sitp-recs · 4 years
I never expected to be tagged in this game but the lovely @the-starryknight was generous enough to mention my reclists and at the risk of sounding pretentious I will accept this kind invitation! Thank you for thinking of me 💜
I wanna tag each and every creator on this hellsite but I know some of you already did the thing (pls ignore if that’s the case!) so I’ll tag @bixgirl1, @lqtraintracks, @the-sinking-ship, @shealwaysreads, @prolix- @dracoladon, @cibeewastaken, @veelawings, @p1013, @lazywonderlvnd, @l0vegl0wsinthedark, @maesterchill, @slytherco, @drarrytrash, @quicksilvermaid, @fluxweeed, @magpiefngrl, @punk-rock-yuppie, @andithiel, @phd-mama, @xx-thedarklord-xx, @lettersbyelise, @teacup-tai, @tinyhistory, @writcraft, @ohdrarry and anyone else who’d like to do it! No pressure whatsoever, of course :)
Top 5 of 2020
Rules: It’s time to love yourselves! Choose your 5 (ish) favourite works you created in the past year (fics, art, edits, etc.) and link them below to reflect on the amazing things you brought into the world in 2020. Tag as many writers/artists/etc. as you want (fan or original) so we can spread the love and link each other to awesome works!
1. 1k milestone celebration: I like this series because it was a statement. I’m really proud of myself for coming up with a mix of drabbles and self-indulgent recs on that week - not only I got to spread love for fics usually overlooked because of their length, I also established my blog as a safe space for all kinds of ships and kinks, which has always been my priority due to previous fandom experiences. Knowing that authors feel seen and appreciated for fics that aren’t mentioned often (if at all) is so rewarding. Hopefully this has inspired everyone else to adopt DL;DR and kinktomato in their fandom lives, as well as encouraged both authors and readers to indulge themselves more often 🙌🏼
2. Drarry for Beginners: I’ve always been a bit hesitant about making anything resembling an ultimate/must-read/classics reclist. I’ve been in the fandom for a long time but there’s so much I haven’t/won’t read and to me, reccing is still something extremely personal. I’d hate to think someone feels like they should read everything I put on my lists, because they limit the fandom and bend it to my personal tastes. It’s only a small portrait that doesn’t convey how big and diverse the Drarry universe is. That being said, I’ve received some generous and wonderful feedback about this project which makes me so very happy and relieved because I’ve worked really hard on it. I tried to put myself on a newcomer’s shoes at all times, and made sure to include different takes and styles - in fact, I selected some popular tropes then set some ground rules hoping to avoid the trap of only reccing my favorite stuff. I’m thrilled to know it’s actually helping people navigate this huge wonderful fandom, that’s all I could ask for 🙌🏼
3. Smutty reclist: another self-indulgent little thing I did recently. It was a bit insane to put all those lists together and publish two per day but I’ve had so much fun doing it! I’m quite proud of myself for accepting that I wouldn’t be able to write reviews for each fic, and understanding it would be okay, they would still be personal and special. I also like that I decided to make this something more “me” - I brushed BDSM aside and included fics with Blaise and the Weasleys because I’ve been into them lately - and the fact that people still enjoyed it was really nice :)
4. Old gems reclist: I loved this one because it was super fun to track all those old goodies down. I’m a nostalgic hoe in general and this list made me look back at the 00s with fondness and think of my “first loves” back when I was starting to read works in English. I keep telling myself I’m gonna revisit some of them when I have time but ughh they’re all ass-long epics and where’s the time to properly enjoy it 😭
5. Finally, my fave single recs! I’m particularly proud of the one I did for Modern Love - after reading the fic I thought it would be impossible to put my incoherent thoughts into words but in the end the process was pretty smooth. I knew right away what I wanted to use as the banner motif (which is usually the hardest part because I’m a pretentious shit when it comes to those) and from there everything felt so natural! I was thrilled to know one of my all-time favorite reads was written by my friend @tackytigerfic and somehow that excitement made writing down my thoughts so much easier because for once I was writing them for Tacky and not the readers. It’s one of the most emotional recs I’ve ever written and hopefully it resonated with other people! I also have a soft spot for my rec for That Old Black Magic by @bixgirl1, which I did back when my blog was still a smol baby and my commentaries were way shorter with less rambling lol. That banner is my ultimate fave, I find it so pretty and I think it captures the mood I was going for, evoking the ending’s gentle atmosphere.
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Some of my favorite Tv shows (Non K-Drama)
A/n: Maybe we share some of the same favorites and can discuss?
1. Firefly (2002)
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Not a lot of people know this show and it’s such a shame. If you like SciFi you’ll like this. There is so much sarcasm and humor in this and I love it with my whole heart. If you like Firefly hit me up and I wanna talk. I have watched this show so much I can quote it by heart. 
2. Home Improvement
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Tim Allen reminds me of my father. I grew up watching, I have a box set and watch it when I’m homesick and it just makes me laugh. New sitcoms could never.
3. Atypical
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I have made a few posts ranting about how much i love this show. Ughh it’s so good and gives people a view into what it’s like being autistic, but still with a side of tastefull humor. I really love this show and Casey ♥
4. On My Block
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This show has a special place in my heart. Like the acting isn’t the best but the story is so nice. It gives you a sense of adventure while also giving you a look into what it’s like living in neighborhoods with gang violence and it also shows stages of grief. Also Spooky just... ♥
5. Game of Thrones
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I read the whole series and watched it too. We don’t talk about season 8 but the rest is really good. House Stark was my favorite but also I love Khal Drogo. 
6. Love, Death & Robots
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This show is so freaking cool and I can’t wait for season 2. I love the episode “Lucky 13″ and “Sonnie’s Edge” I am an animation and art student and this just is so cool to watch from that standpoint. 
7. Gilmore Girls
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Lorelai has the same amount of love for coffee as I do and I appreciate that. Also not a lot happens in this show, but it’s so cozy for some reason. Gives me a warm feeling and RORY SHOULD HAVE ENDED UP WITH JESS AND I STAND BY IT
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xshadowmonx · 5 years
I saw this and I thought it be fun to start getting my Tumblr up and running ahha
1. What’s your name?
“My Name is Akano Mamoru and don’t you forget it haha!”
2. Do you know why you were named that?
*Akano pauses and starts thinking for a moment*
“To be honest, I have no idea why my creator would call me that name... Hey! Creator dude! Why did you give me this name?!”
*No response*
“I guess he doesn’t know either....”
3. Single or Taken? If you are taken, who is it and can they join us in our questionnaire?
“Oh yeah I’m taken, sorry ladies, but this guy is dating the best girl in this world and her name is-“
*Nejire jumps in* “JOHN CENA!”
*John Cena theme plays in the background*
Akano: “Isn’t she the best?❤️
4. Have any abilities or powers?
Akano: “Oh hell yeah! My quirk is called retaliation! Any damage I take helps boost me up in strength. However, the a percentage of damage I could take makes my eye color change as well.
5. Stop being a Mary Sue!
Akano: “Who the hell is Mary Sue?”
Nejire: “No babe. A Mary Sue means seemingly perfect fictional character that can usually perform better at tasks than should be possible given the amount of training or experience, and usually are able through some means to upstage the main protagonist of an established fictional setting, such as by saving the hero.”
Akano: “Did you pull that off of Wikipedia?”
