mar1-ka · 1 year
Трохи про «Утомлённое солнце» і чому воно насправді «Ostatnia niedziela»
Хвилину тупо дивлюся на інформацію, що для саундтреку «Атомік хард» використали мелодію «Утомлённого солнца» з дуже дивними відчуттями. Відкинувши все моє фе до гри і її творців, фінт логічний, бо в СРСР це танґо було дико популярне, а гра то саме про совок, але є нюанс. Навіть декілька. Малеееесньких таких. Мікроскопічних. Перший. Мелодія «Солнца» зовсім не російська (як несподівано, правда?)). І навіть не з теренів тодішнього СРСР. Вона польська. І має альтернативний (точніше оригінальний) і досить похмурий текст, де немає ніяких сонць, а є чоловік, що просить про останнє побачення дівчину, яка його кидає. Написали її у 1935 лірик Зенон Фрідвальд та композитор Єжи Петербурзький, обидва польські євреї, а виконання Мєчіслава Фоґа принесло композиції неймовірну популярність. Дуже скоро з'являються версії на їдиш (співав її ще один польський єврей Адам Астон) і та сама злегка підаранджована російська (знову ж таки, нічого кримінального, кавери і зараз не заборонені, тим паче Петербурзький з росіянами співпрацював). Зміст там, правда, зберегли лише назагал, а атмосферу і зовсім поміняли: композицію з явним самогубчим підтекстом цензура б не пропустила. Тільки от тут виникає другий нюанс: ходять чутки що автор росмовного тексту Йосиф Соломонович Израїлевич, він же Альвек, теж єврей за походженням, за цю саму пісню, як за занадто буржуазну, отримав неофіційний вовчий білет, що в купі з Другою світовою залишило його без роботи і продовольчих талонів. Подейкують що на фоні цього Альвек вчинив самогубство, хоча насправді біографічних даних про нього кіт наплакав (навіть дата смерті точно невідома), так що як воно там було, один бог і, можливо, архіви знають. Що, звісно, не заважає росіянам вважати «Солнце» своєю культурною спадщиною і гордо писати на платівках «Классика ретро-музыки». А от польські автори та виконавці «Останньої неділі» не лише пережили війну, а й дожили до старості. Петербурзький під час війни служив в військово-повітряних силах, гастролював територією Білорусі, жив у Львові, згодом переїхав на територію СРСР, де знову працював композитором, а після відновлення дипломатичних стосунків між СРСР і Польщею приєднався до армії Андерса (якщо коротко, це була набрана з польських полонених армія у складі СРСР, якщо довго — окрема цікава історія), з нею і потрапив на Близький Схід, а потім в евакуацію до Ірану. Помотався світом, пожив у Єгипті, Аргентині, Бразилії і Венесуелі та, зрештою, у 1968 повернувся до Варшави, де ще й сином встиг розжитися у сімдесят років. Фрідвальда, як працівника Міністерства Військових Справ Польщі в 1939 евакуювали зі Львова спершу до Румунії, а потім через Грецію і Туреччину до Палестини, звідки він перебрався до Ізраїлю, де й осів і був досить відомим у повоєнних колах. Астон, як і Петербурзький у складі армії Адамса виїхав за кордон, жив спочатку в ПАР, а потім в Лондоні. Фоґ на початку війни виконував пісні для поранених польських солдат у Варшаві, тоді переїхав до Львова, однак через місяць вернувся до столиці і почав співпрацю з підпільною Армією крайовою під псевдо Пташек. Співав по кабаре, через пісні амудрився нарватися на конфлікт з гестапо, перейшов на роботу офіціантом. Брав участь у Варшавському повстанні, давав виступи у шпитальках і на барикадах, допомагав друзям-євреям. В повоєнний час продовжив виступати, активно гастролював. Умудрився прожити дев'яносто років, з яких лише тридцять не був на сцені. Ось така хуйня, малята. А «Останню неділю» у виконанні того самого Фоґа я вам таки прикріплю. А то трохи образливо, що оригінал, на відміну від того самого «Солнца» в нас менше знають.
І ще одне, сучасне виконання з їдиш, яке мені дуже подобається.
