#UNLESS I was given the ability to just freely shapeshift
calamitaswrath · 11 months
Hmm. Hm. Starting to feel like I'm actually an "any pronouns" kinda person? Not sure, though.
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akisata-moved · 3 years
a little bit of divine worldbuilding 🕊️
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hi everyone! i said i would make a post about my angel worldbuilding and the lore surrounding it, so here we are. let's get into this!
(as a forewarning: this got really long really fast. sorry lol)
i. at the beginning of the universe: what's the deal with god, heaven, and hell?
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you know... this guy. ...or, guys? i use they pronouns for god, not because they're nonbinary rep or anything but because the classic collection uses they pronouns for god because they are literally plural. so, multiple guys.
a. the universe's first inhabitants 🌟
we can't have angels (or anything, really) without god. so... what is god?
to put it simply, "god" is a small collective of beings that hail from a primordial race of creatures called aeons. contrary to popular belief, "god" did not create the universe as a whole.
that being said, they WERE the first beings to exist in the universe; gifted with near-immortality and the power of creation, they were essentially burdened the cosmic purpose of bringing the universe to life. think of them as... like, demiurges, really. despite being the first beings in the universe, they didn't really start popping up until ~370,000 years into the universe existing.
(whether or not there is a "supreme" being above them isn't something i've given TOO much thought to. my working idea is that the universe is quite literally a supreme being in itself.)
so, our "god" is not the only ones of their kind. there isn't a large amount of them, but considering the size of the universe and how it's ever-expanding... there's enough of them to go around, you know.
as the early stages of the universe progress, they start to become aware of the existence of each other. it's difficult to be what is essentially a god and be unaware of the presences that surround you.
the attitudes that they held towards each other varied from aeon to aeon. some of them worked in tandem, others remained solitary. some of them competed with others, and others dedicated themselves to watching over their corner of the universe and making it a home.
there weren't many "overstepped boundaries" in the infinitely expanding stretch of space they had at their disposal. in the early stages of the universe, there was no need for that kind of thing. they all mostly stayed in their own lanes.
during the early epochs, they mostly just spent their time experimenting, growing and changing, and learning the ins and outs of their little cosmic playground.
due to the nature and scope of their abilities, and their immortality, they were mostly aware that their exploits were relatively infinitesimal. they had a very acute awareness that every planet and galaxy they created would eventually crumble.
similarly to their attitudes towards each other, the attitudes they held towards their creations varied. some liked to stay disconnected, and hopped from creation to creation, moving on as soon as they finished working on their little project. others were more involved.
in regards to their abilities, they aren't omnipotent. in fact i wouldn't even really call them omnificent. if there was a way to describe what they were able to do, it would be... transmute? the universe provided all the materials for creation, and so it was their job to use their divine power to... make something with it, really. they can't create something out of absolutely nothing. there has to be something for them to make stuff.
they also don't really have any kind of set moral compass. so none of them are inherently evil, good, bad, whatever.
of course, given the fact that they mostly reside in space (we'll get to what exactly "heaven" is in a little), they aren't necessarily bound to one physical shape or form. we love shapeshifters.
b. the devilman "god", and the prison of light 🕯️
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the devilman "god" is a trio of aeons who bonded over a certainty and awareness of what they wanted from the universe. they strove to create something perfect— something beautiful. better than every other creation out there. other aeons' work was... sloppy, imperfect, and quite ugly.
as stated before, the aeons aren't necessarily physical beings. that makes it really easy for them to fuse with each other, as they aren't really bound to any kind of physics or laws governing their consciousnesses and bodies.
"so are they a hivemind" not necessarily? they're all just... fused together. the pros of fusing together like that means that one single entity now has the power of three aeons, which lets them do a lot more than if they were all separate, and on a larger scale. god is a throuple
they probably aren't the only aeon group to do this, honestly.
fun note: the devilman "god" never refers to themselves as another aeon. they always refer to themselves as a "god", and it's mainly just because they think they're better than the rest of the aeons lol. i'll be referring to them as god from here on out just because it's easier.
so, then what? god decides that they need a place for themselves. a pocket of space only for them (+ eventually, the angels). they needed a home base of sorts, a place that represented their vision as they imagined it. and so, they created heaven.
