#Tylenol helped w the wrist/arm pain
euclydya · 1 year
girl. the . why can't i sleep.
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cuttergauthier · 1 year
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Female reader x Mackie Samoskevich
Warning:Hurt, fluff
word count: 0.9k
let me know what you guys think🤍
I am a Sophomore on the Women’s hockey team at University of Michigan, we are playing Wisconsin, we are currently winning 3-1 with only 4 minutes to go in the third period.
One of the girls on the other kept going after me even when i don’t have the puck, she’s been doing it all game.
The puck was sent in the corner, and I skated over to grabbed it when i got checked badly into the board resulting my left wrist to twist against the board, shooting pain into my wrist. I fell and the whistle blew, the took her away from me while      I made my way to my bench.
“Where does it hurt?” The athletic trainer asked when he took me to the medical room.
“My wrist, I think I twisted it when I went into the board” i said in pain.
“Okay let me look”
He took my wrist and looked it over to see if anything was broken.
“Thankfully it isn’t broken, but it is sprained. I need you to wear this brace for the week, I’ll look back on Friday to see if it’s still sprained, do not put any pressure on it. You’ve had one of these before, right?” He asked and I nodded
“Yeah, I had one my freshman year” I said grunting, even though it’s only a sprain it still hurts like hell.
“then you know what to do, I’ll let you get out of your gear, and shower. When you get home take some Tylenol it should help with the pain” he said, and I nodded.
“Thank you” I said and made my way to the locker room, it took me a bit of time before i got out of the medical room so all the girls except for my team captain was there.
“Hey y/n, how bad is it?” she asked
“Sprained, I have to wear the brace until Friday” I said sadly, she gave me a sad smile
“Sorry girl, thankfully it’s not bad, so you’ll be back playing in no time”
“I’m going to head out, let me know if you need anything okay?”
“I will, thanks cap”
Once i was the last one in i got out of my gear and went to take a shower, I couldn’t wash my hair because of my wrist, so i had to leave it in the messy ponytail. Once i was done i got dressed into my hoodie carefully trying not to hurt my wrist and some pair of sweatpants. I grabbed my stuff and made my way to my car.
Once i started driving I remembered that I didn’t text Mackie my boyfriend to let him know i was alright, he’s on the men’s hockey team. We’ve been together for 2 years now.
I called his phone, he said he was going to be watching the game with some teammates tonight.
He picked up after the first ring.
“Hey, are you okay? Are you hurt, where are you?” He rushed out, making me chuckle.
“I’m sorry I didn’t call, I just left the arena I’ll be at my place in a few minutes, it’s just a sprained wrist don’t worry I’ll be fine” I said, I heard him breath out.
“I’m already at your apartment, I was worried, so I’ll see you in a few minutes. I love you” he said softly
“I love you too” I said before hanging up
Five minutes later I was at my apartment. When I opened the door Mackie rushed over to me.
He kissed me and we our way to the kitchen
“Come here, let me take a look” he said I made my way over to him, he pulled me up and sat me down on the counter.
“Mackie, I’m okay I promise it just hurts a little” I said
“I still want to see” he said standing between my legs and taking my wrist in his hand
“On a scale of one to ten, how bad does it hurt?”
“Like a 7” I said. He nodded and let me go, he made his way to my cabinet where I keep the painkillers to grab me one along with a bottle of water from the fridge before making his way back to me.
“Here take this, it’ll help with the pain” he said given me the painkiller and opening the water bottle for me and handing it to me.
After taking it, I put the water bottle aside before wrapping my arms around his neck and hugging him.
“Are you tired?” he asked me. I nodded.
“Come on, let’s go to bed” he said picking me up, i wrapped my arms around his waist as he walked us to my room. He put me down next to the bed and we both got under the covers. He wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me against his chest before kissing the back of my head.
“I love you so much, I’m glad you’re okay” he whispered
“I love you to, thanks for looking out for me”
“Always” he whispered lovingly and giving me another kiss before we fell asleep.
