#Upper Pisang
221bornottobe · 8 months
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Upper Pisang, Nepal (11000 ft elevation) to Manang, Nepal (11500 ft elevation)
Day two of hiking Annapurna Circuit Trek
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jenufa · 2 years
Freitag 02.09.2022
Teahouse für Einsteiger
Ich sitze in einem Café in Hanoi und trinke vietnamesischen Cold Brew. Auch in Vietnam ist die dritte Kaffee-Welle ausgebrochen und so kommt es, dass alte Zubereitungsverfahren wiederentdeckt werden, um sie in die Moderne zu katapultieren. Endlich habe ich Zeit fürs Schreiben bzw. nehme sie mir, denn ich habe ein Hostel in zentraler Lage gebucht. Dort ist es voller junger Amerikaner und Amerikanerinnen. Folglich bin ich gerne für mich und meine Gedanken können zurück in die Vergangenheit wandern.
Seit dem Trek war ich nicht mehr allein unterwegs, sondern in guter Gesellschaft. Man spaziert von Dorf zu Dorf und trifft auf andere Trekker, teilweise sieht man die gleichen Gesichter wieder. So kam es, dass wir am fünften Tag Nathal begegneten. Nathal, das bedeutet Weihnachten, kommt aus Indonesien und liebt die Berge Nepals. Er würde sofort hierher ziehen, aber seine Frau will das leider so gar nicht. Zusammen schwärmen wir über die Natur und das einfache Leben, das funktioniert trotz gebrochenem Englisch erstaunlich gut. Ich freue mich, weil Indonesien das Endziel meiner Reise ist und mir so bereits ein kleiner Vorgeschmack präsentiert wird.
Wir sitzen in Upper Pisang, auf 3300 Meter, in einem kleinen aber feinen Teahouse. Betrieben wird es von einer Familie mit einem aufgeweckten Vierjährigen dem, von den Gästen, fleißig Schokolade zugesteckt wird. Teahouse ist die Bezeichnung für ein Gästehaus. Geboten werden Bett, Decke, Tischchen und Licht. Der Rest ist meist Allgemeingut. Gegessen wird in den „Dining Rooms“, wo die Hausherren aufkochen. Abends den Lichterschalter zu finden oder einen Ort zum Zähneputzen, bleibt für mich bis zum Schluss ein aufregendes Abenteur. Die gute Versorgung durch Einheimische macht das Trekken in Nepal einfach, der Wandertourismus boomt! Überall auf dem Weg sehe ich, wie mehr und mehr Teahouses aus dem Boden gestampft werden.
Nathal sitzt mir gegenüber und bekommt einen Fried Rice serviert. Mit seinem Teller in der Hand läuft er in die Küche und gibt die Hälfte an die Familie zurück. So ist er, er teilt mit anderen und zwar so ziemlich alles! Je mehr Zeit ich mit ihm verbringe, desto mehr entdecke ich, wie viel man geben kann. Da sitzen wir nun, er mampft seinen Reis, ich schlürfe an einer Knoblauchsuppe die mir Bhim aufgedrängt hat. Ich trage Mütze, Schal und Jacke, denn ich friere. Teahouses versorgen einen mit dem Notwendigsten, das schließt eine Heizung und Dämmung aus. Vor zwei Tagen habe ich mich verkühlt und schnäuze wie ein Weltmeister. Knoblauch hilft gegen Kopfschmerzen meint Bhim, ich erkläre ihm, dass ich Knoblauch nicht vertrage. Zehn Minuten später steht die heiße Suppe auf dem Tisch! Das war mein letzter Versuch der Intervention, danach gebe ich auf und esse den restlichen Trip alles was Bhim für mich bestellt oder mir von seinem Teller rüber schiebt.
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Ich, voll fertig, in meinem Zimmer in Upper Pisang.
Aufgrund der Höhe habe ich wirklich Kopfschmerzen, das ist eine Begleiterscheinung der körperlichen Anpassung. Bhim fragt mich regelmäßig, wie ich mich körperlich fühle. Ich antworte brav: alles supi, alles gut! Schwach sein, das kommt für mich nicht in Frage, was würden da die Leute denken? Ich habe also eine rinnende Nase, fühle mich fiebrig, der Kopf dröhnt und mein Körper ist erschöpft. Im Grunde bin ich so richtig am Arsch. Zusätzlich habe ich gleich zu Beginn des Trekkens meine Periode bekommen. Vor der Reise hatte ich mir vorgenommen, es in Zeiten der Menstruation ruhig anzugehen...so Self-Care und so, das ging sich in dem Fall nicht aus. Ich verputze meinen Snickers Vorrat für zwei Wochen innerhalb von 48 Stunden! „Ich darf das!“, sag ich mir und reiße das nächste Snickers an.
An diesem Punkt zweifle ich, ob ich den Trek schaffe. Du bist am Limit, aber noch nicht mal bei der Hälfte des Weges angelangt. Der Rucksack ist schwer, drückt und du fragst dich, ob deine Nike Laufschuhe dich wirklich den Berg hoch bringen?! Mittlerweile kenne ich mich, es war gut einen Guide anzuheuern. Ohne Bhim wäre ich bereits am zweiten Tag auf den erstbesten Jeep aufgesprungen und Richtung Tal gedüst. Nein danke, viel zu mühsam das ganze Bergauf! Tag für Tag stehe ich also um sechs Uhr auf, packe meine Sachen und erscheine pünktlich zum Frühstück. Morgens, um zehn vor sieben, höre ich Bhims Stimme vor meiner Türe: „Ienooofa“! - ruft er mich. „Ienooofa“, ich liebe und hasse es zugleich! Ich liebe es, weil es mich antreibt und hasse es, weil ich mich am liebsten unter der Decke verkriechen möchte.
