#Tuba/Ming Xiao
missn11 · 3 years
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Tuba/Ming Xiao
made from this picrew
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missn11 · 4 years
For all your OC pairings, what's an absent, small gesture the OC does that makes the VTMB character's heart just fill with fondness and love? Alternatively, what was the moment that the VTMB character(s) realized they loved your OC? I'm daydreaming again, haha. Thanks and have a great day! :D
@badass-at-cuddling ohhhh my gosh!!! yes, thank you for this ask, I love talking about my OC/VTMB characters pairings! :D
Nines’ heart almost seems to come alive again whenever Barbara gazes lovingly in his eyes as she strokes his cheek. It never fails to fill him with fondness and love for her. Sadly looking back he now views those little moments with horror...
NInes realised that he fell in love with Barbara when she came back to the Last Round after killing Bishop Vick all bloodied and injured, and he was so worried that she was going to fall in torpor, that he personally took care of her. Nines was so inspired and taken by her supposed willingness to fight for the vulnerable people who were dying because of the plague bears, that he had no chance but to fall in love.
Taika having LaCroix rest his head against her while she pours him a glass of blood, reminds him of how much he loves her. Truly she always manages to make him feel safe.
When she said his last name correctly And Taika making him feel safe is what made LaCroix realised that he loved her and wanted her always by his side and that moment came when she killed some Anarch rebel wannabe that thought he could take on the Prince of LA all by himself. While LaCroix wasn’t in any real danger, the fact that Taika destroyed this idiot with her blood magic without a second thought had touched him in so many ways, all his wall crumbled all at once as the Anarch blew up in bloody chunks! XD
  Tuba/Ming Xiao
Ming Xiao feels an incredible amount of warm fondness and love towards Tuba whenever she brings her delicious sweet treats or a book that she had her eye, especially if it’s a super rare book where there are only less than a hundred copies that have survived. Of course, Tuba got Ming Xiao a copy of the Book of Nod!
Ming Xiao first admitted that she loved Tuba was that she really truly and full-heartedly believed in her and her vision for Los Angeles and would fight all their enemies to her final death and that she would do the exact same for Tuba. That for the first time in centuries she would willingly face Yomi and back for another again! Godamn it, I’m crying now!  
Damsel won’t admit it but she feels all gooey whenever Ayo comes up from behind to hug her and hum gently the latest pop tune in her ear, it takes her to a place where it’s just the two of them.
Damsel first realised that she loved Ayo was the moment that she told Damsel that she didn’t have to shape her whole life around NInes and his cause. It stuck in her more than it had when Nines had told her pretty much the same thing, maybe cause she had brushed it off as him being all noble. (He’s a good boy in this verse, like in all my OC verses except maybe in Taika’s but that’s cause I love the irony of Damsel leaving one cult to unintentionally join another one!) And yet Ayo saying the same thing made her realise that it was because she cared about her and her wellbeing and saw there was more to her than all the passionate anger she often showed to everyone. Oh no, I’m crying again!
Nines always feels so loved whenever Gloria bathes him, her fingers massaging his scalp makes him feel so special and takes him away from all the pressure of being the leader of the Downtown Anarchs. He won’t admit it but he loves it when she takes care of him like this, the feeling his fondness and love towards are heightened even more so after they have a BDSM session together. ;)
Nines realised that he loved Gloria when she told him that he is beautiful and people think he is so brave for submitting to her during their third BDSM sex session together that included an imagined crowd where he was imagining that the crowd were disgusted that he was submitting to a Ventrue’s dominance. (yay for having to deal with self-hatred, guilt for enjoying being submissive to a Ventrue cause BRUJAH are not allowed to ever want to be SUBS especially not for VENTRUES bullshit and his abandon issues all the time for Nines sucks!) The fact she showed so much care about his self-worth and his mental well being, made him realise that this was the woman he wanted to spend the rest of his unlife with. :3
Gloria/Velvet Velour
Velvet loves it when Gloria pulls her into her arms and kisses her on her neck or on the top of her shoulder. It’s just such a simple gesture but it never fails to send VV’s heart aflutter.
