95jezzica · 3 years
My Hetalia Ships
I’ll start this off with saying that I’m very flexible when it comes to ships and you might see them change back and forth a bit over time, but as long as they’re 2 consenting adults I usually don’t have a problem with any pairing. (Though I might avoid interacting with a few ships for personal reasons, because they kind of ick(?) me personally.) 
With that said, I DO have a few ships which has sneaked past my defenses over the years, which I hold a little extra dear at heart. Those pairings would be: 
- SuFin/ Sweden x Finland. I’ve also been in a fairly big SuFin mood lately, so you can probably expect to see a few works with these two loveable idiots from me, at least for a while. 
- FraSwe/ France x Sweden. A long story, but they also have some canon material and a lot of real history between them. 
- “SSF”/ Scotland (oc) x Sweden x France. An even longer story... ^J^;   - MexSwe/ Mexico (oc) x Sweden: Yeah... It’s a long story. (Rare-pair hell, whoo-hoo!) xD  - FrUk/ France x England. 
- PrUk/ Prussia x England.  - EngSwe/ England x Sweden. - Though I usually hc them as good friends who sometimes have to pretend they’re divorced parents when humans get a bit too nosy about Sealand. xD 
- Engmano/ England x Romano.   - HunViet/ Hungary x Vietnam. ♥ WOMEN! ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ They’re so pretty and cute, but I also think these two would work really well together! ♥ 
- PruHun / Prussia x Hungary. 
- UkrSwe/ Ukraine x Sweden. Tbh a bit of a guilty pleasure, I suppose? Because I love them & their soft potential, but I also love Sweden as gay since he’s basically our only ACTUALLY 100% confirmed gay character. I don’t want to take that from him. At the same time though, these two would be so SOFT together. They have so much potential. ♥ (... So yeah, I’m a bit conflicted, but at the very least they would be amazing friends). 
- LadWy/ Ladonia x Wy. - Usually I only see them as friends, but sometimes I can see them being adorable cute and having an innocent crush on each other.
. . 
I think that’s about it? Have probably forgotten one or two I like, but I could just add that/those later if that’s the case and I feel the need for it. Again though, these are just my personal ships and/or favorites. ♥ 
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oneletterwrites · 7 years
Who would have known
For aphyuriweek2017 (X)
Prompt: Soulmate
Summary: Food brings people together, and soulmates will only know until they try the other’s cooking.
Pairing: Vietnam x Hungary
It took her a while but the two braids in her hair finally look nice enough for her liking to attend the business formal. Eliza ties the ends to them and inspects herself in the mirror. The suit is tailored to her specific measurements and fits better than any of the other fancy outfit she owns.
Her co-worker laughs at her but she punches his shoulder hard to get him to shut up. Gilbert hisses but says nothing else. This isn’t their first formal event, but the first one for this company. Food they have made sits in the backseats to join the potluck.
As customary, every event is a potluck. Enough of a simple dish to lay out for everyone to try a piece of is to be brought. Though she may not be the best at cooking to her own terms, what she made this time is pretty decent. She can only hope if her soulmate is to attend that they like it too.
She straightens her tie and holds her dish in her hand as Gilbert talks loudly enough for the two of them as the meeting building gets closer. She snickers at his words and enter the hall with a flourish they have had since kids. They place their food with the rest of the dishes and go to mingle for a moment until it is called for food to be tried. Just in case.
She’s introduced to plenty of people. Higher ups and some lower level workers, each with a smile and a decent conversation.
“Oh look,” Gilbert nudges her a little harder than he should and she debates punching him again. She follows his pointing finger instead towards the corner of the room. A group of people stand with their noses up. A smirk crosses her face.
“Is that the new CEO?” She asks in a soft whisper. Gilbert joins her in a snicker. They watch the flock of pretentious executives with their own judgments. The men in their neatly pressed suits and the women in their long dresses.
During their snide talking Eliza catches the eyes of one of them. She smiles as best she can to someone she may or may not have been talking bad about it. They dressed in dark green, the dress down to the floor in a fabric that hugs their skin. When they turn away from her Eliza can see their back exposed just enough to make someone curious.
“Do you think if we pulled a fire alarm we’d get fired?” Gilbert asks her. She snorts at his childish suggestion but the temptation is there. Instead they join the rest of the crowd when they are called to start trying food. Her plate is filled with tiny bites of most of the items on the table.
