#Uesugi Bushidan
yeonban · 1 year
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Anonymous  asked: Naotora, is fraternizing with someone from a different bushidan accepted or frowned upon? Is there anyone in your bushi or the Uesugi bushi who would cause problems because of your relationship or raise concerns about Kanetatsu's lower status compared to yours?
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What an interesting thing to ask. When has he last been prodded upfront about anything, let alone about matters only relevant to his personal life? Were they in a similar situation to his, or was this simply curiosity's doing? ❛ It's generally frowned upon unless it's during a temporary alliance or joint battle, but unlike the Tokugawa, Date and Hojo, the Takeda and the Uesugi have been close for the greater part of their history, which means our people aren't as averse to the idea of creating strong bonds between the two. At some point there was even a marriage between one of our noble clans and one of the Uesugi's, so there are precedents for something like that, too. Besides, whether it's frowned upon or not, we, the current grand generals, couldn't care less about restricting our people's, nor each other's, personal freedom. If feelings can blossom and last despite the less than ideal circumstances, there's no reason why anyone should intervene. ❜
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The second query stops him in his tracks & while Naotora doubts that to be the case for the Uesugi, people could always opt to act one way to his face and an entirely different way behind his back; it has already happened enough times that it won't shock if it does again, but the general prefers to give everyone the benefit of the doubt regardless. ❛ I haven't spent nearly enough time with everyone from the Uesugi to be able to say for sure, so you should ask Naoe... or even Tatsuomi about that,  ❜ They knew the state of their band far better than he could ever hope to, just as he does his. ❛  From the Takeda... I can think of a few who are pressed about our relationship, but it's not because of Naoe's status, not as far as I can tell. They aren't exactly thrilled about it either, but he's both one of Tatsuomi's most trusted aides and hailing from one of the Uesugi's esteemed noble families, so unless I were to marry a fellow grand general, it'd be pretty hard to surpass Naoe's nobility.  ❜
Naotora scrunches his nose at the memories of his own men's concerns flooding in, yet it only lasts for a fleeting moment before it swiftly dissipates as though it hasn't even happened at all. ❛  The main "concerns" that have been brought to my attention are my frequent visits to the Uesugi endangering my band while I'm away, even though I only ever take Aoshi and Shunrai along while everyone stays at home to protect the people in case a surprise attack happens during that time,  ❜ A sigh, but he chooses not to dwell on it. ❛  ---and the ages old issue about inheritance. Some nobles think I should marry someone else and some think I should step down and give my title to a clan that will have heirs, but thankfully, the majority don't seem to care what happens next as long as I seem to know what I'm doing.  ❜
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itsdanystormborn · 5 years
Orient 50 Full Translation.
Orient 49 Full Translation.
Orient Manga 50
Don’t forget to support the official releases of Orient, Shinobu Ohtaka and Weekly shounen magazine.
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You can find the scans in @soreita‘s blog!
Orient 50 “The man of the tattoos”
Orient 50 “ The man of the tattoos”
Page 455 Emerald Kishin (Ryokushoku Kishin) “Housenryuuya matanoorochi”
Within the hundred remaining Kishin on hi no moto, this is the fifth strongest. Musashi and friends wait for the emerald kishin, one of the strongest class!
If the red Oni’s offensive is to spit out flames, The green Oni is the opposite. This is a defensive Oni who controls a unique defense wall. The ability of that wall is absolute…
Page 456 He bounces back any attack to the enemy. He reflects all the “touki” high signal that comes out from the kitetsu swords of the bushi too.
Bushi: Let’s fire all at once!!
Page 457 The strongest wall becomes the strongest spear at the same time. And breaking its horn…There hasn’t been a single bushidan in 150 years able to even make a scratch on his skin.
Page 458 Tsugumi: No way! No way! Absolutely no way!!! Tsugumi: There’s no way we can go against that sort of monster!!
Uesugi Bushidan Shiryuu castle, main gate.
Castle Gate (arrow: more less this size)                   harbor.
Man:  All of you,  members form the alliance have accepted the strategy to recover Awaji Island. The preparations for your temporary residence in this castle have been completed! Bring your servants and come inside the castle!
Page 459 Musashi: He said we can go inside the castle, right? Tsugumi: We can’t! If we follow them past the gates, we’ll be dragged into the war! Kojirou: Right now getting information is our main goal above the Oni extermination. Musashi: But he’s surely inside this castle, right? Lord Uesugi…
Manuscript: So high…
Tsugumi: Woah, the castle tower is so far that is beyond the clouds…
Page 460 Musashi: that’s right Tsugumi… Get me over there using your whip kitetsu sword! I can ask about the old man if I go for a little bit.
Tsugumi: Are you stupid? There’s no way I can get you to a place so high!
Tsugimi: Well… I can do it until the roof of this wall. Musashi: That’s alright, I’ll look around inside the castle first. Kojirou: Come back without starting any trouble… Tsugumi: Well then…
Page 461 Tsugumi: See you later!  (whisper)
Musashi: Oof, this is inside the castle of the Uesugi Bushidan… Musashi: Woahh… Incredible!
Page 462, 463
Page 464 Musashi: What’s this… huge castle!?
Musashi’s thoughts: Well… more than a castle… in truth is a mountain! Musashi: I wonder what kind of people lives in this place…
Man: A fine castle, right? Musashi: Eh?