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joacomaduro · 1 year
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USRR Abandoned warplane on the beach
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lady-nightmare · 2 years
Google translation:
Back to the past. Nine evidence that Russia has returned to the USSR
Under Vladimir Putin, Russia becomes an exact copy of the Soviet Union. What worked during the USSR is applicable in modern Russia. The war in Ukraine brought the country into the past even more clearly. Russia is retreating to the USSR. Striking similarities.Shops will be opened in Russia for diplomats where they will be able to pay in foreign currency. The USSR introduced exactly the same solution by establishing Bieriozka stores This is not the first time that the Russian authorities have brought back to life phenomena typical of the Soviet era The tradition of informing can be found in the history of Russia as early as the early Middle Ages, but it was in the USSR that it became commonplace. Contemporary Russians are bolder and bolder in reporting what the Kremlin is making use of In modern Russia, even more relics of the past return. They are returning to favor, among others pioneers, Moskvich cars and punishment for criticizing the authorities.
Bieriozka stores
What was in the USSR:
Free circulation of currency was prohibited in the USSR, therefore, in 1961, a chain of Bieriozka stores was established for foreigners and Soviet foreign workers, where goods could be bought for "check rubles", and these, at various times, cost from one and a half to two Soviet rubles.
What's coming back:
There will be duty-free shops in Moscow and St. Petersburg for diplomats, consuls, employees of international organizations and their families. You will only be able to get there with official documents and buy retail. These stores will offer alcohol, tobacco products, perfumes and cosmetics, sweets, jewelry, smartphones and watches.
The owners of the stores will be a legal entity that will be established by an institution belonging to the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and a company that will be selected as a result of an "open tender".
Punishing "currency speculators"
What was in the USSR:
The criminal law of the USSR contained penalties for currency transactions: for example, the Criminal Code of the Soviet Federative Socialist Republic (RSFSR) of the 1960 version threatened all currency transactions with penalties up to and including the death penalty (Article 88).
What's coming back:
In early April, it became known that the Federal Tax Service instructed territorial authorities to cooperate with the Ministry of the Interior in order to identify currency speculators. The agency noted that cases of illegal purchase and sale of foreign currencies have recently become widespread. Therefore, the Federal Tax Service believes that hand-to-hand sales of foreign currency should be tracked via social networks, via Telegram channels and online advertisements.
What was in the USSR:
The tradition of informing can be traced in the history of Russia from the early Middle Ages, but in the USSR this phenomenon became mass-reporting: the state encouraged citizens to report. "Reporting about irregularities" at work was particularly widespread: employees handed over their colleagues to the authorities, also for their own promotion. Another type of denunciation widespread at that time was a home denunciation, when the informer and his victim were linked not by work, but by personal relationships.
What's coming back:
After the war broke out, denunciations on the Russians began to appear because of their attitude towards the actions of the authorities and their anti-war attitude - both “domestic” and “professional” denunciations.A student recorded a teacher saying that "every war is bad". The denunciation went to the police. This is how propaganda works in a Russian school.
At the end of March, Gennady Bondarenko, a 53-year-old chemistry and biology teacher from the village of Malokurilskoye on the island of Shikotan in the Kuril region, received four reprimands for "discrediting" the Russian army on the basis of four denunciations from his colleagues. In mid-July it turned out that his own mother denounced her son in Moscow for avoiding military service "on important days for the country".
Officials are also encouraging denunciations: on August 4, Duma deputy Alexander Chinsztejn boasted that after his denunciation, the police detained a resident of Moscow, Jelizaveta Smirnova, who had torn off the stand by the church in the village of Busharino in Moscow army) and threw it in the trash.
Sentences for criticizing the Soviet regime
What was in the USSR:
"Anti-Soviet agitation and propaganda" was considered a crime for almost the entire period of the existence of the USSR. Pursuant to the provision of the Criminal Code The 1960 RSFSR for "slanderous slander slandering the Soviet state and social order" faced the perpetrator from six months to seven years in prison.
What's coming back:
In April, Vladimir Putin signed a punitive law for identifying the role of the USSR and Germany in World War II, and for denying the "decisive role of the Soviet people" in the victory over fascism. The violation of the law is punishable by a fine from 1 to 2 thousand. rubles or administrative arrest up to 15 days; legal persons - a fine from 10 thousand up to 50 thousand rubles, officials - a fine from 2 to 4 thousand. rubles. If the offense is repeated, the amount of the fine will increase.
At the end of July, a criminal case was launched against a resident of the Stavropol Territory for a negative assessment of the Red Army. The allegations were made on the basis of photos posted on his page on the VKontakte website. The man is threatened with a fine of up to 3 million rubles or imprisonment for up to three years according to the article "Rehabilitation of Nazism".
Art advice
What was in the USSR:
The art councils acted as the censorship body that decided whether a work could reach a mass audience. Apart from representatives of the professional community (including, for example, members of the Composers 'and Writers' Union), such councils included party and Komsomol officials as well as social activists.