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so what even is heaven? it's essentially a sub-universe, or a pocket of the universe that god hid away just for themselves.... and for the angels, which were created afterwards.
once again, i doubt heaven is the only realm of its kind. i doubt that god is the only aeon who had the idea for a "home base" of sorts.
heaven started out as a home just for god, but as angelic society grew, it eventually turned into a whole kingdom. that being said, god still has a palace Just For Them at the very top layer of it!
people don't go to heaven. nope. that doesn't happen. mainly because it's not an "afterlife".
after god created heaven and the angels, heaven because a home for all of them. heaven was created to be perfect (in the eyes of its creator), or as close to perfect as god could manage while also having a species with (sort of) free will residing within it.
heaven is almost like a hidden galaxy, except a LOTTT smaller.
heaven is mostly made up of clouds and solid energy. there are actually five layers of heaven; one for each sphere of the angelic choir, one for the Archangels, and one for god.
that isn't to say that the angels are confined to one layer. they can freely travel about, it's just that they'll usually spend time in the layer dedicated to their sphere, unless they're stationed to work elsewhere.
the need for more and more angels became more important as time went on. god became more... power hungry, and they fell harder into the belief that they alone were the ones worthy of the universe. they eventually gained a very hostile attitude towards other aeons and cosmic societies. this wasn't unheard of, really, but considering how most of them stayed in their own lanes, having god be all... aggressive was a little bit of a shock. needless to say, this resulted in the formation of enemies... and other forms of cosmic politics.
heaven and angelic culture has a lot of emphasis on architecture! ...although, not in a way you would expect. the best way i can explain it is that it's very... suess-like.
lots of staircases, lots of columns, lots of... that kind of thing...
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while we're on the topic of sub-universes, we can talk a little about hell, too.
hell was actually created by the universe itself, not by the aeons or god or anything. it has always existed, and is sort of a universal collection all life and souls. sorta like the universe's garbage can for all dead things.
it’s less of an eternal resting place and more of an intermediary location you go while the universe works to basically recycle your soul and convert it back to its original state.
ii. what is an angel?: a little on angelic society
a. the angelic choir at a glance📜
angelic society as a whole is referred to as the angelic choir.
the main thing about angelic society is that it's split into different spheres based on how much power an angel has/the specific task they were made to do.
why do angels exist in the first place? they were made to be servants of god, and basically do everything that they do... for them. so, deliver messages, be soldiers, do tasks and chores and watch over the things god makes... all that kind of thing.
angels have free will, but were created with an ingrained sense of duty that usually outweighs said free will. or perhaps it influences their free will. hard to tell. that being said, most angels will not do anything if it directly contradicts their purpose.
also, angels are not inherently “good” aligned. like I said, they have free will, which means they have choices. angels can be shitty people! whether or not an angel “falls” has nothing to do with what their character is like, and everything to do with whether or not they are defiant to God.
not a lot of angels do defy god, either. an angel being kicked out of heaven is pretty rare.
anyways, back to the angelic choir... there are three spheres of angel, each with three types of angel in them. the highest ranking angels are the first order of the first sphere, and the lowest ranking are the third order of the third sphere. yeah.
in the first sphere you have the seraphim, cherubim, and thrones. the first sphere angels are the only angels that tend directly to god.
the second sphere is made up of the dominations, the virtues, and the powers.
the third sphere consists of the principalities, the arches, and the angels (generic term).
Archangels are above the first sphere in rank. they're the most powerful angels, and there aren't very many of them.
b. archangels and the angels of the first sphere🔥
Archangels, as stated before, are the most powerful angels and the ones with the most important duties. they're mostly angelic supervisors that manage angels with different specialties. who are the archangels? before lucifer's fall, there were eight different archangels.
jophiel (archangel of wisdom and inspiration), chamuel (archangel of divine justice), gabriel (archangel of revalation), raphael (archangel of healing), uriel (archangel of truth and light), zadkiel (archangel of healing), and, of course, michael (archangel of strength and courage) and lucifer (archangel of love and empathy).
the first sphere angels are the angels that are closest to god, and the only ones that can interact where with them directly. they're the least... replaceable angels, except for the archangels. that's why they don't really leave heaven.
the seraphim are the bodyguards of the throne, and those who directly guard and protect both god's palace and the different layers of heaven itself. they're stationed just about everywhere on the fifth layer of heaven, and then scattered about in the other layers just to keep an eye on everything. they're also stationed at the entrances and exits.
they're busy a LOT of the time. they take their jobs very seriously.
the seraphim are the angels that interact the most with god. the cherubim and the thrones do, too, but not as frequently.
the tradition when interacting with god is to cover their faces and bodies with their wings when interacting directly with them. it's a sort of humbling thing, to show that they regard themselves as lesser than them. just out of respect.