Page 465 Musashi: A tattooed man… who is he? Musashi: …. Tatsuomi: …
Page 466 Musashi’s thoughts: is he sunbathing or….? Manuscript: He seems old…
Musashi: Yeah, it’s great… In the Uesugi castle…
Musashi: I know there are many bushi… Tatsuomi:…. Tatsuomi: bushi, you say
Tatsuomi: All of them have families waiting for them to come back… A wife, children, parents, siblings… The living proof of those unbreakable ties
Page 467 Tatsuomi: I came here before the battle to confirm it…
Musashi: You don’t seem to be a simple hermit, mister. Tatsuomi: Well…
Page 468 Musashi: Are you a bushi, mister? Tatsuomi: Kind of… Are you a bushi? Musashi: yeah Tatsuomi: How old are you? Musashi: I’m 15! Tatsuomi: I see…
Tatsuomi: I don’t want to… Tatsuomi: Send young bushi like you to the land of the death without regret.
Page 469 Tatsuomi: But this time we’ll go against a tough enemy… Well then, I need to get going… Musashi: This man… Musashi: There’s something about him… I really don’t think he’s a simple hermit… Who the hell is he..?
Musashi: Eh? Naoe: You were here after all… Naoe: Everyone is waiting for your words, my lord. Tatsuomi: I’ll go now Musashi: What? Did you say… Lord… Manuscript: no way….
Page 470 Naoe: Wait for your turn to speak… This person is the head of the Uesugi family, Lord Uesugi Tatsuomi. Musashi: … What? Musashi: HE IS!? Naoe: Didn’t I tell you to wait? Musashi: Oops, I’m sorry!
Tatsuomi: I don’t mind… if he’s a bushi from the alliance then he’s from my family too! Musashi: Huh…? He’s surprisingly nice, that’s great! Thought I was told he was a harsh guy… Musashi: There’s something I want to ask you… Naoe: Oh, my lord… This person is…
Page 471 Naoe: Not from the alliance.
Naoe: He’s one of the suspicious people. Lord Takeda insisted that he’s his subordinate, or his relative… but to me, no matter how hard I look… Noe: I see an outsider with no relation to Takeda…
Box1: redhead Box2: Dirty looking clothing uncharacteristic of bushi households.
Naoe: You, tell us what castle you belong to, what corps, what sword color, what rank… answer now! Musashi:  What!? Rank!?
Musashi: What the hell… I don’t understand a thing! Is this bushidan terminology? If I don’t answer, they’ll know I don’t have any relation to Naotora! Musashi: Hum… ehm…
Page 472 Musashi: L-Lord Uesugi? Musashi: He’s totally different from before!!
Naoe: So you are an outsider. Trespassing the castle is by law a crime which its punishment is death penalty, but lord Takeda seems to favour him… Naoe: What should we do, my lord?
Musashi: The labor camp? Manuscripts: What’s that?
Tatsuomi’s attitude changed suddenly! What will happen to Musashi!!?
Continues on the next Issue “Hell”
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soreita · 4 years
Can we get more info on the commander lady in orient? I’m a huge sucker for dominant military women (and her design is beautiful gosh) but I know next to nothing about her other than she seems to use a wheelchair and is friends with Naoe(?) Anything would be appreciated, please and thank you 🙏🙏
Hi, Anon! I had my friends, @itsdanystormborn and ΩKaiser, help me come up with a brief character description of Kuroko for you.
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Kuroko is a strategist for Uesugi Bushidan. People usually have the wrong impression of her, possibly because of her style (which I love). For instance, Musashi thinking she was evil, and Naoe rejecting her advances, believing she’s stoic 24/7. Seiroku isn’t too happy that she’s ruined his plans for the second Awaji raid. Despite her outward appearance and how others tend to perceive her, she holds her clan very near and dear to her heart.
I really love the cover of volume 9 that Ohtaka created for Kuroko and Naoe (which you can also see as a double colored page in chapter 88). I hope I was able to give you enough of a description on Kuroko for you. :)
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recentanimenews · 2 years
New ORIENT Key Visual Shows Takeda Bushidan Ready for Awajishima Battle Arc
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  Following up on an earlier visual featuring the Uesugi Bushidan front and center, another of the largest Bushi Bands in the land is in the spotlight ahead of the second cour of the ORIENT anime. This time we have the Takeda Bushidan ready for the Awajishima Battle Arc, which is currently set to premiere this July.
  RELATED: TV Anime ORIENT Unveils Main Visual for Its 2nd Cour "The Awajishima Battle Arc"
  Check out the visual featuring, from left to right, Aoshi Sanada (VA: Haruki Ishiya), Naotora Takeda (Satoshi Hino) and Shunrai Yamamoto (Saori Onishi):
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    The first cour of the TV anime adaptation of Shinobu Ohtaka's manga, directed by Tetsuya Yanagisawa (High School DxD, SENRAN KAGURA SHINOVI MASTER), aired for 12 episodes from January to March 2022. Here's how Crunchyroll describes it:
  During the Warring States era, the feuding generals were suddenly struck down one after another by the demonic Kishin. In the 150 years since, groups of individuals have continued to resist Kishin control. They are called Bushi bands. When they were young, Musashi and Kojiro would hear tales about the Bushi from Kojiro's father, and the two of them dream to form the strongest Bushi band. One day, as Musashi struggles with his choices, he witnesses humans being torn apart by oni. Forced to face the truth, Musashi rises up against the powerful oni to make his dream with Kojiro come true!
  Via Comic Natalie
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Joseph Luster is the Games and Web editor at Otaku USA Magazine and the Editor-in-Chief of Sci Fi Magazine. You can read his comics at subhumanzoids. Follow him on Twitter @Moldilox.
  By: Joseph Luster
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itsdanystormborn · 5 years
Orient 49 Full Translation.
Orient 48 Full Translation.
Orient Manga 49
Don’t forget to support the official releases of Orient, Shinobu Ohtaka and Weekly shounen magazine.
►[Please don’t repost without giving credits. If you use this translation, don’t forget to share the link to this post!]◄
You can find the scans in @soreita‘s blog!