Nejire: “Yup!” *Smiles happily*
Akano: “You are so cute, and to answer that, well it ain’t my fault I’m the best and perfect character you’ll ever meet.”
Nejire: “Says the one who still doesn’t know how to do laundry and clean the dishes.”
Akano: “But it’s so boooooooring ughh.”
6. What’s your eye color?
Akano: “My eyes are brown, but like I mentioned before they can change depending on the amount of damage I take.”
7. How about hair color?
Akano: “Red! Like my power and bloodthirsty rage for victory!”
Nejire: “Hehe more like a hot headed child at times.”
Akano: “Hey! I’m not a child.” *crosses his arms and pouts*
8. Have any family members?
Akano: “Well... I have my Mom. Oh I have my Uncle Aizawa, but he isn’t really my uncle though. It’s a long complicated story.”
*Mirio in the back* “Hey! Don’t forget us bro!”
Akano: “Oh yeah! Nejire, Mirio, and Tamaki are like family to me, and I’ll defend them with my life.”
9. Oh how about pets?
Akano: “Well... no not really haha, least that I know of. I think we have a cat, but I know my creator has a dog.”
Nejire: “Ooooo! I wanna see it!”
Akano: “I’ll show you later, it’s super cute!”
10. That’s cool I guess, Now tell me something you don’t like.
Akano: “I don’t like waffles.”
Nejire: *coughs* “Liar.” *coughs*
Akano: “Ok fine. I honestly hate drama and I hate manipulative people. Oh I also hate losing.”
11. Do you have any activities/hobbies that you like to do?
Akano: “I love training, fighting, and writing. I love watching Anime and reading as well, but the number one thing I love doing the most is cooking pancakes!”
Nejire: “I love Akano’s Pancakes! They are so good!”
12. Have you ever hurt anyone in any way before?
Akano: “Of course! I kick people’s ass all the time!”
Nejire: “Yeah... after they beat you up.”
Akano: “Well... you aren’t wrong.”
13. Ever... killed anyone?
*Both stayed quiet and confused*
Both: “Thank you, Next!”
*Both look at each other*
Both: “Ayyyyy!” *High fives each other*
14. What kind of animal are you?
Akano: “I am a bear! I’m hella grizzly and strong!”
Nejire: “And He is so fluffy and soft to cuddle with hehe.”
*Akano blushes intensely and looks away for a moment*
15. Name your worst weakness
Akano: “Well... my worst weakness is my own quirk’s drawback. You see after taking so much damage I store up a lot of energy from them. However, after that energy runs out, I take all the pain I got and it’s either double, tripled, or hell even quadrupled in pain. Which means I could end up immobilized for a while or I’ll be passed out if I use up to much. There is another factor to it all. Depending on how long I use the power, whether it’s 2 minutes or 1 hour, it will be the indication of how intense the pain will be, so if it’s 2 minutes, the pain is spiked up to the max and will last all 2 minutes, but if an hour then the pain ain’t as bad as the 2 minutes. You feel me?”
*Nejire eyes widen with amazement*
16. Do you look up to anyone?
Akano: “Normally I’d say All Might like many others, but there was this hero my Mom would tell me about. Her name is Nana Shimura, and there was this one quote she would say... ‘In this world, the ones who are smiling are the strongest.’ I don’t know where she heard that, but man... that quote was forever embedded in my mind and became my motivation to keep smiling even through the worst of situations.” *Showing off a big smile*
*Nejire shows of a big smile too with delight*
17. Are you Straight, Gay, or Bi?
*Akano and Nejire look at each other and then back at the guy*
Akano: “I’m gay for Mirio and Tamaki.”
*Mirio in the back* “Hell Yeah!”
Akano: “But in all seriousness, I’m straight.”
Nejire: “Hi Straight! I’m dad!” *Starts giggling*
Akano: “Babe... really? Dad jokes? THAT’S MY THING!”
18. Do you go to school?
Akano: “Yup! Third year at U.A high with Her and my two other friends.” *points to Tamaki and Mirio*
19. Ever want to marry and have kids one day?
*Akano blushes and looks at Nejire as she takes his hand, smiling at him*
Akano: “One day.”
*Mirio in the back* “Awwwwwwww! I ship these two so hard!”
*Akano and Nejire blush and start laughing*
20. Do you have Fanboys/Fangirls?
Akano: “You know, I would never imagine me of all people to have fans at all. Frankly, I don’t even see them as fans. I see them as friends and close companions that I am truly blessed to have met them. If you guys are reading this, just know I’m blessed and happy to have met you.”
21. What are you most afraid of?
Akano: “I’m scared... of being forgotten. I’m scared to lose everything I have worked for and been brought up with. I love everyone and everything I had met or achieved, so I’m afraid to lose em all.”
*Tightens grip of Nejire’s hand*
22. What do you usually wear?
“Anything comfortable really. From sweats and T-shirt to a suit, but I never EVER forget my headband!” *points to the headband*
23. What’s one food that tempts you?
Akano: “Pancakes.”
24. Am I annoying you?
Akano: “Nope! This is actually pretty fun haha especially with the 3 most important people here.”
*Mirio in the back* “He is talking about us! Woohoo!”
25. Well, it’s not over.
Akano: “Let’s get this bread then!”
26. What class are you in? (Low class, Middle class, high class)
Akano: “I’m in class 3-B
Nejire: “Me too!”
*Awkward silence*
27. How many friends do you have?
Akano: “I have too much to count, but they know who they are and how important they are to me.”
28. What are your thoughts on pie?
Akano: “Its hella yummy!”
Nejire: “Oooo I love pie!”
29. Favorite drink?
Akano: “I love Jasmin tea.”
Nejire: “Me too! I forgot I got you into it.”
Akano: “It works so well for my stamina!”
30. What’s your favorite place?
Akano: “My bed.”
31. Are interested in anyone?~
*Akano and Nejire look at each other*
Both: “I’m interested in him/her.” *Pointing to each other*
32. That was a stupid question.
Akano: “Naaaaah reeeeseally? I had no idea.”
Nejire: “Babe be nice!” *smacks Akano on the back of his head*
Akano: “Ow! That hurt!”
33. Would you rather swim in a lake or an ocean?
Akano: “I’d rather swim in a lake. I heard there are monsters in the ocean.”
Nejire: “What about the Loch Ness monster? That lives in a lake.”
Akano: “Well Yeah, in Loch Ness up in Scotland.”
Nejire: “Ooooooh.”
34. What’s your type?
*Akano points to her*
Akano: “Any and everything about her.”
*Nejire blushes and starts laughing*
35. Any fetishes?
Akano: “Nejire Hado. Her butt, her boobs, her thighs, and especially her-“
*Nejire smacks Akano’s head* “Akano!”
Akano: “Ow! Hey! I was just gonna say your personality.”
Nejire: “O-oh... sorry.”
36. Camping or Indoors?
Akano: “Honestly, both. I love the outdoors and indoors all the same.”
37. Are you a gamer? If so, what’s your favorite video game?
Akano: “Big time, and my favorite game is both Monster Hunter and For Honor.
38. On a scale of 1 to 10, how do you view yourself on your appearance?
Akano: “I say personally a 6 or a 7.”
Nejire: “There are a lot of girls who drool over you babe.”
Akano: “Wait really? I didn’t even notice.”
39. Alright we are almost done here, just one more question.
Akano: “Aww man so soon? Well it was fun while it lasted. Hit me with that last question.”
