#UT Austin fake degree
bob425608 · 5 months
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【美国名校保录取】办UT-Austin毕业证,留信 大使馆认证Q/微892798920办德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校UT 毕业证书,UT-Austin硕士文凭,UT-Austin研究生文凭,Certificate.改UT-Austin成绩单GPA,学士学位证,硕士学位证,offer雅思考试申请学校University of Texas at Austin fake Diploma,Degree,Transcript
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elidokie · 1 year
i’m so scared that i’m faking being happy but at the same time i know i’m not because happiness is a choice (and also not a destination) and i choose it every day.
even though right now i have to urge to go, i know it’s all temporary. i keep imagining myself. when i die, all my stuff will go to Mar. even my 3DS, and even my copy of soul silver.
yikes. i hate feeling like this. i feel so icky and gross whenever i do. cmon eli! this isn’t you! you’re supposed to be happy and full of joy on the time! think of all the tender mercies! you fucked up bad yesterday, and God still let you get another chance! mom made breakfast! dad went out to buy us a drink at the new gas station they built down the road! and Mar is in the living room waiting for us to go outside and tell her about the new book we are reading!
cmon! think of how much you love being alive! because you do.
i have a hard time accepting the bad feelings as feelings of my own. my brain is so frustrating sometimes. it feels like it’s not mine.
i miss being little. i miss being 14. my parents were mean, and i didn’t have any friends, and i had the ugliest hair cut in the world — but i was 14 and i played my favorite video game for the first time, and all Mar n I had to worry about was our stupid Government class that we were taking for college credit.
Mom was really happy when we told her that we got accepted into the dual enrollment program, even though she didn’t understand that dual enrollment was for the students that were smart enough to be looked at as a waste. It’s a school in south Texas, with only 15% of the students actually going on to get a degree after graduation. Even if it was only for the numbers, it really did help out.
I didn’t think I was going to go to college. I get frustrated when people say that a Bachelors is the same as a HS Diploma. I didn’t decide I was going to college until my junior year. At most, I thought I was going to just finish off whatever I had left of classes at the community college I was already attending during high school. But then during the state exams, Mr Austin looked at Mr Sowell and went, “You are looking at the two brightest minds of the 21st century.” (referring to me and Mar), and even though it’s not true, because I’m just a 19 year old girl, it still gave me a sense of hope.
Mom never went to middle school (secondary school I guess) and has a 5th grade education. I do everything for her. We told her about World War 2. It’s crazy that she doesn’t know anything about it. Then we tried telling her about outer space, she doesn’t know much, but she knows about planets! we told her that there is a myriad of planets, and we told her what galaxies are, and how galaxies can collide, and how stars can die beneath their own weight.
i feel like that sometimes.
she says it’s too late for her, but i don’t think so. i’ve been trying to teach her english, but she doesn’t care to learn. she can order at the drive thru by herself and she can have a conversation with Bailey’s parents. that’s enough.
dad first told me he loved me during graduation. he hugged me too. i miss the feeling of dad being proud of me like that. i know moms always proud of me, but it’s in a different way.
i like seeing dads face light up. i hate the stigma that i have to take care of my parents once they get older, or that children of immigrants live for their parents, but it’s so true. dad always looked so happy after i performed.
when i passed my drivers test (after going to the DMV like 4 times) he hugged me and was like “i’m so proud of you!” and i think about that a lot. i told him how i was planning on going to UT (my literal dream school and i’m so glad to God that i even got accepted) for aerospace engineering. and he was so happy. then i ended up “following my dream” and going to liberal liberal arts school in Texas for fucking ENGLISH. and he still was so happy. i cried when they dropped me off at my dorm, and i still cry thinking about it.
andrew was so right when he said that moving away from your parents for college is some white people shit. i’m still grateful to the universe for the experience though.
when i came back home during the winter break, i think he could tell that my depression was coming back. maybe that’s why he was so supportive about me dropping out. i had 4 days left until i had to move back to Denton when i had decided to withdraw. fuck, i was so scared. i remember asking him over and over what he thought i should do, and he just went “whatever you want mija, it’s your life not mine” until i ended up actually withdrawing. i know that he knew i was scared.
the next day he took me to dallas to pick up my stuff. a 6 hour drive, 2 hours to pack, 6 hours back — and he didn’t complain. i was so miserable the whole spring, which sucks because it’s my favorite season.
