#Uncle Glen’s Menagerie
jamiebamberdaily · 1 year
Happy New Year from JamieBamberDaily!
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As a new year approaches, it’s time for our annual review of Jamie and his year!
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The early months were quiet and it wasn’t until March that the first thing came in the form of a brilliant interview with Mark & Me Podcast. Earlier in the month, both Jamie and Kerry joined Kerry's former Bad Girls co-star Vicky Alcock at her acting class. According to a post over Christmas, "Jamie came to join us at Acting Up having written a fantastic screenplay 🤫 He shared his work with the actors- we did a full tableread then improvised some of the scenes over the month. Kerry Norton and Jamie then came back to watch what the actors had created. They were extremely impressed by their creativity, focus and understanding. Both Jamie and Kerry gave them advice, experience and understanding of what is required within the industry."
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April was a busier month for Jamie. He celebrated his 49th birthday which we once again marked with a birthday video. The following couple of days saw Jamie travel over to Cannes to appear at the 5th Canneseries Festival with Lucie Lucas and Tamara Marthe to discuss his upcoming role in Cannes Confidential. Then April 21st saw the release of Titanic 666 on Tubi TV, the film was released exactly 110 years to the day of the original sinking of the Titanic.
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May was also a chaotic month for Jamie and his work. May 2nd saw the release of the first episode of two of Jamie’s projects which were filmed last year; Signora Volpe and DI Ray. DI Ray continued for the following three days on ITV and Signora Volpe episodes released the next two Mondays. Also on the same day, Jamie started the first day filming of Cannes Confidential.
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June was less busy, with only the announcement of his involvement on the judging panel of the Faber’s inaugural Imagined Futures Prize.
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Filming on Cannes Confidential finished in late July after a incredible 3 month shoot. While DI Ray released on DVD in the UK.
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A quiet few months followed until late October when horror film, The Lair released in the US after a few rounds at a few film festivals including FrightFest in London.
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Finally, December saw the announcement of not one, but two Jamie roles for the new year. BBC’s spin-off to Death In Paradise, Beyond Paradise which he filmed around September-November in Cornwall, and Who Is Erin Carter (also known as Palomino) which was filmed in Barcelona, Spain in mid-to-late August. Also in that month Jamie returned to the stage for one night only in Uncle Glen’s Menagerie which took place at the Arcola Theatre in London, the event was in aid of Great Ormond Street Hospital.
We are very much looking forward to Jamie’s projects to come in 2023, and with three announced already to come, we’re sure it’s going to be another busy year for him!
So to end the year, we would like to wish you all a very happy new year and a positive 2023!
Jemma and Sophie. xx
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fuckin-sick-bih · 10 months
Tattoos and Tissues pt 3!
Fandom: Stranger Things Summary: No Upside Down. Tattoo Artist and Florist AU. Eddie goes to Steve's place to take care of his florist boyfriend who has fallen ill. CW: Mess, inducing, stuffy talk, illness, mentions of erections and adult themes/kink, Steve has the kink and Eddie likes indulging Word Count: 4.3k Author Note: I did it! I finished it! I finished a fic! Holy fuck! No one ever let me do this again... I am absolutely going to do this to myself again no questions, I just suck at pacing myself lmao. Honestly, the first draft was WAY more Adult lol But also I don't want this to be the end of this AU. I just don't wanna do another 3-part fic, I wanna do little mini fics or drabbles if ideas happen tbh. Regardless, enjoy. I am aware not all things resolve, but hey that's why it can be something cute and small and on-going, right? Eddie - bold Steve - Italics MINORS DNI
whats your address?
What? Why?
because i come baring gifts, Harrington. address, please, so i can figure out where the hell im going im so lost
413 Building D Maple Glen Apartments just off Terrace Street. I’ll buzz you in, just come up to the fourth floor, and I’ll be poking my head out.
When Eddie showed up at Building D of Maple Glen Apartments and saw he had four flights of stairs to climb, he decided he was going to strangle Steve instead of nurse him back to health. He adjusted the bags of goodies for Steve in his hands and began the climb up to the fourth floor. The top floor, of course. 
As he reached the top and exited the stairwell, he spotted Steve poking his head into the hallway as promised. Sure, Eddie was panting, but Steve looked wrecked. There were dark circles under his eyes, his nose was bright cherry red at the tip and rims, and the rest of his face was pale. 
“Jesus H. Christ, you weren’t kidding… You really are sick, huh?” Eddie said in a soft, somewhat concerned tone as he approached Steve.
The other’s pale cheeks seemed to flush up a dark shade of red at Eddie’s words. “What id the world are you doi’g here, Eddie?” Steve asked in a congested and raspy voice that made Eddie wince in sympathy for his throat. 
Instantly, Eddie went digging in his bags for the bag of cough drops. “Please suck on one of those, Harrington. Talking sounds like it hurts. And they’ve got menthol-y stuff in ‘em. It’ll help your nose, c’mon lemme in.” He shoulders his way into Steve’s apartment before the other can stop him. 
“Eddie!” Steve rasped out before turning away from the other to cough harshly into his arm. “You dod’t wadt to be id here, you’ll get s-siiih… IXXGH’T! Sick.” There had been just enough time for Steve’s hand to shoot up and pinch his nose to stifle what sounded like a powerful and still just barely restrained sneeze. It made Eddie wince to think how it must have hurt his ears. 
There was a scoff from the curly-haired tattoo artist, who was already unpacking his bag of goodies on the nearby countertop. At the same time, Steve shut the door, not protesting anymore. “Bless you and puhhh-lease. I don’t get sick, Steve. Munson Constitution. Allergies? Yes. Sick? No. I can’t even remember the last time I was sick. Wait-” He frowned as he tried to dig up the memory. “I think it was like 8th grade? And I had the flu? I dunno; Uncle Wayne came home to me curled up asleep in the empty tub with a fever. He couldn’t find me for like twenty minutes.” 
There was a mildly concerned but still somewhat fond smile on Steve’s face. “You’re a bess, Budsod.” He sniffled thickly and grabbed a tissue from the box beside the couch where it looked like Steve had taken up residence. A nest of blankets, a pillow from his bed, crumpled tissues surrounding the nest, and a few empty water bottles. “But seriously, you should go. Robid high-tailed it out of here to Dadcy’s the seco’d she heard I was sick.”
