely wiped his memory to the point he doesn’t even seem to recognize his own appearance… I’m afraid we got into something bigger than we expected.”
“That’s only speculation” – Replied Wolter with a cold stare – “You only connected loose clues and are losing yourself in the mystery. I agree that it’s a very scary situation but do you think we have the power to help him? All we can do is leave him in more capable hands-”
“I can’t do that” – I interrupted him, even to my own surprise, but there was something in me that couldn’t leave him like that – “Before he lost consciousness I saw it, his face, he was scared and desperately asking for help…”
“I know how you feel Sven” –Replied Wolter - “I would like to help him too but we have to be realist here; we can’t play with someone else’s life like that, it’s better to leave him in more professional hands”
“No, it’s not that, it’s just… there is something in him that felt… oddly familiar, but wrong. I don’t know how to say it… it was like he said:  he wasn’t supposed to be like that, it’s almost like…” – I said as I reached my pocket to pick up the poke ball I found early – “I want to protect him, something or someone did that to him and I can’t leave him, I don’t think I could do it…”
“Thank you…” –Said Chesnaught who was waking up in the tent at my back, apparently he listened to all of our talk. – “My head is still a mess… an empty mess but, thank you, and I’m sorry for making you all uncomfortable early…”
“It’s ok, you don’t have to apologize” – I said turning around to see him. He immediately noticed to poke ball in my hand.
“is that…?”- He said
“Oh, I found this close to you, does it bring any memory?”- I asked
“This is… mine” – He said as he reached it with his hand, I was about to suggest that it should belong to a Pokémon that was his and was currently lost when something unexpected happened:
As he touched the button in the center of the poke ball with his finger, the ball opened and a red light came out, surrounding his body and immediately getting him inside of the poke ball
Like he was a Pokémon getting back into his poke ball
Horacio was scratching his head as he went through the pile of documents that Noah prepared beforehand in the house he had set up for him. He studied a lot the Dynamax phenomena back when they worked together but he wasn’t up to date with the recent scientific discoveries in the topic, so he was trying to get a hold of all the information he could as soon as possible. Rompt was getting ready to cook diner when he approached, startling the incineroar who was focused on work.
“Gah! – Oh, it’s you Rompt, sorry…”- He apologized – “Sorry, I haven’t been talking much, it’s just…”
“Don’t worry, I understand, I’m… I’m here to support you!” – Replied an energetic Rompt, but hiding his worries, he wasn’t the best actor but there was no way his friend would notice considering how distressed he was- “I’ll be making diner now, why don’t you take a shower meanwhile?”
“Oh, is that late already?” – Replied Horacio, looking at the dark sky at the other said of a window –“Sure, I’ll take that shower, now that I think I haven’t been able to take one since we arrived here…”
He immediately started to undress as he entered the bathroom, carelessly dropping his clothes in the floor as he moved forward to the shower. Once naked inside the small shower he was ready to turn the faucet and embrace the hot water when his left hand stopped and his right one furiously turned on the cold water, but he didn’t even shiver. He has been reading all day but he hasn’t been able to retain any information at all, the simple idea of Sven in trouble in the back of his mind wasn’t letting him concentrate properly. He needed to focus but how could he when he had no idea where or how his friend was?
And like if his worries reached his friend, his phone started to ring in the floor of the bathroom: an incoming call from Sven.
Horacio carelessly took a look at his phone from the shower but with just looking at the blurry photo of Sven through the fabric of his pants made him trip and fall to the cold floor of the room. He desperately grabbed his phone and quickly turn off the water to listen carefully, but the voice at the other side wasn’t a familiar one.
“Hello? Is this Doctor Horacio or something? It was Horacio right?”
“WHO ARE YOU!?” – Horacio shouted, his instincts fearing the worst, making him so (literally) heated up that all the cold water on his body dried up in a second – “Why do you have Sven’s phone? You better not have laid a finger on him or I’m going to murder you!!!”
