#Tvc Millenia Gate Au
nightcolorz · 9 months
EVERYONE LOOOOK at this insanely incredible show stopping breathtaking fan art the love of my life @loelett Did for my Vampire Chronicles au fic Millenia Gate!! Context it’s an Online 😭😭 Drama AU 😭😭 where the vampires are modern human Influencers who get themselves cancelled through convoluted means. Here is Armand in one of my favorite scenes in chapter one. he is Serving Absolute Cunt and also exposing his fellow art YouTuber (marvin de Morb or smth idk I haven’t read it) for online grooming him, and looking good doing it! Er get doxed L
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the-vagabond-angel · 10 months
Chapter 3 of my favorite fic ever dropped like an hour ago I’m a little late to posting about it cries
Pls go give this wonderfully stressful fic love 🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼 he puts his whole vampire heart and soul into these chapters and I knowww he would appreciate the love for it :]!!
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nightcolorz · 10 months
me including Twitter in my social media post formatted au fic as a functional social media platform everyone uses feels so out of date now (I started this fic this summer).
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nightcolorz · 10 months
The scream I scrumpt when I opened up that first spotify link in chapter 3 😭😭 DRAG HIM
I was dead ass cackling while I wrote that lmao I had such a good time ripping his rancid ass to shreds
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nightcolorz · 10 months
omg as someone obsessed with hobby drama i LOVE milliena gate!!!
AAAAA thank you sm!! I’m so excited to get chapter 3 out into the world ! That fact that there are so many ppl so invested in this fic as much as me blows my mind I love u guys
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nightcolorz · 9 months
I’m now taking inspiration for user names in my social media drama AU fic from the fucking porn bots who r following me. Millenia gate readers when u see tumblr user untouchablebelch make an appearance in ch5 do not give me credit for that 😭😭
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the-vagabond-angel · 11 months
I love the millenia gate AU so much!!!
RAHHHHH I KNOW RIGHT!!!! It’s so freaking cool and the whole fic is so well written!!!
@nightcolorz is so amazing at writing and it literally makes me so happy to watch him write and create more for this au (I scream at him to feed me whenever I know he’s gonna go write)!! And I’m so happy that he’s brought me along for the ride lmao, it’s so fun getting to help him build on the au in a more modern setting (this is one of my absolute favorite things to do).
And can you believe this allllll started because I made a joke abt Marius making an apology video like Colleen ballinger except he’s playing a lute (Riccardo’s ghost is in the back playing the drums and crying).
Since Ryan (that’s nightcolorz) is currently gonna be offline for sometime, I think it’d be really cool if we all went and spammed the fic with kudoes and comments! It would make him real happy I’m sure to come back to sm love from people for his work :P he works super hard to give the best possible story he can, let’s all go give the Millenia Gate AU fic a kiss (smooch smooch).
(Speaking of the Millenia Gate AU, have you ever wanted to talk to YouTuber Armand? WELL YOU CAN
@armand1481 go say hi to him, he doesn’t bite but that’s mainly because he can’t through the screen)
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nightcolorz · 9 months
idk if this is cheating or smth but er it’s Vamptember free day so I’ll just advertise my fic! I don’t have time to write anything new for vamptemeber bcus I’m spending sm time writing this lol. It’s a tvc social media/influencer au inspired by the loads of internet drama I consume. It’s really good and funny and traumatizing and it means a lot to me you guys should read it !
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nightcolorz · 7 months
Just want to say I enjoyed Millenia Gate tremendously and can’t wait for the next update. Appreciate if I could hear your thoughts on its themes too!
omg thank u so much 😭😭😭 shakes and sobs. every time someone tells me this I ascend to heaven. U r playing a bold game asking me this bcus u r unleashing a beast rn. Ty ty for sending the ask lol even tho I said I’m always itching for some one to ask me about this I had no idea someone actually would 😭 bless u ur my favorite guy. I am going to go on a whole essay rant analysis of my own fic now praise god. I am going to give u not only my thematic thoughts but my millennia gate backstory cuz they r very tired together lol at least to me.
