toky502 · 5 months
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UNITALE (An alternate tale) - HALLOWEEN! ✨
Well, some forgotten and delayed Halloween things hahaa ñwñ ✨ but, at least the costumes are always fun to wear!! 🎃 see you, greetings! TOKY! ♥️
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creators-lounge · 7 months
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🎃 Halloween Event Collab by @zarigi and @toky502 🎃
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pia-writes-things · 2 years
Holi, hola, frenchside of Tumblr!
Je ne crois pas en avoir parlé ici mais, je fais actuellement partie de la revue littéraire de mon uni en Colombie, El Galeón (insta: @gacetaelgaleon, site web: https://gacetaelgaleon.wixsite.com/galeon)
Et, hier, le rédacteur en chef m'a proposé d'ouvrir une nouvelle section dans la revue le semestre prochain (donc à partir de janvier), une section pour les textes en français 🤗🤗
Du coup, l'idée serait que je sois en charge de trouver des textes originaux en français et de faire le processus d'édition pour ensuite les publier, une fois tous les 15 jours 😍
Ca peut être en format écrit mais aussi audio ou audiovisuel, ça peut être de la fiction, de la poésie, des essais académiques, à peu près tout et n'importe quoi de littéraire 😊
Donc, si c'est quelque chose qui vous intéresserait, si vous avez envie de voir comment ça fait de publier des textes dans une revue littéraire, ou si juste vous trouvez ça cool de publier des textes en français mais en Colombie, vous pouvez me les envoyer et on pourra travailler tout ça ensemble 🥰
Je vous avoue que je sais pas trop dans quoi je me lance, mais j'ai déjà fait un peu de beta-reading par le passé et je prends des cours d'édition donc a priori, je sais à peu près ce que je fais ^^
Pour les critères techniques, c'est juste en dessous :)
Format: Word
Police: Arial
Taille: 12
Interligne: 1.5
7 pages maximum ou 10 min max pour des audio ou vidéos
Si le texte est un essai et a des citations: normes APA 7ème édition
Images: JPG ou PNG haute résolution
Audios: MP3
Vidéo: MP4
Les propositions doivent être envoyées à [email protected], avec pour objet "Proposition de publication" et l'e-mail doit contenir les détails suivants : Nom complet de l'auteurice (ou des auteurices). Courte biographie, 100 mots maximum. Adresse électronique Numéro de portable Si l'auteurice (ou certain.e.s d'entre elleux) est mineur.e, une lettre d'autorisation signée par un.e tuteurice légal.e majeur.e doit être jointe.
Voilà, voilà !
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lavenoon · 1 year
Hi <333
For the writing asks i would like to know 1, 16 and 35 or just one of those if all are too much
Heya Berry!! <3 hehe
1. What font do you write in? Do you actually care or is that just the default setting?
I write in Arial! It's the default setting, though I had a long time where I wrote in exclusively Calibri and got very upset when it for some reason wasn't set to be that. Then I stopped writing for a while and apparently that reset the brain, and now it's Arial gfdhsj
(not the default, and very important to me, is the gaps between paragraphs. literally will not write past a paragraph before enabling that if I forgot before, it's too blocky otherwise and I need it for the brain)
16. What’s the weirdest thing you’ve ever used as a bookmark?
Oh, I think I'm pretty tame in that regard? My current bookmarks are an actual paper bookmark (space, in blue/ purple) and a long expired coupon for an etsy shop I once bought earrings from. In uni times I often used pens or highlighters as bookmarks though, when I had to flip between many sections quickly, because those leave a gap I can quickly slip my fingers into! But otherwise I don't remember any particularly weird bookmarks, I mostly just use the nearest clean flat something that's available!
35. What’s your favorite writing rule to smash into smithereens?
I think there's a rule about not starting sentences with like "and" or "but" and stuff? I'm so ready to break and ignore rules I'm not even sure about the details fghdjs (plus the differences between German and English grammar - fuck if I know)
There's just a difference between like, academic writing (which I never want to do again, jfc) and creative writing - the latter is a medium to toy with to begin with! But now that I'm remembering academic writing, god. One time we got to write an essay where we didn't have to hide that yes, this is our opinion and we are in fact a person writing this and not a perfectly objective computer. I immediately just turned the whole thing into a bit and that's why I once had to reference a youtube comedy sketch in APA style <3
And oh, actually! I just remembered I take so many liberties in terms of compound words and capitalization, where German brain comes through. Like night vision I hate that it's two words, I say nightvision because it looks better to me, and I won't stop, same with any other suddenly-a-compound-word words, don't mind that read along <3
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vanaera · 2 years
So I guess I am back
Hello, this is just a random update. It's been so long. I think I left this blog inactive for 2 years(?). So...basically life happened. I graduated from uni, struggled in the last 2 years of uni, and now I'm in my 1st year in law school.
