#UCLA diploma
supercoffeepatrol · 2 years
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55.#伊利诺伊大学芝加哥分校#universityofillinoischicago#uic #indianauniversity#iu#印第安纳大学#indiana #迈阿密大学#mba#挂科#dartmouthcollege#dartmouth #universityofmiami#um#csun #uci#uc#ucla#usc#diploma#diplomas#毕业#columbiauniversity #californiastateuniversitynorthridge#newyork#arizonastateuniversity (在 Arizona State University) https://www.instagram.com/p/CluwuxBvuht/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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toounknownpaper · 2 years
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55.#伊利诺伊大学芝加哥分校#universityofillinoischicago#uic #indianauniversity#iu#印第安纳大学#indiana #迈阿密大学#mba#挂科#dartmouthcollege#dartmouth #universityofmiami#um#csun #uci#uc#ucla#usc#diploma#diplomas#毕业#columbiauniversity #californiastateuniversitynorthridge#newyork#arizonastateuniversity (在 Indiana University) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ck0LtaNrluq/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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holybenny · 4 days
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(TAYLOR ZAKHAR PEREZ, 30, ele/dele) era uma vez… uma pessoa comum, de um lugar sem graça nenhuma! HÁ, sim, estou falando de você BENICIO “BENNY” SHAH CARDONA. você veio de MIAMI, ESTADOS UNIDOS e costumava ser BOMBEIRO por lá antes de ser enviado para o mundo das histórias. se eu fosse você, teria vergonha de contar isso por aí, porque enquanto você estava RESTAURANDO CARROS ANTIGOS, tem gente aqui que estava salvando princesas das garras malignas de uma bruxa má! tem gente aqui que estava montando em dragões. tá vendo só? você pode até ser DETERMINADO, mas você não deixa de ser um baita de um CONTROLADOR… se, infelizmente, você tiver que ficar por aqui para estragar tudo, e acabar assumindo mesmo o papel de O PADRE na história ROMEU E TADEU… bom, eu desejo boa sorte. porque você VAI precisar!
˛ ⠀ ⠀ *   ⠀ ⠀𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑢𝑚𝑜.
filho de pais imigrantes, benny cresceu em uma família com regras rigorosas. ele era o filho mais velho de três e, portanto, as responsabilidades sempre caíram em cima dele. o dinheiro era curto e as expectativas muito altas. ele sempre soube que precisava ser o responsável, o garoto popular e, ao mesmo tempo, com boas notas e que não faltasse uma missa. e ele sempre se deu muito bem nisso. ele nunca entrava em problemas, era o atacante do time de futebol, era o melhor aluno de várias matérias e era amado pelas senhoras da igreja. era o destino de benny escrito antes dele ter nascido e ele era feliz com isso. 
quando ele estava prestes a terminar o ensino médio, um pouco antes de completar dezoito anos, sua namorada revelou para ele que estava grávida e desde então benny teve que fazer certas escolhas. o sonho de ir para a ucla com uma bolsa de estudos que já estava praticamente garantida foi pelos ares e foi substituída pela incerteza do futuro. 
zaira, sua filha, nasceu poucos meses depois dele completar dezoito anos e alguns meses depois do final do ensino médio. nessa altura benny já tinha conseguido um trabalho como mecânico na borracharia do tio e estava começando a universidade comunitária no curso de mecânica automotiva. benny foi jogado na vida adulta de maneira rústica, mas ele aceitou isso de bom grado apenas para garantir o conforto de sua filha. 
quatro anos se passaram e de dezoito, benny já tinha vinte e dois. ele já estava formado em mecânica automotiva e já estava bem estabilizado como mecânico quando a mãe de sua filha, que há um bom tempo já não era mais sua namorada, contou que iria se mudar para georgia e que levaria zaira junto. a escolha tinha sido dos ex-sogros de benny e ela iria apenas acompanhar, a procura de novas oportunidades para o seu diploma de psicologia. benny sentiu-se traído, desejou entrar na justiça e fazer um escândalo, mas depois de pensar um pouco, ele aceitou.
ele entrou na academia de bombeiros um mês depois e se mudou de tampa, onde havia vivido a vida inteira, para miami. a mudança foi necessária, pois depois de todos os momentos decepcionantes de sua vida, ele já não podia mais aguentar a voz de seu pai do seu ouvido, lembrando ele em toda vez que se encontravam o quanto benny saiu de filho de ouro para decepção geral. ele precisava se distanciar daquela situação toda, mesmo que doesse seu coração deixar sua mãe para trás. ele entrou pro corpo de bombeiros de miami 10 meses depois.
com vinte e seis, benny conseguiu um acordo melhor com sua ex e zaira passou a morar com ele durante o ano letivo, dando mais espaço e tempo para que sua ex trabalhasse em seus livros, sua nova aventura. zaira ia visitar a mãe sempre que podia, mas seu dia a dia agora era ditado por benny, que tinha passado tempo demais longe da filha. agora, com salário de bombeiro e fazendo trabalhos de mecânico e restaurador quando podia, ele conseguia garantir um estudo de qualidade para ela e isso foi o que ele sempre quis. sua vida parecia estar nos trilhos. ele tinha um trabalho bom, sua filha gostava mais da casa dele do que da casa da mãe, sua conta no tiktok tinha vários seguidores e monetizava bem e seu tempo livre era bem gasto. em certos momentos ele se perguntava se seus pais finalmente teriam orgulho dele, mesmo que isso fosse impossível dizer, já que ele tinha cortado o contato com eles completamente. 