40. Are you a virgin?
*Akano turns red a bit*
Akano: “Well umm.... yes.”
Nejire: “He so pure hehe.”
41. Well that is all the time we have for today, thank you so much for your time and thank you for answering all these questions.
Well I hope you all liked reading it haha
Art by: https://www.facebook.com/miconomicon/
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britishchick09 · 4 years
sherlock ep 3 the great game livewatch
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since i did a live-re-watch of ep 1 and a re/new livewatch of ep 2, i figured i’d finish off the season! i’ve never seen this one, so it’s the first totally new livewatch of the year! :D
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ooh spooky beginning!
sherlock is talking to a guy for a case why in an old school tho?
omg sherlock keeps correcting this guy’s grammar lol :D
the guy will get hung for it (sorry hanged) is this victorian england
dramatic intro strikes again!
sherlock just chillin
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john: “what the hell are you doing??” SAME WTF MR HOLMES
he’s shooting because he’s BORED OMG SHERLOCK LOL
omg john almost said the f word :o
ooh they referenced ep one’s title in john’s blog post!!!
does that mean john comes up with the ep titles coolio :D
sherlock doesn’t like it tho :/
he deletes things he doesn’t care about like the earth going around the sun woah sherlock computer! :o
sherlock just said ‘hard drive’ epic B)
sherlock: “UGH HELL, WHAT DOES THAT MATTER?? so we go around the sun or we go around the moon round and round the garden like a teddy bear IT WOULDN’T MAKE ANY DIFFERENCE!” ...teddy bear?
oh hey mrs hudson
awww she called their argument ‘a little domestic’ :)
let me guess sherlock hates the quiet peaceful world
and she’s putting the smiley face on the rent ‘young man’ :/
hey is that sarah cool! :D
oh crap THE FLAT EXPLODED!!!!!
i thought this would happen in like s4 since that’s super dark not s1!!!!
lol sherlock’s just plucking his violin like nothing happened :D
yo is that moiarty mycroft?
ok this is his bro so according to google it’s... mycroft!
mycroft: “a case like this would require... ‘leg work’” ...leg work?
in my holmes inspired series the sherlock and mycroft characters hate each others guts and act like children around each other so it’s good to see that these bros just act cold and keep correcting each other
mycroft: “your business seems to be booming, ever since you and sherlock became.. ‘pals’’ johnlock shippers be like: ;)
mycroft wondered if it was hellish and my holmes character describes his bro as hellish COINCIDENCE I THINK TOTALLY!!! :o
the plans were on a ‘memory stick’ does mycroft mean ‘usb’?
sherlock putting rosin on his bow during the conversation tho ♥
mycroft: “you need to find those plans, sherlock. don’t make me order you” wowoza older bro much?
is sherlock badly playing his violin to test it or to kick mycroft out faster lol :D
this is probably benedict cumberbatch really playing because he didn’t take violin lessons until s2 i think and even then there was an overdub!
sherlock: “i’d be lost without my blogger” aww he really does like the posts! ♥ also major johnlock squee there
sherlock likes the ‘funny cases’ ;)
hey is that lestrade cool he’s back
the first thing sherlock says while reading the letter is ‘nice stationary’
john: “that’s the pink phone!” guy: “from the study in pink!” sherlock: “you read his blog?” lestrade: “of course we all do!” awwww :D
everyone’s snickering at sherlock not believing the ‘earth sun’ theory lol :D
ooh a warning! :o
john: “hold on, what’s gonna happen again?” sherlock: “BOOM!” bada bing, bada... B O O M!!!”
mrs hudson can’t get anyone interested in the flat aww :(
some weird lady’s calling what
woah she was a hostage??
sherlock wants john to delete 8 mycroft texts lol :D
sherlock sarcastically called john ‘doctor’ lol :D
molly: “why did you say ‘gay’? we’re together!“ WAIT DID SHERLOCK JUST SAY THAT?? JOHNLOCK SQUEEE!!!!! also sherlock is aromantic sorry molly :/
molly: “he’s not gay!!” woah john much?
also that was about  her bf sorry johnlock shippers :/
sherlock says his makeup and underwear peeking out make the guy gay RUDE MUCH LOCKIE??
john: “that wasn’t kind” yeah LOCKIE
john: *figures out who the shoes belong to* how did i do?” sherlock: “well, john, really well! i mean, you missed almost everything important” lol :D
sherlock is great at finding out things props to him :D
the shoes were bought 20 years ago just like su lin!
sherlock: “a child with big feet-“ you mean senpai lol
1989 is 21 years ago here wowza :o
oh no the kid had a fit in a pool and died :(
someone stole his shoes! :o
aww john wants to help :)
mycroft is texting john now lol :D
john: “it’s of national importance.” sherlock: “how quaint.” john: “what is?” sherlock: “you are” :)
john is wearing a suit to see mycroft how quaint ♥
john: “he’s investigating now. investigating away” that’s sherlock for ya :D
mycroft knows it all just like sherlock what bros they are! :D
oh no the kid had poison! :o
it’s cool how a 21 year old mystery could tie into a bomb from a day ago :D
she lives in cornwall camilla who
ooh pager! :D
sherlock is bored WHY
oh no another mystery caller!
sherlock guessed he’s ‘stealing another voice’ ooh :o
aww they showed the guy he’s crying :(
they have 9 hours to solve the puzzle!
sherlock is faking being super sad to get info from this lady oh lockie!
random lady: “fishing! try fishing!” john’s reaction tho :D (this is like ‘daang that’s rad!’ but not as funny)
sherlock says ‘mazda’ weird but it’s cool :D
sherlock: “you’re very helpful” ...he’s not
sherlock: “mr. hewitt’s a liar” SEE I WAS RIGHT!!!
the drops in the lab look like the intro :D
phone guy: “we were made for each other, sherlock” woah woah YOU’RE NOT JOHN
ooh the blood was frozen :o
the way lestrade says ‘columbia?‘ is funny :D
the case is solved yet we’re only 37 minutes into the ep hmm....
sherlock: “i am on fire!” YAS LOCKIE!!! :D
great another call...
why is this guy constantly crying WHO HURT YOU SIR?
a restaurant scene... ep 1 was queerbaiting, ep 2 was stereotyping and this one is... SHERLOCK EATING??? :o
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epic 2010 smartphone ;)
john: “lucky for you mrs hudson and i watch too much telly” yas john!!! :D
throughout the scene there’s a snoring sound... is someone sleeping in the afternoon??
a dead 54 actress died 2 days ago... connection?
she cut her hand on a rusty nail dean from supernatural who
sherlock: “goodnight vienna!” *ringo voice* ♫ na na na na na na goodnight viennaaa!!!!!!! ♫ :D
lockie’s mind is racing again!!
john’s dr skills and sherlock’s mind are perfect for this :D
sherlock: “do you want to help?” john: “of course!” ♥
lestrade: “tell me, what are we dealing with?” sherlock: “...something new’ ;)
ughhhh her again!! THREE HOURS HAS IT EVEN BEEN 12 YET???
