guptakumar · 8 months
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utlit00 · 6 months
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After Two Years of Lockdowns and Layoffs, Teenagers Return to Summer Jobs
McGinn, D. (2022, May 14). After two years of lockdowns and layoffs, teenagers return to summer jobs. The Globe and Mail. https://www.theglobeandmail.com/canada/article-after-two-years-of-lockdowns-and-layoffs-teenagers-return-to-summer/ UTL Link: http://myaccess.library.utoronto.ca/login?qurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.proquest.com%2Fblogs-podcasts-websites%2Fafter-two-years-lockdowns-layoffs-teenagers%2Fdocview%2F2663987967%2Fse-2%3F
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Dave McGinn writes: “The teen labour participation rate in Canada has never been particularly high. It peaked at just more than 59 per cent in 1989. It currently stands at around 51 per cent, according to the most recent data from Statistics Canada. That’s up from 43.9 per cent in 2020 and 45.8 per cent last year. All of which is to say that just about any teenager who wants a job this summer could easily get one – especially in the industries most desperately in need of them, including hospitality, retail and camps. But this is a job seeker’s market, and teens are more discerning than ever, employers and youth employment agencies say.”
“Camp counsellor may have once been a classic teen summer job, but it seems to have lost some of its lustre. ‘Everyone is struggling to find staff, both day camps and overnight camps,’ says Shauna Joyce, president of the Canadian Camping Association, adding that many overnight camps across the country are increasingly relying on international staffing agencies to fill their ranks. Some domestic applicants make themselves available only on certain weeks, perhaps because they have summer school or simply want to hang out with their friends, Ms. Joyce says. In the past, camps would find someone else, but now they have to adjust. ‘There are more opportunities now,’ she says. We have to be a little more flexible.’ … Some employers might gripe that teens just don’t want to work, but that’s not true, Ms. Joyce says. They are simply more savvy than people give them credit for.”
Additional Information:
Hlasny, & AlAzzawi, S. (2022). Last in After COVID-19: Employment Prospects of Youths during a Pandemic Recovery. The Forum for Social Economics, 51(2), 235–244. https://doi.org/10.1080/07360932.2022.2052738 UTL Link: https://resolver-scholarsportal-info.myaccess.library.utoronto.ca/resolve/07360932/v51i0002/235_liacepoydapr.xml
COVID was Harmful for Youth Employment
Elmi, M. & Deller, F. (2022, April 8). COVID was harmful for youth employment. Policy Options. https://policyoptions.irpp.org/magazines/april-2022/youth-employment-training/ 
Mohamed Elmi and Fiona Deller write: “Canada has one of the highest rates of social mobility in the world. Thanks in part to our strong public education system and post-secondary institutions, young Canadians have more opportunities to advance in the workplace than youth in many other countries. Extensive research shows how the decks are stacked against Black and Indigenous youth at multiple levels. Socio-economic factors, family context, experiences of trauma and systemic discrimination, which are baked into educational institutions and processes, and the continued lack of necessary social, academic and professional supports, are some of the ways that bias creates barriers.”
“A recent survey by the Environics Institute, the Diversity Institute and Future Skills Centre confirms that the pandemic’s effect has been felt more acutely and more persistently among adults aged 18 to 34. The greater insecurity of younger workers also translated into a greater likelihood of youth losing their jobs, having their work hours reduced or seeing their incomes cut. While recent months have seen some recovery, many large employers cut back dramatically on their entry-level positions, outsourced to platform and services providers, and scaled up technology solutions to reduce entry levels roles in, for example, sales and marketing.”
“An inclusive pandemic recovery strategy should include better career support for youth facing barriers. Targeted approaches to designing education and training – coupled with essential wraparound supports which recognize the importance of confidence-building and positive mental health – are critical. Supporting young people with promising new and expanded programs, investments and policies to make up for the lost learning time and career-training experiences is critical. Now is the time for educational institutions, governments and employers to come together to support youth – especially those with significant barriers to advancement – to ensure the success of our future workforce and our economic pandemic recovery.”
Additional Information:
Working When Sick: How Workplace Regulations and Culture will Impact the Post-Pandemic Recovery. (2021). Environics Institute. https://www.torontomu.ca/content/dam/diversity/reports/Working_When_Sick_EN.pdf
Tompa, E., Samosh, D., & Boucher, N. (2020). Skills Gaps, Underemployment, and Equity of Labour-Market Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities in Canada. Public Policy Forum. https://www.torontomu.ca/diversity/reports/Skills-gaps-underemployments-and-equity-of-labour-market-opportunities-for-person-with-disabilities.pdf.  
