#Twilight Reimagined: Jasper x Bella
Twilight but replace Edward with Edythe (fancast: Holland Roden) and she's gay af for Bella. And Bella is a bookcore lesbian who hides her pain behind sarcasm. She also a gifted human that has her vampire gift has a human. (Charlie's a gifted human and in MS Renee is revealed to be has well. Her's is thought to be a form of thought projection, subconsciously influencing others to help her. I thought, what if I child of two gifted humans was more powerful?)
Bella (17) moves to Forks after Renee gets remarried.
January 18, 2005 Bella's first day at Forks High School. Bella first sees Edythe and the other Cullen kids (Emmett, Rosalie, Jasper and Alice) in the school cafeteria.
Edythe tries to read the new girls mind, but becomes confused when it's silent. She becomes even more confused when she can hardly hear the thoughts of the humans around Bella's table. She can hear bits and pieces, but the rest is just white noise.
Jasper senses Edythe's confusion and is like 'You okay, sis?'
Side note: Bella's been out for a couple years, but hasn't invested time in a dating life. Edythe has been in the closet since before her change, but has told know one in her family (though most suspect and keep their suspicions to themselves to let Edythe come out in her own time)
Bella isn't Edythe's singer. She smells good and it throws Edythe off for a moment, but it doesn't make Edythe cover her nose and glare at Bella. Edythe manges quick, but polite conversation before the start of class. Introduces herself. Welcomes Bella to Forks High.
For the next week, Edythe and Bella speak more and more during bio. Jan 25, 2005 Edythe saves Bella from Tyler's van. At the hospital, Bella has many questions about how Edythe stopped the van but doesn't press. She simply thanks Edythe and kisses her cheek. Edythe's gay ass self destructs.
Family meeting at the Cullens to discuss the Bella + van issue. Alice doesn't forsee Bella saying anything to anyone. Rosalie is furious that Edythe nearly exposed them and demands to know what's so special about the human. Edythe comes out to her family and says that she's falling for better.
Bella takes a trip to La Push where she runs into old family friend Jacob Black. Who reveals that the Cullens are supposedly vampires.
Bella goes to Port Angeles. Alice has a vision of Bella being attacked by a group of men. Edythe rushes to save her. Alice divulges vision info to the fam. Rosalie feels sympathy towards Bella and is relieved when she's alright. Rose may be weary of a human finding out about them, but she wouldn't wish what happened to her on anyone.
After Port Angeles, Edythe and Bella spend more time together and start dating. They fall in love. Sometime, in February Edythe introduces Bella to her family. Rose actually tries to be nice, but she's still guarded. Edythe notices that w/ Bella around it's harder to read her families thoughts. Carlisle theorizes that Bella is some sort of shield and is subconsciously projecting. He's impressed that she's already so gifted as a human.
March 2005. Baseball w/ the Cullens. James's coven shows up. The hunt for Bella begins.
March 16, 2005. Cullens vs. James smack down. James dies.
May 2005. Edythe and Bella go to the high school prom. Bella doesn't want to go, cause her cast. Edythe comprises w/ her. Go to prom, mingle for a little while, & one slow dance. Bella can pick what they do for the rest of the evening. Bella opts for going to Edythe's house to watch movies.
Ends with Edythe & Bella still in their makeup and hair done up but they're in lounge wear, curled up on the couch watching cheesy prom themed rom-com movies.
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Rosalie Hale appreciation post
Reading Midnight Sun has given us so much more information that any other twilight saga book. This is why I think is was essential to have it out there, 'cause it gave massive insights into the characters.
One of them: Rosalie.
Rosalie had been a caricature of a character from the start, the dumb blonde, the jealous woman, the vengeful mean girl. Only in the end of the series did she optain (some!) kinder features (even though their existence was more of a plot device).
But, though midnight sun, we got to know so many things for her, which at least completed her like a person. How loyal she is to Carlisle, how much she loves her family, how patient and determined she is. How much her need for control, her insecurities and need for reassuring was shaped by the circumstances of her abuse and near-death experience. Think about a second what this woman was put through! It is a wonder she didn't end her immortal life.
Rosalie has flaws, of course, formed from those experiences, like every one of us. She has a temper, she's head- strong, she's sceptical. But she is capable of loving, supporting and accepting: when Edward speaks quietly to her by the river, explaining to her, not trying to confront her but to make her understand, she's not mean or rude to him. She discusses with him in a pacified way, she's even willing to accept Bella, in her owm time (which is acceptable).
But S. Meyer doesn't treat her the best way. She makes her make huge mistakes, by not helping Edward when James starts his hunt, which always seemed an extreme reaction to me (since she verbalised her fear in such a mean way and bad timing). I think that the Rosalie I met through Midnight Sun would get on with it, (complaining in her thoughts, of course, she's no angel hahaha).
