#hattori tsugumi
babymagi · 11 months
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dearembraced · 1 year
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Orient protag trio but make it modern (I'll post refs for their outfits at some point)
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orientmanga · 1 year
Our beloved trio 💖
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I want to see them fight along side each other again :((
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devilrosola · 2 years
Soulmate AU ideas
So for getting some ideas how to subtly tell a soulmate, I was looking up things and came across a masterlist here (thanks @r-evolve-art )
Tomorrow I'll post the ones I thought would make good Enja scenarios (on @enjagoodness ) that I won't be using for Enja Day this year, but here are some others that were intriguing that aren't Enja related
*Your eyes are your soulmate’s hair colour, changes when they dye it
Could this actually count for DraJa? Ja’far’s eyes were green then turned gray–Drakon had green hair then assimilated…maybe has a few dark dragon hairs?
Also read this just after starting Orient and had noticed how Musashi has red hair and blue eyes while Tsugui has blue hair and red eyes (granted hers are of lighter hues). Then the next day watched enough to meet Michiru who has dark with a purplish hue hair and gold eyes, complimenting Kojiro's blond hair, violetish eyes. Albeit, things were going MusashixMichiru but adding this soulmate idea in could add some drama XD
*Only your soulmate can kill you. 
Why does this scream SinJa?
*You can’t harm your soulmate
*You can only harm your soulmate
First of those two also screams SinJa
Also intriguing ideas, but only a few highlighted from the previously linked masterlist. Would love for Enja, but don't have specific hcs for these like the promptlist I'll be posting later.
*See color for the first time when you meet, fades away when they die
This one is so poetic~
*Everyone has heterochromia, one eye is your natural colour the other is your soulmate’s natural colour. Once you meet all eyes return to natural colour.
*Once you meet your soulmate, you grow wings like an angel. You gain one new feather each time something special happens between you two. When your soulmate dies, you lose all your feathers and can no longer fly.
Also poetic
*If you don’t find your soulmate by your #th birthday, you die
*Everyone wears a mask. You get to finally take it off when you meet the one with your identical mask, your soulmate.
*If anyone except for your soulmate says your name, you die
*Opposite of the above, if your soulmate says your name you die
*Bubbles gives you a blurry glimpse into your soulmate’s world (visions of possessions, friends, family, laughter, crying, etc)
That could be fun
*One soulmate owns a lock and the other owns the key to that lock.
Key to my heart
*Everyone gets a list of their soulmate’ worst qualities
Hahaha that’s cheerful XD
*Literal sparks fly when you're near your soulmate, soothing for the two of you but static shock for others.  
*Your level of talent at a hobby is determined by how close you are with your soulmate.
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Kojiro: I am going to need you to swear- Musashi: Fuck. Tsugumi: ... Kojiro: ...swear as in promise.
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dare-g · 10 months
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Bloody! Scary Horror! (1992)
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ella390-the-potato · 3 years
Orient Opening
Break Out by Da-ice
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johannepetereric · 3 years
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thedemonlady · 4 years
Orient Anime promotional video
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clock-out · 4 years
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Hattori Tsugumi Icons
Like or reblog if you save!
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babymagi · 11 months
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Happy Halloween!!! 🎃
Little fun fact, Jessie and James's Japanese names are Musashi and Kojiro respectively, so once I found that out how could I NOT
Bonus Meowth Tsugumi v
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orientmanga · 1 year
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Anyone who likes Kojiro and Tamamo?
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soreita · 4 years
Yooo I was reading the chapter where Nanao has that meeting with the evil organization and I noticed that one of the members had a silhouette suspiciously similar to Tsugumi’s sister (long hair + side ponytail).
Hi, Anon! At first I thought you were referring to Naoe since in the latest chapter (87) he’s been fighting Seiroku, who has a long side ponytail. And his name is very similar to Nanao’s sorry to everyone if I ever used the wrong name in the past. But I thought maybe you really did mean Nanao and started hunting for the chapter you were referring to. I actually couldn’t remember the chapter number and randomly clicked on files saved in my drive. Luckily, I think I found the right panels you were talking about pretty quickly. Putting my thoughts below the cut; turned out longer than expected.
After comparing Tsubame’s portrait with our mystery person, they do look similar. Our mystery lady is standing between Shiro and Seiroku in the second photo, and a closer up to the left of Seiroku in the third photo.
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We know that Tsubame was a former bushi in the Kosameda Bushi and is assumed dead. However, I can’t recall Ohtaka showing what Tsubame’s kitetsu blade looked like. If she did, feel free to let me know. 
I will say, the mystery lady’s ponytail looks to be more centered more centered than Tsubame’s. But over the years, Tsubame could’ve either changed her style slightly or Ohtaka is trying to give us a red herring. Either way, I think it could make Orient even more interesting if the mystery lady turns out to be Tsubame. It would definitely give deeper character dimension to Tsugumi. Ohtaka has given us sweet angst before in the past.
Thank you for bringing this to my attention, Anon. I love finding things like this.
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itsdanystormborn · 5 years
Orient 50 Full Translation.
Orient 49 Full Translation.
Orient Manga 50
Don’t forget to support the official releases of Orient, Shinobu Ohtaka and Weekly shounen magazine.
►[Please don’t repost without giving credits. If you use this translation, don’t forget to share the link to this post!]◄
You can find the scans in @soreita‘s blog!