(for outsiders millennia gate is my tvc au about tvc characters getting cancelled for being problematic influencers. Armand makes an expose video about marius Lestat gets involved and everyone finds out he’s insane it becomes like a mystery daniel is there it’s a great time)
so millennia gate truly was initially intended to be a straight up comedy. A dark comedy inherently cuz the subject matter is so dark, but still a crack fic with little substance that I was doing for pure goofs. I literally decided to write it as a stupid inside joke with my then friend now boyfriend @the-vagabond-angel bcus we had a joke about marius making a Colleen ballinger style “apology video” where he plays the lute instead of the ukulele. We even wrote marius version lyrics it was really funny 😭 I wish I remembered what they were cuz they were top tier truly. But yeah that prompted vagabond angel to be like wow wouldn’t it be so funny if tvc characters were influencers who get cancelled, and that prompt alone caused me to start spamming paragraphs of ideas about what the tvc characters would do to get cancelled and how they would play into each other drama wise, all centered around the initial idea of marius grooming Colleen balligner none apology. Angel was like “wait have u thought of this before??” And I was like no I am literally just now coming up with this u unlocked smth within me. This was in the middle of the night so I went to sleep and then right away the next morning I woke up and wrote over 7,000 words in the day. I was literally none stop writing, with my silly jester the vagabond angel in my ear like the devil on my soldier live reacting as he followed along on our shared Google doc. I think my manic writing was what prompted this uncontrollable meaning to emerge, that I wasn’t truly aware of until I was at the end of the first chapter.
I was surprised at myself by how serious it gets 😭 bcus I earnestly intended it to be purely light hearted. I think while I was writing I, consciously or otherwise, registered that I took these characters and these topics very seriously and it would have to take some disingenuous effort to not do so in my writing. I started reflecting on the cognitive dissonance of internet drama as a culture, bcus it was rlly reflective in my writing in a way that I couldn’t ignore. I spent an entire day writing about grooming and abuse, and I barely registered that until I wrote Armand’s video, which felt like being possessed by this tragic spirit almost, and I realized huh. This is what online discourse is like. The first chapter of millennia gate ended up being really unintentionally impactful, I’ve been told, bcus it’s so funny and then u just get hit by the reality at the end like a train.I’ve always been very involved and personally affected by online drama and cancelling and all those things, I find it very entertaining and sometimes very triggering and upsetting, and I think I fully was able to conceptualize my relationship with that through writing this fic. It was meant to be funny, but it turned into sort of grotesquely funny and sort of seriously upsetting at times. There’s this constant tonal whiplash in millennia gate of the internet users engaging with the drama and the perspective of the people involved that always feels sort of cruel while I write. I am always thinking when I write the little tweets and the tumblr posts YouTube comments etc, “these people don’t care about armand, these people don’t care about Lestat, this is not real to them, this is a hypothetical scenario that they can leverage to make a point, or this is a reality show or an absurd soap opera they watch for guilty pleasure entertainment, this isn’t real to them, they don’t care.” Whether it be me writing a joke post or me writing a sensitive discourse posts, they rlly do not care.
