#Tw blood bending
mushroom-for-art · 1 year
When I visit my family I sometimes get to sit and watch Avatar the last air bender with my little brother and of course as I have consumed media that's my ocs problem now, so gonna make a list under the readmore of what kind of benders my two ocs would probably be lmao, feel free to rb with your bending headcanons for your twos
Axel: probably fire bender, could've been an air bender once when he was a mew but the manipulation of air combined with his pain and anger turned to heat became fire and he lost his airbending entirely for flames though he still uses air bending movements and techniques as that's what he learnt making his fire bending unique. Honestly could've been a candidate for the next avatar before his state was altered allowing him to pass on the genetics for different bending cause lmao his offspring probably shouldn't have different bending abilities but this is for me
Proto: non bender I think incredibly skilled with bladed weapons tho to make up for lack of elemental ability and pretty good at making up for his lack of bending, get bucket of water thrown at u idiot firebender ect. Probably pretty good at sensing seeing and contacting spirits
Scribe: Earth bender I can see him specialising in crystal formations and growth much like how the Unown cause all those funky crystal structures in their respective movie, kind of stunted power wise due to trauma has to only use one type of mineral at a time can't be messy can't mix dirt types can't hybridise crystals. He'll get over this in time, he's just been traumatised by his upbringing
Dusty: Plant bender, I know that's not canon probably spirit world gift specialises in the care and structural manipulation of plant matter and fibre maybe a weird earth bending subspecies he make vines grow cause brrrr, helps probably restore life to areas that have been devastated by natural fire or war
Darkness: Fire bending specialises in lightning bending using it with great satisfaction and joy to it's power and destruction, I'm pretty sure lightning is by mixing water bending moves so likely accidentally taught how to do it by May
May: Water bender however likely very traumatised so can't/won't use her bending it's locked in a sense. Can blood bend in a other worldly state under the full moon if necessary, possibly related to her trauma not sure. Will sit in water and gently holding water in her palms it brings comfort
Matt: Air bender, adapted to using the rest of his body to control summon and move air as no arms using his legs and such to move and channel air into attacks and just generally, could probably create air flows from his limbs once in more control like that water bender in LOK, more flowy movements again taught by May
Imp: Water bending gentle and flowing especially good at water healing and probably spends so much time in the water you wouldn't believe surrounding herself in it for travelling ect a constant secure pressure security blanket, can probably pull some Lapis Lazuli shit summoning water to completely surround and enlarge her form into a giant watery mecha looming over enemy ships like a horrific water deity "you should have left when I showed mercy." before rushing them capsizing them the water wrapping around and cradling dragging them down to a watery grave
MIA: Ice bending, freezes all water she works with due to her steely way and tense manner of bending it tenses and solidifies the water molecules into a frozen state sending deadly icicles and walls of ice to harm enemies. As she deals with her traumas of being forced to rely purely on herself she's able to start making snow rather than cold bitter ice, creating snow flakes that float down melting, flowing the water back up to refreeze it and repeat in therapeutic repeation
AI: Mud/Earth bending, learns the water bending techniques first but could never command water but finding wet mud would move mastering a flowy version of Earth bending first much like how Korra manipulates metal like water, would find the proper earth bending techniques later to achieve more advanced bending but her water bending training will always have an impact on her bending
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leghost · 5 months
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Кэрэ сурэххин буллум
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cheebuss · 1 year
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BIG OL COLLAB WITH MY BOY @morskisir !!! We started this two weeks ago and just finished it now :DDD screenshot from the Jungle Inferno vid (w/ BLU Spy instead of RED bc yeah.)
What we did:
Baz = Sniper, Spy, Pyro colouring/rendering, Background colouring.
Meee = Soldier, Scout, Pyro lineart, Background lineart, some blood n gore.
