#Takeda Bushidan
yeonban · 1 year
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Anonymous  asked: Naotora, is fraternizing with someone from a different bushidan accepted or frowned upon? Is there anyone in your bushi or the Uesugi bushi who would cause problems because of your relationship or raise concerns about Kanetatsu's lower status compared to yours?
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What an interesting thing to ask. When has he last been prodded upfront about anything, let alone about matters only relevant to his personal life? Were they in a similar situation to his, or was this simply curiosity's doing? ❛ It's generally frowned upon unless it's during a temporary alliance or joint battle, but unlike the Tokugawa, Date and Hojo, the Takeda and the Uesugi have been close for the greater part of their history, which means our people aren't as averse to the idea of creating strong bonds between the two. At some point there was even a marriage between one of our noble clans and one of the Uesugi's, so there are precedents for something like that, too. Besides, whether it's frowned upon or not, we, the current grand generals, couldn't care less about restricting our people's, nor each other's, personal freedom. If feelings can blossom and last despite the less than ideal circumstances, there's no reason why anyone should intervene. ❜
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The second query stops him in his tracks & while Naotora doubts that to be the case for the Uesugi, people could always opt to act one way to his face and an entirely different way behind his back; it has already happened enough times that it won't shock if it does again, but the general prefers to give everyone the benefit of the doubt regardless. ❛ I haven't spent nearly enough time with everyone from the Uesugi to be able to say for sure, so you should ask Naoe... or even Tatsuomi about that,  ❜ They knew the state of their band far better than he could ever hope to, just as he does his. ❛  From the Takeda... I can think of a few who are pressed about our relationship, but it's not because of Naoe's status, not as far as I can tell. They aren't exactly thrilled about it either, but he's both one of Tatsuomi's most trusted aides and hailing from one of the Uesugi's esteemed noble families, so unless I were to marry a fellow grand general, it'd be pretty hard to surpass Naoe's nobility.  ❜
Naotora scrunches his nose at the memories of his own men's concerns flooding in, yet it only lasts for a fleeting moment before it swiftly dissipates as though it hasn't even happened at all. ❛  The main "concerns" that have been brought to my attention are my frequent visits to the Uesugi endangering my band while I'm away, even though I only ever take Aoshi and Shunrai along while everyone stays at home to protect the people in case a surprise attack happens during that time,  ❜ A sigh, but he chooses not to dwell on it. ❛  ---and the ages old issue about inheritance. Some nobles think I should marry someone else and some think I should step down and give my title to a clan that will have heirs, but thankfully, the majority don't seem to care what happens next as long as I seem to know what I'm doing.  ❜
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itsdanystormborn · 5 years
Orient 49 Full Translation.
Orient 48 Full Translation.
Orient Manga 49
Don’t forget to support the official releases of Orient, Shinobu Ohtaka and Weekly shounen magazine.
►[Please don’t repost without giving credits. If you use this translation, don’t forget to share the link to this post!]◄
You can find the scans in @soreita‘s blog!
Orient 49 “The Oni who nest on Awaji ”
Orient 49 “The oni who nest on Awaji”
Page 25 The great war for the unity under heaven is about to start. The one who carries Hi no Moto’s future over his shoulders is, from the Uesugi bushidan, Uesugi Tatsuomi.
Page 26 & 27
Man: Oh, great Takami Musubi no kami!! Man: We present ourselves to you in high spirits, may we win this difficult war by the blood ties that bind us…
Naotora: He’s making a vow of victory in front of the bodies of his ancestors… Naotora: being proud of our family lineage is normal within bushi households, but… Uesugi is the only one who takes it this far…
Naoe: My lord. There are three outsiders to the Uesugi bushidan, they’ve infiltrated themselves within the corps… Uesugi: Kill them.
Page 28 Naotora’s thoughts: As unmerciful to outsiders as always… Naotora: Ah, those people are my subordinates! Uesugi: … And what about that? Natoroa: Moreover, they are the cousins of a distant relative of my older brother.  Naotora’s thoughts: Will he be as harsh as ever? Uesugi: if those subordinates are related by blood to you, i’ll leave them be… Naotora’s thoughts: I’m so glad consanguinity is so important to him… Naotora: Then?, Why did you send this to me? I’m not your subordinate, Tatsuomi…
Page 29 Uesugi: Of course you are not… Uesugi: However, I wonder if you could help me?
Naotora: “Must defeat the Awaji kishin”? Sounds challenging…
Page 30 Girl: I see… Uesugi’s seal is on that picture scroll? And thereupon, to investigate about Kojirou’s dad lineage, you want to meet lord Uesugi…
Page 31 Tsugumi: Musashi, who are these people? Musashi: Oh… They are from the Takeda bushidan, they saved our town some time ago…
Box: Sanada Aoshi. Takeda Bushidan, First squad, second blue sword. 
Box: Yamamoto Shunrai Takeda Bushidan Green sword, special corps, vice commander.
Aoshi: We were removed from the captain’s escort, to babysit some brats of all things…! Shunrai: You worry way too much, Aoshi… Aoshi: Why? Why do i have to get along with this used-to-be miner, redhead brat? Whyyyarhg? Tsugumi’s thoughts: if they don’t thake him seriously, Musashi will snap… Musashi in Tsugumi’s thoughts: I’m not a brat, my name is Musashi!!
Page 32
Musashi: Thanks for covering for us before bro!
Tsugumi’s manuscript: I had never seen that look on him before!
Tsugumi: Huh? He’s being unusually humble… Tsugumi’s manuscript: Why?
Musashi: Because the Takeda Bushidan seems to be our intermediary in order to start contact with lord Uesugi… Manuscript: We gotta get along with them.. Manuscript: Big connections. Manuscript: Uesugi Tsugumi: He’s making himself closet o them and making them like him… Manuscript: To help Kojirou… Kojirou: Thank you, Musashi. Shunrai: AHAHA, Even if you use that obvious flattery, we won’t let you meet lord Tatsuomi! Musashi: W-WHY!?
Page 33 Shunrai: Because it’s dangerous! Bushidan are very severe towards outsiders! Actually, a while ago, just when people noticed you were outsiders to the Uesugi Alliance, everyone froze, remember? Musashi: Yeah... but maybe hey can tell me a couple of things… Manuscript: Like if they had anyone named Kanemaki Jisai… Musashi: Does the Uesugi family gains anything from that? Shunrai: Bushi don’t do anything that won’t benefit their “house”!
Kojirou: House?
Page 34 Shunrai: That’s right! The leader’s priority are those who have blood connections with them. Manuscript: Family
Shunrai: Now we give the name “bushi” to those people who can use a Kitetsu sword, but originally, on the Heian era, the word “buke” was about warriors from a household lineage.
Shunrai: Long ago, those houses battled each other… That’s why “ We believe in blood ties above anything” … is an idea that every bushidan seems to have in common.  
Page 35 Musashi, Kojirou: Oh…
Musashi: Bushi battled each other when the Oni didn’t exist?... Shunrai Manuscript: Eat Kojirou: Now that you mention it, the picture scroll does mention something about bushidan competing with each other… Manuscript: That’s absurd… Musashi: Yeah.. Musashi: To believe in blood ties above anything… Musashi: I don’t understand very well…
Page 36 Tsugumi: I think i get it a little… My lord always told me things like not to stain the name of the family, and that i should cherish the honor of being part of them… Kojirou: I… … Jisai: Kojirou, you are the descendant of a proud household. Jisai: Don’t trow away your pride as a bushi. Kojirou: I’ll find out from now on… Musashi: Kojirou…
Page 37 Musashi: We’ll find a way to know about the old man somehow… Kojirou: Musashi… Musashi: With all those people out there on the harbor, it shouldn’t be so hard to infiltrate… Aoshi: Stop that! Those bushi are gathered to exterminate the Kishin of Awaji island… You will die if you infiltrate. Kojirou: Die? Musashi’s manuscript: It’s alright! Musashi: we’ve seen Kishin a couple of times! Aoshi: You kids don’t get it. Aoshi: Oh, great, let me take a look at this picture scroll…
Page 38 Aoshi: this looks like an Oni family tree. The size of their circle is proportional to their strenght.  The huge one at the center is the strongest, the “Black Kishin”! Kojirou: Woah! Musashi: Which one is Engokutengu? Aoshi: This one. Box: This. Musashi: What the… It’s so small. Musashi: Then, this Kishin of Awaji island is…?
Page 39 Aoshi: This one. Box: This. Box with arrow: Engokutengu. Kojirou, Musashi: What!? It’s so big… Completely in another level! Musashi: So, just by this you can tell it’s strong?
Box: Awaji island. Man: There’s no trace of the  original shape of the island… Man: Yeah… This is terrible.  Let’s report this to the lord!
Page 40, page 41
Page 42 Box: Emerald Kishin. Housenryuuya Matanoorochi.  ( battle dragon of eight heads) Man: Oh! Man: Oh…  Great god of ours we worship so dearly…! Man: I’m able to meet a high kishin like so close … As one of the Obsidian brotherhood, i swear i’ll be useful to you! Man: Please look how i break the Uesugi bushi from the inside… As i’m invading them.  
Continues on the next Issue “The strongest shield”
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eleore · 6 years
Orient 8 Summary
Warning: As usual, please note that my Japanese level is basic at most, so I cannot guarantee that the following snippets are accurate. In other words, these can include misinterpretations, and I might have left some parts out because I didn’t understand them. Feel free to share the link, but please DO NOT REPOST, and support the official releases!! If you don’t know how to buy the magazine and/or volumes, send me a message and I’ll help.
In which reality ensues, and a certain someone makes their entrance.
Musashi and Kojirou are finally on their big adventure, riding Kojirou’s bike throughout the vast expanse that is the outside world. They are so far from home, in fact, that their village is now but a tiny landmark in the distance! This, of course, prompts them to think about how, till now, that little place was their whole world. But now, it’s time for them to achieve that long-awaited dream...!
Musashi once again expresses how they have to go find a kishin to defeat, and is confident they will succeed given how them will become the strongest Bushidan. When Kojirou finds out how the Takeda Bushidan has so many people, he just goes “then we will get even MORE!!”.
He keeps going on and on like this, just like a little kid ahaha.
Either way, Kojirou then declares that they need to find comrades, prompting Musashi to say that even if they get more allies, his partner (aibou, as in... Yugi and Atem from Yugiou, for example) will always be Kojirou. He is so grateful that he met both him and his father, and how they taught him to wield a sword.
And so, they search for comrades and dreams begins! And they happily adventure...!
