dragongirlsnout · 9 months
hi, first of all thank you so so much for dashboard unfucker, i'd be in hell without it. i was poking around trying to understand why tampermonkey doesn't update it automatically and it looks like the downloadURL and updateURL are pointing to the wrong, well, urls. changing them to https://github.com/enchanted-sword/dashboard-unfucker/raw/main/unfucker.user.js seems to have fixed that, though of course it'll get overwritten when updating if i only change it on my end. so i just figured i'd let you know + ask for that little change (idk how pull requests work) ^_^
That URL redirects to the same location as the URL used in the script (https://raw.githubusercontent.com/enchanted-sword/dashboard-unfucker/main/unfucker.user.js), so there shouldn't be any difference between one and the other.
Tampermonkey seems to be slightly worse at checking for updates than Violentmonkey, but as long as you can hit the "check for updates" button manually and have it update correctly, it will in theory update automatically, so the issue probably has to do with caching.
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asianabox · 1 year
EA или Origin. Моё мнение что лучше Origin, но еа так не считает. Но есть выход оставить Origin
Возвращаемся в Origin без перехода на приложение EA app
1. переходим по ссылке https://taskinoz.com/origin/
2. скачиваем полную версию.
3. устанавливаем и заходим.
4 завршаем все процессы в Origin
5. переходим по пути C:\ProgramData\Origin и нахоим файл local.xml , открываем с помощью блокнота и добавляем 4 строки
Все это вставляем в файл в самом конце.
<Setting value="true" key="MigrationDisabled" type="1"/>
<Setting key="UpdateURL' value="http://joe.rilla" type="10"/>
<Setting key="AutoPatchGlobal" value="false" type="1"/>
<Setting key="AutoUpdate" value="false" type="1"/>
Удалить три файла с именем (может быть 2 файла)
"OriginThinSetupInternal.exe", которые расположены в ТРЕХ МЕСТАХ
C:\Program Files (x86)\Origin
C:\ ProgramData\Origin
Необходимо также скачать фикс для ориджин Архив распоковать по пути
C:\Program Files (x86)\Origin (предварительно закрыть ориджин)
Fix скачать - bit.ly/OriginFix2023 (антивирус может ругаться) просто вставить ссылку и начнётся скачивание.
Пока данный способ работает. По мере изменений буду добавлять информацию, возможно что то надо будет добавить или удалить. Никто не знает что ea придумает
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heldhram · 2 years
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That UpdateURL had me in stitches 😂😂
This fix works perfectly for me.
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rlxtechoff · 2 years
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Above you can see our key findings from hours of hard work and a lot of reading (yes the process is still ongoing as the more you read. the more hungry you get!). If you are getting hungry, feel free to check out the links below to get more information on our findings.
Hope this keeps you filled until our next post!
UNICEF. COVID-19: Considerations for Children and Adults with Disabilities. 2020. https://www.unicef.org/disabilities/
UNICEF. Progress for Every Child in the SDG Era: Are we on track to achieve the SDGs for children? The situation in 2019. https://data.unicef.org/resources/progress-for-every-child-in-the-sdg-era-2019/.
Save the Children. Understanding UN activities for Child Rights. 2018.
Global Education Monitoring report. Inclusion and education:ALL MEANS ALL. 2020. UNESCO. https://unesdoc.unesco.org/in/documentViewer.xhtml?v=2.1.196&id=p::usmarcdef_0000373718&fil
India Report-Digital Education. June 2020. Department of School Education and Literacy, Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India, New Delhi. https://mhrd.gov.in/sites/upload_files/mhrd/files/India_Report_Digital_Education_0.pdf
Dr. Nidhi Singal. Education of children with disabilities in India 2009. UNESCO.
SDG2020. Quality Education. 2020. https://www.un.org/sustainabledevelopment/education/
Alvernia University. Technology Tools That Are Making a Difference. 2019.
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