Velvet realised she was in love with Gloria when the Ventrue was so positive and encouraging about her poems, she never really had that before from anyone aside from Isaac and she had feared that he only liked them cause she was his adoptive childe but to hear from someone who appreciated her for more than the vixen persona she had presented herself to Kindred society had meant so much.   
This is basically the AU verse where LaCroix decides that being Gloria’s 24/7 sub is a better life choice for him than opening the sarcophagus! (okay it’s not quite that simple but you know, I gotta work on that AU first) XD
Whenever Gloria tells LaCroix that he is a good boy or he makes the Ventrue clan proud wherever they are doing their BDSM sessions or just life in general always fills LaCroix with so much fondness and love for her. (Gloria and Jan are the only Ventrue in the world who understand that all Ventrue have a praise kink, yo)
LaCroix realised that he was in love with Gloria was the realisation that she had been willing to risk so much for him to have him by her side. It touched him in so many ways that he felt unworthy of her and wants to improve himself so he could be half as worthy of her as she thinks he is. 
Phew, that was a long one! XD Thanks again to @badass-at-cuddling for the ask, I got some feels at points, I just love these fools so much! :3
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missn11 · 4 years
What ships should we ask about?
oh you can ask about any of my ships tbh
my current ships are: LaCroix/Ming Xiao, Nines/Ming Xiao, LaCroix/Nines, LaCroix/Nines/Ming Xiao, Barbara/Nines, Taika/LaCroix, Tuba/Ming Xiao, Ayo/Damsel, Nines/Gloria/Velvet and LaCroix/Gloria/Nines
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missn11 · 3 years
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Bloodlied hands lovers Ming Xiao x Tuba
I've been missing doing water colours and drawing these two so much 🥺
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missn11 · 4 years
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Post Sexy times Read https://www.deviantart.com/nk11/art/Post-Sexy-times-Read-850671758
So @badass-at-fandoming had mentioned on one of my Tuba/Ming Xiao pics that she had missed them and to be honest I have missed drawing these two as well. And plus, its given me the excuse to try out my fresh pad of watercolour paper which is really different to to the last paper I have used. For one the colours really pop without me having to constantly paint on layers and then wait for it to dry otherwise I could fuck it all up. XD
I think its turned out rather well and I have done another painting with this paper, which I will post later in the week. :D
And in this pic I have now headcanoned that for Ming Xiao reading with her partner is one of her love languages. :3  
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missn11 · 4 years
For the Preconceived Notions about characters meme, let's see... Remember that cute art you did of Ming Xiao chilling in her war form? I think Tuba gets in the tub with her and they have a spa day. :D For Barbara, I think she figures out those earrings are Nines' fetter. Maybe with her Auspex? Taika used a Ouija Board as a kid. Damsel has a crush on Gloria. Evidence: Gloria is Big
style hanks for asking @badass-at-cuddling
10! Oh yeah, Tuba would have a spa day (err nightXD) with squidy Ming Xiao and feed her chocolates! 😊  
8! Ohhh that’ll be a scary day for Nines when Barbara does figure it out his fetter are in the earrings, perhaps we’ll find out in a fic one day! 😉
10! Taika totally used an Ouija board with her friends as a kid but even though nothing happened her newagey and superstitious parents quickly took the Ouija board cause they didn't want her to accidentally summon spirits. But don’t think that her parents are that stable cause they were the ones pumping in Taika’s head about how she was going to be someone incredibly important one day.
