coralcatsea · 4 months
Brief Thoughts on Some Ships Part 2
Engmano: Since they both speak such a similar "tsundere" language, they see right through the other. So if one of them says, "I didn't make these for you, I just had leftovers!" the other will know it's just a defence mechanism and not at all believe that lie. Knowing how the other works so well would lead to a lot of teasing as well. One of their bonding activities is trash talking other people. Also, Lovino does his best to help Arthur improve his cooking.
RusFra: Ivan greatly admires Francis, whom he finds sociable, fashionable, and loving. Francis, despite being a bit intimidated, sees the good in Ivan and reaches out to him when others won't, and is flattered when Ivan makes attempts to impress and do nice things for him – although he often makes mistakes, but that just endears Francis to him more.
GerAme: Ludwig loves dogs and Alfred is an absolute golden retriever of a man. Ludwig finds him way too cute and definitely wants to do pet play with him.
Ameripan: I think Kiku should give Alfred to a tentacle monster and watch.
RusEng: Seems intriguing. They both know some magic. I like the art where people depict Russia thinking Arthur looks like a sunflower with his green outfit and blond hair.
AmeChu: Alfred is Yao's bratty boy toy.
Prumano: As the older brothers who have to work harder for approval, I think they would understand each other. That canon scene of Prussia reaching out to Romano after he didn't get a part for a movie and encouraging him was super sweet.
AsaKiku: Arthur seems to fit a lot of popular love interest archetypes in anime. The gentleman/princely type, the tsundere, the lonesome bad boy... Perhaps that means he's very much Kiku's type? 😆 The ship seems cute and pleasant, though I would like to see a little more spice in the depictions.
USUKCan: Alfred and Matthew both crave validation from Arthur, so they compete for his attention and approval. Arthur definitely enjoys watching them both suck him off.
EngPort: Friends to lovers to friends. I think they experimented a lot with each other and are pretty close and comfortable regardless of their relationship.
AusHun: Girlboss x malewife. Team Rocket vibes.
Part 1
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the-giug · 4 months
Pov: Quanno ‘na bella piskella te invita ‘a ‘e terme de Caracalla ma ‘nvece te fa fà er bagno ner tè all’arancio (te prude ‘a pummarola)
(I hope I wrote it right I only have a grasp of roman dialect)
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Asked by an amazing friend :3 (se leggi sto messaggio su cunnu a mammarua)
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seru-hwsside · 1 year
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2023 redraw
do not come at me ab their looks okay else i would personally choke u out /srs
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anyways heres the horrendous 2017 OG piece eugh
OG was based off this engmano fic i read back then i cant for the life of me recall the name of but i swear ill link it here whenever i do find it :)
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helianskies · 2 years
Hello! I'm the one non mutual who saw your dialogue prompt list lol. I know it's a bit of a stretch but could I request Engmano for 10 or if it's easier Belarus and Russia platonically for 2?
It's totally cool if you can't do either. Just thought I'd take a shot.
well well. firstly, it looks like we're now mutuals so joke's on you! and secondly, a shock even to myself, but as it turns out... that is not a stretch at all. i've got you! 💚
"Are you alright in here?"
"Why do you care?"
"Because," England remarks, stepping into the men's bathroom, where Romano has decided to hide himself away during the lunchtime interval, "you're sitting on the floor of an empty bathroom, and I'd reckon that a person has to be in a pretty bad way to want to get that close to invisible piss stains."
The Italian has to fight back a smile—though, for a good few seconds, it wins and the other nation is able to peer through the cracks. Lorenzo isn't thrilled about it, but… well, he daren't say it aloud, but England is quite right: bathrooms are fucking disgusting. Right now, he sits by the sinks, back against the wall, empty cubicle to his left. His knees are up, close, and act as rests for his wrists as he seriously questions his sanity.
"At least I'm not sitting by the urinals," he quips back, nevertheless, filling a needy silence.
"Still, could've taken a seat on the toilet lid," Arthur returns.
"There… isn't one."
"…ah. I see your predicament."
"Why are you here, huh? Did Germany tell you to round up all the trouble-makers or something?" Lorenzo questions.
Arthur merely scoffs. "I'm not his lapdog—
"Mmh, he has a few of those…"
"—and to be frank, I'm sure I'm a permanent resident of his 'naughty list'," the Brit concludes, humoured all the same. "Yeah… No, the reason I'm here is because this is actually where I like to mope about. Though, the toilet used to be better equipped for, uh, mini breakdowns."