Orient 49 “The Oni who nest on Awaji ”
Orient 49 “The oni who nest on Awaji”
Page 25 The great war for the unity under heaven is about to start. The one who carries Hi no Moto’s future over his shoulders is, from the Uesugi bushidan, Uesugi Tatsuomi.
Page 26 & 27
Man: Oh, great Takami Musubi no kami!! Man: We present ourselves to you in high spirits, may we win this difficult war by the blood ties that bind us…
Naotora: He’s making a vow of victory in front of the bodies of his ancestors… Naotora: being proud of our family lineage is normal within bushi households, but… Uesugi is the only one who takes it this far…
Naoe: My lord. There are three outsiders to the Uesugi bushidan, they’ve infiltrated themselves within the corps… Uesugi: Kill them.
Page 28 Naotora’s thoughts: As unmerciful to outsiders as always… Naotora: Ah, those people are my subordinates! Uesugi: … And what about that? Natoroa: Moreover, they are the cousins of a distant relative of my older brother.  Naotora’s thoughts: Will he be as harsh as ever? Uesugi: if those subordinates are related by blood to you, i’ll leave them be… Naotora’s thoughts: I’m so glad consanguinity is so important to him… Naotora: Then?, Why did you send this to me? I’m not your subordinate, Tatsuomi…
Page 29 Uesugi: Of course you are not… Uesugi: However, I wonder if you could help me?
Naotora: “Must defeat the Awaji kishin”? Sounds challenging…
Page 30 Girl: I see… Uesugi’s seal is on that picture scroll? And thereupon, to investigate about Kojirou’s dad lineage, you want to meet lord Uesugi…
Page 31 Tsugumi: Musashi, who are these people? Musashi: Oh… They are from the Takeda bushidan, they saved our town some time ago…
Box: Sanada Aoshi. Takeda Bushidan, First squad, second blue sword. 
Box: Yamamoto Shunrai Takeda Bushidan Green sword, special corps, vice commander.
Aoshi: We were removed from the captain’s escort, to babysit some brats of all things…! Shunrai: You worry way too much, Aoshi… Aoshi: Why? Why do i have to get along with this used-to-be miner, redhead brat? Whyyyarhg? Tsugumi’s thoughts: if they don’t thake him seriously, Musashi will snap… Musashi in Tsugumi’s thoughts: I’m not a brat, my name is Musashi!!
Page 32
Musashi: Thanks for covering for us before bro!
Tsugumi’s manuscript: I had never seen that look on him before!
Tsugumi: Huh? He’s being unusually humble… Tsugumi’s manuscript: Why?
Musashi: Because the Takeda Bushidan seems to be our intermediary in order to start contact with lord Uesugi… Manuscript: We gotta get along with them.. Manuscript: Big connections. Manuscript: Uesugi Tsugumi: He’s making himself closet o them and making them like him… Manuscript: To help Kojirou… Kojirou: Thank you, Musashi. Shunrai: AHAHA, Even if you use that obvious flattery, we won’t let you meet lord Tatsuomi! Musashi: W-WHY!?
Page 33 Shunrai: Because it’s dangerous! Bushidan are very severe towards outsiders! Actually, a while ago, just when people noticed you were outsiders to the Uesugi Alliance, everyone froze, remember? Musashi: Yeah... but maybe hey can tell me a couple of things… Manuscript: Like if they had anyone named Kanemaki Jisai… Musashi: Does the Uesugi family gains anything from that? Shunrai: Bushi don’t do anything that won’t benefit their “house”!
Kojirou: House?
Page 34 Shunrai: That’s right! The leader’s priority are those who have blood connections with them. Manuscript: Family
Shunrai: Now we give the name “bushi” to those people who can use a Kitetsu sword, but originally, on the Heian era, the word “buke” was about warriors from a household lineage.
Shunrai: Long ago, those houses battled each other… That’s why “ We believe in blood ties above anything” … is an idea that every bushidan seems to have in common.  
Page 35 Musashi, Kojirou: Oh…
Musashi: Bushi battled each other when the Oni didn’t exist?... Shunrai Manuscript: Eat Kojirou: Now that you mention it, the picture scroll does mention something about bushidan competing with each other… Manuscript: That’s absurd… Musashi: Yeah.. Musashi: To believe in blood ties above anything… Musashi: I don’t understand very well…
Page 36 Tsugumi: I think i get it a little… My lord always told me things like not to stain the name of the family, and that i should cherish the honor of being part of them… Kojirou: I… … Jisai: Kojirou, you are the descendant of a proud household. Jisai: Don’t trow away your pride as a bushi. Kojirou: I’ll find out from now on… Musashi: Kojirou…
Page 37 Musashi: We’ll find a way to know about the old man somehow… Kojirou: Musashi… Musashi: With all those people out there on the harbor, it shouldn’t be so hard to infiltrate… Aoshi: Stop that! Those bushi are gathered to exterminate the Kishin of Awaji island… You will die if you infiltrate. Kojirou: Die? Musashi’s manuscript: It’s alright! Musashi: we’ve seen Kishin a couple of times! Aoshi: You kids don’t get it. Aoshi: Oh, great, let me take a look at this picture scroll…
Page 38 Aoshi: this looks like an Oni family tree. The size of their circle is proportional to their strenght.  The huge one at the center is the strongest, the “Black Kishin”! Kojirou: Woah! Musashi: Which one is Engokutengu? Aoshi: This one. Box: This. Musashi: What the… It’s so small. Musashi: Then, this Kishin of Awaji island is…?
Page 39 Aoshi: This one. Box: This. Box with arrow: Engokutengu. Kojirou, Musashi: What!? It’s so big… Completely in another level! Musashi: So, just by this you can tell it’s strong?
Box: Awaji island. Man: There’s no trace of the  original shape of the island… Man: Yeah… This is terrible.  Let’s report this to the lord!
