#Urgent Care Market Demand
trulyumai · 6 months
Personal Space? Never Heard Of Her!
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Synopsis: You help the big boss (Jack), with every day tasks. He sees some forms missing from his desk and questions you. Jealousy ensues.
Pairing: Handsome Jack/You
Warnings: Murder (I mean it is Jack)
Available on AO3!
A/N: I know this is kind of a niche fandom, but Ive been obsessed with it recently! Enjoy the reading :)
“-Listen, listen, sweetheart, how many times do we have to go through this?” Jack's voice echoed through his office, you stood there just behind him with a frown marking your face. 
“Jack, I already said-” 
“Ah, ah, Mr. Jack pumpkin Mr,” Turning back to you he wiggled his long finger, tutting you lightly. 
“Mr. Jack,” You bit out, 
“The forms were already submitted. I told you the current marketers already came down for them. 
Squinting at you he plopped down on his chair, it groaned in protest as his heeled dress shoes rested on the oak desk in front. 
“Careful with that tone. I just like my things organized, is that so bad? I didn't know those shit brains were already on the new prototype,” Idly swinging his pistol it twirled between the man's fingertips, it would have been quite impressive if you weren't already mildly annoyed. 
Crossing your arms, pivoting one hip to touch the table, you relaxed your face. Somewhat afraid of the man, you didn't want to piss him off this early in the day. 
Afterall, you didn't dare think just how many assistants had come before you, shot and maimed  in this very room before you desperately enough took the interview for this (once in a lifetime) job.
The man rambled on, about the new gun designs, “Dumb ass,” bandits and the citizen who unfortunately ran into him this morning. 
“-Filthy fucking guy, how could he not see me coming! I was gonna rip his eyes out but who am I- '' Pausing all his movements halted, until he slowly, oh so slowly faced towards your direction once more. 
With still movements you paused too, wearily eying the man before he finally spoke up. 
“Wait, wait. Hold on, hold on, back up.”
Backing up a step you gripped one wrist with your hand. 
“No not literally you fucking- Your sentence. The researchers?” Frowning you traced back to your prior conversation 
“Yes, sir. The um, Prototype? They came in early, asked, well, demanded the papers. Said it was urgent.”
Sitting up Jack put both his gloved hands on the desk, gripping the corners until you heard the crinkling of his leather gloves. 
“They came. In my office, and you let them in?” 
Oh no. 
“W-well sir, they said- they demanded me to! Said you gave them special permission, made me walk ahead of them to open the door, and an-” 
A single hand was lifted, halting you to stop the rambling. The glass windows behind him showed the business of the city. Skyscrapers cascaded around the office, the clouds invaded the unusually blue sky and you wanted to run- run and bury yourself between the shiny buildings and fluffy skies. 
“What were these, shall we say, gentlemans names, hm?”
Distracted by the plethora of people on the streets you didn't answer, didn't even notice the man get up from his chair and place himself in front of you until his big hand squeezed the meat around your face. “Answer, pumpkin.” 
“The names? Um, Mordecai- I think and maybe ah-” The grip worsened, with increased pressure you felt the creaking of your jaw, the tightness on your skin. 
“S-Steven! That's it, I'm sure!” 
Eyes darting back and forth between yours he let go, switching to put his arm around your waist. 
“See? Was that so hard! Good job, sweetheart, really, that must have exhausted you,” 
His fingers skirted across your form, until his fingers danced at the hem of the blouse you wore. They lifted it a tad and met the skin with a warm touch, lightly gliding his fingers up down and as he hummed in thought. 
“Pretty sure those are downstairs guys. Let's pay them a visit! See what they have to say about personal space,”
Dragging you along, he pressed the elevator before leaning down on you, putting the side of his head to rest on your own. 
With a cocky expression he noticed your nervous form. “Don't worry, sweetheart- you tell Ol’ Mr. Jack, which one did the demanding and this will all be over soon!” His hand twitched on the opposite side. 
“Maybe we can even get some brunch after, I'm starving.” 
Nodding your head you held back a wince. 
The morning just started and there were already three casualties. 
What a morning in Pandora.
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weaveandwood · 4 months
Weave and Woods Chapter 11: The Timelessness of Lovers
Gale/Named Tav | Slow Burn | NSFW | Read on AO3 | Entire Work
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Under an aurora-lit sky, Gale and Auroria confess their feelings for each other
“Thinking about Mystra’s demand?” Her brows furrowed as they always did when Mystra was brought up, especially after Elminster came with his missive.  “Yes.” He paused. “I must admit it is always on my mind. More so now even than before. To know that I’ve found you, and that you are in love with me as I am in love with you only to - ” His voice caught in his throat as tears formed in his eyes. “Only to have to leave you in a few days’ time…I must admit I am more terrified now than I was at the beginning of the night. I do not want to lose you, Ora. I do not want to leave you.” He smiled softly, tears spilling down his cheeks as he pictured what life could have been like with her in his tower, walking through the market each week, sunsets on the balcony, watching the Midwinter fireworks together. She grasped his hand. “Then don’t, Gale. Stay with me. Live. Live with me.” She kissed him again, her own tears mingling with his. “Let’s live.”