“All the more reason for me to stay!” Eddie chirped, stepping back to show Steve the menagerie of sick supplies he’d brought. “Not that you need a babysitter, and if you seriously wanna be left alone to your misery, I get it, but…” He side-stepped a little closer to bump their shoulders together. “I never liked being alone while sick.” He admits softly.
The little bump made Steve’s lips twitch, and Eddie counted it as a win. Then Steve moved forward to have a look at the supplies. “Jesus, you didd’t have to get b’me all this…”
Eddie pats Steve on the back as he moved with him, eyes scanning over the cold/flu meds, a couple cans of chicken noodle soup, some bottles of Gatorade, the cough drops he’d mentioned earlier, and even- “Those fucking dissolvable shower disks are evil, Harrington. That’s your treat if you’re a good boy and take your meds, deal?” He said with a smirk growing on his face now.
A sputtering noise from Steve turned into a coughing fit almost right away, bad enough that Eddie was rubbing his back through the end of it. “W-What the hell does that bead?” He choked out, eyes wide. “If they’re evil thed, why did you bri’g theb?”
A laugh escaped Eddie, who was now taking Steve’s hands to guide him back to the couch, settling the sick man down to wrap him back up in blankets. “Because they work and because you will probably love it.” He said playfully and hesitated momentarily, trying not to overthink it before pressing his lips to Steve’s forehead. “Not warm.” He whispered softly.
Steve let out an almost shuddering-sounding sigh like he was just happy to be touched. To be taken care of for once. They’d only started getting to know each other but had been texting a bit. With all those teens he babysat, Eddie could believe it. Between work, babysitting, and probably taking care of things at the apartment with his roommate… when did Steve get time to care for himself? No wonder he got sick, Eddie thought. 
“What do you say to some daytime cold meds, a cough drop, some Gatorade, and I’ll heat you up a can of soup in a bit?” Eddie asked Steve softly, running his fingers delicately through the other man’s messy bedhead. It was as if Steve was a cat, utterly leaning into the touch despite how sick he must feel with how he looked. 
There was a nod from Steve, so Eddie took that to mean go ahead with his plan. “Kinda glad to see you keep work at work.” He admits to Steve in a casually playful way while grabbing Steve a Gatorade and some pills. “Would’ve sucked if we were both sneezing our heads off- bless you, by the way.”
As Eddie spoke, Steve’s face had been going slowly slacker, and his eyes were unfocused in a classic pre-sneeze hang-up. “Ixx’TSH! IXGh’t! Oh god… I’b dot godda be able to stifle those buch lo’ger…” Steve mutters with a much soupier-sounding sniffle than Eddie expected for some pretty well-stifled sneezes. 
Nevertheless, Eddie pulled his bandana from his back pocket and swatted Steve with it before offering it out to him. “Here. Stop stifling then, jackass. Didn’t see me stifling for you, hm?” He pointed out, handed over the meds and drink, and gestured to the cough drops. “Try one. It’ll feel good on your throat and help your congestion.” 
Steve caught the bandana and gave Eddie an appreciative smile for the soft fabric against his nose. “Ugh, fide if it gets you to shut up.” He teased, punctuated by a weak cough after downing the meds. Then he grabs a menthol lozenge. After popping it into his mouth, Steve’s eyebrows raise. “I was expecti’g that to taste worse… cad defiditely still taste the bedthol…” He admits with a slight sniffle.
“Sorry… what were you sayi’g earlier?” Steve asked with another little sniffle as he settled on the couch, pressing the bandana to his nose some more. There’s the slightest flush that wasn’t there a little bit ago. Eddie would’ve remembered if it had been there or not. It’s too cute, barely spreading over his cheekbones and nose tip. 
Eddie was knocked out of his daydreaming by remembering he had to answer Steve. “Huh? Oh- thanking you for your lack of plants. That’s all.” He jokes and shakes his head. “It’s stupid, don’t worry about it. I’m just glad to get a break from being the sneezy one.” He teased.
A quiet, albeit raspy, chuckle escapes Steve while he sucks on the lozenge. “Ab I givi’g you a rud for you b-buhh…bodey yet? Or do I deed to snff let byself sdeeze bore for that?” With all the stopping to sniffle and how his nose seemed to be tickling, Eddie got the idea the menthol in the lozenge was working on Steve’s sinuses. 
“Well, I think you’re doomed to sneeze more soon either way, big boy.” Eddie teased as he watched the other man’s expression fall again into that pre-sneeze desperation. 
Still, Steve seemed to want to deny himself release. “D-D’noh idea… w-whhaahat you bead, Eds-” His breath was beginning to hitch dangerously now, coming closer and closer to its inevitable crescendo. 
Eddie took Steve’s hands, “Don’t stifle, Steve… just sneeze. It’s okay.” He urged the other, getting the feeling it was far more than just a matter of Steve not wanting to spread germs. Like he was still embarrassed and shy.
“Oh, okaaehh-! AeISHHue! HeiiISHhuh! Ngh- Ugh… Oh fuck. Still tickles.” Steve admits, scrunching and wriggling his nose in all sorts of ways Eddie found altogether too damn endearing. 
Eddie rolled his eyes and dropped down onto the couch with Steve. “Come here, sniffles.” And he can plainly see that has an effect on Steve from where he sits now. Steve’s breath catches, and there’s the slightest tent to the front of his Hawkins High Swim Team gray sweatpants. Whoever designed those pants for the swim team, Eddie could kiss them. “Oh, you like that?” He purred.
A shaky sort of breath left Steve, but Eddie wasn’t quite sure if it was from being teased or still needing to sneeze. Though Steve moved a bit closer, his eyes were watering a little now with the irritation that wouldn’t budge. “O-oh god, cobe o-ohhhih-!” Even with as desperate of a hitch as it sounded, Steve still faltered into sniffles and groaned. 
The curly-haired man looked at Steve with an exceptionally soft pout, one of distinct sympathy. “You want some help with that? Seriously, that looks like torture.” He tilted his head when Steve sniffled, and his eyes widened at Eddie’s offer. 
“I’b sorry, what’d you just ask, b’me?” Steve asked, like he wasn’t sure if he was hearing correctly. He was still rubbing his nose against the cuff of his hoodie; Eddie wasn’t sure if he was encouraging or fighting off the tickle anymore. 
