danikatze · 7 months
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Gosh I made these drawings in a sketchbook a year ago, but never posted them for some reason. @gatoraid asked for Ginta in a big scarf, so all the more reason to finally colour and post them! Thanks for the request ☺️
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reestallized · 10 months
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Special thanks to @rhithefella for letting me discover this tiny creecher
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blastedking · 2 years
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Universe Collection: Mezchinhar - Chapter 3
Revisiting these two, just being them during some fateful moments in time.
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alexpeteronoja · 2 years
Lockdown (2021) – Nollywood Movie
Lockdown (2021) – Nollywood Movie
  The movie is based on the life of Nigerian physician Ameyo Adadevoh, who is credited with stopping the spread of the Ebola virus in Nigeria by designating Patrick Sawyer as case zero. Stars: Josh2funny, Omotola Jalade, Bamike Bambam, Peter Psquare, Tony Umez, Sola Sobowole, Deyemi Okalanwon, Ada Ameh, Chioma Chukwukah-Akpotha, Nobert Young VIDEO INFORMATION Filename:…
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fils10 · 2 years
Mwaramutse neza nshuti
Nizere ko umeze neza
Nyura aha
urebe indi video nakoze
Ivuga ku kibazo cy'umwingo nuko wakira ku muntu wamaze kuwurwara ndetse n'uko wawirinda ku muntu utarawurwara
Ukore na subscribe niba utarayikora tuge tubana
Ibihe byiza.
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aishiteru-kenshin · 2 years
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Spirited Away ~ Haku x Chihiro Doujin Series By Umezou (うめ蔵)
Reserve Volume #4 Today!
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emolgabrine · 10 months
I have questions :3
1) for curiosity's sake, how would your interps react to Angie? Because Satoko/Angie is kind of... one of the only versions of her that exists as far as I'd remember.
2) How would you interpret Umezou/Junior, and how might he affect the dynamics of the cousin group? (If he IS Red's brother. Since the possibilities are either him being Red's or Blue's brother after all)
1. Ken would probably be protective of her because of big brother instincts. He'd probably get along well with her. Hibiki I'm not sure about right now.
2. Funny story, I've considered having Gary and Ash exist in this au. Poor Daisy would have a baby brother to look after after their parents disappeared, and Hotaru and Delia would end up getting together while Red was gone, so he returned to having a new little brother. His mom tried to explain that she didn't replace him, but thankfully, Ash and Red ended up getting along well. I imagine Ash would be quickly accepted into the group. (And adding more to Ken's inferiority complex unintentionally. Ash wouldn't become a champion, but he explores regions and is a skilled battler in his own right.
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closeted-goth · 2 years
Kazuo Umez rlly read lord of the flies and said we need this but manga.
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chosunajp · 1 month
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1: ばーど ★ 2024/05/08(水) 08:10:02.74 ID:GDM/UmeZ 今月2日午後2時ごろ、韓国メディアの東京特派員団はチャットで緊急の会議を開いた。日本の総務省が「今日3時に担当課長が韓国メディア1社との電話インタビューに応じる」と提案してきたからだ。電話ができるのは1人だ
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kintsuru · 1 month
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virgotales · 3 months
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Era drumul spre casă
Iubeam drumul către casă pentru ca știam ca vin la tine. În aceleași brațe calde, primitoare, my safe place.
Obișnuiam să cânt pe drum numai muzică de stare de bine, aveau grija posturile de radio să îmi dea material bun pentru asta. Bine, once in a while, mai erau și piese de dor, de despărțire, dinastea. Și atunci mă lovea! Oare când voi ajunge să trăiesc piesele astea? Când voi ajunge sa le cant cu ochii umeziti? Speram că niciodată....
Am sperat greșit. Eram conștientă că este doar o chestiune de timp.
Atâtea momente frumoase, desprinse parca din povești. Era prea frumos sa fie adevărat. Nu voi încerca nici o clipă să descriu ce a fost acea conexiune, cum s-a simțit, pentru ca ar fi supraomenesc. Doar eu și el înțelegeam. Era cosmos (cum spune și Irina Rimes).
As putea scrie la nesfârșit povesti, poezii, demne de egalat cu iubirile lui Shakespeare. Dar nu am atâtea cuvinte, nu am cum să le exprim. Ele doar se simt.