Lorenzo has a mini panic. "I'm not having a breakdo—!"
"I'm not saying you are," the other hurries to defend. "But again, I draw your attention to the potential piss tracked across the floor by someone's shoes."
Lorenzo says nothing.
Arthur says, "Are you sure you're okay?"
And Lorenzo asks him again, "Why do you care?"
A slow sigh comes from the other. All humour seems to have left him, and he steps towards the other nation—and not only towards, but he also comes down by Lorenzo's side, much to the Italian's bewilderment, and sits on floor next to him. Piss stains and all.
"Would it help if I said I'm here on behalf of a… an interested party…?" the blonde remarks, which does no favours for Lorenzo's mood.
Arthur shakes his head.
Another shake. Lorenzo shifts a little, and reloads.
But still, no.
Apparently not!
"Cazzo, it isn't Gilbert, is it?" he questions, landing on the only other person he could think of who may possibly give a shit. But when Arthur shakes his head again, all he can do is slam his head back against marble tiles in defeat.
"It shouldn't really matter who it is," Arthur goes on to tell him in the meantime. "The point is, someone wants to make sure you're okay."
The brunette wants to reply. He wants to shout, I'm fine, now leave me the fuck alone already! but he can't. Maybe that's because it would be a lie. But Enzo, he chides himself, lying never usually bothers you, which is the truth. Lying rarely ever bothers him. So why… why… is he struggling to look Arthur in the face and say it? Say those two words?
I'm fine.
If it were him, walking into a bathroom and finding England sitting on the floor looking more miserable than usual, he'd chalk it up to an argument with France and join in on some spontaneous slandering. But he wouldn't ask him, are you okay? Would he? Would he…?
Romano casts his eyes back away from the other nation before he starts becoming too obvious. His 'deep thinking' face is quite distinctive, appare—
"You don't have to be okay, you know."
His eyes almostly instantly find Arthur again. "You think I don't know that?" he asks, brow raised along with his walls.
"I think you don't believe it," the other says, however. "Knowing and believing are different things. It took me a long time to work that one out…"
"I didn't ask for private lessons in living."
Arthur manages a feeble smile. "Right. Sorry."
And Lorenzo knows almost instantly that he has over-stepped, crossed a line, crushed something underneath his clumsy foot. He doesn't feel the urge often, but before he can really think about it, he huffs and says, "No, no, I'm sorry. I'm sorry… You're only trying to help…"
"No need to apologise. I am the one being incredibly nosy."
"Yeah, well… I guess I am only used to it from certain people," the Italian muses. He regards Arthur with solemnity. "You want to know if I'm okay?"
It takes him a moment, but the other nods his head. Lorenzo gives him what he wants:
"I'm sitting on the floor of a bathroom," he says, "possibly in a puddle of someone's piscio, in a room halfway across the building from where everyone else is, and I really, really don't want to go back." He leans his head back against the wall, but his eyes stay fixed on Arthur. "Does it sound like I am okay?"
"…not really."
"Then there's your answer."
Another nod, another pause.
"Would you like some company?"
Lorenzo frowns. "You, you mean?"
"We're the only ones currently in this bathroom, so… yes."
"Don't you want to go back?"
"What, and let you get away with stealing my hiding place?" the other scoffs. "Fat chance."
And, even though it feels odd—even though it feels like there is more to it, like he's in for an earful or maybe even worse—Lorenzo… doesn't tell him to go. Instead, he hesitates for no more than five seconds before suggesting, defying his own expectations of himself, "Wanna hide in one of the nearby café's instead?"
When Arthur smiles at him, a weight seems to vanish. A worry seems to subside.
[ final wordcount, 980; prompts can be found here! ]
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hwsevents · 2 years
Fem Ship Event
Day 9: Any of the Previous Ships
(USUK, RusEng, EngGer, RusFra, AmeBela, Spamano, Ameripan, EngPort, PrUK, EngBela, Prumano, PruHun, Giripan, Amemano, Engmano, Engpan)
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crispyliza · 3 months
Look at them!!!!! LOOK AT THEM!!!!!!!!!
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missmilkyroses · 1 year
Hi Hetalia fandom,
Can anyone help me find either of these three fanfictions?
I think I read them between 2018-19, and all of them were on fanfiction.net.
1. An Engmano/DenPru fanfic. Multiple chapters. The only thing I remember is that it was like a sci-fi ish au. I believe drugs were being manufactured.
I'm also certain the author had written numerous other fanfics with those 2 ships.