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awww kitty!!!! ♥
the kitty is so loud and cute awww :)
the tv lady taught mrs hudson how to do ‘colors’ aww :)
sherlock went to fan sites for the show coolio :D
...omg what if there are fan sites for him and people ship johnlock in the show besides mrs hudson :o
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awwww kittyyyy!!!!! :D
john thinks the lady got tetanus because of the cat NOT THE KITTY!!!
so are the shoe kid, tv lady and creepy phone people connected?
the phone people are bombers so at least that’s a connection
great the phone lady wants help UGHH
she’s telling sherlock things about the guy GIVE THE ADDRESS LADY!!!
wait was that a gunshot
it was another gas leak explosion! :o
the bomber killed the lady oooohh :o
sherlock: “heroes don’t exist and wouldn’t be one of them” oh but you are lockie ;)
sherlock: “you SEE you just don’t observe!” john: “okay, okay, girls calm down!!” GIRLS OMG LOL :D
sherlock: “you’ll never find him (some guy named gollem). but i know a man who can” lestrade: “who?” sherlock: “...me.” ;)
lady: “any change for a cup of tea?” sherlock: *gives her fifty* wowza what a generous lockie!
onto part 2!
the lady said a message was left ‘on the landline’ how 21st century of you...?
other lady: “am i supposed to be impressed?/” this is sherlock holmes we’re talking about here lady
lady 3: “we were having a night in...” *wallace and gromit intensities*
joe: “are you the police?�� john: “sort of” he’s a consulting detective assistant thank you very much :)
sherlock sure likes giving lots of change to people in need :)
and he said earlier he doesn’t care about people unless it involves the case!
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aww moonlight walk ♥
they’re in the tunnels like the netflix pic! :D
i wonder if this inspired that pic...
the lady is watching a show on jupiter a gas planet hmmm...
she just wants neptune :D (i know her fave sailor senshi...)
the tape is going backwards it’s so weird
john: “let go or i will kill you” oooohhh gollem’s in trouble...
yo wtf is going on
who is this fancy french lady
sherlock s n a p !
the painting is a fake and that’s why she was killed?
some kid is counting down WHO ART THOU SMOL ONE???
sherlock: “shut up it only works if i figure it out!” yeah that’s true
aaand it worked!
the planet film helped sherlock discover the nova in the painting coolio :D
the mystery kid needs help! but where is he...
i still have no idea what’s going on tho it all went by so fast!
is this new french lady the one behind everything?
lockie be like ‘oh god...’ i’d be the same way if my mortal enemy was behind the case
why is john talking about strawberry jam with lestrade
oh it’s blood?
cool lifejackets :D
a wild sherlock appears!
is memory stick british slang for usb or just a holmes bro quirk because sherlock said it too
sherlock just broke into someone’s flat lol
and their last name is harrison... george much? ;)
so harrison stole the memory stick and gollem put in the bomb, moiarty hiring them both and having creepy people call sherlock and kill the tv lady, the guard at the gallery with the nova painting and maybe the shoe kid? is that how all this is connected?
john: “i’m not the world’s only consulting detective” aww he considers himself one too instead of just an assistant! :D
HOLD UP there’s a pool... is this the infamous tackle scene from the sarah z tjlc vid?
john is wearing a big coat hmm...
this is the pool where the kid died CONNECTION!!!!
oh no is this the calling guy
why does he sound like a silly american
YO he’s an american pulling off a brit accent
moiarty: “jim moiarty! hiiii!!!” lol :D
plz shoot him sherlock this guy sounds so stupid
the near fake kiss in that one ep makes sense now
moiarty in a sing-songy voice: “daddy’s had enough nowww!!!!’ DADDY WHAT
moiarty said gay :o
he just called sherlock ‘johnny boy’ why
i already hate moiarty so much but his lines are so funny what a villian!
sherlock: “what if i were to shoot you right now?” please do lockie
sherlock: “catch... you... later.” moiarty: “no you won’t!!! :D”
sherlock took off the jacket was that the scene?
john: “you ripping off my clothes in a darkened swimming pool...” THAT’S THE SCENE OMG JOHNLOCKERS ARE SQUEEING!!!!
omg moiarty’s back how stupid
the music is intensifying...
and it ended!! i’m guessing sherlock doesn’t shoot moiarty which is a bummer but hey at least we’ll get more lols next season with them! :D
this was a great season finale! the beginning was wild and it got crazier from there. this is my least fave ep so far, but i still really liked it for how insane it was (and that kitty/moiarty lols!). it took 4 years to reach the end of s1, but it was well worth the wait! :D
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mamin-the-troll · 7 years
Tag game
Was tagged by @funkzpiel​ and @axilarts​ Thank you!! *hugs* (っ*´∀`*)っ 1. Always post the rules.
 2. Answer the questions given by the person who tagged you.
 3. Write 11 questions of your own.
 4. Tag 11 people.
it’s long… I can’t stop talking so I put everything under the cut!
What is your favorite, weird comfort quirk?
I like holding stuff in my palm? Sometimes, I hold paper napkin, menthol salt or keys for hours. 
I keep textbook under my pillow the night before exams. 
I will dress extra nice when I need my luck. I won’t go to final exams or do final presentations look like death. I believe lady luck prefers me look nice XD
Tumblr Crush
Oh, currently my tumblr crush is you @funkzpiel​ because you are soooo sweet.
Beach or Mountains?
Mountains. I’ve already done with hot weather.
What’s one big fear you are trying to overcome?
I only have petty fears (my greatest fear is death of the love ones. I don’t think I could overcome it) but if I have to choose one maybe ‘afraid of the height’? I can’t stand too close to a window of 5 stories building let alone skyscraper. 
Favorite dream you’ve ever had?
Once, I dreamed that we went to dig potatoes at school yard then those potatoes turned out to be our grades lol
Do you believe in ghosts?
Sometimes yes. Sometimes no. Currently no. 
Fanfic you would recommend to others/really touched you, etc.?
Hardest question! I like LOTS of fanfics I can’t really choose ; w ;;; to narrow things down I will only rec finished stories then….. 
Gramander:  -  The Case of the Missing Obscurus by manic_intent -  Basic Instincts by manic_intent -  Safe in Your Arms by pinchess07  -  The Graves Identity by Mishafied
Crewt:  - Fantastic Wizards and How to Woo Them by OreoCheesecake
There’re still lot of fanfics that I haven’t rec because it’s unfinished. I think I’m going to make special rec post later :)) (because damn, I love Funkzpiel’s  Little Blue Riding Newt and wanna go in details about it :D)
Fan Art that everyone needs to stop what they’re doing and look at?
Ahhh fanart! Lots of fbawtft artist I followed are in twitter ; w ;;;
Fukumochi : I enjoy their comic even if I can’t understand Japanese!
Daizu : I want their grindelnewt doujin damnit..
Namdong24 : I want their gramander doujin damnit..
Xuan : Look at their currently pinned tweet *is death*
Could I extend the list into original art too.. because damn I have a lot of artists that I wanna share. (I’ll add their names here anyway lol)
Ofsparrows : Their gif is the best! It looks like you’re watching a wizard photo or something! I wish I could do something like this <3
Celine-kim : just click her link and look at her work. I don’t have to explain. LOOK AT HER PORTFOLIO http://www.celine-kim.com/ THE LIGHTING, SHADOW, COLOURS AND DETAILS. I’d die to have this much talent (kidding I don’t want to die yet) I LOVE CONCEPT ART and all of her port is my dream come true omg!