Eddie raised a brow at Steve in confusion, “Do you need help with that stuck sneeze? You’re starting to look more miserable than me peak allergy season, Stevie.” He teased, watching as the other continued staring at him like a deer in headlights until it clicked for Eddie, and he had his lightbulb moment. “Wait! Does that turn you on?” He asked, sounding utterly delighted to have figured out how to get Steve going to the point where he was nearly speechless.
Instantly, Steve was sputtering, and it caused a few coughs to escape him. “Oh by god, you cad’t just say thi’gs like that to b’me, Eds…” He complained, leaning back against the couch to tip his head back while rubbing at his nose some more. “Fuck… ugh, bay- maehh… hehih-!” And once again, Eddie watched him wind up, only for nothing to happen. 
“Sooo…?” Eddie prompted and gave a vague wave of his hand as if gesturing Steve to continue. 
It was truly remarkable how red Steve’s face could flush, Eddie thought as he watched the lighter brunette make the internal debate. “Fide. Jesus, we practically flirt all the tibe adyway.” He reached forward to snatch a tissue, twisting the corner into a point.
Eddie’s brows furrowed as he watched in utter confusion while Steve strangled the tissue. “Okay, I gotta ask… what the fuck are you doing?” 
“I’b- ihhih… ugh, I’b baki’g sobethi’g for you to i’duce b’me.” He explained before handing the tissue, now twisted to a neatly pointed tip, over to Eddie. “Probably wod’t get bore thad ode use out of it because I’b all coldish, but iihh-! it should do the trick.”
After accepting the new tool, Eddie turned to face Steve more as he started to get the idea. “Ohh, I think I get it. Okay. Never actually thought to use a tissue like this, honestly.” He admits before smirking a little. This was Steve’s kink, and well… he wanted to perform for him a little. Make it fun for him. 
He trails the very tip of the twisted-up tissue end over the tip of Steve’s red nose and watches as his nostrils flare in response to even just that. “Jesus, someone’s sensitive.” It was just a stray comment. Sometimes, Eddie couldn’t keep his mouth shut, but judging by how Steve’s hips suddenly squirmed, he really enjoyed it. 
A grin split across Eddie’s face, and he suddenly moved to straddle Steve’s lap, “Think I need a better position for this, don’t you, sweetheart?” he asked teasingly and winked at his boyfriend, who was now bright red as he looked up at him. Eddie eased down to sit more in Steve’s lap, which caused the other man to groan softly. 
“Sure, E-Eddie…” Steve stuttered out, but this time, it clearly had nothing to do with his sensitive nostrils that Eddie was already getting back to teasing. “You cad go i-ihhh idside…” 
That made the darker-haired man raise his brows in mild surprise, but he nodded, gently slipping the tip of the tissue into Steve’s nose. He gently twirled the tissue curiously, which had Steve instantly gasping beneath him, and Eddie’s dick twitched at just how powerful he felt for a brief moment.
The twirl seemed to do the trick because Steve’s nostrils flared out, and his eyes fluttered closed with another desperate, hitching breath. Eddie’s hand shot back with the tissue still clutched between his fingers, the twisted tip now all damp and limp despite its short adventure. 
“Ihh… IXXTISHHUE!! HEIIISHUE! Uh… Hupt’IISHHuh… ugh oh by god…” Steve groaned out after the sneezes. The first two burst forth with a sudden intensity Eddie hadn’t been expecting at all. The lighter-haired brunette hastily grabbed a tissue to press to his face, cleaning himself up while a blush spread across his neck and cheeks. “Fuck that’s so e’barassi’g.” He whispered, but Eddie could feel Steve’s erection pressing firmly against him. 
The ease with which Eddie could get Steve so hard he was pressing up against him like that even while he was under the weather was borderline intoxicating. It didn’t matter that Steve had snapped right forward to sneeze, the spray misting briefly against Eddie’s forearm and stomach.
“Bless you, hey… it’s alright. You’re sick; gotta get that gunk outta you. Maybe a shower with one of those disks would be a good idea, actually… clear out some of that congestion, huh?” He offered and grabbed Steve another tissue to replace the one he’d just about soaked through by now.
Little, congested snuffles were coming from Steve constantly as Eddie sat back in his lap to let him tend to his leaking nose. “Baybe…” Steve relented a little, still seeming shy, and wiped away the tears at the edges of his eyes from sneezing. His sinuses were so utterly full it was hard not to tear up with every sneeze. “What uh… what exactly do they eved do? Dever really tried theb before.”
At that, Eddie perked up and grinned at Steve before moving out of his lap. “Oh, you’re gonna love this- c’mon, sniffles. Let’s get you in the nice warm shower with one of those disks then.” He slid backward off of Steve’s lap carefully. He offered his hands to pull him up, ensuring Steve was steady on his feet before grabbing one of said shower disks and being led to the bathroom. 
The bathroom was admittedly a little small for two people. Eddie wasn’t sure how Steve and his roommate managed it, but he went about getting the disk out of the packaging. Of course, the moment the menthol scent hit him, his eyes watered, and his nose prickled, making him pause to rub roughly at it with his hand.
A sudden hand on his arm made him pause, blinking over at Steve, who was looking at him with a concerned expression. “I cad oped it?” He offers softly, but Eddie takes a moment to look at him. Steve looks exhausted and sick, sure, but his pupils are wide and lust-blown. That hard-on from the couch is still half-present and painfully evident in those gray sweatpants, too.
“I got it, sweethhheart.” Eddie assures, wiggling the disk as his own breath tries to hitch, and he lets it for once. In fact, Eddie sniffs slightly, which only irritates his sensitive nose more, so his nostrils twitch and flare. “Told you… you’ll l-love.. thhhh… hEXZT’Shiew! Whew! Okay. You’ll love these.” And without another moment to waste, Eddie sets the little disk in the shower for Steve with a wink. “I’ll leave you to it then.”
Finally, Eddie sees Steve’s unfiltered reaction to one of his sneezes, similar to in the library. It was as if the poor man had completely bluescreened briefly before rebooting. Pupils wide and lust blown as he stared at Eddie, who still rubbed his nose. “Uh… yeah, so just… shower like dorbal?” he asked with another soupy sniffle and began to pull off his shirt, already starting to shiver.
Suddenly, Eddie’s throat felt dry as Steve began undressing with him in the bathroom, and he nodded. “Yep. That’s the idea. It’ll dissolve, and the scent will help clear out your sinuses. Want me to go sit on the couch and wait?” 