the cherubim are the celestial recordkeepers of heaven, and the ones that really hold the knowledge of god and heaven.
they're known for their wisdom, and they keep records of everything that happens in their part of the universe. nothing goes undocumented, really. heaven's historians are also cherubim.
along with keeping records of events, they also keep track of all of the angels that are created, and those that come in and out of heaven. and those who go out and dont come back. yeah.
jophiel is the archangel who supervises the cherubim.
the thrones are some of the most intellectual angels and have wonderful minds. they serve as both teachers, guides, and counselors for the lower ranks of the angels.
they're the ones in charge of receiving orders from god and dishing out duties to the lower ranks (dominations, mostly) and explaining them. celestial teachers, really. they're very engaged with the rest of angelic society, and are always willing to offer an explanation or a helping hand to other angels.
they're also the head order that deals with cosmic laws and making sure everything that god makes works the way it's supposed to. god doesn't really have time to keep everything in check themselves, so it's up to the thrones and the virtues to make sure their creation... functions like it should.
lucifer was supposed to the archangelic supervisor of the thrones...? but, uh... that didn't exactly.... uh.... work out....
after lucifer was cast out, jophiel was put in charge of both the thrones and the cherubim. it's a lot of work for one angel, really, but she doesn't mind.
c. angels of the second and third spheres☄️
the first order of the second sphere is the dominations. think of these guys as... well, management.
they're in charge of managing the angelic kingdoms, and of regulating the second sphere angels in lower orders.
they help keep everyone organized. there's a lot of things to keep track of.
the dominions get their orders from the thrones (who receive orders from god), and pass along orders to the principalities in the third sphere along with the virtues and powers. it's just a big chain.
zadkiel is the archangel in charge of the dominations rank. he also deals with some of the stuff that the principalities handles, but mostly sticks to dominations.
the second order of the second sphere is the virtues. if seraphim are the guards and watchers of heaven itself, then the virtues are the watchers of the universe (well, god's part of the universe, anyways).
they watch over everything god creates, from planets, galaxies, luminaries, and other celestial bodies to make sure the cosmos are in order. and that nothing is going wrong.
they work closely with certain thrones angels for this reason.
it's actually very important to make sure shit isn't going wrong. especially considering how their god's... hostile attitude... attracts some not so friendly faces.
uriel is the archangel in charge of the virtues, and because of the close ties between the virtues and the thrones, he quickly became good friends with lucifer.
the powers are the third order of the third sphere, and they make up the angelic army.
can basically be split into two groups— soldiers and healers. the soldiers were originally led by chamuel, but the job was pretty much taken over by michael once he showed up, and chamuel instead switched gears to deal more with strategizing after that. raphael supervises those more geared towards healing.
running an army is hard work, turns out. there's a lot that goes into it.
the third sphere is the most populous sphere; they're like worker bees. they're very easy to replace, and are very expendable.
third sphere angels actually leave heaven a lot. they deal with intergalactic relationships.
in the first sphere, the principalities are the main managers of the lower-ranking arches and angels. they're very similar to the dominations in that regard, and they actually get their orders from them. like i said before... it's a big chain.
they're the ones that are stuck dealing the most with cosmic politics.
arches are celestial envoys, while your everyday angels work as messengers, running back and forth between heaven and other places in space. angel postal service!
the angels and arches are also assigned most of the mundane tasks not given to any higher ranks.
usually the angels go out in groups, because there's safety in numbers, and space is REALLY big. at least one arch will accompany an angel group, and on occasion, a principality will come too, depending on how important things are.
that being said, there have been many, many instances where angels don't come back. sometimes they get lost. this happens more often than it should.
gabriel is the head messenger archangel. he's the postmaster. angel. guy.
d. okay i'll bite. what are angels made of. aka, angel physiology 🌠
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angels are special. lol.
they're made of photon energy (in the case of most angels) and thermal energy (in the case of seraphim).
(lucifer is an Archangel, so he is... as stated above, made of photons.)
as stated before, god can't create something out of nothing. the energy needed to create angels actually is specific to the energy emitted from dying stars. every angel comes from the death of a star.
so, this means a couple of things. first of all, as angels are created, not born, they don't actually have a functional reproductive system. because they weren't created with the intention of reproduction. the genitalia is decorative essentially tbh. also, every angel looks like this. it's definitely not a reproductive thing. it's entirely aesthetic.