2. Russia and Latvia fic. Human au. Multiple chapters.
Raivis moved in with Ivan, but there was a room he couldn't access, which turned to be the room of his long-lost daughter with autism?(Marguerite?)
3. Denmark is sick, Norway skis to hospital to save him. Oneshot.
Because it's been such a long time, I can't remember any of the fine details and may have even remembered some wrong. If it even vaguely relates, I'd be happy to give it a go.
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coralcatsea · 6 months
Along the same lines as this post–
I also want more variety with Arthur-centric love triangles, too. I often see Francis and Alfred fight over Arthur, but how about some other possibilities?
Alfred competing with Gilbert, Natalya, Ivan, Kiku, Lovino, or Ludwig for Arthur.
Gilbert competing with Francis, Ludwig, Ivan, or Antonio for Arthur.
Lovino competing with Antonio for Arthur.
Natalya competing with Ivan for Arthur.
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the-giug · 4 months
What's your favourite ship in Hetalia? I've seen you reblogging some PruMano posts, so we finally have a new member to the PruMano cult ig? 😋
Belive it or not, I... really don't ship PruMano.
I don't because most of the time the sole reason people ship it is to basically have GerIta but with the older brothers of Germany and Italy.
Ngl I find it lowkey annoying because basically people just want GerIta 2 and Romano again revolves around his brother in shipping and fandom content too not only in canon.
So if I reblog/like a ship post is solely because a mutual/someone that has a good art and seems cool made it.
Also I imagine me beign Prussia so I can have the Romanussy and that albino looking ass doesn't 😋🙏 (please don't crucify me I kin him)
Anyways why shipping Romano when yoi can make Romano make out with my OC or maybe cuddling with me heh #sicmanoisrealandhistoricallyaccurate #giumanoisrealandgoofy
About favourite ships... I don't really have one that I desperately love but I find cute SpaBel and months ago a mutual was obsessing over EngMano so I kinda had the liking for that too for some time
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snowywolff · 1 year
Top 3 fics of yours that you wish everyone would read—GO! Then remember to pass this on to at least 5 other people ❤️
Listen. This is for me too. You have like 1000 fics to choose from. And since I haven't read all of them, I'm gonna be self-centric and I want those 3 fics //I// should read and I haven't yet :9
fskjhgfhjk stars this is such a difficult ask for me ahhhhh
(also it's good you comment on everything you read so i can like see what youve read lol)
so hmmm
Quite Foolish is like one of the best fics i've written in my personal opinion. i love everything about it but bc it's engmano, not many people have bothered to touch it. It's historical nationverse set in the early 19th century with the two characters i absolutely adore writing. i think their personalities are really fun to clash together. theres also an obnoxious amount of poetry in there bc like what else can you expect from me
Distraction is also a personal favourite of mine. Weimar Berlin prumano. traumatized and disabled by ww1, these two find some comfort in each other as two strangers who went through something harrowing together.
And I think for this last one I'm just going to pick something off the beaten path for my typical ships and give you this lietpol shakespearean something: A Midsummer Night's Dream. I still absolutely adore the atmosphere I manage to capture in this and it's just very magical and fun, really.
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hwsevents · 2 years
Fem Ship Event Prompt List!
Remember, EVERY character on this list is female. That means originally male characters (e.g. America) will be female and originally female versions (e.g. Belarus) stay female.
Day 1: USUK, RusEng
(Delinquent x Nerd/Popular, Hero x Villain)
Day 2: EngGer, RusFra
(Wondertalia, Fairy Tales)
Day 3: AmeBela, Spamano
(Love spell, Detective/Criminal)
Day 4: Ameripan, EngPort
(Fairy x Mermaid, Disney)
Day 5: PrUK, EngBela
(Pirate x Priest, Sweet Devil)
Day 6: Prumano, PruHun
(Monsters, Genie)
Day 7: Giripan, Amemano
(Mythology, Actors)
Day 8: Engmano, Engpan
(Vampire x Werewolf, Royalty)
I'd prefer if you keep the prompt-ship matches as is, but you may switch them around if you really want to.
Event date poll
@hetaliahappenings @heta-on-the-books @nsfhetalia
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Hetalia Roleplay Information Area
Welcome! This is a place that I’ve made to allow you to read all of my information in one place without any of the bullshit of having to search my tumblr.
You can find starters, shipping lists, plot ideas, my favorite tropes and more!
