#US fake degree
anomalymon · 3 months
My take on the systempunk thing is it really feels like this
Fakeclaimers: You need medical proof to prove your existence to me! Endogenics: The field of psychology is ableist towards systems which means a lot of it is under-researched, and an experience shouldn't require medical proof to be valid. Fakeclaimers: Psychology is everything, this is an institution we support. Endogenics: *Start to get a lot more medical backing and studies coming out during the 20s* Fakeclaimers: Actually the field of psychology is ableist towards systems, we don't support that institution, #systempunk
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lulu2992 · 8 months
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musical-attorney · 9 months
Quick little characterization reminder: Kristoph Gavin is a prissy little princess who thinks he deserves the world. Him, Heather Chandler, and Regina George are all one in the same. This man wakes up in his mansion (one out of his many properties), birds chirping, sunlight streaming through the windows, and thinks: "Hm, who's life should I ruin today?😋" (He can also levitate shit when he's angry ex: Olga's food and belongings and his own hair)
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Sarah, I think my villain origin story (/lh) will be swifties insisting that the relationship with Travis Kelce is PR because of all of the commercials he’s “suddenly” appearing in. He’s always been in a ton of commercials, especially during football season! You guys just never noticed because he was never on your radar (I say this affectionately). I think Taylor is so insanely famous that it messes with everyone’s perception of how famous the people around her are on their own merit, but Travis has been one of the most popular players in the league for a while now! He’s one of the best tight ends to ever play! Just because he’s new to you doesn’t mean that he was a nobody before he mentioned Taylor on his podcast
Truly. Their levels of fame are not comparable (and Taylor is in her own stratosphere of basically everything at this point in time) but there's tons of space on the fame scale between "nobody civilian" and Taylor Swift.
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“Bla bla bla bla xyz is only done by MENTALLY ILL people and therefore INVALID” well maybe if you fucking saw us as people-
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nerice · 11 months
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(day 3) shibuya / harajuku
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flebus · 11 months
anyone else struggling to feel like there is literally any purpose to their daily lives amidst their tax dollars being used to fund genocide. because boy i tell you. it's difficult to care.
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vullcanica · 1 year
happy sunday from my roster
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binch-i-might-be · 2 years
no one:
me: maybe if I came out as genderqueer/something under the trans umbrella to my family they would stop bringing up how they thought adding the option of "diverse" (non-binary) to applications and forms to be inclusive went "too far" and maybe my step sister's annoying ass military fiancé would shut his fucking face in general and stop making transphobic comments and I could finally experience peace and tranquillity during family dinners
me: no that's ridiculous
also me: ......unless? 🤔
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dragonofthestone · 11 months
... Man if Tim should ever discover what a Chimera is or just starting to actually delve more into his origins lad is gonna have a crisis,
That said a part of me would kind of love to see someone use the fact of him being- lab made to their advantage and as a way to idk manipulate him.
That as he tries to grow and become his own, there's still that lingering side with strings to tug at of being just a 'tool' 'artificial' 'a puppet' 'not real' ect..
Levi would 100% use that to try and take advantage of Tim, point out how he's the only one who could ever understand him. Human's can't be trusted, after all it was people who hurt them.
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maeamian · 2 years
Okay, I finally watched Gravity and I gotta say it was very good but also it feels like it was custom made in a lab to make me insane because they got so many spaceflight details and procedures and physics right but then also just handwave away literally thirty degrees of orbital inclination change, somehow putting the ISS the Hubble telescope and the Taingong-1 space station on comparable orbits and while I understand why (it is a fictional movie and they wanted to show of their cool space models) but also the fact that the ISS and Hubble are on significantly different orbits that can't be reached by a shuttle was a major plot point in real life when planning for Hubble servicing missions in the post-Columbia shuttle days and it's very hard to ignore that knowledge when they show them within a light spacewalk from each other.
