#Unspecified Verse
hands-up-radio-host · 7 months
Closed RP w/ @truly-quirkless
To say Hizashi was excited to spend the day not having to worry about any of his three jobs for almost the whole day would be an understatement. He was so ready to just relax that he had barely slept the night before and he had gotten to the festival grounds almost concerningly early to get everything for the radio stations booth set up.
By the time the other people who would be taking care of the booth and games had shown up Hizashi had everything set up and was leaning back against the booth table, drinking an energy drink and talking to a few fans who had recognized him despite the fact that he had his hair in a braid that was resting over his shoulder and he was wearing pastel colour-block cropped hoodie and a pair of black high-waisted ripped jeans.
After he had said goodbye to the fans and saw the others from the radio station he gave them a nod and a wave before pulling out his phone to message Toshinori.
Hey, I don't know if you are at the festival yet but my co-host and the interns running the games just got here so I'm free to meet up now, just let me know where/when you wanna meet!
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j-rye · 2 months
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redemptivexheroics · 5 months
“ you were never my second choice. ” - from hayley james
Shippy Memes For You Hoes
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"Second choice, huh? Does that mean I was the first, wish I would've known that back then" Cole said as he smiled. He always had a thing for Hayley, but he always assumed that his bad boy nature and ego would drive her away, so he never made his shot. "What does that mean for us now?"
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sasukeuuke · 1 year
“  don’t panic,  it’s alright.  ”
from X
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Sasuke couldn't justify why he reacted this way. He was no coward.
Still, his heart races inside his ribcage as his brother's voice invaded the fog in his brain.
Itachi's voice had that soothing effect, and Sasuke was glad to feel the curse mark already receding.
"I-I don't know why I..." he trailed off, not wanting to finish the statement. Not wanting to admit weakness.
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matrotas-muse-hub · 26 days
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A brilliant flash of light and fire disrupt the calm of the autumn air. A winded middle-aged man appears in the middle of a rapidly fading arcane sigil on the ground. He looks around, grasping a wound in his side.
"Where the hell am I?
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bravewolfvesperia · 8 months
@valiantxunion | continued
At first the youngest of them hadn't even completely registered what he was seeing when he'd met his teen self. It was the bewildered reaction from his counterpart and a really brief, accidental spilling of a few words that put the pieces together. Confused as he was, Yuri had been about to head off on his own to look for a way back when, well, Yuri had stopped him and suggested staying together for now.
Part of it was that yeah, the two of them were completely lost and unsure why people - at the very least the older adults - were staring absolute holes into them. The other part of it was just Yuri's instincts kicking in and taking hold of the child's wrist before he marched right off and got into some kind of trouble. As much as he insisted he was fine on his own, his older self had doubts about that, and the odd setup they were in didn't help.
Despite going around with a child he could easily just refer to as his brother in the meantime, people seemed oddly concerned and befuddled at seeing them together. Eventually the elder of the two decided it was time to start asking questions, confronting a few of the adults who seemed younger and less confused, albeit seeming to try to figure out why something felt off looking at the two of them.
After a few attempts, someone finally told them to hold on for a bit while they went to get someone. Turned out it was Hanks they went to get, which was a mixture of relieving and just as confusing as everything else. Why did they need to get Hanks of all people? In this moment at least, the older Yuri was entirely positive neither of them had kicked up a fuss over anything or gotten into anything chaotic.
Just like the others though, Hanks was taken aback when he saw them and for a good few long seconds, totally lost for words. He had even reached for a hand on each of them to confirm they were physically present, leaving the two of them feeling even more lost when it took the man a bit longer than expected to let go. After near stifling confusion, Hanks explained he knew someone who looked just like them and that that person lived here.
Lived here? Both Yuris looked at each other. But... they lived here. They had never seen each other, let alone this third guy. Of the two, the teen already knew what he was dealing with with his younger self, but the kid had no idea what to expect looking at himself at around double his age. The only reason he was even able to figure that out was because his teen self had blurted it out in an attempt to make sense of the situation to himself.
With all the weird looks they'd been getting though, when Hanks suggested bringing them somewhere else so they could work this out, they had both agreed. It was just too eerie for them being watched like that. The Lower Quarter never looked at people like that, much less their own people. To say the least, it was... uncomfortable.
On their way to the inn, the younger self began wiggling his hand from the hold of the teen's, almost squirmy. "I don't need you holding my hand, you know." It wasn't a question; just a plain statement. He was right though, and it wasn't like the older of the two expected him to just run off. He was hard to control for sure, if only because the teen knew that firsthand, but he wouldn't just scram the second he found an opening for no particular reason.
"Yeah, yeah, I gotcha." He didn't tell his smaller self, but it was just that same instinct kicking back in. Even if this was a little him, he was still a child and Yuri's first reaction to dealing with a confused lost child was to take care of them until help was found. And, it may have been Yuri himself, and he may have hidden it entirely too well for a seven year old, but he was definitely freaked out at the position he'd found himself in.