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yukheii · 5 years
— baby, you blow me away (m.l)
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+ pairing :: mark lee + oc:reader
+ genre and warnings :: spiderman au, marvel/mcu au, it’s mostly fluff but there are some sad themes to it, mentioned of sadness/longing, implied mild depression, implied symptoms of ptsd (kind of, it’s vague, but i figured it’s best to disclose anyway), mark is trying his hardest pls appreciate him thanks for being the sweetest boy to ever exist
+ notes :: this one goes out to sarah aka foreverpark for being the biggest peter parker and mark lee enthusiast you’ll ever come across; also she keeps putting posts of tony on my dash so uh, mentions of him and pepper i’m not sure exactly what mesh of college au and mcu au this is but bear w me 
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Mark hasn’t been able to sleep for three weeks.
First, he tries to convince himself that it’s not that bad. That every twenty year old male has a few vivid nightmares every now and again. That it’s perfectly fine to experience mild seizures, and severe insomnia, and that everything will pass if he drinks some green tea, takes a few Tylenol, and puts on a face mask.
Then, he sobers up a little; realizes that, yeah, what’s been going on is well past normal. But, he merely shifts his poor coping mechanisms instead of doing something about it—he makes himself believe that it’s worth it. That staying awake until his body is physically exhausted enough to force him into sleeping, having crystal clear flashbacks whilst waiting in line for coffee, and quaking at the slightest noise above two decibels is worth the hero work.
The therapist that Pepper has him go to does what he can to help, but it’s truthfully, not much. Granted, seeing immediate results is less than rare, but Mark isn’t feeling optimistic, either.
When he tells Mr. Therapist Man about you and that he hasn’t seen you in weeks, his eyebrows crease together, and he starts writing at an alarming pace against his notepad. Mark almost forgets that whatever he tells Mr. Therapist Man goes back to Pepper, and that maybe he shouldn’t have mentioned how in addition to his symptoms, he’s slipping on his schoolwork and his obligations as a boyfriend; but he knows that she’s too smart, and she would have cornered him about it sooner or later.
“Why haven’t you seen ______?” she questions, voice gentle but firm, as she hands him a cup of hot chocolate.
“I have seen her,” he clarifies, blowing lightly on the beverage, “But not, like, a lot? We talk a little when I see her on campus—oh, and I waved to her when I swung by her English class last Thursday—but, I haven’t been at school a whole lot, honestly. And—also, she’s busy! She has clubs and midterms and—”
“And, so do you, Mark,” Pepper interjects.
Mark opens his mouth to refute, but deflates almost instantly. Truthfully, he hadn’t so much as spared a single thought about his exams until a few seconds ago. He could kiss that A- in Classics goodbye.
“Yeah, but I’ve got… other stuff to do, too,” he says softly. Other things to do and other things to focus on.
The ginger watches him toy with this fingers, the wide-eyes in front her are filled with so much guilt and pleading and worry that she feels tears pricking at her own. She puts her cup down, and shifts her body closer to Mark’s, a gentle hand resting on his shoulder.
“You… you really have his spirit, you know that,” she asks, but it’s not a question. Her glassy eyes seem to look through Mark, not at him, as she continues, “He saw so much of himself in you, and it’s so easy to see why.”
“But, Mark,” she’s whispering now, on the verge of tears, “Don’t make his mistakes. Take care of yourself, please. Rest.”
And Mark starts crying first, a vice grip around his cup. “I won’t. I promise.”
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In hindsight, Mark probably should have used his original suit, and not the metal one when he planned to make a swift, silent, entrance.
He smells like burnt rubber and exhaust fumes when he crawls in through your window and wraps his arms around your shoulders, chin resting atop your head.
“You’re late,” you mumble, eyes not sparing him a glance, still focused on the assignment open in front of you. You haven’t made any progress since last week, but neither you nor Mark comment on that.
“I know,” he replies, voice airy like he’s still trying to catch his breath; and you can feel his chin move with every syllable against the point of your head, “I’m sorry.”
You swivel your chair and face him properly for the first time in far too long. His mask is still on, red and blue and oversized black metal look back at you instead of the honeyed-brown you know and love.
But you don’t need to see his face to see what’s wrong—and Mark knows there’s no point in hiding it any longer. He lets you stand up and lets your arms fall to the back of his beck; feels just the ghost of a touch against a pressure-point on his neck before the mask and the rest of the suit recede into a watch on his left wrist.
He’s just as you feared—and then some. There’s a faint, purple bruise along the bridge of his nose and several, smaller scrapes along his chin, but what alarms you the most are his eyes.