Page 40, page 41
Page 42 Box: Emerald Kishin. Housenryuuya Matanoorochi.  ( battle dragon of eight heads) Man: Oh! Man: Oh…  Great god of ours we worship so dearly…! Man: I’m able to meet a high kishin like so close … As one of the Obsidian brotherhood, i swear i’ll be useful to you! Man: Please look how i break the Uesugi bushi from the inside… As i’m invading them.  
Continues on the next Issue “The strongest shield”
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itsdanystormborn · 5 years
Orient 47 Full Translation.
Orient Manga 47
Don’t forget to support the official releases of Orient, Shinobu Ohtaka and Weekly shounen magazine.
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You can find the scans in @soreita‘s blog!
Orient 47 “Shiryuu Castle”
Orient 47 “Shiryuu castle”
TN: Shiryuu* purple dragon.
The highly awaited gathering at the great harbor! This is the beginning of a new arc “Harima’s country”
 Page 371
Musashi: So blue!!
Musashi: So cool! This lake is huge!
Tsugumi: It’s not a lake, it’s the ocean!
Musashi: What’s the difference, Tsugumi?
Tsugumi: I- I don’t know, it’s the first time I see it too!
Tusgumi: That flag… The Uesugi family crest is printed on it.
Tsugumi: Which means… That’s Uesugi’s castle… maybe?
 Page 372
Box: Uesugi Bushidan moving fortress. “Shiryuu castle” (TN: Purple castle)
Musashi: That’s an extraordinary castle
Tsugumi: It’ as big as a mountain…
Manuscript: It’s even hidden by the clouds…
Kojirou: …
Kojirou’s thoughts:  Tsugumi: Lord Uesugi’s signature is written on this picture scroll. Then, wasn’t Kojirou’s dad a bushi of the Uesigi bushidan?
Kojirou: Guys… I’m sorry for dragging you to this place, it was selfish…
 Page 373
Kojirou: But, I want to know about my father no matter what…
I never thought about what kind of person my father was, until now…
But I might be able to learn something in this place…
Musashi: You are not selfish! I want to know more about the old man too!
Kojirou: Musashi…
Tsugumi: It’s alright! Wanting to know about one’s family is completely normal!
Tsugumi: Besides, I’m a little curious myself… About Uesugi’s connection with Koijrou!
 Page 374
Tsugumi: For what reason would Kojirou’s dad picture scroll be signed by lord Uesugi himself?
Musashi: They at least must have known each other…Nah, they probably became friends after years of military service.
Shapes: Jisai, Uesugi.
Tsugumi: No no, What if Kojirou is actually Uesugi’s illegitimate child? It could be, right?
Kojirou:  You are having fun, aren’t you?
Musashi: Anyway, let’s try to find out! Let’s go meet that Lord Uesugi right away!
Tsugumi, Kojirou: Alright!
 Page 375
Man: You can’t
Kojirou: … Huh? We can’t meet him? Why?
Man: Hum… Why, you ask?
Man: The lord can’t listen to each low class bushi that comes to see him. This time,  a lot of bushi from each group of the Uesugi alliance have gathered in this place due to the war in Awaji Island. As you can see…
Manuscript: Take a look behind you
 Page 376
Kojirou: No doubts they are a large group, and what’s more, there are many bushidan…
Musashi: Are all of this people subordinates of that lord Uesugi?
 Page 377
Kojirou: Unbelievable…. All of this people follow him… I wonder what kind of person Lord Uesugi is…
Musashi: Who knows… That man said he’s one of Hi no moto strongest, the “Five great generals”, but…
 Man: What group are you from?
Man: All of the people reunited here are affiliated to the Uesugi alliance…
Kojirou: Well, we are not in the Uesugi alliance…
Manuscript: We are the Kanemaki Bushidan.
Men: Why did you say?
Kojirou: The air just got heavy…
Musashi: Was it forbidden for outsiders to come? But that old man said to come if we were interested, didn’t him?
 Page 378
Man: What should we do, lord Naoe?
Naoe: Hum… A noble visitor will arrive very soon… Therefore, I won’t allow this kind of ineptitude in this place.
Naoe: Arrest those suspicious people and find out who they are.
Man: Yes sir!
Kojirou: What…!?
Tsugumi: We are not suspicious people!
 Page 379
Man: …
Musashi: Let us through!
Musashi: What!?
 Page 380
Musashi SFX: Gah!?
Kojirou, Tsugumi: Musashi!
 Page 381
Man: Lord Naoe… This man is weak.
Man: He’s not a bushi worth being wary of.
Musashi: Excuse me?
 Page 382
Kojirou: He finished off Musashi just with one leg…
Tsugumi: That guy is pretty good…
SFX: Shoom, shoom
Musashi: What’s that sound?
 Page 383
Musashi: !?
Musashi: What the hell is that thing….
Musashi: I wonder if that’s a Kitetsuki too…
Musashi… Huh?
Musashi: That crest definitely is…
Musashi: Tsgugumi: That flag… The Uesugi family crest is printed on it.
Musashi: Ah!
 Page 384
Musashi: Everyone is kneeling!?
Man: That is… The Uesugi family Kitetsuki….
Man: Which means… the lord is here!?
Naoe: We’ve been waiting for you.
Musashi: !!
Musashi: Could this be…
 Page 385
Musashi: The guy we’ve hearing about?
Musashi: The guy that might have known the old man…
Musashi: Is this person… That lord Uesugi?
 Page 386
It’s not Uesugi, It’s Takeda Naotora!! What’s the thief samurai doing in this place!?
Musashi: …. WHAT!?
Continues on the next issue, “Takeda and Uesugi”!
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itsdanystormborn · 5 years
Orient 46 Full Translation.
Orient Manga 46
Don’t forget to support the official releases of Orient, Shinobu Ohtaka and Weekly shounen magazine.