meses antes de ir para o reino dos perdidos, benny estava tendo um expediente normal. algumas crianças fazendo besteira, um casal preso numa montanha, uma mulher se queimando com um creme de qualidade duvidosa. nada que fizesse ele pensar duas vezes, até que uma chamada de madrugada fez com que ele acordasse no seu bunker com um mau pressentimento. era um incêndio e ele e seus colegas fizeram o que tinham que fazer. vasculharam o prédio inteiro, puxando as pessoas do meio das chamas. quando benny estava quase dando as costas para o fogo, ele viu o que iria vir a assombrar ele até hoje. naquele prédio, a professora de zaira morava e quando ele a encontrou, ela tinha um grande corte na garganta e outro no peito. meses depois, quando ele estava treinando para depor no tribunal, ele se perguntaria se fez tudo que pôde. ele fez. ele tentou e quando não conseguiu e chegou em casa para contar para sua filha, ele iria cometer o erro de prometer que iria fazer tudo que pudesse para achar o culpado. vida real não era um filme do sherlock holmes e a polícia já tinha evidências circunstanciais para mostrar que o culpado era o ex da mulher e que o incêndio tinha sido criminoso. mesmo assim, benny era a única testemunha que viu alguém fugindo do local antes mesmo de entrar no prédio. ele era a pessoa que podia apontar para o suspeito e dizer: “foi este homem”.
quando chegou aqui, a realização do que ele iria ser fez com que ele sentisse que iria enlouquecer. um padre, de todas as coisas. a religião tinha sido um fantasma em sua vida, uma repressão de tudo que ele era e queria ser de verdade e um lembrete de que ele nunca era bom o suficiente. logo em um conto chamado romeu e tadeu, sendo ironia que ele escondeu a própria sexualidade justamente devido à religião. era como uma piada de mau gosto. quando sua vida parecia bem e ele parecia ter encontrado um propósito, ele lhe foi arrancado para dar lugar às más lembranças da sua infância. benny passa seus dias pensando em maneiras de ir embora, desesperado com a ideia de que sua filha ficou sozinha e desamparada, com uma promessa incompleta pela pessoa que ele deveria confiar.
  ˛ ⠀ ⠀ *   ⠀ ⠀𝑡𝑟𝑖𝑣𝑖𝑎.
benny parou de jogar futebol depois de um machucado em uma chamada, onde teve sua perna presa por um pedaço de concreto. graças a esse acontecido, ele tem dores na perna, principalmente no tornozelo e por isso tenta não forçar ele. 
ele é bissexual e esse foi um dos motivos pelo qual cortou relação com os pais. 
sua filha de chama zaira maría cardona e tem 13 anos; sua ex-namorada se chama leyla lopez aguirre; sua mãe e seu pai se chamam zaira e diego cardona. 
benny não quer ter mais filhos e também não quer se casar.
ele não tem mais religião, escolhendo se afastar de qualquer doutrina.
ele tem uma conta no tiktok com alguns milhões de seguidores, onde ele posta skits de situações reais que ele viveu como bombeiro. (inspo.)
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Shruti Rajkumar at HuffPost:
Several universities across the country are withholding, or threatening to withhold, the diplomas of seniors who engaged in pro-Palestine demonstrations on their campuses amid a national student mobilization in recent months. After Hamas’ deadly attack on Israel on Oct. 7, the Israeli military launched a massive offensive in Gaza, which has so far has killed more than 35,000 and sparked a famine in the region. In response, students formed encampments and held demonstrations to demand that their colleges publicly denounce Israel’s attacks on Gaza as a genocide, increase transparency about their Israeli ties and divest from companies in business with Israel. Many pro-Palestine demonstrations have been peaceful. But hundreds of students at universities across the country have been arrested for their involvement, and some are facing hearings for alleged disciplinary violations. Now, multiple colleges are saying that diplomas will be held until these investigations are completed.
On Friday, administrators at the University of California, Los Angeles threatened to discipline and withhold the diplomas of at least 55 students who were involved in pro-Palestine demonstrations. In letters sent on Friday, administrators accused the students of violating the student code of conduct, alleging that they failed to respond to police’s orders to disperse at the May 2 encampment and engaged in “disorderly behavior,” “disturbing the peace” and “failure to comply,” according to the Guardian and UCLA’s student newspaper, The Daily Bruin. The letters say students must attend hearings to discuss the their protest involvement and will not be allowed to receive their degrees until they’ve done so, the Guardian reported. Students who don’t schedule their meeting or who miss it will not be able to register for classes next semester or, if they’re seniors, graduate.
[...] Several U.S. schools, including the ones that are holding student protesters diplomas, have statements on their websites expressing that free speech and expression is valued on their campuses, so long as it isn’t disruptive and doesn’t violate school policies.
It’s shameful that some universities are choosing to aid and abet pro-Israel Apartheid donors by withholding diplomas from pro-Palestine student protesters who protested against the Gaza Genocide on campuses (of which were mostly peaceful).
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The Lost Cause prologue, Part V
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I'm coming to Minneapolis! Oct 15: Presenting The Internet Con at Moon Palace Books. Oct 16: Keynoting the 26th ACM Conference On Computer-Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing.
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In my upcoming solarpunk novel The Lost Cause (Nov 14), we get an epic struggle between the people doing the repair and care work needed to save our planet and species, and the reactionary wreckers who want to kill the Green New Deal and watch the world burn:
Amazon refuses to carry my audiobooks, which means that I make my own indie editions and pre-sell them on Kickstarter, along with ebooks and hardcovers. I narrated this one! It came out great! You can back it here:
This week, I've been serializing the prologue to give you a taste of what you can expect from the book, which Bill McKibben calls "politically perceptive, scientifically sound, and extraordinarily hopeful."
Here's part one:
And part two:
And part three:
And part four:
And now, part five:
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Look, I had weeks to go until graduation. I had a life to live. I had stuff to do.
Gramps and his friends would stew and shout. Idiots on the internet would make dank memes out of Mike Kennedy and deepfake him into a million videos, turn him into a main character whose image would be around long after he left the world.
I just had to keep my head down, collect my diploma, and get the hell out of Burbank. I’d already been provisionally accepted for a Blue Helmets AmeriCorps spot down in San Juan Capistrano, helping to rebuild the city’s lower half a mile inland, up in the hills. I was going to do a year of that and then go to college: I had applications in to UCLA, Portland State (they had a really good refugee tech undergrad program), and the University of Waterloo, where my mom did her undergrad in environmental science. They’d let me declare my major in my second year, so I could take a wide variety of courses before settling on something, and if anything, Canada’s free college was even more generous than the UC system or Portland’s, with a subsidy for dorms and meals.
