#Uh Oh.
togament · 3 months
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That feeling of dawning dread as you realize the craft project you have in mind is going to take magnitudes longer than you initially thought
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random-weirdo · 5 days
Guys my sister is a trump supporter.
Guys it might be over for me.
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justarandomsimp77 · 2 months
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natjennie · 5 months
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reading the warnings like hehe yeah junior year amirite okay normal normal BWUH????/
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lovely-v · 4 months
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greelin · 2 years
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plushievash · 1 month
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uh oh lads. that depression denial art block post hit a little too hard
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^^^^^ im telling on him he called dalv cute
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ofemeraldstars · 1 month
@adsagsona asked: “im NOT jealous ” Gann
Thinya glared at Gann after he said that. He had just spoiled a potential date with a man by appearing out of nowhere, like a knight in shinning armour saving a damsel in distress. "Then why did you do this if you are NOT jealous?" She fired back. After this whole mess, Thinya decided to confront her friends in the streets of New York, seeking for an answer to his behaviour. Why was he acting this way? They were only sex friends, nothing more. If she wanted to date men, she was allowed to wasn't she?
"Tell me, Gann." Thinya said in a cold tone. "What is the matter with you? Why can't I have a date with a man without having you interrupting us and acting as if you were a jealous boyfriend? Have you heard what he said? He looked at me with so much disappointment in the eyes and told me he didn't know I was in a relationship!" She shouted. "Now people think I am an adulterous bitch!" Her green hues showed pain as she then added: "So tell me for once and for all, what do YOU want Gann? Be honest."
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wormdolls · 5 months
accidentally called @silverslipstream "mum".
yeah thats how my day's going
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eldritchqueerture · 3 months
Starset made an ai music video :(
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themanwhomadeamonster · 7 months
"haha what if i drew it as a joke" to "OH NO" pipeline
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buggybuggs · 10 months
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Truck how did you learn Amnesia, and why did you use it for no reason
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bakingcakeroll · 16 days
Ah, well then! *Pulls out an unmarked soda can* You see, I've been trying to make some cherry soda without using sugar, and I want to know if the secret ingredient I used instead of sugar doesn't take too... er. A-and I can't tell myself because my taste, as have been told, is terrible.
" OOHHH, YOU'VE GOT YOURSELF A DEAL! I love taste testing, thanks! " " ..I'm not gonna drink it yet. "
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clovisbrayai · 2 months
I haven't even read the book of bill yet and I can already feel myself reactivating like a sleeper agent
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