"romance" is essentially nonexistent in angel culture. uh, they all see each other as some kind of equivalent of siblings, considering they were all made directly by the same creator. they all refer to god as their parents, and so they all see each other as siblings.
(that being said, it's not like they're incapable of love or anything. ryosatanlucifer retains his feelings for akira even after he turns back into an angel, so it's not like he can't feel love or anything like that. i mean, that should be obvious, but i felt the need to specify anyways)
the second thing this: angels lack all forms of physical sensation. their bodies are... kind of numb to all sense of touch, taste, smell, etc. they are, in some circumstances, intangible. what does that mean? well...
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sorry for having so much stuff from go nagai world.... we never got to see satan in the actual ovas </3
they can float through stuff sometimes. their tangibility (on earth) is actually up to them. so, for example, if they wanted to, they could float through a door. or they could open a door by turning the doorknob. though, they wouldn't be able to experience the sensation of actually touching the doorknob.
anywho. there are actual a few variations of angelic appearance depending on what rank of angel they are! i have... erm... drawn a few examples of some of the angels, but not a whole lot? ahh.... there they are anyways. some of the descriptions are a little outdated bc i've changed into since then but YEAH!!
Archangels, at the very top of the angelic choir, are beautiful with 12 large snow-white wings— two on the head, two from the shoulderblades, two on the middle back, two on the lower back, on on each arm and one on each ankle. they’re all nearly identical- though, most of the angels within each order looks nearly identical. they’re identical in the way that cats of the same coat color and breed are identical. michael and lucifer are actually identical, though, because they’re like real life twins, and are born from the same star. yeah!
seraphim are made from condensed thermal energy rather than light energy. they’re super hot. Lol. they have 10 wings (head, shoulders, lower back, arms, and ankles) unlike the Archangel’s 12. They’re warmer in color scheme than the Archangels, which are usually a sort of yellow-white color? they glow. seraphim are more red-orange because they’re… heat. They also have the ability to manifest flames out of their body, though it’s kind of just for show considering how it can't really do anything.
the cherubim are covered in eyes. or, their wings are covered in eyes- they have 8 of them! wings, I mean (head, shoulders, lower back, and ankles). they have way more than eight eyes. Also, they can open eyes up on their bodies when they get really stressed or angry! it’s a fun neat cherubim trait. all the cherubim are so tired. let them go home please.
the thrones are the third order in the first sphere of the Angelic choir, and these are our ringy-boys. they're the angels with the most emphasis on halos- they can make them spin really fast and manifest more rings around them whenever they feel strongly or honestly just when they want to. they’re usually surrounded by them, just as a sort of status thing. they typically serve as messenger angels (delivering orders to the second sphere) and bodyguards for the cherubim. they have 6 pairs of wings (head, shoulders, and lower back).
from there on out appearance is mostly dictated by sphere— second sphere angels (dominations, virtues, and powers) have two sets of wings (on the head and the shoulders), while first sphere angels (principalities, arches, and angels) have only one set of wings on their shoulders, and look pretty similar to the standard depiction of angels.
e. some more about angel culture in general
i just wanted to share some more fun little details about angel culture, because there IS stuff beyond work for these guys lol
society is really easy to be sustained when there's no need for "hard labor", and when everyone is created with a sense of purpose. and the fact that they don't really need to eat or anything.
since there isn't much of a need for extra work outside of everyone's Assigned Jobs, when there is free time, it's mostly dedicated to the arts. there's actually a LOT of focus on art in angelic culture!
though, it's a lot less... genuine? than "human art". the idea of "perfection" is heavily exalted in angelic society, mainly because that's what god wishes for, and god is the One Real Authority in their society. a lot of angelic art tries to reflect this idea of perfect beauty that they've had drilled into their heads from the beginning of their existence.
of course, perfection is unachievable for the angels. so sad.
art that depicts any kind of "flaw" is entirely unheard of. angels are the ultimate perfectionists.
since none of the angels actually LOOK at god (the archangels and first spheres cover their eyes with their wings when they come in direct contact with them), a lot of art is actually of god. it's always sort of a contest to see how perfectly and beautiful they can depict god. it's a form of worship, really.
they do have a written language. but "novels" aren't really a thing. they aren't super big on fiction. what's the point of that?
instead, they use written language to keep historical accounts, archive events, and write PSALMS. so so many psalms. they really love to write music dedicated to praising their god.