AN: This is my favorite scene of Act 2, and the whole game so far. I hope I was able to do it justice while making it my own. NSFW! Oral Sex, Vaginal Sex
Crafting an illusion was like composing a piece of music. One needed to take into consideration every layer - every piece of the orchestra needed to be successful on its own and work together as a whole to create a harmonious explosion of sounds. Illusions were similar. Every part of a convincing illusion needed to be perfect - one thing out of place, and the whole composition falls apart.
Gale was a master at creating illusions, or at least he had been until his unceremonious fall from favor and his body became a host for both a sliver of the Karsite Weave and a mind flayer parasite. He had been unable to create grand illusions since, though he had noticed his abilities strengthening as time had progressed, especially once the charm was placed on the orb to stabilize it. Evocation spells were his specialty, what he was known for, what was nurtured during his time as Chosen of Mystra - it was true there was nothing more useful than a fireball for a battle, but illusory spells were his true love, his passion. Manipulating the Weave in this way made him feel closer to an artist, a poet, or a musician than a warrior. He wanted to use his magic to bring beauty and wonder to the world.
He needed his illusions to be perfect tonight. Tonight was the night he was going to tell Ora that he loved her. He had wanted to shout it from the rooftops of the Last Light Inn after kissing her the previous night, he wanted to whisper it in her ear as she slept peacefully, he wanted to say it that morning when she forced him to go to his tent after sitting outside hers all night, he wanted to yell it in celebration when they worked on spells during the afternoon and she finally cracked Spike Growth after days of attempts on her own. 
Every artist needs their muse, and she was his. He channeled the Weave from his spot far enough away from their campsite to afford privacy. As the power hummed through his body, he thought of Ora. How she made him feel, how he felt with her, what reminded him of her - beauty and warmth and goodness. The threat of Moonrise Towers and Mystra’s demand settled over him but did not cause him to abandon his plans. He had to tell her. He squared his shoulders and got to work. 
“Hello, I’m here on behalf of Gale of Waterdeep!” The cheerful silvered mirror image of Gale said to Auroria as she walked up to his tent before going to bed for the night. “He wishes to extend you an invitation to a private conversation. Would you care to join him? From the portion of his mind that is open to me, it is a matter most urgent.”
“Well, when you put it like that, I don’t think I’m in a position to decline,” she said, her mind already racing with worry. Was the orb acting up again? Had he set his mind to following through with Mystra’s demand of his sacrifice? Would she no longer have the chance of saving him? The thought of losing him caused her heart to race, her stomach to drop, and threatened to bring tears to her eyes as she started down the path pointed out by Gale’s mirror image. Surely it couldn’t be something so serious - he had been in such a good mood after she made him sleep and then again after he helped her figure out what she was doing wrong when attempting to cast her newest spell. He had jumped up and thrown his arms around her when the ground started to erupt with spikes and thorns. She thought he might kiss her again, or at least she had hoped he would, but he pulled away and said something about needing to go read something to find her next spell. She hadn’t seen him since. 
The path through the thick forest led to a clearing bordered by a few downed trees and rocky formations. In the middle of it on a plush blanket sat Gale, intensely focused. She looked past him and up to the sky and gasped softly. Instead of the dim, colorless grey they had grown accustomed to over these past days there was a bright shining aurora, all shades of vibrant purple and green dancing across it. Stars sparkled in the distance and the grass in the clearing looked as green as it did in the forests where she grew up. It was the most beautiful thing she had ever seen. She stood at the edge of the clearing, watching Gale place more stars in the sky and let the tears that had gathered now freely fall down her face. How could a man who creates such beauty even think about sacrificing himself for what a goddess calls forgiveness? Her panic threatened to overwhelm her. She loved him. She couldn’t lose him. She had to tell him. Tonight. She wiped the tears from her face and walked over to sit on the blanket beside him. 
“I love this time of night,” he said softly, taking her hand in his, a movement that had become so natural for the both of them over the past weeks. “There’s a reverent silence that accompanies the peak of darkness, when you think the dawn will never break.” He threaded his fingers through hers and as he turned to look at her, she could have sworn the look on his face matched the one she had given the sky moments ago. He waved his free hand at his illusion. “The cradle of eternity…the timelessness of lovers.”
Auroria smiled softly and looked up at the sky, her eyes wide as the lights danced and the stars twinkled. “This is beautiful, Gale. I’ve never seen the sky do this - you’d almost forget we were in the Shadow Cursed Lands,” she said with breathless wonder.
He looked at the sky again. “It’s veiled, kept at arm’s length for now. This isn’t something I can do often in my present condition, but tonight is different. I feel the weight of Mystra’s demand on me, and with us going to Moonrise Towers tomorrow to infiltrate it, I can’t help but feel this may be one of my last nights alive. I wanted it to be under a canopy of beauty and wonder. And with company to match.”
