#Tumbling down
paulgadzikowski · 13 days
In retrospect it's probably good that the hush money case went to trial first, because now the relatively lower-stakes case has established a precedent for finding the nusternucker guilty before the truly heinous charges get tried
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jan-jan-binks · 3 months
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This is so sad alexa play "Komm Susser Todd"
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songs2aiart · 2 months
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Muse - Resistance “Will they find our hiding place, Is this our last embrace Or will the walls start caving in?”
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“The night has reached its end We can't pretend We must run” https://youtu.be/M6JRD-ubxR4
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marcusgnar · 5 months
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250 篇貼文!
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spilladabalia · 3 months
Cockney Rebel - Tumbling Down
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Me when I’m in need of a tender, well written love story and GenoSai fic at the same time:
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This fic has gotten me through everything over and over, y’all read it rn😭 @criscura
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criscura · 2 years
Have you thought about doing other stories within the universe of your Tumbling Down story? Like how Mumen and Sonic or Badd and Garou got together? Tumbling Down was Saitama and Genos' story but the bits given about the other two couples made me want more. Like what was the stuff Sonic was dealing with that Saitama mentioned not to mention a good boy like Mumen finding good in Sonic. Or what Badd and Garou saw in eachother when their both hotheads, did Zenko play winggirl for her brother?
if I spent any amount of time on them, I tried to figure out a little bit of the characters' backstory. I don't know that I'd write them--I sort of like having them be just bits in the background, and it's tough to make such a longterm thing with ships that I like but I'm not as invested in--BUT
I can at least explain how it happened XD Mumen, Sonic, Badd, and Garou's stories under the cut <3<3
Mumen was still with his fiance May when TD started. His running into Sonic in "Window Shopping" was when they first met, and when Saitama said that Sonic wasn't causing trouble so long as he was with them, Mumen really took that to heart. He started tailing Sonic for as long as he could to stop him from stealing anything or hurting anyone. Sonic was PISSED at first, but it turned into just another thing he had to deal with...until Mumen followed him "home" and realized the ninja was living in whatever empty spaces he could. Sonic hated him knowing about that part of his life, but Mumen was horrified. It became a new part of his self-appointed mission--bringing food, water, sheets, etc., in hopes that if Sonic was more comfortable, maybe he wouldn't be desperate enough to do such awful things to get by.
Of course this is eating up a lot of his time, and while May's used to him being out a lot of the time, he's even more distant than usual. Not mean, but distracted. He's mentioned Sonic and she's getting suspicious, especially when he's running off at all hours to try and help him. She doesn't think he's cheating, at least not at first--he's way too honest for that--but then he comes home one day with a very different vibe and they need to have a talk.
It was after he nearly stayed the night with Sonic because he was real fuckin' sick. Mumen (very belatedly, honestly) realized that not only did he not mind taking care of him, he was excited to get to spend more time with him, in a way that had gone beyond what a good Samaritan or even a friend would do. He thought Sonic was funny and charming and passionate and weirdly innocent in his own outlandish way, and he wanted more of that. He *understood *it...and it was something he couldn't ever share with May. Mumen was attracted to him too, and Sonic seemed like he reciprocated (with the added danger that he didn't give two shits about Mumen already being engaged if it seemed like his heart wasn't in that relationship anymore). However Mumen is a Very Good Boy and he *wouldn't *cheat, so he needed to talk things over with May first before they did anything.
After a bit they realized they were more getting married because that was what they were supposed to do rather than what they truly wanted. While they did care about each other a lot, it wasn't in a romantic way. They split (I think Mumen left her the apartment), and Mumen told Sonic to move in with him when he found a new place. Around then was when Sonic started to seriously rethink his lifestyle. Being with Mumen in a stable home, taking care of and being taken care of by someone you really loved, having the opportunity to fall into a deep sleep without worrying that you're going to be found out or attacked.... It was all way too much and too tempting for him, and he decided he wanted to change. And that was pretty much it for them. Low and slow, with a bit of a dramatic start ;;;
Badd and Garou just follow the fucking trajectory set up for them in the manga honestly XD I mean they've already got chemistry up the fucking waZOO. They're already fully together when TD starts. For how they fell into it, though, I think they run into each other and fight, or one of them seeks the other out, and both of them being who they are don't care much about their pasts as long as they aren't shitty now. I think they might've had a full on fighting-to-fucking moment (or close to it). After that it was a puppy love ordeal where neither of them had dated before and they didn't know how to conduct themselves. Maybe they tried in vain to go about dating in the traditional way, only to realize neither of them had the patience for it and they'd much rather just violently fuck before getting a pizza. Truly boys being boys but like. In the sweet way XD
Zenko does get pissed off and tries to help, but they're kinda lost causes. She gets another big brother, though, and Badd--for fucking ONCE--is smiling more than he's frowning, so she's honestly ecstatic. She's SO HAPPY her brother found someone who makes him look that excited to come home from work every day that isn't just her and their cat.
Badd and Garou get a lot more flack for their relationship from the HA than any other couple, though, because Garou wreaked so much havoc so publicly for so long. It's impossible to frame their relationship in a way that won't reflect really poorly on the association. Amai is convinced if they're too open about it, it's going to look like the HA set up Garou's mission or that not even the S-class care that much about keeping the world safe from monsters, and they're gonna start to lose donations for a fund that's already not really cutting it. He's a lot harsher on them than anyone else. They're pissed but it doesn't really stop them. Garou lives with them, after all--no matter what Badd's coming home to him at the end of the night, and in the morning the whole family's gonna wander bleary-eyed into the kitchen for breakfast (kitty included).
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girlmikeyway · 2 years
guys i am dead fucking serious i think mcr should cover tumbling down for an encore and then immediately follow it up with kids from yesterday
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98fckingbeetles · 1 year
it all returns to nothing
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dawntrailing · 2 years
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paulgadzikowski · 12 days
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so some triple Toppats have been splatted into non-existent which only means one more to watch topple and fall
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marcusgnar · 19 days
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10000 篇貼文!
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songs2aiart · 4 months
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Depeche Mode - Monument "When the site was found we laid the foundations down It didn't take long before they came back tumbling down" https://youtu.be/x92KI1Pn94k
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criscura · 2 years
Hey I love tumbling down, and I’m curious-have u ever thought of writing some more about it, like about Genos and Sai raising Kore and being good dads, and maybe even Kore meeting Fubuki and her begrudgingly teaching her more about her esper abilities? Sorry if this ask sounds pushy btw
It doesn't sound pushy!!! Also I'M sorry for the fucking absolutely RIDICULOUS amount of time it took me to answer this. I also just answered another ask about it ;;; And!! I mean at most what I've thought about with Kore was them struggling with her abilities because she's so strong, and while Saitama is invulnerable, Genos isn't. She's definitely had moments of massive distress where she accidentally hurt Genos in a serious way, and everyone needed to cope with/figure out how to manage it. I think she'd run away a fair bit when she was in her angsty teen phase out of guilt/fear/anger, but once she figured out her dads (but especially Saitama) really did love her as much if not more than they did each other, she mellowed out and totally opened up to let them help her.
(Saitama just falls more and more in love with Genos as time goes on, so when something happens to him, it's not weird for him to be fucking terrifying. If you see that as a little kid and think it's directed at you and not just some god-become-man trying to calm himself down, it's gonna leave a mark) I didn't even think about Fubuki being able to pitch in. I suppose I never had her all that close to the boys in TD, so it wasn't even a thought. She totally could though.....
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