Bhim schaut auf mich, nimmt mir Gewicht ab und schleppt die übertrieben große Powerbank, die ich gekauft habe, um Mutter zuhause einen Gefallen zu tun. So weiß sie, dass ich immer Akku habe und erreichbar bin. Das gibt ihr Sicherheit, ein Teil von ihr glaubt nämlich, mich nie wieder zu sehen. So weich und verwundbar kenne ich sie gar nicht. Nach all den Jahren kann man auch bei vertrauten Menschen neue Seiten entdecken. Wenn wir steinige Wegstrecken überqueren, reicht Bhim mir die Hand. Lange Zeit war mein Motto: Ich schaff' alles alleine! Ich bin es nicht gewohnt, dass sich jemand so um mich kümmert. Und so dauert es, bis ich beginne die Hand anzunehmen. Stück für Stück lasse ich zu und lasse mir helfen. Für Bhim mag das normal sein und sein täglich Brot. Mich berührt es und ich verberge meine Tränen, um den armen Mann nicht zu verunsichern. Warum will ich immer so verdammt stark sein?
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Bhim, irgendwo im nirgendwo.
Nathal und ich sind mit dem Essen fertig. Mit ihm Zeit zu verbringen ist trotz der sprachlichen Barrieren unkompliziert. Ich bin so schlapp, dass ich mir erlaube, einfach nur zu sein! Ich erlaube mir, mich zurück zu lehnen, mich nicht zu bemühen und nichts leisten zu müssen. Nathal spricht mit Händen und Füßen darüber, wie er das Leben sieht. Er spricht über das Göttliche und wie es, seiner Ansicht nach, alles durchdringt. Ich lausche seinen Worten und mir wird warm ums Herz. Meine Augen leuchten auf, denn ich fühle mich verbunden! Das Leben in der Stadt hatte in den letzten Monaten seinen Tribut von mir gefordert. Da waren starke Gefühle der Isolation und Freudlosigkeit. Und hier, an diesem abgelegenen Fleckchen Erde, spricht mir jemand in gebrochenem Englisch aus der Seele. An jenem Abend fand ich mein Lächeln wieder!
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Der Blick auf das Dörfchen Upper Pisang und seine morgendlichen Rauchschwaden.
Am nächsten Tag gehen wir zu dritt los, Nathal schließt sich uns an. Er nennt Bhim „Grandpa“, weil er sich Namen nicht merken kann und weil Bhim wirklich Großvater ist. Ich nenne Nathal innerlich „Daddy“, weil er drei Töchter hat, deren Socken als Glücksbringer an seinem Rucksack baumeln. Als mein Beschützer und Begleiter weiß Grandpa anfangs nicht, was er von der neuen Gesellschaft halten soll. Später schließt er Nathal ins Herz und ich genieße es, die Freundschaft der beiden mitzuerleben. Schritt für Schritt traben wir vorwärts. Alle fünf Minuten werde ich von Grandpa oder Daddy gefragt, ob es mir gut geht. Ich denke an einen Satz, den Nathal am Vorabend sagte: „Nothing in life is lost, it’s just replaced. Sometimes it takes a while to realize.“. Ich muss schmunzeln, in meiner Kindheit gab es weder einen Daddy noch Grandpa. Also genieße ich, dass mich heute der eine mit Süßigkeiten versorgt und der andere mit Zigaretten.
Überwältigt von der Schönheit um mich herum, mache ich an diesem Tag ein Foto nach dem anderen. Grüne Nadelbäume, rosafarbene Buchweizenfelder, schneebedeckte Gipfel. Ich staune! Gehe ein Stück, drehe mich um und staune erneut! Zu meiner eigenen Überraschung überstehe ich die weite Wanderung nach Manang. Als Stadtkind unterschätze ich die Wetterverhältnisse in den Bergen und ende mit einem Sonnenbrand auf Nase sowie Handrücken. Berg Eins - Jenufa Null!. „Slowly, Slowly!“, sagte Grandpa seit dem ersten Tag. In meinem Ehrgeiz verstand ich nicht, wovon er spricht, aber heute kommt es bei mir an. Es ist die Botschaft dieses Landes und ich höre sie, wie ein wiederkehrendes Mantra, von allen Seiten. „Slowly, Slowly!“, bedeutet: Handle, dann raste und komm erst bei dir an, bevor du weiter tust! Es bedeutet, sich selbst und einander die Zeit zu geben, die man braucht. Es bedeutet Mensch sein zu dürfen. Ich begreife, dass jeder einzelne Schritt ein Erfolg ist und es nicht darum geht, wie schnell ich am Ziel bin, sondern wie ich dort ankommen möchte!
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Blühende Buchweizenfelder, auf dem Weg zum Top.
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viafrantica · 2 years
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Prayer wheels at Upper Pisang Buddhist Temple, Nepal. By Bryan Birn, April 2019
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trekmenepal · 2 months
Trek Me Nepal Your Adventure stars here
Embark on a voyage of discovery with our leading trekking company, which is committed to offering outstanding outdoor experiences for people of all skill levels. At Trekking Company, we take pleasure in creating trips that immerse people in nature's spectacular splendor while instilling a profound respect for the environment.
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Our experienced guides, who are knowledgeable about local flora and wildlife as well as safety standards, conduct expeditions to some of the world's most compelling sites. From the rocky routes of the Himalayas to the lush jungles of South America, our carefully planned itineraries appeal to a wide range of interests and fitness levels.
Whether you like the thrill of summiting a high mountain or the peace of meandering through pristine wilderness, Trekking Company has a variety of adventures to fit your needs. With a focus on sustainability, we encourage responsible tourism methods that reduce our environmental footprint while increasing the beneficial impact on local communities.
Join us on an extraordinary experience, where each step gets you closer to nature and new perspectives. Discover the globe with Trekking Company and experience the beauties of the vast outdoors.
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Trekking businesses provide access to unprecedented adventure and excitement for individuals seeking a break from the mundane. Here's why hiring a trekking company may help you take your outdoor adventures to new heights.
Expert Guidance: Trekking organizations provide qualified guides who are knowledgeable about the local terrain, animals, and safety procedures. Their knowledge assures a smooth and secure voyage, letting you to enjoy nature's marvels without having to worry about navigation or logistics.
suited Experiences: Whether you're a beginner hiker or a seasoned climber, trekking firms provide a choice of experiences suited to your ability level and interests. Everyone can find something to enjoy, from leisurely strolls over gorgeous paths to adrenaline-pumping summit attempts.
