#USS Official Harry Kim communication log
official-harry-kim · 7 years
what would harry kim's karaoke song be?
mr. brightside
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official-harry-kim · 7 years
Got any Harry Kim headcannons where he's just like crazy good at some random and oddly specific thing? I just thought of him bouncing coins into a shot glass in Sandrine's for some reason?? and it got me started on a tangent like "What is Harry Kim's Secret Power?!?" And that has now lead me to ask you this question.
So, you actually gave me two questions, one about weird Knacks and one about Secret Power, though Idk if you meant to. And hoo boy have i got Thoughts on this.
Harry Kim has a power so secret even he doesn't know it and it's a hard one to define. I will walk you through the component factors which create this great power he wields.
Fact the first: with the possible exception of Tuvok, every crewman from Janeway to Unnamed Crewmember #6 owes him a favor. It's just Harry Kim brand kindness, really. He sees distress and he helps. He covers shifts, shares replicator rations, helps you with a tricky problem, lets you vent about your day. If he started to call them in he could amass an army but he doesn't even actively keep track of favors he's owed. Which makes everyone that much more willing to go into further debt to him.
Fact the second: Harry is the baby brother, the surrogate son, the best friend, the sidekick. He's just so soft and sweet and everyone wants to protect him. Honestly pointing a weapon at Harry Kim is suicide. Who wouldn't shoot someone for threatening such a nice guy?
Fact the third: he's so trustworthy. You can confess your darkest secrets to him and not only believe he'll keep them all safe but also offer you forgiveness or acceptance for what you're most ashamed of. Baring your weakspots and vulnerabilities to him is almost second nature.
Fact the fourth: he's good with people. He reads their faces (like Seven) and knows their different little sighs (Tom) and picks up on their moods (B'Elanna) like few psi null species can. Even when you don't spill your soul to him (see fact 3) he Knows. 
Fact the fifth: he's More than what everyone sees. He is all these things, but people underestimate him because of them. Nice, reliable, trustworthy, clever Harry Kim who must be protected from the big bad world. But he's brilliant, more than a little devious, stubborn, tough, a good fighter, good at escaping - that heart of gold is paired with steel. And no matter how often he demonstrates this you Forget it because of facts 1-4 and aww isn't he so Soft.
> fact 5a: He can convince people to do things - please consult the entirety of Non Sequitur for proof.
So what you have is a man everyone underestimates, a man everyone owes favors to, a man who knows your secrets and weaknesses, a man who reads people like a book, who can convince people of things...
If I were not describing Harry Kim, wouldn't you be concerned by this level of power over people? Wouldn't you think oh, i hope he doesn't get any Machiavellian ideas? But it's Harry Kim! He's so soft and sweet and - 
And see fact 5 again. People underestimate him, which just makes him so much more well-equipped to do something without being caught out.
Aren't you glad Harry Kim is a good guy? I would be.
And that, friend, is Harry Kim's power. The power to be the perfect supervillain, should he want to. 
(And yet he chooses to stay Good, even when it means being the green ensign perpetually underappreciated and underestimated. And that, my dear followers, is a cherry on top of an incredible sundae of badassery.)
As for weird knacks for things like coin tossing: Harry slaughters everyone at rock-paper-scissors.
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official-harry-kim · 7 years
if malcolm = garak and harry = julian i think we have found harrys true boyfriend answer this ask to make jo mad
@talceles  ya boy’s a cradle robber
actually malcolm was suggested in the boyfriend search as a fellow self-sacrificing nerd with bad luck
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official-harry-kim · 7 years
unpopular opinion: tom isn't fucking good enough for harry, not even in a million years, and while i do think harry is gay i think he deserves better than a relationship with a man who loves guilting his partners and whining about how much he has to go through for them
Ahdjeududhfhdksjshsuehttvrueushfnfkvuvhsbdbfjfjd i will let you in on a secret, friend: i entirely agree with your assessment of tom being a subpar bf for harry, or my beloved b'elanna, or dearest kes, or chakotay, ot anyone else
and yet i have a Thing about this show wherein i extendthe benefit of the doubt. ie, i assume Bad Writing where characters are at their most egregious - even neelix is extended this courtesy. 