... for all of seven days.
In short, adventuring outside can be dangerous! The environment is pretty hostile, the bike cannot run in this kind of trail, and their food and water are almost nonexistent by now.
As expected, they begin to argue. Who knows how far the next kishin is, and Musashi starts complaining about being thirsty. The argument goes on for a little bit, with Kojirou remarking that while they might both have been ignorant of the outside world, they are not the same - Musashi lived all comfy in the dorm, while he took care of himself after his father died. He has the power to earn his own keep!
... welp, fortunately, before things can go on, the boys find a stream - and not only water, fish too!
This of course means that Kojirou’s words are quickly proven true, as he manages to quickly catch a lot of fish... unlike Musashi. See, he has the power to survive! Meanwhile, what about Musashi and his big dream? ...ehhh, zero fishes? How useful hoho... .
Musashi explodes at this, and runs away to find a “better” skill, leaving Kojirou to wonder why he went so far... maybe he is upset that Musashi was better at this Oni killing thing than him?
Meanwhile, Musashi does contemplate that the one who did everything for the trip was Kojirou.
After a while, Musashi goes back to the camp... and finds and injured Kojirou. Before he can react, however, someone grabs and restrains him...!! And it’s...!!
... it’s a girl, asking for all their valuables, pretty please <3
No commentary since I’m really, really tired... other than woo, the heroine probably is here!! Also, yay for realistic trip approach :D
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recentanimenews · 2 years
New ORIENT Key Visual Shows Takeda Bushidan Ready for Awajishima Battle Arc
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  Following up on an earlier visual featuring the Uesugi Bushidan front and center, another of the largest Bushi Bands in the land is in the spotlight ahead of the second cour of the ORIENT anime. This time we have the Takeda Bushidan ready for the Awajishima Battle Arc, which is currently set to premiere this July.
  RELATED: TV Anime ORIENT Unveils Main Visual for Its 2nd Cour "The Awajishima Battle Arc"
  Check out the visual featuring, from left to right, Aoshi Sanada (VA: Haruki Ishiya), Naotora Takeda (Satoshi Hino) and Shunrai Yamamoto (Saori Onishi):
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    The first cour of the TV anime adaptation of Shinobu Ohtaka's manga, directed by Tetsuya Yanagisawa (High School DxD, SENRAN KAGURA SHINOVI MASTER), aired for 12 episodes from January to March 2022. Here's how Crunchyroll describes it:
  During the Warring States era, the feuding generals were suddenly struck down one after another by the demonic Kishin. In the 150 years since, groups of individuals have continued to resist Kishin control. They are called Bushi bands. When they were young, Musashi and Kojiro would hear tales about the Bushi from Kojiro's father, and the two of them dream to form the strongest Bushi band. One day, as Musashi struggles with his choices, he witnesses humans being torn apart by oni. Forced to face the truth, Musashi rises up against the powerful oni to make his dream with Kojiro come true!
  Via Comic Natalie
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Joseph Luster is the Games and Web editor at Otaku USA Magazine and the Editor-in-Chief of Sci Fi Magazine. You can read his comics at subhumanzoids. Follow him on Twitter @Moldilox.
  By: Joseph Luster
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itsdanystormborn · 5 years
Orient 47 Full Translation.
Orient Manga 47
Don’t forget to support the official releases of Orient, Shinobu Ohtaka and Weekly shounen magazine.
►[Please don’t repost without giving credits. If you use this translation, don’t forget to share the link to this post!]◄
You can find the scans in @soreita‘s blog!
Orient 47 “Shiryuu Castle”
Orient 47 “Shiryuu castle”
TN: Shiryuu* purple dragon.
The highly awaited gathering at the great harbor! This is the beginning of a new arc “Harima’s country”
 Page 371
Musashi: So blue!!
Musashi: So cool! This lake is huge!
Tsugumi: It’s not a lake, it’s the ocean!
Musashi: What’s the difference, Tsugumi?
Tsugumi: I- I don’t know, it’s the first time I see it too!
Tusgumi: That flag… The Uesugi family crest is printed on it.
Tsugumi: Which means… That’s Uesugi’s castle… maybe?
 Page 372
Box: Uesugi Bushidan moving fortress. “Shiryuu castle” (TN: Purple castle)
Musashi: That’s an extraordinary castle
Tsugumi: It’ as big as a mountain…
Manuscript: It’s even hidden by the clouds…
Kojirou: …
Kojirou’s thoughts:  Tsugumi: Lord Uesugi’s signature is written on this picture scroll. Then, wasn’t Kojirou’s dad a bushi of the Uesigi bushidan?
Kojirou: Guys… I’m sorry for dragging you to this place, it was selfish…
 Page 373
Kojirou: But, I want to know about my father no matter what…
I never thought about what kind of person my father was, until now…
But I might be able to learn something in this place…
Musashi: You are not selfish! I want to know more about the old man too!
Kojirou: Musashi…
Tsugumi: It’s alright! Wanting to know about one’s family is completely normal!
Tsugumi: Besides, I’m a little curious myself… About Uesugi’s connection with Koijrou!
 Page 374
Tsugumi: For what reason would Kojirou’s dad picture scroll be signed by lord Uesugi himself?
Musashi: They at least must have known each other…Nah, they probably became friends after years of military service.
Shapes: Jisai, Uesugi.
Tsugumi: No no, What if Kojirou is actually Uesugi’s illegitimate child? It could be, right?
Kojirou:  You are having fun, aren’t you?
Musashi: Anyway, let’s try to find out! Let’s go meet that Lord Uesugi right away!
Tsugumi, Kojirou: Alright!
 Page 375
Man: You can’t
Kojirou: … Huh? We can’t meet him? Why?
Man: Hum… Why, you ask?
Man: The lord can’t listen to each low class bushi that comes to see him. This time,  a lot of bushi from each group of the Uesugi alliance have gathered in this place due to the war in Awaji Island. As you can see…
Manuscript: Take a look behind you
 Page 376
Kojirou: No doubts they are a large group, and what’s more, there are many bushidan…
Musashi: Are all of this people subordinates of that lord Uesugi?
 Page 377
Kojirou: Unbelievable…. All of this people follow him… I wonder what kind of person Lord Uesugi is…
Musashi: Who knows… That man said he’s one of Hi no moto strongest, the “Five great generals”, but…
 Man: What group are you from?
Man: All of the people reunited here are affiliated to the Uesugi alliance…
Kojirou: Well, we are not in the Uesugi alliance…
Manuscript: We are the Kanemaki Bushidan.
Men: Why did you say?
Kojirou: The air just got heavy…
Musashi: Was it forbidden for outsiders to come? But that old man said to come if we were interested, didn’t him?
 Page 378
Man: What should we do, lord Naoe?
Naoe: Hum… A noble visitor will arrive very soon… Therefore, I won’t allow this kind of ineptitude in this place.
Naoe: Arrest those suspicious people and find out who they are.
Man: Yes sir!
Kojirou: What…!?
Tsugumi: We are not suspicious people!
 Page 379
Man: …
Musashi: Let us through!
Musashi: What!?
 Page 380
Musashi SFX: Gah!?
Kojirou, Tsugumi: Musashi!
 Page 381
Man: Lord Naoe… This man is weak.
Man: He’s not a bushi worth being wary of.
Musashi: Excuse me?
 Page 382
Kojirou: He finished off Musashi just with one leg…
Tsugumi: That guy is pretty good…
SFX: Shoom, shoom
Musashi: What’s that sound?
 Page 383
Musashi: !?
Musashi: What the hell is that thing….
Musashi: I wonder if that’s a Kitetsuki too…
Musashi… Huh?
Musashi: That crest definitely is…
Musashi: Tsgugumi: That flag… The Uesugi family crest is printed on it.
Musashi: Ah!
 Page 384
Musashi: Everyone is kneeling!?
Man: That is… The Uesugi family Kitetsuki….
Man: Which means… the lord is here!?
Naoe: We’ve been waiting for you.
Musashi: !!
Musashi: Could this be…
 Page 385
Musashi: The guy we’ve hearing about?
Musashi: The guy that might have known the old man…
Musashi: Is this person… That lord Uesugi?
 Page 386
It’s not Uesugi, It’s Takeda Naotora!! What’s the thief samurai doing in this place!?
Musashi: …. WHAT!?
Continues on the next issue, “Takeda and Uesugi”!
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itsdanystormborn · 5 years
Orient 50 Full Translation.
Orient 49 Full Translation.
Orient Manga 50
Don’t forget to support the official releases of Orient, Shinobu Ohtaka and Weekly shounen magazine.
►[Please don’t repost without giving credits. If you use this translation, don’t forget to share the link to this post!]◄
You can find the scans in @soreita‘s blog!
Orient 50 “The man of the tattoos”
Orient 50 “ The man of the tattoos”
Page 455 Emerald Kishin (Ryokushoku Kishin) “Housenryuuya matanoorochi”
Within the hundred remaining Kishin on hi no moto, this is the fifth strongest. Musashi and friends wait for the emerald kishin, one of the strongest class!
If the red Oni’s offensive is to spit out flames, The green Oni is the opposite. This is a defensive Oni who controls a unique defense wall. The ability of that wall is absolute…
Page 456 He bounces back any attack to the enemy. He reflects all the “touki” high signal that comes out from the kitetsu swords of the bushi too.
Bushi: Let’s fire all at once!!
Page 457 The strongest wall becomes the strongest spear at the same time. And breaking its horn…There hasn’t been a single bushidan in 150 years able to even make a scratch on his skin.
Page 458 Tsugumi: No way! No way! Absolutely no way!!! Tsugumi: There’s no way we can go against that sort of monster!!
Uesugi Bushidan Shiryuu castle, main gate.
Castle Gate (arrow: more less this size)                   harbor.
Man:  All of you,  members form the alliance have accepted the strategy to recover Awaji Island. The preparations for your temporary residence in this castle have been completed! Bring your servants and come inside the castle!
Page 459 Musashi: He said we can go inside the castle, right? Tsugumi: We can’t! If we follow them past the gates, we’ll be dragged into the war! Kojirou: Right now getting information is our main goal above the Oni extermination. Musashi: But he’s surely inside this castle, right? Lord Uesugi…
Manuscript: So high…
Tsugumi: Woah, the castle tower is so far that is beyond the clouds…
Page 460 Musashi: that’s right Tsugumi… Get me over there using your whip kitetsu sword! I can ask about the old man if I go for a little bit.
Tsugumi: Are you stupid? There’s no way I can get you to a place so high!