and that’s just how the internet works really, it doesn’t make anyone who engages with discourse or drama online an unempathetic person, etc. The way influencer culture and internet culture in general works requires this distance, were we as the consumers see everything, wether it be a tiktok or a person having a mental health breakdown before our eyes, or talking about there abuse, as entertainment. Even if u aren’t making it a joke, even if u r posting about how concerned u r for Gabbie Hanna or someone or watching commentary videos analyzing the weight of the situation and making intellectual conversation about the broader cultural and societal implications of whatever moral argument is taking place through the lens of someone’s life—-it’s still entertainment. I know! I love video commentary about online drama, my most watched genre of video dead ass. It’s not anything wrong with us, our brains our hardwired. We go online to be entertained like we turn on the tv, but these are not actors being paid, these are just people without any workplace safety percussions making sure they aren’t being hurt, who are given the sort of social responsibility and weight an actor would be given, a professional. These are not professionals! 😭 and I don’t mean like Jeffery Star, someone with wealth and a career, I mean the guy on tiktok who went viral unexpectedly or that animator on YouTube who got cancelled for making vent art as a teenager. This results in this trivialization of real events, true crime told like spooky stories while the teller does her make up. A memeing of someone’s grooming, a trend of making jokes about an abuse scenario. Analyzing real ppl like they r characters in a book, dissecting motives, arguing over who is the better person. I intended there to be this rlly whiplash-y tonal shift from the end of chapter 1 to the beginning of chapter 2. We go from armand talking very graphically about his own abuse instantly to girls on tiktok arguing over whether or not it’s offensive to find armand hot. It’s almost absurdly funny 😭 these girls do not care about Armand’s abuse, they rlly don’t, even if they think they do. They don’t know him! He’s a character to them!
then with this culture u get scenarios of children who were raised on the internet growing into young adults who’s perception of how socialization and validation works is through the lens of marketing urself like a product and shaping ur own identity for entertainment. We have 10 year olds making glow up videos on tiktok, 12 year olds who barely hit puberty making sure that there fandom opinions are non problematic and the music they listen to isn’t made by assholes so that they aren’t bad people. There’s a constant prevailing set of eyes when u use the internet that it’s almost Catholic, and it’s fucked up the generation raised in this environment in such a new way that no one knows how to react to it. Things just aren’t real anymore to the internet generation. We have people filming each other and posting them online to laugh at. And even if ur not doing that specifically u still kind of have that mindset if you’re on the internet long enough, of everything I do is to be consumed or for me to consume, everyone is a celebrity and a public figure and everyone is responsible for there image.
for armand, a character who in canon is conditioned through his whole life to believe that he is meant to be used by others for a greater purpose or a god, this makes sense. Millenia gate Armand’s god is social media, he was groomed and manipulated ofc online, but then shaped into a public figure when he was too young to know if that was even what he wanted. He lived on the internet as a kid bcus it’s the only place where he had validation or love, and it’s created this way of being that centers devotion to a brand that is ur identity rather then a healthy sense of self perception. Then he finds his community of friends online who he changes his name for, rebuilds himself, rebrands, bcus that’s rlly what identity is to him, a username and a profile. To me Armand’s cult shit is almost like aesthetic trends for modern teens, the reworking of ur personality and ways of dressing and behaving for the sake of conforming to an established identity and aligning urslef with a crowd just like u. Armand is like those people who r always reworking themselves to fit a new aesthetic, just so much more overtly sad, lmao. In modern day Armand is on the road to healing by condemning his abuser etc, but the only way he knows how to do this is publicly for an audience, that’s literally how he was raised, like a performer always preforming. Lestat is this but worse, while armand resents the culture but can’t escape it bcus it’s so inherent to him, Lestat is addicted to it. His only validation and primary comfort source is having fans who love him, and preforming his own self in a way that is entertaining for people. Without that he wouldn’t know if he was even lovable at all. That’s why Lestat is always posting when he claims to be taking a break, he has no way of taking a break, he doesn’t know what he is without his social media presence. He doesn’t know if he is capable of being loved if he’s not being praised by strangers online!
I could talk about Louis but I don’t want to spoil 😭 but to a degree every characters story follows this theme of an always performer. Even so, louis is a bit of an outlier. Louis is mentally unwell in a different way, not to give too much away. He is a performer yes, but more so in the sense that he is scared of back lash to the point of neuroticism. He obsessively needs to be perceived as a good person, or a normal person, probably the type of guy to make lists of writers you shouldn’t support bcus there books are problematic. Not because he is empathetic, or cares for social justice, but bcus he wants to be considered someone who has these traits, he wants to be respected as someone who isn’t bad. Louis didn’t grow up on the internet like most of the cast so he’s a bit of a different beast, I’m so excited to officially introduce him in chapter 6. We r going to get into rpf, it’ll be wild.