i allow them their flaws but the parts which make them irredeemably shitholes i take cum grane salis. see also: tuvok isn't pointlessly shitty to harry he's just being a bit harder on him to encourage him to live up to his potential; janeway doesnt take Chakotay for granted and instead is  trying to temper her enormous amount of trust in him with Too Much professionalism lest she allow their relationship to create unfairness; other assorted headcanons which allow me not to resent every character on this gods awful show
So there's a strong disconnect between harry "i thoughtyou said there were slave girls in this chapter" kim and Harry Kim, my fave. There's a disconnect between tuvok ordering a bajoran to remove their earring and Tuvok-whom-i-adore 
And there's a Massive disconnect between purely canon Tom Paris (whom i would physically fucking Fight) and the tom I'd allow anywhere near Harry or B'Elanna or Kes
I like the tom Paris who has an ego tempered only by self loathing - a tom paris who spent his childhood in his room alone, who got between an ensign and a sticky situation, who was willimg to go rushing off into the unknown a single day after he met harry kim to save his friend, tom paris who would worship tbe ground his beautiful wife walked on - a tom who had seeds of goodness that canon set aside for the sake of a character wjo all too often was a bizarre transplant from sitcoms where Men Hate Their Wives Ha Ha Ha Ha Marriage Sucks 
so anyway that's the official stance. (I support a Tom Paris who is way more Jake Peralta, ya feel?)
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official-harry-kim · 7 years
how did nobody pointed out the obvious: harry/julian/garak ?
garak, you can’t just Collect attractive, principled young enemy officers
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official-harry-kim · 7 years
Remember that time Harry died and then we were all NOOOOOO and then he was alive again and we were all YAAAAAYYYYYY
which fucking time
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official-harry-kim · 7 years
After the two separate voyagers episode, Tom refers to Harry as "the boy who lived" as a reference to classic literature. Harry thinks it's hilarious. Bonus round: Harry Kim, Boy who lived AU
i....... may have already started this au ;)
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official-harry-kim · 7 years
aka “janeway murders an omnipotent being for daring to Look at her son”
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official-harry-kim · 7 years
harry x malcolm reed, self sacrificing bastards with bad luck
i see this, accept it, and raise you: harry/travis mayweather
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official-harry-kim · 7 years
Oh ok let's talk about the time Harry ended up on earth. But only because some ass of an alien messed things up. Harry had to go to counseling after that. Oh wait no ships counselor. Good thing he has the holodeck!
[Screams in frustration]
I'm gonna kill zimmerman for leaving counseling out of the subroutines for the EMH. he's rhere for CATASTROPHES. Why wouldyou leave out mental health for Worst Case Scenario medical holograms. 
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official-harry-kim · 7 years
blocked, screencapped, sent to my lawyer
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official-harry-kim · 7 years
I'm so sad that I can't draw at all, because now I want a picture of Commander Harry Kim wearing the red uniform, sitting on the chair next Janeway's and looking magnificent.
oh man that is the Dream, harry kim in command red and Killing It. 
if i could draw, my feed would be all trill harry, harry/tom/b’elanna, and harry&nog command team all day every day.
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official-harry-kim · 7 years
Harry didn't have a role in The Killing Game until the episode came up with time to spare. So they wrote some scenes for him.
@ whoever decided the episode didn’t need harry kim in the first place: fight me
@ whoever decided to add harry kim saying “go to hell”: we cool
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official-harry-kim · 7 years
When I see the Harry/Tom duo I can't stop thinking. He was a lizard dude.
see? harry has that lizardfucking precedence. harry/garak is Real.
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official-harry-kim · 7 years
so i was reading about some management stuff and the interesting thing is that you can't even claim that harry kim would be harming the ship by promotion by making him do a job other than what he's good at, because he's already essentially performing the duties of a lieutenant commander???
jo…………. did you read HR jargon for the sole sake of making a Point about promoting harry kim
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official-harry-kim · 7 years
Harry/his career Think about it. If he wants the captaincy he desires most. He must be married to his career.
every bf harry acquires is a Side Piece to his committed relationship w/ his career
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