Tsugimi: Well… I can do it until the roof of this wall. Musashi: That’s alright, I’ll look around inside the castle first. Kojirou: Come back without starting any trouble… Tsugumi: Well then…
Page 461 Tsugumi: See you later!  (whisper)
Musashi: Oof, this is inside the castle of the Uesugi Bushidan… Musashi: Woahh… Incredible!
Page 462, 463
Page 464 Musashi: What’s this… huge castle!?
Musashi’s thoughts: Well… more than a castle… in truth is a mountain! Musashi: I wonder what kind of people lives in this place…
Man: A fine castle, right? Musashi: Eh?
Page 465 Musashi: A tattooed man… who is he? Musashi: …. Tatsuomi: …
Page 466 Musashi’s thoughts: is he sunbathing or….? Manuscript: He seems old…
Musashi: Yeah, it’s great… In the Uesugi castle…
Musashi: I know there are many bushi… Tatsuomi:…. Tatsuomi: bushi, you say
Tatsuomi: All of them have families waiting for them to come back… A wife, children, parents, siblings… The living proof of those unbreakable ties
Page 467 Tatsuomi: I came here before the battle to confirm it…
Musashi: You don’t seem to be a simple hermit, mister. Tatsuomi: Well…
Page 468 Musashi: Are you a bushi, mister? Tatsuomi: Kind of… Are you a bushi? Musashi: yeah Tatsuomi: How old are you? Musashi: I’m 15! Tatsuomi: I see…
Tatsuomi: I don’t want to… Tatsuomi: Send young bushi like you to the land of the death without regret.
Page 469 Tatsuomi: But this time we’ll go against a tough enemy… Well then, I need to get going… Musashi: This man… Musashi: There’s something about him… I really don’t think he’s a simple hermit… Who the hell is he..?
Musashi: Eh? Naoe: You were here after all… Naoe: Everyone is waiting for your words, my lord. Tatsuomi: I’ll go now Musashi: What? Did you say… Lord… Manuscript: no way….
Page 470 Naoe: Wait for your turn to speak… This person is the head of the Uesugi family, Lord Uesugi Tatsuomi. Musashi: … What? Musashi: HE IS!? Naoe: Didn’t I tell you to wait? Musashi: Oops, I’m sorry!
Tatsuomi: I don’t mind… if he’s a bushi from the alliance then he’s from my family too! Musashi: Huh…? He’s surprisingly nice, that’s great! Thought I was told he was a harsh guy… Musashi: There’s something I want to ask you… Naoe: Oh, my lord… This person is…
Page 471 Naoe: Not from the alliance.
Naoe: He’s one of the suspicious people. Lord Takeda insisted that he’s his subordinate, or his relative… but to me, no matter how hard I look… Noe: I see an outsider with no relation to Takeda…
Box1: redhead Box2: Dirty looking clothing uncharacteristic of bushi households.
Naoe: You, tell us what castle you belong to, what corps, what sword color, what rank… answer now! Musashi:  What!? Rank!?
Musashi: What the hell… I don’t understand a thing! Is this bushidan terminology? If I don’t answer, they’ll know I don’t have any relation to Naotora! Musashi: Hum… ehm…
Page 472 Musashi: L-Lord Uesugi? Musashi: He’s totally different from before!!
Naoe: So you are an outsider. Trespassing the castle is by law a crime which its punishment is death penalty, but lord Takeda seems to favour him… Naoe: What should we do, my lord?
Musashi: The labor camp? Manuscripts: What’s that?
Tatsuomi’s attitude changed suddenly! What will happen to Musashi!!?
Continues on the next Issue “Hell”
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itsdanystormborn · 5 years
Orient 48 Full Translation.
Orient Manga 48
Don’t forget to support the official releases of Orient, Shinobu Ohtaka and Weekly shounen magazine.
►[Please don’t repost without giving credits. If you use this translation, don’t forget to share the link to this post!]◄
You can find the scans in @soreita‘s blog!
Orient 48 “Uesugi bushidan”
Orient 48 “Uesugi Bushidan”
Page 249 Why is Takeda Naotora in Uesugi bushidan’s base?
Musashi: … Why are you coming out from Uesugi bushidan’s kitetsuki? Musashi: Takeda Naotora!
Page 250 Leader of the Takeda bushidan Takeda Naotora
People: Did he say Takeda Naotora? Why is he here?
Kojirou’s manuscript: Ah, that person is… Kojirou: I thought who came down would be the lord of the Uesugi bushidan…
Musashi: Hey… I haven’t seen you since the time we fought Engokutengu… That time… well… Thank you for your help!
Page 251 Musashi: I thought he was taking away my first achievement, but… At that time i didn’t even have a Kitetsu sword, so… This is difficult to admit, but this guy saved me.
Musashi: Don’t stay so silent, say something, Naotora!
Naotora: … …. Musashi: What’s with this guy?
Naotora: You… Naotora: Who are you, again?
Page 252 Musashi: ¡? Musashi: He forgot about me? Musashi: I’m the only one who remembers… Musashi: Has this guy completely disregarded me…? Musashi: … Musashi: This… This is so embarrasing…
Naotora: Tch…
Page 253 Naotora: HAHAHAHAHA! Naotora: I’m just kidding, I remember. Naotora: Musashi, the one I gave the consolation prize. Naotora: You are really easy to tease, you know? Naotora: I’m glad you remember me, Musashi!
Musashi: That’s right… He was this kind of guy…
Page 254 Musashi: You… You are as mean as always! People have told you this, right? Naotora: Nobody has said that to me face to face.
Musashi: Why is everyone kneeling for this guy? Kojirou: What are you so surprised about, Tsugumi?
Tsugumi: Musashi…. Why are you being so casual with him…?
Page 255 Tsugumi: Takeda… Is the second largest  bushidan in Hi No Moto. Tsugumi: In fact…They boast about having the largest number of territories, including the mining town they liberated. Tsugumi: And the one who commands them, Takeda Naotora… That person…
Page 256 Tsugumi: Is an equal to lord Uesugi… Tsugumi: After all both of them are part of the “five great generals”, the most powerful of Hi No Moto!
Kojirou: What? Don’t tell me this person… Is more incredible tan we expected? Musashi: Maybe… Appearances can be deceiving.
Page 257
People: … Boy: To think he speaks so casually about the second most powerful person of Hi No Moto…. Boy: Who in the world is that redhead?
Page 258 Naoe: Please hand those people over to us. We can’t overlook the fact that they are outsiders to the Alliance.  They will be judged by us. Musashi: ¡ Naotora: Ah, these people are… Naotora: My subordinates! I’m sorry about all the conmotion, I’ll take it from here and i’ll accept the responsability for them.
Musashi: Am I your subordinate..? Man: Be quiet. Musashi: Are they protecting me?
Page 259
Naoe: Oh? If you say so, then so be it. Naoe: Then, if you please lord Takeda, shall we come inside to meet with our lord? Musashi: What the… Naotora can go inside the castle? So cool… Kojirou: Yeah… Huh? Just now… Kojirou: He said “to meet with our lord”… didn’t he? Box 1: Imagination Box 2: Lord Uesugi. Musashi: Naotora! If that’s okay, we would also like to meet with lord Uesugi! Naotora: No, you can’t! Naotora: You are my subordinates, i can’t ask you to come with me!
Page 260 Musashi: Take us with you! No, sorry… Please take us with you! Manuscript: Wait! Bushi: Hey! Behave yourself, redhead! Musashi: Why? Why can’t we go? Bushi: Why? Well… Bushi: Lord Uesugi Tatsuomi…He’s a sly person, that’s why you are not suited to accompany him. Quit it!
Page 261 Musashi: a “sly person”…? What the… What kind of person is he?
Box: Uesugi Bushidan Shiryuu castle Inside the castle.
Naoe: Our lord… Is in the underground mausoleum. Naotora: … Alright.
Page 262 Naotora: Given that you are in preparations fot the battle in Awaji… You stand claiming your victory in front of the spirits of our ancestors. Every bushidan prays for victory to gods and spirits of past heros, but... You people overwhel me… Taking things so far…
Naoe: Well, blood relationships means all to us.
Page 263 Naotora: Hey… Naotora: Long time no see, Tatsuomi!
Page 264, 265
Page 266
Tatsuomi: So you came after all… Naotora!
Box: Leader of the Uesugi Bushidan, Uesugi Tatsuomi.
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itsdanystormborn · 6 years
Orient 20 Full Translation.
Orient 20
This is only a fan translation. Don’t forget to support the official releases of Orient, Shinobu Ohtaka and Weekly shounen magazine.
►[Please don’t repost without giving credits. If you use this translation, don’t forget to share the link to this post!]◄
You can find the scans in @soreita‘s blog!
Orient 20 :  “Nameless Dogs”
Orient 20 “Nameless Dogs”
Check the previous 2 color pages first!!
  Page 187
Musashi: incredible…!! What is this sword!?
  Page 188
Man: Is this by any chance the first time you use one of these? A “Kitetsu” sword, I mean.
Musashi: Is this called “Kitetsu Sword”?  Wow!
Musashi: Wow! The iron sand is gathering in the sword’s direction…
  Page 189
Musashi’s thoughts: I know what this is… This is what “Takeda Bushidan” did that time they slayed “Engokutengu”…
Musashi’s thoughts: Is this what it feels when you slay Oni?
Musashi’s thoughts: I still don’t understand so well, but…
Musashi’s thoughts: it surely feels great!
SFX: Crack
Musashi: huh?
  Page 190
Musashi: What the heck!?
Musashi: I’m… I’m sorry! I ended up breaking it.
Man: Nah… Don’t worry about that!
Man: I didn’t need that one anyway!
Musashi: Eh?
Man: I’m telling you that one was a blunt sword! And yet, you… you managed to draw an incredible Touki from it…
Translator Note: Touki 刀気 (the sword’s spirit/ energy or power)
I wonder why…
    Page 191
Man: You…
Man: I thought that maybe, you…
But I guess… Was I wrong, after all?
Musashi: What do you mean?
  Boy: My lord~
Musashi & Man: !?
  Page 192
Boy: It’s time.
  Page 193
Man: Alrighty!
Boy: They are scattered all around again… Why do you always draw a battlefield on the ground with the Kitetsu swords?
Man: Well, you see…
Man: Because I feel great when I’m surrounded by beautiful ladies!
Boy: What?
Musashi: Beautiful ladies?
Man: Look! This girl is a frail, but equilibrated curvilinear beauty…
Man: Just like the slim waist of the holy virgin!