To tell the truth, I’d be glad to go. My senior year hadn’t been anything like I’d anticipated. Gramps’s health had gotten a lot worse the previous summer and his shitty sexist and racist remarks chased away any home help worker Burbank sent over within a week or two, so I’d been trying to keep my grades up while picking up after Gramps, getting him to take his meds, washing his sheets and cleaning his toilet—­not to mention making sure he made his doctor’s appointments and even bringing him into the office a couple of times a month for the kind of exams you couldn’t do by telemedicine.
I wasn’t sure what Gramps would do without me to take care of him, but at that point, I was running out of fucks to give. Let his asshole Maga Club buddies look after him, or maybe Gramps could figure out how not to offend everyone that came over to wipe his ass and do his laundry. He was—­as he was fond of pointing out to me—­a grown-­ass adult, and this was his house, and he was in charge. So let him be in charge.
I put myself to bed stewing about all of this, thinking of San Juan Capistrano. Some of my older friends had graduated the previous years and had gone down there and I’d followed their relocation of the old mission on their feeds. It looked like hot, sweaty, rewarding work, the kind of thing where you could really measure your progress.
For the second night in a row, I was woken up at 2 a.m. This time, it wasn’t my screen, it was Gramps, who’d stumped into my room with his cane, flipped my lights to full on, and started shaking me and calling out, “Get up, kid, get up!”
“I’m up,” I said, getting up on my elbows and squinting at him.
He was shaking, and he reeked—­of both booze and BO, and I felt a flash of guilt for not getting him in the bath that day.
“God dammit,” he said, and staggered a bit. I leapt out of bed, pulling the sheets off with me, and steadied him at the elbow.
“Calm down, okay? What’s going on? Are you all right?”
“No, I’m not all right. No one is all right. Fuck all right and fuck you.” I’d had Gramps tested for early dementia the previous year, by showing his doctor videos of moments like these. The doc had run a battery of tests before pronouncing, “Your grandfather isn’t senile, he’s just ornery.” Which was undeniable, and also pissed me the hell off. “Ornery” was a polite word for “asshole.” What the doc was telling me was that Gramps didn’t have to be cruel. He was cruel by choice.
I untangled myself from the sheets and piled them on the bed.
“What is it?”
“It’s Mike Kennedy, that asshole. Someone shot him.”
He shoved his giant screen into my hands. I tapped the video window. It was from the POV of a car cam, that weird fish-­eye view of a self-­driving car, split-­screen with the passenger in the front seat, and it was Mike Kennedy, looking even worse than Gramps, bloodshot and trembling, with that under-­chin camera angle that makes everyone look like they’re half dead.
I tried to watch both halves. There was Kennedy, whispering something to him. There was the cul-­de-­sac he was parked in, false-­lit with IR from the cameras. The timestamp was 1:17. Less than an hour before.
Then the external image flickered for a second and resolved itself into a man, who phased in and out. He was wearing a ghillie suit like the one Kennedy had worn on the roof, covered in telltale CV dazzle stripes, designed to exploit defects in the computer vision system. You had to wear a different specific pattern for every algorithm, but if you got the right matchup, the computer would simply not see you. The man was flickering into existence when his posture crumpled up the ghillie suit and made the pattern stop working, then out again when he straightened up.
He straightened and disappeared and Mike Kennedy’s eyes widened as he noticed the man for the first time—­computer dazzle worked on computers, not humans—­and he started to say something and then a round hole appeared in his forehead, his head snapping back against the headrest, then careening forward. The flickering phantom appeared again as the man in the ghillie suit turned and disappeared.
I dropped the tablet to my bed.
“Jesus Christ, Gramps, I didn’t need to see that snuff movie—­”
He tried to smack me then. I was ready for it. I was faster. I stepped out of his reach. I was shaking too.
“You don’t get to hit me anymore old man. Never again, you hear me?”
He was purpling now, and a decade’s worth of fleeing and defusing his rages rose in me, made me want to apologize. After all, I rationalized, he’d just seen a friend murdered.
But I’d seen that friend murdered too, videobombed with a snuff flick at 2 a.m. without warning or consent. It was a traumatizing, selfish, asshole move. I’d be watching that movie on the backs of my eyelids for years to come. And the friend who’d died? He’d been ready to kill me. Gramps had no right. He was a grown-­ass adult. He had no right.
“Listen to me, you little shit, you think you can live under my roof, take my charity, and talk to me like that? Now? With all the shit that I’m going through? No sir. No. Get out, you little bastard, get out now. Get out before I kick your goddamned teeth in.” He was vibrating with rage now, literally, actually shaking so hard his wispy hair swished back and forth across his forehead.
I didn’t say another word. I picked up some jeans and a jacket, put a pair of socks in a jacket pocket, and jammed my feet into a pair of sneakers without bothering to unlace them. I shouldered past him—­still vibrating, stinking even worse—­and banged out the back door and stomped through the nighttime streets.
My feet automatically took me up to Verdugo, and then across the empty road. I turned toward school—­as I did every morning—­and autopiloted in that direction. By the time I reached the Verdugo Aquatic Facility I had calmed down enough to realize that there was no reason to go to school at two thirty in the morning, so I stopped and headed for the playground in the park behind the pool. I sat down on a bench and kicked my shoes off and shook out the playground sand, pulled out my socks and put them on, then put my shoes back on properly. I was still furious, but now I could think straight and my hands weren’t shaking. Gramps and I hadn’t had a blowup like that in years, mostly—­ okay, entirely—­because I’d backed down every time we’d been headed in that direction. I wasn’t in any mood to back down. Not ever, to be fully honest.
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If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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My next novel is The Lost Cause, a hopeful novel of the climate emergency. Amazon won't sell the audiobook, so I made my own and I'm pre-selling it on Kickstarter!