What's coming back:
Work on the draft law on public councils on television, theater and cinema is underway in the Duma, said one of the authors of the document, MP Nikolai Burłaev. After the passing of the law introducing such councils, he said, it would be necessary to "designate people who would regulate the process of selecting films for distribution".
Teachers, doctors, law enforcement and clergy - those who "think about what the next generation will be" - are expected to be members of public councils on television, theater and cinema.
Lists of "banned artists"
What was in the USSR:
Rock music was considered a "manifestation of hostile Western culture", the dissemination of which the authorities fought. There is a well-known document "Preliminary list of foreign music bands whose repertoire includes ideologically harmful pieces" from 1985, which indicated undesirable Western bands and the reasons for their inclusion on the list: Sex Pistols (punk, violence), Iron Maiden (violence, religious obscurantism ), Judas Priest (anti-communism, racism) etc.
What's coming back:
After the outbreak of the war, it turned out that unofficial lists of performers appeared who would be banned from performing in Russia due to anti-war statements. They include rappers Noize MC, Oxxymiron, Face, vocalists of Zemfira, Monetoczka, Maniża, DDT groups, Maszina Wremieni, Akwarium and others.
Duma Deputy Jelena Drapieko expressed her support for the idea: - Today, under the conditions of a "special operation", the content of what is happening on the stage should also be assessed. These are probably some administrative measures to ensure that calls against our "special operation", against our soldiers, against our country are not heard from the stage.
Attack on Literature
What was in the USSR:
Books that were not censored could not be published. At the same time, there were cases of withdrawing and destroying original works. An example is Daniil Andreyev's novel "Night Wanderers" about the repression of the 1930s. The author was arrested in the article "Preparation of an Act of Terrorism" and in 1948 he was sent to prison in Vladimir for 25 years (released in 1957, rehabilitated). All the copies of the book and the manuscript found were burned.
What's coming back:
In mid-April, Dmitry Silin was sitting at a small table in the center of Ivanovo. The man arranged several books by George Orwell, "1984," which he distributed for free to the townspeople. Suddenly, a uniform appeared at his "stand". Silin was arrested and put on trial. He is to hear the accusation of "discrediting the Russian army". "Pure Orwell" - comments Makarova in his social media.
At the end of July, copies of the children's book "Wormwood" about the fate of the Volga Germans during World War II were withdrawn from libraries in the Sverdlovsk Oblast. The reason for the withdrawal was the conclusion of Ivan Popp, associate professor of the Ural State Pedagogical University that the text of the book "aims to distort historical facts, create various speculations and myths", has a "liberal European direction" in comparing Hitler and Stalin and lacks stories with a positive view on representatives of the Soviet elite.
What was in the USSR:
The organization was founded in the USSR in 1922. Nadieżda Krupska thought it as a children's organization - "scout in form and communist in content".
The state made extensive use of the Pioneers for propaganda among children: Pavlik Morozov was named the model Pioneer, who is said to have denounced his father. It is known that in the 1930s there were cases where pioneers became involved in the fight against "anti-Soviet elements."
What's coming back:
In mid-July, the president signed the law on the creation of the all-Russian movement of children and youth. Its authors promised that participation would be voluntary, with the potential number estimated at 18 million. The declared goals of "new Pioneers" are shaping "a world view based on traditional values, love of the homeland and diligence" Children participating in the official initiation ceremony of the youth organization "Young Pioneers", on Red Square in Moscow, May 22, 2022. Photo: NATALIA KOLESNIKOVA / AFP / AFP Children participating in the official initiation ceremony of the youth organization "Young Pioneers" on Red Square in Moscow on May 22, 2022.
In July, the name of the future organization became known as Bolsha Pieremiena. Vladimir Putin will be the head of the supervisory board of the movement. Detailed decisions on the new Russian movement for children and youth will be made in December 2022.
Moskvich car
What was in the USSR:
The factory that produced one of the most famous Soviet cars, Moskvich, was opened in 1930 to assemble American Ford cars and trucks. In 1933, however, the company became a subsidiary of GAZ - it began to assemble the GAZ-A and GAZ-AA cars.
What's coming back:
Since 1998, a joint venture of the Moscow government and Renault has been operating in part of the plant's territory and in the workshops. In 2022, the history of transforming the foreign plant into a place for building cars under the native Moskvich brand was repeated - the mayor of the capital, Sergei Sobyanin, announced its reactivation.