►[Please don’t repost without giving credits. If you use this translation, don’t forget to share the link to this post!]◄
You can find the scans in @soreita‘s blog!
Orient 46 “The Kishin of the origin”
 Page 367
Musashi: Kishin? Is this a Kishin…?
Musashi’s thoughts: No… Isn’t this a black wall…? It looks like just a black wall…
 Page 368
Musashi: Just… where on earth does it ends? It’s way too big…!!
Michiru: We shouldn’t get any closer than this…
Musashi: Huh?
Michiru: Look down…
 Page 369
Musashi: …!?
 Page 370
Musashi: The wall… It’s moving!?
Musashi: What town is that…!?
Michiru: Probably a miner’s town… It’s seems like everyone has escaped, though…
Musashi: Do you know, Michiru…!? What the hell is this black thing?
Michiru: Yeah…
Michiru: This is…
 Page 371
Michiru: The first Oni that came to Hi no moto 150 years ago….
Musashi: The first Oni that came to Hi no moto…?
Michiru: Yeah… It’s a legend my grandpa told me about…
Musashi: Please tell me about it
Michiru: Okay…
Michiru: Long ago… In Hi no moto…
 Page 372
Michiru: A black Oni appeared.
Michiru: He was very strong, and…
Michiru: No human was a match for him.
 Page 373
Michiru: In those days in which this strange Oni came to hi no moto… People split in those who worshipped him as a god….
And in those who declared him a foreign enemy and resisted him.
Michiru: The body of the black Oni fed of ore, and started to become bigger and bigger….
Michiru: Those who worshipped the black Oni as a god, made the miners mine ore to create and efficient town… they offered a great amount of ore to the black Oni.
 Page 375
Michiru: Now, He has ended up filling half of the territory of Hi no moto.
Page 376
Michiru: His name is “Black Kishin”
Grandpa: That is how we call him.
 Page 377
Tsugumi, Kojirou, Musashi: Black Kishin…
Grandpa: Yes. In 150 years, nobody has been able to defeat him, that is every bushidan’s dearest wish.
Grandpa: Anyhow, the black Kishin continues to grow and grow… If we don’t take care of this matter, Hi no moto will be swallowed up by him!
Kojirou, Musashi: Hi no moto will be completely swallowed…!? Then…It will be bad if we don’t defeat it soon… right?
Tsugumi: But he’s an Oni that nobody has been able to win against in 150 years…Maybe there’s actually nobody who can defeat him?
Grandpa: No! The alliance’s leader… lord Uesugi Tatsuomi, he will slay it!
Grandpa: Anyhow, that person is…
 Page 378
One of the “Five great generals”, the five bushi who are considered the strongest of Hi no moto….
Musashi: Oh!
Musashi: The five great generals?
Kojirou: Sounds kinda cool…
Grandpa: Yes. The five who are closer to achieve the unity under heaven!
Grandpa: Lord Uesugi will be at Harima’s harbor! If you like, you are very welcome to come!  To destroy the “Black Kishin”, a strategy to suppress the Emerald Kishin of Awaji Island is important right now…
Well, let’s go princess.
 Page 379
Michiru: well then… until we meet again…
Tsugumi, Kojirou: ….
 Page 380
Tsugumi: What should we do from here on? We can’t go to the east anymore… We can’t defeat this kind of monster…
Manuscript: Where on earth is its horn…?
Kojirou: But, seems like that Uesugi guy wants to defeat it…
Kojirou: The old man said something like “in order to do that we must fight the emerald Kishin of Awaji Island”, but…
What does that mean?
SFX: Sigh…
Tsugumi: If we don’t take care of this… Someday Kosameda’s castle town might end up this way too…
Tsugumi: I don’t want that to happen, but… I don’t know what we should do… I wonder if my big sis knew about this…
Musashi: …
 Page 381
Musashi: I wonder if… The old man knew about this…
Kojirou: Who knows… I don’t think this was written in the picture scroll…?
Musashi: How did that thing go…? A lot of Kishin names are surely mentioned… nothing else …
Musashi: Let’s take a look…
Tsugumi: Hey, what’s that picture scroll you are talking about…?
 Page 382
Kojirou: Ah… It’s something that belonged to my father…
Kojirou: It has a lot of Kishin names written over… look.
Tsugumi: Oh… amazing! It’s a pretty picture scroll!
Tsugumi: But this is not unusual. Such things like records of Kishin names and characteristics…
Are owned by all bushidan.
Musashi: I see…
All bushidan own scrolls…
Kojirou: …
Musashi, Kojirou: …!?
 Page 383
Kojirou: … Why did my father have that?
Tsugumi: Because your dad was a member of a bushidan, wasn’t him?
Tsugumi: Or am I wrong?
Musashi, Kojirou: …!?
 Kojirou: What was my father thinking…?
Kojirou: Was he somehow connected to the bushidan in the outside world?
 Tsugumi: Look, There’s a seal on this scroll…
Tsugumi: Ehm…. This seal is from, you see…
 Page 384
Tsugumi: The lord of the Uesugi bushidan!
Musashi: What does that mean!?
Tsugumi: Seals are the signatures written on the bushidan official documents.
Tsugumi: This means Kojirou’s dad…
Tsugumi: was member of the Uesugi Bushidan!
Kojirou: …
Musashi, Kojirou: Uesugi…!?
 Continues on the next Issue, “Harima’s harbor”!
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itsdanystormborn · 5 years
Orient 48 Full Translation.
Orient Manga 48
Don’t forget to support the official releases of Orient, Shinobu Ohtaka and Weekly shounen magazine.
►[Please don’t repost without giving credits. If you use this translation, don’t forget to share the link to this post!]◄
You can find the scans in @soreita‘s blog!