De câte ori se poate frânge o inimă? Dar nu genul de frânt care îți trece după primul flirt cu altcineva. Genul acela de frânt care, oricât ai curăța bucățile împrăștiate, parcă fug din mână. Le aduni, și sunt atât de mici, că îți alunecă printre degete. Și atunci ce faci? Stai și încerci sa te aduni. Dar nu mai aduni în palmă. Le lași acolo pe jos toate. Nu mai are rost sa te chinui să refaci amărâta aia de inimă. Poți sta și fără.
Sau nu?
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danikatze · 1 year
a multi-chapter Saraiya Goyou fic
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Chapter 1: What the Hell was the Hurry
Summary: The Five Leaves decide to leave Edo with Masa and Yaichi. Ume and Okinu are the first to arrive in their new home town, soon followed by Matsu. While Ume wants to give "opening up" a try, Matsu struggles with Feelings more than ever. An unexpected relationship develops between the two.
Read it on AO3 - or read it here:
Matsu arrived in town much, much sooner than Ume expected.
At the moment he and Okinu left Edo, heading for the place the Five Leaves had decided to try and make their new home, Matsu was still frantically running around (that is to say, walking everywhere much faster than a short guy like him should realistically be able to do) trying to get things done before his own departure.
The news that Matsu was closing up shop and moving someplace else must've spread like wildfire. The day after the Five Leaves agreed to leave Edo with Masa and Yaichi, there was a small, but undeniable queue of servants from rich families in front of his row house. Some he could please with the few hairpins or pipes that were still lying around and wanted to get rid of before moving anyway. The others placed more specific orders.
Otake, Ginta and Matsu still hung out at Ume's place while Ume and Okinu were preparing to leave, and every time Matsu was there he heartily complained about the orders. He hadn't declined any that Ume was aware of. Matsu was not good at refusing clientele.
Ume and Okinu were the first to start their trek to their potential new hometown, and, predictably, they were also the first to reach their destination. The two were planning to stay at an inn and explore the town from there. Miraculously, they found a vacant row house within mere hours of their arrival.
On her trip to the market the next day, at the end of the afternoon, Okinu spotted Matsu in the crowd. She was shocked to see him: not only did she not expect him to be there yet, he looked exhausted. As usual Matsu insisted that he was fine and asked her directions to the nearest inn. Okinu didn't believe it for one second, and dragged him home with her without completing her shopping.
As soon as Matsu stepped into the row house he collapsed. He was burning up and slept for nearly a full twenty-four hours.
Ume managed to get water and tiny amounts of porridge into Matsu in moments of sort of consciousness. Still, when Matsu finally woke up fully, he was craving food. His fever had gone down, but he looked pretty worse for wear still: he was very pale, his eyes were puffy and the fact that he hadn't shaved for almost two days didn't really help him. He was usually so presentable, which made this sight all the more concerning. It actually reminded Ume of the time Masa just rescued Matsu, after being held in the storage room of that candle maker for a few days. At the very least he didn't have any injuries this time.
Ume made him an elaborate meal, with a little help from his neighbours. They were already quite friendly to Ume, thanks to Okinu. He always let her introduce herself first, and made sure she mentioned he raised her on his own. Ume wasn't really comfortable taking the credit for that. She'd done so much of it herself, somehow. It was a really good ice-breaker, though. People were always much less scared of him when they knew that he'd single-handedly raised such a lovely girl.
"So hey," Ume stepped into the row house with a pot of tea that his elderly neighbour on the right made for them. Ume waited a moment for a sign of acknowledgement from Matsu. It did not come because he was too busy scarfing down the contents of one of many bowls Ume put in front of him ten minutes prior. It went in so fast Ume was unable to discern what exactly it was. Ume continued anyway: "did you do the impossible and say 'no' to your customers?"
Matsu put the empty bowl away and grabbed a grilled fish with his chopsticks. Before he himself seemed to realize it, he'd taken a big bite. He held up a hand, asking for Ume's patience. After a moment it appeared that he didn't have any patience himself, because he just moved the fish inside his cheeks so he could reply.
"Nah," Matsu said, then, realising his cheeks could not contain all the fish while talking, attempted to swallow a portion of his large bite and seemingly hurt himself in the process. With a strained expression he thumped his chest a few times, as if that would make the food go down easier, and continued with a tight voice, "I just kinda hid from people at some point, so I could finish everything in time."
"In time?" Ume placed two cups on the floor, and started to pour out the tea, but paused to squint suspiciously at Matsu. "For what?"