Orient 50 “The man of the tattoos”
Orient 50 “ The man of the tattoos”
Page 455 Emerald Kishin (Ryokushoku Kishin) “Housenryuuya matanoorochi”
Within the hundred remaining Kishin on hi no moto, this is the fifth strongest. Musashi and friends wait for the emerald kishin, one of the strongest class!
If the red Oni’s offensive is to spit out flames, The green Oni is the opposite. This is a defensive Oni who controls a unique defense wall. The ability of that wall is absolute…
Page 456 He bounces back any attack to the enemy. He reflects all the “touki” high signal that comes out from the kitetsu swords of the bushi too.
Bushi: Let’s fire all at once!!
Page 457 The strongest wall becomes the strongest spear at the same time. And breaking its horn…There hasn’t been a single bushidan in 150 years able to even make a scratch on his skin.
Page 458 Tsugumi: No way! No way! Absolutely no way!!! Tsugumi: There’s no way we can go against that sort of monster!!
Uesugi Bushidan Shiryuu castle, main gate.
Castle Gate (arrow: more less this size)                   harbor.
Man:  All of you,  members form the alliance have accepted the strategy to recover Awaji Island. The preparations for your temporary residence in this castle have been completed! Bring your servants and come inside the castle!
Page 459 Musashi: He said we can go inside the castle, right? Tsugumi: We can’t! If we follow them past the gates, we’ll be dragged into the war! Kojirou: Right now getting information is our main goal above the Oni extermination. Musashi: But he’s surely inside this castle, right? Lord Uesugi…
Manuscript: So high…
Tsugumi: Woah, the castle tower is so far that is beyond the clouds…
Page 460 Musashi: that’s right Tsugumi… Get me over there using your whip kitetsu sword! I can ask about the old man if I go for a little bit.
Tsugumi: Are you stupid? There’s no way I can get you to a place so high!
Tsugimi: Well… I can do it until the roof of this wall. Musashi: That’s alright, I’ll look around inside the castle first. Kojirou: Come back without starting any trouble… Tsugumi: Well then…
Page 461 Tsugumi: See you later!  (whisper)
Musashi: Oof, this is inside the castle of the Uesugi Bushidan… Musashi: Woahh… Incredible!
Page 462, 463
Page 464 Musashi: What’s this… huge castle!?
Musashi’s thoughts: Well… more than a castle… in truth is a mountain! Musashi: I wonder what kind of people lives in this place…
Man: A fine castle, right? Musashi: Eh?
Page 465 Musashi: A tattooed man… who is he? Musashi: …. Tatsuomi: …
Page 466 Musashi’s thoughts: is he sunbathing or….? Manuscript: He seems old…
Musashi: Yeah, it’s great… In the Uesugi castle…
Musashi: I know there are many bushi… Tatsuomi:…. Tatsuomi: bushi, you say
Tatsuomi: All of them have families waiting for them to come back… A wife, children, parents, siblings… The living proof of those unbreakable ties
Page 467 Tatsuomi: I came here before the battle to confirm it…
Musashi: You don’t seem to be a simple hermit, mister. Tatsuomi: Well…
Page 468 Musashi: Are you a bushi, mister? Tatsuomi: Kind of… Are you a bushi? Musashi: yeah Tatsuomi: How old are you? Musashi: I’m 15! Tatsuomi: I see…
Tatsuomi: I don’t want to… Tatsuomi: Send young bushi like you to the land of the death without regret.
Page 469 Tatsuomi: But this time we’ll go against a tough enemy… Well then, I need to get going… Musashi: This man… Musashi: There’s something about him… I really don’t think he’s a simple hermit… Who the hell is he..?
Musashi: Eh? Naoe: You were here after all… Naoe: Everyone is waiting for your words, my lord. Tatsuomi: I’ll go now Musashi: What? Did you say… Lord… Manuscript: no way….
Page 470 Naoe: Wait for your turn to speak… This person is the head of the Uesugi family, Lord Uesugi Tatsuomi. Musashi: … What? Musashi: HE IS!? Naoe: Didn’t I tell you to wait? Musashi: Oops, I’m sorry!
Tatsuomi: I don’t mind… if he’s a bushi from the alliance then he’s from my family too! Musashi: Huh…? He’s surprisingly nice, that’s great! Thought I was told he was a harsh guy… Musashi: There’s something I want to ask you… Naoe: Oh, my lord… This person is…
Page 471 Naoe: Not from the alliance.
Naoe: He’s one of the suspicious people. Lord Takeda insisted that he’s his subordinate, or his relative… but to me, no matter how hard I look… Noe: I see an outsider with no relation to Takeda…
Box1: redhead Box2: Dirty looking clothing uncharacteristic of bushi households.
Naoe: You, tell us what castle you belong to, what corps, what sword color, what rank… answer now! Musashi:  What!? Rank!?
Musashi: What the hell… I don’t understand a thing! Is this bushidan terminology? If I don’t answer, they’ll know I don’t have any relation to Naotora! Musashi: Hum… ehm…
Page 472 Musashi: L-Lord Uesugi? Musashi: He’s totally different from before!!
Naoe: So you are an outsider. Trespassing the castle is by law a crime which its punishment is death penalty, but lord Takeda seems to favour him… Naoe: What should we do, my lord?
Musashi: The labor camp? Manuscripts: What’s that?
Tatsuomi’s attitude changed suddenly! What will happen to Musashi!!?
Continues on the next Issue “Hell”
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fuvuo · 5 years
I didn't seen any orient group chat so i've created one myself~
If someone wants to join like or reblog this post and i'll add you 🤗
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