#Two Hot Chocolates A Brownie and A Norse God of Mischief
imagine-loki · 5 years
Two Hot Chocolates, A Brownie and A Norse God of Mischief
TITLE: Two Hot Chocolates, A Brownie and a Norse God Of Mischief
AUTHOR: Inspired-snowflace
ORIGINAL IMAGINE: imagine that you are really interested in MARVEL and you and your friend are always like quoting the movies and so one day ur in a cafe and u say a Loki quote and then someone behind u finishes the quote ur saying and it sounds hella like Loki so u turn around to be like whoa great impression but when you turn around it’s actually Loki and he’s like nice impression and ur like dead and just fangirling and Loki is just loving being adored so much and so u two end up hanging out and fall in love
NOTES/WARNINGS: I haven’t written anything in the past 3 months. So this is my attempt to get back to writing. I am sorry if it isn’t good, but I tried real hard. I am sorry it I disappointed the original imagine writer due to not putting the same ending. (And not to mention half of it iust got deleted by itself)
"When you said you were opening Wakanda to the world, this is not what I imagined."
“Well, what did you imagine?”
“The Olympics, a starbucks maybe?”
That was it. That was all your crazy friend had to say to lead to this moment. You had shifted to a new place and this was the first time your friend was visiting you. You took her to the nearby Starbucks, because Olympics wasn’t really your cup of tea. As you entered the store, the only noise was the small bell on the door. Well, that you and your friend were here, not anymore.
“I am Loki of Asgard and I am burdened with glorious purpose" Your friend screamed, testimony to the statement that you both quoted the movies so much that you wont notice even if you came face to face with the real avengers.
You looked inside to see a couple sitting and a man with his back turned to you. Hm.. Didn’t look like the kind of people who would call an ambulance on you guys to take you to the mental hospital.
You liked this branch because it was cosier as compared to the others, with a very few people. The shop had mahogany furniture which mingled beautifully with the smell of freshly brewed coffee and hints of vanilla. You went to place the order while your friend picked a seat.
“Is that your friend?” The barista asked you sceptically. He didn’t think you mad and you attributed that painful fact to the inability to scream quotes when you were alone.
“Loki is beyond reason but he is of Asgard and he is my brother.”
He stared at you blankly. Ahhh... not a fan. Probable candidate of calling the ambulance.
“I would like two hot chocolates, a brownie and a Norse God of Mischief please.” You placed your order.
“Hot chocolates- 2, Brownie-1 and... what was your last request?”
“Never mind.. you guys don’t have it on the menu” You wish you knew how wrong you were at the moment.
“That will be 12.50.”
You paid and waited for your order. When it arrived, you picked it daintily and turned around. You saw her sitting ahead of the man. Yet, she took matters in her own hands.
“Cap, On your left.” She turned and waved as if there were a hundred occupied tables instead of just three. She was sitting on the table ahead of the man, which were the only two tables on the left. She had purposely chosen that table. Cheeky girl!! A+ for the effort.
Placing the order down you sat opposite to her your back to the man. Immediately, she picked the cup with your name on it.
“He spelt your name wrong!!! He had one job!! Just the one!!”
Well, you had corrected the man the last time you were here. But people spelt it wrong so often that you stopped correcting them. It wasn’t exactly new for you.
“If it’s all the same to you, I will have that drink now.”
You friend turned to look at the barista and scream some Tony, or better yet, Falcon quote. Instead she turned back without screaming and said, “Oh God!! He is cute!!”
Trust your friend to fall in love with someone who is minutes away from calling the ambulance on you guys.
“There is only one God ma’am, and I am pretty sure he does not dress like that.”
“Loki.” You both said at once, laughing and high-fiving.
“I swear he exists only to raise my expectations in men. Normal men- yeah! They will never be God.” You added.
“Your world on the balance and you bargain for one man?”
“Any day... If you are talking about Loki, that is.”
There was a few minutes of silence where you both savoured your hot chocolates and the brownie. You hear footsteps and saw the couple leave.
“I wanted to tell you something..” Your friend said, interrupting the peace.
“I was having 12 percent of the moment.” You added closely after, “I am listening.”
“I understood that reference.” She said pointing out like Steve.
She continued, “Since you have given the breakfast treat, allow me to take you lunch. There is a Shawarma joint about two blocks from here. I don’t know what it is, but I want to try it.”
“Why do you wanna take me to lunch? Tell me!!” You whisper screamed.
“Its really not that complicated. I got red on my ledger, I'd like to wipe it out.”
The next dialogue was more malicious, but cursed be you if you allowed a chance to say Loki’s dialogue slip. So you steeled yourself and began, “Can you?”
“Can you wipe out that much red? Dreykov's daughter, Sao Paulo, the hospital fire? Barton told me everything.” Came a voice from behind you, nailing the dialogue, the British accent and the snark down to a T. You literally froze, a chill went down your spine as you understood the dread that must have sparked in Agent Romanoff. However, it died as soon as the dialogue ended. Not for your friend though, she sat with her jaw hanging as if she had just seen a ghost.