we would take Mar to class 2x a week (Mar can’t drive, she’s too scared to, so dad would take her and i would tag along) and then sit in the Circle K parking lot for two hours until her Latin class was over (the drive to her uni was 45 minutes, so it made more sense to just wait there). He’d buy me an horchata and a hot dog, he was always like “these are good today!” and i would agree, i never told him that i don’t like hot dogs, but it’s okay because i think he was always trying to convince himself / trying to make me feel better about not being in school.
sometimes we would go to Taco Bell, or to Costco. it was always the same thing. me being miserable about having to be at a uni i don’t attend, and him trying to make me feel better without knowing how. i’m grateful though.
i told them i was going back to school in fall. they never asked me about it. that’s the only thing i’m jealous of white people for, that their parents know how to do all the college stuff. they wouldn’t check up on if i was caught up in the paperwork, or if i had talked to the school, or if i did my financial aid — they just assumed that i would do it on my own. and i did do it on my own, because i knew that they wouldn’t know how to help me.
i pushed myself.
after finally doing all the stuff for the school here, and finally setting up my classes and everything (thank god), i told dad how i was thinking of switching my major. i told him i was gonna switch to architecture. his only response was “that sounds like a reliable degree!”
i always switched up what i wanted because i want multiple things. but the one thing that i know for a fact i want, is to write. so he was still as happy when i told him that i was going to keep doing english, but i’m dropping the education courses. im switching to creative writing.
then we talked about grad school for a bit and i told him that i was planning on going to Utah or Minnesota near Juni. i think he’s more supportive of Utah, just because it’s closer to Cali. Mar is going to Cali for law, she takes all her law exam shits later this school year, and then is probably going to talk to grandma about moving in to the little studio in the back. grandma is obviously going to say yes.
dad also didn’t care that i stopped working. i mean, i know a part of did, but he never said anything. i like to think that i did a good job hiding how i was doing mentally, but every week dad would ask if i wanted to get a slushee from Sonic, which i know is his way of trying to make me feel better.
i stopped with the TEFL program i was doing. i know i’ll pick it up sometime later. right now i have to worry about getting an internship, grad school, applying for the study abroad program, and this upcoming semester. the fact that i’m graduating next winter feels like a sin. i just started college. maybe i should be more appreciative of the fact that i’m finishing early early.
also getting a job. but i have confidence that God has something better for me planned. i have enough money to pay for my car bill next month, and just barely enough for the one after that (i might have to ask dad to help a bit). the only reason i feel bad leaving the school in dallas, is because i was on a full scholarship. i think my parents paid like $1000 the whole semester and that was for the room i was staying in.
i don’t expect mom and dad to pay for this semester, especially since it was my choice to move back home. so i know i have to pay for it on my own. i’m okay with working 24/7 if it means they don’t have to worry about it. but, i know how dad is. he’d go into debt if it means i get to go to college.
Mar and i are on our own for grad school though, they made that VERY clear LMAO. i might check out that women’s only university that Ms. Burger told me about. she got her M.F.A there and said she loved it. she was a crazy woman, talking about how she lived in London, how she’s okay with being 57 and single because she has her dog, how she wrote her thesis on Little Women.
anyways, i feel like i’ve written enough. even though nobody reads this. it’s like i’m bothering my future self for whenever i do reread this. i talk a lot. i only really took notice of it because of how often i keep YAPPING to 26y/o. he said he doesn’t mind, but i’m scared that he does. because why would he want to hear some stupid 19 year old vent about stupid shit. either way i’m appreciative of it.
yesterday we played fortnite. he’s really good lmao. we won most of our games! it was really funny. the dynamic of our relationship is really funny. there’s like a 7 year (about to be 6!!) age gap between us which for the most part doesn’t really matter. but he’s experienced so many more things than me, and it’s very obvious at times. like when i talk about uni and my future, and then i realize that this mf already has his shit figured out. like, he’s GROWN. it’s really funny though. i made this grown man play fortnite with me. and it was fun!
ugh, i said i was gonna stop this text post but i always have to much to say. i miss juni. so so so very much. he’s literally my soul partner. i dream that im at his house sometimes. in the living room, i’m laying sideways on the couch and he’s laying on the recliner. his parents in the kitchen making dinner. his younger sister in her room playing roblox. i always feel at home when i’m there, as strange as it sounds. i’m eternally grateful that his family accepted me so easily. and that his mom loves me. it’s july there too.
i miss mn. i’m not going to be going there anytime soon, because juni is coming here in september. so i probably wont be there until december. which sucks because it means that i’m going to have to get a new job. since i’m taking 2 weeks to go to mexico, 1 for mn, and then 1 to go to georgia to visit Cav. so that’s like, the whole month! i’ll stress about it later.
none of these things are permanent so why stress? im just 19 (ugh i’m gonna keep saying this even after im 20.).