10! So true, shh don’t let Damsel hear you that she wants to be bridal style carried around by that Amazonian Blueblood though! 😆 Everyone will clown her like she had done with Nines, when he started seeing Gloria! XD
Funny enough I seem to have Damsel be into all of my OCs that are with Nines! 🤣
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missn11 · 5 years
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I’ll Keep You Safe In My Arms... https://www.deviantart.com/nk11/art/I-ll-Keep-You-Safe-In-My-Arms-834010776?ga_submit_new=10%3A1584391010
So @badass-at-cuddling asked to do a drawing based on this kissing meme --> https://missn11.tumblr.com/post/612585200747233280/aurerita-rt-hey-look-its-one-of-those-send-me either with Ming Xiao/Tuba in A2 or LaCroix/Nines B2 
So I decided to do them both! :D I’ll be working on finishing the LaCroix/Nines one soon (It’s just a sketch at the moment and needs inking and colouring) 
Thanks again to @badass-at-cuddling for the suggestion! :)
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missn11 · 5 years
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...precious, rare and sweet. 
https://www.deviantart.com/nk11/art/A-True-Friendship-Is-Rare-As-Is-True-Love-828908828?ga_submit_new=10%3A1580550165&ga_type=edit&ga_changes=1 I wanted to participate in #femslash February this year and here's my contribution with a painting of Tuba and Ming Xiao sharing a nice cuddly moment together.  Also, I'm doing a painting technique I haven't done in years, so let me know what you all think of it. Is it better than how I normally do my art or not? or just as good?
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missn11 · 5 years
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Comfortable In Her Assassin’s Arms
As you can see unlike with LaCroix and Nines, Ming Xiao is comfortable with keeping her eyes close when Tuba feeds on her blood, because she knows that Tuba is more trustworthy. Also, she's more gullible than LaCroix and Nines are! XD   But truthfully, I think with Tuba being a Banu Haqim of the Vizier caste and having such a passion for learning would charm Ming Xiao a lot. Also, it helps that Tuba views the Kuei-jin with curiosity rather than hostility and thus is willing to listen to Ming Xiao's side of the story than most.  
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missn11 · 5 years
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The Kuei Jin High Priestess and The Assaminte by NK11
So I've done another drawing of my Assamite, Tuba --> www.deviantart.com/nk11/art/Tu… this time she's getting cozy with Ming Xiao!
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missn11 · 5 years
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Feeding Party https://www.deviantart.com/nk11/art/Feeding-Party-827326802
Looks like Nines, Tuba and LaCroix can't get enough of Ming Xiao and her blood! :D This picture was partly inspired by this Bruno Nicolai track for the movie Eugenie (1970) directed by Jess Franco --> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ep739sZLYBk&list=PLOksL7ApR8IhcQ9Fb5p3mjikSc-l67I4B&index=19&pbjreload=10 I love this track, it has a dark trippy sensual feel to it. :)
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missn11 · 3 years
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Tuba going to Elysium
Tuba is the type to show up to a important event in her pjs unless her wife (Ming Xiao) suggests she dress up, but Tuba has no interest in turning up full glam for Kindred she could care less about, she going to dress comfy damn it! XD Basically the line "sorry I'm late, I didn't want to come."
Btw if you like what you see and want a commission drop me a direct message on tumblr or a note on deviantart
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missn11 · 3 years
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So @cthylla-rlyeh tagged me to use this picrew andI made my VTM, VTMB and VTMNR OCs!
Gloria Ventrue Anarch
Barbara Toreador Sabbat
Taika Tremere Sabbat
Tuba Banu Harqim sides with the Kuei-jin
Mara Brujah Interdependent
Ayo Daughter of Cacophony Anarch
Shi Hou Ventrue Camarilla
Miranda Brujah Camarilla
Antía Malkavian Anarch
Anah Salubri sides with LaCroix and Ming Xiao
and I tag whoever wants to do this! :D
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missn11 · 4 years
🥰 📒 🎤
@robotslenderman oh wow thank you for these questions! :D
🥰 fave fic you’ve written?