“Umm.. wow man!! That was flawless. You nailed it down perfectly.” Under normal circumstances, you would have quoted the movies but all flew out of your head when he spoke.
Your voice seemed to snap your friend out of the daze she was stuck in. Her eyes widened and she pointed the space behind you. She tried to speak but no words came out. Her eyes were unblinking as if she feared that a blink will turn it into a dream.
“Cap, to your left” She finally said, but you figured her words from reading her lips rather than what she said, for her voice was completely inaudible.
You turned around.
No. No way.
Sitting there was a man, with a chiselled marble face, framed by night black hair, his bluish-green eyes seemed so deep that you could not look away. It seemed like the sea had engulfed you with its beauty. But your focus was stolen by the smile. Despite the mean comment, the smile was hopeful, was genuine.
You had argued with you friend that the first thing you would do if you ever saw Loki would be to scream, jump up and down no matter the situation. But even as you tried to say his name, your voice got stuck with the various emotions having a party in your throat. This time your friend snapped you out of the temporary muteness by whisper screaming.
“This is madness!!”
“Is it?” His eyes softened as he looked at you, “Is it?”
“OhMyGodLokiThisIsUnbelievableIAmAHugeFan!!” You squealed in an incoherent language.
“Darling, I am pretty sure even allspeak cant translate that.” He said with a laugh.
“Oh my gosh!!! Can we get a hug?” Finally, all the quotes flew out of your friend’s mind.
He had such an innocent smile on his face that it seemed impossible that this guy had tried to attack New York. He stood up and green light shimmered around him, changing his coat into the costume from the avengers. He held his arms open calling you both for a hug.
You were quicker to respond. “Mmmm.. Brother, you look ravishing.” And proceeded to throw your arms around him and bear hugged with as much love as your body could muster, making sure to convey the love and make your tumblr friends proud. Behind you, your friend had completely lost her mind at the change of outfit.
“Dont faint. Don’t faint. Don’t faint....” She repeated like a mantra while pressing her fingers into her temples as if that would keep her alive.
“Does she do this often?” Loki asked you amused at the effect he had on your friend.
“Only when she meets incredibly hot Gods of Mischief in their armour.” You said with a smirk.
You nervously glanced at the counter because it was about time for the ambulance to be called. He was busy cleaning the counter, leaving you guys to your own shenanigans. Phew!! No ambulance.
Then you noticed the mischievous glint in Loki's eyes with the words, “Just a bit of illusion magic dear.”
Meanwhile, you saw that your friend was crushing Loki in a bear hug so tightly that you doubted he was able to breathe but he didn’t say anything, happy for the love and attention he was getting.
“Now, now, darling, even if I am a God, an occasional breath of oxygen would be nice.” Your friend loosened ever so slightly, taking his words ‘occasional breath of oxygen’ too literally.
“Hey!! Get off him!! Get yourself your own Loki. He is my God of Mischief!!” You pouted and started playfully hitting your friend, urging her to stop hugging him so that you could be in his embrace again. After all, how many people are luck enough to hug their fictional crush.
Loki threw his head back and laughed and opened his arm, “Well, I can definitely handle two mortals crushing me.” You threw yourself into his open waiting arm after poking your friend a bit so that you could squish your cheek against his armour.
“I must say; it was easier to breathe with Thor's hammer on my chest. You mortals are pretty strong.”
“You have an army.” Your friend’s muffled voice came and then added, “And we will most certainly kneel.” Loki laughed at that though his cheeks were sprinkled pink.
“How about my beautiful ladies stop crushing me like a bilgesnipe its prey, and then perhaps we talk and exchange, what do they call it, phone numbers?”
“Deal!!” You promptly screamed. Your friend promptly fainted.
“I am honoured?” He questioned, winking at you.
“Oh don’t worry about her”, you dismissed. “She wouldn’t want to miss your phone number.” You said while facing your friend.
“Of course I will not!!” your friend said while keeping her fainted pretence. “Haven’t you seen enough movies to know that this is the cliché where he falls in love with me?”
You all laughed.
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inspired-snowflace · 5 years
Complete Masterlist
One shots :
Prince of Jotunheim
Choice (Choice is sorta a sequel to Bracelet)
Two hot chocolates, a brownie and a Norse God of Mischief
Series :
-- Mad Predictions--
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Beautiful when they smirk
An Allfathers guide to children
Norse Gods
Endgame Loki theory (sad)
Endgame Loki theory (hopeful)
Other Chats:
The Greeks and Egyptians
Carter hates snakes (kane chronicles)
Entangled earphones
My Art
My chibi avatar
Koi fishes
Powerpuff girls
Hulk, Smash!
RM (Namjoon), BTS
Cottage in the woods
7 notes · View notes
inspired-snowflace · 5 years
Masterlist (Loki×Reader)
One shots :
Prank 1
Prince of Jotunheim
Choice (Choice is sorta a sequel to Bracelet)
Two hot chocolates, a brownie and a Norse God of Mischief
Series :
-- Mad Predictions--
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chats : continue reading
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