They’re not wide with too much hope and love and ambition anymore; they’re quiet, dull. They’re not Mark’s eyes.
“Mark,” you barely get his name out, your head tilting to the side, words caught in your throat.
Mark swallows consciously, entire body trembling as your gentle hands press into his head. It’s a dull pain when your left hand cradles his neck and your right rests against his cheek, thumb pressing against his bottom lip.
“Oh, Mark,” you sob again, and he lets his eyes flutter shut. You pull his face towards yours, slow and careful, a ghost of a kiss pressed against the bulb of his nose.“
“I’m so sor—” he chokes, but you don’t let him finish his sentence; cutting off his words with a petal soft kiss to his bruised lips.
“Come to bed,” you say instead, both of your palms cradling his cheeks now before you kiss him again.
He wants to say no, that he can’t, that he hasn’t been able to for far too long now, but then you wipe away a fallen tear, and something in Mark makes him believe that this time, it’ll be different.
He only smiles, shallow, but genuine—it prompts you to peck him again. Your hands cascade down his face, neck, arms, until you’re holding both his hands. You raise his right to your mouth, interlocking your fingers and pressing a chaste kiss to his knuckles, “Come.”
He lets himself be pulled by your grip to your bed. You have a rule about non-pajamas touching your bedsheets, but you seem to the break them for him; simply allowing him to strip to his boxers and remain in his t-shirt before following you under the duvet.
Mark’s favorite way to cuddle is not to, really. He thinks he’s too awkward, lanky in all the wrong places to securely hold you against him. He prefers to sleep facing you. He likes the feel the small exhalations from your nose tickle his face. Often, he’ll extend a leg in your direction, and sandwich it between your own. Sometimes, he drapes an arm around your waist or vice versa, but usually, he likes to hold your hand instead. It’s nice for him that way, just knowing you’re there.
But, tonight, Mark stops you as you lay on your side, body cocooned into its usual position. He presses your other shoulder blade back into the mattress until you’re flat on your back, and gingerly crawls into your hold.
It’s balming to him that you don’t think twice about wrapping your arms around his torso, pulling him in, kissing the top of his head. He sighs against your plush skin, allowing himself to be engulfed in a warmth too intense to punctuate.
He reaches an arm up, to rest his hand against your shoulder, but you catch it in your grasp. He thinks you’re going to hold his hand, but your grip remains around his wrist.
He turns his head, ready to question your motives, when he sees your single hand making work of removing his watch. Carefully, you slip the metal from his wrist, and store it away in a drawer on your beside table.
Mark wants to protest, but the way you kiss his palm and rewrap your arms around him fades his resolve. Suddenly the watch—the suit—is of little importance; feeling your skin against his is his only priority.
It’s only when you feel his breathing even out and his heartbeat regulate that you consider closing your own eyes. Not before pressing a final kiss to the crown of Mark’s head and squeezing him tight.
“Rest, my love.”
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wrecklessimagine · 7 years
I See It...Part 2
(Part 1)
The team was rooted to their positions as Spencer continued to sit with you in the interrogation room.
How was he going to communicate to you what was happening?
“What’s happening to me?” you wail as you curl into his body.
And for the first time in Spencer’s life, he didn’t know what to tell you.
He didn’t know where to go from here.
And neither did his team.
“Y/N,” Spencer begins before he clears his throat. “Do you… know what colors are?”
He feels you shake your head into his chest.
“What you see doesn’t look the same anymore, does it?” he asks lightly.
His arms were so comforting as they ran up and down your arms.
“Y-… yes…” you stammer out.
“Do you have a word for it? For what you see now?” he asks.
“It’s… um… well…”
It was then that Spencer grasped your shoulders and slowly pulled you out to see him.
Your eyes danced across his face and took in his bright eyes. They danced across his face as you watched the tone of his skin begin to change, and your eyes trailed down his suit before someone appeared behind him.
The man with the stern voice.
You cowered into the corner as Spencer whipped his head around, and it was then that Spencer looked at you and began to rub your arms again.
“It’s alright. He’s good, I promise.”
Someone had to talk to Reid.
“Reid,” Hotch said.
You watch as Spencer starts to get up, and you reach up and grasp his hand, your eyes begging him to stay as he hooks his gaze intently onto yours.
“I’m not leaving you here,” he says sincerely.