20 is so close and its scary. i feel like a baby. my dad still has to drive me around the city, and mom still eats dinner with me.
i think mom knows that my eating is getting worse again. she’s not very (i forgot the word but it has the same meaning as “slick with it”), as she’s always calls me during her lunch break to go “oh what did you eat for breakfast?”
that’s the only reason i have lunch with her sometimes. to ease her worries i guess. juni is more normal about it, he ask “did you eat?” like once every few days. i’m glad he’s like that but it also upsets me. i don’t think he understands my mental health issues, or my issues in general. he told me he didn’t care to learn about it because i’m a human and not an animal. which i understand. but also like, this is a part of me that isn’t going away.
i feel like we are at two different places sometimes. which is crazy because of how close we are, literal soul ties. i’ve known him all my life.
anyways. i think i’ll end this here. i’m sorry if there are any typos or inconsistencies in my writing here. i use this as a diary, i guess. i graduated with a 4.3 and got so many scholarships to write (because woo! there’s a lack of representation when it comes to latin authors getting published in the US! especially women!) so how jarring would it be for me to say that i never paid attention during english class. i don’t know what a preposition is, i don’t know how to properly structure sentences sometimes, but that’s okay!
i lied again. i did pay attention to english class. i just forgot almost everything i learned.
i’m getting hungry. i think i’m gonna get boba later. anyways. goodbye, i love you.
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hfdtgj · 1 year
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【回国咨询】办UT-Austin毕业证,教育部留服认证Q/微3042050007办德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校UT 毕业证书,UT-Austin硕士文凭,UT-Austin研究生文凭,Certificate.改UT-Austin成绩单GPA,学士学位证,硕士学位证,offer雅思考试申请学校University of Texas at Austin fake Diploma,Degree,Transcript
【回国咨询】办UT-Austin毕业证,教育部留服认证Q/微3042050007办德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校UT 毕业证书,UT-Austin硕士文凭,UT-Austin研究生文凭,Certificate.改UT-Austin成绩单GPA,学士学位证,硕士学位证,offer雅思考试申请学校University of Texas at Austin fake Diploma,Degree,Transcript
(详情请加一下文凭顾问Q/微:3042050007)欢迎咨询! 本公司属实体公司,专业办理海外各大学毕业证、成绩单,精仿雅思成绩单、托福,雅思代考,各大名校offer录取通知书、学生卡、病假条、申请学校,名校保录! 凭借多年的制作经验本公司制作《激光》《水印》《钢印》《烫金》《紫外线》凹凸版,uv版等防伪技术一流,高精仿度几乎跟学校100%相同!让您绝对满意。 ★★我們以質量求生存,.以服务求发展有雄厚的实力,专业的团队咨询顾问为您细心解答,可详谈,是真是假,眼见为实,让您真正放心,平凡人生,尽我所能助您一臂之力让我們携手圆您梦想! 原版制作《大学成绩单、学历证明、回国人员证明》【留信网认证,本科,硕士,海归,博士,排名,成绩单】代办国外(海外)英国、、韩国、美国、新西兰等各大学毕业证。#一整套留学文凭证件办理 #——包含毕业证|成绩单|学历认证|使馆认证|归国人员证明|教育部认证|留信网认证永远存档,教育部学历学位认证查询,办理国外文凭国外学历学位认证 #我们提供全套办理服务。 一整套留学文凭证件服务: 一:毕业证 #成绩单等全套材料,从防伪到印刷,水印底纹到钢印烫金, 二:真实使馆认证(留学人员回国证明),使馆存档 三:真实教育部认证,教育部存档,教育部留服网站永久可查 四:留信认证,留学生信息网站永久可查 实体公司专业为您服务,如有需要,请联系我: qq:3042050007 微信:3042050007 1、专业办理各国毕业证成绩单文凭学历学位认证(学校原版1:1真制作) 真实可查学历认证: 1、真实留信网认证(网上可查,永久存档,无风险,百分百成功入库); 2、购买英美真实学籍(不用正常就读,直接出学历); 3、英美一年硕士保毕业证项目(保录取,学校挂名,不用正常就读,保毕业) 4、WSE认证(出入境不符或未正常出国留学的同学想办理国外学历认证的话,必须要办理WSE认证才能进一步办理学历认证) 《认证材料》: 1:1完美还原海外各大学毕业材料上的工艺:水印,阴影底纹,钢印LOGO烫金烫银,LOGO烫金烫银复合重叠。文字图案浮雕,激光镭射,紫外荧光,温感,复印防伪。 学校材料上该有的,我们一样都不会少,保证最高程度还原 (详情请加一下文凭顾问Q/微:3042050007)欢迎咨询! 《材料办理流程》 1★收集客户办理信息; 2★客户付定金下单; 3★公司确认到账转制作点做电子图;电子图做好发给客户确认; 4★电子图确认好转成品部做成品; 5★成品做好拍照或者视频确认再付余款; 6★快递给客户(国内顺丰,国外DHL)毕业证成绩单 【毕业证、成绩单、学历、文凭、认证】办理服务联系【QQ微信3042050007】 办理(和学校版本一模一样的):文凭毕业证成绩单+《录取通知书&在读证明》,教育部学历认证,留学回国证明,录取通知书,Offer,在读证明。 教育部留学服务中心:实体公司,注册经营,行业标杆,精益求精! 专注英国、美国、加拿大、澳洲、欧洲地区,高精端提供以下服务: 一:毕业证、成绩单等全套材料,从防伪到印刷,水印底纹到钢印烫金, 二:真实外籍使馆认证(假留学人员回国证明),使馆存档 三:高仿教育部认证书 四:留信认证,留学生信息网站永久可查 能完美还原海外各大学 Bachelor Diploma degree, Master Diploma(本科/硕士毕业证书、成绩单)大学Offer录取通知书、雅思成绩单、托福成绩单、雅思托福代考、语言证书、学生卡、高仿留服认证书等毕业/入学/在读材料。1:1完美还原海外各大学毕业材料上的工艺:水印,阴影底纹,钢印LOGO烫金烫银,LOGO烫金烫银复合重叠。文字图案浮雕,激光镭射,紫外荧光,温感,复印防伪。