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leebee287-art · 4 months
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Decided to draw @jaigeye ‘s BG3 Durge OC, Darling. we’ve been mutuals on Tiktok for a while and i’ve wanted to draw Darling for so long but never got round to it until now.
i’m not 100% happy with how it turned out, but honestly if i don’t stop now i’ll never finish it lol
i used the lyrics from I WHO BEND THE TALLGRASSES by Lingua Ignota because the song gives me Durge vibes (along with Mutter my Rammstein)
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this is the outfit i drew her in cause i thought it looked pretty and the hood was reminiscent of the virgin mary and im a sucker for religious symbolism (if it wasn’t obvious by my song choice)
for her heart-shaped scar i wasn’t sure if the lines were stitches or part of the scar. i decided that it looks better in my art style for it to be part of the scar so drew her like that
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thatdepressedtwink · 11 months
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corxner · 1 month
cont. | @godstrayed
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Faust saw it all unfold.
He recognised when a situation was unavoidable when he sees one, and in all honesty, he was ready to dirty his hands himself. He's killed many, killed plenty— not that the bodies were countless or meaningless, but he's sure the numbers and the numbness it had caused him would be manageable. It's not like his hands are gonna be stained any less if he killed one more.
He could see how much the act bothered Will, seeing how the gears inside his head moved and click; and while he couldn't read the other's mind, he knew what first a kill felt like, and even more vividly the next one after it. Faust was calmer than he'd like to admit while his friend is stressed out of his mind — he knew it was up to him to think of a plan, of what to do next.
Faust gently let go of Will when his steadying touch was shrugged off. “Why shouldn't I?” he asked as he leaned down to pick up the murder weapon, one of the suspect's own. He's not about to let his dear friend who was kind enough to believe in him — to helped him out of the asylum and become a free man once again be the one locked behind bars. To avoid such outcome, there's not many other options for them except...
“I'll hide the body,” Faust decided, “you should sit down. You're overwhelmed,” he said softly, out of worry. He grew to care about this agent despite his best efforts to not become attached. Oh well. Look at how that ended up.
“I'll take care of it. You did well”
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x-kriwolf-x · 1 year
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-The Aftermath of Alabaster-
After a horrible night and beatings from Alabaster, Jimmy broke down, and the only person he goes to for comfort is Stan.
(Based on a story idea/headcanon that I have in mind for a possible upcoming fic...)
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bendingthelaws · 1 year
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When tensions are high, it's only a matter of time till someone snaps.. TW - they are talking about a dismembered eye, so blood mention lightly, death mention, autopsy mention, but nothing graphic
Declan stepped in front of Colin instantly and brought him to a halt.  Karsten also had started to move from behind the desk.  A human can only take so much physical and emotional strain before they snap, and Colin Masterson just had.
The situation had just gone from bad to worse.  As if an eyeball that potentially belonged to a Colin’s intern wasn’t bad enough, said now the damned man had just lost his mind. Declan and Karsten were between Colin and Serena, but that didn’t seem to mean much to the man.  It was about to get ugly and quickly.  “Colin, hey man.  This isn’t going to help anything, and if you don’t stop then Dec and I are gonna stop you.  Rena is just doing her job, man.  Calm the fuck down, don’t make us calm you down.”  Karsten knew COlin better than Declan did, so he was the first to speak.  Hopefully just being blunt about it would get the damn man to think straight.  Otherwise, Karsten was quite sure that Declan’s elbow was going to meet Colin’s nose in quite forceful way.
If it had been anyone other than Declan and Karsten to step into his path, Colin might have taken them out due to the white hot rage that was coursing through his veins at the situation that he had found himself in.  He respected the Detectives too much for that though. He stopped before there was a physical confrontation and held his hands up. 
 No matter how disturbed and upset he was with the current situation, he knew that the cop was right.  Serena was doing her job.  How many times had he told her not to guess when giving answers to the police and him?  Now he was the one that was asking to do the opposite.  This case was getting to him far too much, but how could anyone expect it not to?  It was HIS intern that was being sent back in pieces for fuck’s sake.
“Whatever.  I need answers.  Do whatever you have to do to get me the answers I need, but I’d appreciate it if you’d hurry the fuck up.”  His hand scrubbed over his face as Colin left his office.  He needed to step out or there was going to be a confrontation again.  His nerves were shot, his patience gone, and his tact obliterated.  Destroying friendships wasn’t going to help anything.