“Wha- Oh no no he is ok, well not… really. Listen, my name is Volke, I met him a few days ago and we are traveling together, he has talked to me about you and due to our current situation I thought I should call someone more, eh, informed…? You are some kind of scientist right? You make drugs and stuff and you are very aware of his situation right? So you must be of some help because…  let’s just say that Sven is freaking out right now…”
Volke proceeded to tell him what happened that day after they met the Chesnaught, and how after he went inside the poke ball Sven completely freaked out, it was a shock for all of them but particularly to Sven who couldn’t stop walking around trying to make sense of what happened in front of his eyes, he didn’t even noticed when Volke took his phone from his pocket.
“Wait, you are not kidding, right? He really went into the poke ball?”
“Yeah, he is still in there, but how could that happen? We hybrids shouldn’t be able to be get into poke balls, right?”
“That’s right, they are designed to catch natural Pokémon, and since we share too many genes with the human race they have no effect in our bodies… but for something like this to happen…”
“Any idea that could help to calm down Sven? And all of us too, that was the most scary thing I have watched in my entire life”
“Well, the only explanation I can come up right now is that that Chesnaught is not a hybrid and he crossed a portal to our world and his body changed as a result of his will, like Sven did…”
"Well… Sven is scared he could be caught by an stranger and forced to do stuff against his will, I’m not sure if I should tell him that…”
“Oh he shouldn’t worry about it, he can’t be caught I already tasted that some time ago, not even a Master ball worked on him, neither on Crescente who came through the same portal. Let me tell him personally”
Volke handed the phone to Sven who was laying in the floor holding his head in distress, after listening to Horacio’s explanation a couple of times he finally calmed down.
“Then, why do you think he can do that?” – Asked Sven, minutes after and now sitting in a log around the campfire and petting Wung.
“Well… Technically speaking yours and Crescente’s genetic information are very similar to a naturally born Litwick and a Gourgeist, but thanks to that magic mirror’s power your appearance in this world is humanoid, I sent an email to Miss Agatha time ago about the topic since I’m not an expert in magic, but she explained that while the mirror altered your appearance it seems like there is an extra unknown barrier that protects all of those who travel between worlds, it was in the family records that even Pokémon who went into the mirror and remained their appearance could not be caught in our world. I know it’s not the best explanation but it’s the facts, in theory if you went back to your world even if you remained humanoid you would be able to be caught with a poke balls…”
“Which means…?”
“It means that the Chesnaught you found must have been born in this world, it would make sense why he got so distressed when he saw his reflection and why he was convinced he was just a Pokémon, but the question is… who did it? Who turned a Pokémon’s appearance into a hybrid and decided to abandon him in the forest…?”
“Horacio… I’m scared…”- Replied Sven, hugging the soft wooloo on his arms.
Horacio remained in silence for a couple of seconds. “There are worse things you should be scared now Sven” He thought, but he couldn’t find the strength to tell him.
“Horacio?” – Asked Sven worried by his friend’s sudden silence
“It’s ok Sven, for now you should take care of that Chesnaught, we can’t know who could do something like this but he can’t be left alone, right?”
“You are right; he is lost, with no memories… You know, I don’t think what could have been of me if it wasn’t for Crescente’s kindness when he found me that night… sure my memories were fine but I know that feeling of being lost in an unknown world, trapped in a body you can’t recognize…I think it’s time for me to do that for others, I’ll protect him, even from his previous master who abandoned him, and if I find him… I’ll not let them hurt Chesnaught again!”
“That’s more like it.” – Agreed Horacio – “You know, you can call if you want, we have been worried about you, all of us.”
“I know that, it’s just… I thought that if I called so soon I would feel like going back and that’s…”
“I understand, don’t worry. I’m glad to know you are not alone, seems like you got a good group of friends to travel with.”
Yes, he was right. For a moment Horacio considered the possibility that Volke and Wolter could work for Noah, but considering that in such a situation they decided to call him for help was enough proof that they weren’t enemies. After saying goodbye Horacio put on a robe and opened the door of the bathroom, finding a worried Rompt at the other side.