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samanthalendo · 4 years
Why I Almost Went To UT Austin; And Why I Didn’t
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(As a preface: I will be speaking mainly in vague details about my personal life and the college I ended up choosing. This is for my own privacy and comfort. In addition, I am not bashing the UT system or anyone who choose to go there; I have loved ones going there very soon, and I have a lot admiration for the school and all the opportunities it can afford someone. However, these are the reasons I will not be attending and some reasons any school might miss out on students they might have otherwise garnered. As well, all photos are mine unless otherwise stated. Enjoy!)
Let me set the scene.
Choosing a college is hard. It’s freakin hard. It’s even more difficult in the middle of a global pandemic. You can’t actually go anywhere, can’t take tours or go to fairs or get a feel for the city you want to call home. I struggled a lot with really connecting to any of the schools I was interested in. Lots of apathy towards the whole process. Despite all this, I had one school I had been interested in since the end of sophomore year, and I thought that was the only place I wanted to go. 
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The University of Texas at Austin appealed to me for a few different reasons. In no particular order:
It was close to family.
I have tons, and I mean tons of family in Texas. This would have put me significantly closer to them and meant I had a support system when going to college. Making sure I would have a nice warm dinner and bath to escape to on crappy days seems pretty nice during global pandemics! Notably, however, it was not close to my immediate family. 
It was in a big city. 
Looking back I can laugh at myself and the idea I had for my college experience. At the time I was much more focused on the social and Instagramable side of the school I chose. Any time my parents suggested a school, the first thing I did was look for photos of it. If it didn’t have the feel I was looking for (young, new, hip, growing) I seldom looked further. 
Austin was exactly what I was looking for. A city with a 32.4% growth rate in the last decade (1), it screamed new and exciting. I wanted to be apart of that vibe during college, especially when I thought my boyfriend and I would be going to the same place (we are still happily together and just going to different schools, btw). Anything less didn’t seem worth it or fun enough. 
It’s a high ranking journalism school. 
Rankings are subjective so it absolutely depends on where you look, but UT Austin consistently ranks within the top ten journalism schools in the nation, which is incredible. I’ve wanted to study journalism since about sophomore year and I was so excited that on top of the aforementioned attributes, this would be a reputable place to study and get a degree from. Truth be told, I didn’t do nearly any research into the actual programs, opportunities, or benefits UTA offered, #foreshadowing.