Oh, man don’t make me pick favorites, all my fics are my babies! XD
But I will say that I’ve been really enjoying writing my new fic of Setite LaCroix, A Traitorous Affair and These Nights of Regret and my Lust, Politics and somehow Love series has been enjoyable too and I’m also proud of my one-shot fic Hindsight is a Bitch at lot!
📒any fics planned?
I’m currently still writing and editing the next chapters for my Setite LaCroix fic, LaCroix/Ming Xiao fic, and Nines/Ming Xiao fic.
I also do have a WIP for my Gloria fic of her embrace and of Taika short multi-chapter fic but I do have plans to write my Tuba fic and an Ayo fic too, I just would like to get some chapters done first! XD
🎤fave line in a fic you wrote?
Ohhh damn this is hard, I have a lot of bits that I really like! XD
Well I do like this bit from my latest chapter of A Traitorous Affair
They stepped inside a small room containing a couple of chairs and a wooden table with various tools. Sebastian felt his skin prickle up a little as he gazed upon a beautifully detailed bronze Buddha statue. The longer he stared at the statue the more he felt the sense of how wrong his existence had been even before his embrace-
“Sebastian?” Ming Xiao’s voice and the warm touch of her hand on his shoulder shook him out of his downward spiralling trance. Sebastian quickly pulled his gaze away from the Buddha statue and turned to face her, the horrible existential crisis fading away from his mind.
She led him by the arm towards the table and chairs, unnecessarily helping him take a seat before she sat down herself. “What did you feel when you gazed upon the Buddha, Sebastian?” Ming Xiao asked, her voice filled with sympathy and genuine curiosity.
“As though I’ve always lived my life wrongly and that- ” Sebastian paused, the words becoming hard to find, “I don’t know, to be honest, but it’s not like being in a truly holy place, where I feel nothing but pain and complete hopelessness.”
“It forces you to see what is wrong and challenges you to find a better path, is that what you mean?” Ming Xiao gently took Sebastian’s hands into her own and gave them a squeeze.
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missn11 · 4 years
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So I was tagged by @cthylla-rlyeh to use this picrew to make my OCs in https://picrew.me/image_maker/325663 and you can use this picrew if you wanna make male/male presenting OCs https://picrew.me/image_maker/378582 (thanks clthylla-rlyeh! :D)
Again these ladies are all my VTMB OCs
So the first one is Barbara my Sabbat Toreador, having a fun night out in the city, let’s hope there isn’t any murdering shenanigans occurring!
Second one is Gloria, my Anarch Ventrue looking all gothy and cute. ^_^
Third one is Taika, my Sabbat Tremere just vibing (perhaps this is her pre embrace.)
and finally this last one is Tuba, my Banu Haqim who sides with Ming Xiao’s Kuei-jin, just out and about wearing one of her many quirky sunglasses she likes to wear. (It’s to hide her red eyes, cause you know Masquerade Violation! XD) 
These were really fun to make and I’m sorry for not posting these last night. XD  
And I tag @bi-urameshi , @badass-at-fandoming and @nessynoname to do this one :)
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missn11 · 4 years
For the WIP asks: 💩📄❤
@nessynoname oh thanks for asking! :D
💩a shitty summary of the scene you’re working on: After receiving a burning booboo, LaCroix ends getting healed by Ming Xiao’s creepy ex who is totally subtly probing to find out why she even wants this Cainite around.    
📄 and a new idea you want to start: Oh fuck, I have at least two ideas that I wanna work on! XD Well the first one is a VTMB fic of my Anarch Ventrue, Gloria’s journey, and relationships through Bloodlines and the second is a pro-Kuei-jin VTMB AU fic about my Ban Haqim, Tuba and her romance with Ming Xiao and the struggles they both encounter while trying to take over LA.
❤️ and your favorite fact about an oc of yours: oh gosh I don’t know which one to pick! XD I guess Tai from A Traitorous Affair is fun to write for me, it’s sick but I find it fascinating how well he can cause another person pain without even laying a finger on them by merely hitting their emotional weak points.    
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