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wxllflowers · 8 months
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Ei! Você viu a OLIVIA PRIESTLY por aí? você sabe, aquela aluna da graduação que tem 33 anos e se parece muito com MARGOT ROBBIE. Acho que ela formou com especialização em ESTUDOS DO CINEMA e em 2014 se parecia muito com KRISTINE FROSETH. Dizem que ela era WALLFLOWER e Toda vez que passava pelo dormitório dela, ouvia POMPEII DO BASTILLE tocando pela porta. Todos que a conhecem dizem que ela costuma ser OBSERVADORA, mas também poderia ser DISTANTE. Será que em 2024 ela ainda é assim?
p.o.v — cartas — playlist
nome: olivia marie priestly
apelido: ollie/ivy/liv
data de nascimento: 02/07/1990
signo: câncer
orientação sexual: pansexual
pronome: ela/dela
mbti: intj
alinhamento: chaotic good
altura: 1,70cm
curso: estudos do cinema
esporte: —
extracurricular: teatro, arte e mídia
Olivia era a filha indesejada do casal Priestly. Com o primogênito perfeito, pronto para assumir os negócios da família, a filha mais nova era tratada com indiferença pelo pai, como uma ameaça pela mãe e como saco de pancadas do irmão. O bullying em seu histórico escolar piorava toda sua situação, de modo que Ollie encontrava seu refúgio passando horas no cinema ou assistindo filmes, isso quando não assistia às aulas de teatro escondido dos pais. Foi criada pela avó na maior parte do tempo, vivendo ao lado do único primo que se importava com ela, sempre assistindo à novelas e filmes na casa de Célia, a avó que sempre a tratou com muito carinho, amor e respeito. Durante a universidade, prometeu à si mesma que seria o mais invisível possível, escondendo totalmente suas origens e focando em seus próprios estudos, querendo ter um currículo exemplar, apesar de sempre ser esquecida pelos colegas e até os professores. Viveu no anonimato por todo o período do curso, tentando um papel em alguma produção aqui e ali, enquanto também trabalhava em alguns empregos de meio período — mais pelo prazer de trabalhar, já que tinha todas as suas despesas pagas pelo pai —, sendo o mais comum possível entre os alunos da UCLA.
Seu primeiro grande papel veio após seu diploma, estreiando como Naomi Lapaglia em O Lobo de Wallstreet, papel que conseguiu com muita insistência, demonstrando que poderia atuar como alguém totalmente diferente de quem ela era. Sua atuação foi um sucesso, dando-lhe a oportunidade de sair da casas do pais e se afastar por completo da família. Olivia então adotou o apelido "Ivy" como seu nome artístico, mudou completamente sua personalidade para se encaixar nos padrões de Hollywood e, consequentemente, atingir o estrelato. Desde então seu rosto enche as telas de cinema e seu nome é pintado e sublinhado em vermelho nas manchetes de tabloides ao redor do mundo. Foi considerada uma das artistas mais influentes da atualidade, tanto pelas indicações grandes quanto pelos seus personagens queridos pela cultura pop e por falar abertamente sobre transtornos mentais.
Mas, seu mundo cor-de-rosa escondia manchas muito bem. Ivy recebeu, em um dia, o diagnóstico de burn out e uma carta de seu irmão, informando que a mãe luta contra uma doença terminal e deseja rever a filha. Desde então, Priestly luta consigo mesma, se questionando se trabalhar tanto vale a pena e se sua família merece o seu perdão.
características básicas
+ + observadora, doce, sensitiva, companheira, leal, criativa, acolhedora
- - sentimental, chorona, distante, insegura, pessimista, depressiva, instável
personagens: rachel green — scarlett wright — jess day — oleander fallows
músicas: champagne problems by ts — panic attacks in paradise by ashnikko— nobodys home by al — broken by jb
— alérgica à frutos do mar — em 2014 tem uma coleção com 25 isqueiros — parou de fumar após a faculdade — tem uma gatinha chamada sabrina — nome envolvido em escândalos de romance e traição — diagnosticada com burnout
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astridlius · 6 months
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full name: astrid grace liu
pronouns & gender: she/they, non-binary
birthday & birthplace: september 16, 1997 (27); oakland, ca
location: ocean crest apartments
time in aurora bay: 20 years
sexuality: bisexual
occupation: striker at angel city fc
born the younger of two in oakland, california, astrid can't really remember a time in early childhood when she wasn't following her big brother around. she was maverick's little shadow for most of her childhood; anything he did, she wanted to do. when he started homeschooling, she threw a fit because her parents wouldn't homeschool her as well. the family moved to AB when she was six.
she was always loud and gregarious, great with people, and her childhood was happy but not totally without complications. from an early age, her parents could tell that she was having trouble in school, and she knew that she wasn't getting things but had no way to put a name to her struggles. she had a hard time staying attentive, even when she really tried, and her reading was getting along a lot slower than her classmates.
in middle school, her parents eventually took her to a psychologist and pushed for a diagnosis, which ended up being adhd and mild dyslexia. she had no idea what to do with that information and thought it just made her stupid. it was a blow at first, but by the time she got to freshman year of high school, it'd turned into a chip on her shoulder. if people thought she was dumb, let them, because there were other things she was going to be the best at.
medication, therapy, extra reading classes helped her work with the adhd and dyslexia, but the hobbies she picked up were much more helpful to her development. from a young age, she was throwing herself into anything physical — her parents put her in dance first, and she was okay at it but didn't love it, but then try tried sports, and something clicked. with every new season, she was in a new sport; she even did co-ed flag football until she was six and the rec league became boys only (which she still sort of resents)
soccer eventually pulled out, and by high school she was good, and she knew it. rec soccer had turned to club by middle school, and she was a varsity starter by the time she was a freshman. in junior year, her coaches started making videos to send to colleges who might want to recruit her, and things got serious. scouts started coming and she started having conversations with schools. meanwhile, her grades completely tanked. she had started to coast on the belief that she was going to get into a college on a full scholarship for soccer.
and great schools were interested enough to extend offers in her senior year — contingent on a certain level of academic performance, which astrid wasn't meeting toward the end of the school year. in full panic mode, she retook classes in the summer and did marginally better, but by the time the summer was over, the offers were gone.