Safety First: Trekking in isolated wilderness locations carries inherent hazards, but trekking firms put safety above everything else. They do comprehensive risk assessments, supply necessary equipment, and follow emergency measures to reduce any threats and assure your well-being during the journey.
Environmental Stewardship: Many trekking firms are devoted to sustainable tourism techniques that reduce their influence on vulnerable habitats and help local conservation initiatives. By selecting a responsible trekking company, you can experience the great outdoors with confidence, knowing that your journey is having a beneficial impact on the environment.
Community Connection: Trekking businesses frequently engage with local communities to promote cultural interaction and economic development. Homestays, guided tours, and community-led programs allow you to learn about indigenous cultures while also helping isolated areas.
Trek Me Nepal Package 
Trek Me Nepal promise to elevate your trekking experience to new heights, providing you with not just a journey but a soul-stirring odyssey through diverse regions that encapsulate the essence of Nepal’s natural wonders. From the lush valleys to the towering peaks, each trail is a canvas painted with the vibrant hues of culture, tradition, and breathtaking vistas.
Our Packages inclues
Everest Region Trek
Annapurna Region Trek
Langtang Region
Manaslu Region Trek
Luxury Treks
Upper Mustang Trek
Day Tours
Wildlife Tours
Normal Tours
Luxury Tours
Island Peak Climbing 
EBC Trek
Island Peak Climbing with Gokyo-cho-la Pass
Lobuche Peak Climbing with EBC Trek 
Mera Peak Climbing
Annapurna Base Camp and Tent Peak Climbing
Pisang Peak Climbing and Thorang La-pass
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kuckoo · 2 months
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Upper Pisang ! Beautiful Nepal 🇳🇵
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renu12345 · 3 months
Annapurna Round Trek-13 Days
🏔 Embark on an Adventure of a Lifetime with Our Exclusive Annapurna Circuit Trek Package! 🏞
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Dear Adventure Enthusiasts,
Are you ready to explore the breathtaking beauty of the Himalayas and experience the thrill of a lifetime? Look no further! [Safe Holiday Adventure], Nepal's premier tour company, invites you to join our exclusive Annapurna Circuit Trek—an unparalleled journey through the heart of the majestic Annapurna mountain range.
Brief Info about Annapurna Circuit Trek:
The Annapurna Circuit Trek is a breathtaking adventure in the Himalayas, renowned for its diverse landscapes and cultural richness. Spanning approximately 160-230 kilometers, the trek takes you through lush forests, terraced fields, charming villages, and high mountain deserts. Trekkers navigate challenging mountain passes, including Thorong La at 5,416 meters, offering panoramic views of Annapurna and Dhaulagiri ranges. Along the way, hikers encounter diverse ethnic communities, experiencing the warmth of Nepalese hospitality. The circuit provides a unique fusion of nature and culture, making it a bucket-list trek for enthusiasts seeking a truly immersive Himalayan experience.
🌟 Why Choose Annapurna Circuit Trek with Us?
Expert Guidance: Our experienced and knowledgeable guides will lead you through the diverse landscapes, ensuring a safe and memorable trek.
Cultural Immersion: Immerse yourself in the rich culture of the Himalayas as you traverse through charming villages, interact with locals, and witness ancient traditions.
Spectacular Views: Feast your eyes on panoramic vistas of snow-capped peaks, lush valleys, and serene lakes at every turn.
Comfortable Tea House Accommodations: Rest in comfort at handpicked lodges and tea houses, offering a perfect blend of authenticity and comfort.
Customizable Itinerary: Tailor your trekking experience with our flexible itineraries, catering to both beginners and seasoned trekkers.
🌄 Annapurna Circuit Trek Highlights:
Buddhist Prayer flag along the trails of Annapurna circuit trail Thorong La Pass (5,416m): Conquer one of the world's highest trekking passes, providing unmatched views of the Annapurna and Dhaulagiri ranges.
Muktinath Temple: Explore the sacred pilgrimage site, where natural elements meet religious significance.
Local Cuisine: Indulge in authentic Nepali cuisine and savor the warmth of local hospitality.
Annapurna Circuit Trek Itinerary-13 Days
The Annapurna Circuit is a popular trek in the Himalayas of Nepal, offering breathtaking views and diverse landscapes. Here's a simple outline itinerary for a 13-day trek, including key altitudes. Keep in mind that this is a general guide, and actual trekking times may vary based on individual preferences and conditions.
Day 1: Arrival in Kathmandu (1,400m)
Arrive in Kathmandu, Nepal's capital.
Rest, acclimatize, and prepare for the trek.
Day 2: Drive to Besisahar and Trek to Bhulbhule (840m)
Drive to Besisahar, the starting point of the trek.
Trek to Bhulbhule.
Day 3: Bhulbhule to Jagat (1,300m)
Trek through terraced fields and cross several suspension bridges.
Reach Jagat, a charming village.
Day 4: Jagat to Dharapani (1,960m)
Continue trekking through picturesque landscapes.
Arrive at Dharapani, a Tibetan-influenced village.
Day 5: Dharapani to Chame (2,710m)
Trek through dense forests and cross the Marshyangdi River.
Reach Chame, the district headquarters of Manang.
Day 6: Chame to Upper Pisang (3,300m)
Trek through pine forests and witness stunning views of Annapurna II.
Arrive at Upper Pisang.
Day 7: Upper Pisang to Manang (3,540m)
Explore the medieval village of Pisang.
Trek to Manang, enjoying panoramic mountain views.
Day 8: Acclimatization Day in Manang
Rest and acclimatize in Manang.
Optional short hikes for acclimatization.
Day 9: Manang to Yak Kharka (4,018m)
Ascend through alpine landscapes.
Reach Yak Kharka, a grazing area for yaks.
Day 10: Yak Kharka to Thorong Phedi (4,450m)
Trek to Thorong Phedi, the base of Thorong La Pass.
Prepare for the challenging pass crossing.
Day 11: Thorong Phedi to Muktinath (3,800m) via Thorong La Pass (5,416m)
Early morning ascent to Thorong La Pass.