You grab your knees and pull them to your chest before he starts walking back to Hotch.
“Hotch, I-”
But all he did was hold up his hand.
“Her father’s going away for a long time, and she doesn’t have any other family. Not from what Garcia can find.”
The idea made Spencer’s heart ache for you as tears began to stream down his face.
Spencer’s head began to ache from the overwhelming bombardment of colors, and it was J.J. who appeared behind him with some Tylenol.
“I know you don’t do pain medication… but I have it if it’ll help,” she offers.
“No, thanks, but thank you,” Spencer croaks.
“There’s no way for me to communicate what has happened to her without scaring her…” Spencer trails off.
“We know,” Hotch says lowly.
“What do I do?” Spencer asks lightly.
“First, we need to figure out where she’s gonna go. With no friends and no family, she’s gotta go somewhere,” J.J. says.
And then, an idea began wafting through Spencer’s mind.
“Reid. No,” Hotch commands.
“It’s not your decision,” Reid says lightly.
“You want to take her home, don’t you?” Emily pipes up from behind.
“She’s comfortable with me. A-a-and I could teach her things. I could evaluate her, figure out where her intelligence level lies. Help her get a GED or something,” Spencer rattles off.
“Spencer. You just found out a sheltered, raped, and abused woman with an unsub father is your soulmate,” Hotch says.
“And that’s why I need to take her!” Spencer raises his voice.
“I-i-if she’s my soulmate… w-who I’m supposed to-… to be with. Then, who better to take her in!?”
And no one had an argument.
Spencer turned around and strode back into the room, and when you saw him re-enter you stand to your feet and throw your arms around him.
Spencer was shocked at the show of affection and embraced you tightly as your body began to tremble.
“Don’t leave me again, okay?” you ask him.
“Never,” he whispers.
“Y/N, I have a question,” Spencer begins.
“Ok,” you respond.
“How would you like to come home with me?” he asks.
You stare into his eyes and get lost in the different shade before the volume of his question hits you.
“Your home…?” you ask lightly.
“Well, you’ll need somewhere to go. You can’t go back to where you were, but you could come with me, if you’d like. You’d have your own room, and we could go get you some clothes, a-a-and we could… I don’t know… read books, or go get food. And we could decorate your room anyway you’d like. I could even teach you things if you want.”
Spencer studied you intently as you mulled over what he was saying… and he wondered how much of it you really understood.
“I… I can’t…”
Panic began to brew behind Spencer’s eyes, and just before his mouth began to run away from him, the rest of your statement whispered from between your lips.
“… read,” you admit.
The heaviness of that admission weighed on Spencer’s shoulders. You couldn’t have a knowledge base of more than 2nd grade, and he wondered if he could catch you up.
If you would even let him try.
“Would you let me teach you?” he asked lightly.
And he watched a light ignite behind your eyes as a smile peeled across your face.
“Like… help me?” you asked.
“Yeah,” Spencer smiles as he nods his head. “Yeah, like help you.”
But, before you could answer, he watched your eyes wince before you brought your hands to your head.
“Are you alright?” Spencer panics.
“My head hurts,” you whimper.
And J.J. was right there with two small pills and a glass of water.
“Here,” she coos, “this will help.”
You eye them closely before looking up towards Spencer, and he nods lightly before you take the pills and drink the glass of water.
“Thank you,” you say meekly.
“I’m J.J., by the way,” she smiles as he holds out her hand.
You looked down at her hand with a confused expression before Spencer reaches for your wrist.
“Like this,” he smiles as he lays your hands against hers.
You watch as J.J. wraps her fingers around your hand, and you wrap yours around hers before it moves up and down in a very formal motion.
Spencer smiled when you smiled.
“I’m Y/N, by the way,” you smile and look up at the woman in front of you.
And she smiles as Spencer tucks a piece of hair behind your ear.
“Are you hungry?” Spencer asks.
You turn your head towards him and nod.
“Do you have a favorite food?” Spencer asks.
You furrow your brow at the question before he tries to explain.
“Do you have something you enjoy eating more than anything else?” he rephrases.
But the confused expression remained on your face as you tried to figure out how to answer what he was asking.
“Um… I didn’t really like… food at home,” you stammer out.
“That’s fine,” Spencer smiles as J.J. finally drops your hand. “Would you like me to choose somewhere to go eat?”