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UTA was the first school I applied to, and as such it established my expectations for how applying to a big name school would work. Let me just say it, the application process sucked. I ended up writing two full-length essays, only one of which I used and extensively edited, and at least five different short answer paragraphs. I believe I also had to submit a resume when I applied for the Journalism Honors program, though that was additional. It was intense, and quite honestly didn’t seem worth it. Up until this point I was pretty much riding the wave of, “Yeah, UT Austin, that’s a school people will respond positively to when they ask where I’m going.” As aforementioned, I hadn’t done any in-depth research into what programs UT had to offer me, but from what little looking I had done, nothing was jumping out at me. With nothing spectacular being shown to me on a silver platter, enticing me to #golonghorns, the arduous application process felt taxing and stressful. 
(A little side note on writing college essays: do not force yourself to write about something that doesn’t feel genuine to you. I don’t care if you think you have something that they’re bound to notice or admire; if you’re not passionate about it, you won’t get anywhere. As mentioned, I wrote two different essays when applying to UT. In my first essay, I wrote about leadership experiences in high school and how they shaped me. Important? Yes. Influential for me? Absolutely. But nothing I’m ready to rave about to anyone who walks through the door. That essay felt fake and artificial. I knew I didn’t like it or want it to represent me. So, I sat down and started writing about a situation that happened over the summer at my high school, one that really ground my gears. I couldn’t stop talking about how upset I was. I wrote all about the experience and how it made me want to be a better journalist and to always help to portray the truth. If anyone would like to know more about that story, let me know. The point is, I was passionate about the topic and it made it much easier to write believably. I didn’t just need this piece to represent me, I wanted it to represent me. I wanted the application readers to understand my frustration and feel all the emotions I felt in those moments. Pick something you feel that way about.)
I’m not going to BS and say that the application process will be fun if the school you’re applying to is the right one for you. All I’m saying is it should feel worth it, like all this hard work and effort is really going to culminate into your dream school. I definitely didn’t feel that with UTA, which was one of my first red flags. I felt very disconnected from the school, like I was just another fish in the pond of out of state applicants, hoping they’d like my bright colors over the next. 
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A little background: I am, for the purposes of Texas schools, an out-of-state applicant. I don’t have residency in TX and I didn’t go to a public high school in TX, and this contributes heavily to UTA admissions. I’ll link a great article going further in-depth on the admissions numbers and percentages, but due to the advantages granted to TX resident applicants, approximately only 9% of UTA students are out of state (2). That number is so low because TX students in the top 6% of their graduating class, no matter their test scores, are automatically accepted. This means that on top of great grades, out-of-state applicants for UTA have ACT scores that are between 3-5 points higher and SAT scores that are about 150 points higher than their average TX counterpart. 
If you aren’t stressed out just reading that, teach me your ways because I was sure was.
This was sort of where the perceived animosity started between myself and UTA. I constantly checked my email and mailbox, hoping to get a letter or promotional email or something to indicate they were interested in me as a student. Seldom did they ever come. I got hundreds of emails from other schools and received nearly as much snail mail, but hardly ever from UT, even after I asked to receive their newsletters and an informational packet (which never came, BTW). 
I quickly came to realize that all of this was likely due to the fact that I was so far away, out of the UT sphere of control or influence. Most of the emails I received were from schools in my neighboring states or in my state, closer with a higher likelihood of recruiting me. A school in TX, where I did not study or hold residency, would not seek me out.
Here’s my issue. They didn’t have to seek me out. That’s fine, whatever, makes sense. But I sought them out. I signed up for everything. I filled out their long application, sent it in early. I tried to tour the school in the throws of COVID, having to settle for a self-paced walk about an empty campus to satisfy my need to know more about this school, to learn more about what it could offer me. None of my efforts proved fruitful, and it didn’t feel like the school really wanted me there. I wondered whether this was really where I wanted to be. 
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By mid-November, while I wouldn’t have called myself discouraged, I would definitely have identified with the word antsy. When I sent in my application in September, they notified me that I would get my answer sometime in January or February. I can’t even explain how far away that felt. Especially being out of state, I wanted to know their decision as quickly as possible. The wait felt like an eternity.
My dad has always stressed the importance of not putting all your eggs in one basket. While I had shot my shot with UT and was waiting for the scoreboard to change, he was still exploring other options I had in the world of journalism schools. Without me knowing or really agreeing, he scheduled a tour with a school about two hours away from where we lived. It would be on a Saturday, just the two of us, and we’d make a day trip out of it. Honestly, I was more excited for the trip than the school itself. It had always been one I had turned my nose up at; to be fair, I did that with almost any school that wasn’t UT. 