Descend to Muktinath, a sacred pilgrimage site.
Day 12: Muktinath to Jomsom (2,720m)
Visit the Muktinath Temple.
Trek to Jomsom, a windy town in the Kali Gandaki Valley.
Day 13: Fly to Pokhara
Take a short flight from Jomsom to Pokhara.
Relax in Pokhara or explore the city.\
Best time to trek the Annapurna Circuit/Annapurna Round Trek
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The best time to trek the Annapurna Circuit is generally during the pre-monsoon (spring) and post-monsoon (autumn) seasons. The two main trekking seasons are:
Spring (March to May): This is considered the best time to trek the Annapurna Circuit. During spring, the weather is generally mild and stable, with clear skies and blooming rhododendron flowers adding color to the landscape. The temperatures are moderate, and the visibility is excellent, offering breathtaking views of the surrounding mountains.
Autumn (September to November): Another favorable time for the Annapurna Circuit trek is during the autumn season. The weather is usually dry and stable, with clear skies and pleasant temperatures. The trails are well-defined, and the views of the mountains are stunning. Autumn is also a popular time for trekking in the region.
During these seasons, you are less likely to encounter heavy rainfall or harsh winter conditions, making the trek more enjoyable and safer. The winter months (December to February) can be quite cold, with the possibility of snow blocking high passes, and the monsoon season (June to August) brings heavy rainfall and the risk of landslides, making it less suitable for trekking.
Keep in mind that weather patterns can vary, and it's essential to check current conditions before planning your trek. Additionally, it's advisable to be prepared for changing weather, especially at higher altitudes.
What kind Accommodation and Food Should i expect in Annapurna Circuit Trek?
The accommodation during the Annapurna Circuit Trek is a harmonious blend of comfort and cultural immersion. Tea houses, featuring twin beds and private rooms with shared bathrooms, provide a warm and insulated haven for weary trekkers. Beyond the cozy lodging, the culinary experience is equally enchanting, with menus offering a diverse array of local, Western, Indian, Chinese, and Tibetan cuisines. From traditional Nepali dishes like dal bhat to international favorites such as pasta and pancakes, tea houses cater to various tastes. The inviting atmosphere of communal dining areas in these lodgings adds to the trek's allure, making it a memorable journey filled with both culinary delights and snug accommodations amidst the stunning landscapes of the Annapurna region.
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🎁 Book Now and Enjoy Exclusive Perks:
Early Bird Discounts: Reserve your spot now and avail of special discounts for early bookings.
Complimentary Gear: Enjoy complimentary trekking gear rental for a hassle-free journey.
Group Discounts: Embark on this adventure with friends and family, and benefit from exclusive group discounts.
📆 Limited Availability - Secure Your Spot Today!
Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity to trek the Annapurna Circuit with [Safe Holiday Adventure]. Contact us now to book your adventure, create lifelong memories, and discover the magic of the Himalayas!
📞 Contact Information: Safe Holiday adventure Pvt. Ltd
+977 9849116284
Get ready for an unforgettable trekking experience!
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northgnepaltrek · 4 months
Annapurna circuit Trek With Tilicho Lake
The Annapurna Circuit Trek with Tilicho Lake is a popular trekking route in the Annapurna region of Nepal, offering stunning landscapes, diverse cultures, and challenging trails. The trek typically takes around 14 days, but the exact duration can vary depending on your itinerary, trekking speed, and acclimatization needs. Here's a sample itinerary for a 14-day Annapurna Circuit Trek with Tilicho Lake:
Day 1: Arrival in Kathmandu
Arrive in Kathmandu and transfer to your hotel.
Rest and prepare for the trek.
Day 2: Kathmandu to Bhulbhule (840m)
Drive from Kathmandu to Bhulbhule, the starting point of the trek.
Overnight stay in Bhulbhule.
Day 3: Bhulbhule to Jagat (1300m)
Trek through beautiful villages and terraced fields.
Reach Jagat for an overnight stay.
Day 4: Jagat to Dharapani (1860m)
Trek through lush forests and charming villages.
Arrive at Dharapani for the night.
Day 5: Dharapani to Chame (2670m)
Continue trekking through forests and along the Marsyangdi River.
Reach Chame and stay overnight.
Day 6: Chame to Pisang (3300m)
Trek through pine forests and enjoy panoramic views.
Overnight stay in Pisang.
Day 7: Pisang to Manang (3540m)
Trek through the upper part of the Manang district.
Explore the unique culture of the region.
Stay overnight in Manang.
Day 8: Acclimatization Day in Manang
Rest and acclimatize to the higher altitude.
Optional day hike to Bhojo Gumba or Gangapurna Lake.
Day 9: Manang to Khangsar (3700m)
Trek to Khangsar with stunning views of Annapurna and Gangapurna.
Overnight stay in Khangsar.
Day 10: Khangsar to Tilicho Base Camp (4140m)
Trek to Tilicho Base Camp.
Prepare for the next day's trek to Tilicho Lake.
Day 11: Tilicho Base Camp to Tilicho Lake (4919m) and back to Khangsar
Early morning trek to Tilicho Lake, one of the highest lakes in the world.
Return to Khangsar for the night.
Day 12: Khangsar to Yak Kharka (4018m)
Trek towards Yak Kharka.
Enjoy the high-altitude landscapes.
Stay overnight in Yak Kharka.
Day 13: Yak Kharka to Thorong Phedi (4450m)
Continue trekking towards Thorong Phedi, the base of Thorong La Pass.
Prepare for the pass crossing the next day.
Day 14: Thorong Phedi to Muktinath (3800m) via Thorong La Pass (5416m)
Early morning ascent of Thorong La Pass.
Descend to Muktinath, a sacred pilgrimage site.
Complete the trek and either drive or fly back to Kathmandu.
This itinerary is just a guideline, and actual trekking days and locations may vary based on weather conditions, your pace, and acclimatization needs. Make sure to check with a local trekking agency for the most up-to-date information and to plan your trek safely. Additionally, consider hiring a guide and/or a porter for a more enjoyable and manageable experience.