Serena stood next to Spencer, almost behind him, watching the other three men as the situation finally deescalated..  It wasn’t till Colin had left the room she relaxed and let out a breath that she’d been holding due to the tension in the room.  Still on edge, she was at least assured enough to return to evidence collection without fear of being interrupted in a way that would disturb what she and Spencer would need.  There would be other evidence techs who would come in after they were done for all trace evidence, but all the visible biologicals were hers. 
“Thanks guys,” she gave the two detectives a tight smile before returning to work.  Serena had known Colin for years and never once seen him behave like that.  Even in the courtroom when he and Colt would spar, he would keep his composure.  It was just further evidence of the toll this case was taking on him.  If something didn’t happen soon, it could be all of them like that.
“Hey, no problem, doc. You do what you have to do, doll.  He’s just stressed but that’s no excuse.” Karsten glanced over towards the door Colin had gone through.  He wasn’t sure that the other man wasn’t going to come back in and raise hell again.  The pressure and stress Colin was under had to be immense, and a man could only take that for so long before there had to be an outlet.  That outlet could not be a member of the team though, that would bring no good.  “ He’ll come around when his head clears.  Finding this gem this morning can’t have helped him.  I just want to keep this from getting worse.”  Karsten blew out a breath as he watched Serena and Spencer doing there thing.  He was always fascinated how they worked in tandem, not having to actually say anything to one another at times.  They had their own language from working together for years.  Looks and small motions indicating what they needed..  
Declan stood off to the side observing as well, and keeping an eye on the door to make sure that everything stayed calm.  Karsten saying it would have gotten worse was an understatement.  If Colin went after Serena, worse was going to be a mild description of what happened.  Neither he nor Karsten would have let the prosecutor actually touch her, which meant it was going to get physical, and physical meant ugly and possibly bloody.  He’d prefer to leave the blood to the goons that had the intern.
“How much more do you have to get?”  Karsten wasn’t trying to rush them, but he had a feeling if they were too much longer he and Declan were going to have to keep running interference with Colin.  The first time wasn’t fun, repeats were going to just get worse.  This was one of the few times he was regretting leaving the Taser down in the car.
“She’s got it all.  Once we get it all in the evidence bags and in the cooler, we will be ready to get out of here.”  Spencer answered for Rena as she was slipping a swab of the blood from one corner of the box into a collection bag that he was holding.  The syringe that had been lying on the desk since she withdrew the vitreous fluid was next into a bag.  Two more pieces of evidence and they’d be done.  He could not wait to be out of the fucking office.  It was like standing in the middle of a pressure cooker.  He’d rather be dissecting a corpse found after a week than this shit. “Kase, why don’t you go with Rena back to the crime lab?  That way we have the chain of evidence well documented by the ME and the Lead Detective on the case.  Should help us avoid any further challenges to the case.”  Spencer suggested.  “I’ll finish up with Dec while you do.”  He needed to get his boss the fuck out of there before Colin lost his shit, but there were a few details that actually did need to be wrapped up.  
He could have been the one to take it back with Declan, but he had a couple reasons for suggesting Kase and Rena.  1.  Rena was the ME.  While rarely had anyone questioned his credibility, he’d prefer not to have it done now.  Rena was above reproach.  Those who had tried to question her ethics had been verbally bitch slapped into the stone age by not only the doctor herself, but a couple of judges to boot.   2.  He didn’t like the thought of Rena going back alone.  While it shouldn’t have, the eye unnerved him more than the two previous deliveries.  He wanted her protected, and to a lesser extent, it.  Kase would do that in spades.  3.  Kase was his friend; and his friend was eyeing his boss.  Might as well throw the man a solid if he could.  There was one other who had his eye on the boss, and that man needed no encouragement or opening to make himself known.  Spencer was just helping even the playing field out, as it were. 4. Transporting bodies in body bags didn’t bother him, but there was something about that eye that was getting to him.  Maybe it was that he knew that if it was taken while she was alive that it would be horrifically painful and Colin’s intern had been sweet.  Knowing the person always made the job harder.