We were about five minutes late to the opening presentation at the school. Quickly shuffling into the only seats we saw, some in the very front row of the socially distanced conference hall, we settled in for a lot of new information  coming our way. Though he had planned it, my dad didn’t know that much about the school either. We were both skeptical, a bit frazzled, and tired from having woken up around five o’clock that morning.
But with every slide, every question, every time the presenter opened her mouth, we were drawn further in.
It wasn’t just the feel of the school, or the location, or the looks. The facts didn’t lie. I won’t share too many so as to keep at least some privacy, but to say this school was my diamond in the rough wouldn’t be too much of an overstatement. Despite that, throughout the day and our two guided tours, I had a nagging feeling in the back of my mind, keeping me from getting too excited about this new school. I couldn’t help but think about UT and all of the emotional commitment I had already made to it. How excited my family was that I was hoping to go there, how happy my grandmother was that I would be closer to her. I thought of the teachers I had complained to about the long essays, the people who had edited those essays for me. I thought about the burnt orange hoodie sitting in my closet, towards the front due to how often I wore it. 
The new school won over both my heart and my head. While I really felt at home there, I also would have to have been dead to overlook all of the opportunities it could afford me. I was close to my immediate family and the town I had gone to high school in. I could come home often, visit family and friends more frequently than if I moved states away. Everything seemed right.
In between our tours, due to the nagging I was feeling, I tried to schedule a tour with UTA, to at least give it a fighting chance. I figured, had I not had an in-person tour of this new school, I wouldn’t have given it a second thought. Maybe a real tour would make me fall in love with UT again. However, when I tried to schedule one, all of the tours for the rest of the semester were completely booked, and the calendar wasn’t yet available for the spring semester. I immediately called to find out more, only to be told that they weren’t sure the state of in-person tours upon return to campus after holidays due to COVID. Looking back, I know it was a sign. UT had, for all intents and purposes, closed its doors on me. It was time I accepted the willing arms of the school I gazed upon with wonder, truly in limbo as to what might happen next. 
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By the end of December, I was admitted and had committed to the new school. I wouldn’t find out about UT for another month, but honestly, I didn’t really need to. This new school had everything I could ever want, and UT had a fair amount of drawbacks. I didn’t and still don’t feel any remorse for committing without having known UT’s decision on me. 
I received an email January 29th, over a month after having committed to the new school, that I needed to check my UT MyStatus page. I never really worried about getting in due to my test scores and grades, but I felt a level of anger towards the school that I thought I had gotten over, and finding out I had gotten in after all would bring up new emotions. I checked the page, and sure enough I had been admitted to the University of Texas at Austin’s class of 2025. I wasn’t elated or jumping up and down with joy or breaking down happy crying in my parent’s arms. I was pretty stoic, thinking about all that could have been had I felt any more like UT really wanted me. 
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All things happen for a reason. Because I didn’t feel much reciprocation in my love for UT, I instead found the school of my dreams, one that I know I’ll be much happier at. I wouldn’t change any of my decisions, except maybe stressing over the essays as much as I did. 
My final thoughts would have to be this: I don’t blame the UT system for not focusing as much on its out-of-state applicants. I mean, I do, but I understand that it’s often simply not in their best interest. I do think that they should have reached out, sent more newsletters, have actually sent me the information packet I requested, anything to make me feel more connected with this place I was dying to call home. While I know they aren’t very focused on bringing in students from other states, I think they should be, especially for those that are going the extra mile to reach out to them. 
The right school will have a lot of different things for every different person. For me, that meant being close to my immediate family, knowing I would have all of the opportunities I wanted, being financially secure, and feeling like the school wanted me, not just the other way around. UT didn’t provide me all of that. Finding the school that will is the most important thing. Your needs and wants may be different, but don’t toss all of your eggs in one basket. Don’t be afraid to change your mind and always keep looking for something better. For all you know, it may be out there.
(Thank you so much for reading! Links are below. This is just meant to be an opinion piece and is the first thing I’ve written for myself in a very long time. I hope you learned something and that this may be helpful on your college journey! Au revoir!)
1. https://www.austinchamber.com/economic-development/austin-profile/population/overview
2. https://magoosh.com/hs/college-admissions/ut-austin-admissions-the-sat-act-scores-and-gpa-you-need-to-get-in/ 
3. https://news.utexas.edu/2020/09/22/four-year-graduation-rate-tops-70-as-ut-austin-admits-one-of-its-largest-first-year-classes/ 
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Sometimes at the homes that had like mountain ledgy or rigid environments when going to UT Austin...
And this is a funny natural...