Vanessamakesthings : Her traditional art is absolutely beautiful. Ink, watercolour, pencils and etc. Her work is very easy to look at. Eyes pleasing <3
Peaheart : HIS WATERCOLOUR SKETCHBOOK!! How could he use watercolour like that *sobs* I thought watercolour is … watery but his works! *screaming*
Audreybenjaminsen : Definition of dark fantasy omg. Her pencil work! and heyyy she draw HP too! *happily death*
There’s a lot more but I should stop… sorry
Fanfic premise you wish someone would write, but haven’t seen yet?
Why I can’t think of any right now …. but I have secret soft spot for de-aged Newt story. 5+1 things about every characters looking after de-aged Newt would be really nice….
Dream house/job?
Dream house: Nice and warm with lots of loves. Have puppies/ kitties. Have hobby/crafting-corner :D 
Dream job: Routine job. Just let me go at 5 sharp. No overtimes. I have lots of other things to do :D
Something you’re really proud of (fandom-related or otherwise)?
Omg I’m the proudest person you can ever known >:3c
I used to be a staff of a Comic Convention. The con purposed is to raise a money for helping those who have heart diseases. It’s a very nice and heartwarming con if I do say so myself!
I turned one of online friend into irl friend! We’ve been knowing each other for nearly 9 years now! She said that I’m her best friend! I’m soo proud <3
Look at my 8 years ago drawing and cringe. Best kind of cringe because it means I improve a lot!
Had someone said that my doujin-plot is the very best and it stunned them. They were looking forward to see next volume … which I didn’t continue lol
I quit my old major/ faculty because I hate it even though I’d already spent 2 years there. It wasn’t easy to start anew. I’m so glad I did!
Going to finish my Master degree now! Yayyy
My prof. ask me if I want to publish my thesis in a journal! 
The list is going on and on XD
If you had to change your name, what would your new name be, and why would you choose that name?
I rather like my both my given name and nickname! Both are quite unique <3 I wouldn’t change it but if it were too hard for a foreigner to pronounce then… might choose something similar. Nachisa for Japanese and Natasha for Western folks?
If you could live in one fictional universe what would it be?
What is the dumbest way you’ve been injured?
LOTS…. ohhh I recalled 2 and both almost killed me. I can’t decide which is the dumbest though…
On my 6th year-old birthday, my older sister, cousins and I were having a party. After cake we decided to play a game. I don’t know what it’s called in English but the game is a lot like tag but ‘it’ has their eyes tied by a piece of cloth. I was a ‘it’ in that round. I heard some noise from one side so I lunged there…. only to find out that the door wasn’t closed and I fell down to the bottom of stairs. Ughh it hurt so bad :(
I can’t remember how old I was in this one but still very young. We’re in a pool and my sister teased me until I got really flustered and mad. I stepped out of the pool and out of my floating ring. I was going to throw the floating ring at my sister out of sheer madness but my body passed through the ring like a fucking dolphin and fell into the pool instead. I can’t swim…. my sister also can’t swim…. luckily, one of my older cousin was there to save my sorry ass.
Ever cried of happiness? Care to share?
Can’t recall any …. why I’m like this lol I rarely got that emotional… I might had cried one time that I remember how lucky I am to be me, surrounded with lovely family and people.
Who’s your hero, fictional or otherwise?
Dobby and Hagrid. They’re underrated characters but got a really big and kind heart. 
I really love Hargrid from the start. He’s big and clumsy but really kind. He cried and wanted to say goodbye to a baby that he didn’t even know. What broke my heart is the last book when he thought Harry was dead though. 
The only death that made me cried like a baby is Dobby’s death. I shredded few tears for other characters but Dobby’s hit me the most. He always try to help Harry. He really did in the end. *sobs*
Something you’re really proud of/best compliment you’ve ever received?
I love talking to you
You’re one of my best friends
I’m so glad I have you as my best friend
@axilarts, @funkzpiel, @natecchi, @thegaypumpingthroughyourveins, @psychoticartemis and anywho that want to do this :D
1. What do you like best about yourself? 2. What quality are you looking for in a future partner? 3. Why do you like your favourite character? 4. Do you have siblings? Care to share their&your funny stories? 5. Did you ever experience life threaten situation?  6. Do you believe in afterlife? 7. Favourite smell and why? 8. Have you collect anything? 9. What is your favourite beast in fantastic beasts? 10. One thing about yourself that going to shock everyone? 11. 3 words that best describe yourself, why?
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cupidkillers · 7 years
Unfinished stories
First story: will you be my juliet m.f "I will never forget you" Those were the last words I said to my best friend. I thought I would never see him again. I had lost hope. In 2013 I made a YouTube channel, NotSoGrace. Video games took over my life. I forgot about him. He forgot about me too. *** "And if you liked this video give it a thumbs up, I will see all of you tomorrow, buh bye!" I say to the camera I edited the video,it was quite easy because I was playing "Sara is Missing" there wasn't anything to skip. *** about 30 minutes later I got a notification on Twitter. @notgrace should do a collaborative with @markiplier. Markiplier? I looked him up on YouTube. His face looked quite familiar. I just couldn't put my finger on it. I clicked on a video titled "Do you know Markiplier?" "Hello everybody my name is Markiplier" the video started He started doing quizzes about himself. "Where was I born?" He said aloud He started to go off about how he wasn't born in O'aho, Hawaii, he was born in Honolulu, Hawaii. I know some one who did the exact same thing... "What is my full name?" "Mark Edward Fishbach" he speaks again "Fishbach" I  repeat in my head Mark Fishbach... "Welcome our new student Mark Fishbach" Mrs Gray said "Sit next to Grace please" she spoke again "Hi I'm Grace" "I'm Mark" "Let's be best friends" the small boy said "Okay" * "Mom, can Mark come over tonight?" "Yea" "She said yea, Mark" * "I'll never forget you" "Mark" I repeat out loud, tears pricking my eyes I ran to my room and grabbed the picture of me and the small boy. I looked at it and compared it to the computer screen. I took a picture of the picture, and posted it on Twitter with caption. '@markiplier do you remember? *** Chapter 2: I got a notification on Twitter. @notgrace: @markiplier do you remember? There was a picture attached. The same picture, I had in my room. @notgrace I do remember... I need to talk to her. My eyes were watering slightly. "What's wrong mark?" Amy asked behind me "I- I found my best friend" "Are you gonna go see him?" "Her" I corrected Her face grew slightly angry. "Am I not good enough for you?" She asked "I never said that" I said softly "Well evidentaly your seeing another girl" she accuses "I'm not she's my best friend and I haven't seen her in like 8 years" "I swear if you fall for her-" she starts but I cut her off with a kiss "I won't" *** I messaged him, asking for his address. He gave it to me of course. I was there in 20 minutes. I knocked on the door, a bit nervous. A blueberry haired boy opened the door. "You must be Grace" he says "Yup" I say "I'm Ethan" he says  holding out his hand "Nice to meet you" I say "Mark's in the living room over there" he says pointing to a walk way. I walk over to it and the the red haired man, on his phone. I sneak behind him and cover his eyes with my small hands. "I'm blind!" He yells "Nope guess again " I say disguising my voice "Tyler get off me" he says "TYLER'S HERE!?" I ask letting go of his face "GRACE!" He yells pulling me over the back of the couch, and hugging me "I thought I'd never see you again" I say tearing up "Well I'm here" he says "Who's here?" I familiar voice says I look down the hall