"music" in quotes, because it's... not exactly comparable to human music. it's angel music, guys. cmon.
they also like writing poetry a lot.
because of the way they worship perfection in art/writing, things end up feeling a little bit... sterile? yeah.
obviously, since they are in space, they don't use any kind of timescale similar to days/hours/weeks/etc. there's a sort of "day" equivalent in which things are a lot... brighter? but that's really it.
angels don't age, either. they have no concept of age.
they do have another consistent method of keeping time, though, and it's based on how long it takes for angels (third rank of the third sphere) to be created. lower rank angels are really being produced at a constant rate, to make up for losses, so it's easy to divide time this way. the time it takes to make one angel = one angelic "day".
they don't really have any equivalent of years, instead naming longer periods of time (ages) after whatever archangel was created last. so, the age of gabriel, or the age of uriel.
when michael and lucifer were made At the same Time, the cherubim got into a lot of arguments over who to name the age after. it wasn't like there was any way to choose between the two.
so they just decided on both eventually. lol. they called it the age of lucifer and michael.
after lucifer well, a new Age started. so the age of lucifer and michael and the age of michael are two separate time periods.
michael is sooooooooooooo cocky about that, too. what a bitch.
anyways, like stated before, the idea of perfection is super important to angels. to them, god represents the ULTIMATE perfection.
and on that same note, talking bad about god, and going against god's will, is a very big NO!!!!!!. they REALLY do not do that.
.......okay!!!!!!!! whew!
that was a LOT, but if you read all the way through... mwah! thank you so much for listening to my thoughts!!!! i might make a separate post about lucifer's history/his relationships with the other angels/his fall later on. but for now.... here's just some basic stuff about angels and how they work!!! yeah!!!!!
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theashen-fox · 4 years
Because I can’t stop making AUs, here, have a Vampire! Ash.
Also, just a little caveat: this Ash doesn’t adhere to any particular vampire lore, but if you RP vampire characters with a pre-established/inflexible lore, I can shave off a few things to make things more balanced. Just tell me what.
Vampire! AU Ash (WIP)
Differences from Main!
-No fox ears, obviously. Also, red eyes.
-Is a “Nightborne”, or “pureblood” vampire, i.e., was born as one, though he despises the term “pureblood.”
-Used to belong to a powerful clan of vampires that was murdered by fellow vampires for trying to make peace with humanity.
Occupation: Kresnik (vampire who hunts vampires for a price)
-Shadow Control
-Disappearing into cloud of mist/smoke, i.e., teleportation
-Growing claws
-Enhanced Strength/Speed/Senses (though while he’s stronger than a human, he’s weaker than most vampires)
-Healing factor/Regeneration/Immortality
-Creating “fledglings” (apprentices) by “Kissing” them (biting deeply on the neck and injecting them with Vampiric venom)
-Skilled Swordsman/Marksman/Martial Artist/General Fighter
-Shapeshifting, though he needs to have drunk from this person/creature first.
-Telepathy (to a limited degree; he can speak to people in their minds, but not read them unless he drinks their blood).
-Hemokinesis (control/weaponization of his own blood)
-Gains knowledge/memories from people he drinks from. Because of this, he tries to limit himself to drinking from enemies or from people who agree/offer to give him some of their blood.
-While he can walk about in sunlight, what happens to him depends on how much blood—human or not—is in his system. If he has enough, he can walk freely, but he’s still just as vulnerable as any given human, if not more so, and possesses few of his powers, particularly regeneration. If he has little-to-no blood, the sun will burn him, and if he stays in it too long, he’ll die.
-His regenerative abilities do not allow him to regrow a lost limb. Instead, he has to either reattach it or “commandeer” limbs from other people, usually enemies. If forced to reattach a limb too often, it will eventually begin to rot, at which point he’ll need to “commandeer” one. The limb, however asymmetrical it may be at first, will “adapt” to his body as his blood flows through it. However, the person must have functioning limbs. A leg that was taken from a paraplegic, for example, will give out from beneath him and be utterly useless.
-Drinking from people with blood disorders has extremely negative but varying effects depending on the ailment, ranging from simple nausea, dizziness, etc. to straight-up necrosis.
-Holy objects/places have adverse effects on him, i.e., burns, prevention of entry, severe physical illness/pain, etc., so long as the faith behind them is sincere. Places like megachurches he can walk around in with no issue. //Didn’t mean to get all social commentary...ish there.
-Garlic, though it’s more of a nuisance than a true deterrent. His reactions to garlic are more akin to pollen allergies than aversion.