It is deeply sad that this woman is painted in such dark colours. She's a traumatised woman, a victim of sexual abuse who didn't have a proper time to process what happened to her and then! She was turned into a vampire. It is said in the books that she's frozen into that moment of her life, but I don't think that Edward (or S. Meyer) understands that completely.
All in all, we stan a Queen, because she's fierce, she's passionate, she gets shit done, she deals with her past and she's not afraid of speaking her own mind, even though she comes across as mean and nasty. SHE'S MORE THAN A PRETTY FACE AND SHE DESERVES IT ALL.
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mean-vampyre · 4 years
my ranking of the twilight renaissance content
*god tier*
stephenie is racist
giving the wolf pack the love they deserved
twilight is in fact gay and it belongs to the lesbians
bella is chaotic and being dumb is the source of her power
being a slut for leah and seth clearwater having good and happy lives
team jacob/edward is replaced by team give bella a vampire gf
simping for rosalie
recognizing that the saga soundtrack is the nectar of the gods
piracy ;)
*great tier*
emmett and bella share one brain cell
catherine hardwicke and the blue filter of twilight finally being recognizes as the true queens of the saga
redemption for teen girls who were hated for being teens and girls in the 2000s
esme + pegging
"yeah the dialogue was pretty stupid but that's because they were very stupid and that's nice"
reimagining what twilight could have been if stephenie wasn't a coward
snails, effervescent and fanon Edward is emo king
breaking down was a fever dream
that scene of bella depressed on new moon is /chef kiss/ for depressed people
bella and edward are wlw and mlm solidarity
*good tier*
jacob form new moon deserved better and smeyer is no longer allowed to even think about him
bella's only fault was being too horny
resume rejected from fanon
carlisle is a dilf, but charlie is a dilth (dad i would like to have)
the khaki skirt
virgin boy edward memes
emmet highkey exposing the cullens with his shenanigans
the cullens cannot act like very normal teens and everyone in forks just ignores the weird family
the italian food meme
robert pattinson being everyone’s crush again not because he is hot but because he is unhinged and weird
stanning queen rosalie bullying edward
bella’s empty mind meme
*meh tier*
alice and jasper being straight
esme and carlisle being straight
seriously discussing plot holes
esme's mom energy
the witcher ft twilight
serious twilight fanfiction is back on the menu
breath of the wild posts in the twilight tag
seriously reimaging twilight
*shit tier*
the volturi are suddenly interesting (and hot???? for some people)
trying to justify jasper's racist origin story and being horny for his cowboy costume
anyone (but specially volturi/jasper) x reader romantic drabbles
twilight recast with generic netflix teen actors
thirsting after michael sheen ft the good omens fandom
"X as you mate/imprinting on you" headcanons
twilight having a fandom on tiktok (i’m sorry i’m old and tiktok’s appeal is beyond my understanding)
*******bonus: things i would like to see in the future
victoria’s potential if smeyer wasn’t a misogynistic that made her be defined by the men around her
jessica and angela are def also wlw and girlfriends
rebecca and rachel black?????? where are they???????
ok but the pre-renaissance content of edyth x bella, like,,,, we can have that back
bring back vidding; i know some of you have skills
in conclusion: more lesbians.
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Jasper Whitlock Hale appreciation post
I've said it before, I'll say it again: Midnight Sun gave us such a insight, such a omniscience, it's crazy. In Jasper's case, we were given so many revelations, it's shocking.
Don't get me wrong: Jasper has always been a intriguing and charming character, but so many aspects of his being were kept in the dark.
Like, who could even imagine how his gift works? That not only can he affect the mood of others, but also gets affected by their own in return?
Imagine new born Jasper, not knowing how to regulate this ability, a pawn into Maria's hands. Feeling her desire as his, her enthusiasm, her greed, her vengeance, her pleasure for chaos and killing. Feeling all this and being unable to control, block or even identify them as not his feelings and desires.
Remember how absent was in Breaking Dawn during Bella's pregnancy, imagine how exhausting it should have been for him, being into this desperate household. (So Alice wasn't against Resume only because of her visions, she was also anxious about Jasper as well).
Jasper during James's hunt is PHENOMENAL. Absolutely amazing. Twisting and manipulating how the Cullens were perceived, protecting the weaker members, making Emmett even MORE frightening, Edward even MORE in edge, making him dull (remember, his scars always give away his fighting abilities- Bella's first impression after seeing him as a new born is that his appearance screams DANGEROUS).
Not to mention that during the chase, he was controlling Edward not to lose control, to focus on the driving, otherwise they'd lose precious time.
Guys, this man is The Man.
What can I say.
I stand in awe.
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Midnight Sun was exactly what we needed
New vampire content and an overwhelming insight into Edward's thoughts and past (I mean, it doesn't seem so odd anymore him being so gloomy and dark).
A deep insight into the character of Renée, which explains so much about Bella's personality.
About Rosalie, Emmett, Jasper, Alice, Carlisle, Esme, Charlie, even Mike Newton.
Midnight sun was so much more than Twilight
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