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boxheadpaint · 1 year
hey what xkit option unfucks the dashboard
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cuntstable · 1 year
Tumblr media
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soopermexican · 2 years
Tumblr media
HELLOOOO TUMBLRRRR you're my backup lol
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men-in-gitis · 1 year
It's fucking stupid to ever get rid of pfps without adding something like display names
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jestyzesty · 1 year
Twitter? Reddit? Tumblr?
Ummm, what's going on? Many are scrambling to find a new platform to run to after Elon's final blow to Twitter as he desperately tries to save his investment by attempting to force everyone to buy his blue checks. Reddit is failing as well? People on TikTok are saying Tumblr could possibly have a strong comeback? Bluesky social is also being whispered among the crowd. Others joke about bringing Myspace back from the grave. All this movement and confusion is exciting! Other than TikTok, I wonder what'll be the platform that the majority of people choose to stay connected and share their content in the future.
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nitromemustdie2 · 7 months
Tumblr media
posted it on twitter tday but it most certainly got shadowbanned there (not mad, just... twitterd)
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ichbinralph · 8 months
normalda basqa platformalarda sexsi düsünce ve mövqeyimi izah eden bir yazi paylasmagi üstün tutmuram. amma burda aglimdan kecen her seyi yaza bilirem deye cox rahatam.
twitterde de hemfikir oldugumu düsündüyüm postlari paylasiram, amma burda ferqlidir, men özüm nese istehsal edirem.
yeqin ki, erken yeniyetmelik dövrümden beri istifade etdiyim ücün burani özüme yaxin bilirem.
canim tumblr, cox sag ol. sen olmasaydin, yeqin ki, kitab yazardim ve men ölenden sonra cap ederdiler, amma senin sayende ele bir sey olmayacaq!:)
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kam-ran1bv · 3 months
twitterde olanlar var?
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bungoustraydogs-tr · 1 year
twitterde galiba yasona x chuuya mangası var fan çizimi olarak çevirmeyi düşünür müsün acaba?
Resmi olanlar hariç herhangi bir ship içeren hiçbir seriyi bundan sonra çevirmeyi planlamıyorum.
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merculusss · 1 year
Twitterde Teknofest fotoğraf ve videolarını görmekten içim yandı. Solotürk mü dersin, Türk Yıldızları mı dersin, Atak helikopteri mi dersin, diğer filoları mı dersin var anam var da bi bize yok bele vaziyetin.... :(
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capricces · 2 years
Siz məni xatırlamazsınız mən sizi tanıyıram ) Daha Twitterde yoxsuz sanki sizi burda görmək xoşdu 🤓
Anladim tewekkurler)
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wonhoarchives · 2 years
Tumblr media
Hello i am cherry of wonho archives , im new to tumblr but i decided to make one since twitterd downfall and to spread the word of the archives!
here is the link to my youtube channel :
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reneleijen · 2 months
Ratelband veroordeeld voor opruiing
De rechtbank Den Haag heeft Emile Ratelband (75 inmiddels) veroordeeld tot duizend euro boete voor opruiing. Ratelband schreef december 2022 op twitter te hopen dat iemand de moed had de parlementsgebouwen te bezetten en politici – hij noemde expliciet GL-kamerlid Jesse Klaver – voor het gerecht te dagen. In dat geval, twitterde Ratelband, was hij ‘voor de doodstraf’. Volgens de rechtbank was de…
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p03i · 1 year
they fuckin twitterd my tumblr
Tumblr media
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codehunter · 1 year
javascript toISOString() ignores timezone offset [duplicate]
This question already has answers here:
How to ISO 8601 format a Date with Timezone Offset in JavaScript? (11 answers)
Closed 1 year ago.
I am trying to convert Twitter datetime to a local iso-string (for prettyDate) now for 2 days. I'm just not getting the local time right..
im using the following function:
function getLocalISOTime(twDate) { var d = new Date(twDate); var utcd = Date.UTC(d.getFullYear(), d.getMonth(), d.getDate(), d.getHours(), d.getMinutes(), d.getSeconds(), d.getMilliseconds()); // obtain local UTC offset and convert to msec localOffset = d.getTimezoneOffset() * 60000; var newdate = new Date(utcd + localOffset); return newdate.toISOString().replace(".000", "");}
in newdate everything is ok but the toISOString() throws it back to the original time again...Can anybody help me get the local time in iso from the Twitterdate formatted as:Thu, 31 May 2012 08:33:41 +0000
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