In conclusion uh, millennia gate started out as a crack fic and ended up as a pretty serious dark comedy about the inherent dissonance of online drama and the exploitation and the trauma of existing in a digital age, ppl who grow up with there validation coming from strangers, etc. remember! Do not trust anyone in this fic no one is good <3 no one is more right than the other person. I had a cameo in chapter 5 (my private Instagram account did at least) and my actual self insert doesn’t even reflect my opinions 😭
thank u sm for sending this ask I love u to bits. I’m sure I could say more but I don’t wanna disintegrate all ur brain cells lol. Millennia gate readers I love u guys sm and if ur ever anxious about me not updating in a while fear not, this shit is my passion project, I will never abandon it. I just have life to tend to unfortunately 😭 and currently have to tend to other things im writing. Read millennia gate here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/48408403/chapters/122098564 it is so good u guys.
also fun bit of rlly embarrassing trivia, I have been misspelling millennia wrong this entire time. There r two n’s. It’s not millenia. It’s too far to go back now so everyone just pretend that my misspelling is a comedic reference to the online realism misspellings in my fic and be done with it plz sobs and explodes
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the-vagabond-angel · 9 months
Tagged byyy: @butchybats <33 & @nightcolorz <33
Favorite color: baby blue
Last song: Cupid by Jack Stauber
Last movie: The Lost Boys (thanks Ray)
Currently watching: Our Flag Means Death, Over The Garden Wall for the billionth time
Other things I’ve watched this year: AMC Iwtv, Iwtv 1994, Barbie, Fionna and Cake, rewatched Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974), rewatched Texas Chainsaw Massacre Part 2 (1986), Scream 6, all the Twilight movies
Currently reading: The Vampire Armand, Interview with the Vampire, rereading Magyk and Wildwood
Currently listening to: relistening to a ton of shit that I used to listen to back in 2016-2017
Currently working on: tvc slasher au, how to be a normal human person in public
Current obsession: @butchybats + his tvc lost boys au, @nightcolorz’s Millenia Gate au, vampires obvi, Assassin’s Creed again (I’m a history nerd unfortunately), Daniel Molloy I wanna throw him around like a rag doll, ur mom
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nightcolorz · 7 months
5 (Millenia gate), 12, and 26 for the fic ask game!!
OMG HAII RAY BUTCHYBATS gay eyes stares at u. Thank u for the ask tehehtehheteh.
5. What do you wish someone would ask you about [insert fic]? Answer it now!
I love this question!!!!!! So many things!!! (For outsider context millennia gate is my tvc au about social media drama) Recently I’ve been thinking about how I’d respond if someone asked me if I “have a side” or am morally aligned with any stance about the discourse that the fic is centered around. And the answer is no!! I do not. It’s actually sort of strange if u think about it, but I don’t agree with literally any characters at all. Not even the side characters or the random stock social media users, some of those I agree with more than others, but I’m so disconnected as the omniscient creator that I feel almost completely neutral. I just think everyone is bad lmfao that’s the fun. It’s why I’m so entertained when I get comments from ppl reacting like it’s a real drama, bcus they have a perspective I feel so disconnected from. I love it it’s so cathartic to write about a scenario based on the situations I see online that I get very upset about (I have hyper empathy and an online discourse addiction 😭) without feeling any obligation to come up with the correct moral stance, since it’s u know, not real, and I am the god of creation dictating the spiral into madness. I also am always hoping that someone asks me about the themes of millennia gate, cuz believe it or not for a glorified crack fic I put a lot of thought into those 😭 there’s a lot. I’m not gonna get into it bcus that would be it’s own post there is just sm, but omg if anyone wants to hear about it👁️👁️ be my guest to leave an ask.
