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舌噛んじゃったミクちゃん by ぺんたごん
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livinganime14 · 2 years
Petition to rename dreamtale, Twintale
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rosenight143 · 10 months
Here is most of my female oc's!
Stella-demon slayer
Lilly&shard-lego ninjago
Ellie- the owl house
Maya-undetale (my au called twintale
I hope you like it!
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ddlcbrainrot · 1 month
okay but hear me out;
Yuri with twintales and Nat with long hair and they both freeze up walking into club seeing each other debut the look for the first time
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Hey there!! I'm one of the owners of this blog, Laina! I have my own Tumblr and TikTok, both under the tag @lainapup. I use any pronouns, and I'm excited to be a part of this!! :D
Our blog is an art-based multiversal ask blog that will be expanded on in a later post. The main characters I'll be playing are all from an Undertale AU I made called TwinTale(s), and it's a Ruler Chara and Ruler Asriel-centric AU. It's one of the more serious AUs with a few dark topics like depression and grief. However, if I add any other AUs from any fandom that I'll be playing, I'll let you know!!
Anyways, have a lovely rest of your day/night! I'll be signing off with -💛
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dasororityannes · 5 months
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yes, I don't equate twinning me with lesbian love. There was a good show from the 80s - Twin Peaks. A name - Twylina Twintal - Twylina Twynthal. Or Squiggy... that's a good name like pookie..
Quivvy - Iquivia... gorgeous name... Iquivia Ibal
Squiggy is a character from the show "Laverne and Shirley" from the 70s.
If you're a real lesbian then you wouldn't want to be my twin. You would want to be my lover. Those who want to be your twin have self-esteem issues and deep-seated emotional trauma of some sort.
~emma ruth mccallister
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magicalgirloftheday · 4 years
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✧・゚:*Today’s magical girls of the afternoon are: Puri Puri Moon from Kiss Him, Not Me!✧・゚:*
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何回も曲をリピートするミクちゃん by ぺんたごん
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memeshero · 4 years
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au sketch dump fun
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Its been a while, I’ve been really unmotivated recently- but I found mega inspiration today! Introducing Neko Miko Hatsune Miku (I got the idea from the gif of okuu in the neko miko artstyle, then ofc the pun Hatsune Miko). the next couple potats I do won’t be 2hu themed, but don’t worry- I still plan on doing all toohoos; this is just a little break to keep me creative.
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fear-fuel-dragon · 4 years
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@pcrona​ the cuties 
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catgir-doodles · 5 years
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Well Here’s a digital painting I recently finished. This is of two characters From a RP I have been doing. Loraine (Lore for short) Is my character, with her mate Nin (Character created by https://dannithebanditqueen.tumblr.com/ ). This was a fun long painting that took me awhile due to work and other IRL stuff. I made this entirely on ipad pro with a apple pencil.
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eggs-love-loki · 5 years
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There was a Miku song where she was like a flower vendor except she was secretly an ex prostitute and she would murder people who were evidence of that or something so I made her like that in love nikki
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clownmoontoon · 6 years
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I havent seen anyone post the full dress up/dressed up pics yet aND I LOVE THEM SO MUCH SO HERE THEY ARE AND THEYRE BEAUTIFUL!!!!!
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dannithebanditqueen · 6 years
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Day 6 inktober
MK of TwinTale the second fastest ninja, the first being Sans of course.
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juanarc-thethird · 2 years
Jaune At The Carnival part 2
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Ruby: *Holding a cotton candy de size of a basketball* Carnivals are so much fun!
Yang: *Hugging a big stuffed animal* Weiss, do you like your first carnival so far?
Weiss: *Smiling* It is a pleasant experience.
The two sisters smile at that comment.
Blake:  *Looking away from the group* Pyrrha is at the kissing booth.
Yang: No way!
The rest of the team turn to see what Blake is talking about.
Yang: Wow, I didn't know Pyrrha liked that kind of thing.
Ruby: Same, and isn't she spending too much money on it?
Weiss: How indecent.
Blake: I'm a little curious to know who is the guy she's kissing for her to pay so much.
Yang: Me too, but Pyrrha is in the way.
Ruby: Wait! She is moving.
Pyrrha moves to the side to get another bag of lien off the floor.
Blake: is Jaune.
The girls went quiet
Neptune: *Coming out of the bathroom* I knew I shouldn't have had that burrito for lunch. Let's see how Jaune is doing. (Not many customers are arriving, maybe he is bored)
Neptune returns to the kissing booth and can see a long line of people waiting for a kiss.
Neptune: What's going on?!
Neptune recognizes some of the girls. Some of them are the hottest girls in all the kingdoms.
Neptune: (Team RWBY, the bunny from the CFVY team, Weiss's older sister, that weird read-haired girl, and that twintale short girl from the CEMN team. Why are they all here!?) *Look at the beginning of the line*
Pyrrha: *Stop making out with Jaune and giggles* I can’t get tired of this. *Put a hang on her bag to grab more lien but is empty* Dang it. Don’t move Jaune. I just need to withdraw more money and I'll be back. *Runs off to the nearest bank*
Jaune: *Red and on cloud nine* O-ok take your time. W-who is next?
Ruby: That would be-
Yang: *Gets in front* Me! Hello lover boy.
Ruby: Hey! I was first.
Yang: Sorry sis, you snooze, you lose.
The girls continue arguing while Neptune tries to understand what is happening.
Neptune: (No way! Jaune is getting them all! I need to do something) *walks over to the booth* Hi Jaune, thanks for warming up my seat. *Start pushing him out of the booth* (Sorry buddy, but I won't miss this chance to kiss these hot babe’s ) I can take it from here. *Then he sprinkles some mint in his mouth and with a smile he said* Ok, who's the next customer?
Yang/Ruby: *With disgust* Ugh/Eww
The rest of the girls realize that Jaune is no longer in the booth and they begin to leave the line until there is no one left in it.
Neptune: Wait! Where are you girls going?! Come back!
Later that day.
A new Kissing booth was built and it was getting a lot of customers. Who had the idea? you ask yourself. This was done by none other than Nora Valkyria.
Nora: *Wearing a top hat and fake mustache * Come on ladies, the Kissing Booth is open to the public. With just $ 1 you can kiss our beloved JNPR team leader, tongue included.
Pyrrha: *Holding a cart full of money bags and wearing red lipstick on her lips* I'm back! Where is jaune?
Nora: That’s the spirit! Get in line! (I’m getting rich!)
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