spicykat9 · 2 years
Mmm thinking really hard about gerengswe.
Arthur would have such a power trip having not one, but two big, handsome, muscular blonds completely under his control.
Like I'm just picturing Arthur in skimpy clothing, lounging on a chair with Ludwig and Berwald kneeling at his feet naked or in lingerie, both with a collar and leash being held by Arthur. And Arthur looks oh so cocky about it.
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koolkat9 · 2 years
England had a nightmare and Sweden is now comforting him and giving him cuddles.
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h0lyground · 6 months
ok i’m coming around on the home kit, the stripes on the shorts look fit
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95jezzica · 6 days
Sealand in a human AU is kind of tricky, because at one hand I love his parent-child relationship with Sweden, but at the other hand I ALSO love him with England. Additionally, while I don't MIND EngSwe I usually have other pairings I prefer over them.
With that said I'm starting to like the idea of Sweden being Sealand's old babysitter and/or England's neighbor/friend who Sealand hang out with a lot (because well, Ladonia too). It'd give them a pretty similar relationship to canon while still making sense. Besides, I can def. see England being someone who work a lot, and since I hc Sweden as blind and having back-pain because of his height he'd likely not work as many hours/long days (at least compared to England) - if even at all. (I guess it depends on if Sweden would be able to find a suitable job somewhat close to where he lives).
Anyway, my point is that most people don't WANT to leave their young(er) kids home alone too many hours each day. If England and Sweden are neighbors, friends, and have children in the same school it makes sense they'd probably start helping each other out. Why have both of them pick up one kid each when Sweden or England can just pick up both and meet up at home? (Again, this is working with the premise that they're friends or at least on friendly terms willing to cooperate with the kids though).
This world basically assumes you're 2 parents anyway, and it would def. help having someone in your corner. If Sweden picks up Ladonia AND Sealand after school because of his shorter work hours then perhaps England does something else to return the favour - like doing the grocery shopping, drive Sweden to appointments or pitch in if Sweden's disability money aid is delayed/being a hassle with arriving.
If England is the one working more it would also explain why Sweden has a closer relationship with Sealand than what England shares with Ladonia. England and Ladonia wouldn't spend as much time together as Sweden and Sealand.
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grimanonrexwrites · 6 months
ooh, what ships make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside? friendship and romantic ships, whichever you feel like talking about
Ohhohoooho this is a question I will very much enjoy answering, thank you! I will go fandom by fandom from most recent hyperfixation to past ones that I still love and regard fondly as one might a nice ornament on the mantle piece
Ghosts, specifically Cap (romance/queerplatonic):
Capvers: a classic, 99.9% confidence interval on being canon, love fics which explore it in the timeframe or in modern AUs. Can’t go wrong with it
PatCap: the grumpy one is soft for the sunshine one. 10/10. They’re both human, they both have faults and they love each other because of them and not despite them.
Caphrey (or deCAPitation, source unknown for this genius name): Humphrey can smooth out Cap’s rough edges in a different way to Pat. I love Humphrey, he tried so hard. So did Cap. I love their potential for comfort and understanding in a different way to others.
JuliCap: the Captain deserves to feel good and feel sexy and I think this Julian would be a great for exploring his sexuality in a more adventurous way. I have a real soft spot for JuliCap and have made tentative plans for a beast!Julian and beauty!Cap fic in the future.
CapRroh: Robin has just so much depth to him, he’s seen a lot and he knows the Cap has been through it too. So much comfort potential here (bonus points for JuliCapRroh polycule, absolutely delicious)
CapThorne: I just think it’s neat! Let Cap be wooed! Let Thomas be moved away from his infatuation with Alison and realise that he’s in love with the idea of being in love with her and not actually in love with Alison herself!
Special mention to Alison and Mike to being a genuinely wonderful on-screen couple, Chess Husbands, Pat/Julian and Annie/Mary (my beloveds)
Non-romantic (friend/found-family)
Kitty and Captain: their friendship means so much for me. Kitty and Cap finding a reassuring and understanding presence in each other, learning with each other, overcoming their trauma’s together and just finding safety.
Cap and Fanny: the gin and gossip society of Button House. Also regularly joined by Humphrey (who is also a massive gossip).
Kitty and Fanny: I can’t put this into words other than to say that Kitty would drag Fanny kicking and screaming into the future. Fanny doesn’t call Cap or Robin for tech support, she calls Kitty. Mary too.
Nanami Kento/Gojo Satorou: this ship makes me feel so many things. God I love it.