"Didn't wanna take longer than a week, or -- ow," Matsu now attempted to swallow a chunk of rice that apparently did not fit down his throat. Ume waited calmly - and judgmentally - for Matsu to get it down and start breathing normally again.
"- or I would've been stuck in Edo forever," Matsu finally finished his sentence.
Ume tried doing the maths in his head - this just obviously didn't add up. Admittedly, he and Okinu hadn't exactly rushed their journey, but they didn't make a leisurely trip of it either. The whole thing had taken them over two weeks.
If Matsu really did leave a week after them, that meant he'd done it in a week and a half.
Ume looked at Matsu, just woken up from sleeping pretty much twenty-four hours straight. He saw the bags under Matsu's eyes and the amount of food that he was currently consuming, and suddenly started to get very annoyed indeed. He sat up straight and crossed his arms. If Matsu noticed, he didn't show it: he only had eyes for the food before him.
"And you made the deadline?" Ume asked, hoping Matsu would say he finished everything sooner than he thought.
"By a hair," Matsu said, casually.
"What the hell was the hurry, you idiot?!" Ume failed miserably at staying calm. It was the indifference that really pissed him off. "Did you even sleep or eat?"
"Of course I did," Matsu's glower would almost be endearing if it hadn't been preceded by one of those infuriating eye rolls. To make matters worse Matsu decided to add, "I just didn't waste time on a bunch of hour long breaks in between, like you guys probably did."
"I'll have ya know that I didn't practically drop dead at our doorstep when we got here," Ume fumed, "and neither did my kid!"
"Good for you," grumbled Matsu, while stuffing some more rice in his face. "Anyway its none of your business how I travel."
"Oh yeah?" Ume laughed incredulously, "well then, in that case feeding you is none of my business either, lemme clear everything away for you."
"Don't --" Matsu practicality threw himself over the food that surrounded him, to shield it from Ume, "- touch anything."
His pale face flushed with embarrassment, although it didn't stop him from grabbing a bowl of miso and slurping it down as soon as Ume turned away in a huff.
Ume's blood was boiling, but he was really not in the mood for any of the bickering that he and Matsu normally liked to engage in. He was pretty tired from the trip himself, despite taking all the necessary rest stops at the roadside, in addition to the longer breaks they took for food and sleep. The first night they spent in their new place, it knocked both him and Okinu out for about two hours longer than usual.
Ume looked over at Matsu and narrowly avoided snorting at him. Matsu scowled so hard that his eyes almost vanished in his frown. A smile formed on Ume's face before he remembered that he was, in fact, still angry.
Well.. no, he wasn't in the mood for that either. And maybe it wasn't really fair to go all parental on a grown man who managed to run a successful business for a good while back in Edo.
He's so bad at taking care of himself though!
His anger subsided, but got the urge to make Matsu feel a bit self-conscious with a fun little snarky remark. Y'know, a little reward for not arguing.
"I'm impressed you still manage to get food in there, the way you're scrunching up your face," he said, with a self-satisfied grin.
"I'm impressed you- you're..," Matsu faltered, "Shut up, I'm exhausted.."
Ume's grin broadened. Matsu turned into such a pubescent teenager whenever Ume went into dad mode. He looked at the few signs of age on Matsu's face, and wondered how old he could be. In his thirties probably? None of the Five Leaves knew any of the other's ages, and they never asked. Ume didn't ask this time either. Instead, he collected some empty bowls to wash up, and left Matsu to simmer down a bit as well.
When Ume returned Matsu had cleared out all the dishes and was stretched out on the floor with his hands on his stuffed belly. At the sound of the door sliding open and Ume stepping in, Matsu lazily looked over, his head lolling to the side. After following Ume with his gaze for a bit, and Ume pretending he didn't notice while collecting more bowls, Matsu sighed.
"Thanks, Ume," he said.
"My pleasure. I like cooking," Ume presented the empty bowls, "and seeing people enjoy my food."
"I didn't mean the food," Matsu stared at the ceiling, and patted his belly, "although, thanks for that as well."
"Then what?" "Dunno,"
Matsu shrugged, "for worrying, I guess."
"Oh," this took Ume by surprise. He hadn't expected Matsu to cool down this much, "yeah, no problem. I have years of worrying experience, raising a sickly kid by myself and all." He laughed a bit and then added in a quasi stern tone, "She was never as damned reckless as you were, thank fuck."
"Hah," Matsu covered his eyes with his hands, groaning, "Masa used the same word to describe me ages ago. I should really do something about that."