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bastards-utopia · 6 months
Kicking in with another character introduction
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This time they're Soviets that, in the project, take place by the end of war. Meet Mikhail and Yelena. Both fight in 135 red army division with their debut durning the fight of stelung a2
Михаил Соколов (Mikhail Sokolov) Born ? 1915, Ленинград (Leningrad). He was born and raised in a bourgeois family. His family was doing very well. Parents were faithful communists by conviction, politics took the lead in their home. They sent Mikhail to study politics, he was to be the pride of the family and take a high post in the party. As the war broke out, his dream of giving up forced studies and becoming an artist came true. He has been picking wood since he was a child and trying his hand at creating.
Елена (Yelena) Is one of the common village folk ( a pheasant) that's separated from the outside, knowing nothing about the current state of the world... Except the fact that durning the Barbarossa operation her village was taken over by German heer and suffered many losses. Including her family and farm. When she was 17 years old she decided to join the soviet army as a nurse. She's been training and got sent to the front at peak of 19 years old.
She's rather cheeky, brave and outgoing. Loves to tease, especially their leader, Mikhail. Their relationship is unique, like an intimate hatred. She also smokes a lot.
Mikhail sucks but that's ok
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Wow you really love when communist overthrow indigenous rulers and destroy the indigenous culture huh?
what even are you people even talking about
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cynderace · 2 months
I think my pc has has enough of my bs It just rebooted itself witnout me doing anything
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catboybashirs · 2 months
okay . this works . zettai kibou birthday save me
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iiced-ventii · 1 year
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i just think the matching pfps are cute
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starstriix · 4 months
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the-giug · 18 days
(Wanting to share this on Tumblr since I did on Instagram and I've seen many of this kind of content here)
Hetalia fans today were so disappointing oh my god.
Today I've seen on Tumblr and Instagram many fanarts of Germany and Italy togheter either kissing or overall beign cutsie togheter. Nothing wrong right? Well... if it wasn't for the fact that those fanarts were made today to celebrate the anniversary of the PACT OF STEEL.
Are you guys serious?
I thought this fandom was over mentioning WW2 events on fanarts and overall fandom content but apparently some if not most here still do.
"It's the GerIta friendship dayy!" no... it really isn't.
To make you guys understand how bad it is to mention war or overall controversial dates with fandom ship content or overall fanarts, it's like if I make an entire full colored fanart of Russia with his sisters and the Baltics all cutsie togheter, hugging and reading stories and then SLAMMING IN THE FANART the date of when the USRR was born.
Also don't try to use the excuse that it's for "historical Hetalia content" because I don't recall the two world leaders that signed this pact doing the "pinky pwomise uwu" or kissing eachother and cuddling.
Y'all need to get a grip. WW2 relationships between Italy and Germany were fetishized enough in this godforesaken fandom, it's time to seriously stop using the excuse that it's for historical purposes and be respectful to these kinds of things. People died and many nations got generational trauma for god's sake.
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dadadts · 1 month
17″ 5/100 5.5 TSI ET40 CB57.1. 1 USRR
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View On WordPress
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s0m30n30utth3r3 · 7 months
I was a formwr tikrok usrr, and im glad this site doesnt delete a post because the original person deleted their acc or something like rhat.
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iny2kp-vr · 1 year
Tomy hey fuckinmbg kinapped th usrr and wall firem... thly have bneen tekan.
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We know. We will need to gather up and go and find the User as well as Forzen and Bubby.
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siramory · 1 year
FU!!CK!!!! i had an amazing window thought earlier and i FORGOT IT. ugh . whatever. ive been heavily pondering his use of weed incanon though. i think he might not be a usrr of like actual weed because he has . a memory chip as a brain. but i think he would not pass up the chance to do an alternative. especially after the govt finds about abt him and he learns abt the hounds. after that its a rarity for him to plug himself into a computer for Obvious reasons. its a huge risk to him being caught and although he has his peace during the day PEOPLE ARE IN THEIR HOMES DURING THE DAY. bobots in most working positions that would belong to people in our time so its kindof a rarity for him to be able to actually Enter computers without being caught. since he just transfers his consciousness into the computer his actual Body is still there. very limp and lifeless AND VERY VISIBLE? you enter your house and theres some thing that looks very dead plugged into your computer. tell me u wouldn't say What the actual fuck. not to mention its not like he can see into the outside world when hes inside of the puter. his in his own little world. so him being inside a device of any sort leaves his Body very vulnerable