-He can be killed with a stab to the heart, though it has to go all the way in and stay there awhile. Stakes are ideal, as they can be hammered in, though anything sharp will do; it just needs to remain there for enough time for his blood to drain. Another method, of course, would be ripping his heart out and crushing it, though this can prove to be more difficult.
-Fire is especially effective. Anything incendiary will do, from napalm to a simple match. He can heal from burns if he drinks, of course, but if he's been burned for long enough, he will be weak enough to finish off.
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avallcnis · 6 years
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Novi is still a filthy enabler, but I mentioned this in passing like a month ago when I first made this blog so it was probably overdue. I’ve been meaning to write something up on Merlin and Cath Palug’s relationship, though this is also Merlin’s relationship to Beasts. The context of this headcanon is, probably, stretching what we canonly know about Merlin but.... my blog, my shitty headcanons. Sadly this is another long ass HC.
Most of this HC is based on part of Merlin’s Valentine’s day thing, which is as follows;
I’ll give just a little spoiler, he(Fou) and I are very much alike. I’ll also say, the details of our origins are similar.
That’s why our appearances are similar.
This probably makes it fairly obvious as to where I’m going with the concept as a whole. 
What Merlin says here is the only detail we are ever given on the visual similarities between he and Fou, but said details are exceptionally specific and don’t just say something benign like ‘he’s my familiar so took on my appearance’. It pointedly says their ‘origins’ are similar, and that they are ‘very much alike’. Merlin is, also, the only creature we see with Independent Manifestation outside of Beasts. This is a Beast exclusive skill, and his having ability is never explained.
For the sake of this I am going to be going with the concept that Cath Palug and Merlin are, technically, part of one whole. Primate Murder, if awakened/manifested in full, is both Merlin and Cath Palug. Both halves cease to exist as the whole is reunited, Primate Murder manifesting in true form. 
Cath Palug is the more ‘Bestial’ between them. He is a very open representation and makes up a majority of what Primate Murder would actually be. Cath Palug is more of what Beast V actually is; he is the nuances, the personality, the drive, the consciousness. Merlin is aspects of these things on a much lesser scale, though is more predominantly a manifestation of most (not all) Beast V’s abilities and the abstract concepts that create a soul. Merlin is the human concepts Primate Murder had seen, been shaped by, had come to judge, and had perhaps been influenced by as all things are.
Cath Palug is the one with the absolute right to kill humans, he just doesn’t individually have the capacity to do so unless Beast V manifests in full which is the case regardless.
Given how both Merlin and Cath Palug are I think that, in so far as this weird ol’ concept goes, I think it’s pretty clear Primate Murder saw there were different routes it must take with humanity (especially if we assume it had Clairvoyance, which I believe it would). By splitting itself it created the ultimate test for humanity, one which either ends in genocide or survival. Whether humanity ‘won’ or ‘failed’ was not the concern of Primate Murder, it was simply how things must be.
Cath Palug, once separated, manifested directly as the creature we see given he makes up a bigger majority of what Primate Murder is. Merlin, by contrast, is only minimal parts of the consciousness of Primate Murder, made up more from the abstract notions of such a creature. That soul instead became a child born from union of human and demon, growing into the man known as ‘Merlin’.
Merlin, with his Clairvoyance, has seen futures where Beast V attained its true form and in seeing that knows what he is. His understanding of himself was not an innate thing, simply something he saw in alternate futures where humanity became extinct.
I don’t RP fight outside of with close friends, so none of this means anything in terms of how strong he is; and I don’t think he’s any stronger than we see in canon, but keep in mind Merlin is capable of supporting Chaldea directly, restraining a Beast, and fighting/using his NP freely, all be it an altered version of his NP. All simultaneously. Merlin is already ridiculous in his own way, nothing needs adding to that in any capacity.
In terms of Merlin’s ‘true’ form, which is canonly unknown, I think this is a twofold question. The human-esc form he presents is, in a manner, a true form. It is how he looked as a child, it is how he grew up, and it is a large part of who he is. Merlin does, however, have a more animal-esc monstrous form. This is also his ‘true’ form, though given he’s a shapeshifter and can appear as anything he please I doubt this would ever really be used/noted. His default tends to be things like kirin, dragons, fantastical beasts in general, along with real creatures such as weasels and dogs etc. His white with pastel shine hair colour carries over into all forms, along with his slit violet eyes. No matter his form these traits are always present.
The contexts in which Merlin might use said alternative form are limited. If he was asked by a loved one he might, or if his back was put into a corner he had no way out of, but beside this he is content enough doing as he does.
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