Anyways, I'm here just to let ya'll know I'm still alive and I'm still planning to finish my ongoing fics (especially The Heart Holiday and TPAHR). I missed my babies so much.
For those who waited for me, thank you so much for your patience and I apologize for this super late notice and quite tired(?)-sounding post. Law school messed up my sleeping schedule and I sleep an average of 3 hours daily so I hope for your kind understanding.
So for just a quick catch-up on what I've been up to before I left this app:
🌸 I had COVID in 2021 and I almost delayed myself from graduating bc I was so sick and I was struggling with my thesis that I felt the need to drop it. Luckily, I didn't drop it and I was able to finish it on time. Big shout out to my family who knew I would hate myself if I didn't graduate on time and supported me all throughout my thesis era. Ya girl is a Magna Cum Laude graduate 🏅
🌸 I applied for law school, not really thinking I would get in (bc I was already dying bc of my thesis and the review period starts the same period of my thesis writing). I just applied for the experience so if I fail, at least I already know how to answer the exam for the following year. So I was shocked that not only did I pass, I was able to get into the top law school in my country.
🌸 I rekindled my love for watching anime and reading mangas/manhwas/manhuas. I've been in love with these stuff since I was 6 yrs old and they helped me keep sane in the past 2 years.
🌸 I love Haikyuu and I've been an avid fanfic reader of Haikyuu fics. It's amazing and I enjoyed myself a lot so expect some reblogs of anime-related content.
🌸 Last anime watched: Chainsaw Man
🌸 Last manhwa read: We are not Dating
🌸 I still love BTS and I listen to their music although I'm not as active as a fan like I used to be. I also started stanning groups like ATEEZ and The Boyz.
🌸 I started getting into Western shows (sorry, Kdramas took up the entire 20 years of my life) and oh my god, I love Breaking Bad and that show is hands-down one of the best I've ever seen. Better Call Saul is amazing (tho I haven't finished this yet) and Stranger Things is also cool.
🌸 Currently enjoying my subjects Criminal Law and Civil Law. I hate Political Law bc it's kinda draining and the cases are boring and my god the great disparity of page numbers in Political Law cases - they're either 10 pages long or 185 pages long and I have to read them all (they're 11 Arial, single spacing, narrow margin).
That's all for tonight as it's already 11:52 PM here and I have to get back to studying. Anyways, it's great to see ya'll again and I can't wait to start writing again in this blog! 🤗💖 Have a good week ahead, cuties! I'm wishing you all the best in your school/work/other stuff you're doing! 🍀💗🍀💗
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jakeperalta · 1 year
omg did your uni not have fixed font and line spacing guidelines 😭 i go to a british uni and we have to use a certain font at a certain size w certain margins and if you fiddle w any of it, you get 20% taken off you. Also i love that you kept it at that font after you used it in the essay you got a first in, thats something id do 🥺 idk why that made me so warm but it did
omg 20% that's crazy! mine was pretty relaxed about it, it had to be double spaced and size 11 or 12 but there were no margin rules and the font just had to be a simple readable one. I originally varied it between arial, calibri and times new roman but once I got a 1st during the autumn term of second year I was like "oh this is the one" and kept that exact formatting for everything I wrote through to the end of my masters lol
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1! 8! 25! <3!
What font do you write in? Do you actually care or is that just the default setting?
Arial, I think. I think its the default setting most of the times, but I also switch to it if its not. I used it while writing my thesis for uni and now I can't stand any other font anymore.
8. If you had to write an entire story without either action or dialogue, which would you choose and how would it go?
Action, I think. I don't think I am very good with dialogue. I tend to overexplain what a character does with his hands or how the words are said and dont really let them stand on its own. So just cutting it out would possibly help :D
25. What is a weird, hyper-specific detail you know about one of your characters that is completely irrelevant to the story?