Man: On the other hand, this one looks dignified and has a certain air of nobility…
Man: It coexists with a bewitching blood-smeared depth! When you stab it, it’s like a Chinese peony… When you touch it, it’s like a tree peony…And when her naked blade sparkles, it’s just like a white lily!
Musashi: …???
  Page 194
Boy: I’m so sorry about this… for my lord, “kitetsu” swords are more important than eating 3 healthy meals a day…
Musashi’s manuscriop: hey…
Musashi’s manuscript: Are you alright?
Man: hahaha, this kid praises me way too much!
Musashi: Hey, who are you guys?
Man:  We are nameless pet dogs!
  Page 195
Musashi: dogs?
Tsugumi & Kojirou: Musashi!
Musashi: ah
Musasshi’s manuscript: it’s you guys.
Tsugumi: An Oni appeared, right? are you okay?
Musashi: Yeah! These people lend me a sword and…
Musashi: What!?
Musashi: They disappeared…!?
  Page 196
Kojirou: thank you for getting my sword back.
Tsugumi: Are you sure it wasn’t a dream?
Musashi: I’m telling you, that was no dream!
  Musashi: that sword was… incredible…
Musashi: It felt so different…
  Page 197
Musashi: it felt like something out of this world…!!
Musashi: I want to use a Kitetsu sword again….
Kojirou: Musashi…
Kojirou: You seem very enthusiastic but, what’s all this about a “kitetsu” sword? What is that?
  Page 198
  Musashi: Well, now that you ask, a kitetsu sword….
Musashi: well, I don’t understand so well either, I guess?
Tsugumi: what? Didn’t you know?
Tsugumi: a Kitetsu sword is…
Tsugumi: a weapon made from “kitetsu”
Musashi: “Kitetsu”? if I remember correctly, that’s…
Kojirou:  it’s the iron sand you get when an Oni dies, right? can you forge a sword of it?
Tsugumi: that’s right. Well, leaving the complicated stuff aside, the most important thing is, you see…
Tsugumi:  If you don’t have a “Kitetsu” sword, then
Tsugumi: You won’t be able to break the Oni’s horn.
Musashi: what!?
Musashi: is that for real!?
  Page 199
Tsugumi: it is! Because an Oni’s horn is incredibly hard…
Tsugumi: it will never break unless it’s by the special power hidden in the “kitetsu” sword.
  Shinkaku= Oni’s vital spot
Can’t be cut with anything else than a Kitetsu sword.
Example: Nekomata Oni.
(Other areas besides the shinkaku)
Can be cut with other swords besides a Kitetsu sword.
  Musashi: I see…!
Musashi’s thougths: so, that’s why my sword ended up breaking, then…
Musashi: the only weapon that can be used to slay Oni, huh?
I want it even more now…
But surely it must be a very valuable and rare weapon…
To get a weapon like that surely I must go through a hard test beyond all imagination!!
  Page 200
Tsugumi: What about buying one?
Musashi: What?
Tsugumi: Kitetsu swords are sold ordinarily. They are not that mythical…
Tsugumi Manuscript: I’m sorry I got you all excited about it…
Tsugumi: You know what? Buy one! If you don’t have a “Kitetsu” sword, then you can’t fight against the “kishin”
You want to defeat the “Kishin”, right!?
Musashi: Yeah, of course!
Tsugumi: Now we are heading to where the Blue Kishin is, right?
Musashi: Yeah!
Tsugumi: Then, they are sold at the base of that mine where the Kishin will come, so …
Musashi: Swords are sold at the base of a mountain? What do you mean?
Tsugumi: Look, we are almost there!
Musashi: !! What is that…!?
  Page 201
Daitou Mine
(TN: Great eastern Mine)
Page 202
Kojirou: It’s full of  grim looking guys wearing armors…!?
Musashi: H-Hey!! is that building floating!? How is that possible!?
  Page 203
Tsugumi: what are you so surprised about? I’ve told you that a bushidan’s castle can move around, haven’t I?
In order to slay all the “kishin” bushi need to rush to where they are…
The castle will force its way with the power of the “kitetsu”!
  Musashi: wow…!!
Kojirou: then, these people are a Bushi!?
  Musashi: wow, you really are a know-it-all, Tsugumi! Well done!
Kojirou: yeah, if you are here we can go on with our journey without getting in trouble.
Tsugumi: Huh!?
  You are a Know-it-all, well done, Tsugumi!
If you are here…
Tsugumi: te-hee, te-he-he…
  Page 204
Tsugumi: No way! It’s not a big deal! I just do what I can!
Manuscript: ohohoho
Kojirou: is she embarrassed?
Manuscript: It’s hard to tell…
  Musashi: Her shy face is hideous too… ah, forget I said anything!
Box: she was raised in an abusive environment, so she’s not used to being praised.
Musashi: then… what does it mean that bushi get together at the base of a mountain to sell swords?
Tsugumi: well, you see…!
Tsugumi: in order to slay Kishin, people get together and form little towns!
Tsugumi: the “Kishin” will descend nearby this mountain…
Tsugumi: Such revelation is what has been projected by this kaleidoscope.
  Page 205
Tsugumi: That’s why bushi get together in order to defeat it.
Tsugumi: Taking advantage of this, there’s also people who come to trade with them.
Tsugumi: equipment, alcohol, meals, information…
Tsugumi: They trade any sort of thing, and…. Kitetsu swords are included among those things!
Musashi: WOW!!
Kojirou: We should get ready for the fight too, don’t you think?
Tsugumi:  That’s right! So, before we slay the Kishin…
Tsugumi: Let’s go shopping!
Kojirou: You have money?
  Continues on the next issue “auction” 
 Better late than never! hehee! thanks for reading! ^^ 
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itsdanystormborn · 6 years
Hi Dany ^^ I'd like to ask you in the Orient manga how do they refer as a band of bushi eg: Takeda BUSHIDAN or Takeda BUSHI? I saw both in translations but I don't know which is more accurate.
Hello =)
The manga textually uses “Bushidan”, which means “group of bushi” ( the “dan” word refers to a group or team of people. It’s a word used to pluralize) So, writing “Takeda Bushidan” means “group of Bushi Takeda” which refers to the Bushi that are under Naotora Takeda’s orders. Saying “the Takeda bushi” when translating to english has the exact same meaning as saying Takeda bushidan or group of bushi Takeda, because it’s implied they are refering to the (group of many) bushi that work under Takeda.
So, both translations are correct! To use one or other it’s up to the translator’s criteria ( the way they think it’s clearer to phrase it) since both have the same meaning. 
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itsdanystormborn · 6 years
Orient 11 Full Translation.
Orient 11
This is only a fan translation. Don’t forget to support the official releases of Orient, Shinobu Ohtaka and Weekly shounen magazine.
►[Please don’t repost without giving credits. If you use this translation, don’t forget to share the link to this post!]◄
You can find the scans in @soreita‘s blog!
Orient 11 :  “By your side”
A mystery banquet in enemy territory!! What are Kosameda Bushidan’s intentions by welcoming Musashi and Kojirou?  
Orient 11: “By your side”
  Page 425
Welcome, Musashi, Kojirou!
Let’s throw a welcome party! To our Kosameda Bushidan!
 Page 426
Hideo: Musashi! You sure can drink! As one would expect from a first class Bushi!
Musashi:  Don’t praise so much!
 Kojirou: I’m good, thank you!
Tsugumi:  You will drink too! You are Kojirou, right?
Kojirou’s thoughts: why are they throwing this reception for us, again….?
 Page 427
Soldiers: The lord has returned from the Oni extermination mission!
Musashi: So, that’s the leader of this Bushidan…
SFX: thump, thump
Musashi: Seems an asshole like Takeda Naotora… why should I do if they make fun of me again?
 Hideo: welcome, our guest! I’m Kosameda Hideo, the leader of the bushidan!
Musashi: ugh
Hideo: Eh? Your hands are very blistered… This is the proof of the choice to wield a sword a first class bushi…
Hideo: You are a bushi like me… Let’s become friends!
Musashi: First class bushi…
A bushi like me, become friends….
  Page 428
Kojirou: That was enough to get you over the moon…
Manuscript: how are these vegetables seasoned?
Manuscript: It’s super tasty, right?
Musashi: This leader seems to be a good guy, right? Kojirou!
Manuscript: He even treated us a meal!
 Kojirou: But, isn’t this kind of weird? Why would this people go this far for us?
Tsugumi: Stop worrying and drink!
 Hideo: By the way, I took a look at your Kitetsuki…
  Page 429
Hideo: If you own such a top quality Kitetsuki, then it means…
Hideo: that you two have come to defeat quite a lot of “Kishin”… I can see you are first class Bushi!
 Kojirou: This person is overestimating us!
Manuscript: though we haven’t gotten that far yet…
 Hideo: therefore, I have a proposal for you…
Hideo: Wouldn’t you like to form a coalition with our Kosameda Bushidan?
Musashi: A coalition?
  Page 430
Hideo: Yeah!
Hideo: There are quite strong stray Oni living in this zone…
Musashi: Stray Oni?
Hideo: Those who fight together suffer less damage… We’ll split the “Kitetsu” in equal parts!
Musashi & Kojirou: … …
Musashi: Oh… you see,
Musashi: That girl mentioned that too, but… What is a “Kitetsu”?
Tsugumi & Hideo: Eh?
Hideo: Don’t tell me… You don’t know what a “Kitetsu” is?
Musashi: Yeah, I don’t know.
  Page 431
SFX: well…
Hideo: I guess you can’t use it then…
Musashi & Kojiro: what?
Hideo: Tsugumi.
Tsugumi: But My lord…
Hideo: restrain them, right now.
Tsugumi: Y- yes!
Musashi: what’s happening…?
  Page 432
Tsugumi: Kitetsutou “hiensouryuuken”!!
( T.N: kitetsu tou: metal demon sword / hien souryuuken: swallow flight- pair blade school)
Musashi & Kojirou:  what!?
  Page 433
Musashi: what technique is this!?...
Kojirou: I can’t slice it off with my sword…!!
Musashi: Hey, take this off!
Tsugumi: …
Tsugumi: I’m… I’m sorry…
Musashi: !?
Hideo: however, the fact that they own a quality Kitetsuki hasn’t changed.
Hideo: They might still have more kitetsu hidden somewhere…
  Page 434
Hideo:  We’ll leave them imprisoned.
 Tsugumi: I- It’s my fault for being incompetent and stupid…
Page 435
Hideo: one more time.