to see Tyler "TYLER!"I yell jump off the couch to him "Grace?" "Yup" He hugged me tight. "I can't believe I found you guys" "Oh she's here" another voice says, this time a woman Down the hall comes a blonde women. She was very pretty. "Mark you didn't tell me you had a girl friend" I say dragging out the last word Mark rolled his eyes and blushed slightly "Amy this is Grace and Grace this is Amy" "Nice to meet you Amy" I say holding out my hand "Yea, nice" she mutters shaking my hand "I have a feeling you to will be great friends" Tyler says *** Story 2: random imagines Prompt - it's a rainy day. They decide to have a lazy day ⬛⬛⬛ She awoke to the sound of thunder roaring outside. She struggled to get out of the warm bed that she was laying in with Tyler beside her. She tiptoed to the kitchen to make some tea She walked back to her room she shared with Tyler Tyler was sitting propped up on the pillows "Morning sleepy head" she said to the groggy boy "Morning" he responded in the a gravely voice His curls were tangled A small mark from a few nights ago was still visible on his neck "I made you some tea" she said to him handing him the warm mug "Thanks princess" "Princess?" She questioned him "Your my princess" he says pulling her into his lap She ran her fingers down his arm to the warm mug he was holding She grabbed the fluffy blanket from off the bedside chair and got comfy next to him "The rain is so beautiful" she says "Almost as beautiful as you" he says "You're so cheesey" "But you love me" He set the cup down turning the small girl around to face him Her eyes met his dark brown ones She ran her thumb across his cheek Their lips met She ran her hand through his curls ⬛⬛⬛ She cuddled against him Watching the movie contently The thunder roared Scarring the girl "Don't worry princess' he said ⬛⬛⬛ Story 3: Sweetheart m.b (Marcus Butler) my British YouTube stage 😂 August 2nd Location: Starbucks Arabella's POV Sketching. Sketching and taking advantage of free Wi-Fi. That's what I like to do in the afternoon. After hearing my name being called for my drink, I got up and made my way to the counter to pick up my drink. I turn around into a person, spilling my (thankfully) iced coffee down my front. "I'm sorry, can I buy you another drink?" The voice says "That's the least you can do" I say picking up the smashed cup off the floor I'm not the kinda girl to fall in love with someone after they spill coffee on me, like in the stories. I got a good look at the man, he had blue eyes and blonde hair brushed into a quiff on the top of his head. He also had a pair of black glasses rested on his nose, the weird thing was they we the same glasses I had at that exact moment. "Now what kind of drink was that sweetheart?" He asked "First off I'm not your sweetheart, and second it was a iced coffee, nothing special."I say with sass lacing my tone "Okay can I get one small iced coffee-" he says before I zoned out staring into his blue eyes "Um excuse me!" He says waving his hand in my face "Sorry, yea?" I ask turning bright red "Would you like a cookie?" He asks "Um sure" I say still blushing He hands me my cookie and iced coffee, and decide to go home straight away instead of stay and draw. "Hey can I get your name, number maybe?" He asks before I grab my sketchbook,pencil, and phone off the table "Trouble" is all I said before walking out *** So now my roommate Zoe, is forcing me to go to her boyfriend's friend's party. I really didn't want to go because I would have to interact with people. I put on black skinny jeans, a burnt orange sweatshirt that said "can you not?" And my favorite pair of brown combat boots. I did some subtle makeup and put my hair into a half up half down style. "Let's go party!" Zoe yelled "Ughh" I groaned loudly "Come it will be fun" she said "That's what you said last time, and we almost got arrested" I said "This will be more tamed, it's just YouTubers." She assured me "I forgot you a big YouTuber now" I say "Yea, I thought you might wanna come. Tyler, Jack, Caspar, and a couple others are gonna be there" she says "Really?" I ask surprised "Yea, Alfie told me some of them are actually fans of yours" she said smiling as she gets in the car "Really?" I ask hopeful "No I'm just kidding" she says "You bitch" I say slapping her arm softly After 20 minutes of driving we re were there "Don't you dare try to leave" she warns "I won't" I promise her We walk up the stairs to a nice sized apartment "We are here!" Zoe yells as she walks inside Joe comes over to me and hugs me since he's the only person here I've actually met. "How have you been?" He asks "Fine. How are you and Caspar?" I ask "Amazing actually" he says with a smile "Well I'm happy for you" I say smiling back "Let's me show you around" he says "Okay" He introduced me to alot of famous YouTubers and I tried keeping my fangirl in. I had a couple of drinks, but I wasn't that drunk. At home I snuck my mini notepad and a pencil in my pocket. While everyone in the midst of dancing I snuck outside to the fire escape and sat there admiring the night sky and sketching. "Not really into parties either,huh? A familiar voice behind me asked I turned around to see a familiar face. Almost to familiar. I knew the face but didn't have a name. "How did you ever guess?" I need said sarcastically but smiling He came and sat next to me. I looked into his blue eyes, and it clicked. It was the guy from Starbucks this afternoon. "Oh your the guy from Starbucks earlier" I say "Oh that's why you look so familiar" he giggles "Sorry about that,again" he says blushing, which I have to admit looked pretty adorable. "It's fine....." "Marcus" he says "Arabella,but you can call me Belle" I say "Well nice to see you again Belle" he says cheekily "Sorry for being kind of a jerk earlier" I say before yawning "It's fine, I know your not a jerk now" he say also yawning "Yawning is contagious" I say giggling We spent the rest of the night talking and getting to know each other. "I think the party is dying down" I say standing up to climb back in the apartment I climb in and alot of people a sleeping or on there phones. "I'm staying the night, so your staying the night" Zoe slurs "Whatever" I say walking to a corner and plugging my phone in. I grab a pillow and put it behind my back and get comfy. A few minutes later Marcus came and sat next to me again. "What cha looking at?" He asks "The old art I posted on Tumblr" I say plainly "Oh it's really nice" he says amazed "Thanks" I say sincerely I yawn again, making him yawn and making us both laugh "Im tired" I whine "Then go to bed" he says "But I like talking to you" I whine "We can tomorrow, let me see" he says taking my phone and putting his number in "If I'm gone tomorrow before you wake up, you can text me, okay" he say smiling "Okay" I say smiling I look at his contact name "Marky Butt Butt❤" I just can't help but smile He walks over to a closet and brings me a blanket. "Thank you" I say "No problem" he says walking away I look at the ceiling, until I feel a pull on the blanket covering me. "Marcus?" I ask groggily "Oh I thought you were asleep, some one is asleep in my bed" he says facing me "Oh okay" I say pulling the blanket so he has some "Goodnight" I say "Goodnight,sweetheart" he says and I cant help but smile at the nickname *** To be continued
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shortcakejpg · 8 years
121 questions
Where is the person you gave your heart to for the first time? At his house. Most likely playing video games.
What were you doing at ten last night? Playing League of Legends
Did you have a dream last night? Not that I remember.
Want someone back in your life? Kind of. I think it’d be nice, but at the same time maybe it’s for the best..
Are you good at giving directions? I’m terrible at it.
Do you prefer hot or cold weather? Hot weather is my jam.
Could you go out in public looking like you do now? Uhh.. Probably. I’d feel pretty ew though.
If you could go back in time, how far back would you go? I think it’d be cool to go to the 70′s or 80′s.
How do you feel when someone kisses you on the forehead? I feel safe and loved.