**Please note, if you are under 20 years of age I ask that you disconnect with me. I am 27 and I do not roleplay with minors and would prefer not to roleplay with anyone under 20. If you roleplay with me or interact and you lie about your age, I will immediately block you. I take this very seriously.**
**All characters that I play are at least 18 years of age. I do not roleplay as characters under that limit unless it is a child/parent relationship.**
Ship List
Nyo! Northern Italy: GerIta, PruIta, EngIta, SpaIta, 2p! Germany x Nyo! Italy, DenIta, 2p! Denmark x Nyo! Italy
Nyo! Southern Italy and 1p! Southern Italy: SpaMano, GerMano, AmeriMano, EngMano, PruMano, and PortMano
Nyo! Prussia and 1p! Prussia: PruIta, PruMano, PrUk, Nyo! PruHun, PruAus, PruAme, PruScott, PruCan, 2p!Can x Pru and PrAnce
Nyo! Seborga and 1p! Seborga: PortBorga, SeyBorga, SpaBorga, and GerBorga
Nyo! America and 1p! America: USUK, AmeriMano, PruAme, DenAme, RusAme
Nyo! Canada and 1p! Canada: PruCan, RusCan, and GerCan
AU/Trope List List
Plot Ideas, Universes, Tropes
Flower shop/coffee shop/shop au
And they were roommates
Fake dating
Unrequited love
Prompt List
1. Why are you helping me?
2. We could get arrested for this.
3. Was that supposed to hurt
4. We have to be quiet.
5. You're trembling.
6. Tell me again.
7. I can't keep kissing strangers and pretending that they're you.
8. Do you regret it.
9. I still remember the way you taste.
10. We still need to talk about what happened last night.
11. Do you trust me?
12. What happens if I do this?
13. You're making me want things that I cannot have.
14. People are starting to stare.
15. Is this what you want?
16. Can't you see that I love you?
17. I cannot believe you!
18. Why would you do this to me?
19. Why now? You had all of these years to do it, but you picked now?
20. Where do you think you're going?
I am always open to new ideas and such! This being said, feel free to ask for other ideas or AUs!
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canonrpfinder · 8 months
Looking for Hetalia Rp
Characters Played:
• Nyo! Prussia
•Nyo! Italy
•Nyo! Southern Italy
AUs I like:
• Omegaverse
• Soulmates
• Slice of Life
• Fantasy
• Coffee Shop/ Flower shop /Tattoo Parlor
• Historical/ Medieval (Doesn't have to be perfectly accurate)
• Mix of these
• Open to suggestions as well
• PruScot (Canon or Fanon)
• PruCan
• Pru x 2p! Can
• PrUk
Nyo! Italy
• GerIta
• PruIta
• EngIta
• 2p! Get x Ita
• DenIta
Nyo! Southern Italy
• GerMano
• EngMano
• PruMano
• I prefer MxF, playing F over M but I can play some M characters.
• I'm 27, so partners need to be at least 18. Minors DNI
• Like or comment and I'll dm you.
• I prefer to RP via Discord or Email.
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fireandiceland · 2 years
Probably incomplete list of rarepairs I started shipping through the roleplay discord server:
MonUkr (Lucky Sunflowers <3)
(t4t) MonRoma
t4t EngMano
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twiintaurus · 1 year
Theres a really good fic on ao3 abt them and I've read it multiple times and I choose violence every single fucking time.
Painful funny and smutty. That's what's at the core of engmano
👀 well… drop the name/link if u remember friend
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coralcatsea · 7 months
Most people acknowledge Arthur as the tsundere in his ships, but interestingly...quite a few of his ships actually have the other character possessing tsundere traits as well. 😆
USUK - Alfred rejects Arthur's offer to be friends, yet his bio says Arthur is one of his only friends. And how many times does Alfred make up silly excuses to hang out with Arthur just so he doesn't have to admit he likes it? "Oh, you were my first Twitter follower, that's why I want to wear matching Halloween costumes with you." "I prank you specifically every New Year because of this list of reasons that I'm pretending only you qualify for."
FrUK- They're both hostile and aggressive to each other, yet they have a weird sort of mutual respect and frenemy relationship.
PrUK- Gilbert talks a big talk, but he gets defensive and embarrassed pretty easily. ESPECIALLY in his past, like in his Teutonic priest days.
EngBela- While Natalya IS capable of forming friendships with others, she's fairly unfriendly towards anyone who isn't Russia.
Engmano- Self-explanatory. Everyone commonly labels the both of them as tsunderes.
SpUK- I'm not as familiar with this ship, but everyone focuses on the pirate rivalry stuff, sooo...they're usually portrayed as having tension with each other.
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