With his pants still on, Steve was reaching forward to crank the water as hot as it would go, still sniffling. “Uhm… ki’da… ki’da dizzy actually? Could you baybe like… keep close? Id case I deed you?” There was a quiet plea in Steve’s voice, the request coming out awkward and stunted like he wasn’t used to asking for help. 
Something in it tugged on Eddie’s shriveled heart, and he looked up at Steve with a soft expression. “Yeah, Stevie. I can stay. I’ll turn around so you can strip and get in, deal? Deal.” He agreed, tucking himself into the corner by the sink to stare at the wall. There was a good deal of shuffling behind him before he heard the shower curtain and the spray of water finally being interrupted. 
The menthol scent from the shower disk was already making Eddie’s nose twitch and tingle, so he closed the toilet seat lid, going to sit down on it. “Remember what I said earlier? We’re trying to get that gunk out of you, man. Trust me when I say I’m not gonna judge you or anything. Seriously, I’m sure you’ll get to see me peak allergy s-seeh-season, and you’ll get it.”
His idle chatter as Steve showered made the man give a quiet grunt. “You sure?” Steve’s voice was tired, nervous, and still congested, but it already sounded a little better than before. 
“P-Positiihh-“ But just as Eddie had been about to respond, his breath hitched dangerously, and his hand flung up to cover his mouth and nose. “IXT’SHiew! Ugh, positive! Sorry, sensitive nose.” Eddie admitted with a little sniffle and scrunched his nose up to try and dispel that tingling sort of itch. It wasn’t like his usual allergic itch, just maddening enough to make his sinuses wonder what was in the air to react to. “Hit’SHZiew! Snf! Motherfucker. It’s supposed to make you sneeze, not me!” 
A laugh escaped Steve, turning into some productive-sounding coughs that had Eddie grimacing in sympathy. “Give m’be a m’bidute, dod’t worry.” He assured, sniffling a little as the shower disk worked its magic while he went through his usual shower routine. 
It was barely a minute later when the bathroom had gone oddly quiet. “Heh… Gonna- HEIKTshuh! HI’TShue! Eh… ET’SHHue! HN’kt!” The last one sounded strange, and Eddie blinked a few times, wondering what in the hell Steve had done to make it sound like that. 
“You good, man?” Eddie checked in softly, almost tempted to peek over the shower curtain just to make sure he wasn’t going to pass out or anything.
A shaky breath left Steve, and Eddie saw one of his hands come up to grab the shower curtain rod for support. “Uh-huh… snff! Yeah, just-” Another little groan came from the lighter brunette, and Eddie felt worry fluttering in his ribcage like a frightened bird. “Dizzy… m’okay. Rad out of breath od that last sdeeze…” 
Something like a little cough slipped out of Steve, and Eddie stood to put a hand on top of Steve’s that had a white knuckle grip on the shower curtain rod. “Maybe it’s time to rinse off and get out, yeah? I’ll get your towel and look away so you can hop out.” He encouraged, already moving, to grab the fluffy maroon towel and hold it open. 
Only a few moments later, Steve sounded like he’d rinsed off, but then there was a soft catch of breath just above the spray before- “HeXT’SHHuh! EXT’SHHUE! Hihh… IXT’SHHuh IT’SHH! Oh by god…” If anything, Steve’s tone sounded exasperated, but the sneezes had sounded productive. “You were right. About the shower disk.” He groaned, and Eddie could hear the shower spray being disrupted again, making him smile a little before the water shut off.
“You’re kind of adorable when you’re sick, y’know that?” Eddie said as he shut his eyes, turning his face as he held out the towel for Steve. “I mean- you’re adorable in general, don’t get me wrong! But like… I dunno, man. I know you can take care of yourself, but I just wanna make sure you’re looked after.” 
There was another brief pause, and the continued silence as he felt Steve press into the towel had Eddie’s anxiety spiking. He wrapped the towel around the other’s shoulders and gave him a squeeze there. As the silence dragged on, Eddie felt a need to fill it, “Sorry, is that weird? I don’t wanna like- infantilize you or anything. I just… I wanna drag you to bed, wrap you in blankets, get you whatever you need until you feel better, y’know?”
“Would you lay with me?” Steve asked suddenly, voice right in front of him, and it shocked Eddie so much that his eyes snapped open. 
In front of him stood Steve. Hair dripping wet still, the towel now around his waist, and droplets of water running down his sinfully pretty chest. A more perverse part of Eddie had the intrusive thought of licking the water off him. Steve still had dark circles under his eyes, but those eyes were bright and pleading. “Of course I will, Stevie. We can get comfy and lay together as long as you want.”
Visibly, Steve’s shoulders relaxed, and he nodded with an almost pleading expression, pulling at his brows and lips. “Yes, please? That sounds- snf! fantastic.” He lifted a towel corner to dab at his sensitive, red nostrils with a bit of a wince. “Ugh, ow.”
With a little purse of his lips, Eddie made a sympathetic noise. “Nose all raw?” he asked, reaching out to open the bathroom door so Steve could lead the way to his bedroom. “I didn’t think to get any Vaseline; sorry, sweetheart.”
“S’okay. This always happens when I get si-ihh…. Ihih-!” Halfway down the short hallway, Steve paused with one hand on the wall as his breath began to hitch and his eyes fluttered. “Oh no come o-ohhhhh-!” Eddie watched as Steve’s hand hovered in front of his face, expression utterly helpless and slack before suddenly exploding. “IX’TSH! HiISHHue! Snf! Ugh- sorry.”
A little chuckle came from Eddie, who just shook his head, “I am the last one you have to go apologizing to for sneezing.” He assured Steve and put a hand on his lower back as he followed him. 
It didn’t take long for Steve to be dressed in some boxers and a sweatshirt since he was cold after his shower. Without even thinking about it, Eddie began pulling off his shirt and sat down on the bed to take off his shoes. The sudden sensation of fingers against his back made Eddie jump a little, and his head whipped around to find Steve tracing the dice tattoos along his spine. 
“Like what you see, Harrington?” Eddie asked in amusement as he finally kicked off his shoes to lie down beside Steve. He wiggled out of his dark pants, which got tossed to the floor as well, leaving him in boxers. Most of his upper half was covered in tattoos at this point. 