Making Up Time: The Impact of the Pandemic on Young Adults in Canada. (2021). Environics Institute. https://fsc-ccf.ca/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/Report_Making-up-time_The-impact-of-the-pandemic-on-young-adults_EN.pdf
Photo Sources: Lum, F. (2022). [Photograph]. The Globe and Mail. https://www.theglobeandmail.com/canada/article-after-two-years-of-lockdowns-and-layoffs-teenagers-return-to-summer/
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theladakh11 · 4 years
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PRESS RELEASE UT Administration Ladakh issues order regarding modification in COVID-19 Management Guidelines/Instructions on phased re-opening (Unlock-2) in Ladakh UT KARGIL JULY 28, 2020: The Administration of Union Territory of Ladakh has issued modified guidelines for the management of COVID-19 in the Union Territory. An order in this regard issued on Monday reads that in exercise of the powers conferred under Section 24 of the Disaster Management Act, 2005 and in partial modification to the Order No:-13-DM(UTL of 2020 dated:-30.06.2020 issued under endorsement No:-DMRRR/UTL/SOP/COVID-19/2020/ 7805-22 dated:-30-06-2020, the Advisor to the Lieutenant Governor, UT of Ladakh in capacity as Chairman, State Executive Committee, (LDMA) has directed that the Sub Para (2) of the Standard Operating Procedure in respect of inbound passengers/travelers/laborers arriving Ladakh both by air or road issued vide order under reference above, shall be modified. The order reads that as per the modified Sub para (2), all passengers arriving in Ladakh both by air and road are advised to get themselves tested for COVID-19, not later than 48 hours before their arrival in Ladakh from ICMR approved test laboratories. Such person (s) who is/are without a valid COVID-19 test report of not later than 48 hours before their arrival will undergo mandatory quarantine at their place of stay for seven days. Such person(s) may have to undergo a COVID-19 test and will only be released from quarantine, if his/her test report is found negative. The order further states that a Sub para (Sub Para (2) (i) ) shall be added after Sub para 2 of the Standard Operating Procedures in respect of inbound passengers/travelers/laborers arriving Ladakh both by air or road issued vide order under reference above. As per the Sub para (2) (i) laborers have been advised to come through contractor(s) or labor agencies with COVID-19 test report of 48 hours before their arrival in Ladakh from ICMR approved test laboratories. .... (at Kargil) https://www.instagram.com/p/CDLxkAtMwfm/?igshid=9nmv2hbkll0y
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yekoz · 7 years
Museveni orders gov’t to switch to UTL internet
See on Scoop.it - UgandaNuz
President Yoweri Museveni has been sucked into an on-going internet deal war between his cabinet ministers and some government agencies. In a January 8, 2018 letter, Museveni ordered all government ministries and agencies to henceforth procure all their internet services from the highly indebted Uganda Telecom (UTL). The letter is copied to the vice president, minister of Finance, minister of state for Privatisation and Investment, minister of ICT, minister of state for Industry and the attorney general. Museveni says the UTL liability “situation is not as bad” as has been portrayed by “corrupt officials that had been sucking the company, paying themselves huge salaries.” "
Yekoz's insight:
One can sense Tamale Mirundi's mafia 'friends' in all this!
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guptakumar · 2 months
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guptakumar · 3 months
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Looking for top-notch web development services in Noida? You've come to the right place! UtlitSolution offers a range of web development services tailored to meet your business needs. In this article, we'll dive into why Noida is a great place for web development and what makes UtlitSolution stand out.
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guptakumar · 3 months
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Mobile applications are now an essential component of our everyday life in the digital age. There is an app for practically everything, including banking, shopping, and leisure. Understanding the development process is essential for companies and entrepreneurs wishing to capitalize on the lucrative mobile app market, as demand for these applications only grows. We'll walk you through every step of the mobile app development process in this in-depth tutorial provided by UTL IT SOLUTION in NOIDA.
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guptakumar · 3 months
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guptakumar · 3 months
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Learn about the premium website development services offered by UTL IT Solution. Custom designs and SEO optimization are only two of the high-performance websites we create to meet your company's demands.