Serena wrapped up getting all of the evidence bagged and tagged, then into the cooler specially marked for evidence transportation.  Once it was all where it should be, there was a specific order to getting off all their gear.  Each person’s things went in a separate evidence bag with their name on it.  Most likely it would never be needed, but better safe than sorry.  This case was not a headache, it was a migraine on steroids and a jackhammer.  Once all of her things were cleaned up, she took the evidence bags and gave the equipment bag to Spencer. “Okay, Karsten.  You ready?”  A weak smile was thrown the Detective’s way.  At his nod and sweeping gesture to the door, Rena once again lead the way.  Colin had drawn back from the door as they approached.  She was thankful for that.  The last thing she wanted was a confrontation with her friend due to the emotionally charged situation that they were presently in.  Death was rarely easy for those who knew the victim.  She could not imagine what torture must be like.
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peapod20001 · 1 year
Damn! Started having a nosebleed when washing my face in the sink!
It started last night!! What the fuck happened!!
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Rimilda, Bastard Daughter of all Great Ones: [ageless]
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"All sounds range in tone, yet silence rings the loudest... Child of many, yet child of none... Bastardized child of a wedlock marriage, born into the world by empty womb... Birth by the blood of the limitless mother of all and her harem of souls... Parasite of the eggs of a whore, a holy nun, and an undead queen who lost her young to creatures untold... Fed by the blood of all cursed creatures of the night... Bonded to the blood of all Great Ones... Wrapped in the silver silk of arachnids... Fall, fall, fall into the arms of your mother, young Guardian of Yharham... Bare the face only They could love, with three pairs of wings to soar and quadruple the arms to wield your blades... And forever protect your name, O' Great One Rimilda."
Dissonantia— disguised as a hunter with a sickle + chain whip as her merge weapon, wearing a victorian era metal alicorn mask (like how Elise the Crow wears a bird mask) that has a curved horn, empty eye sockets and nostrils, and it's mouth is agape so Dissonantia can breathe out fire— created an "embryo" made out of her blood and the DNA of all of her spouses, the ovums of a whore (Adriana), a nun (Adelle), and a queen (Yharham), the blood of the drunken (almost every "normal" enemy in the game), a drop of blood from every Great One, and protected by the spiders' silk to form an artificial womb.
Rimilda was born similar to a butterfly, crawling up the side of the cocoon and slowly stretching and spreading out her feathered wings after ripping out of the spider webbing at the bottom, the fluids from her artificial womb pouring out.
Her face similar to Twisted Alice Angel from BATIM and BATDR, with the deformed side of her face covered with eyes and blemishes. Her right eye is a pale blue with a visible pupil, while her left eye is slightly swollen and completely black.
She has a forked tongue that acts similar to reptilian tongues.
Her body shape is slim and petite, half as tall as the Orphan of Kos. She has the same skin tone as him.
She thinks of him as an older brother figure.
She is mute most of the time, only talking to those who are worth her time.
She has six wings similar to Mergo's Wet Nurse, but with many shiny black eyes on them.
She has four arms, with the upper ones stretched out adorned with larger hands.
She has a serpent tail similar to the Godskins from Elden Ring.
Slimy purple snakes and black leech-like tendrils can come out of her mouth during a five-second grapple attack, biting the player and taking their health by 10 points.
She can be heard humming the Winter Lanterns' song from time to time.
She can form a blood whip by using her old umbilical cord that's attached to a bloody spiked morningstar. (Link)
She was given an unbreakable lanternflail. (Link)
She is constantly hungry, and often snacks on dead corpses to avoid eating the living if there isn't actual food nearby.
Her hair is made out of Kos's hair tentacles that slowly turn into black snakes at the tips. (Link)
She can become a giant hydra dragon (search up "false hydra") when "defeated" for the first round of a battle. (Link)
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saltycharacters · 2 years
Oogh Lovin Baizel and the species concept! What does their diet consist of? Is there any way for them to avoid what happens to them over time? Do the hearts work like- if 1 stops it's ok bc there's others or if 1 stops they all stop?