astrid was inconsolable. she graduated alone after summer school, which really entailed her picking up her diploma on a random wednesday, and then pretty much locked herself in her room for most of the summer. somewhere in the middle of her heartbroken spiral, her parents told her they'd begged for a few favors from friends in the admissions department at AB college, and she could attend in the fall if she wanted.
she didn't make a decision until three days before classes started, and what really pushed her to it was that she was just tired of being sad. she lived at home and commuted, picked up communications as a major because everyone told her it was easy, and promptly got onto AB college's women's soccer team. it wasn't, but it was good enough.
she shaped up a little academically and actually did okay in college, even though her main focus was always soccer. she didn't expect anything to come of it, figured that there wouldn't be many eyes on her if she wasn't at a school like ucla or stanford, but a scout for angel city fc in LA who lived in the area just happened to be bored one day and figured he check out the local women's team. it also just happened to be the game when astrid got the first hat trick of her college career.
the scout contacted her after the game and told her he'd keep an eye on her progress. it was like a shot of adrenaline, and she worked harder, harder, harder. eventually, senior year, angel city fc put it in writing that they would take her in the fourth round of the 2020 NWSL draft. she signed officially ahead of the 2021 season. she decided to use the money to buy a car and rent an apartment in ocean crest to commute to work and stay in her hometown.
she redshirted for most of her first season but became a regular and a standout by the end of 2022. she was hitting a real stride during the 2023 season, becoming a star on a somewhat mediocre team and was even being eyed to join the USNWT, and then she tore her ACL in the middle of the season, which immediately doomed her to losing out on entirety of 2024.
she's been back at home since then, recovering from the surgery and doing her damnedest to get back ahead of schedule.
mother: ingrid liu (nee eriksson)
father: kenneth liu
brother: maverick liu
astrid is very self-aware and knows herself well, but sometimes (maybe more than sometimes) her self-assuredness makes her cocky. she's confident and she knows what she's good at, but she's also sensitive to criticism and hates being told that she can't do something. nobody calls her chicken.
she's been coaching girls' soccer in AB since she got hurt. the kids are 7-11 and most of them are terrible at the game, but she loves doing it
her car, a green porsche 911 F, is still the most expensive thing she's ever purchased. the car's name is genevieve and is astrid's most prized possession
she's almost annoyingly dedicated to her workout and food regimens, but she'll literally always make an exception for nerds gummy clusters
actually kind of incredible at texting back promptly. unanswered texts give her anxiety
younger sister of @maverick-liu
kinda sorta maybe ex of @cricketcampbell
ex fwbs/current bro of @mackmontgomery
older sister vibes w/ @cassidyxcooke
former teammate of @sagexwilliams
little smiling devil emoji @lorelailewis
friend turned enemy of @aiden-stevens
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nuuuuurse · 10 months
little key facts about heloise nerz/hockstetter
heloise "ellie" hockstetter is her maiden name.
she was married to doctor richard nerz, a widely known plastic surgeon in LA, for five years. she is currently divorced.
heloise is 29 years old currently.
she is chief nurse at gotham's medical center, was assigned at age 28 as the youngest nurse to achieve the position at GMC. many a rumor flies that she got the position because of her ex husband's influence, or because of illicit affairs with the chief medical officer. these are all rumors she's learned to ignore over the years.
she has a PhD in nursing at the university of nevada (state where she is originally from), a doctorate in medical physics and is a philosophy major graduated from ucla.
she majored in philosophy at ucla while married to dr. nerz.
she is constantly taking courses on different subjects she finds interesting and has a wall filled with diplomas in her apartment.
she moved to gotham after getting divorced.
both her parents worked in las vegas. her mom is a retired showgirl and her dad was a croupier.
she isn't as tall as her heels make her seem. when she's at work wearing crocs and scrubs, you can see she is rather short.
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milesmartell · 2 years
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Welcome to Aurora Bay, [MILES MARTELL]! I couldn’t help but notice you look an awful lot like [JACOB ELORDI]. You must be the [TWENTY FIVE] year old [LAW STUDENT AT AURORA BAY COLLEGE]. Word is you’re [PASSIONATE] but can also be a bit [OUT OF TOUCH] and your favorite song is [ARE YOU BORED YET? BY WALLOWS]. I also heard you’ll be staying in [AURORA BAY DRIVE]. I’m sure you’ll love it! [katie, 22, est, she/her] 
Basic Information
Full Name: Miles Vincent Martell
Age: 25
Date of Birth: July 30th, 1997
Zodiac: Leo ☀, Gemini ☾, Virgo ↑
Hometown: Los Angeles, CA
Gender: Cis Male
Pronouns: He/Him
Orientation: Heterosexual
Occupation: Law Student at Aurora Bay College
Family: Mother, Father, and one older sister.
TW: Alcohol abuse, Drug abuse
Miles Martell’s earliest memories were those that took place inside an audition room. His parents were both in the entertainment industry so landing gigs wasn’t too hard. The child’s first real job was a commercial for pull ups when he was one and a half, and since then he didn’t stop working. It’s not like his parents needed the money from his acting endevors, but they loved bragging about their child’s accomplishments. Miles wasn’t the only child they got into acting either. He had an older sister too, but she wasn’t as successful as Miles. He truly was the golden child of the family.
As Miles got bigger so did his acting credits, eventually landing himself a role on a Disney Channel sitcom. Miles had just turned 13 at this point and remained on the show until he was 16 when they aired the last episode. Now Miles wasn’t as well known as his costars, but people payed attention when he started to act out. It only took a few months before Miles was seen drinking and smoking pot. He had turned into the stereotypical washed up Disney kid. Miles didn’t seem to care about the label but his parents sure did. Miles’ parents paid off media outlets to not show pictures of their kid anymore. Still that didn’t stop Miles’ from partying. This continued until the teenager was 18. Miles got caught walking down the Santa Monica pier with a beer in hand. The cops picked him up for underaged drinking. He spent a night in jail and realized he needed to pull himself together.