When Hanks went to get the apparent lookalike, neither of them had spoken to each other. They were too busy trying to come to terms with understanding their surroundings. It wasn't until the third of them arrived that their bafflement returned immediately. In the teen's case, it was pretty obvious what Hanks was referring to, and it really didn't help that this man dressed too similarly to him. In the youngest's case, he could see the resemblance between the two elders and he already knew who the teen was to him.
The now newly eldest of them seemed intent on keeping them all together, with the youngest being reluctant to have to follow them around like, literally, a lost child. The now middle child couldn't help the absolute pout that exposed itself with the way his elder self expressed preferring to do other things with his time instead of hanging out with him.
The youngest sighed, still somewhat unaware of the problem. Sure, they were... each other, but if they could get that around and tell people not to worry about it while they worked on figuring something out, surely it wouldn't be a problem? "I still don't really get it... but I guess it makes sense we can't leave you unattended if you couldn't be trusted to just come here on your own and old man Hanks had to lead you here. You must get into trouble a whole lot if you couldn't even be trusted with something that simple."
Ouch. The teen among them winced. "Like you're any better..."
"And actually!" Well, the kid found his voice again. "Why would I be Tiny Yuri, anyway? Why can't you be Biggest Yuri or something? Why do you get to keep our name? What, because you're the oldest?"
At that point the teen's mind had already drifted as he shut the complaining out. "I'm... going to be in so much trouble when I don't show up back home tonight..." At first he'd be in trouble, and then everyone would start to panic if he was missing for too long. Was he missing? Was he technically there still? Maybe they could find something out later in the Public Quarter...
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webbedphantom · 21 days
He dangles down from the ceiling, catching the attention of a room full of thugs.
"Uh oh, somebody better call pest control-"
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He releases his line, landing in the middle of the group with grace.
"Cuz you guys got a spider problem~"
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abyssembraced · 5 months
(Plotted starter for @bladesfromthedark!)
Meta Knight watched the shadowy stranger from afar, sheltered within the canopy of a tree some distance away from the other. It had been a few days since the invader was first spotted in Dream Land, their presence alerted to the King by Bandana Dee, who had then passed the information along to him.
This was not the first time a being like this had come to this planet, he knew. Years ago, they and their kin had brought a great calamity upon Popstar—something he, regrettably, had not been around to protect it from.
Now, however, after all this time, a member of that same species (...Dark Matter, he believed it to be called?) appeared once more on the normally-peaceful planet, for reasons unknown. And this time, he was ready. No matter what the stranger had planned, he was prepared to strike them down the moment they threatened any harm to Popstar. Until then, he would become the creature of shadows’ own shadow, keeping a careful eye on them at all times as he watched for any suspicious behaviour.
Though… He would be lying if he claimed he did not also have… ulterior motives.
He did not typically wish to think about Haltmann Works’ attempt at mechanising the planet. However, seeing the being before him now, Meta Knight couldn't help but recall his encounter with Star Dream during that time. The supercomputer had summoned a number of foes that it had handpicked for him to fight, claiming them to be the strongest warriors Popstar had to offer. Among them was an artificial creature supposedly modelled after a “sword master”, who bore a form remarkably similar to the invader he now monitored.
He had fought and defeated the swordsman's clone before. But how did that clone measure up to the real deal? He had to know.
Currently, Meta Knight had followed the other to an open field (save for some vegetation on its edges), which they appeared to rest roughly in the middle of. Perhaps it was because all this surveillance work these past few days had prevented him from being able to train to the same extent that he was used to, but…
Frankly, it was the perfect place for a duel.
He couldn't wait any longer.
It was already well into the night at this point, but whether he was fighting under the stars or a bright blue sky made no difference to him.
The masked knight lept into action, bat-like wings bursting out from beneath his Dimensional Cape as the fabric faded into the aether. He soared through the sky, Galaxia gleaming in his grip like a shooting star. Taking a sharp dive, he landed a few feet away from the fellow warrior and pointed his blade.
He had occasionally seen the other accompanied by a shining blade of their own in the past. And, of course, a true swordsman always keeps their weapon on hand in case of emergency (or, in this case, an impromptu sparring session). However, he could also provide them with his backup sword if need be.
“Fight me.”
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j-rye · 2 months
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redemptivexheroics · 1 year
where have you been? i’ve been looking all over for you. //for Ellie from Ellie or Zane?
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Ellis arched a brow when she came out of the dressing rooms. "Um...in the back trying on this dress for my friend's wedding, why, what's up?" Ellis said as she folded the dress she had just tried on her arm.
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aletheialed · 10 months
"What do you think, Daddy?"