I'd you walk close to a ledge... like hike stepping it. But you realize you're doing it at a party in sandals so you leave anyways.
"I just had a mental health"
"That was weird"
"I must be drunk"
And so you realize you're doing it at the rigid lamscape houses... so you leave. And you just go get in your bed with a DVD to whatever channel stream you can find on the pop corn stream of old shows for free pirated. If they haven't gotten the pop corn and coke streams yet. Some of these have misleadingly action descriptions. Then they send you into nap central anyways.
Or that shits a scam. So now you're studying... college can get funny. Mkay yall.
Without the topics or the thommy lurks to try to text exit JJ one more time with new phrasing. When she verbal nos three times before verbal no verbal no to moving type no all before text to "you are worthless and youll mever have worth" response shown to tables of people. What the fuck. I would also allow a thommy lurk only if thommy is your personal lurker and you haven't had to no thommy that hard to even leave. AND SO TO ALL THE MOMS WHO SAID BUT I WAS CHEATING WITH THOMMY... while you were lurking. Thommy helped plan the no to break up texts when verbal didnt work files to therapy. And all while yall were doing rhat creepy mommy lurk on the wrong guy.
Caught the white people on incorrect lurking on THAT AMOUNT OF NO SAYING. Giving him sober rides and dropping him off places them picking up others to STAY WITH THE OTHERS picked up after the drop off type shit.
This is early set up. Take a bus... call 3-4-8-RIDE. Because the second sober ride to stay inside CELIBATELY EVEN WOW didn't piss me off. But EMPATHY. There are times when empathy America has been thinking "wasn't ride two empathy... but empathy "
False use of empathy for what empathy is worth... for what empathy is defines as as denoted in the years of no texts to break up texts before he ever did. If I'm having to lurk team with thommy for texts phrasal for no responses and new break up phrases to let no be allowed. You ever been like "hey beastie wanna see if we can form a brean will be allowed to be had text together after this verbal chain hasn't worked and my reporting to system people in our former area isn't producing break up response..." and had that chain of events called lurking but you still don't complain because what the fuck is the drama anyways? After how many years of verbal break ups to verbal break uptls to moving... to planning time in front of the person with not them. To just giving them self bought things among the verbal nos... before ever summoning thommy for text help.
And then you get to empathy reading after and thats not even empathy modern defined.
And the rumor throwing only exposes ya on a false lurk to even white people from the Mansfield Texas rumor clouters as YALL CALLED YOURSELVES. From what it truly was and what I would SCREAM REPORT to fake mommy... but yall got one job that's not really a job in 'rumor clouting' and yall almost covered JJ doing what he was doing up... except for the neighbors who heard the screaming. The public nuisances I made of myself yelling at him about how I would not change my views about the other side creepy stuff I felt he was doing to the degree that I personally did not want to. That is also embarrassing for me yelling and making a nuisance of myself in the public among this person. If the goal is less arguing and yelling is the celibacy time with thommy to construct break up texts that will result in alone leaving. After all the no things that ended in situations where I was thinking I would call thommy... for that level of starter review for the times.
And so is it lurking or do yall want to NOT be able to tell? Not have justice processes?
And then where do these things get base proportionally blown to on the blame on thommy and I when I was verbal saying no and using celibacy time to form "texts that might be long left alone at no."
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bdbgd · 4 years
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zipgrowth · 7 years
In the Era of Microcredentials, Institutions Look to Blockchain to Verify Learning
Philipp Schmidt began thinking about the potential for blockchain in higher education long before the technology became a buzzword.
Schmidt, who is the director of learning innovation at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s Media Lab, began issuing non-academic credentials for his team around 2013. He was curious about ways to secure those records, and by 2016 the Media Lab partnered with Learning Machine to test their ideas with blockchain, an open ledger that permanently records transactions on a distributed digital database. Their work got the attention of the registrar at MIT, which recently announced a pilot program that will issue digital diplomas through the blockchain.
Instead of thinking of [credentials] as a fixed, static thing, it’s thinking of them as pieces of software that are more dynamic and you can build on a number of them.
Philipp Schmidt
But researchers say static diplomas are just the start for blockchain’s potential in higher education, and many are looking at how issuing skills-based certificates—what some have dubbed “microcredetials”—could change the way students prove their learning.
Issuing credentials on blockchain “enables us to rethink how we manage the pieces of our academic achievements that we accrue over a lifetime,” Schmidt tells EdSurge.