Tsugumi: It’s my fault for being incompetent and stupid…
Hideo: I didn’t hear you, one more time!
Tsugumi: It’s my fault for being incompetent and stupid, I failed…
Tsugumi: It’s my duty to bring strong and useful Bushi to my lord, and yet….
Hideo: You truly are a poor skilled girl, huh? Tsugumi.
… Can you understand the current state of your group with that dim-witted head of yours?
Tsugumi: Y-Yes… I understand that we are in a predicament…
Hideo: …
Hideo: … A predicament?
 Page 436
Hideo: The war progress is certainly disappointing…
Hideo:  The front has collapsed…. The military force of the kosameda bushidan has decreased in the many battles against the Oni.
Hideo: The number of bushi and kitetsu are not enough…
Hideo: But, there’s no way we can turn our back on the Oni situation!
Hideo: Eventually, the Oni will wish for metal and… they will pour their way into this castle…
When that happens…
Tsugumi: …. !?
  Page 437
Hideo: I’ll set the “general mobilization order” of the castle town,
Tsugumi: … The… “general mobilization order” !?
Tsugumi: That means… that even the children of the castle town… will have to be ready to die fighting the Oni…?
  Page 438
Hideo: that’s right.
Until the last soldier falls… To battle the Oni until the very end,  is what being a Bushi means, isn’t it?
Tsugumi: But…isn’t that too harsh…!?
A lot of citizens are woman who can’t fight, and older people…!!
Not to mention the children… They still don’t know the ideals of the Bushi so well!
They’ll fight for something they don’t understand, and they will be tortured to death by those monsters…
Tsugumi: It is too much…!! don’t you have any compassion for the citizens?!!
Hideo: well…
Tsugumi: ….!!
  Page 439
Hideo: Compassion…
Should I…?
 Hideo: “Bushidan” exist to fight against the Oni!
Citizens should have a burning passion for this highly proud fate as well!!
By our honor, we must not let go of this land entrusted to us by *Lord Tokugawa….
That’s it, to fight the Oni with pride filling our hearts is… a Bushi’s supreme gratification, isn’t it?
( *T.N: Might be a reference to Tokugawa Ieyasu, the first shougun and founder of the Tokugawa shougunate)
 Tsugumi: S-Still…!!
Hideo: Still what? Do you have any objections? Say them
Hideo: Come one… say them!
Tsugumi: Ah…
 Page 440
Hideo: I’m asking you if you have any objections, you stupid woman!!!
Tsugumi: Ah…!
Tsugumi: …!
 Tsugumi: Ah…
Tsugumi: yes…
I agree… with you….
 Tsugumi:… My lord
Hideo: What!?
Tsugumi: Please, give me your orders…
Hideo: !
  Page 441
Tsugumi: I haven’t received your next instructions…
Tsugumi: Is it okay for me to do something?
Tsugumi: should I stay alert? Should I train? Or do I get to have a mission?
 Hideo: You are unbelievable … you can’t do anything without me, can you? Tsugumi!
Tsugumi: Yes…
Hideo: You have been the least skilled since long ago…
Tsugumi: I’m sorry….
Tsugumi: I’m doing my best, but…
Hideo: You don’t have to do your best.
 Page 442
Hideo: Because I will always be by your side…
You only have to listen to what I say!
 Tsugumi: … Yes, my lord.
 I’m all right…
As long as I have my lord, I’ll be all right…
  Page 443
Hideo: However, … I have to give you a punishment for failing the mission!
Tsugumi: Y-Yes… My lord….
 Musashi: Da-mn-it! That smiling iron masked Samurai throwed us into this place!
Kojirou: But, what should we do? that girl’s weapon wasn’t ordinary.
Musashi:  you are right… But, her technique…
Musashi’s thoughts: we’ve seen it before, haven’t we…?
Tsugumi SFX: (singing) hm, hmmm, hum, humm
  Page 444
Tsugumi: Yahoo! How are you two?
Musashi: What the…!?
Musashi: You… what’s with your face!?
 Musashi:  it’s super ugly!!
Manuscript: You cried your eyes out or what!?
Tsugumi: Well, something nasty happened… It’s nothing!
Anyway, I really need to ask you two something, okay?
 A strong bond binds the leader and Tsugumi together! This face is the prood of their love!  
 An overwhelming repercussion in the beginning of the next issue, in color pages!
Thanks for reading! ^^ 
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itsdanystormborn · 6 years
Orient 7 Full Translation.
Orient 7
This is only a fan translation. Don’t forget to support the official releases of Orient, Shinobu Ohtaka and Weekly shounen magazine.
►[Please don’t repost without giving credits. If you use this translation, don’t forget to share the link to this post!]◄
You can find the scans in @soreita‘s blog!
Orient 7 : “The unification of the world”
Note: The title makes reference to an expression that was used to talk about “the unification of the country” ( Japan), Since Hi no Moto is basically Japan and makes a lot of references to feudal Japan,  saying “The unification of the country” would also be correct. I’m translating it as “The unification of the world” since Hi no Moto has been referred as once being “A human world” but basically in this context there’s no difference. If needed, I might change it as the story moves forward.
 Page 391
The enigmatic gun that was given to him by the wicked leader Naotora… Was after all a weapon to detect the “Kishin”!
 Musashi: This is a tool to search the place where the Kishin are!
Musashi: Our first achievement was taken away by that guy but…. We can make a comeback with this!
I’ve defeated the Kishin “Engokutengu”!  look for the next Kishin yourself!
Flashback end.
 Musashi: That Bastard….!
  Page 392
 Musashi: He won’t mess with me again ….
We’ll catch a prey even bigger than the red Kishin!
 Kojirou: But…. Although the picture scroll had information about the Kaleidoscope that can see the Kishin… How is that we never noticed it at all….?
 Musashi: Well, it’s no wonder! It’s because today we saw both a real Kishin and a real Bushidan for the first time!
Kojirou: Yeah, we saw the real thing…. That’s why right now we can understand so much more stuff that in the past!
Kojirou: For example, look at this….
Musashi: Oh?
Kojirou: This is….  Aren’t these the light swords that Takeda Bushidan was using to fly to the sky?
Musashi: ….!?
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  Page 393
Musashi: They might be….!
Korjiou: This picture scroll…. It’s not just a fairy tale….
It contains real information about demon extermination, doesn’t it…!?
 Musashi: If we keep reading… we might understand even more stuff, right!?
Musashi:  Let’s hurry up and read!
 Kojirou: What the hell…!
 Page 394
Kojirou: …  I can’t read it! These characters are too difficult…
SFX: These kanji are frightening.  
( TN: Kojirou can be so relatable xD)
Kojirou:  Please read it, you model student….
Musashi: All right, from here it gets difficult and when I was a kid I couldn’t read it but, I can read it now…
Musashi: Err, what now?
 Musashi: “Once, Hi no Moto was a world of humans” ….
Musashi: “But that came to an end by the sudden arrival of an unknown life-form, the Kishin. All the famous Sengoku warlords were killed in battle”
Musashi: “However, we shall oppose the overwhelming control of the Kishin”
Musashi: “The number of Kishin infesting Hi no Moto….”
Musashi: “Is over one hundred”
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Page 395
Musashi: Over one hundred!?
Kojirou: To believe there are so many Kishin…
Kojirou’s thoughts: there are more than one hundred of those frightful things…?
 Musashi: Hey Kojirou, look at this!
Kojirou: …!?
 Kojirou:  Ah… Aaah…. What the heck is that!?
Musashi: Are these… The names of all the Kishin!?
Kojirou: Kishin names!?
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  Page 396
Musashi: Look! Here’s even “engokugengu”!! That’s what Takeda called the red Kishin….
Musashi: There are so many….
Kojirou: !
Musashi: There are so many Kishin…!
Kojirou’s thoughts: I’m glad… He was frustrated because our first achievement was taken away….  There’s no way he wouldn’t be happy about having a chance of recovering ourselves…
Kojirou: Please continue reading.
 Page 397
 Musashi: The Samurai that fight against the Oni…
Musashi( text): The Kishin are *supernatural beings (*TN: spirits and demons) with a grotesque appearance. Their strength is exactly that of a god.  But if they are gods who trample upon humans….
Musashi(text): They shall be entirely destroyed.
Musashi(text):  We must restore the human world. That is the great dream that nobody has yet realized …
That is the mission of the “Warrior Households” itself.
 Musashi: The great dream that nobody has yet realized, huh!?
Kojirou: The mission of the “Warrior Households”
  Page 398
Compete for supremacy and defeat all the Kishin!
Then, this divided land and country will become one once more…”
 Page 399
“And The sacred treasure will return to the hands of the strongest Bushi who defeated the strongest Kishin.
That is, “The unification of the world”
 Page 400
Musashi & Kojirou: The unification… of the world!?
“The embodiment of the “Unification of the world”, that is to say, the “ruler” ….
Will become the new king of Hi no Moto…!!”
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Page 401
Musashi: …. The end!
Kojirou: … !!
 Kojirou: The “Ruler”… the “Unification of the world”, huh? They didn’t teach us that at school….
Musashi: Yeah… but….
Takeda Bushidan knew about it….
Kojirou: Eh?
 Musashi: He said it, didn’t he?!  “there are some things we can’t hand over either…”
Sorry, But for us, there are some things we can’t hand over either…
Flashback end
 Musashi: !
 Page 402
Kojirou: Ah! Hey, Musashi! Where are you going!?
  Musashi’s memories
Jisai: While the adults of this country abandoned their pride and gave up on fighting…
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  Page 403
Musashi’s memories
Jisai: The Bushi are the only ones who continue fighting in order to realize their dream….
Jisai: That is, the way of life of the “Bushi”
  TN: Musashi reaches the Takeda bushidan and….
  Musashi: You want the “Unification of the world”, right!?
 Naotora: !?
Naotora: That guy is…
  Page 404
Musashi: That’s what you can’t hand over!
Naotora: …. You guessed it right, Musashi.
 Naotora:  To defeat all the Kishin throughout Hi no Moto!
That’s what we will do….
Naotora: The Kishin extermination is not a child’s game!! You can’t do it!!
Musashi: But….  You haven’t done it yet either, right?
 Page 405
 Naotora: !!
Bushi: This guy….
Bushi: He’s bold!
 Musashi: That’s the great dream that nobody in 150 years has been able to realize!!
Musashi: The “Kishin” are too strong, and if they can’t be beaten by anyone…
Musashi: I’ll be the one who defeats them!!
Musashi: I’ll become much stronger than you and than any other “Bushidan!...