“Is everything all right!? I heard a loud sound and then you talking alone… what happened!?” – Asked Rompt
“It’s fine, it’s just… Sven is ok…” – Replied Horacio, letting his body drop on Rompt who immediately embraced him.
“Dinner is almost ready, let’s go dress you up and talk me about it, ok?”
“Yeah, there is still a lot of work to do.”
Yes, he was going to be ok too, he has Rompt’s support
They will be ok, no matter what happens, they will not let Noah do any harm to Sven
The next day I couldn’t help but to feel anxious looking at the poke ball in my hands, Chesnaught haven’t came out yet so we talked that we should try to get him out, after all if he still thinks he is just a Pokémon, considering how loyal was his nature it would be odd if he came out by his own will, but even so it would make sense for him to stay if he was still processing what happened to his appearance.
I watched my friends arguing about what to do for breakfast from a bit far away sitting in the grass with my back resting on a tree. The small ball felt a bit uncomfortable, I spend all night thinking about what happened yesterday and what it meant to me: it didn’t feel comfortable, me, holding a poke ball in my hands, it was like if it was something I was not supposed to do… just, wrong…  Just… what was I supposed to tell him? “Hey, welcome to your new life as a Hybrid!”? But, is he really a hybrid? Am I one? We do have a humanoid body now, but… I know that feeling too, being inside a poke ball, having a master and the feeling of that special connection between Pokémon and trainer… But it was cut for me, after all Knoll released me before going into the mirror, I followed him by my own will, maybe… maybe the reason I pushed some kind of master-servant relationship with him even after he released me was because I wanted that special connection back, I did not wanted to be freed, I wanted to be by his side…!
But that’s not what he wanted… he let me go because he didn’t wanted to drag me into his selfish desire and he did not expected me to follow him… and sure, we had a lot of wonderful moments together in this world too, but I can’t help but to think that all of them had a veil of dependence over it.
I wanted to be by his side, but was that a true feeling or just my dependence on that relationship I couldn’t let go? Even in this world and living in different places I still followed him around, I still was his servant even when he did not want to be my master anymore…
Was that a real relationship?
Tears started to drop on the poke ball I was holding, and as if they broke the magic spell that had captured him, Chesnaught came out.
“A-Are you ok!?” – He said, kneeling down and grabbing me by my shoulders – “Did I make you worry? I’m really sorry Ma- I…”
“No no, it’s not your fault”- I said, quickly whipping away my tears –“There is something important I need to talk to you, come, sit down”
He immediately did as I said, but by the looks of it  he took it as an order.
“How are you? Have you… thought about what happened?”
“Yeah…” – He said, looking down at his hands – “I… what happened to me? Why do I look like this? I can’t remember, no matter how much I try, besides the faint memory of having a master, my past is completely empty… I can recognize things like how in this world there are humans, Hybrids and Pokémon but for some reason this body… this voice… is wrong.”
“Well I can relate to that part, when I came into this world I couldn’t help but to feel disgusted by my own appearance too but for different reason… hehe”
“Wait! You are like me!??”
“Kind of…”
I proceed to tell him my story, how I was once a regular litwick and then crossed the mirror to this world and became who I am today, how I met my old and new friends and how I found him lying in the floor. He listened with a lot of attention.
“Horacio has the theory that someone must have done this to you, but have in mind that we don’t have any evidence to support it besides the fact that we have your poke ball…”
“I see… ” – He replied, with a sad look on his face – “So it was as I thought, I mean… it is wrong after all! It doesn’t make any sense, anything! Why would my master leave me like that? I… I want to remember!!”
He was in pain, lost in despair… maybe that’s why I decided to tell him that. It was a theory, or maybe you can call it a lie, but if a lie can give him hope to keep moving on…
“Maybe…” – I said, gently touching his shoulder – “Maybe there is another possibility”
“What do you mean? About what?”