Miles ended up getting his high school diploma, took a gap year, and attended university at UCLA for his undergrad degree. Even with school as a distraction he had a hard time staying clean. He was surrounded by alcohol, pills, and pot everyday. He could only resist for so long. Miles quickly fell back into his old habits. Thankfully, there were no paparazzi in the frat basements he partied in. Towards the end of the year some of the other students leaked to the press that Miles was indeed partying again in college. Now that he was older however, nobody seemed to care. Miles wasn’t sure if he liked his fading limelight or not. On one hand he could do what he wanted under the radar, on the other he wouldn’t be able to do things he once could do because of his status. 
Once he wrapped up undergrad, Miles decided he wanted to move somewhere quieter. Aurora Bay stuck out to him, and they had a college for him to attend. It seemed to work out perfect. He used his money to buy a nice home near the ocean. Miles has found that since moving life has been more enjoyable. He loves being able to leave his home without any worries, and has been able to form genuine connections outside of Hollywood.
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jcmarchi · 21 days
Remembering Mathieu Le Provost: AeroAstro researcher, adventurer, and friend
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/remembering-mathieu-le-provost-aeroastro-researcher-adventurer-and-friend/
Remembering Mathieu Le Provost: AeroAstro researcher, adventurer, and friend
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Mathieu Le Provost, a postdoc in the Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics, passed away unexpectedly on July 30 while traveling in France. 
Le Provost joined AeroAstro in 2023 and was a member of the Uncertainty Quantification Group, led by Professor Youssef Marzouk. Marzouk and Le Provost connected in 2020 when Le Provost reached out over email, eager to explore potential research collaborations. Although the Covid-19 pandemic prevented them from meeting in person, Marzouk, le Provost, and colleagues Ricardo Baptista PhD CSE ’22 and Le Provost’s University of California Los Angeles advisor Jeff Eldredge began working together remotely. “I admired and learned from Mathieu’s determination to take on new fields head on. When we came across an interesting idea, he quickly implemented computational methods and found novel ways to improve on the efficiency of existing approaches,” recalls Baptista.
Prior to coming to MIT, Le Provost earned his PhD in mechanical engineering from UCLA in 2022, his master’s in mechanical and aerospace engineering from the Illinois Institute of Technology in 2017, and his French engineering diploma (equivalent to an MS in mechanical and aeronautical engineering) from the Ecole nationale supérieure de Mécanique et d’Aérotechnique, also in 2017.
In June 2023, Le Provost officially joined the Uncertainty Quantification Group as a postdoc. “It feels like much longer ago, because Mathieu did so much in a short time. He was a pillar of our group, due to his openness, personal warmth, and generosity; his appetite for new research problems; and his deep thinking,” says Marzouk. “Mathieu was independent and self-propelled: every time we met, he’d share new ideas that were exciting and creative. And so many other students and postdocs wanted to work with him. He quickly built up a rich network of collaborators and a full plate of projects.”
A natural collaborator and a fierce friend
Le Provost’s contributions extended beyond his own research. He was a natural collaborator who brought people from different disciplines and departments together, making fast friends with the astrophysicists across the hall from his group. Matthew Levine, friend and postdoc at the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard, notes the ways Le Provost brought people together. “In our subgroup reading group that I led, Matthieu was often ready to volunteer. And even when it wasn’t his turn, we could count him to be engaged and thoughtful. We all learned more thanks to him being himself,” says Levine.
Jan Glaubitz, another postdoc in the Uncertainty Quantification Group, remembers Le Provost’s deep connections with his loved ones. “He was always eager to stay connected with those he cared about. He celebrated his 29th birthday last August at The Mad Monkfish near campus. What struck me was the number of people who traveled across the country, from places as far as California, just to be with Mathieu on his special day. It was a testament to how deeply he was valued by those around him,” says Glaubitz.
A taste for adventure
Le Provost will be remembered as a passionate hiker with a love for the outdoors. “Mathieu was always joyful and ready for an adventure,” says Baptista. “At our last meeting in Marseille, we swam and dived together in the ocean for an entire afternoon. It was difficult for me to keep up with Mathieu’s infectious energy and willingness to continue swimming. I believe this is how Mathieu approached many problems. He dived deep, even into cold water, but came out stronger and brought along others for a joyous adventure.”
Alongside his academic achievements, Mathieu also had a creative side, which he expressed through pottery. “He often spoke passionately about his pottery classes, which offered him a different kind of fulfillment and relaxation. He was even successful enough to sell some of his pieces at a public market at MIT, which I know brought him a lot of pride.” recalls Glaubitz.
His enthusiasm for discovery was infectious, and his colleagues were inspired by his relentless pursuit of both knowledge and of a good meal. Olivier Zahm, a close colleague of Le Provost’s in the Uncertainty Quantification Group, recalls Le Provost’s “contagious taste for adventure, meeting people, and discovery — but also his taste for crèpes, Spritz, and chocolate mousse.”
A creative and dedicated researcher, Le Provost will be deeply missed by the countless friends across labs and departments that he made during his time at MIT. “Research is a passion-based profession that demands a lot from us, but which in return offers the opportunity to meet brilliant, extraordinary people, who very often become close friends,” says Zahm.
“I feel very lucky that Mathieu came into my life, and I know that everyone else who knew him at MIT feels the same,” says Marzouk. “We are devastated that he left us much too soon. But we will remember him and think of him always.”
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paginadepsihologie · 24 days
🎂 Azi îl aniversăm pe Daniel J. Siegel.
Cărțile autorului au astăzi preț special, cu până la 45% reducere față de prețul afișat.
La mulți ani!
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simpladentclinics · 1 month
Finding Delhi's Elite Dental Clinic: Key Tips
You may be surprised to learn how vital dental health is. Do you know that oral health issues can have an impact on other parts of the body? Oral health may also be impacted by a few medical diseases, such as diabetes and cancer. When you look for the best dental clinic near you, there are several factors that you can keep in mind. Making a decision to maintain the health of your teeth and guarantee that your dental appointments go well. The following is a thorough check list to assist you in choosing the Best Dental Clinic In Delhi for your requirements:
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Qualifications and Credentials: Make sure the dentist has the required training and credentials. Dr. Vivek Gaur studied advanced implantology and obtained a PG Certificate and Diploma in Advanced Implants from Manipal and Zeist, Holland, respectively. He received his BDS from Manipal. Dr. Gaur obtained his Masters in Immediate Loading from the International Implant Foundation in Munich, Germany, and continued to refine his skills as a Master Clinician in Implants at UCLA.  