Orient 48 “Uesugi bushidan”
Orient 48 “Uesugi Bushidan”
Page 249 Why is Takeda Naotora in Uesugi bushidan’s base?
Musashi: … Why are you coming out from Uesugi bushidan’s kitetsuki? Musashi: Takeda Naotora!
Page 250 Leader of the Takeda bushidan Takeda Naotora
People: Did he say Takeda Naotora? Why is he here?
Kojirou’s manuscript: Ah, that person is… Kojirou: I thought who came down would be the lord of the Uesugi bushidan…
Musashi: Hey… I haven’t seen you since the time we fought Engokutengu… That time… well… Thank you for your help!
Page 251 Musashi: I thought he was taking away my first achievement, but… At that time i didn’t even have a Kitetsu sword, so… This is difficult to admit, but this guy saved me.
Musashi: Don’t stay so silent, say something, Naotora!
Naotora: … …. Musashi: What’s with this guy?
Naotora: You… Naotora: Who are you, again?
Page 252 Musashi: ¡? Musashi: He forgot about me? Musashi: I’m the only one who remembers… Musashi: Has this guy completely disregarded me…? Musashi: … Musashi: This… This is so embarrasing…
Naotora: Tch…
Page 253 Naotora: HAHAHAHAHA! Naotora: I’m just kidding, I remember. Naotora: Musashi, the one I gave the consolation prize. Naotora: You are really easy to tease, you know? Naotora: I’m glad you remember me, Musashi!
Musashi: That’s right… He was this kind of guy…
Page 254 Musashi: You… You are as mean as always! People have told you this, right? Naotora: Nobody has said that to me face to face.
Musashi: Why is everyone kneeling for this guy? Kojirou: What are you so surprised about, Tsugumi?
Tsugumi: Musashi…. Why are you being so casual with him…?
Page 255 Tsugumi: Takeda… Is the second largest  bushidan in Hi No Moto. Tsugumi: In fact…They boast about having the largest number of territories, including the mining town they liberated. Tsugumi: And the one who commands them, Takeda Naotora… That person…
Page 256 Tsugumi: Is an equal to lord Uesugi… Tsugumi: After all both of them are part of the “five great generals”, the most powerful of Hi No Moto!
Kojirou: What? Don’t tell me this person… Is more incredible tan we expected? Musashi: Maybe… Appearances can be deceiving.
Page 257
People: … Boy: To think he speaks so casually about the second most powerful person of Hi No Moto…. Boy: Who in the world is that redhead?
Page 258 Naoe: Please hand those people over to us. We can’t overlook the fact that they are outsiders to the Alliance.  They will be judged by us. Musashi: ¡ Naotora: Ah, these people are… Naotora: My subordinates! I’m sorry about all the conmotion, I’ll take it from here and i’ll accept the responsability for them.
Musashi: Am I your subordinate..? Man: Be quiet. Musashi: Are they protecting me?
Page 259
Naoe: Oh? If you say so, then so be it. Naoe: Then, if you please lord Takeda, shall we come inside to meet with our lord? Musashi: What the… Naotora can go inside the castle? So cool… Kojirou: Yeah… Huh? Just now… Kojirou: He said “to meet with our lord”… didn’t he? Box 1: Imagination Box 2: Lord Uesugi. Musashi: Naotora! If that’s okay, we would also like to meet with lord Uesugi! Naotora: No, you can’t! Naotora: You are my subordinates, i can’t ask you to come with me!
Page 260 Musashi: Take us with you! No, sorry… Please take us with you! Manuscript: Wait! Bushi: Hey! Behave yourself, redhead! Musashi: Why? Why can’t we go? Bushi: Why? Well… Bushi: Lord Uesugi Tatsuomi…He’s a sly person, that’s why you are not suited to accompany him. Quit it!
Page 261 Musashi: a “sly person”…? What the… What kind of person is he?
Box: Uesugi Bushidan Shiryuu castle Inside the castle.
Naoe: Our lord… Is in the underground mausoleum. Naotora: … Alright.
Page 262 Naotora: Given that you are in preparations fot the battle in Awaji… You stand claiming your victory in front of the spirits of our ancestors. Every bushidan prays for victory to gods and spirits of past heros, but... You people overwhel me… Taking things so far…
Naoe: Well, blood relationships means all to us.
Page 263 Naotora: Hey… Naotora: Long time no see, Tatsuomi!
Page 264, 265
Page 266
Tatsuomi: So you came after all… Naotora!
Box: Leader of the Uesugi Bushidan, Uesugi Tatsuomi.
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itsdanystormborn · 5 years
Orient 44 Full Translation.
Orient Manga 44
Don’t forget to support the official releases of Orient, Shinobu Ohtaka and Weekly shounen magazine.
►[Please don’t repost without giving credits. If you use this translation, don’t forget to share the link to this post!]◄
You can find the scans in @soreita‘s blog!
Orient 44 “There’s someone else”
Page 129
Tsugumi: Musashi, help me!!
Box: Green Oni “Takotsubo Oni” (Octopus pot/foxhole)
A parasite that grows in the vegetation. It can manipulate the roots and the stem of the plants at will.
Musashi: Tsugumi, Kojirou! And…
Musashi: Who’s that!? That Oni has one more person besides them…!?
 Page 130
Musashi: An Oni, the same kind of monster as always….
Musashi: but as their opponent…
Musashi: I’m not helpless anymore!
 Page 131
Musashi: “Enma no Ooodachi!!”
 Page 132
Horn SFX *sparkles*
Musashi: So, is that…
Musashi:…Its horn!?
Page 133
Page 134
 Page 135
Musashi: All right!
Musashi: Tsugumi! Kojirou!, are you all right!?
Tsugumi: Just… one more…
Kojirou: Musashi…
 Page 136
Tsugumi: Eww… I’m soaked…
Kojirou: Ah, I’m alright, you saved us…
Musashi: I’m glad you are okay!
