lynnfb · 3 years
Guess who’s back?
Its me!
I got a job now, and I’ve been getting used to it again. Things are slowing down now, so I will start preparing the next chapter. :P
It will either be on the 12th or the 19th, so look forward to that. 
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lynnfb · 3 years
Update : Greener Pastures
Heya everyone.
For everyone to know, I’ve been moving to Arkansas. After a long drive and some car problems along the way, I managed to get to were I’ll be living here. I got a good chunk of things situated and just now have enough time to get internet to get this out to you. XD
Things are going well. All I need to do is finish unpacking at get a job. Once that is done I am sure I can start preparing to write again!
Hopefully things continue to go well. 
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lynnfb · 3 years
Over all the characters the reader knows about, Mettaton is the one that tires her the most. More often than not, the MTT brand establishments are so out of the norm of their competitors that she has a hard time comprehending the crazy design choices or how it even works so well. It makes me wonder just how the reader will react when they meet the robot himself.
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lynnfb · 3 years
Do you ever have those times
When you just end up wanting to either read, write, or draw a lot for a time and nothing else? Like, I have been having the intense urge to read Sans x Reader Fanfics for a bit now and I really have to make myself finally sit down and write my story. It’s just fine whenever I finally get myself writing though, no writers block or anything. Jeeze, if only I could get into a writing binge next, that would be helpful now wouldn’t it? 
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lynnfb · 3 years
Hi! (I can't type this half of what I said so I'll get to the thing first) You've decided to incorporate the music into the battles with the fic (which I LOVE), but through one of the calls you get with Papyrus in the game, he said he wished he had a theme song. That implies he doesn't know he has one. Soooooo in that case, what shall be done? (He absolutely deserves to hear his wondrous theme song, bless this skelly)
Ah,  I didn’t notice that! Though, honestly, that fits with something I had in mind for the story anyways, so I will be sure to address that whole situation in a future chapter. I can’t answer to much with this question other than that or else it would be spoilers, sorry! XD 
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lynnfb · 4 years
Me: Ima make a Sans x Reader Fic!
Also me: Over 60 thousand words in and writing everything other than the main character meeting said skeleton. 
Yeaaaah, when I first made this I’d thought it would end up being a bit Sans centered cause you know we all love our lazy goblin of a skeleton, but once I planned everything out I realized reeeal quick that I also love fleshing out our other monster friends and want them to be just about as important in the story as the bone boy. All of them are getting their time to shine.
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lynnfb · 4 years
Well, this is very much a WIP buuuuut,
I thought some of you might be curious as to what the world of UTFA looks like... so here is a sneak peak at that.
Here is a little color code to see what different things are:
Blue: Water Sources
Light Green: Mountainous areas
Dark Green: Forest/Wilderness
Black Dotted Lines: VERY basic roads (Will be altered)
Orange: Areas of Inhabitance in some form. (Like the city)
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lynnfb · 4 years
I am considering to make an area for all the bits of story that don’t fit in directly into the chapters of The Fallen Angel. Even with the amount of time I give to other character’s in the story, sometimes there are just some areas that just don’t fit in the end. If I get the time to write the extra stuff up that will probably be were it will be going, other than this Tumblr of course. 
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lynnfb · 4 years
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Oh, boy I am on a role right now! If you wanted to know what the Voidster’s looked like or just wanted to see what exactly MC drew, here ya go!
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lynnfb · 4 years
In which the title says all.
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lynnfb · 4 years
Yeah… why do you feel like you just tempted fate?
Feeling a chill crawl up your spine, you quickly knock on the wood of your desk.
You know, just to be safe.
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lynnfb · 4 years
Goldenpoint City : The Geography
Goldenpoint City, a bustling sea-side metropolis surrounded by by a ring of forest-lined mountains. It was once a decently sized town known for its bustling sea-side trade and a plethora of tourist locations for nature lovers. Now, it is most known as the Monster capital of the world.
The first thing one thinks about when it comes to the area is the infamous Mount Ebott. The massive hulk of a mountain stands tall in contrast to the jagged peaks of the surrounding mountain range. Interestingly enough, Mount Ebott is the only mountain disconnected from the southern tip of the Evermere Mountain Range. Because of that fact, it was also nicknamed as the Lone Mountain by the surrounding inhabitants. 
The forest that both surrounds and covers around fifty percent of Mount Ebott contains a mix of deciduous and coniferous trees. While both Autumn and Spring having extended bouts of mild temperatures, the Summer and Winter months tends to have only short instances of temperature spikes within the middle of their respective seasons. With the long bouts of favorable weather, the flora and fauna of the area tend to flourish within its wilderness. Because of that, these areas are popular for nature preserves, camping sites, and hiking trails they contain. 
Fueled by the melting ice and snow, several streams flow down the mountain range and around Mount Ebott. many of those streams intersect each other until they all join together to create the Emerald River, the main river that bisects the valley and through the middle of the city. Along this river, a small number of smaller towns line along the banks, followed by select patches of farmland near the lower part of the valley.
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lynnfb · 4 years
Me at midnight while trying to sleep
Brain: You should call a group of the skeleton brothers The Bonehead Brigade
Myself: Annnnd now I can’t get the idea out out of my mind, thanks brain.
Brain: No problem!
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lynnfb · 4 years
Hope you all had a great Halloween!
I had quite an interesting time myself. Not only did I go to a festival, but I went to a Halloween wedding as well. All those who were going to be up front with the bride and groom (Which included me as I was a bridesmaid) had to wear a costume of some sort.
So, since this tumblr is about Undertale, I think you guys could guess who I decided to dress up as.
I’ve never done any cosplay or stuff like that ever. But, seeing as this was my best friends wedding and I’ve always wanted to do something like that once, I decided to go all out for it and dress up as Horrortale Sans.
Doing something like that for the first time is just, crazy. I had no idea what I was doing so I had spend a few months just searching the internet and seeing what I liked from other cosplays and getting the items necessary for it. Then, when the time had come to get myself ready, it took me several hours and a bit of trial and error. 
It definitely makes me appreciate the skill and dedication it takes to be a cosplayer man. If any of you do such things, my nonexistent hat is off to you.
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lynnfb · 4 years
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‘The Grey Room’
If you ever wanted to know what the grey room looks like right now, well here you go!
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lynnfb · 4 years
You guys know that the reader can get sensory overload right now after being away from civilization for so long, but just think about Gaster.
That poor guy hasn’t even been out of the void since he got stuck there. The others at least where able to go out into the underground on a semi-regular basis and keep that general resistance that way, but the doc doesn’t get that luxury. 
Dadster is gonna have to get acclimated to things much more slowly. Well, at least he only has to deal with sight and hearing for now. Hopefully he won’t have too many problems...
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