lynnfb · 4 years
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Working on some stuff, and evidently I am a sucker for Dadster being a good father. HNG, too cute, might die from adorableness.
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lynnfb · 4 years
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A wild Riverperson appeared!
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lynnfb · 4 years
Well, this is very much a WIP buuuuut,
I thought some of you might be curious as to what the world of UTFA looks like... so here is a sneak peak at that.
Here is a little color code to see what different things are:
Blue: Water Sources
Light Green: Mountainous areas
Dark Green: Forest/Wilderness
Black Dotted Lines: VERY basic roads (Will be altered)
Orange: Areas of Inhabitance in some form. (Like the city)
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lynnfb · 4 years
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Oh, boy I am on a role right now! If you wanted to know what the Voidster’s looked like or just wanted to see what exactly MC drew, here ya go!
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lynnfb · 4 years
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‘The Grey Room’
If you ever wanted to know what the grey room looks like right now, well here you go!
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lynnfb · 4 years
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An old animation sketch I’ve done before that I’m thinking of finishing. :>
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