Some kind of sleepy slight hum came out of Steve, slightly congested again but not enough to hamper his speech yet. “They’re pretty. Your tattoos. Did you do them yourself?” He asked curiously, and his hand now strayed curiously over the large moth just below Eddie’s sternum. 
Eddie adjusted himself to get the blankets wrapped around them both, making sure Steve was tucked in properly before tossing the blankets over his legs. “Some smaller ones, yeah. Because I’m an idiot. Don’t tattoo yourself, Stevie. I mean it.” There’s amusement and a warning, but he leans to press his lips to Steve’s forehead again. Both checking his temperature and enjoying the simple intimacy. “Chrissy did a lot of them. Gareth, one or two, actually.”
This time, the hum from Steve was more distant, and when Eddie looked, he saw the other man was nearly asleep, tucked against him. “Get some rest, sleeping beauty. You need it. I’ll be right here when you wake up.”
Taking a deep, slow breath, Steve let out a long and decidedly sleepy sigh through his mouth. His nose was still a little too congested for such things. “Promise? You won’t leave?”
Something physically hurt inside Eddie to think once upon a time; Steve might’ve been in a similar spot, vulnerable and left completely alone when he didn’t want to be. “I’ll be here. I promise.” Eddie moved his hand to find one of Steve’s, interlocking their pinkies so he could squeeze the other man’s tight before bringing it up to kiss his knuckles. “I’m here, Steve.”
The reassurance was all he needed. Steve was out like a light, soft little congested snores sounding against Eddie’s shoulder as they cuddled beneath the blankets in the cozy queen-sized bed. And really… Eddie couldn’t think of anywhere else he’d rather be. 
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letheatreofmusic · 5 years
Theatre Bucket List
Plays to Read/See:
Agamemnon (Aeschylus)
American Buffalo (David Mamet)
Angels in America (Tony Kushner)
Antigone (Sophocles)
Arms and the Man (George Bernard Shaw)
As You Like It (Shakespeare)
August: Osage County (Tracy Letts)
The Bacchae (Euripides)
The Birthday Party (Harold Pinter)
Betrayal (Harold Pinter)
Blackbird (David Harrower)
Buried Child (Sam Shepard)
The Caucasian Chalk Circle (Bertolt Brecht)
The Cherry Orchard (Anton Chekhov)
The Clean House (Sarah Ruhl)
Clybourne Park (Bruce Norris)
The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Nighttime
Cyclops (Euripides)
Death of a Salesman (Arthur Miller)
Disgraced (Ayad Akhtar)
Doctor Faustus (Christopher Marlowe)
A Doll’s House (Henrik Ibsen)
Doubt (John Patrick Stanley)
Eclipsed (Dunai Gurira)
Electra (Sophocles)
Equus (Peter Shaffer)
A Free Man of Color (John Guare)
The Glass Menagerie (Tennessee Williams)
Glengarry Glen Ross (David Mamet)
Hamlet (Shakespeare)
The Heidi Chronicles (Wendy Wasserstein)
Hir (Taylor Mac)
The Humans (Stephen Karam)
The Iceman Cometh (Eugene O’Neill)
The Importance of Being Earnest (Oscar Wilde)
Indecent (Paula Vogel)
In the Blood (Suzan-Lori Parks)
Jitney (August Wilson)
The Killer (Eugene Ionesco)
King Lear (Shakespeare)
Long Day’s Journey Into Night (Eugene O’Neil)
Lysistrata (Aristophenes)
Macbeth (Shakespeare)
Machinal (Sophie Treadwell)
The Mandrake (Nicolo Macchiavelli)
Medea (Euripides)
A Midsummer Night’s Dream (Shakespeare)
Miss Julie (August Strindberg)
The Night Thoreau Spent in Jail (Jerome Lawrence and Robert E. Lee)
Noises Off (Michael Frayn)
The Normal Heart (Larry Kramer)
Oedipus the King (Sophocles)
Othello (Shakespeare)
Our Town (Thornoton Wilder)
The Playboy of the Western World (J.M. Synge)
Private Lives (Noel Coward)
Pygmalion (George Bernard Shaw)
A Raisin in the Sun (Lorraine Hansbury)
Richard III (Shakespeare)
Romeo and Juliet (Shakespeare)
Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead (Tom Stoppard)
Ruined (Lynn Nottage)
The School for Scandal (Richard Brinsley Sheridan)
The Seagull (Anton Chekhov)
Significant Other (Joshua Harmon)
Small Mouth Sounds (Beth Wohl)
Speed-the-Plow (David Mamet)
Spreading the News (Lady Augusta Gregory)
A Streetcar Named Desire (Tennessee Williams)
The Taming of the Shrew (Shakespeare)
Tartuffe (Moliere)
The Tempest (Shakespeare)
The Threepenny Opera (Bertolt Brecht)
The Tracking Satyrs (Sophocles)
The Trojan Woman (Euripides)
Topdog/Underdog (Suzan Lori-Parks)
Twelfth Night (Shakespeare)
Ubu Roi (Alfred Jarry)
Uncle Vanya (Anton Chekhov)
The Vagina Monologues (Eve Ensler)
A View from the Bridge (Arthur Miller)
Waiting for Godot (Samuel Beckett)
Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf? (Edward Albee)
My Fair Lady
Sweeney Todd
Fiddler on the Roof
Guys and Dolls
West Side Story
The Music Man
A Chorus Line
The Fantasticks
Show Boat
The King and I
Little Shop of Horrors
Sunday in the Park with George
How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying
A Little Night Music
She Loves Me
Kiss Me, Kate
Into the Woods
A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum
The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee
Hello, Dolly!