“About your situation. Isn’t it weird? You do remember having a master, right? Then why were you alone? Let’s just say that if he wanted to turn you into this, he would have stayed right?”
“Yeah, that’s odd… but where are you trying to go?”
“Well, if your master wasn’t there… maybe you were stolen.”
“Stolen…” – He repeated, as his face went through fear, angry and finally a glimpse of hope – “Yeah! Maybe, maybe that’s why I was left alone…”
“Yes, whoever did this to you clearly didn’t cared about your well begin, after all even when they succeed in turning you into a hybrid, they still left you behind, right? If that’s the case then your master must be somewhere looking for you!”
“Yeah! I need to find them! But… will they recognize me like this…?”
“I’m sure they will! After all Knoll immediately recognized me before I could even introduce myself! Your bond must have been really strong if it still remained after your memory was wiped out, right?”
“Hell yeah! I’m going to find them!” – He said as he stand up in an energetic pose, but quickly kneeling down again – “But… would it be ok if I travel with you…? I mean I really appreciate what you have done for me but…”
“Do you really think we would let you go like that?” – Said Wolter who suddenly appeared at his back – “You have already caused a lot of problems, especially to Sven who had to face his own demons, you have the responsibility to pay him back at the very least!”
“You really have no touch, do you” – Said Volke who came here following Wolter – “But he is right, I’m sure I’m talking for all of us when I mean that we want to help”
“Man… I… Thank you all, I may be an amnesic Chesnaught but I’ll do my best to help you in anything I can until I find my master! ”
“Good” – Said Volke – “For now, I would like you to come and have breakfast before it gets cold”
“Wait!” –I interrupted as they all turned around on the way back to the camp – “There is something we are forgetting to do!”
“What do you mean” – Replied Wolter
“Well, it’s a bit late but we have to do it properly…” – I said turning to Chesnaught – “My name is Sven and these are Volke and Wolter, pleased to meet you”
“Pleased to be at your care, Master Sven!”
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pumpkachubby · 4 years
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Here is the full body design of Wolter, who was introduced in the last chapter!
(I would usually write a few tips of him, but I don’t want to spoil his backstory, so go and check his chapter~!)
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pumpkachubby · 4 years
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In this new chapter I introduce a new character: Wolter the Wooloo, his past and how after a certain incident he ends up meeting a certain litwick
Pumpkaboo Hunting:  >Part 1< - >Part 2< - >Interlude< - >Part 3< - >Part 4< Before the trip : Sven’s reflections - Little Argument - Taking care of Knoll - Aerial Preparations - Trip to Galar - : First encounter - The Guild’s Master - Alone with Tsvetko - Wolter
“Wung~!! Where are you Wuung!!! Please tell me you are close…”
To say that I was looking for my lost wooloo would be a misunderstanding. It was another day well spent in the wild area: I sat up my tent and I noticed I was low on berries so I decided to find some, after all I was sure I saw a berry tree close by. Usually I walk with Wung, my black wooloo, by my side but he was so tired that I decided to let him sleep in the tent since I shouldn’t have trouble, but…
My name is Wolter, I’m 23 years old, 1.82 m tall and since I stopped checking my weight a couple of months ago I have no idea how heavy currently I am. I’m a wooloo hybrid that was raised in my family’s farm and I decided to become a pokemon trainer but… here I am, in the wild area…
…completely lost.