SO glad you like my silly n weird ideas :""] Regarding the hearts question, it depends on how long they've grown at the time and which heart gives out, the front one / further back / etc - the reason they have so many hearts in the first place is to help pump blood throughout such a massive body. And the longer they get, the more work has to be put into that. So, if they're around 20-30 ish years old or less, they can probably survive a heart or two dying on them because the other hearts can pick up the slack (although the extra strain can promote further heart failure). But with each added foot, the amount of work/ importance each heart is deligated increases, and that makes it much harder to recover from a failure.
Essentially, at some point each heart has to mantain a body section alone and if that stops, then there's a domino effect that affects every heart preceding it since the blood exchange from section to section halted. If this happens though, there's a chance of survival if the hearts near the front/head are ok, as cutting off blood flow to the brain is definetly fatal. The other sections will die off but, as the hyperfauna weasels are literally predestined to have that happen at some point in their lives, it's not the end of the world. They even have systems that can function indipendently regardless of what happens to the body (cough cough. Waste disposal) so the biggest change just becomes limited movment.
For the question about preventing the fates of hyperfauna weasels, assuming that you mean as they are now and not by manually altering the entire species via selective breeding/ bioengineering, there IS. a theoretical way to manually stunt growth (also via bioengineering) but, it is VERY difficult to control the outcome over time, and without careful planning (like, what parts of the body are suppose to be stunted and what parts need to develop to survive? How to prevent this manual cell death from reaching something vital? At what age should they be stunted? At what age CAN they be stunted, before these alterations become harder to induce? etc) it can result in a load of problems that make their life over time a miserable one (or just kill them straight off).
Also, hyperfauna weasels are notorious for being difficult to work with medically/bio-manipulatively because 1] their skin is VERY thick, needles need to be long but strong enough to pierce them and NOT break on the way down (also few people can find their veins) 2] any effect needs time to travel throughout their entire body, which can take a WHILE (and depending on how long the effects are suppose to last, their former half could've already worn off while the latter is still feeling the effects [this makes anesthesia difficult bc it needs to be powerful enough to hit everywhere while not being so powerful that it causes heart failure]) 3] their cells are super stubborn/hard to change and it's difficult to intruduce new instructions to them, not to mention they're so hellbent on forever-growth that they're super hardy, multiply and die off quicker than any changes can be induced in them, and kill most foreign objects without prejudice.
All this to say they're a nightmare to manually bio-alter and your best bet would be to manipulate them at the embyonic stage, where they're most cellularly vulnerable / suseptable to change, and if all goes well you can artificially cease their growth after a point, but in terms of lore-reasons this hasn't happened yet. It's mostly because those who DO know about this species, at least by the time this kind of technology was available, just. don't really have the (cough. financial) motivation to do this. Bio-engineering companies are mostly about profit, and this kind of job would require bringing back a near extinct species (not impossible, just a chore) that needs a LOT of resources to mantain, monitoring over a LONG time to see if their alterations worked, and they'd end up with a lot of failed experiments that live almost forever before they get one that lives a reasonable, sustainable amount.
For the last question about their diet, they're omnivorous and can eat a lot of what normal weasels eat already :] although their portions have to be HUGE (even standing on all legs they can be over 5 ft tall, plus all that body length means a LOT of) so in a pinch they can eat most any kind of meat, plant-matter, even fungus.
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fxrtunas · 2 years
Send me 🔪 to put a knife to my muse’s throat and see how they react. @echobled asked: ok hear me out... 🔪 ... from uthal
     What a fool Allan is for allowing himself to be alone with the other viera. The feeling he has about him, the strange familiarity... such a question has not yet been answered, but Allan should have trusted his instincts, especially when certain… acquaintances have yet to be taken care of. He has heard neither hair nor tail from any of them—murmurs, perhaps, yet nothing concrete—ever since becoming more embroiled in Wyatt’s life, in all his adventures. A protection that Wyatt knew not of, which is where Allan has now erred, careless in the face of strangers, perhaps too confident at how safe he’s felt, how sheltered he’s become.