Are you dating the last person you kissed on the lips? I am. <3
Has anyone ever told you they wanted to spend the rest of their life with you? Nope.
When was the last time you saw your grandpa? A few weeks ago. I need to call him soon and go for lunch since it’s been a while :c
Are you close with your mum? In some ways, I suppose. For the most part, not really.
How many pillows do you sleep with? One
Does it matter to you if your boyfriend/girlfriend smokes cigarettes? Not at all. I’m used to being around it so it’s not a big deal to me.
Are you good at hiding your feelings? NO. God no. They leak out in horrible ways until I break down.
Do you think your ex still likes you? I don’t have an ex.
Have you ever driven without license? I have.
Ever kissed a brown-haired, dark-eyed person? Nope
Ever kissed a blonde-haired, blue-eyed person? Nope
Are you afraid of roller coasters? Yes oml
Is this year the best year of your life? In some ways.
Are you shy? Incredibly
How many people do you truly trust (not family)? Not a single person.
When was the last time you were told you were beautiful? A few days ago? I thiiink..
How’s your day going so far? It’s been up and down. It was horrible earlier today, but I went on a date tonight and I’m pretty happy now <3
Do you find it in your heart to forgive? Unfortunately.
When did you last talk to your brother or sister? I talked to my sister about an hour ago.
Have you ever punched a guy? Nope.
Do you think you will be in a relationship three months from now? Yes.
Do you need to say anything to someone? I think. I always do though, ahaha.
Have you ever broken someone’s heart? Maybe.
Are you currently wanting any piercings or tattoos? Yes. Ohmygod.
Do you have trust issues? Yeah. Slowly getting better about it though.
Are you open with your feelings to people? I try to be. It’s really hard sometimes though.
What are you listening to right now? Nothing.
Do you care what people think about you? Yes. I like to make good impressions.
Have you ever done something to make trouble? I have, yeah.
Honestly, do you hate the last boy you were talking to in person? God no.
Are you currently frustrated with a boy or girl? Nope
Have you ever had a crush on someone that was in a relationship? Yes
Who are you currently talking to? No one
Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance? Not everyone, no.
Did your ex give you a promise ring? What ex
Do you currently like someone? I do. My boyfriend.
What are your plans for tonight? I’m gonna do some more of these survey things and then try and sleep.
Are you excited for anything? Not currently. 
When was your last kiss? Around 11pm?
Who is the last person you texted? Ahric
Did you spend time with close friends today? I don’t really have any close friends..
What’s your favourite thing to have for breakfast? Bacon, pancakes, and hashbrowns.
What’s the unhealthiest meal you’ve eaten in the past week? McDonald’s that I had for lunch at work a few days ago.
Are you nervous, scared, or worried about anything at the moment? Very much so, yes. I’m getting blood tests tomorrow and I don’t want to :s
Would you be angry if your best friend kissed the person you like? Holy fuck would I ever be.
Do you think you will ever be with the person you like? I’m with him already <3
What type of cake did you eat last? I can’t remember the last time I had cake.
Does the person you like have any nicknames for you? He has a few
How many of your friends are single? No idea
How many of your friends are gay or bisexual? No idea
Does it bother you when other people try to get involved with what happens in your love life? I guess it would depend?? I’m not sure
What’s your favourite sandwich filling? Oh god I dunno. 
Do you prefer ketchup, mayonnaise, or sour cream? Mayonnaise.
How old is the last person who Facebook messaged you? 20
Have you ever borrowed something from someone and not given it back? I have, yeah.
Are any of your friends pregnant? Nah
How many of your friends have tattoos? I’m not totally sure.
What colour is your favourite pair of socks? Black
Do you use conditioner on your hair? Always
Is there anything you would really like to do, but you daren’t? Yeah... Smoke weed I guess lmfao. I think it would help a lot with my anxiety but idk I just... Idk ugh. I’m a wuss
What flavour crisps did you last eat? Sour Cream & Onion
When was the last time someone asked you out? Did you accept or decline? I got asked out by two customers on Valentine’s Day ughh. I declined.
What’s the strangest conversation you’ve had with anyone recently? I had a weird conversation with my Mom today, surprisingly.
When was the last time you used a pair of scissors? Oh god I can’t even remember. 
What’s something you aim to achieve in the near future? I want to get my art portfolio done and have it submitted by April.
Will you be single over summer? I hope not.
Last person you hung out with? Ahric
What did your last text say and who was it from? “Oh yeah rip” from Ahric
Are you comfortable with your height? I’m content with it. 
Is your room ever clean? UHHH.. Not usually. I haven’t cleaned in a while s:
How late did you stay up last night? Why? I went to bed around 5:30am.. Because I was on the phone with Ahric.
Do you think you will be in a relationship three months from now? Yas
What was the last thing you bought? Fooooooooood
Do you think two people can last forever? I think it’s possible.
Do you want your life to stay the way it is right now forever? Not particularly 
Are you cheating on someone right now? No.
Last time you saw fireworks, who were you with and where were you? It was Halloween. I was with Claire and we were standing just outside my house.
How do you feel about teenage pregnancy? It’s unfortunate.
Last movie you saw in theaters and with who? I saw The Lego Batman Movie with Ahric
Tears are falling down your face; what’s the reason? I worked up my anxiety too much over something and I hit my breaking point.
Have you ever told someone to their face that they’re ugly? No never.
Do you think the legal drinking age should be changed? Meh. 19 is okay.
Are you scared of people that don’t have eyelashes? No?
What is the longest you’ve ever talked on the phone for? A few hours at least.
Is there anything on top of your dresser? A whole bunch of stuff lmfao
When was the last time you did the dishes? If loading/unloading the dishwasher counts... A few weeks ago.
Can you go a day without thinking about the person that’s on your mind right now? No
What did you even do today? I had a shower first thing this morning and left to go to a doctors appointment. After, I did some errands with my mom and came home and had a nap for an hour. Ahric picked me up and we went for dinner.. Then we went back to his place for a bit. We cuddled and fell asleep on the couch. Now I’m at home, laying in bed, doing stuff on my laptop.
What ruined your day today? My doctors appointment.
Have you ever liked someone you didn’t expect to? Yeah lol
If you could put last night on repeat, would you? Fuck no
Have you cried this week at all? I sure have
Are you drunk? Nah.
Will you talk to the person you like tonight? Most likely
Have you ever wanted to tell someone something but didn’t? All the time.
When was the last time you consumed alcohol? Beginning of February. Oml I have never been that drunk before lol
You have to be with someone for the rest of your life; who is it? Ma bae. Duh
Do you think the person you like is cute? He’s adorable
If you were kicked out of your home, who would you call? Ahric
Have you ever felt like you hit rock bottom? Yeaaaahhh.
Has anyone ever told you that you have really pretty eyes? Yup!
Your ex calls wanting to hang out, what do you say? What ex
Do you think there’s a difference between fucking and making love? Uhhhhhh yeah. Yeah I do.
What do you think about sex before marriage? You do you
What would you say if you found out your last ex was in a relationship? ????????
Ever dated a blonde-haired, blue-eyed person? Nope.
How’s your best friend? I’m not sure how she’s doing... Idk If I can consider her a best friend anymore either so idk.
Have you ever been in love? Yeah
How many people have you held hands with in the past week? 1
Have you ever kissed in the rain? Yes.
Do you hate it when you go over to someone’s house and do absolutely nothing? Not usually. Depends on my mood.