 Page 406
Musashi: No matter how strong those monsters might be…. I’ll be the one…
Who crushes all of them!!
Musashi: That is what “the Unification of the world” means, huh?
 Naotora: *SMILES*
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Page 407
Naotora & Bushi: Then go try!
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Page 408
Narration: And with that, Takeda bushidan left the next morning…
The Oni were sent away from Tatsuyama, and peace arrived.
But, we don’t wanna stay back and relax.
 Musashi: Kojirou, are you ready?
Kojirou: Yeah, everything is ready for our journey.
 Page 409
Musashi: I wonder what kind of world there is outside this town….
Kojirou: There are swarms of terribly strong Oni out there…. I guess this time there won’t be anyone to save us, huh?
Musashi:  But I want to go nonetheless…
Musashi: Because that is…. What we’ve wanted to do since long ago.
Boy1: Musashi! Kojirou-kun, take care!
Boy2:  Do your best to exterminate the Oni!
Musashi: Yeah! See you later!
 Musashi: All right…!!
 Page 410
 Musashi: At last…. We’ll begin our journey!!
  They go the outside world aiming to be the “strongest”. Today, This same day, The legend begins.
 In the next issue, we’ll enter a new stage! It will be delivered with color pages!
Thanks for reading ^^
32 notes · View notes
itsdanystormborn · 6 years
Orient 6 Full Translation.
Orient 6
This is only a fan translation. Don’t forget to support the official releases of Orient, Shinobu Ohtaka and Weekly shounen magazine.
►[Please don’t repost without giving credits. If you use this translation, don’t forget to share the link to this post!]◄
You can find the scans in @soreita‘s blog!
Orient 6 : “Complaint”
Chapter 6: “Complaint”
 Page 237
 Naotora’s victory against the Kishin has the Tatsuyama mine in a grateful mood! But, there’s a man who will not accept this…..
Miners: Thank you… You are the heroes who saved this town…!!
Kojirou: They are fighting for the freedom of Hi no Moto… They are the ideal “Buhsi” my father told me about! Righ, Musashi!?
Musashi’s thoughts: But… there’s no doubt that this guy came after and snatched away my trophy….
He fights for the greater good… And I’m fixated on my own merits…
No matter how I look at it, i’m small in comparison, and I know that very well…!!
 Page 238
 Musashi: I’ll tell my complaints…!!
 Musashi: I used to be an empty talker… that’s something I’m regretful of, isn’t it…!!?
That’s why….
I’ll tell my complaints...!!!
 Kojirou: I am Kanemaki Kojirou, and he is Musashi!
 Naotora: So, Kojiro and Musashi, hm?...  I ended up stealing away your first achievement, my bad!
  Page 239
 Kojirou: No, we lost it because our power wasn’t enough…. We have no complaints….
Musashi: What!?
Bushi: That’s right redhead! Naotora saved your life, so there’s no way you are complaining, eh?
Musashi: Whaaat!?
Bushi: The Oni will be the Bushi’s enemy until the the end, right?.  Guys who oppose their fellow Bushi *only care for themselves! (TN: *Are intolerant)
Everyone: HAHA
Musashi: …..
Musashi: That’s….
Musashi: true, isn’t it?
  Page 240
Musashi: …. Could it be like everyone says?
Musashi: Besides, everyone is so joyful because “Takeda Bushidan” won…
Musashi: These feelings of mine…maybe it would be better to keep them to myself…
 TN: Naotora notices Musashi’s feelings.
 Naotora: Now this guy…
Bushi: leader?
 Naotora: Musashi! You are quite promising!
 Naotora: Now you are WEAK but… from now make me your role model and do your best to reach me!
 Page 241
Bushi: Oh! You were praised by the leader himself, way to go redhead!
Miners: You should thank him.
Kojirou: That’s right, Musashi!
 Musashi: I have to suppress my feelings….
I have to suppress my feelings…
I have to suppress them…
Suppress them…
 Page 242
 Musashi: SHUT UP!! Stop being so damn arrogant!!! This samurai usurper, I swear….!!!
Bushi SFX: What’s wrong with this guy?
Kojirou: what!??
Bushi: Bastard! Don’t be so insolent to our leader!
Musashi: Shut up! I’m fed up with you! I say whatever I want to say! I’m frustrated because you stole my first achievement!!!
 Page 243
Bushi girl: Redhead boy is such a weird guy!
Naotora: Well… I can understand that.
Naotora: You are worried about what everyone around us would say…. So, you were troubled about whether you could complain to me or not…
Naotora: You have courage, and you put up a great fight out there….
Bushi girl: Leader…
Musashi: …. ….
Naotora: I kind of like guys like you….
That’s why…
 Page 244
Naotora: I’ll give this to you… Musashi.
  Naotora: I am… Takeda Naotora.
Musashi: ….
Naotora… what… what is this?
 Naotora: It’s an “It’s a pity that you couldn’t beat the Kishin” prize!
 TN: LOOOL Consolation prize
 Page 245
TN: The meme face…
 Bushi: Well, it’s not ours anyway…. Takeda has lots of them already!
 Takeda: You want to get an accomplishment? find the next “Kishin” yourself! What I gave you will be useful for that!
Kojirou: You got a present…. What could it be?
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Page 246
 Kojiro: What’s wrong? Wasn’t he a good person?
Musashi: No way, that guy has and awful personality!! Don’t be so naive Kojirou!!
Musashi: It can’t end this way! Is the “Takeda Bushidan” still in town?
  Page 247
Kojirou: Yeah… Their huge stronghold is still there so, I guess…
But don’t get into trouble, okay? We’ll leave this town tomorrow anyway!
Musashi: I’d hate to start our trip after getting my ass kicked! Is there a way to hit them back…!?
 Musashi: Don’t you have any good strategies!?
 TN: But Kojirou is looking at the consolation price.
 Musashi: Kojirou!! Don’t be so distracted with that thing!
Kojirou:  I’m examinating it! Didn’t Naotora-san say this would be a useful tool to find the Kishin!?
Musashi: Why are you calling him Naotora-san!? That evil sly thief…
  Page 248
 TN: Musashi takes the gift and examines it.
 Musashi: huh!?
It’s Aki’s crest!          
So, does it mean….?
Musashi: This belongs to the government officers, doesn’t it!?  I don’t want it!
SFX:  Musashi: I’ll throw it away! Kojirou: Stop!
 TN: But then Musashi looks through it.
 Musashi: Oh?!
Musashi: This is….
A kaleidoscope!
 Page 249
Kojirou: A Kaleidoscope?
Musashi: It probably is! It twinkles like one….
But why would the officials own this kind of toy for?
Kojirou: ….. ….
Kojirou: Huh? That pose you are in just now, I feel like I’ve seen it before…
Musashi: Really? Where?
Kojirou:  … well, in the bushidan picture scroll…
 Page 250
Musashi: huh? … in the bushidan picture scroll…!?
Kojirou: If you look at that picture scrolls, you might understand something about that tool.
Musashi: … But…
Musashi: Can I look at it…?
Kojirou: Yeah… it’s been a long, long time but…
Kojirou: let’s take a look, yes?
  Page 251
Musashi: So, was it hidden in this place?
Kojirou: Yeah, all right… I’ll open it.
 Kojirou: uh….
Musashi: It truly has been a long time since…. we saw this…
  Page 252
Kojirou: I’ll unfold it….
Musashi: …. …..
Kojirou: ….. …..
Kojirou: look there… the thing this bushi is posing with…
This looks like the tool you received, doesn’t it?
 Musashi: ….
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  Page 253
 Musashi: … Well, it looks like it, I guess?
Musashi: But isn’t this a government officer tool?
Kojirou: Didn’t they say that Takeda also has tools like this one?
 Takeda has lots of them already!
Takeda: You want to get an accomplishment? find the next “Kishin” yourself! What I gave you will be useful for that
 Flashback end.
 Musashi: what … what the heck, is this thing…?
Musashi: … I don’t get it!
 Musashi: ….
  Page 254
 Musashi: huh? The inside of this kaleidoscope…
Somehow looks like that picture scroll…
It has a lot of patterns.
 Kojirou: really?
But what is drawn in this picture scroll are….
Then it means these patterns are….
 Kojirou: are these Oni?
  Page 255
 Musashi: Oni?
Musashi: ….
Musashi: I get it!!
Musashi: This is….
A tool that can see the Oni…!!
  Page 256
Kojirou: A tool that can see the Oni, you say!?
Musashi: Takeda Naotora said so, didn’t he?! He told me to “Find the Kishin myself” ….
 Musashi: his surely is…. A tool that can see where the Kishin are!
 Musashi: If there are other Kishin….
We might’ve lost out first achievement but….
This means we have a chance to recover!!
   It can’t end this way! Blast that evil leader!! Continues in the next issue “declaration of war”!
Thanks for reading! ^^
34 notes · View notes
itsdanystormborn · 6 years
Orient 5 Full Translation.
Orient 5 
This is only a fan translation. Don’t forget to support the official releases of Orient, Shinobu Ohtaka and Weekly shounen magazine.
►[Please don’t repost without giving credits. If you use this translation, don’t forget to share the link to this post!]◄
You can find the scans in @soreita‘s blog!
Orient 5 : “Cry of Triumph”
Orient 5 “Cry of triumph”
Page 173
The first step to his dream was snatched away! He realizes about his own powerlessness!!
 Takeda:  The Kishin “Engokutengu”…. Was defeated by me!
Musashi: Damn it…!!  The prey that Kojirou and me were supposed to defeat…
Musashi: Was snatched away from us by this guy…!!
  Page 174
Bushi Girl (Give this woman a name already!): The second “Azure crane wings” attack hit on the Kishin’s Shinkaku !!
White hair Bushi: The leader gave him the final blow!!
 Page 175
Musashi: Shit!! Even though that should’ve been our first achievement…
Takeda: Sorry…
But for us, there are some things we can’t hand over either…
 Musashi: …!?
Takeda: watch that! The Kishin’s body is destroying itself…
  Page 176
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  Page 177
 Kojirou: Awesome...!!
Takeda: Are you all right?
Musashi: … ….
Musashi: What… Are you doing?
Takeda: I’m absorbing the Kishin’s energy!
  Page 178
TN: All bushi from his group do the same.
 Officer: Ahhh!! Our lord Kishin has passed away!!
 Takeda:  Chant in victory everyone!!!
The red Kishin “Engokutengu” …. Was defeated by the Takeda Bushidan!!!
  Page 179
TN: Bushi celebrate.