12. Are there any tropes you used to dislike but have grown on you?
ooo this is hard, I tend to stick very strongly to my opinions. Not necessarily dislike, but I used to be impartial if not completely disinterested in rule 63 until someone (hi Ray) turned me onto it. When I was much younger I didn’t like aus because I just wanted to read extensions of canon, and that has changed majorly. I used to think I didn’t like enemies to lovers until I realized that I only didn’t like straight people, and didn’t like interesting relationships that used to be fueled by rivalry and hatred getting squashed by fluffy romance and rendered less exciting. Turns out I just I want my enemies to lovers to stay enemies when they become lovers <3 lmfao. I also used to think I didn’t like unhealthy relationships in fiction, but it turns out I was in denial,,bless. What is the point of a fictional romance if it’s not a little fucked up? To idealize? Sounds fake. I used to think I didn’t like romance but turns out I only like romance when it’s unhealthy 😭 full circle.
26. Would you rather write a fic that had no dialogue or one that was only dialogue? ONLY DIALOGUE ONLY DIALOGUE ONLY DIALOGUE A BILLON TIMES. I love dialogue so much it’s my favorite thing to write. Millennia gate is practically all dialogue anyway lol.
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nightcolorz · 10 months
I was tagged by @translouisdpdl to share a snippet of my wip! I’m going to share the beginning of chapter four of Millenia-Gate. Louiiiis
Meanwhile, slightly before David’s video was posted, a minor discovery was made. Leastannoyingbookfreak on tumblr was still steadfast in her search for Louis, and she seemed to have made a revelation that her followers had been waiting for. 
“Omfg guys I think I may have finally solved the mystery.” Began leastannoyingbookfreak in her tumblr post. “I love to read, obviously, and so I watch a handful of book-tubers. I don’t watch YouTube very often, but I like to have it on when I’m doing busy work, cleaning my house, you know, so I’m not usually very focused on it. Just background noise. I had on one of these book-tubers I watch, MercyReads, and I started to get a really strong feeling that his voice was significant, like I’d heard it in a different context before. And then I realized—guys I might be crazy but I think this MercyReads guy might be the Louis we’ve been looking for. I’ll look into his account more to see if he says his name ever or gives us any clues, but yeah. I need to know if anyone else is seeing this.”
The consensus was that leastannoyingbookfreak was not delusional. If MercyReads wasn’t Louis, he had a strikingly similar voice. Same exact accent, same manner of speech, assertive yet quiet and small. MercyReads was a man perhaps in his early to mid 20s with pure black hair that reached slightly above his shoulders, wavy and curled at the ends. His eyes were a captivating green and he had delicate features, full lips, and an overall elegant, sweet quality. 
MercyReads was a small but relevant YouTube channel, fairly popular among the community he was a part of, yet niche because of the type of content he chose to focus on. “Book-Tube” is a bustling online community for young readers to discuss and explore their passion for reading, but the type of content that is especially successful is centered around YA fiction, especially videos that come from a negative angle. Negativity made numbers on booktube, as did relevancy—speaking about the biggest new trending books on Tiktok. MercyReads wasn’t that, his channel was unique in that he pandered to no one but himself. MercyReads enjoyed classics and poetry, the types of content you’d have to read for school. And he rarely if ever made videos about books he disliked. So he wasn’t huge, but there’s a niche for everything, and MercyRead’s videos were well made and exceptional within his niche. They were captivating even to those who would normally be uninterested in the topics he covered, his passion was infectious. MercyReads spoke eloquently and softly, but with a type of underlying fire that was enthralling to listen to.
It wasn’t hard to see why he would catch the attention of someone like Lestat, and yet the proposition that such a big, boisterous celebrity was in a secret relationship with this mild person who’s passion lied with western literary classics and John Keats was endearing as it was unbelievable. There were doubters of course, and investigators weren’t able to find proof beyond the resemblance in voice, but the majority of the community was strongly insistent that this small YouTuber was Lestat’s Louis. 
Hehe anyways tagging @the-vagabond-angel 🫶
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