Sayuri (Haikyuu AU), loves the gatcha pons, but rarely wins what she wanted
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hellaephemeral · 2 years
Hi, hope your day is going well!
1. What font do you write in? Do you actually care or is that just the default setting?
11. Do you believe in the old advice to “kill your darlings?” Are you a ruthless darling assassin? What happens to the darlings you murder? Do you have a darling graveyard? Do you grieve?
22. How organized are you with your writing? Describe to me your organization method, if it exists. What tools do you use? Notebooks? Binders? Apps? The Cloud?
hi kiya!! 💜 yes my day is going well <33 hope yours is too!!
1. what font do you write in? do you actually care or is that just the default setting?
i usually use the fonts that are default in whatever the apps i use for writing! which is arial for docs and sans serif for evernote :)) i write in times new roman for uni related creative writing (because mla 🙄🙄) aaand i write in eb garamond and georgia too sometimes when i feel like making it look more fancy (this happens once in a lifetime), otherwise i don’t really care! (hands down tho if we talk favourites 👀👀 i do love eb garamond)
11. Do you believe in the old advice to "kill your darlings?" Are you a ruthless darling assassin? What happens to the darlings you murder? Do you have a darling graveyard? Do you grieve?
do i believe in the advice? yes and no. i do believe that even your most favourite passages or the ones crafted with the most care may not really serve a purpose sometimes and thus not really belong. i think there is just certain phrases you gotta sacrifice to make your work the best it can be. sometimes it may sound beautiful but it might be confusing or doesn’t fit or it’s literally just there because it sounds pretty! i think it’s fine if you don’t overdo it tho. you can leave some darlings alive, you don’t have to kill them all. usually i don’t per se “kill” the darling but rather cut and paste it into a document to keep it around in case i find a better place to put it in (maybe even another work) or a better way to phrase it that does add something to the story! it reaaally depends on the darling that needs to be “killed” tho. some darlings get killed no remorse, some get put aside to find another use for if i think they sound good and some stick around because i want them around. :)) so i guess you could say the cut and pasting to another document is their graveyard hshshs but they can get revived!! no darling is dead forever <3
22. How organized are you with your writing? Describe to me your organization method, if it exists. What tools do you use? Notebooks? Binders? Apps? The Cloud?
i am not organised at all!!! because i can’t figure out how i want to organise it!! i have like 7 notebooks. all of them i started using for something specific and then i gave up in the process. for one wip i am working on (just as an example of how messy i am!!) i have one tiny notebook (i wanted to put all the character sheets in there…i didn’t), another notebook (for character sheets and goals/motivations/story purpose…also didn’t finish that), i have a notes app folder with…basically EVERYTHING (worldbuilding, characters etc,,, also all over the place), a document in evernote (for ??? oneshots of it?? kinda??), a scrivener things (idk what it’s called but it also has character sheets aGAIN and locations!! (but it’s only a trial 😭😭 so rip to them soon)), a goodnotes notebook (what even is life at this point) and a docs folder for first draft, quotes, characters (???? aGAIN???) and “trash” (for the dead darlings). and this is my most organized one out of all??? otherwise it’s just all over the place. i use evernote for ??? pretty much everything. oneshots, character sheets for fanfic ocs, outline for fanfics, fanfic chapters. i use the notes app also for oneshots and outlines. i use docs also for oneshots and outlines and fanfic chapters 😭😭😭 i mean there IS some kind of order?? because when i write something i do consciously decide which app to use…i just?? can’t really describe it cuz i don’t understand it myself hsjsjsj
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gingerbreadmonsters · 2 years
1, 3, 32? How did your uni even mess up your schedule so badly? I thought schools here were chaotic, but yours is just 💀
Hope your week gets better though. Congrats on getting into that dance society btw! Stay safe and relatively sane~
rainy!! hi sweetie 🤩🥳 my god there were MORE developments in the timetable saga today and it's literally making my blood pressure rise in real time 🤡🤡 but fingers are crossed!! and thank you hehe - i have my first proper class to teach tomorrow and i'm tentatively excited, plus i'm excited about this year's comp dances bc they seem REALLY cool 🤩💕🎊
rainy's talking about this ask game (still open)!