Also I love the different dynamic of mentor-student relationship between Nanami and Yuji, very much coloured by what happened to Haibara.
Nanami Kento/Hiromi Higuruma: tired grumps with a strong moral code. 10/10.
SuFin, GerSu, EngSwe. Ahh Hetalia, what can I say.
Geralt/Jaskier and Eskle/Jaskier. I have never watched the Witcher but I love these dynamics.
King/Saitama; Mumen Rider/Garou; Iaian/Atomic Samuri (One Punch Man)
Ash Williams/Herbet West/Dan Cain (Evil Dead x Reanimator)
Hope that answers your question and thanks so much for asking! ❤️
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sridharm-1980 · 6 months
It ends all square at Wembley 🤝
#BBCFootball #ENGSWE
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Over 11 million watched ENGSWE across the BBC! That's doesn't even take into account all the people at screenings and fan parties! 🥳
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unknownwoso · 2 years
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okay then Leah Cathrine
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spicykat9 · 2 years
Ahh Kat I have a thought for you. Germany and Sweden eating Arthur out or sucking him off together (depending on what Arthur’s got in his pants ya know) and kissing each other between every lick and suck with Arthur dripping from their lips.
Although Arthur is always trans for me I flip between him having gotten bottom surgery and him just keeping what he has down there (so far I've just been more comfortable writing him with a dick, but I've been reading smut with transmasc characters written by transmasc individuals, so I may try writing him with his afab genitals in a piece at some point or have him fuck someone with a strap on because I love writing top Arthur)
But that's a little off topic...
But yes. That's a great image 🥺
And Arthur is calling them "Good boys," petting their heads and Lud and Ber are just melting, getting a little sloppy with their coordination as their minds get foggy.
And one of them, so lost in pleasure and eager to please perhaps takes a few seconds extra and Arthur pulls him away and chastise that he "has to share." and because Lud and Ber are both good boys, they obey without much complaint. 
And Arthur only becomes more turned on watching them kiss and knowing that their tasting him on each other’s lips. Ugh it’s so fucking good omg. 
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koolkat9 · 1 year
I'm having many feels about Ludwig and Ber.
Them both being autistic and info dumping to each other because they know the other is a safe person to do it to because they get what it's like to want to share your interests with someone. And it also helps they share some special interests like trains/locomotives.
You probably will never hear either of them talk as much as they do when they're with each other.
I really want to talk about these two more, romantically or platonically I don't care. But my brain only has this to supply 😭
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kakumeinoyuuki · 2 years
Well, I did not expect that result. (Thought it'd be tighter to be honest!)
The second and to hire goals for Bronze and Russo respectively knocked the confidence of the Swedish side.
But the England Girlies are on the way to Wembley!!!!
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lukatheselkie · 4 years
HMC - “If it wasn’t for you, I wouldn’t have even come here tonight.”
I cannot focus on writing today, so just a short one! I still had fun with it. And I made more content for one of my top three ships, so that’s a bonus.
Ship: Sweden x England
Warnings: Implied sex, 1970′s categorization of homosexuality in Sweden and England (disease and mental illness, respectively)
    “Berwald.” The Swede jerks his head up, looking around for the source of the whisper. “Over here.” A familiar hand comes into his vision, and takes hold of his wrist. He lets himself be pulled into the dark room, knowing it’s his lover. Arthur doesn’t waste any time; he starts kissing his neck, and running his hands over his body. He lets out a soft sigh that gives Arthur pause. “Whatever is that for?”
    “I’m t’red of h’ding us.” Berwald tilts his head down so he’s looking into the beautiful green eyes of the one he holds closest to his heart. Arthur smiles sadly, and pulls away from him. His warmth and scent linger long enough to make Berwald ache with want. He watches him shuffle over to the bed, and sit at the foot of it.
    “Berry, you know we can’t-”
    “I don’t care wh’t they s’y! Or th’nk! Jag älskar dig! And I w’nt everyone t’ know! I w’nt-”
    “Berwald.” He falls silent. “I know. Believe me, I know. But we can’t. You know we can’t. We aren’t allowed to love each other. It’s dangerous. Homosexuality may have been decriminlized, but it’s still classified as… as…!” He shakes his head.
    “A d’sease. A m’ntal illn’ss.” Berwald’s words come out bitterly.
    “Hey.” Arthur stands, and makes his way over to him again. He takes both of his hands and squeezes. “It’s not. But we have a limited say on that. You know that. I believe in our people though.” Berwald gives him a pained look.