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guptakumar · 8 months
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guptakumar · 8 months
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guptakumar · 8 months
How UTL IT SOLUTION Software Services Streamline Business Operations
It is more important than ever to have simplified processes in the dynamic world of modern companies. UTL IT SOLUTION is one well-known solution that has gained popularity. It is a whole suite of software services intended to streamline and optimize corporate processes.
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In conclusion, UTL IT SOLUTION Software Services are instrumental in streamlining business operations. From overcoming communication challenges to enhancing efficiency and breaking down data silos, the impact is substantial. Businesses are encouraged to explore the benefits of UTL IT SOLUTION for a more agile and competitive future.
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guptakumar · 8 months
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Understanding UTL IT Solutions
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In conclusion, UTL IT Solutions is more than a technology provider; it's a catalyst for growth. By offering a comprehensive suite of services, prioritizing cybersecurity, and adopting a client-centric approach, UTL IT Solutions stands as a reliable partner in achieving business success.
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Gig Workers Aren’t Self-Employed – They’re Modern-day Feudal Serfs
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Harvey, G., Prakasam, N. & Shakirzhanov, R. (2022, March 23). Gig workers aren’t self-employed – they’re modern-day feudal serfs. The Conversation. https://theconversation.com/gig-workers-arent-self-employed-theyre-modern-day-feudal-serfs-179152
Geraint Harvey, Naveena Prakasam, & Refat Shakirzhanov write: "Feudalism has been replaced by capitalism, and a new villeiny — or neo-villeiny — has emerged to reflect the relationship between a worker and an organization, in which the latter benefits far more than the former. Neo-villeiny still has the core characteristics of medieval villeiny, but instead of the feudal relationship between the landlord and the villein, neo-villeiny describes the relationship between 'self-employed' workers and the larger corporations they work for...There is a strong argument to be made that gig work is false self-employment, meaning that workers are not actually freelance, but dependent on a single client for their income. This is arguably true for gig workers, who are entirely dependent on the online platform to get paid. If they were truly freelance, they would not have to depend on one company for their clients and income."
"The Working for Workers Act announced recently by the Ontario government is a welcome improvement for gig economy workers. The act introduces several new requirements for employers, including prohibiting non-compete agreements and giving workers the right to disconnect from work...The new Ontario act means that gig workers on online platforms will only receive payment for active hours, and so they only get paid when involved in transporting a package or passenger. In other words, the time a worker spends travelling to a collection point or waiting for the next gig — both significant parts of a worker’s time — goes unpaid...The net result is that there are fewer people prepared to take on this kind of work than before. This is known as a tight labour market, which combined with the current conflict in Eastern Europe and its impact on gas prices at the pumps, might well precipitate a crisis and irreversibly change the relationship between gig workers and their organizations. But with the benefits that neo-villeiny provides to employers, such as free labour and an ancillary revenue source (rent), we are more likely to see an adaptation, not the elimination, of neo-villeiny."
Additional Information
McKenzie-Sutter, H. (2022, March 2). Uber plans to appeal Labour Ministry ruling that Ontario courier is an employee. Global News. https://globalnews.ca/news/8655148/uber-appeal-labour-ministry-ruling-that-ontario-courier-is-employee/
Employee or Self-employed? Government of Canada. https://www.canada.ca/en/revenue-agency/services/forms-publications/publications/rc4110/employee-self-employed.html
Working for Workers Act, 2021, S.O. 2021, c. 35 - Bill 27. Ontario. https://www.ontario.ca/laws/statute/s21035
Doorey, D. (2022, February 28). The Problem With Ontario’s Proposed Gig Worker Law Exposed. The Law of Work. https://lawofwork.ca/the-problem-with-ontarios-proposed-gig-worker-law-exposed/
Summary of Employment Standards Officer Decision in Sharma v. Uber. Ministry of Labour. https://77b90736.flowpaper.com/UBERPORTIERBVSharma/#page=1
Harvey, G. et. al. (2017). Neo-villeiny and the service sector: the case of hyper flexible and precarious work in fitness centres. Work, Employment and Society, 31 (1), 19-35. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1177/0950017016638023 ; UTL Link: https://www-elgaronline-com.myaccess.library.utoronto.ca/view/edcoll/9781788118767/9781788118767.00015.xml
Harvey, G. (2019). Chapter 9: Observing neo-villeiny and other forms of non-standard work. In D. Wheatley (Ed.), Handbook of Research Methods on the Quality of Working Lives. Edward Elgar Publishing. DOI: https://doi.org/10.4337/9781788118774 ; UTL Link: https://doi-org.myaccess.library.utoronto.ca/10.4337/9781788118774
Photo Source: Pilger, K. (2019). Untitled [Photograph]. Unsplash. https://unsplash.com/photos/dwBZLRPhHjc
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MLB Lawyer Argues Minor Leaguers Should Not Be Paid During Spring Training
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McDaniel, M. (2022, February 12). MLB Lawyer Argues Minor Leaguers Should Not Be Paid During Spring Training. Sports Illustrated. https://www.si.com/mlb/2022/02/12/mlb-lawyer-argues-minor-leaguers-should-not-be-paid-during-spring-training
Mike McDaniel writes: "A lawyer for Major League Baseball said in federal court on Friday that minor league players should not be paid during spring training ... The lawyer said that minor leaguers should not be paid because they should be considered trainees. The talking point was part of a larger argument for MLB as the league tried to get an eight-year-old lawsuit regarding minor league compensation thrown out. MLB is a defendant in a class-action lawsuit that is set to begin trial on June 1."