La Cage aux Folles
110 in the Shade
The Producers
Lady in the Dark
City of Angels
Avenue Q
The Book of Mormon
42nd Street
The Cradle Will Rock
The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas
Jesus Christ Superstar
Once on this Island
Adding Machine
On the Town
Les Miserables
Bat Boy
Caroline, or Change
South Pacific
The Pajama Game
The Sound of Music
The Phantom of the Opera
Damn Yankees
Grey Gardens
Man of La Mancha
A Man of No Importance
You’re a Good Man Charlie Brown
Sweet Charity
Anything Goes
Wonderful Town
The Light in the Piazza
The Drowsy Chaperone
The Full Monty
Of Thee I Sing
The Secret Garden
Kiss of the Spider Woman
Finian’s Rainbow
Pal Joey
Annie Get Your Gun
Pacific Overtures
Hedwig and the Angry Inch
On Your Toes
Beauty and the Beast
Ain’t Misbehavin’
Bye Bye Birdie 
Jelly’s Last Jam
A New Brain
Floyd Collins
Grand Hotel
A Day in Hollywood, A Night in Ukraine
The Scottsboro Boys
Next to Normal
Natasha, Pierre, and the Great Comet of 1812
The Band’s Visit
Dear Evan Hansen
Dream Roles (plays):
Laura in The Glass Menagerie
Nora in A Doll’s House
Regina in The Little Foxes
Harper in Angels in America
Daisy in The Great Gatsby
Lady MacBeth in Macbeth
Catherine in Proof
Ashlee in Dance Nation
Emma in People, Places, & Things
Nina in The Seagull
Dream Roles (Musicals):
Johanna in Sweeney Todd
Fantine in Les Miserables
Audrey in Little Shop of Horrors
Cinderella in Into the Woods
Wendla in Spring Awakening
Amalia in She Loves Me
Sonya in Natasha, Pierre, and the Great Comet of 1812
Princess Mary in Natasha, Pierre, and the Great Comet of 1812
Sibella in Gentleman’s Guide to Love and Murder
Clara in The Light in the Piazza
Cathy in The Last Five Years
Margo in Bright Star
Rosa Bud in The Mystery of Edwin Drood
Tony in West Side Story (Anyone looking for a female Tony?)
Mary Magdalene in Jesus Christ Superstar
To Be Continued as I Discover More Things...
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simonfeilder · 6 years
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Improv Infinity War as @faimprov's Uncle Glen's Menagerie hits up @arcolatheatre and Hulk-smashes it to bits 🙌🏻 (at Arcola Theatre)
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londontheatre · 7 years
Christian Slater returns to the West End as smooth talking sales shark Ricky Roma, in David Mamet’s cult classic Glengarry Glen Ross. Alongside A Killer Sales Team: Robert Glenister as Dave Moss, Kris Marshall as John Williamson, Stanley Townsend as Shelley ‘The Machine’ Levene and Don Warrington as George Aaronow.
Christian Slater (Mr Robot, True Romance, One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest), Robert Glenister (Hustle, Spooks), Kris Marshall (Death in Paradise, Love Actually, My Family), Stanley Townsend (Girl from the North Country, The Nether) and Don Warrington (Death in Paradise, Rising Damp) are the ‘deal chasing’ cut-throat sales team in David Mamet’s masterpiece, Glengarry Glen Ross.
This trailblazing modern classic, directed by Sam Yates, runs at the Playhouse Theatre from 26 October to 3 February 2018 for a strictly limited 14-week season. The play has won every major dramatic award on both sides of the Atlantic, making it an extraordinary theatrical success story. Its sensational world premiere at the National Theatre in 1983, earned it the Olivier Award for Best Play, whilst its 1984 Broadway premiere garnered multiple Tony Award nominations and just a year later, it won the Pulitzer Award for Drama. In 1992 the play was adapted by Mamet into an Academy Award nominated film featuring an all-star cast including Jack Lemmon, Al Pacino, Ed Harris, Alan Arkin, Kevin Spacey and Jonathan Pryce.
At a time of fierce debate about the American Dream and what it represents, Glengarry Glen Ross is a lacerating satire for modern society, highlighting how economic austerity can affect the morality and greed of individuals under financial pressure.
Glengarry Glen Ross is produced by ATG Productions, Act Productions and Glass Half Full Productions.
Lies. Greed. Corruption. It’s business as usual. Set in an office of cut-throat Chicago salesmen. Pitched in a high-stakes competition against each other, four increasingly desperate employees will do anything, legal or otherwise, to sell the most real estate. As time and luck start to run out, the mantra is simple: close the deal and you’ve won a Cadillac; blow the lead and you’re f****d.
Christian Slater (Ricky Roma) is an internationally acclaimed actor who recently won a Golden Globe and Critic’s Choice award for his role in Mr Robot, for which he is also a producer.
He was last on the London stage in Swimming with Sharks at the Vaudeville Theatre and One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest at the Gielgud/Garrick Theatre. His other stage credits include Spamalot at the Hollywood Bowl and The Glass Menagerie, opposite Jessica Lange, on Broadway.
Forthcoming films include, Bjorn Runge’s adaptation of Meg Wolitszer’s novel, The Wife and Emilio Estevez’s film The Public. Previous films include King Cobra opposite James Franco, Nymphomaniac, Bobby, Windtalkers, Broken Arrow, True Romance, Very Bad Things, Heathers, He Was a Quiet Man, The Contender, Bed of Roses, Murder in the First, Interview with a Vampire, Untamed Heart, Pump Up the Volume, The Name of the Rose, Tucker: The Man and His Dream and Gleaming the Cube.
His TV credits include Archer and Milo Murphy’s Law and he executive produced Very Bad Things.
Robert Glenister (Dave Moss) is best known from TV roles including Ash Morgan in Hustle, and Nicholas Blake in Spooks. His stage credits include Great Britain, Blue Remembered Hills, Ting Tang Mine, Fathers and Sons and Brighton Bach Memoirs, Never So Good all for the National Theatre, The Late Middle Classes at the Donmar Warehouse, Hedda Gabler for Theatre Royal Bath, The Winterling at the Royal Court, Uncle Vanya, An Ideal Husband, The Idiot and The Voysey Inheritance all for the Royal Exchange, Manchester, Measure for Measure, The Tempest, The Spanish Tragedy and Little Eyolf all for the RSC, According to Hoyle at Hampstead Theatre, The Duchess of Malfi at Greenwich Theatre, In The Heart of America, Wrecks and Crimes of the Heart at the Bush Theatre and Hamlet at Sheffield Crucible.
Robert’s TV credits include Cold Feet, Paranoid, The Musketeers, Close to the Enemy, Vera, The Guest Train Robbery, Miss Marple, The Care, We’ll Take Manhattan, Hustle (series 1-8), Appropriate Adult, Moving On: Skin Deep, Law and Order, Spooks (series 6-9), George Gently, Warriors: Spartacus, Murder, Legless, Ruby in the Smoke, Sirens, Midsomer Murders, Class of 76, Between the Sheets, A Touch of Frost, Heartbeat and Only Fools and Horses. His film credits include Journey’s End, Live by Night, Cryptic, Creation, Laissez Passer, The Visitors, All Forgotten, Secret Rapture and Quadrophenia.