Experience: Take into account the dental surgeon's experience, particularly if you need specialist care. With more than 17 years of experience, Dr. Vivek Gaur is a renowned implantologist and oral and maxillofacial surgeon. He specializes in quick functional loading implants. Reputation and Reviews: Read through reviews and testimonials to see what previous or present patients have to say. We would suggest you read cases or hear patients at https://www.simpladentclinics.com/testimonials/. These reviews will give you positivity and the courage to trust Dr. Vivek Gaur with your dental issues, like missing teeth, slipping dentures, bite problems, etc. 
Services Provided: Check if the dentist provides the services you require. Dental implants are the specialty of Dr. Vivek Gaur at Simpladent Clinics, the best dental clinic in Delhi. The patients at the clinic are given around 50 implant types for immediate loading. There are BECES® – Strategic Implant® Technology, BECES EX – ADVANTAGE EXTRACTION SOCKET, Hexacone plus, Koc – King Of Compression, Koc Plus, ZDI – ZYGOMATIC IMPLANT and more. 
Location: Select a dentist with an easily accessible location—ideally close to your house, or place of employment. Simpladent Clinic is strategically located in Kaushambi, Ghaziabad, India. One can take the Delhi Metro Blue Line and get off at Kaushambi Metro Station. From different locations in Delhi, you can either drive or take a cab. Important routes like the NH9 and NH24 link Ghaziabad to nearby cities. Additionally, local buses are available to connect various areas of Ghaziabad and Delhi. 
Upon a single visit, you will realise that Dr. Vivek Gaur and his team are best suited to your needs, interests, and expectations for the highest quality of oral health care. 
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caitlinphleb · 1 month
The Ultimate Guide to Phlebotomy Jobs in Los Angeles: Explore Opportunities in a Thriving Healthcare Industry
**Title: The Ultimate Guide to Phlebotomy Jobs in Los ⁢Angeles: Explore Opportunities in a Thriving Healthcare Industry**
**Introduction:** Phlebotomy, the practice of drawing blood for medical testing,⁣ is a crucial part of the healthcare industry. Los Angeles, being a hub of medical facilities,‍ offers‍ a multitude of opportunities for individuals looking to pursue a career in phlebotomy. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the​ various aspects of phlebotomy ​jobs in Los Angeles, including ⁢job prospects, requirements, salaries, and tips for success.
**Benefits of Pursuing⁢ Phlebotomy Jobs in Los Angeles:**
1. **High Demand**: With a growing population and an increasing need for medical⁤ services, the demand​ for​ phlebotomists​ in Los ​Angeles is high.
2. **Job‌ Stability**: Phlebotomy⁣ is an essential part of healthcare, ensuring ⁤that phlebotomists enjoy job stability⁤ and​ security.
3. **Competitive Salaries**: Phlebotomists in Los Angeles​ typically​ earn competitive⁤ salaries, with room for growth.
**Requirements for Phlebotomy Jobs in Los Angeles:**
To pursue a career in phlebotomy in Los Angeles, individuals‌ must meet the following requirements:
1. **Education**: A high school diploma or GED is typically required. Many employers ⁢also‌ prefer candidates with a ‌phlebotomy certification from an accredited program.
2. **Training**: Completion of a phlebotomy training program, which includes classroom instruction and hands-on experience.
3. **Certification**: Obtaining certification from a recognized organization, such as the National Healthcareer ‍Association or the American Society for ​Clinical Pathology.
**Job Prospects for Phlebotomy Jobs in Los Angeles:**
Phlebotomists in Los Angeles can explore a variety of job⁣ opportunities in healthcare settings such⁢ as hospitals, clinics, laboratories, and ​blood donation centers. Some common job⁣ titles include:
1. **Hospital Phlebotomist**
2. **Lab Phlebotomist**
3. **Mobile Phlebotomist**
4. **Blood Bank Phlebotomist**
**Top Healthcare Facilities in Los Angeles Hiring Phlebotomists:**
| ​Hospital Name ⁢ ⁣| Location⁢ ‌ ⁣ |‌ Contact Info ‍ | |————————|——————|———————| |⁤ Cedars-Sinai ⁤Medical Center | Los Angeles | (555) 123-4567 ‍| | UCLA Medical Center ‍ | Santa Monica |⁢ (555) 987-6543 | | Keck Hospital of USC ⁢ ​ | Los Angeles | (555) 456-7890 |
**Tips for Success in Phlebotomy Jobs in Los Angeles:**
1. **Develop Strong ‍Communication Skills**: ⁢Building rapport with patients and colleagues ​is essential in the field of phlebotomy.
2. **Stay Updated⁢ on⁤ Industry Trends**: Continuing education and staying informed about the latest developments in phlebotomy can help advance your career.
3. **Practice Patience and Compassion**: Dealing with patients who may ‍be anxious or in pain requires empathy and patience.
phlebotomy jobs in Los Angeles offer a rewarding career path with ample opportunities for growth and advancement. By meeting the necessary requirements, staying informed about industry trends, and practicing⁢ essential skills such as communication and ‌compassion, individuals can excel in the field of phlebotomy.​ Explore the thriving healthcare⁢ industry in Los Angeles and embark on a fulfilling career in phlebotomy today.
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theolympiian-archive · 2 months
Núcleo familiar de três pessoas. Estabelecidos primeiramente em Hilo e depois em Honolulu, após o estabelecimento da empresa de turismo o núcleo ficou vagando entre as duas cidades do Havaí e Los Angeles. Possuem como pet dois agapórnis (Agapornis personatus), um de corpo azul e rosto preto, chamado Arco (Bow), e outro de corpo todo colorido, chamado Íris (Rain). As aves são super mimadas e o núcleo as leva para todo lugar em sua gaiolinha de transporte. Não coincidentemente, o símbolo da empresa da família são dois agapórnis.