"'It is the players that obtain the greater benefit from the training opportunities that they are afforded than the clubs, who actually just incur the cost of having that training,' argued Elise Bloom, the legal representative assisting Major League Baseball. 'During the training season, the players are not employees, and would not be subject to either the Fair Labor Standards Act or any state minimum wage act.' Garrett Broshuis, a lawyer for Korein Tillery, is a former minor league player who is the legal representative for the players. Broshuis pushed back on Bloom's assertion. 'All of a sudden they aren’t employees during the time periods where we call it 'training,' even though they’re operating under the same employment contract that requires them to perform services, quote, ‘throughout the calendar year,' Broshuis said."
Additional Information
Senne v. Office of the Commissioner of Baseball Class Action Lawsuit. https://www.baseballplayerwagecase.com/
Wages and the Fair Labor Standards Act: Minimum Wage. US Department of Labor. https://www.dol.gov/agencies/whd/minimum-wage
Brucker, J. (2020). [Screw] America's Pastime Act: The Mirage of SAPA & Minor League Baseball Wages. Seton Hall Law Review Vol. 51 (2). https://scholarship.shu.edu/shlr/vol51/iss2/7/
Nichol, M. (2018). A fair day’s work for a fair day’s pay’ or ‘working for love and not money’? Using class actions to challenge the labour law exclusion in Minor League Baseball in the United States. Labour and Industry 28(3). https://doi.org/10.1080/10301763.2018.1552335 UTL Link: https://doi-org.myaccess.library.utoronto.ca/10.1080/10301763.2018.1552335
Carney, L.J. (2015). Major League Baseball’s ‘Foul Ball’: Why Minor League Baseball Players Are Not Exempt Employees Under the Fair Labor Standards Act. The Journal of Corporation Law 41(1). https://jcl.law.uiowa.edu/sites/jcl.law.uiowa.edu/files/2021-08/Carney_Final_Web.pdf
Report: MLB Asks to Eliminate ‘Hundreds’ of Minor League Player Jobs In Latest Proposal
Koons, Z. (2022, February 4). Report: MLB Asks to Eliminate ‘Hundreds’ of Minor League Player Jobs In Latest Proposal. Sports Illustrated. https://www.si.com/mlb/2022/02/15/major-league-baseball-asks-mlbpa-for-permission-to-eliminate-minor-league-playing-jobs
Zach Koons writes: "Major League Baseball asked the MLB Players Association for the ability to eliminate 'hundreds' of minor league playing jobs in its latest proposal amid heated labor negotiations between the two sides ... The league proposed to reduce the maximum number of minor league players on the Domestic Reserve List—the list which governs the number of minor leaguers a team can roster at any time—from 180 to 'below 150' for the remainder of the collective bargaining agreement."
"The minor league system has been a major point of contention in recent years and has already undergone sweeping changes. Last offseason, MLB eliminated 42 teams and hundreds of player jobs from the minor-league system as part of a regional reset that gave each major league franchise an affiliation to four minor league teams. MLB did increase pay to minor leagues in 2021 and teams are mandated in 2022 to provide housing for minor league players for the first time. However, a number of issues regarding the minor league system remains unresolved, including whether or not minor league players should continue to be unpaid during spring training."
Photo Source: Haupt, M. (2020). Take me out to the ballgame! [Photograph]. Unsplash. https://unsplash.com/photos/4lrSbFyLhvk
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