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Page 180
TN: Musashi watches the celebration in anguish.
Musashi: …..
Musashi: ….
Musashi: Damn it…
Musashi’s thoughts: I lost….
Musashi’s thoughts:  I hit the Kishin’s weak point with all my strength and… My katana was smashed to pieces…
Musashi’s thoughts: That guy finished him off easily….
(Someone off panel – It’s Kojirou haha- ) : So, we were beaten
  Page 181
Musashi: Kojirou…
Musashi: yeah
Musashi: ….
Kojirou: ….
Kojirou: So, our first achievement….
Kojirou: Now has been taken from us… I feel so frustrated….
Musashi: I’m frustrated too… Kojirou….
 Kojirou: But…
What about this?
This scene…
I feel like I’ve seen it somewhere…?
 Musashi: You’ve seen it somewhere?
Kojirou: Yeah…
Kojirou: Ah, I see… they are….
Kojirou: Just like the Bushidan from the picture scroll…
  Page 182
 Musashi: !
 “The Bushidan continue fighting against the Oni in order to restore the freedom to Hi no Moto!
That’s why Bushi fight side by side with their comrades!
I’m sure of it…”
 Miners: Thank you so much….
If you guys hadn’t come… We would’ve stayed slaves of the Oni our whole lives….!
 Kojirou: The Bushi… weren’t villains at all…
Musashi: Kojirou….
 Kojirou: My father’s story….
Kojirou: Was real after all…!
  Page 183
TN: Musashi looks at the bushidan and at Kojirou’s happy face.
Musashi: ….
Musashi: !!
 Musashi: I’m glad… Kojirou…
 Musashi’s thoughts: I’m glad…. Right?
The “Bushidan” are heroes….
The old man’s story was true….
 Musashi’s thoughts: My first achievement was taken away… I’m the only one who feels frustrated….
 Musashi’s thoughts: Everyone feels grateful….
Kojirou: Kojirou looks happy too…
That’s why…
  Page 184
Musashi: I…  can’t complaint either…!
 Musashi’s thoughts:  Come on, look at that guy! he’s trying to preach the Bushi’s justice to the officers…!
 Takeda: We will defeat all the “Kishin”…
And restore the human world!
Officer: Just for how long will you keep spitting those lies?
  Page 185
Officer: 150 years!
During that time the numbers of our lords Kishin have flourished…
And what about the “Bushidan”…?
 Officer:  They’ve continued dying and decreasing their numbers!!
 Officer: That’s your fault… Takeda Naotora….
 Officer: It’s all because of a leader like you who sets dreams impossible to realize….!!
That the fear of extinction will continue to tremble amongst your descendants! And amongst your whole clan!!
 Kojirou: …!?
Page 186
Kojirou: …!
Takeda: ….
Takeda: The he human world is…  an impossible dream….?
Officer *Smiles*
Kojirou: …!?
Takeda: You see, the truth is…
I was told that all the time while growing up.
 Officer: … !?
  Page 187
Takeda: There was a lot of different people within the “Bushidan” too…
Those who wished for the stability of the current situation rather than the defeat of the Oni, those who wished for a future without Oni…
What they have in common with you is that…
Their dreams and their way of life is bounded by the Oni.
 Officers: …
Miners: …
Kojirou: ..!
 Takeda:  We….
Can’t completely give up…
We can’t give up on our dream…
  Page 188
By entrusting our wish,
Being committed to it….
 Naming successors…
 And inheriting the techniques,
It’s by all those things that we have come this far….
  Takeda: The power of our fallen comrades has been handed down from sword to sword…
And now, an unprecedent great power lies within our hands!
  Page 189
Takeda:  We want to be able to look up at the blue sky…
With nothing fear…
 Takeda: Don’t you want to show the same thing to your children?
  Page 190
Takeda: Our generation will achieve it!
Takeda: We’ll fearlessly release the world from the unknown monsters that came to this country 150 years ago!!
I’ll also… continue fighting for the future of my comrades and my household!
  Page 191
Takeda: Please, lend me your strength!
 Bushi: Let’s recover Hi no Moto’s freedom!
 Kojirou: They are fighting for the freedom of Hi no Moto…. Those people are the same “Bushi” that my father told me about…!
Kojirou: Those people are awesome people….
Right, Musashi!?
 Musashi: …!!
Musashi: Awesome people…!?
  Page 192
Musashi: I can’t….
Agree with that!!
  That guy… I get that he’s saying the right thing as a Bushi….
But, there’s something…
He makes me feel like I was forced to surrender myself...
And above all, I’ve decided that I won’t fake what I really think!!
 Musashi: I’ll tell my complaints…
Even if that spoils the mood that praises this hero!!
   He won’t be called an empty talker anymore …!! Continues in the next number “kaleidoscope”
Thanks for reading ^^  
36 notes · View notes
itsdanystormborn · 6 years
Orient 4 Full Translation
Orient 4 Spoilers
This is only a fan translation. Don’t forget to support the official releases of Orient, Shinobu Ohtaka and Weekly shounen magazine.
►[Please don’t repost without giving credits. If you use this translation, don’t forget to share the link to this post!]◄
You can find the scans in @soreita‘s blog!
Orient 4 : “ Azure crane wings ”
Orient Chapter 4  “Azure Crane Wings” (Hekitenkakuyoku)
 Page 229
Shinobu Ohtaka’s newest work!
Text at the top left: This kishin is wild!!!
TN: He has fire guns.... nothing can surprise me anymore haha
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 Page 230
The first volume will be released on Friday, August 17!
 Kishin vs Bushidan.
 Page 231
Officers: Wahaha!! Damn Musashi, burn to ashes by the flames of our lord, The “Kishin”!!
Is that brat miner still trying? It’s pointless to resist! Wahahaha!!
 Musashi: I will beat the “Kishin”!!!
 ·       Page 232
TN: Musashi hits on its stomach, but the body of the kishin seems to heal itself anyway.
Musashi’s thoughts: The Kishin’s body…. It regenerates no matter where I hit him!
Musashi’s thoughts: What should I do…. So I can beat the “Kishin”?
  ·       Page 233
TN: Meanwhile, Kojirou..
 Kojirou: Musashi….!
Musashi is…. Risking his life in this way for the sake of our dream….
And compared to that, what am I doing…!?
 TN: Something very fast makes its Way to grab Musashi.
 Kojirou: Wha- What is that!?
 Musashi: huh? This is…
  ·       Page 234
Musashi: What’s… happening!?
 TN: Musashi got dragged back to the bushidan by the bushi girl.
 Musashi: What the…!
Takeda: These are our headquarters!
 Flashback/ Takeda & Musashi
 Takeda: We will beat that Kishin for you….
So, run away to a safe place.
   ·       Page 235
 Musashi’s thoughts:  This guy is…
The man of the blue mane’s helmet from a while ago…!!!
  ·       Page 236
Musashi: Let me go!! Why are you getting in my way!?
Takeda: ….
Takeda: If you, who are still a child, is seeking for a premature death…  That’s something I can’t just ignore.
Why are you going so far to fight the “Kishin”?
 Musashi: That’s because…
That Kishin is our first achievement!
 Takeda: Your first achievement, huh?
And then?
 Musashi: Because it’s for our dream!
It’s natural to risk your life to achieve your dream, isn’t it?
 Takeda: For your dream…. hmm
Takeda: To risk your life…. Sounds like you have a big mouth….
Musashi: …!?
What is this guy trying to do!?
  Page 237
Takeda: We are a “Bushidan” …. There’s no way we’ll send a reckless child to the battlefield.
Musashi: I’m not reckless!
 Takeda: You are not!?
The Kishin’s skin regenerates! How were you planning to beat it by yourself!?
 Musashi: ….!
 Takeda: Look!  That’s what a Kishin is!!
Musashi: ….!?
    Page 238
 Takeda: Together, many bushi could stand against him by stopping the movements of his legs…
Takeda: That’s not an easy opponent you can win against by facing him alone.
 Musashi: ….!
Takeda: Right now, you are too weak to be talking about your dreams….
Give up on the Kishin extermination!!
  Page 239
Musashi: …. ….
Musashi: …. You might be right….
I can’t beat that huge thing by myself…
Musashi: Wha…?
Takeda & White hair bushi: …!?
 Musashi: but even so, why do I….
Musashi: why do I feel like I want to keep fighting?
White hair bushi: What’s up with this guy…..!?
Takeda: … ….
Musashi: I have to go….
Bushi girl:  Wait a sec!! It’s impossible for you to release yourself without getting hurt!!
  Page 240
Musashi: I don’t really get it but…
Musashi: I want to defeat that “Kishin”….
Musashi: If I don’t go now…. I feel like I’ll regret it until I die….
That’s why I’ll do it…!!
 Takeda: phew….
White hair bushi: Ah! he ran away! Leader, do we capture him again?
  Page 241
Takeda: It’s all right…. It seems like that guy’s resolution is for real.
If there’s something he can’t give up even at the risk of his own life, then he’s a “bushi”….
Takeda: But, he won’t make it in time….
Our technique to defeat the Kishin goes first!
 Musashi: damn it! I’m too far away from the “Kishin”…!!
I don’t like this….
Seems like those Takeda guys are planning something!!
  Page 242
TN: Bushi prepare their attack
 Bushi:   blue sword corps battle formation, “*azure crane wings” !!
11, 12, 10….
*TN: (aotenkakuyoku)
 Officer: argh! They are aiming at shinkaku!
We’ve lost! Let’s run away boss!
 Page 243
Bushi: Let’s aim “azure crane wings” at shinkaku! Immobilize the kishin’s leg!
 Officers: Run!!
Kojirou: …!?
 Kojirou: Shinkaku…? What is that!?
What is Takeda bushidan aiming at!?
 Bushi:  Run to the hill everyone!! The technique of our leader and his group will put an end to the “Kishin”! If we stay here we’ll get caught up in the middle and die!
  Page 244
Kojirou: a finishing blow!? This is bad… they’ll take away our first achievement!!
 Kojirou’s thoughts: Damn it… Musashi is risking his life!!
Kojirou’s thoughts: Am I just gonna run away? Is that really okay!?
 Bushi: Run away!!
Bushi: You don’t want to die in vain, don’t you!?
 Kojirou: ….!!
 Officers: Run away!!
Kojirou: …..
Kojirou: All right, I’ve made up my mind….
   Page 245
Bushi: read head!! Don’t go there!! You’ll get caught up by our technique. Run away!!
Bushi: Run away!
Bushi: I say run away!!