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intrepidhikers · 4 months
Annapurna Circuit Trek With Tilicho Lake
 The Annapurna Circuit Trek with  Tilicho Lake in 14 days is an exciting journey, offering diverse landscapes and cultural experiences. Here's an itinerary:
Day 1-2: Kathmandu to Chame
Drive from Kathmandu to Chame via Besisahar and Dharapani.
Begin trekking towards Chame and settle in.
Day 3-4: Trek to Upper Pisang and Manang
Trek through beautiful landscapes to Upper Pisang and continue to Manang.
Spend an extra day in Manang for acclimatization and exploration.
Day 5-6: Trek to Tilicho Base Camp
Trek to Tilicho Base Camp, passing through scenic trails and diverse terrain.
Hike to Tilicho Lake and back to the base camp.
Day 7-8: Trek to Yak Kharka and Thorung Phedi
Trek to Yak Kharka and then to Thorung Phedi, preparing for the pass crossing.
Acclimatize and rest in Thorung Phedi.
Day 9: Cross Thorung La Pass, Trek to Muktinath
Early morning trek to Thorung La Pass (5,416m) and descend to Muktinath.
Experience the diverse landscapes along the way.
Day 10-11: Trek to Jomsom via Kagbeni and Marpha
Trek to Jomsom via Kagbeni, exploring the unique villages and apple orchards.
Spend an extra day in Jomsom or Marpha for relaxation and sightseeing.
Day 12-13: Fly to Pokhara and Return to Kathmandu
Fly from Jomsom to Pokhara and then return to Kathmandu.
Spend the remaining time in Kathmandu for relaxation or exploration.
This itinerary combines the Annapurna Circuit with a visit to Tilicho Lake, providing a comprehensive experience of the region's natural beauty and cultural diversity. It's essential to maintain proper acclimatization, stay hydrated, and be prepared for varying weather conditions at high altitudes.
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overlandtreknepal · 5 months
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Pisang Peak Climbing – 14 days
Pisang Peak sits on an elevation of 6,091 meters and is also known as Jong Ri, located on the northeastern side of Annapurna Sanctuary. The Annapurna Conservation area is home to rich flora and fauna and towering Himalayan giants, discovering various indigenous settlements through the trail, this trail brings a combination of nature and culture at its finest.
The journey begins from Kathmandu with a drive to Chamje, followed by a trek to Upper Pisang Village, and from Base Camp to High Camp, to the Pisang Peak Summit. A drive from Chame to Kathmandu follows the same path as the ascent.
click here for more detail
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solotravelguide · 7 months
Jungle Train - Trip Pantai Timur menaiki Sleeper Train 🛑 Entri ini saaangattt panjang, terima kasih kerana sudi membaca
Date : 24/3/2022 - 27/3/2022 Route : KL Sentral ▶️ Gemas ▶️ Tumpat ▶️ Wakaf Bharu [RETURN]
💜 Simple sharing and itinerary untuk yang nak try sleeper train 💜 Jungle train ni sesuai untuk mereka yang sukakan kelainan tapi tak terlalu fussy dengan benda² yang remeh. Disclaimer : Jika nak keselesaan sepanjang trip, Jungle Train bukanlah pilihan yang tepat. Cuma, beri ruang untuk diri anda terbuai dengan 'katil goyang' mungkin sekali seumur hidup. For sure ianya worth it!
Ok nak share harga tiket. Semua tiket train ni boleh beli melalui apps KTMB (KITS) - rujuk gambar yg kat bawah tu. Untuk sleeper train ni, KTM buka dah perjalanan sehingga hujung Jun. So boleh beli dah sekarang. Kalau habis, sorry sebab memang sleeper train untuk lower berth macam goreng pisang panas. So kena cepat dan plan awal.
✅ KL Sentral - Gemas : RM30 ETS Gold *Ambil trip pukul 21:40 (24/3/2022)akan sampai 00:10 (25/3/2022) ✅ Gemas - Tumpat : RM46 (Lower Berth) ERT 26
Trip ni sekali sahaja sehari 01:18 dan akan sampai Tumpat 12.54.
Within transit train ni ada gap dalam sejam untuk rest² nak solat ke nak mandi ke kat toilet stesen Gemas. Sbb dalam train memang xde ruang untuk solat. Kena solat atas katil atau bawa lapik blh solat dekat laluan antara katil dan toilet agak kecik tak sesuai untuk mandi
Coach untuk katil hanya coach T6-T8
Harga Upper Berth : RM40 (Gemas - Tumpat) Lower Berth : RM46 (Gemas - Tumpat)
Tips kalau nak view yang cantik pilih row belah kanan, lower berth, dan elakkan ambil katil no 2&4, 14&16, 26&28 dan 38&40 sebab tingkap berlapis, so terbatas la sikit view dia.
Dalam train ada Cafe sebelah coach T6, harga makanan standard keretapi tapi makanan wajib try adalah maggi kari dan teh ais. Memang padu!!! Cafe memang tempat tumpuan so kena pandai pilih timing. Waktu sarapan selalunya ramai. Nak layan maggi dengan tenang, pergi dalam pukul 2/3 pagi. Benda boleh makan lewat buat apa makan awal ye dak?
Pilihan lain untuk break1st adalah masa train berhenti kat Stesen Gua Musang, ada je makcik² jual kuih², nasi kerabu, bihun semua tu. So bila train berhenti je, cepat² turun n beli. Sediakan duit kecik siap², harga x mahal dan makanan sedap. Famous nasi daging kerutuk, katanya sedap sampai x berbaki la nak beli hari tu. Tak sempat 😂
Spot yang menarik untuk capture the view adalah Stesen Kuala Lipis, Stesen Merapoh, Stesen Gua Musang, Dabong, Jambatan Guillemard. So boleh tengok gambar timing yang di share, lebih kurang la timing tu. Sediakan je phone dengan bateri penuh! Power bank is WAJIB okeh sebab xde plug charger dalam sleeper train
So sampai Tumpat, antara aktiviti blh buat jalan² pantai tak pun boleh sopink² Pengkalan Kubor. Colek Pakcik Bismillah yang viral tu ada kat Pengkalan Kubor. Blh try, murah-sedap-banyak = berbaloi.