What's worse is that I went to wikipedia to see if this had been addressed and found that this put me in the company of Neil deGrasse Tyson (boo), Scott Parazynski (sure) and Phil Plait (yay) whose complaints had been subsequently dismissed as "Absurd complaints that only an astrophysicist would find" and like, first of all fair got me dead to rights on that one, but second of all if they're making a film about space that they're priding on their accuracy I think astrophysicists are among the groups of people most allowed to make technical complaints, they're among the people who know the most about space, after all.
Anyhow, like the three mentioned above I also enjoyed it but I did go slightly insane because they let Sandra Bullock's character be an astronaut with 6 months worth of training and that shit wouldn't fly in the post-Challenger days let alone the post-Columbia days.
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anxiousturtel · 2 years
The clock symbolism in Goncharov (1973) is soooo good
I really loved how the grandfather clock in Goncharov and Katya’s house stopped working when their relationship started falling apart, and how they didnt notice for so long (just like how they kept up the act of their marriage for so long after they stopped loving one another)
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lollybliz · 2 years
🚀🧪💌 - For the fic ask (was gonna send these last night and passed out instead a;ldkj;flkf)
Hfjdjdjxhjss s l e e p
🚀- Do you like to outline your fic first or create as you go?
Little bit of both! The first wall of text just happened in my phone notepad while I was 100% supposed to be putting books away, but when I got back to my pc I put together an outline cus frankly the last fic I got any distance into fell apart cus I wrote myself into a corner and I don't want that to happen again. That being said, the oneshot was a 3 hour manic episode that just sorta poofed into my head fully formed, so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ bit of both! I think I prefer an outline though, for the sake of my sanity lol
🧪- do you research for your fics?
Er. Yes and no. Did I spend an ungodly amount of time pouring through literal actual medical journals that I have access to as a librarian to make sure I knew what the fuck i was talking about? Yes. Did i throw that information out the window later because it was inconvenient and fuck it they're both deities anyway? Also yes fjdjdksk i've gone over entirely too much in game stuff to make sure I'm not making up toooo too much, but I also have a tendency to throw accuracy into the wind for the sake of either simplicity or 'this is a bit handwavey but Vibes Harder'
💌- is there a favorite trope you like to write?
I was gonna say this is a hard one to answer because I just haven't written that much But-
There's a very Whumpy lean to everything I've written, finished or unfinished, and it frequently takes a sort of long term inevitability bend at some point. In the One fic I've posted (and abandoned since) Bakugo was going to recover, eventually, but he was going to have to figure out either how to be a hero without his eyes or ears, or find another purpose to strive towards. There's a pile of AAA in my notes about Fi, and how the master sword slowly rotting away over tens of thousands of years must have felt, when she hadn't been able to speak since the very first hero, when she'd been imprisoned inside this rusting breaking frigid metal. The oneshot is essentially a trauma flashback, the whole thing; and the big one is a fistful of excuses and headcanons for why the statues work the way they do, why the traveler can increase their stamina by making offerings to them, what effects having a massive part of yourself sealed away might have, where the energy to wield elements even comes from etc all balled up into a very specific kind of whump and my utter bullshit nonsense shenanigans to heal said specific whump fjdjdkdkk it's a whole mess
Tldr I like to hurt the characters I love, apparently :kermit scream:
Thank you for asking!! This is fun, i have more to say than I thought I would fjfjdk
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onedirecton · 2 years
going to the bar tomorrow and I’m already anxious kdishdksndosojd
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dappy-dappernette · 1 year
Seeing the person who lied about me reblog trans rights and anti-racism posts while running around claiming they're such a great white cis ally is soooo fucking funny. It's so performative to a near comical degree that it almost feels like a parody.
Yes. You're such a great ally to brown trans-people. So great in fact that you decide to lie about them being a violent pr*dator, lies that have gotten innocent brown and trans people killed before, to make yourself look better. Bravo. You deserve a fucking medal.
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itstimeforstarwars · 2 years
I should go back to college and get a degree in Spanish translation. I did half a degree in French so I have all this practice at actually translating stuff, but I think Spanish would be more useful in my area.
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