 Musashi’s thoughts: The people around me are…. Telling everyone to run away, huh….
  Page 246
Musashi’s thoughts: And yet, why am I not running away?
Musashi’s thoughts: for the sake of my dream? To become a bushi?
No, no…..
Just until yesterday I used to listen to everyone’s babbling, didn’t I?
 Teacher: What’s your dream for the future?
Friends: Bushi are nasty, right?!
Friends: Bushi are the worst, aren’t they!?
Friends: Right, Musashi!?
 Musashi: My real dream is to become a “Bushi”, though….
 Musashi: right….
I used to follow what everyone around me said…
I ended up running away from what I wanted to do….
 Musashi’s thoughts: I don’t want to…. Go back to being that person anymore….
Page 247
Musashi’s thoughs: I see…
Is that… The reason I keep fighting?
 Musashi: … …..
 Musashi: I….
Won’t make it in time if I just keep running!
 Bushi: That redhead…. He has some sort of plan!!
  Page 248 & Page 249
Make a hole with many attacks, and cut off a great ship with a single hole!
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  Page 250
Kanemaki- Isshin school of destruction technique…..
“great killing sword”!!!                        TN: Lit “daitoukoroshi”
  Page 251
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Page 252
  Bushi: … !!?
Bushi: What? Nothing happened!
 Bushi girl: That redhead boy only attacked the ground….
  Bushi: Huh? An earthquake?
  Page 253
Bushi: we’ll fire “azure crane wings” in 5! 4! 3!....
Bushi: confining squad!! Don’t slow down your grip on the kishin’s legs until the very end!
 TN: But suddenly, the earthquake reaches them
 Bushi: What’s that sound?
Bushi: Prepare yourselves for an incoming shock from the headquarters’ area!!
Bushi: Wha…. What’s what!?
  Page 254
 Bushi: !?
Bushi: Uwah!!
A landslide!!
 Bushi: don’t break the formation!! If you loosen your grip on the Kishin’s legs…
  Page 255
 Bushi: “azure crane wings” formation has been broken!!
   Page 256
 TN: Here comes Musashi alone…
  Page 257
TN: And steps on the Kishin again
 Bushi: That redhead….
He didn’t stop until he reached the “Kishin”!!
 Musashi: All right….  I arrived before than these guy’s finishing blow!
  Page 258
 Musashi: Now I just gotta do what I can!!
 Flashback/ Takeda: The Kishin’s skin regenerates! How were you planning to beat it by yourself!?
Takeda: That’s not an easy opponent you can win against by facing him alone!!
 Kojirou: Musashi! Stike the kishin’s belly button!!
  Page 259
 TN: Seems like Kojirou’s plan was to threat the officers to get out info hehee I like it!
 Officer: “Shinkaku” is…. The vital spot of our lord the kishin….
Officer: Boss! You spilled the beans so easily!!
  Kojirou:  don’t smash the skin from his belly, but the horn that grows from his belly!!
If you do that, the Kishin will die!!
Kojirou: You are slacking! I had no choice but to help you!
 Musashi: Kojirou!
 Musashi: that’s right…. I wasn’t alone at all!
Thank you, Kojirou!!
 Musashi: So, this is the Kishin’s weak spot, huh?
All right!
  Page 260
 Flashback/ Musashi&Kojirou
“Let’s form the strongest bushidan!”
“This is the first big step…. To fulfill our dream!”
 Musashi: Red Kishin… Engokutengu……!
 Officer: S-TOP!!
Kojiro: Do it, Musashi!!
  Page 261
 Musashi: I’m … the one who defeated you!!
 TN: And he hits the horn…
 Officer ( sad) & Kojirou ( happy) : he made it!?
  Page 262
 TN: But his Katana broke!
 Musashi: My… Katana….!
Officer: Ah… what happened? His katana snapped, huh….
 Kojirou: Musashi! Watch out behind you!!!
  Page 263
TN: Burn baby burnnnn
 Musashi: !!
Musashi:…. Shit!!
 TN: Takeda to the rescue….
 Takeda: I understand your determination very well….
Leave the rest to me!
 Musashi: what!?
  Page 264
TN: And Takeda cuts the horn off!
 Takeda: A bushi’s first achievement is very important indeed…
Musashi: Y… You…!
  Page 265
Takeda: But, sorry…
This time i’ll take for myself….
Your precious first achievement!
Thanks for reading!
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eleore · 6 years
Orient 7 Summary
Warning: As usual, please note that my Japanese level is basic at most, so I cannot guarantee that the following snippets are accurate. In other words, these can include misinterpretations, and I might have left some parts out because I didn’t understand them. Feel free to share the link, but please DO NOT REPOST, and support the official releases!! If you don’t know how to buy the magazine and/or volumes, send me a message and I’ll help.
In which I’m late, but still here! Plus, the prologue ends at last.
Musashi seems pretty excited with the Dragon Radar kaleidoscope, as it indeed turned out to be a tool to find the Kishin. He might have lost this time, but not again!
Kojirou, however, brings up a good point: while the kaleidoscope was depicted in the scroll, they never noticed until now - and that’s not the only thing they hadn’t seen properly before: now that they have fought the real thing, and seen the Bushidan in action, they began to recognize the different techniques mentioned in the scroll.
In short, the scroll is not a fairy tale, but an actual record of the Bushidan and how to confront the oni... so maybe they can find even more in it?!!
Unfortunately Kojirou cannot read the rest the kanji are too difficult, so Musashi, the honor student, is tasked with deciphering it. Unlike his child self, he can actually read it now.
The scroll doesn’t really add much in terms of backstory: this was a human world, until the oni appeared and all the Sengoku lords died. It also mentions that the Kishin have immortal bodies (aka that they can regenerate, I guess?), which we already know.
This said, it then shows the name of all Kishin, and apparently... there are quite a lot. This increases Musashi’s spirits, as well as Kojirou’s.
The scroll then goes on about the mission of the bushi, and how it’s a dream no one could achieve yet... but it’s still their duty.
I don’t completely understand the rest, but I think it says something along the lines that whoever becomes the strongest bushi, defeats the strongest Kishin, and recovers the sacred treasures will reunite the people, and thus become the new king.
... ok this sounds waaay too familiar... .
Both boys are quite shocked at all this, since this is, of course, not something that was ever mentioned at school. Musashi, realizing this is what Takeda must have had in mind back then, takes off running.
Upon finding Takeda and the rest of the Bushidan speaking with the townspeople, Musashi yells “The unification of the people, right?!”. That is their unyielding wish.
... well. technically speaking, he expressed as much in the previous chapter, just not with this term... .
Anyways, Takeda confirms that’s the case, and again declares this is not a children’s game, so he should give up! But Musashi stubbornly declares that they couldn’t do this either, no one could in this 150 years. But he will! He will become stronger than them, than all Bushidan! And he will defeat all Kishin!
Unsurprisingly, the Takeda Bushidan accepts the challenge.
The next day, the Bushidan leaves, and we get confirmation that the oni have left as well. And of course... it’s time for Musashi and Kojirou to leave the town, and for the journey to begin!
Oh wow. This is actually the first time I have read the chapter, so my feelings are still fresh and my thoughts a little scattered, but here we go.
First of all, I’m so glad the prologue is over, and that the story proper can begin. It felt like it was... a bit longer than it should have been, in my opinion. We now have a lot of context, so I’m looking forward to quicker developments and more “main” characters being introduced soon.
I am, however, a little wary of how many concepts seem to be so close to Magi’s. I suppose that’s to be expected to some degree, since all authors have their styles of storytelling, but... I don’t know, it troubles me a bit.
To be honest, Orient has not really engaged me so far. I’m committed to Ohtaka and have actually ordered the first volume - however, if things continue like this, I am not sure whether I’ll keep reading it. I’ll give it time, though (two or three volumes at least), as I know now would be too early to decide.
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eleore · 6 years
Orient 3 Summary
Warning: As usual, please note that my Japanese level is basic at most, so I cannot guarantee that the following snippets are accurate. In other words, these can include misinterpretations, and I might have left some parts out because I didn’t understand them. Feel free to share the link, but please DO NOT REPOST, and support the official releases!!
In which the bushidan comes, and dreams are not as easy as one might think.
Late and a little rushed, I’m sorry ;-;
It’s the aftermath of the Kishin’s defeat, and Musashi and Kojirou are looking at the remains of the not-a-birb-anymore. Kojirou remarks that while they got rid if this one, there are others beyond their town, right? So let’s do it. Let’s create a bushidan. The best one!
It looks like he made up his mind thanks to his katana, and the memories within it, though he also states (to himself) that while he gave up on that dream before, it might not be so bad to dream again, if Musashi wishes to do this so much.
Speaking of Musashi, he is all WAI WAI!! :DDDD
By the way, Kojirou also says “The journey has just began!”, and it brought a little tear to my eye.
Aaaanyways, as this is all going on, the bushi ON MOTORCYLES appear, and they are, indeed, the Bushidan. They are actually pretty numerous, and begin destroying the facility at once.
While both kids are surprised, Kojirou is definitely the most shocked of the two. Those warriors... could they really be bushi, with the same warrior blood as his dad and him flowing through their veins...?
On the other hand, the bushi are less impressed, and ask the “kids from town” to stand back. As it turns out, the kishin is NOT dead, but they shouldn’t worry - THEY will take care of it, so you just run away to a safe place, ok?
Engulfing itself and everything in flames, the kishin attacks. As he is surrounded by corpses (the miners’, most likely), Kojirou thinks to himself that, as expected, they still are not ready for this. This said, he still wants to follow the dream he spoke about earlier, but for now... it’d be better to retreat.
Musashi is having none of it, though. This is the important first step in their journey to fulfill their childhood dream, so he wants to continue, and basically goes on an oni-killing rampage. Kojirou eventually follows suit, though he is still baffled as to why Musashi is willing to risk his life like this while he isn’t - don’t they share the same dream...?
As is this is going on, we are introduced to some members of this bushidan, though only their captain is named - Takeda Naotora. They all seem pretty amused by Musashi, and the chapter ends with Takeda noting that he does not dislike idiots like him (Musashi).
I’m honestly not sure about this one... a combination of Takeda Shingen and Ii Naotora, maybe...?
Rushed and a little short, but here we go. It was an interesting chapter in some ways, but to be honest, the way Kojirou keeps getting these monologues that seem to be all over the place, with him constantly changing his mind, is annoying me a bit... .
Oh well, the new characters seem interesting, and more unique appearance-wise, which is great! They remind me a bit of Sche’s companions, if anything.
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