Each bit is tried carefully. She’s not expecting much. Since she hasn’t found her soulmate, it all tastes bland. Hints of what it could taste like and glimpses of something better are just over the edge but her taste buds remain dormant. She smiles through it regardless.
“This tastes like cardboard,” Gilbert says next to her and she does punch him again. Gilbert has a soulmate, and his taste buds react to the full flavor, yet he still remains picky.
“Shut up pancake breath,” She hisses but he snickers. A snicker that stops short into a cough as h tries to be professional. Eliza picks herself up to a full height as the young CEO comes towards them.
“How are you enjoying your evening?” She asks, the green of her dress matching the clip that holds her long black hair up in a bun. Eliza takes a moment to remember to breathe. Sure she could make fun of the CEO from far away but up close she’s gorgeous and she might just be a little too gay for this.
Gilbert nudges her and backs away with that stupid knowing smile. She takes a moment to sneer at him before returning to the CEO. The clink their glasses together and take sip wordlessly.
“So, CEO now? How is that?” Eliza asks to try and make conversation. The CEO shrugs, twirling her glass in her hands methodically.
“Stable.” She says. Eliza raises an eyebrow to the phrase.
“Quite organized,” She goes on. Eliza looks to the ground and then up to spot Gilbert in the crowd, talking to a few others in their department. A smirk breaks on her face as an idea comes to her.
“Would you like.. to do something a little less organized?” Her words are chosen carefully and the CEO gives her a skeptical look. Eliza bows just a little to have flourish, holding out her hand. The CEO become visibly startled, looking around her to see if any one else notices what is happening.
Much to Eliza’s happiness, the CEO takes her hand gently and Eliza guides her around the room, pretending to be talking, only to pass Gilbert and throw him an exaggerated wink, confusing the boy more than anything.
“So Miss CEO,” Eliza starts. She has lead them out of the main room and into the hall. She peeks around and spies no camera but a fire alarm. Perfect.
“Lien.” The word stops her for a moment. The CEO looks uncomfortable but still head strong. A dumb smile comes to Eliza’s face as she takes Lien’s hand up and places it on the top of the fire alarm.
“Wonderful to meet you,” She says. The ringing is loud and obnoxious. Eliza can’t help the laugh that escapes her as she pulls Lien through the hall and outside. People start to filter out and she can hear Gilbert laughing as she stops just at her car.
Lien hops in when the door is opened for her. Eliza quickly backs out and away with the lights off until they hit the main road to not be spotted. She’s still laughing as she pulls up to her house only stopping when she turns to Lien who looks scandalized beside her. She at least has the nerve to look sheepish.
“Uhm-” Is all she says. It’s a little awkward as she helps lien out of the car and into the house. They have ditched the event sure but now she has the CEO in her house with no real plan.
“Are they going to be okay?” Lien asks plainly sitting at Eliza’s table while she finds some simple food for them.
“Oh yeah, Gilbert probably called his brother and told him it was a false alarm,” She shrugs. Though Ludwig hated it, he did agree that calling ahead for false alarms is better than not telling him. Lien says nothing but takes the easy made bowl of meat and noodles.
Eliza eats quietly, pausing when she finds Lien staring at her with wide eyes, the fork stuck half way in her mouth. Words are lost on her as the CEO stands from the rinky table to go to her. She forces the bowl out of Eliza’s hands and to the counter so when she grabs Eliza’s face and plant a kiss on her, she doesn’t drop the food to the floor.
Eliza gasps and pulls back only for Lien to keep staring at her dumbly. She grabs at Eliza’s tie and pulls her down to kiss her again. This time Eliza allows it for a moment longer before pulling back with a head full of questions.
“Why?” Is all that escapes her. Lien shifts from foot to foot without an answer, making them both uncomfortable. Though it is proper to wait for your soulmate, having in between romances are not frowned upon too much. Still, there is no reason for the CEO to want to be with her.
“Would you mind, if I stayed the night?” Lien asks and Eliza really doesn’t have the heart to say no. It would be nice to sleep next to someone and get lost in their kisses. Maybe tomorrow they could have breakfast together instead of a simple fling. She really hopes it’s not.
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