    “And wh’t if th’y don’t ch’nge anyth’ng?” Arthur sighs heavily.
    “We can’t think of that, Berry.” He presses their foreheads together lovingly. “We have to think of positive things. We have to. Otherwise we-” Berwald kisses him gently. He doesn’t want to hear any more. After a moment, he pulls away with a sorrowful smile.
    “Let’s n’t w’rry about th’t. We’re at a h’tel f’r a reason.” Arthur chuckles quietly.
    “You’re right. After all, if it wasn’t for you, I wouldn’t have even come here tonight. I love you. And I know our people will do the right thing.” Berwald grunts in reply, and leads him over to the bed. That’s enough talking until after they’re done with their main activity.
~ Late October, 1979
    “Berwald?” Arthur stares at him in confusion. “What are you doing here?” He opens the door a bit wider. “Please, come in.” He steps aside, watching his lover come inside. “To what do I owe the pleasure?” Berwald’s bottom lip trembles, and he pulls Arthur in for a tight, loving hug.
    “Th’y decl’ssified homos’xual’ty as a d’sease in m’ c’ntry.” He feels tears pricking at his eyes. “Th-th’y d’d it…” Arthur kisses his jaw.
    “That’s wonderful news!” He lifts up Berwald and spins him around happily, eyes shining.
    “I f’rg’t you c’ld do th’t.” Arthur grins at him as he sets him down. “A-anyw’y,” he looks away, cheeks flushed. “I w’s w’ndering… W’ld you l’ke t’ m’ve in? We m’y st’ll get h’te, but… It’s n’t a disease th’re anym’re.”
    “Of course. I would love that. Thank you.” He tangles his fingers in Berwald’s hair. “I’ll have to visit here often, but I want to officially be living with you. And we can be open about our relationship, at least there. I know how much you want that.”
    “J-ja. Please.” Arthur laughs, and leans into him.
    “I love you.” He kisses him, but not without leaving enough time for him to pull away if he doesn’t want it.
    “I l’ve you t’,” he mumbles into the kiss, before deepening it.
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h0lyground · 6 months
i should be at engswe :(((
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95jezzica · 3 years
My Hetalia Ships
I’ll start this off with saying that I’m very flexible when it comes to ships and you might see them change back and forth a bit over time, but as long as they’re 2 consenting adults I usually don’t have a problem with any pairing. (Though I might avoid interacting with a few ships for personal reasons, because they kind of ick(?) me personally.) 
With that said, I DO have a few ships which has sneaked past my defenses over the years, which I hold a little extra dear at heart. Those pairings would be: 
- SuFin/ Sweden x Finland. I’ve also been in a fairly big SuFin mood lately, so you can probably expect to see a few works with these two loveable idiots from me, at least for a while. 
- FraSwe/ France x Sweden. A long story, but they also have some canon material and a lot of real history between them. 
- “SSF”/ Scotland (oc) x Sweden x France. An even longer story... ^J^;   - MexSwe/ Mexico (oc) x Sweden: Yeah... It’s a long story. (Rare-pair hell, whoo-hoo!) xD  - FrUk/ France x England. 
- PrUk/ Prussia x England.  - EngSwe/ England x Sweden. - Though I usually hc them as good friends who sometimes have to pretend they’re divorced parents when humans get a bit too nosy about Sealand. xD 
- Engmano/ England x Romano.   - HunViet/ Hungary x Vietnam. ♥ WOMEN! ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ They’re so pretty and cute, but I also think these two would work really well together! ♥ 
- PruHun / Prussia x Hungary. 
- UkrSwe/ Ukraine x Sweden. Tbh a bit of a guilty pleasure, I suppose? Because I love them & their soft potential, but I also love Sweden as gay since he’s basically our only ACTUALLY 100% confirmed gay character. I don’t want to take that from him. At the same time though, these two would be so SOFT together. They have so much potential. ♥ (... So yeah, I’m a bit conflicted, but at the very least they would be amazing friends). 
- LadWy/ Ladonia x Wy. - Usually I only see them as friends, but sometimes I can see them being adorable cute and having an innocent crush on each other.
. . 
I think that’s about it? Have probably forgotten one or two I like, but I could just add that/those later if that’s the case and I feel the need for it. Again though, these are just my personal ships and/or favorites. ♥ 
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curiousnoon · 5 years
VAR and the Refereeing can go FUCK. OFF.
Fucking terrible 😤
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saltywinteradult · 5 years
We did it!!!
Well done ladies! Thank you England for a good match, well played all of you!
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