I saw a couple of thievul running wild a few meters away and I couldn’t avoid to remember… it’s been three months but I don’t think I have overcome my ex-boyfriend. Scott is a thievul hybrid, we grow up together, went to the same primary and high school, it was in the last one we started to date, but when he started to go to college he started to change, and I don’t mean because it was there that he evolved, since we were kids he used to tease me and play around with my belly, I have always been chubby after all, but since he evolved his playful personality became snarky and always centered around my weight: Sure I knew he was into feederism and I enjoyed the attention, but one day he started to blame me for not becoming big enough, remarking how his friend’s boyfriends gained more and more pounds, and how I should stop eating salad and the fruits that I love, all of this because I was not “perfect” for his aesthetic, and at first I went along with him, trying to become as big as he wanted because I loved him. At one point he started to feed me by force, stuffing myself with all kind of trash food and sugary goods, even tying me up so I couldn’t stop eating… and what started as a mutual fun became a torture, but that wasn’t why I decided to break up with him. One day he came back home suddenly talking about how he noticed that everyone he knew had done the gym challenge, and how much it made him feel less than everyone else (and following that line of thought, less “perfect”) so he decided to participate In this year’s challenge, defeat the current champion and becoming the most “perfectly beautiful champion in history” and for that he decided to start collecting shiny pokemon, and so he demanded me to give him Wung, my shiny wooloo who was gifted to me by my grandpa before he passed away when I was little, the one who has been forever by my side, always helping me to walk around without lose myself or finding me when I’m lost. That was the moment when I decided I had enough: I could had let him do as he pleased with my body, but I wasn’t going to let him do the same to Wung.
Our break up was quite the scene: after a few minutes of verbally attacking each other I couldn’t control myself anymore and I punched him right in the face, he immediately threw himself to me, indignant for my actions: how could someone so disgusting dare to touch his perfect face? He made a mess of our department, starting to throw things at me and calling me names until I couldn’t do much besides lying at the floor in pain… thankfully the neighbors called the police send me a few days in the hospital. Apparently they found out about how he tied me up too so the policeman said that even when Scott tried to sue me for violence, it was clear that I only acted in self defense, but in the end Scott didn’t spent a single day in the police station because his father was an important figure in the institution or something.
When I left the hospital I decided to go back to the lifestyle I had years ago, before Scott. Sure I didn’t wanted to become slim, I love my body and being big but at the same time I love doing exercise and having a balanced diet, so I started to go to the gym and I gained quite the amount of muscle, my personal trainer even said that if I wanted I could became a weightlifter but I had no interest for that. Every day when I looked at myself in the mirror I couldn’t avoid to ask myself how could I let him do that to me, how no matter how uncomfortable he made me feel I was too weak to fight back, and even when I did I couldn’t do much beside throwing the first punch.
I would never do that again, I would never let myself be or be seen as weak. I’m a strong wooloo who doesn’t need the approval of someone else to validate me anymore.
One day I was having lunch at my parent’s home when they talked in the news about the gym challenge, how the champion remained unbeaten and how everyone who wanted to participate should start to get ready and try to get a recommendation… and that moment I decided that I wanted to participate too.
Every kid in Galar has dreamed of becoming champion. I couldn’t participate on it when I was younger: My dad never had the strong body of health of me and my mom, so I had to help her with our farm, but now they have employees to help them and I’m finally free to give a chance with Wung by my side, and if I can be on Scott’s way of becoming the most “perfectly beautiful champion” I would do my best to destroy that vain goal, and if I can do it in front of a large audience, even better
But that aside, I was in quite the pinch now: not only I was totally lost in the woods of the wild area, I still lacked the necessary recommendation to participate in the gym challenge! I came into the wild area trying to find someone to impress, it’s well known that some sponsors come here to find new talents but after a few weeks all I find is other trainers doing the same…
I kept walking in the woods trying to remember where I came from but I had no idea, saying that my sense of orientation is bad would be an underestimation: it’s just non-existent! Before I could notice it was already dark and I was hungry when I saw a blue light at the distance. It must be a litwick, I thought, but it was way too high. Suddenly the light started to come closer quickly, I could feel footsteps of a person and a pokemon, and suddenly Wung jumped out of a brush, followed by a guy that if you only looked up from his shoulders, no one would shame you for thinking it was a real litwick, blue flame and everything.
“Oh Wung! You finally found me!” – I almost cried as I hugged his soft black fur – “But… who is your companion?”
