95jezzica · 3 years
My Hetalia Ships
I’ll start this off with saying that I’m very flexible when it comes to ships and you might see them change back and forth a bit over time, but as long as they’re 2 consenting adults I usually don’t have a problem with any pairing. (Though I might avoid interacting with a few ships for personal reasons, because they kind of ick(?) me personally.) 
With that said, I DO have a few ships which has sneaked past my defenses over the years, which I hold a little extra dear at heart. Those pairings would be: 
- SuFin/ Sweden x Finland. I’ve also been in a fairly big SuFin mood lately, so you can probably expect to see a few works with these two loveable idiots from me, at least for a while. 
- FraSwe/ France x Sweden. A long story, but they also have some canon material and a lot of real history between them. 
- “SSF”/ Scotland (oc) x Sweden x France. An even longer story... ^J^;   - MexSwe/ Mexico (oc) x Sweden: Yeah... It’s a long story. (Rare-pair hell, whoo-hoo!) xD  - FrUk/ France x England. 
- PrUk/ Prussia x England.  - EngSwe/ England x Sweden. - Though I usually hc them as good friends who sometimes have to pretend they’re divorced parents when humans get a bit too nosy about Sealand. xD 
- Engmano/ England x Romano.   - HunViet/ Hungary x Vietnam. ♥ WOMEN! ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ They’re so pretty and cute, but I also think these two would work really well together! ♥ 
- PruHun / Prussia x Hungary. 
- UkrSwe/ Ukraine x Sweden. Tbh a bit of a guilty pleasure, I suppose? Because I love them & their soft potential, but I also love Sweden as gay since he’s basically our only ACTUALLY 100% confirmed gay character. I don’t want to take that from him. At the same time though, these two would be so SOFT together. They have so much potential. ♥ (... So yeah, I’m a bit conflicted, but at the very least they would be amazing friends). 
- LadWy/ Ladonia x Wy. - Usually I only see them as friends, but sometimes I can see them being adorable cute and having an innocent crush on each other.
. . 
I think that’s about it? Have probably forgotten one or two I like, but I could just add that/those later if that’s the case and I feel the need for it. Again though, these are just my personal ships and/or favorites. ♥ 
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squirreltastic · 13 years
The meme of domesticity: SweUkr
I decided to just do this because I wanted to and I need a happy distraction from the demon laptop that makes you kill yourself *SOB* And one of the two ships that is closest to being a OTP is SweUkr so let me have my happy...I needs my happy right now...
Who is the big spoon/little spoon: A lot of the time it's big spoon Berwald and little spoon Ukraine but sometimes, even though he won't admit it, he likes to be held. To know that someone voluntarily wants to be close to him.
What is their favorite non-sexual activity: Doing family things, really cliched ones too. Since both are really into family bonds they tend to want to do dorky things like picnics as a family (with Peter) in the park.
Who uses all the hot water in the morning: Ukraine, she finds it soothing on her back and she enjoys the luxury of hot water. But she'll always feel bad that she uses it all and spends a long time apologizing for it.
What they order from take out: They don't like to get take out, they enjoy home cooking a lot. But should they do get take out Ukraine will lead towards savory meals based around breads or pastries while Berwald prefers fish based meals.
What is the most trivial thing they fight over: His reading choices. (Okay so for someone like me it isn't trivial but for most people it is) She admires their complexity but wish he'd find something a little more cheerful to read. She's made comment but he'll asure her that he finds them to be better then the more 'cheerful' suggestions she has and it doesn't really upset him, but sometimes she knows that's a lie because some of the plots do.  
Who does most of the cleaning: Both are very tiddy actually. They don't like clutter but they love knick-knacks. She collects her intricately decorated eggs and he has various wooden carved animals, most notably the infamous wooden horses. So much of the house hold cleaning is actually dusting and both will grumble about it but can't seem to want to get ride of any of their collections.
What has a season pass in their DVR: Oh damn this is a good one, but I don't have TV service so I'm looking up stuff at the moment. Let me think here....
 Cash Cab. Both would try to guess the answer but would feel embarrassed to try and actually compete against each other. They enjoy the mental challenge as some of the facts that they are trying to recall they haven't had to use in ages. They also use it as a conversation starter, she's been trying to get him to practice small talk.
Who controls the netflix queue: Berwald, Ukraine is horrible with netflix in general, she thinks it might hate her and she's perfectly willing to return the feeling.
Who calls up the super/landlord when the heat’s not working: Berwald is very handy and can repair many problems by himself thank you very much. In truth whoever discovered the problem would call but heating problems make Ukraine sad so she's more likely to notice the problem sooner.
Who steals the blankets: Both, more so Ukraine. She's been sleeping alone longer/more recently so she's been in the habit of moving as she needs. Berwald isn't very used to someone moving around a lot (too afraid to move or just didn't move a lot while asleep) so they'll try to subtly tug of war without actually dealing with the issue. It'll get better the more they share.
Who leaves their stuff around: Berwald, but it'll be odd things. Like a small pile of screws or nails he had in his pocket will find it's way onto the kitchen table and after getting caught up in doing something he'll accidently leave them there. Mostly things from his pockets on counters or tables. It erks him when he realizes what he's done everything in it's place and alll that.
Who remembers to buy the milk: Ukraine. (Not sure why...)
Who remembers anniversaries: Ukraine. She loves finding reasons to celebrate and anniversaries and birthdays are probably her favorite reasons to celebrate. She'll remember every holiday, even small ones. Not that Berwald is foregetful or never rememebers them, he has a tendency not to make a big deal out of them and only really talks about the big holidays.
Hey that totally worked. =D *ALL THE HAPPY****
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squirreltastic · 13 years
I really want to do a few storys. Theres this one, I drew it with FemSweden but I want to write it with male Sweden is where he takes her bra shopping. Because one of the sterotypes is that Swedish woman all have big breasts and he'll know a lot about them and just can't stand her boing boinging anymore, especially if it's because her bra isn't the right size.
Today I wanted to do a story where they are Papa Sweden and Mama Ukraine getting all protective over Sealand but I know you think he's gay but the idea was so adorable it works well with Finland as the mama and I wondered what the dynamic would be like if it were Ukraine instead.
I kind of want to figure out a way to make Viking Sweden and Cossack Ukraine met up. *ponders* Bamfness levels would be astounding.
Right now Im working on something that looks like another friendship story because FUCK ROMANCE I DONT EVEN KNOW HOW TO DO THAT drawing and in writting I can't do it *FAIL* but it's were they just come to admire something each other.
Alright now that everyone knows I'm a dork I'll go answer the other asks...*awkward squirrel*
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