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     “If you will be so kind,” Allan starts, hoping inwardly that these will not be his last words, “as to divulge the reasoning for your actions, then I will be grateful.” The knife, after all, gives the lightest pressure, yet the blade’s edge is sharp enough to draw a thin line of blood. Allan can feel the sting of it after a few, shallow breaths, careful not to move otherwise lest the viera decides to finish the job.
     “Has my relation to the Warriors of Light irked you so?” Allan continues, amusement lacing his words lightly. Indeed, the disdain had not been hidden on the viera’s features when talking about them. Allan wonders if it has extended to himself by mere association. “Or have you a personal grievance with me that I am not aware of?”
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fodlansbestmom · 3 months
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Sothis stared at her hands. There was a tremble to them, notable if one took a hard look. What was easy to see, however, was the shiny, thick golden substance looking between jeweled fingers. She was bleeding. But how? There wasn’t any pain. She was just… bleeding. She wasn’t even breathing, her chest still, as she watched the gold drip between fingers.
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cherryb0mb-s · 5 months
I genuinely would rather they take my whole arm off than sit through getting blood drawn
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cripplemagics · 8 months
❛ is that blood? is it yours? ❜ [for the hazbin stuff!]
Jay just groans. Their torso is drenched in both fresh and dried blood. It stains their clothes which frankly, they don't care for. Everything can be thrown out. They'll just grab clothes from Vel's reject closet. "It's mine, mostly." And Angel's, and some poor stunt person's too. "I had an episode for the uhm, the show Vox wants me in. The one with Elias."
It's as if Vox just wanted them to suffer more of what they dealt with in life. He had this grand idea for a thriller series, them against Elias in combat every week. It's cheesy and exploitative. Today especially so, as the episode had a subplot with Angel coming in and causing a love triangle.
"As much crap as I give Angel sometimes, he really is a good kisser." They get behind a screen before peeling everything off. "But I'd rather there not be a hundred cameras when we do it." Every facet of the situation weighs them down. While its harsh to compare, Angel only has to worry about Valentino. Jay's stuck between the Vees breathing down their neck at all hours and Elias constantly stalking from the shadows. And yet Angel's predicament seems like worse hell than anything they've gone through.
Wait, why are you trying to compare all this shit? You're in hell. Everyone gets the short end of the stick here.
Jay reappears to Peter after magicking the blood away and transferring into the softest pajamas they own. Their demeanor is weary, cold and downed by exhaustion. "Tomorrow is all fights with Elias too. I'm not looking forward to --"
An unseen force tugs them towards the door without warning. Panicked, Jay tries to hold their ground against it. "No!" They yell. "Not now!" Desperate to push back, they claw at their wrist as a pink phantasmal shackle appears and sprouts chains leading out the door. "Peter! Hey um. . . If Charlie asks why I missed today's stuff, I was helping some of the kids around the block. Okay? Great! I'll be. . . back. . . At some point."
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corxner · 3 months
cont. | @godstrayed
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Faust had never really been too open about what haunts him. Sure, everyone knows the basics. Perhaps Will knew a little bit more— but there were never enough details to paint a full picture, or even a coherent sketch on the paper. The coroner never had the problem at concealing his episodes, at least, able to do so long enough to get to somewhere quiet, and deal with it alone. He didn't want others, especially his lover, to have to bear more burdens.
Tonight doesn't seem to be one of them, though. He couldn't anticipate this, even if he wanted to. It was difficult not to panic when suddenly he could feel his scars raw, fresh and bleeding. He swore he could feel the blood seeps into his clothes. But none of it was real— hew knew.
Faust let himself curl up, trembling, in Will's arms gasping for air. The feeling of those careful fingers in his hair, familiar arms and scent surrounding him helped Faust calm down to a certain degree. His hands grasp onto Will's clothes, trying to ground himself despite his heart beating so loud it threatens to deafen him. “sorry, Will” he whispered, apologizing, closing his eyes tight. He didn't mean to ruin the movie night.
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