“Okay,” you smile lightly up at him.
“Have you ever had a milkshake?” he asks as he takes your hand and slowly begins leading you towards the door.
“What’s that?” you ask.
“Something really good that I think you’ll like. We can get one and maybe a sandwich and some french fries,” he says.
And as they watch Spencer walk with you down the hallway, J.J. and Hotch eye each other wearily from the entrance to the interrogation room.
“I have no precedence for this,” Hotch says.
“Do we ever with Reid, though?” J.J. smirks.
And the question made him smirk.
“I guess not,” Hotch responds.
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healthyeve-blog1 · 8 years
   Rubella Viral Infection : How To Protect Your Child From This Disease
Tuesday, February 28,2017
Rubella is a contagious disease caused by a virus that attacks the respiratory tract. It causes characteristic redness that first appears on the face, then extending over the chest and the rest of the body.
The disease is usually mild in children, but it can have dangerous consequences when a pregnant woman transmits it to the fetus (congenital rubella). Once a person has been infected with the disease, it is permanently immunized.
Rubella can be prevented by a vaccine that is part of the infant immunization program in Canada and France. The combined measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine has significantly reduced the incidence of this disease in countries where it has been included in the routine childhood immunization program.
Rubella is a contagious disease that spreads through tiny droplets produced by the nose and mouth. People infected with the virus are contagious about 1 or 2 weeks before the rash and at least 4 days after the onset of redness.
The incubation period (that is, the time between the time the virus is contracted and the onset of symptoms of the disease) can last from 12 to 23 days.
Rarely, rubella can cause:
A form of minor arthritis affecting the fingers, wrists and knees, which usually disappears on its own after about 1 month. More often it affects adolescents and adults and more women than men (up to 70% of infected adults). An ear infection (otitis). Encephalitis, affecting adults more often (1 case out of 6000).
Symptoms of rubella
The symptoms of rubella appear 2 to 3 weeks after exposure to the virus. They usually last 2 or 3 days.
Fever. Headaches. A runny nose. A sore throat. Swollen eyes (conjunctivitis). Swollen glands at the base of the neck and behind the ears.
An eruption of small red or pink spots, mainly in the face, behind the ears and in the neck can cause itching. These spots gradually extend to the arms, chest and back to reach the legs and feet.
Painful joints (especially in infected adolescents and young women) Up to 50% of people infected with rubella virus have no symptoms.
Risk factors
Not being vaccinated against rubella. Traveling to a developing country where the disease is present without receiving the rubella vaccine.
When a pregnant woman contracts the rubella virus during the first 3 months of pregnancy, this can have serious consequences on the development of the fetus, and sometimes even lead to death.
Can we prevent it?
The vaccine is the best way to prevent a rubella infection. The MMR (measles, rubella and mumps MMR II) vaccine is administered to children in two doses, the first usually around 12 months and the second around 18 months. Both in France and in Canada, this vaccine is fully reimbursed by Medicare.
A vaccine is available for women of childbearing age who would not have received the vaccine during childhood. The vaccine can not be given to pregnant women.
Medical treatment of rubella
No treatment can cure rubella. It is recommended to take a lot of rest and promote quiet activities. A humidifier can help clear the airways.
Some medications can alleviate symptoms of the disease.
Analgesics. Acetaminophen (Tylenol®, Panadol®), ibuprofen (Advil®, Motrin®) or naproxen (Aleve®) can treat fever. Warning. Aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid-ASA) should not be administered to children as there is a risk of causing Reye’s syndrome.
Antibiotics. If a bacterial infection, such as an ear infection develops following rubella, a doctor may prescribe antibiotics.
Injection of immunoglobulins.
Pregnant women, children and people with weakened immune systems who are exposed to the virus can receive immunoglobulin injections.
When administered within the first 6 days after exposure to the virus, these antibodies can alleviate the symptoms of the disease. However, these antibodies do not eliminate the possibility of transmitting the disease to the fetus.
Published On
Tuesday, February 28,2017-11:01:06 AM[London]
URL: http://www.healthyeve.com/rubella-viral-infection-protect-child-disease/
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Rubella Viral Infection : How To Protect Your Child From This Disease    Rubella Viral Infection : How To Protect Your Child From This Disease Tuesday, February 28,2017 Rubella is a contagious disease caused by a virus…
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