Originally designed for the digital currency Bitcoin, blockchain is essentially a public list of records, also known as blocks, that are joined together through cryptography. Each record—let’s say, a microcredential—is a time-stamped transaction between the student and institution. Once a record of the credential lives on the blockchain, it can not be altered (e.g. hacked or replicated) by other users without disrupting the entire blockchain system. In theory, that makes the record virtually impossible to remove or disrupt.
To offer digital diplomas via blockchain, MIT partnered with Learning Machine to develop an open-source app for students called Blockcerts Wallet. On the app, students receive a digital version of their degree certificate which they can directly share access to with potential employers, rather than contacting their college and requesting transcripts be sent on their behalf.
Mary Callahan, a senior associate dean at MIT, says in addition to cutting down the time it takes to contact a college to have transcripts sent, using blockchain could also prevent fake diplomas from passing as the real thing.
Schmidt says other researchers at the Media Lab are looking beyond just replicating how diplomas work in the paper world, and considering credentials more as applications. “Instead of thinking of [credentials] as a fixed, static thing, it’s thinking of them as pieces of software that are more dynamic and you can build on a number of them,” he says.
Over at the University of Texas at Austin, Phil Long, says his team is researching something similar. “The majority of students who attend more than one school,” says Long, who is the chief innovation officer at UT Austin’s innovation initiative, Project 2021. “If your work life is 40 to 60 years, you will need upskilling and training, and that can be scattered in location and time.”
What matters in the badge isn't the image, it’s the metadata packed in.
Phil Long
The blockchain endeavor at UT Austin, called ChainScript, builds off open-source software that MIT developed. Long says his team is researching a way to collect all of a given learner’s academic and professional certifications across multiple institutions. That could include college credits, competencies, microcredentials and other degrees.
It’s “cutting out the middleman” (e.g. the registrar), says Long. However the college would still be in the loop, as the only institution that can create and distribute a digital key so a student can access and share the “official” credential.
Microcredentials and badges have grown in popularity among both universities and other education providers, like Coursea, edX and other providers of MOOCs—and even coding bootcamps. And Long is curious about how blockchain might be used as a way for a learner to curate all of those experiences so they are unique and can be verified.
Chris Jagers, CEO at Learning Machine, argues that the idea is not far-fetched: “Many schools are interested in issuing various types records in a digital format—like badges. Then, the desire is to have these micro-accomplishments add up to a high-level certificate, like a diploma. That is something we can do, along with the additional ability to register these records on a blockchain.”
But the UT professor also envisions a future where those blockchain-based microcredentials can embed a student’s portfolio of work—letting employers see what they actually worked on to get their certificate.
“What matters in the badge isn't the image, it’s the metadata packed in,” he says. “There is an opportunity to say ‘here is the rubric of how I accomplished this badge.’”
Colleges usually charge a fee for transcript requests from students, and issuing credentials on the blockchain could potentially remove that source of revenue. There are ways around that, though. For example, the credentialing system could be designed so that an institution charges a student any time they share their key with an employer. But Long feels that doing so would "defeat the independent notion of the blockchain."
Not all blockchain enthusiasts or experts are sold on how useful blockchain-technology may be in higher education, however.
Are people worrying about people issuing multiple diplomas for the same person?
Joseph Bonneau
Joseph Bonneau, a postdoctoral researcher at the Applied Crypto Group at Stanford University, says the blockchain is very good at making sure someone doesn't issue the same transaction twice (e.g. I told you that I gave Carlos $10, but I also told Joe that I gave him the same $10.)
“Are people worrying about people issuing multiple diplomas for the same person? Maybe,” says Bonneau. “I don’t think [credentialing] is very useful application,” of blockchain-technology.
He says a digital signature, a technology that has been around since the 1970s and aims to certify that a document comes from a specific person or organization, could just as easily prevent fraud.
But Schmidt says there are reasons that digital signatures alone may not take off as easily as blockchain verification. “People have tried to use digital signatures for email, and still none of us use encrypted email.” That’s not because the tech doesn’t exist, he says, but because the process for verifying the key requires a complicated set of steps. “No one has managed a consumer-friendly version of that,” he says.
Jagers, Learning Machine’s CEO, also adds that previous methods of verification usually requiring checking with the entity that issued the credential, and that “central authorities can be slow, expensive, corrupt, and/or a single point of failure.”
What Bonneau and Schmit both agree on is that it may be too soon to tell whether or not blockchain will be the success its advocates hope it might. Schmit hopes more colleges will try their own experiments and approaches.
In the Era of Microcredentials, Institutions Look to Blockchain to Verify Learning published first on http://ift.tt/2x05DG9
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