Kris Marshall (John Williamson) is most recognized for screen roles including Nick Harper in My Family (for which he received the Best Newcomer award at the 2002 British Comedy Awards), Colin Frissell in Love Actually, Dave in Citizen Khan and DI Humphrey Goodman in Death in Paradise. Other screen credits include Lightfields, Traffic Light, Human Target, D.O.A, Sold, Catwalk Dogs, Heist, Singled Out, Funland, My Life In Film, Murder City, Dr Zhivago, Waiting For The Whistle, Metropolis, Trial And Retribution, The Bill, Lively Lads, Stick With Me Kid, A Few Less Men, Sparks & Embers, A Few Best Men, Oka Amerikee, Meant To Be, Easy Virtue, Death at a Funeral, The Merchant of Venice, Mexicano, Deathwatch, Iris, Je T’aime John Wayne, Four Feathers, Most Fertile Man In Ireland, and Dead.
Kris’s stage credits include Ugly Lies the Bone at the National Theatre, Fat Pig at Trafalgar Studios, The Revengers Tragedy at Southwark Playhouse, The Hypochondriac at the Almeida, Invention of Love at the Theatre Royal Haymarket, Happy Savages at the Lyric Hammersmith, The Unexpected Guest on UK tour, Journey’s End at the Kings Head and Deathtrap on UK tour.
Stanley Townsend’s (Shelley Levene) recent stage credits include The Girl from the North Country at the Old Vic, and the lead in The Nether at the Royal Court/West End. Other stage credits include King Lear, Gethsemane, Guys and Dolls and Phedre at the National Theatre, The Plough and the Stars at the Young Vic, Under the Blue Sky, The Alice Trilogy and The Shining City all at the Royal Court Theatre.
Stanley’s TV credits include The Hollow Crown II, The Collection, The Tunnel (series two), Galavant, Fleming, 24 Live, Another Day, New Worlds, Quirke, Call The Midwife, The Shadow Line, Zen, Spooks, The Commander, Hustle, Waking the Dead and Sherlock. His film credits include Florence Foster Jenkins, The Voices, One Chance, Lovely Louise, Killing Bono, Happy Go Lucky, Into The West, In The Name of the Father, The Van, Tulse Luper and The Libertine.
Don Warrington’s (George Aaronow) stage credits include King Lear and All My Sons at the Royal Exchange, Driving Miss Daisy on UK tour, A Statement of Regret and The Mysteries at the National Theatre, Elmina’s Kitchen at the Garrick Theatre and The Merchant of Venice for the Birmingham Repertory Theatre.
Don’s TV credits include Henry IX, Death In Paradise, The Five, The Ark, Chasing Shadows, Lewis, This Is Jinsy, Waking the Dead, Going Postal, Casualty, Law & Order, Diamond Geezer, Sunny D, New Street Law, Doctor Who, The Crouches, London and Manchild, All Star Comedy Show, Trial and Retribution, The Aramand Lannucci Show, Arabian Knights, Backup and The Professional Tusk Force. His film credits include You, Me & Him, Voodoo Magic, The Glass Man, It’s a Wonderful Afterlife, Land of the Blind, Whatever Happened to Harold Smith, Black Xxxmas, Tube Tales, The Lighthouse, Eight and A Half Women, The Seventh Scroll, Babymother and Hamlet. As a director, Don’s credits include Rising Damp UK Number 1 Tour, Rum and Coca Cola for the West Yorkshire Playhouse and The Coloured Museum for Talawa Theatre Company at the V&A.
Sam Yates (Director) is currently directing Desire Under the Elms, which runs at the Sheffield Crucible from 21 September. Other directing credits include Murder Ballad at the Arts Theatre, Cymbeline with Pauline McLynn & Joseph Marcell at the Sam Wanamaker Playhouse, East is East with Jane Horrocks & Ayub Khan Din at Trafalgar Studios followed by two national tours, The El. Train with Ruth Wilson at Hoxton Hall, Billy Liar at the Royal Exchange, Cornelius at the Finborough Theatre and 59E59 New York and Mixed Marriage at the Finborough Theatre.
Sam’s screen credits include The Hope Rooms with Ciarán Hinds & Andrew Scott (Rather Good Films, Bill Kenwright Films, winner Grand Prize Future Filmmaker Award, RIIFF 2016); Cymbeline with Hayley Atwell, All’s Well That Ends Well with Lindsay Duncan & Ruth Wilson, and Love’s Labour’s Lost with Gemma Arterton & David Dawson (The Complete Walk, Shakespeare’s Globe). Yates directed two music videos for Ivor Novello-nominated band Bear’s Den, Emeralds and Auld Wives (MTV’s A-list). For radio he directed Ecco featuring Hayley Atwell (BBC Radio 4).
In 2016 he was voted one of Screen International’s Stars of Tomorrow having previously featured as rising star in theatre in The Observer, and in GQ Magazine’s Men of the Next 25 years for theatre.
David Mamet (Playwright) is the author of the plays November, Boston Marriage, Faustus, Oleanna, Glengarry Glen Ross (1984 Pulitzer Prize and New York Drama Critics Circle Award), American Buffalo, The Old Neighborhood, Life in the Theatre, Speed-the-Plow, Edmond, Lakeboat, The Water Engine, The Woods, Sexual Perversity in Chicago, Reunion and The Cryptogram (1995 Obie Award). His translations and adaptations include Faustus, Red River by Pierre Laville and The Cherry Orchard, Three Sisters and Uncle Vanya by Anton Chekov. His films include The Postman Always Rings Twice, The Verdict, The Untouchables, House of Games (writer/director), Oleanna (writer/director), Homicide (writer/director), The Spanish Prisoner (writer/director), Heist (writer/director), Spartan (writer/director) and Redbelt (writer/director). Mamet is also the author of Warm and Cold, a book for children with drawings by Donald Sultan, and two other children’s books, Passover and The Duck and the Goat. His most recent books include True and False, Three Uses of the Knife, The Wicked Son, and Bambi Vs. Godzilla.
