tearwolfe · 6 months
opinions on transmasc kasa?
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wonderful. spectacular. amazing
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crplpunkklavier · 1 year
have u guys heard about music
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decaydanceredacted · 9 months
pete with a clit piercing. send ask -franksclitpiercing
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fagsarecool · 10 months
Who wanna talk about secondo being pregnant
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G-man moodboard for @gmanwhore
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souvlakiandcocaine · 1 year
I need a gf so bad I’m not!! fucking!!!! playing anymore
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daily-nightcat · 28 days
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watcher..s? #4 @nightly-nightcat
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there are of course many different appealing aspects to bladeweave but one that i feel is underexplored in the few works in this fandom is this: what happens when you put together two people who are not only givers, but who actively see taking as inherently bad, selfish, almost antithetic to romance?
both wyll and gale not only want to wow and woo their partner, but also refuse to ever have it be the other way around because they so desperately believe they have to make themselves useful in order to be attractive, after being used for their talents and abandoned when inconvenient for so long
you'd expect their romantic notions to make them compatible, but in reality neither of them is ready to accept the other's advances, and so they're at a standstill
what happens when wyll offers to massage gale's bad knee, and gale almost flies off the log he was sitting, assuring him that he's quite fine and it's in no way necessary? when gale tries to wax poetic about how wonderful wyll is and wyll deflects every compliment, you are too kind to me, don't waste your night on me, go and dance and enjoy yourself? when gale tries to woo wyll with his stars projection, but wyll wants to woo gale with his dance, and neither of them wants to let the other be the one to do the work?
i love you, let me be useful to you, let me stay with you. i love you, please don't waste your time on me, i promise im still useful, stay with me
and in the end, they both feel rejected in their advances. they can't meet the other halfway, because they love him too much to take. they're too scared of losing them, and so they never meet
what happens then?
how do you convince two chronically insecure romantics to be the one wowed every once in a while?
how do you tell a devil and a sinner that they're enough for the god's chosen and the hero they fell in love with?
how do you make it work when you're too similar, too enamored, too kind, and too romantic to make space for the other?
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IS THAt yOUr Ace? also does Ace play d&d?!?!?1?!?!?1/!?/!?!?/1 (oh.. he probably is) https://youtube.com/shorts/6FIINouMUaI?feature=share
sry for this outburst, but when i saw that man i was seeing flashbacks of your Ace, so i couldnt not write to you about it xd. love ya <3
Yeah no that’s exactly my ace, youre 100% correct.
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The resident dragon lover is not overly pleased by this development in their campaign
Thanks for the ask!
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wantbytaemin · 5 months
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im losing my MIND also i can’t figure out which one of you added these but like. just know you’ve changed me
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solphuruz · 1 year
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Hello again pafl nation
I love traumatized teens
Im. So fucking normal.
Iam also in the progress of writing a fic if this goes well i might post it.
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crplpunkklavier · 9 months
doctor said i had to sit on the couch and play guitar with horrible posture for a couple hours. to alleviate the ailments
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chocolatey-umbreon · 28 days
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i’m currently on episode 137 of The Magnus Archives. i’ve been listening to like 4 episodes a day for around a month because i’m obsessed. i wanted to draw fanart of it but i’m not great with depicting abstract concepts and this show definitely has much of that, so i decided to draw this um portrait of Elias. because i think he’s awesome and he’s the one of whom i have the clearest picture in my head when listening probably. also i have a crush on him.
so here he is 🥰 he looks a little younger than i intended but i tried my very best to portray what i had in my head. there’s a version with color below, i’m not completely sure i like it but there you have it ♡
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fagsarecool · 8 months
Having pregnant sex with my pregnant husband.
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dawns-beauty · 4 months
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Oh cool, my first one of these!
I'm blunt when people ask for stuff, because often if I'm not people will misinterpret my words, find a wiggle hole to keep asking, etc.
Also, if I come off as really rude/annoyed, it is because either a) replying to a comment that was answered in the FAQ, which the commenter didn't even have the courtesy to read or b) the person is asking me to do something I explicitly don't want to do (like make a mod for them.) I find both of these kinds of comments quite rude.
Do you have any idea how aggravating it is to get the same question over and over and over, for years, despite having an answer in big letters on the front page?
Can't you emphasize a little and imagine how disrespected you might feel when people demand an answer from you personally instead of just reading what you already wrote?
Literally look at my conversations where people aren't asking me to do free labor and tell me I'm not the picture of politeness.
Btw, saying anyone deserves harassment over something (especially a hobby) is pretty fucked up, man.
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wizardnuke · 2 months
thinking about the time i emailed tumblr support to ask if i could have a nulled url and they un-nulled it and then someone else (in the same fandom) (it was an episode title) took it in the literal like 20 min time frame between tumblr releasing it and me realizing and i asked that user if i could maybe please have the url, with receipts that i went through the effort of asking staff, and at the time i had kofi up and they sent me sixty real life human dollars. instead of the fucking url.
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