1. What font do you write in? Do you actually care or is that just the default setting?
i'm a google docs girlie bc it's just really convenient, so it's arial 11 for me 😎😎 i don't think i cared that much in the past, but now i'm so used to it that i can't do anything else lmao
3. What is your writing ritual and why is it cursed?
this.... may not come as a shock, considering that i talk a lot about music as an inspiration, but i HAVE to listen to music while i'm writing - that's not cursed, but if the fic in question is centred around one song in particular, then i'm required to listen to THAT song over and over again until i'm finished 😭😭 when i wrote motion capture, i listened to 'you are the sunshine of my life' (a two and a half minute song) for literally five hours straight as i bashed my face against the middle section and i genuinely thought i was about to lose my mind 😵‍💫😵‍💫
32. What is a line from a poem/novel/fanfic etc that you return to time and time again? How did you find it? What does it mean to you?
there are many, but here are a few off the top of my head:
"It was the milk, wasn't it?" she said. "All those years ago."
from This Melody Calling You by @mochibun23
i read this fic a long time ago when i was deep in the LU sauce, and i genuinely think it changed me as a person - the author has the most incredible, beautiful way of writing, and this particular fic always felt like the epitome of that fairytale, folk-tale-y style that hits so so deep for me. i cry every single time, without fail, and i love it more than anything - even if you know absolutely nothing about the legend of zelda, i cannot recommend this highly enough. it does that speed-up-slow-down music-swelling final-spotlight ending that i've always wanted to be able to do, and the author absolutely nails it 😍😍😍 an honourable mention to another of their works, this is the recipe of life, which for me is THE hyrule-centric fic and i won't hear arguments to the contrary!
They walk past him to get to the cooler in the trunk, intentionally bumping him with their hip on the way, and he follows, hopelessly charmed.
from refractions by @solclaw
i don't think there's anyone left on the face of the earth who doesn't know about my everlasting love for rowan and their writing, but just so we're all clear - it's very very true 🤩🤩 the description of gavin as "hopelessly charmed" - that little phrase has stuck in my mind ever since i read it, and i'm not sure i'll ever be over it, just because it so perfectly sums up how i imagine gavin to be. this whole fic (as well as my other favourite of rowan's, bring me a dream) is just immaculately done, but seeing as i can only choose one line then this is where we'll stay for now 💕💕
this is getting very long, so a quick-fire round to finish off:
She has a smile like the sun. I would do much to feel it's warmth upon me once again.
from the legend of zelda: breath of the wild
Imagine you were dying. Imagine you were afraid, and a long way from home, and in terrible pain. Just when you thought it couldn't get worse, you looked up, and saw the face of the Devil himself. Hello, Dalek.
from doctor who s6e13, The Wedding of River Song
She could not survive... but nor did she entirely submit. Just as he found it impossible for a prisoner to travel instantly from a Japanese prison cell to Paris, just as he proved it impossible to draw a face one cannot envision, Yagami Light unwittingly, unknowingly proved that it is impossible to stand still and calmly burn to ash.
from Resistance, or Another Case: The Death of Naomi Misora by @/JPlash on ao3
(a word of warning: that last one is VERY graphic and describes someone burning to death in quite severe detail - please please PLEASE bear that in mind if you choose to read it, and please don't read it if you're sensitive to topics of self-inflicted injury, death, and the like. reader discretion is DEFINITELY advised.)
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effervescentdragon · 2 years
I’m actually curious to see if you write in a particular font because I can only type in Times New Roman for anything or it just feels wrong. Maybe I’m just weird lmao
Hi! Thank you for asking this and distracting me from my life (read: computer) falling apart! 😅
I do type in TNR most often, probably because it's the required font for uni essays, but what i usually do is switch to Arial or that other one i never rmbr, let me google it, Calibri, thats the one, whenever i get stuck. At that point i usually transfer the google doc into word doc and ramp up thr font to at least 14 too, to see if somethibg unlodges from the brain :) i would include screenshots, but my laptop has decided to take a fucking impromptu break :))))
I dont think youre weird tho! Whatever works for you is the right thing, as long as it helps! 😊
Thank you for asking!! :) hugs!!
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Und wenn einem die Argumente über die Person ausgehen, hängt man sich einfach an random Fakten über fremde Familien fest, auch wenn die Fakten stinken, so wie Fischsauce. Die hätte ich über die Missgeburten Gang kippen sollen oder vor die jeweiligen Fenster. Verstehe immer noch nicht warum sich noisy ass freaks für fremde Familien interessieren, ich interessiere mich nicht für fremde Familien, ich meinte nur, die Mütter der Missgeburten hätten abtreiben sollen. Das hätte mir meine letzten Uni Semester richtig erleichtert, danke für nichts.