Person: …
Musashi: Right!
Tsugumi: Huh? There is someone else.
Manuscript: Who could that be?
Musashi: Hey! Are you alright?
SFX: Silence…
Tsugumi: … They are not responding… Are they… dead…?
Muashi: …!?
 Page 137
Kojirou: Should I open it up with my sword?
Tsugumi: You can’t do that! If the person inside is alive, you could end up hurting them.
Musashi: They were moving just a moment ago… they have to be alive…
Tsugumi: … huh?
Musashi: …
Musashi: Ah…
 Page 138
 Page 139
Musashi: It’s a girl.
Tsugumi: Is she alive?
Musashi: …
 Page 140
Musashi’s thoughts: Oh, thank god.
Girl: You have…
Girl: blood coming out your cheek.
Musashi: huh?
Musashi: Oh, yeah… When I went saving you I…
Girl: Did you save me?
Musashi: ?
Musashi: Yeah…
 Page 141
Girl: Huh… I see…
Girl: …
Girl: Uhm…
Girl: Thank you…
 Page 142
SFX: *thump, thump*
Tsugumi: I’m so glad she’s alive!
Kojirou: Wow… She’s so pretty.
Tsugumi: Eh?
Tsugumi: Eh? What?
Tsugumi: What is with this girl?
 Man: Princess!
Musashi: ?
  Page 143
Man: Princess…?
Man: Good grief, girl! I told you it was dangerous to stray from the group, didn’t I?
Girl: I’m sorry, gramps.
 Page 144
Man: As always you let yourself be eaten by stray Oni…
Girl: I was hungry, I had no strength at all…
Man: If something happened to you, princess…. There would be no way to explain it to the lord!
 Tsugumi: A princess, huh… Why is a high class person like her wandering around in this jungle?
Tsugumi: … ask her, Musashi!
Tsugumi: Hey, are you listening?
SFX: *sparkle, sparkle*
 Tsugumi: Damn it, Musashi… Is he the kind of weakling who can be bought with a pair of flirty eyes?
He’s an idiot if he thinks he can get away with it…!
Box: In That moment, Musashi….
 Page 145
Box: Was thinking a completely different thing.
Musashi: I’m so glad…I still have a somewhat healthy heart that is able to sway at a pretty girl my own age
Box: Kishibojin/Hariti (Goddess of childbirth and children)
Manuscript: I thought my heart would never be moved by other than ladies that looked like the Kishibojin statue at school!
Musashi: I will cherish this glorious feeling I’ve discovered today!!
Manuscript: hehehe…
 Girl: ….
Girl: *whispers*
Man: hm hm, uh-huh…
Man: The princess is asking to know the name of that person over there.
Tsugumi: She can introduce herself! And she can say whatever she wants to say on her own!
Man: I apologize for not telling you before, but this person is…
Man: The daughter of lord Nobutsumi, from the Saruwatari Bushidan, part of the Uesugi alliance…
Man: She is lady Saruwatari Michiru.
Man: The bushi who carries this family’s fate on her shoulders.
Box: Saruwatari Michiru.
Man: In order to rush ourselves into the fateful great war under heaven…  We are aiming at Harima’s port!
Musashi: The fateful great war… under heaven?
 A premonition of a fierce war comes with the princess…!!
Continues on the next issue “At the ends of the east”!
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itsdanystormborn · 5 years
Orient 45 Full Translation.
bOrient Manga 45
Don’t forget to support the official releases of Orient, Shinobu Ohtaka and Weekly shounen magazine.
►[Please don’t repost without giving credits. If you use this translation, don’t forget to share the link to this post!]◄
You can find the scans in @soreita‘s blog!
Orient 45 “Wall”
Orient 45 “Wall”
 Page 365
Kojirou: This Kitetsuki is really cool!
Man: This is to show gratitude to lord Musashi for saving the princess! We will be out of these woods in no time!
Tsugumi: I’m so glad they let us ride with them, Musashi!
Tsugumi: Musashi?
Musashi: Oh, yeah…
Musashi: This Kitetsuki is really great but I’m more curious about…
This girl who sits beside me…
 Page 366
Musashi: She’s pouting again…
Musashi’s thoughts: What…? When we first met, she seemed like someone I could easily be friends with, but now….
Musashi’s thoughs: Michiru: Thank you.
Musashi: I wonder what is this girl so upset about…?
Michiru: ….
 Page 367
Kojirou: What is that?
Tsugumi: Musashi, look! Look how cool that is!
 Musashi’s thoughts: Kojirou… Tsugumi, you guys don’t notice it?
This dead, unpleasant atmosphere…
Musashi’s thoughts:  Maybe she just doesn’t want to talk to us…
Musashi’s thoughts: But, how awful… I can’t stand the environment to be so awkward when we are all here together… that’s why…
Tsugumi: Look! This car is so cool!
Musashi: Ah, yeah…
Musashi’s thoughts: I’ll try opening up to her!
 Page 368
Musashi: Ahh, we lost our way and we were in deep trouble… Your map of the forest saved us!
Musashi’s thoughts: Please answer…!
Tsugumi: right!
Tsugumi: Huh? What could be… this black area on the map?
Kojirou: Maybe a missing piece?
Musashi’s thoughts: Shit… They butted into my talk…
Musashi: Hey, where are you from?
 Page 369
Musashi’s thoughts: Let’s try to bring up the hometown topic. Talking about one’s birthplace at first meetings is a must…!
Man: You see…  We come from Bichuu. 
Man: After coming out of these woods, we will go south… Our destination is Harima’s harbor!
Man: Yesterday, a Kishin descended on Awaji island…
Tsugumi, Kojirou: A kishin?
 Page 370
Man: Yes! And in order to subjugate it, we bushi from the Uesugi alliance will gather at the harbour!