✅ Tumpat - Wakaf Bharu : RM1 (DMU)
Ambil train pukul 16:05 dan akan sampai Stesen Wakaf Bharu pukul 16:21
Reason why pergi Tumpat then patah balik ke Wakaf Bharu adalah sebab 1st nak shopping dekat Pengkalan Kubor and then nak try DMU (train baru jajaran Tumpat - Kuala Lips) dan train tu walau bayar seringgit sangatlah selesa!!!
antara stesen Tumpat ke Pengkalan Kubor tu blh ambil Grab/kereta sapu bajet dalam RM15-RM25 bergantung pada skil kecek klate korang. Pandai adjust maybe dapat less banyak 😂
Sampai Wakaf Bharu korang boleh pilih nak stay mana² yang sesuai dengan citarasa korang. Recommended O' Ridel Hotel, KB betul² sebelah Sungai Kelantan, tapi date masa kami pergi tu full. So decide ambil satu bilik homestay area Wakaf Che Yeh (RM59). Bilik serius cantik & selesa plus sangat berbaloi dengan harga yang dibayar. Boleh try search Wadi Isfa Inn
Tempat kitaorang pergi 📍 Pasar Malam Wakaf Che Yeh …
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221bornottobe · 8 months
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Chame, Nepal (8600 ft elevation) to Upper Pisang, Nepal (11000 ft elevation)
Hiking Annapurna Circuit Trek Day 1
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natureexploretrek1234 · 9 months
Top 5 Trekking in Nepal
Have you ever imagined stepping your foot into the realm of gigantic snow-capped peaks? Nature Explorer Trek is here to change your imagination into reality.
Home to the glorious Nature’s wonders Mt Everest, Nepal offers tremendous natural beauty. The topological, cultural, and geographical diversity. From lowlands to snow-capped mountains.8 peaks above 8000 m all under a single roof can exclusively be observed only in Nepal.
The Annapurna Circuit Trek
The Annapurna Circuit Trek is well-known for its incredible diversity and stunning natural beauty, making it a favorite among trekkers worldwide. During The Annapurna circuit you’ll come across altitudes ranging from 600m to 5,416 m.It takes all of us through diverse landscapes,lush forest. Forget not to mention the view of majestic mountains.The Annapurna Circuit trek provides an opportunity to learn about the Tibetan culture in the way of mustang valleys. The core tradition and hospitality of Nepalese villages can be fully observed on the way to Chamje, pisang and Thorong phedi which signifies diverse culture is worth study.
During the stay you can taste the specialized local cuisine.Also the region is rich in Tibetan buddhist culture which is signified by the presence of Buddhist monasteries and stupas along the way.The trek can be physically challenging due to weather condition but this trek will usher a sense of accomplishment among trekkers.The Annapurna Circuit trek takes about 12–19 days depending upon the route we choose.
The Everest Base Camp Trek
The Everest Base camp is one of the daring trek routes to carry on. The Namche Bazar is the gateway to Everest Base Camp. Namche is situated on the slope of an arch-shaped mountain, with amazing views of giant Himalayan peaks from anywhere in the valley. Along the way, we can sight some of the world’s highest peaks, mixed with mysterious monasteries and sherpas settlements. The Everest Base Camp expedition provides the view of a plethora of bridges and rivers with sweeping views of the Himalayan region. Also along the way, we will come across forests and alpine meadows. Moreover, we can observe the diverse culture and traditions of the Everest region. This trek to Everest Base Camp typically takes around 14 to 16 days, allowing for acclimatization and exploration of the surrounding areas.
The Langtang Valley Trek
Trek across the Langtang Valley, often known as the ‘Valley of Glaciers’.The Langtang Valley trek is a scenic trek in the Langtang region of Nepal. This trek provides an excellent combination of natural beauty and cultural experiences. The route winds through deep oak, pine, and rhododendron forests, with spectacular vistas of snow-capped peaks along the way. Reaching Kyanjin Gompa, a Buddhist monastery in the center of the Langtang Valley, is one of the trek’s highlights. You can see Langtang Lirung, Dorje Lakpa, and other Himalayan peaks from hereThe Langtang Valley trek typically takes around 7 to 10 days to complete.
The Manaslu Circuit Trek
The Manaslu Circuit walk is a secluded and difficult journey that takes you around Mount Manaslu, the world’s eighth-highest peak. This trip provides an opportunity for trekkers who are keen to learn about the region’s rich cultural heritage while taking in breathtaking mountain views. The path traverses a variety of environments, from lush green lowlands to high alpine ranges. You’ll pass through quaint towns, monasteries, and terraced farms along the way. The trek’s high point is crossing the Larkya La Pass, which rises at 5,106 meters. The Manaslu Circuit trek typically takes around 15 to 18 days to complete.
The Upper Mustang Trek
The Upper Mustang Trek is all about discovering the mysterious world of Mustang’s historic Buddhist monarchy. This trek is a journey into the ancient kingdom of Mustang, a remote and preserved region that was once a part of the Tibetan empire. This trek offers a unique opportunity to explore a landscape and culture that is reminiscent of Tibet. The trek takes you through barren landscapes, deep canyons, and ancient cave dwellings. Along the way, you’ll encounter traditional Tibetan villages, monasteries, and the iconic Lo Manthang, the capital of Mustang. The Mustang’s beautifully tanned red cliffs and unlimited diversity of grey undulating hills will be etched in your mind. The Upper Mustang trek is a restricted trek that requires a special permit and is typically completed in around 12 to 14 days.
Benefits of Trekking in Nepal
Firstly, the physical challenge of trekking through the rugged terrain of the Himalayas helps to improve cardiovascular fitness, strength, and endurance.
Trekking in Nepal takes you through a variety of traditional villages inhabited by multi-religious communities.
Nepal offers a unique opportunity to experience Nepal’s rich cultural heritage firsthand, witnessing colorful festivals, intricate architecture, and the warm hospitality of the locals.
The abundant flora and fauna you encounter throughout the expedition aware of the diverse ecosystem of Nepal and reconnect with nature.