Have you ever kissed anyone whose name started with an M, F, D, T, J, E, or S? Nope
0 notes
darkot · 8 years
You know what’s something that I think about a lot? That if there was a zombie apocalypse, artists would be the first ones left behind.
You’ve got doctors who can treat wounds and keep you healthy. You’ve got police officers and hunters who can defend you and get you food. There are mechanics who can keep your vehicles running. Fishermen can bring fish to the table. Farmers can grow crops.
What the fuck is an artist going to be able to contribute in a zombie apocalypse?
The Walking Dead put it nicely. “Art isn’t about survival. It’s transcendence. Being more than animals. Rising above.” That really stuck with me. While you can interpret many things from that quote, one thing that I derived from it is that, art is only useful in a peaceful society. In this age we live in, art serves to educate and entertain. It gives us reprieve from the mundanity of daily, modern life. It paves the way for more profound thought--for societal change. But when there is a lack of society, what place is there for it? Who will value that skill, and the life of the person in possession of it, over somebody who knows how to scavenge, shoot, or heal? You could argue that an academic artist could act the part of an architect. They could oversee the construction of buildings to keep people safe. But even then, they would not be valued until the re-establishment of society began.
An artists’ vision today helps the blind see and the numb feel. They help shape a more civilized civilization, by lessening our ignorance, so that the world produces less bad people.
An artists’ vision in this hypothetical zombie world would help rebuild society. They could create plans for houses and cities to keep us safe, and keep the bad people (and zombies) out.
In both scenarios, artists help defend us from monsters. The difference being that one monster wants you to hate and hurt, while the other monster wants to eat your face.
It can be argued that artists are simultaneously the most valuable and most easily disposable members of society. The world needs them. But they are the first to be sacrificed.
So, that’s a little insight into the weird shit my introverted brain thinks of.
I have been thinking too much lately though, as I always do. As much as I try to work on getting out of my own head, I somehow only end up digging deeper and deeper into it.
Er.. I should probably clarify that all that zombie apocalypse stuff isn’t what I’ve been thinking so deeply on. I mean yes, I thought about it, but that’s not what is really on my mind primarily.
I just.. I’m having trouble moving forward. it’s frightening. I have no trouble admitting that I’m terrified of what’s to come, because the further I go ahead, the more responsibility I take.
I’ve spent all these years hurting and healing.. Now that I’m fully recovered, I’m at a loss as to how to proceed. I’m having trouble believing in myself, and that’s holding me back from becoming who I need to become.
I have a test coming up and.. I don’t know. I’m paralyzed with fear, for some reason. Subconsciously, I’m playing out how it’s going to go over and over, and.. I just can’t have faith in myself to do well. Which is weird, because I’ve only gotten graded at above 90% for all of my assignments in this course. I know the material, so I’m fairly certain that this is just about not wanting things to change as I move on from where I’m at now.
Ughh.. fell asleep halfway through writing this.
Anyways, Overwatch season 3 ended yesterday. I ended the season at 3070, with a season high of 3348. I completed my original goal of making it to diamond near the beginning of the season, where I started off in platinum. However, my goal shifted to getting to master when I saw the very real possibility of that happening. I made it more than halfway there--accumulating 348/500 of the points necessary to rank up. But alas, t’was not meant to be this season. I’m okay with that now, upon reflection, and once I realized that I met my original goal. However, along the way it was extremely frustrating. Just in the past week, I ran into a troll on my team who just kept throwing themselves off the map the entire game, a blatant aimbotter on the other team, and had internet issues that d/c’d me from two games. Between all of those things, I lost about 200 SR (I was already down to 3100-ish at this point. I started climbing again, but these were the last nails in the coffin marked “you are not getting master this season.”)
I’ve been doing a lot of thinking about this. Well, that may go without saying, since I do a lot of thinking about everything. But.. I don’t know. Overwatch is an amazing game. I love it to death. It is by far the best FPS that I have ever played. However, I can’t help but feel like I’m developing a useless skill here. More useless than art in a zombie apocalypse.
I had made a silent vow to myself that I was going to slow down on playing the game once I hit diamond, but I didn’t follow through with that. I really want to make it to master. I honestly believe that I play at a master level, when going back and analyzing my game play, and I’ve shown definite potential to climb to that rank in this season. 
As much as I enjoy playing this game, the grind is a real bitch. It’s got me thinking about what really matters, and as much as I’d like this achievement.. in the grand scheme of things, it really doesn’t do me any good. I told myself that I’d NEVER get into professional gaming (not that this is professional gaming, but it’s getting into that far more serious realm), because the time commitment is too large for the amount of earnings, and it is too repetitive of a thing for me to stay interested in it. I’d have to constantly sink hundreds upon hundreds of hours into a game “gittin’ gud” at it, in order to keep my skills sharp and better than my competition. If there is any game I’d be willing to do that for, it is Overwatch (or maybe Smash Bros.), because of its immense depth and variety of characters. But even with Overwatch, I would get bored of that so insanely quickly. I’ve played less than 100 hours this season, and I got burnt out at a point or two. 
To put things in perspective, who are the real “losers” in this situation? The pros, who get to play this game all day and be the best, but only make a moderate amount? Or the devs who don’t get to play their own game very much, and aren’t the best at it, but make infinitely more money? A pro can say to a dev that he’s better at the game than him, but the dev can say to the pro that he can’t hear him from the third floor of his mansion.
That’s more or less how I’m looking at things at this point. I could lifelessly devote all of my time to this game and become one of the best players of it. I could have that achievement of saying that I’m in the top 10,000 players in the Americas. But, my time would be much better spent honing a skill for my career. I could make a game of my own and be further off than if I made it to the top of the leaderboards in this game.
I’m still going to play it because of how much I enjoy it. But I don’t think I’ll continue to take it quite as seriously. I had started connecting part of my self worth onto wether I made it to master or not. I wanted to prove to myself that I could get there if I really tried. I have more important things to take care of, though. 
An artist that I follow made a post on here of them hitting master, and saying that they were glad that they could put down this, as they put it, “time vampire.” And it’s true. That would essentially be what I’d do if I made it there. I’d have gotten that achievement under my belt, and wouldn’t devote nearly as much of my time to the game after that. If I get to master next season playing semi-casually, then cool. If not, that’s fine too. I’ve already made it to the highest rank that I can get to, where I can’t fall out of it. I'll always be diamond, but I could lose my master title very easily. Just takes one bad game after making it there to lose it, and a few more to get you far enough away from it that you really have to fight for it again.
At the very least, master or not, I have absolutely ZERO intention of trying to reach grandmaster. Fuck. That. As much as I think I’d enjoy that level of play, where everyone is coordinated and knows what they’re doing, the grind to get there would literally drive me insane (plus, I don’t think my own gameplay is at a grandmaster level to be honest). If I ever go back on that and start making my way to GM, I want someone to take a screenshot of this, print it out, roll the paper up, and slap me in the face with it.
There’s more to talk about. I started playing Fire Emblem: Heroes the other day. Watched Stranger Things finally. The Dragons of Ashfall release comes out for AQ3D tomorrow. But, I don’t feel like typing all of that up right now. Maybe tomorrow.
I’m really not sure what to do right now, though. It’s 3:30am. I guess I’ll try going back to sleep, but since I woke up not too long ago, I don’t know if I’ll be able to?
Guess we’ll find out, haha.
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