Musashi: Then, soon you will fight that Kishin… What sword technique do you use?
Michiru: …
Musashi: He said this girl is a bushi too… Then if I go for the sword talk, she should definitely bite into it, right…!?
 Page 371
Kojirou: What is the Uesugi alliance?
Tsugumi: Oh… It’s an alliance between bushidan.
Tsugumi: to raise the survival rate when fighting against a particularly strong enemy…
Tsugumi: Small to medium bushidan usually make an alliance agreement with some big bushidan!
By the way, Kosameda was affiliated with Tokugawa.
Musashi: Don’t steal the topic from me!!
Tsugumi: What’s wrong, Musashi!?
Musashi: You keep doing it!
Tsugumi: I’m explaining something to you!
Musashi: I was just in the middle of a talk with Michiru!
 Page 372
Musashi: Ah, she reacted to what I said!?
Manuscript: Why?
Michiru: … You remember?
Michiru: My name…
Musashi: What?
Man: We will sway through a difficult road, Please hold on tight!
Tsugumi, Musashi: Understood…
 Page 373
Musashi, Michiru: Ah…
Tsugumi, Kojirou: Ah! Musashi!?
Manuscript: He fell off!?
 Page 374
Musashi: This is awfully high!
Musashi: At this rate I’ll…
 Page 375
Michiru: Kitetsu sword, “Rurirenge”!    ( TN: Blue lotus )
Musashi: You…
 Page 376
Manuscript: Woahh
Musashi: We are flying!
Musashi: Your kitetsu sword is so cool!
Michiru: Right?
Michiru: I’m sorry about…. How I acted before…
Musashi: It’s alright, but… Why are you suddenly speaking now?
Michiru: You won’t laugh at me if I tell you?
Musashi: I won’t laugh.
Michiru: You see, I’m…
Michiru: A hikikomori ( TN: Basically an anti-social person)
Musashi: … Hikikomori?
Manuscript: What does that mean?
 Page 378
Michiru: The other person I see every day, the person that brings me the meals… is my grandpa…
Michiru: That’s why… For some reason, I’m okay when I speak with just another person, but…  when there’s more than 3 people like a while ago, I…
Michiru: When… When is the right moment to join the conversation?... I have no idea!
Manuscript: She was looking for the right moment to join the conversation.
Musashi: hahaha!!
Michiru: You laughed!
Musashi: Ah, I’m glad you are not angry!
Michiru: …
Michiru:  Hey… Let’s go together to the south this way…
 Page 379
Musashi: My plan was to advance towards the west, though…
Woods       West
 Michiru: We can’t go further to the west anyway… There was black paint over the map, remember?
Musashi: Yeah… What was that?
Michiru: You’ll know when you see it… Look, it’s there…
Musashi: Huh?
 Musashi: …
Musashi: What…
Musashi: What is this…!?
 Page 380
 Page 381
Musashi: …!?
Michiru: This black wall is… The body of a Kishin.
Musashi: The body of a Kishin…!? All this...!?
 The full picture of the Kishin that is nesting over Hi no moto…!!
 Continues on the next issue, “black wall”!
11 notes · View notes
itsdanystormborn · 5 years
The character at the end of Orient 48... Isn't he one of Kouen's lige?
Hi! Nope, his name is Uesugi Tatsuomi, the leader of the Uesugi bushidan. He kinda looks like Seishuu Ri, right? It’s the haaair
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recentanimenews · 3 years
TV Anime ORIENT Unveils Main Visual for Its 2nd Cour "The Awajishima Battle Arc"
    The official website for the TV anime adaptation of Shinobu Ohtaka (Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic)'s battle fantasy manga series ORIENT is updated with the first key visual for its forthcoming second cour "The Awajishima Battle Arc."
  The visual features Tatsuomi Uesugi (CV: Tomoaki Maeno), the leader of Uesugi Bushidan, one of the five largest Bands of Busis, along with his subordinates - Kanetatsu Naoe (Natsuki Hanae), Kuroko Usami, and Masayuki Amakasu (Yoshiki Nakajima). It was also newly announced that Kuroko Usami will be voiced by Yoko Hikasa (Mio Akiyama in K-ON!).
        ⚔TVアニメ「#オリエント」新情報 ⚔ / 第2クール「淡路島激闘編」 メインビジュアル第1弾が公開!!???? \ シリアスな雰囲気に包まれた 「上杉武士団」が描かれております???? さらに! 上杉武士団軍師・宇佐美黒子のCVは #日笠陽子 さんに決定???? ????22年7月~放送をお楽しみにhttps://t.co/sCnzAblx6H pic.twitter.com/6QgGlOHTkr
— TVアニメ「オリエント」公式@第2クール「淡路島激闘編」22年7月放送決定! (@orient_PR) March 26, 2022
    ????新情報???? TVアニメ「#オリエント」 「上杉武士団」の軍師・宇佐美黒子の キャラクタービジュアル公開!!✨ キャラボイスを務める#日笠陽子 さんからコメントも到着! 『楽しみながら、かつ黒子として地に足のついたお芝居をできるよう頑張りたいと思います』 ▽全文https://t.co/OvbooaCIt4 pic.twitter.com/9DYNnZfbfW
— TVアニメ「オリエント」公式@第2クール「淡路島激闘編」22年7月放送決定! (@orient_PR) March 26, 2022
    The first cour of the TV anime adaptation directed by Tetsuya Yanagisawa (High Scholl DxD, SENRAN KAGURA SHINOVI MASTER) was aired for 12 episodes from January to March 2022. Its highly anticipated second cour is set to premiere in July of this year.
      Source: TV anime "Orient" official website / Twitter
  © Shinobu Ohtaka, KODANSHA/ORIENT Production Committee
  By: Mikikazu Komatsu
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