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Sobre Eruera Pōmaika`i ( taika waititi )
Eruera nasceu em Hilo, no Havaí, em 1976. Pai biológico de Kai, Eruera se viu sendo pai cedo demais para seu gosto e o de sua família que viviam da pesca e de levar turistas de barco entre uma ilha e outra. Não tinha nem completado a metade do ensino médio quando a sua namorada da época disse que estava grávida dele. Os pais da moça queriam entregar a criança para adoção, mas Eruera disse que trabalharia o dobro para manter ela e o filho. Conseguiu apenas a guarda da criança; a namorada se mudou depois de dar a luz de forma prematura, e ele nunca mais a viu. Teve de abandonar os estudos para ajudar a família com o serviço de turismo, e viveu em prol da família e principalmente do filho. Foi durante um transporte particular para uma família riquíssima que surgiu a proposta de um financiamento para que os Pomaika`i conseguissem montar uma firma de turismo e expandir os negócios de transporte; muito mais conveniente para a tal família quando visitassem o Havaí nas próximas férias. A partir dali que o negócio cresceu de verdade, com Eruera começando a viajar bastante entre Honolulu, local onde firmou a empresa, e Los Angeles junto do filho e do namorado para poder expandir os negócios que focavam principalmente em viagens para além do Havaí. Foi com o dinheiro da empresa que conseguiu finalizar os estudos formais tanto do ensino médio quanto da graduação tardia em Turismo Sustentável na universidade pública do Havaí, diploma conquistado um ano antes de Kai entrar na UCLA.
[ 𝙼𝚊𝚔𝚞𝚊 𝙺𝚊𝚗𝚎 é um cara maneiro. O cara mais maneiro de todos, na real. Pô, tudo o que eu tenho é porque ele acreditou em mim até quando nem dei motivo pra acreditar. É, ele é grudento, super protetor, e um puta pé no saco quando fica me tratando como se eu fosse de açúcar e vou desmontar na chuva, mas também é divertido, mega inteligente, carinhoso e sabe um pouco de todos os esportes que eu pratico. É pra ele quem eu dedico cada ponto, cada gol, cada medalha. ]
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Sobre Whina Te Aho ( keanu reeves )
Nascido em Honolulu, Havaí, Whina viveu uma vida humilde, filho de pai solteiro que trabalhava com construções. Entre junho de 1997 a 3 de dezembro de 2013, Whina era namorado de Eruera; depois disso, tornou-se esposo no que foi um dos dez primeiros casamentos homossexuais oficializados no estado do Havaí. Whina entrou na vida dos Pomaika'i quando Kai entrou na sua turma de geografia do ensino fundamental; sendo uma criança muito agitada, eram constantes os pedidos para conversa com seu responsável, até... Bem, até os pedidos se tornarem encontros extra-oficiais. Depois do relacionamento entre Whina e Eruera se tornar sério, Whina começou a trabalhar com Eruera em paralelo ao seu serviço como professor, atuando como consultor geologista dos panfletos turísticos e posteriormente como guia, fazendo, como ele diria, "um uso inortodoxo, porém divertido, do diploma".
[ 𝙿𝚊𝚙𝚊 é a pessoa mais paciente que já conheci. Eu não fui uma criança fácil, a gente demorou pra se dar bem. Diz ele e 𝙼𝚊𝚔𝚞𝚊 𝙺𝚊𝚗𝚎 que eu vivia mordendo ele quando tentava me pegar no colo, mas eu acho exagero. 𝙿𝚊𝚙𝚊 aprendeu ASL por mim e esteve em todos os meus jogos. Além disso tudo aí, ele faz 𝙼𝚊𝚔𝚞𝚊 𝙺𝚊𝚗𝚎 feliz, então tá no meu bom caderninho. Foi ele quem me chamou pra ser padrinho de casamento, muito fofo. Eu sou humano também, ok? Não tem coração que resista. ]
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analuznacalifornia · 6 months
Apresentando Ana!
Oi, seja bem-vindo (a/e) ao meu blog.
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Oi, seja bem-vindo (a/e) ao meu blog.
Quero começar dizendo que estou muito feliz em ter você como leitor, que acho legal começar me apresentando, afinal de contas espero que estejam comigo em cada etapa dessa aventura que já comecei a viver, mesmo sem ainda me mudar. Contarei tudo, Tim-Tim por Tim-Tim nesse espaço que chamo de meu blog.
Sou Ana Luz Souza Martins, uma jovem mulher de 21 anos de idade que sempre sonhou em desbravar horizontes mais distantes que a minha realidade parecia permitir. Mas graças a minha base familiar, exemplo de luta, garra e empoderamento nunca faltou alguém para me fazer perceber que meus sonhos podem também ser metas e realizações.
Ainda antes de frequentar o ensino fundamental e médio comecei a ter contato com a língua inglesa, com meu avô e avó paternos, e desde ali nasceu uma paixão e o desejo de tornar-me professora. Foi assim que aos 12 anos comecei a fazer um curso no salão paroquial da igreja em que frequentava com minha avó Maria Alcione.
Após alguns anos cursando, finalmente posso dizer, com comprovação de diploma e do meu professor Mis Sanchez, que sou fluente neste idioma também.
Hoje, dia 09 de abril de 2024, fiz uma prova chamada TOEFL que é basicamente um teste para comprovar que tenho potencial para falar e entender inglês a nível acadêmico, pois além de querer ser professora de inglês, pretendo posteriormente buscar outras formações acadêmicas, como a área de psicologia que é minha outra paixão.
Pretendo mudar-me para Los Angeles, para me tornar uma estudante da UCLA que é a Universidade da California em Los Angeles. Tenho uma dezena de motivos para desejar tanto fazer isso, mas vocês podem começar sabendo que será a realização dos sonhos de muitas pessoas da minha família através de mim e dos meus esforços.
Hoje vou parar por aqui, afinal teremos bastante tempo para evoluir nossos diálogos e não quero que fiquem com preguiça de me acompanhar desde o primeiro post, né mesmo? Iremos nos conhecendo pouco a pouco.
Meu mais sincero obrigada a cada leitor, e até a próxima.
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bob425608 · 2 years
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