Ich will mich auch mal so aufspielen, wie die Missgeburten Gang. Sie waren auf ihrer eigenen Mission, von ihnen selbst ausgedachte Lügen aufzudecken.
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Und dann waren sie wütend, weil alles keinen Sinn mehr ergeben hat. Aber Pauls Stimmen haben ihm alles zugeflüstert, sein Bruder hört alles, alles. Er sieht durch Fenster und Wände als ob es seine Wohnung ist, so wie Pinochio. So wie Robin Hood. Und dann haben sie sich zusammen mit Martaine und Romanos Nazis erstmal schön stories zusammengereimt, weil man hat ja sonst nichts zu tun. VerRückt. MarzahNer plattEnbaU. VieTnamesin. Illegal. ArbEitsLos oder So. SchwarzgEld. Exmatrikuliert. SugAr Daddies. SchuldEn. Das Tulpengeld kommt nicht von alleine, hör ma. Jeden Tag musste ich da extra früh aufstehen, mich schminken und den ganzen Tag Tulpen verticken. Uni war nur Schein, in der Mall trank ich nur Kaffee, war shoppen und hab Geld von Männern ausgegeben, wenn ich es nicht auf Zalando ausgeben habe. Römano müsste es wissen, Pakete auf den Briefkästen, sowie meine Shoppingsucht haben ihn brennend interessiert. Oder alles von Apple generell.
Apple und Alpro, deswegen war ich reich. Das und mein pinkes Glitzer Shirt mit Rich Bitch Aufschrift oder das mit dem Besser als alle anderen in fett und Arial. Dabei wollte Paul ein kleines, schwaches Opfer. Und nicht nur Paul. Romanos Nazis und die Bitteren Bratzen had the time of their lives.
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toky502 · 2 months
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An idea about a second transformation for my tiny star! 🦴✨ see you, greetings! TOKY! ♥️
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kitaychan · 2 years
1. and 16. for the Weird Writing Questions ask game 💙
1. What font do you write in? Do you actually care or is that just the default setting?
Times or even Arial because I'm conditioned to (my first semester of uni was literally getting points taken for not using the authorized fonts)
I tried the comic sans trick once and it works, but seeing that font fills me with rage haha
16. What’s the weirdest thing you’ve ever used as a bookmark?
Ohh another one was a leaf, a really bad choice, but I was new into reading and I thought it would be the same but aesthetic because paper comes from trees and leaves too and yeah, don't be dumb like me...
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pia-writes-things · 1 year
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J'ai publié 10 881 fois en 2022
C'est 5 184 billets de plus qu'en 2021 !
176 billets créés (2%)
10 705 billets reblogués (98%)
Les blogs que j'ai le plus reblogués :
J'ai étiqueté 5 485 billets en 2022
Seulement 50% de mes billets ne comportaient pas de tag
#dw - 1 033 billets
#kaamelott - 499 billets
#stranger things - 355 billets
#stranger things spoilers - 260 billets
#pia's oversharing - 231 billets
#vdf - 174 billets
#upthebaguette - 169 billets
#funny things - 166 billets
#esc 2022 - 148 billets
#inthetags - 133 billets
Longest Tag: 138 characters
#en plus (je vais pas faire une dissert dans les tags parce que j'ai des disserts à rédiger pour les cours présentement) mais ça aurait été
Mes billets vedette en 2022 :
I just finished The Ruby’s curse and I think I will never be able to thank Alex Kingston enough for writing it.
Granted, story-wise or writing-wise it’s not the best book I’ve read. It’s really good but I’ve been able to guess some plot points before they were revealed and all that jazz.
But it’s still one of the best book I’ve read because of the care with which it’s been written. I don’t know how to say this in English but it’s like the book transpire Alex’s love and care for the show, for River, for the Doctor (and probably for us, the fans). There were so many Easter eggs, private jokes and other references, it was a true joy to read as a whovian and I think my heart doubled in size multiple times during my reading. But also all the parts about Cleopatra and Ceasarion were so cool and interesting and just... You can feel that she wrote about two of the things that interest her the most in life, and two of the things that she loves the most in life and as a reader, those kind of books are always the best to read.
Anyway, I’m awfully biased about this, obviously, but I truly loved this book and it’s like, the ultimate comfort book! We don’t deserve Alex and I hope someday I’ll be able to thank her, one way or another.