Stunning scenery which encompasses Majestic Mountains, breathtaking landscapes, and lush valleys provides the chance for stunning photography and videography.
Trekking in Nepal Offers you a unique blend of adventure, nature, culture, social bonding, and a sense of accomplishment far from the hustle and bustle of city life.
Nepal is endowed with natural marvels, treasures, resources, and wonders. There are several cultural,historical, and religiously significant sites and objects. Every year, numerous people visit the snow-capped mountain peaks, stunning water resources, lush woods, flora and animals.Tourists from other nations travel to Nepal for a variety of reasons, including trekking and mountain climbing.. Each trip, whether to Everest Base Camp, the Annapurna Circuit, or the inaccessible districts of Langtang, Manaslu, or Upper Mustang, guarantees an amazing journey. Moreoverthe quench of people wanting to learn about culture,religion and society will be fulfilled.
Learn more: https://www.natureexploretrek.com/ https://www.natureexploretrek.com/blog
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viafrantica · 2 years
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Look up into the roof of Upper Pisang Buddhist Temple, Nepal. By Cordeam sur la Terre, November 2017
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alphaannapurnabasecamp · 11 months
Most Beautiful Lake In Nepal
Nepal has not only the tallest mountains in the world but also beautiful lakes in the Himalayan landscape. Nepal is also the second richest country in water resources in the world. In Nepal, you can find more than 6,000 rivers, 3,252 glaciers, and 2,323 glacial lakes. High mountains and glaciers are the source of rivers and lakes. The beauty of the lakes in the mountains and mid-slopes attracts tourists from all over the world. Nepal's high-altitude lakes have a religious significance, attracting pilgrims from all over the world. Although some of the lakes have their own beauty. Some of the lakes in Nepal are well known for their unique and remarkable features, registering world records. Here is a list of some popular lakes.
1. Rara Lake
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Rara Lake, the largest lake in Nepal, is the most popular tourist destination in Nepal. This 2,990-meter-high lake offers a great hiking experience. The lake covers an area of ​​9.8 square kilometers in Rara National Park. Trekking to Rara Lake takes you deep into Nepal's countryside close to the Tibetan border. Unlike other trips, this trip is unique in itself. This trip may not appeal to a mountain lover, but it is undoubtedly an important trip. The road to Rara Lake is surrounded by small villages, pine, spruce, and juniper forests, quiet valleys, and beautiful landscapes. The journey to Rara Lake starts with a scenic flight to Nepalgunj and then to Jumla. Then, start trekking through remote western Nepal, encountering remote areas and deserts. Chere Chaur, Chalachaur, Sinja Valley, and Ghorosingha are the main stops on the way to Rara Lake. The best time to visit Rara Lake is during spring. The beautiful weather and clear skies offer beautiful views and a promising atmosphere. This hike is considered a moderate-level hike, suitable for both novices and experienced hikers.
2. Gokyo Lake
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Lake Gokyo, which consists of six glacier-fed lakes, at 5,000m, is the highest lake in the world. At an altitude of 4,700-5,000m, Lake Gokyo is a gem in the Everest region. The green waters of Gokyo attract hundreds of tourists and pilgrims every year. On the occasion of Janai Purnima, pilgrims take a holy bath in the lake. According to Hindu mythology, these lakes are the abode of 'Nag Devata'. It is said that about 7,000 tourists visit Gokyo Lake every year. The Gokyo Lakes Trail includes a hike up Gokyo Ri, a point in the Everest region. Gokyo Ri at 5,357m is famous for its magnificent views of Gokyo Valley, Gokyo Lakes, and mountains like Everest, Lhotse, and Cho Oyu. The route to Lake Gokyo follows the scenic Everest Base Camp Trek and crosses the Ngozumpa Glacier, the largest glacier in Nepal. Travelers returning from the great pass of Renjo La, Phakding, Namche Bazaar, Dole, and Machhermo are the main stops along the route.
3. Tilicho Lake
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Tilicho Lake in the Manang District of Nepal is the second-highest lake in the world. This lake in the Himalayas is also the most popular mountain trek in the Annapurna Circuit. Trekkers who attempt the famous Annapurna circuit go to Tilicho Lake to embrace its beauty and have a peaceful mind. Every year, thousands of travelers embark on a journey to Tilicho Lake. Tilicho Lake is near the beautiful city of Pokhara. The tour starts in Chame, in the Manang district. The Tilicho Lake trek passes through the famous stops of the Annapurna region such as Chame, Upper Pisang, Manang, Siri Kharka, and Tilicho Base Camp. The route includes grasslands, alpine valleys, plain farmlands, green hills, Buddhist temples, and picturesque villages. If you want to go on a trek to Tilicho Lake then it is about 10-12 days. The houses with thatched roofs and the influence of Tibetan culture are two different rewards that this trip has to offer. The best time to explore Tilicho Lake is during spring and autumn. It's a moderate to strenuous hike, perfect for those in good shape. However, novices, as well as experienced travelers, can do this trip. Your trip to Tilicho Lake offers breathtaking views of Annapurna II, Annapurna III, Gangapurna, and Dhaulagiri massif. Explore the beautiful Tilicho Lake and experience its beauty.
4. Gosaikunda Lake
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Gosaikunda Lake, a sacred lake at 4,380 m, is located in the Rasuwa district of Nepal. Along with 108 other lakes nearby, Gosaikunda Lake attracts hundreds of pilgrims and Hindu devotees every year. According to Hindu mythology, this lake is the abode of Lord Shiva and Gauri. Most of the people came to this place in Janai Purnima festivals for a spiritual journey. Mountain ranges, picturesque villages, monasteries, lush green forests, and lush grasslands make the journey beautiful. One can reach the lake in just four days. The beautiful view of Mount Langtang, Mount Ganesh, Hiunchuli, Manaslu, and surrounding hills is the main attraction of Gosaikunda Lake. Gosaikunda Lake is a short and moderate trek in the Himalayas of Nepal that can be done by both novices and experienced trekkers. April to early June and September to November are considered the best months of the year to visit Gosaikunda Lake. Be wise; do not walk during monsoons and winter.