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organisationskoval · 1 year
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237) Конгрес Українських Націоналістів (KUN, Congress of Ukrainian Nationalists, Kongres Ukraińskich Nacjonalistów) - nacjonalistyczna i antykomunistyczna ukraińska partia polityczna. Kongres został utworzony 18 października 1992, a zarejestrowany 26 stycznia 1993 z inicjatywy Jarosławy Stećko, kierującej partią nieprzerwanie do swojej śmierci w 2003. Partia uważa się za spadkobierczynię Organizacji Ukraińskich Nacjonalistów. W Radzie Najwyższej od powstania do 2007 KUN był reprezentowany z reguły przez 2–4 deputowanych. W 1998 organizowana głównie przez Kongres, lista krajowa bloku „Narodowy Front” nie przekroczyła progu wyborczego. W 2002 i 2006 przedstawiciele ugrupowania startowali z listy Bloku Nasza Ukraina. W lipcu 2007 KUN przystąpił do nowej koalicji Nasza Ukraina-Ludowa Samoobrona. Ostatecznie jednak partia nie weszła w skład bloku, jako formalną przyczynę wskazując na plany utworzenia na bazie NU-NS jednolitej partii politycznej po wyborach. Nieoficjalnym powodem był jednak brak szans na umieszczenie nazwiska jej przewodniczącego (od 2003) Ołeksija Iwczenki na wspólnej liście wyborczej. Miejsce wśród pierwszych stu kandydatów bloku (z puli NUNS) uzyskał natomiast wiceprezes kongresu, poseł Jewhen Hirnyk, którego wkrótce wykluczono za to z partii. W rezultacie KUN nie wystartował w wyborach i nie był reprezentowany w parlamencie VI kadencji. W 2012 działacze KUN bezskutecznie startowali do Rady Najwyższej z ramienia Naszej Ukrainy. W 2014 partia wystawiła własną listę wyborczą, która uzyskała śladowe poparcie. Jeden z członków KUN, były poseł Andrij Łopuszanski, uzyskał mandat poselski jako kandydat niezależny. Program ustanowiony jest na założeniech nacjonalizmu ukraińskiego. Kongres za swoich ideologów ma Mykołę Michnowskiego i Dmytra Doncowa. Postuluje powołanie niezależnego, demokratycznego, jednolitego, praworządnego, europejskiego ukraińskiego państwa narodowego. Jako najwłaściwszy system KUN postuluje republikę prezydencką z władzą samorządów lokalnych. Kongres domaga się m.in. przyznania członkom Organizacji Ukraińskich Nacjonalistów i Ukraińskiej Powstańczej Armii jako uczestników działań wojennych, za współudział przez Federację Rosyjskiego odszkodowań funduszy dla represjonowanych i przymusowo deportowanych przez USRR, pełną ukrainizację procesu nauczania szkolnego, walkę z dominacją rosyjskojęzycznych publikacji księgi, pomoc przez Organizację Narodów Zjednoczonych wielkiego kraju w latach 1932–1933 za ludobójstwo.
Sława Stećko
Ołeksij Iwczenko
Stepan Braciuń.
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When people I meet in UK compare Polish language and culture to Russian it frustrates us Polish. It's a touchy note to hit. It's like comparing English to Irish. Or English to Scottish.
I guess it translates in a way that it hurts the most when your own family repeatedly fucks you over. When that happens people start to feel lost. I know growing up I have felt lost as to what it means to be Eastern European, what it means to be Slavic, what it means to be Polish.
I felt deep sense of betrayal. Because of the WW2 and it's legacy of our country in ruin. Because nobody fought for us at The Yalta Conference and so Poland was forced under farther exploitation by USRR. Forced into communism.
Although I was born in a truly free country, my childhood has been full of systematic adversities. Even my own country didn't care about me and my brother going hungry. Our own people up there in the government, our leaders, were corrupted enough to fuck us over. It felt like there was no system of values around, upon which I could build myself up.
When a person feels like this, it is easy to turn to some superficial belief system and blindly follow it to the point one loses the sight of one's integrity. I've seen it all around me. Most popular at the time and place were Catholic Church's values.
No matter what people's views are on Church the sad truth is that many parents in Poland warn their children about pedophile priests. Thanks to my mother having this sort of conversation with me few times at different age, I was able to assess and escape a close encounter when I was 14.
The same place offering people help in times of trouble had an extra package of a deeply scaring experience for some of us. It was also heavily sprinkled with shame around subject of sex, strongly defined gender roles and untouchable authority of people of Church. Our own people from our own communities literally fucked us over.
Even now, it is not safe for me, as a chubby qeer trans man to live in Poland. People will stare, make comments, throw things at you or simply beat you up for looking, talking and being different than what the Church says is right. My own people still make it unsafe for me to just exist.
Coming from a dysfunctional household I know all about bad blood in family. Being compared to a nation of Russia, the nation that still believes their other "family" nation Ukraine should have never existed, opens up a wound on each and every level.
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