34 notes - publié le 5 janvier 2022
Holi, hola, frenchside of Tumblr!
Je ne crois pas en avoir parlé ici mais, je fais actuellement partie de la revue littéraire de mon uni en Colombie, El Galeón (insta: @gacetaelgaleon, site web: https://gacetaelgaleon.wixsite.com/galeon)
Et, hier, le rédacteur en chef m'a proposé d'ouvrir une nouvelle section dans la revue le semestre prochain (donc à partir de janvier), une section pour les textes en français 🤗🤗
Du coup, l'idée serait que je sois en charge de trouver des textes originaux en français et de faire le processus d'édition pour ensuite les publier, une fois tous les 15 jours 😍
Ca peut être en format écrit mais aussi audio ou audiovisuel, ça peut être de la fiction, de la poésie, des essais académiques, à peu près tout et n'importe quoi de littéraire 😊
Donc, si c'est quelque chose qui vous intéresserait, si vous avez envie de voir comment ça fait de publier des textes dans une revue littéraire, ou si juste vous trouvez ça cool de publier des textes en français mais en Colombie, vous pouvez me les envoyer et on pourra travailler tout ça ensemble 🥰
Je vous avoue que je sais pas trop dans quoi je me lance, mais j'ai déjà fait un peu de beta-reading par le passé et je prends des cours d'édition donc a priori, je sais à peu près ce que je fais ^^
Pour les critères techniques, c'est juste en dessous :)
Format: Word
Police: Arial
Taille: 12
Interligne: 1.5
7 pages maximum ou 10 min max pour des audio ou vidéos
Si le texte est un essai et a des citations: normes APA 7ème édition
Images: JPG ou PNG haute résolution
Audios: MP3
Vidéo: MP4
Les propositions doivent être envoyées à [email protected], avec pour objet "Proposition de publication" et l'e-mail doit contenir les détails suivants : Nom complet de l'auteurice (ou des auteurices). Courte biographie, 100 mots maximum. Adresse électronique Numéro de portable Si l'auteurice (ou certain.e.s d'entre elleux) est mineur.e, une lettre d'autorisation signée par un.e tuteurice légal.e majeur.e doit être jointe.
Voilà, voilà !
36 notes - publié le 1 octobre 2022
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Pia refait sa culture queer français part. 1
(Celui là je le liveblog parce que même si vous dormez toustes, je sais que c'est le genre de truc qui vous fera délirez)
42 notes - publié le 16 novembre 2022
If I had a nickel every time Anthony Stewart Head played a character named Rupert, I'd have two nickel. It's not much but it's weird that it happened twice.
64 notes - publié le 20 septembre 2022
Mon billet n°1 en 2022
Joyce’s expression when she corrects Hopper’s pronunciation of “chianti”. That’s it. That’s the post.
67 notes - publié le 22 juillet 2022
Obtenez votre année 2022 en revue sur Tumblr →
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lossie92 · 2 years
#1, 15, 34 for the weird writing ask please <3
Hi Wisia, thanks for the ask ❤️
1. What font do you write in? Do you actually care or is that just the default setting?
Weirdly enough, I actually do care and I write in Arial or Calibri (font size 11, spacing 1.15) 😅
I absolutely abhor writing in TNR, probably because that's the font I had to use to write papers for uni 🤷
15. Do you write in the margins of your books? Dog-ear your pages? Read in the bath? Why or why not? Do you judge people who do these things? Can we still be friends?
I actually I don't do any of those things.
I put reusable covers on my books so they don't get damaged if I travel with them anywhere, if I take notes it's sticky notes, and I never take a bath with a book. I also use bookmarks.
They reason why I do those things is bc I have bookkeepers in my family and I was taught from a very young age to treat books in a way that won't get them damaged. I guess it's one of those things that stuck with me lol
And yes, it's fine if other people do it, though the rule is if you borrow one of my books, you have to treat it my way (not that I lent that many books, considering I usually get them back damaged...) 😊
34. Thoughts on the Oxford comma, Go:
Relevant, important, makes sense, and I like it. Please use it? 😅
Weird Questions for Writers
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alessiasfreckles · 1 day
No, no @codiemarin has a point bc people who like Arial can not be trusted 👀
valid we have to use either arial or times new roman for uni and i always use times new roman
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