5. Shey Phoksundo Lake
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Shey Phoksund Lake at 3,611.5m is a sacred lake for Buddhists and followers of the Bonpo religion. The sparkling Turquoise Lake of Poksundo is the jewel of Dolpo, attracting hundreds of tourists every year. The highest point in Lake Poksundo is the village of Ringmo which is a 30,000-40,000-year-old lake. You can see the Bon religion. You can explore Poksund Lake in 11 days from Kathmandu. The journey part starts from Dunai while the flight will go to Nepalgunj and Juphal. The road winds through Tibetan countryside, beautiful rhododendron forests, and beautiful scenery. Dunai, Chhepka, Ringmo, and Jhupal are the Poksundo Lake Trek route.
6. Fewa Lake
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Phewa Lake is the second-largest lake in Nepal. It is a small lake surrounded by the Rani Ban waterfall and is truly awe-inspiring to reflect the Annapurna, Machhapuchre, and Dhaulagiri ranges. Whenever people came to Pokhara they visit this lake. In the center of the lake is the Tal Barahi temple, an important religious monument of Pokhara. The emerald color of the lake attracts nature lovers and photographers. The journey takes five to six hours by bus, and about 25 minutes by plane. Be sure to rent a boat or paddle and spend the day making the most of the lake. Or you can walk along the lake and take in the breathtaking view of the emerald Phewa Lake. Over the lake, you can visit Sarankot or the World Peace Stupa. You can explore this beautiful lake any time of the year.
7. Begnas Lake
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Begnas Lake is another beautiful lake in Nepal. A lake in the southeast of Pokhara, Begnas Lake is undoubtedly a must-see in the center of Pokhara's tourism. The lake is the largest lake in Nepal and a famous place in Nepal. Hundreds of tourists go to Pokhara to explore this lake and especially to enjoy the amazing view of Annapurna and Manaslu from the lake. If you want to escape the hustle and bustle of Kathmandu or enjoy the peace and quiet, visit Pokhara and discover this lake. As mentioned earlier, you can fly to Pokhara or take a road bus to Pokhara. The choice is yours. The lake is 30 minutes from Lakeside. The nearest bus station is the Milanchowk bus station. You can go on a long boat or paddle solo and enjoy the beauty of the lake and the peaks rising above the lake. Also, you can have a picnic with your family/friends by the lake.
8. Birendra Lake
Birendra Lake is on the Manaslu glacier in the Gorkha region of Nepal. Trekkers on the Manaslu Circuit Trek also spend their days visiting this lake. Birendra Lake is about 30 minutes from the famous Sama Gaon village. The crystal clear water and the mountainous back are what attract tourists to take a scenic trip to Birendra Lake. To reach the lake, you have to cross the well-trodden paths of Manaslu. This is a one-week trip to the lake from Barpak. Laprak, Khorla Besi, Jagat, Dang, Prok, Lho, and Sama Goan are the main towns for night rest. Considering the route, this is a moderate hike. Spring and fall are the best times to explore the lake. Most of this trip is hiking, so it is not recommended to do it in winter and monsoon.
These are the few beautiful lakes in Nepal but there are so many other beautiful lakes in Nepal. In fact, these lakes are the main attraction of Nepal, inviting thousands of trekkers, nature lovers, and tourists from all over the world.
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newmic · 1 year
Moulin à Prières bouddhiste tibétain, mur, village Upper Pisang circuit de l'Annapurna, de l'Annapurna Conservation Area, Népal Photo Stock - Alamy
Tibetan Buddhist prayer wheel, wall, Upper Pisang village, Annapurna Stock Photo - Alamy
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julesonadventure · 1 year
Tag5: Upper Pisang nach Manang
Der heutige Tag ließ sich eigentlich in 2 Teile aufteilen. Am Vormittag hatten wir einen wirklich schweißtreibenden Anstieg über Serpentinen, der so 2h dauerte. In weiser Vorraussicht hatte ich nach Lesen des Wanderführers meinen Trekkingrucksack samt Gepäck dem Porter gegeben und Laras Daypack für den Tag genutzt. Ich wusste, dass nach 10 km Anstieg noch weitere 10km im flachen folgen würden und ich als langsamste der Gruppe die eh schon 7h Etappe wohl verlängern würde.
Den Anstieg konnte ich mit leichtem Gepäck sehr gut meistern. Ich mache einfach immer Pause, sobald meine Herzfrequenz hoch geht und kann sie so zwischen 120 und 160 halten. Damit bin ich zwar angestrengt, aber nie total außer Atem.
Als wir den Anstieg geschafft haben, gab es oben einen wunderschönen Ausblick, leckeres gebackenes Zimtbrot und endlich eine Toilette. Apropos Toilette, das sollte heute noch ein allgegenwärtigen Thema werden.
Nach der kleinen Pause ging es für uns weiter, jetzt in Begleitung von Julian, den wir auch schon auf dem Trek kennengelernt hatten.
Zum Mittag gab es für uns eine Knoblauchsuppe, die schmeckte wie Wasser mit Stärke und die Goetz auch noch nachträglich beschäftigen sollte.
Nun waren also die ersten 10 km geschafft und was folgte waren weitere 10km durch eine wüstenähnliche Landschaft. Die Sonne brannte unaufhörlich auf uns hinunter und trotz Kopfbedeckung und Massen an Sonnencreme ging es uns allen am Abend nicht so wirklich gut. Das letzte Stück zog und zog sich, nur unterbrochen durch unglaublich viele Pinkelpausen. Alle 1-2h musste ich mich hinter irgendeinen Büsch hocken, mit meiner roten Hose für andere Trekker natürlich gut sichtbar:D.
Als wir dann endlich Manang erreichten waren wir alle gut kaputt. Andere Wanderer erzählten uns, dass der Tilicholake zurzeit zugefroren ist und auch die Wanderung dorthin durch Schnee nicht sooooo lohnenswert sei. Also entschieden wir uns, unsere Tour umzubauen. Statt der Extraschleife zum Tilicholake über 3 Tage wollten wir am nächsten Tag den Icelake hier in der Nähe in einer Tagestour erkunden. Er versprach bessere Aussichten und weniger Kälte.
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