Trucy's voice sounds so innocent and earnest, but if you look closely, there's strong hint of mischief hidden behind her smile as she shows Phoenix the letter she's holding in her hand. To be precise, it's a love letter, signed anonymously, one that Trucy found mysteriously addressed to her only this morning.
And what would be a better idea than showing Phoenix? Honestly, Trucy doesn't know how he might react at all, but she's sure it'll be well worth seeing his reaction. She is his darling daughter, after all. Though maybe there's a part of her... that's genuinely curious as to his thoughts on it all, too.
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"To be honest, I'm not very impressed... but don't you think the effort they put in is worth responding to? I wonder who the writer might be?"
@lawbnd ( starter! )
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sandcrafted · 3 months
"You're not honest with yourself at all, are you?"
It pisses her off. It's not like Annie's the only one to do so, and in some ways, the other girl is remarkably honest - her blunt nature and cynicism have always seemed genuine enough, and Ymir gets the impression that she's not the type to lie to herself a lot.
Yet there's still something there... an impression Ymir gets - telling her there's something that Annie won't admit to herself. Just like Ymir. And just like everyone else on this planet everyone calls home... humans just can't escape their own natures, huh?
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"Eh, forget it." It's not like Ymir to dismiss her own criticism like that, but for whatever reason, today she lets it go. "I just wish I could figure out what you're thinking..."
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dick-meister · 28 days
@hellsdisneyprincess Continued x
Oh she was pissed today, why was Adam in the hotel today? Boredom, as per usual. He was looking for something to do but he saw a very odd sight. Typically the ones who were pissed off was…. Everyone else but this time it was Charlie and while he was a bit concerned he was more bewildered than anything. She had the patience of a saint! How the Hell and who the Hell made her so upset? Oh, now he wanted to dig.
Walking at a distance behind her he stood and watched her go to town in the rage room where he needed to make a mental note of using himself, that looked like a shit ton of fun. Yet, when she left the room and seemingly exhausted but still pissed off, he raised a brow at her short tempered question.
“Well hi to you too.” Adam crossed his arms and made a humph sound with his lips, peeking into the room and grinning “Damn, there’s shards of glass IN the wall!” He commented before falling to her side. If she blew up on him he could take it, not like it wasn’t a normal day for him. Either way, this bitch needed to chill and Adam knew great ways to chill out. But first.
“Alright, Shooting Star. What’s going on? Who the fucks got you in a tizzy? Just give me names.”
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bravewolfvesperia · 7 months
@valiantxunion | continued
When he had gotten a report that he needed to check on someone in town, this wasn't... how he expected it to go. With a recent murder still being investigated, pretty much any possible criminal activity had people on edge, and normally the regular knights would have dealt with something on the less severe side like this... but there had been reports - multiple - that someone with Claw's likeliness was getting on the wrong side of the law. Unfortunately, nobody even seemed to know his name.
That had been... weird. Claw never knew anyone who looked even remotely like him. Everyone knew it wasn't Claw himself, but it was definitely a topic of interest. Coming face to face with him had been so... odd. The only thing similar about them was their face and hair, but those parts looked identical. All that black to his white though... It was like they were meant to be opposites in every other way.
The question as a reply to his inquiries about the man's activity caught him off guard. Was he... referring to his actual name? Claw didn't give that out to just anyone, and only very few knew the name Yuri Lowell. If it wasn't his real name this man was referring to, did he just... not know about the White Lions? But, well, he had to give some fairness to him - they really did look the same. If that was all he was referring to it was... somewhat fine, but truthfully, Claw didn't have that answer either.
At the very least, any trouble that was going to come out of this guy seemed completely wiped out. That made his job easier. He would still have to keep an eye on him just in case after that report, but he could consider that matter closed for now. If he tried to walk away with just that though, he'd probably just be followed. His whole demeaner had changed when Claw had approached him, and even if Claw had the answer he was looking for, it would probably just be followed up with other questions. Something told Claw he would not be getting back to work today...
Given their similarities, he couldn't really tell them he wasn't looking at a mirror, so that part was better off skipped. Best thing would be... to start with the basics and see how much he actually knew already if anything. "Claw of the White Lions. Technically I'm supposed to be deciding if I'm going to take you into custody for questioning, not be interrogated about my looks. I get it, but... if you're gonna be causing trouble I can't just shrug and let you off the hook for looking like me."
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webbedphantom · 13 days
"... Okay, note to self: Stay away from... whoever Chie is-"
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"If there's one thing a Spider-Person needs to steer clear of, it's shocking clones. That never ends well for us."
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ordinaryxxgirl · 1 year
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"Hmm...I know it's a while away, but...I wonder if I should get into cosplay for Halloween...? I mean, I change my look a lot for my career and on a whim, but...I'm not sure if I've ever done it to celebrate Halloween or not. And even then, I don't even know who I'd cosplay, to be honest... This is a tough decision..."
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