It took Matsu a few more days to really get back on his feet again. If it were up to him he would've set out to find a place to stay for himself the very same day he woke up. Ume wouldn't hear of it, and made Matsu rest until he felt fit for at least one full day.
He didn't trust Matsu to be honest about that, but he was fairly good at evaluating someone's well-being. He'd been through too many instances of Okinu claiming she was better, and her falling ill again the next day. Once he started implementing his a-full-day-fit rule, she experienced much fewer relapses.
Matsu grumbled about it a lot and then, to Ume's great surprise and suspicion, put up a lot less resistance than he had prepared for. Ume kept an eye on Matsu as much as he could, and the only way to achieve that was to have Matsu take part in Ume's chores and other activities. As time went on it seemed that Ume didn't need to be distrustful of Matsu's compliance. In fact, if Ume hadn't known any better, he would have said Matsu enjoyed being forced into slowing down.
In the meantime Okinu used her charms to find a place for Matsu to live. In no time at all she managed to get half of her neighbourhood either keeping an eye out, or actively searching for a vacant row house. By the time Ume allowed Matsu to go free, he could move into one that was only a fifteen minute walk away from Ume's - or probably ten minutes at Matsu's pace.
Ume started looking for a building that would be suitable for an izakaya, because his little row house of course wouldn't do. That didn't stop him from providing his neighbours with home cooked snacks and (side) dishes. A bit of advertisement for his as of yet non-existent izakaya. He didn't have much luck yet though. Not that he expected to find something after being there for only a week or so, but he was a bit jealous of Matsu, as unlike him, he would easily be able to set up his business from a row house.
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blastedking · 2 years
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Universe Collection: Mezchinhar - Chapter 6
This is basically Chapter 6 of Parts and Fragments, but I didn't feel it would have fit very well in that one and the tone I wanted that to end on (besides taking away the cute idea of having 5 chapters because five parts and all that... well the epilouge already kicked that in the curb.)
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citylifeorg · 9 months
LMCC (Lower Manhattan Cultural Council) Announces The 12th Annual Manhattan Community Arts Breakfast, Celebrating The Work of Its 2023 Grantees
Manhattan Community Arts Breakfast, 2022. Photo credit: Gregory Gentert The October 18 event will honor recipients of LMCC’s 2023 Creative Engagement, Creative Learning, and UMEZ Arts Engagement grants and 2023 SU-CASA program. LMCC (Lower Manhattan Cultural Council) is pleased to announce the 12th Annual Manhattan Community Arts Breakfast, a breakfast gathering celebrating the organization’s…
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reestallized · 10 months
Did you know that there was supposedly a planned sibling for either Gen 1's rival, otr Gen 1's protag? His name was Junior/Umezou, iirc.
Wow I didn't know about that
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rainsmediaradio · 10 months
Adekunle Gold - All My Life Lyrics
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Adekunle Gold - All My Life Lyrics Intro It's Kel P Vibes Verse 1 Kilofe omoge Everything is on me See me I want this your love Alele o di dandan See my doctor, he dey tell me You be the cure, you're my medication Where you come from kasala don burst Omo ja, ja, ja, ko ma lera o Omo pesin go kpai If dem come for my baby walahi Eh! You can be rest assured I no dey sleep, I go dey on guard Eh! Forget other girls wey dey jealous you Forget other boys way dey skobo you Baby me I no dey bobo you Osa you no say me cover you Chorus Gara, gara o Gara, gara o Gara, gara o, gara All my life I've been looking for ya Paran o, paran Paran o, paran Paran o, paran All my life I've been looking Verse 2 Ten milli' for your Birkin And if you like fun mi ni billing I just don't want you deceiving me I dey take things too personally (personally) There's just a part of me that want you more, more, more And I'll be here cos I've been waiting for long, long Coolu my heart like a beautiful love song Tony Umez, girl you do me like pawpaw So da bayi Baby ma je n sun ta, I dey outside No carry me go goal, no offside Make dem reach ninety-nine, I'm still your guy 2 AM, I'm knocking on your door Open your heart baby jor, jor, jor If you say you love me, you no go die Make our feelings collide oh my my Chorus Gara, gara o Gara, gara o Gara, gara o, gara All my life I've been looking for ya Paran o, paran Paran o, paran Paran o, paran All my life I've been looking for ya Outro Dey outside No offside Still your guy So da bayi Dey outside Read the full article
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