Press Night: Thursday 9 November at 7pm
Performances: Monday – Saturday evening: 7.45pm Thursday and Saturday matinee: 2.30pm
Christmas Schedule: Sunday 17 Dec DAY OFF Sunday 24 Dec DAY OFF (Xmas Eve) Monday 25 Dec DAY OFF (Xmas Day) Tuesday 26 Dec Evening (Boxing Day) Sunday 31 Dec DAY OFF (New Year’s Eve) Monday 1 Jan DAY OFF (New Year’s Day)
http://ift.tt/2w2mvbL LondonTheatre1.com
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jamiebamberdaily · 2 years
NEWS: Jamie to appear on stage this Sunday!
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In aid of Great Ormond Street Hospital, Jamie will be taking to the stage on December 4th in Uncle Glen’s Menagerie.
Uncle Glen’s Menagerie sees performers thrown together for a fun, unexpected set of performances. Recreating famous scenes, the actor goes in knowing the script, while pitched against an improviser who does exactly that, and while knowing absolutely nothing, they have to work out the scene.
Taking place at the Arcola Theatre in London THIS Sunday, for one night only!
Also featuring: Dan Bakkedahl, Charlotte Gittins, Susannah Fielding, Nikesh Patel, Steen Raskopoulos, Marli Siu, Obioma Ugoala, Niamh Walsh and Michaela Watkins.
The evening will be hosted by Alison Thea-Skot.
Tickets are avaliable here!
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jamiebamberdaily · 6 months
A Year in Review : Jamie's 2023
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Welcome to our look back on Jamie’s 2023! It’s been a tough year for the entertainment industry in general, with the SAG-AFTRA strike taking place from July all the way through to November, and we know that this impacted Jamie as he chose to take a stand along with many of his other acting peers. Yet despite this, Jamie has accomplished a lot in this year & it’s time to look back at some of the highlights!
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February saw the release of Beyond Paradise on BBC1. Jamie played Archie Hughes, an ex flame of Martha’s who joined forces with her in getting her new business in Shipton Abbott up and running. Unfortunately for Archie, Martha had moved back to Shipton Abbott with her fiance, Humphrey and the two didn’t quite see eye to eye. This was such a fun role for Jamie and a complete joy to watch.
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April was an exciting month which saw Jamie celebrating his 50th birthday and as always we marked the occasion with a birthday video which many of you took part in! He also travelled over to Cannes to premiere Cannes Confidential at  the 6th Canneseries Festival alongside co-stars Lucie Lucas and Tamara Marthe.
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May saw Jamie treading the boards once again in Uncle Glen’s Menagerie at the Arcola Theatre which we were lucky enough to go and watch. Such an incredible evening of ad-lib comedy and superb acting from an incredible group of actors and comedians. As ever we want to thank Jamie for his time that he spent chatting with us before and after the show too.
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In June finally came the UK release of Cannes Confidential on Acorn TV and we LOVED Harry King from the moment we met him. Such a fun, easy watching show and such a complex character in which Jamie got to show off all sides of his talent, from comedy through to some really beautiful emotional moments, especially in scenes with his on-screen daughter Emilie who was played by his real life daughter Ava in a brilliant debut performance. June also saw the release of Trader over in Russia - a project which Jamie filmed alongside his amazing wife Kerry all the way back in 2019! And of course, we cannot forget the epic BSG reunion which took place when Jamie headed over to Phoenix Fan Fusion. #SoSayWeAll
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July brought some incredible news as Jamie announced that he was taking part in Kenny Logan’s RWC Challenge - an epic 700 mile cycle & walking challenge from Edinburgh to Paris, all to raise money for the My Name’5 Doddie Foundation. Throughout July all the way through to October when the challenge took place, Jamie was training hard to ensure that he was ready for the mammoth challenge ahead.
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August saw the release of Who Is Erin Carter? on Netflix - a twisty, fast paced thriller from the mind of Strike Back writer, Jack Lothian. Jamie played DI Jim Armstrong, a mysterious figure from Erin’s past. Though he was only in two episodes. We LOVED this character and with the series being left open ended, we really hope we get to see more of Jim in the future.
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In September, Jamie attended the National Television Awards alongside his Beyond Paradise cast mates as the show was nominated for Best New Drama (which sadly it didn’t win).
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And onto October which was such an important month for Jamie as all the training paid off when he & so many other incredible people including Kenny & Gabby Logan, Ally McCoist, Jason Fox and Jimmy Nesbitt started their gruelling trek on bike and foot from Murrayfield Stadium in Edinburgh to the Stade de France in Paris. This challenge was hugely life changing for the whole team (as well as a whole lot of fun!) and they smashed their target of raising £555,555 between them for the My Name’5 Doddie Foundation. We were honoured to be able to cheer them all on for a small part of this journey when we saw them off in York on day 3 and welcomed them back as they ended the day at the beautiful Belvoir Castle. To top off an incredible achievement, Jamie was also asked to become an ambassador for the foundation - a role we know that he will embody so well.
October also saw Jamie joining Cameo, giving fans the opportunity to get a personalised video message from him (which we of course took advantage of also!) and to round off the month, Cannes Confidential aired on French TV, renamed  Cannes Police Criminalle, with the entire show having been dubbed into French by the original cast.
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November saw Jamie as a guest on fellow RWC Challenge team mate Archie Curzon’s podcast, The Rig Biz Pod, which was a brilliantly funny interview.
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And to round the year off, December gave us announcements of not one but two new projects to look forward to in 2024! Firstly, Heavyweight, starring and produced by Jamie’s Marcella co-star Nicholas Pinnock, will be a gritty London drama focusing on the mental state of a boxer and his cornermen backstage before the fight as the clock ticks down. 
With the strike finally over, Jamie travelled to Bulgaria to film Strangers alongside Sienna Guillory, Emmett J Scanlan and Jon Voight. The project is described as an action thriller and will be released in 2024 on Paramount Plus.
As well as these two exciting announcements, AKA Blackbird, the brainchild of BSG alumni James Callis was finally released as an audiobook! With so many former BSG stars taking part in it, including Jamie and Kerry, it’s definitely not one to be missed.
And there you have it! Despite some difficult times, Jamie really did achieve a lot this year and with 2 projects already to look forward to, we can’t wait to see what else 2024 has in store.
As ever, we would like to thank you for all the support of our page over this past year and wish you all a very happy new year!
Jemma and Sophie. xx
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