“Oh, good evening I guess? My name is Sven! Me and my friend stumbled with your tent and that little buddy was all worried about you… you must be Wolter, right?” – He said, as he lend me a hand to stand up. – “My friend Volke stayed in the camp, it shouldn’t be too far away.”
“Yeah, but… how do you know my name?” – I asked him, after all I don’t think I left any identification in my tent, and if I did I had to be very cautions around burglars, and this Sven guy looked quite suspicious with that blue flame floating on his head, but instead of trying to come up with an excuse he responded with the most honest face I have seen.
“Well, your wooloo told me…” – I was throw back by this sudden answer, there was something on his way of talking that made it hard to argue back, he noticed my concern and followed with a more baffling questions – “You can’t understand him?”
 “Of course normal people can’t understand what a pokemon says you idiot!” – Laughed Volke to Sven who was quite embarrassed by the recent events. Wung lead us back to the camp after our weird first meeting, and when we finally arrived I saw a toxtricity making some curry. He introduced himself as Volke and immediately noticed something weird happened between us. After a long explanation about how Sven is not precisely a human, which I didn’t fully buy at first, and how they have been traveling together for a couple of days, Volke continued to make fun of his friend.
“Man I can’t believe you actually said that, I knew I made the right choice when I decided to join you”- Joked again the toxtricity, making Sven blush even more.
“But-! You told me you can understand your pokemon!” – Replied Sven
“That’s only because I’ve been with them for a long time, it’s not like you, I knew you can understand more clearly what they say but I didn’t expect you to be actually able to 100% understand what they say! You really are a pokemon with the body of a human after all!”
“Excuse me” – I interrupted, honestly I was getting tired of his attitude – “I think I’ll need a proper demonstration to fully believe what you say… while some of the things I have seen are weird, like your blue flame on your head, everything can be explained if I see you as a powerful hybrid, after all there are many pokemon abilities that could give information about me… let’s see” – I noticed how all this time Wung was lying by his side so I asked him for help– “Wung, can you tell him something only you know about me?”
Wung immediately stud up and jumped into Sven’s arms and started to make noises, and I started to get worried because this Sven guy has a very expressive face… he went to surprise to sadness to straight up crying…
“You sure about this?” – Asked Volke – “I know this is a very good way to check if what he says is true, but you are risking exposing yourself too much. I was shocked when I noticed he could understand pokemon, and I did the same thing, but my partners said a little more than I expected…”
“Eh-?” –I had no time to react when Sven throw himself to hug me in tears.
“It must have been hard… but you did it, you gave that step… you fought back… I- *snif* I want to help you, I want to be there when you beat Scott’s ass! Let’s find someone to give you a good recommendation!”
“WHAT!?” – I was shocked to hear that name, I looked at Wung and he only said yes with his head… did he really told Sven about my ex-boyfriend? I couldn’t believe it, but the proof was right there…
“Hey, I have no clue at all of what’s happening…” – Interrupted Volke, who was way more close to my face than I expected.
“W- well, how to say this… “ – I wondered if I should said it out loud, but at the same time I was already being hugged by a large man who already knew, so I guessed there was no reason to kept it for myself anymore… -“I’m trying to enter this year’s gym challenge, I couldn’t do it as a kid but know I finally have the opportunity, but one of the reasons I want to do it is because I know my abusive ex-boyfriend is gonna enter and I want to crush his arrogant dream.”
“Oh~” – He responded, turning around and taking out an sketchbook and pencils – “That’s an scenario I want to see with my own eyes, would you be able to reach that goal or would you fail before you even get to see your ex-boyfriend? I want to see that, such a mix of pure childish dreams and the disgusting hatred of revenge!” – He exclaimed as he started to draw something on the paper.
“Well, only if you are ok…” – Sven said, finally releasing me from his grip – “There are a lot of things of this world that I don’t know about, I started this journey to learn as much as I can… if you are ok, would you let us join in your travels?”
Suddenly Wung jumped to my arms and I didn’t need to be like Sven to understand what he was saying
I guess I won’t mind a little company
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