Auroria frowned, hearing the sadness in his tone as if he had decided his fate. This is my last chance.  
“Is this truly, truly what you want? To sacrifice yourself for Mystra’s forgiveness?”
“My untimely death is all but assured. My days on this plane have been numbered since I opened that damned book. Would you not want your death to mean something?” He sighed. “I will admit I am terrified, no matter how well I try to conceal it.” He nodded, grim resolution on his face. “Better to meet the inevitable on my own terms.”
Auroria felt warm tears fall down her cheeks again as she nodded. “So you’ve decided, then.” She tried to wipe them away with the back of her hand but they wouldn’t stop coming, so she just let them fall. It was always easy for her to show her emotions with Gale. 
He looked over at her, touching her chin with a hooked finger, turning her face to his. “You know, one moment with you would satisfy me for a lifetime. And you’ve given me so many moments,  enough for infinite lifetimes. I’m happy you came out here to share this with me. I know it’s not real…but I created this all for you. You were the inspiration for all of this.”
“For me?” She gasped, her eyes snapping to his. “All of this? Why?”
He smiled softly at her. “You must know that you’re…that you’re special to me, Ora.” 
Her heart was pounding in her chest. Her breathing quickened. What was he saying? Could he feel the same? She thought, a small flicker of hope warming inside her.
He dropped his hand, going back to looking at the aurora for a short while in silence, a wistful look in his eyes. Finally, he spoke again. “If things were different, if we were home, I would take the time to do things properly. To say everything better. To give you everything you deserve, and more. But time is short.” 
He turned to face her again. His eyes were bright and shining with unshed tears.
“I am in love with you.” 
Everything faded away from Auroria at that moment. There was only the two of them - there was no shadow curse, there was no Absolute, no tadpole, no orb, no Mystra. No wizard, no ranger. There was just Gale and just Auroria. Two people who managed to find each other despite the fact that their paths never should have crossed. Two people who loved each other despite everything thrown against them.  
“I’m in love with you, too, Gale.”
Externally, Gale played it cool as he chuckled. “That’s a relief. It would be a shame to spend my final hours making an ass of myself.” Internally, he was in a state of disbelief. Ora was in love with him! He had wanted this, hoped she’d feel the same way as he did, but did not believe it possible that someone so fierce, so brave, with so much to live for would fall in love with him, not how he was now. Not with the orb, not with Mystra’s charge, not with his imminent demise. 
She leaned into him and kissed him, quieting his thoughts for the first time in what felt like years as he kissed her back softly. It felt different from their kiss the night before - less desperate, more real. He smiled as she broke the kiss. 
“You’re a good kisser,” she smiled back at him. 
“And you are a bad liar,” he laughed out loud. “I was basically a hermit for some time before I met you, remember?” 
“From one recluse to another, you’re a good kisser,” she said before she kissed him again, her hand on the back of his neck, pulling him closer to her. Her lips parted and his tongue slid against hers as they kissed much like the vision she shared with him all those weeks ago when they were connected through the Weave. A vision he never thought he’d be able to act upon. He broke the kiss and put one hand against her cheek, looking at her beautiful face as she smiled at him, his eyes flicking back and forth between hers, taking in the lush green that seemed to radiate even in the dark of the night with a golden glow. She loves me.
He wanted the night to be perfect. To show her all he could do with the Weave, their bodies and souls intertwining and bonding within its gentle fibers. He stood up excitedly, taking her hand and helping her up from the ground. “What do you say to the perfect night in Waterdeep for our first date?” He smiled. 
“I have always heard that Waterdeep is an exceptional city, though I can’t quite remember who told me that,” she teased. “Show me.”
He waved his hand, a faint purple glow enveloping the two of them. The aurora was replaced by his study in his tower. His favorite place in the entire universe - well, until he met Ora. Now his favorite place was by her side. Everything was just as he remembered it, even the messy assortment of parchments on the desk. The piano in the corner, the stacks and stacks of books. He could smell the paper if he concentrated hard enough. He looked back at Ora, who was taking it all in, her eyes wide and her mouth open in awe. 
“This is your study?” She asked. “It feels like I’m looking directly into your soul, all books and academia.” She smiled. 
She looked so at home in his study. He couldn’t wait to show her the real thing, after - No.
He interrupted his own thoughts. After? There would be no after, not for him. This was more than likely the last time he would ever lay eyes on his beloved study, his beloved tower, his beloved city, and it was all an illusion. Snap out of it. He wanted to show her all he could of him, of his life, before it all ended much, much too soon. 
“It is. The center of my universe. Now, for something even better.” He waved his hands, the doors to the balcony opening, the sun setting into the horizon, setting the sea awash in a fiery orange blaze, the entire illusion taking on a warm glow. As Ora stepped out onto the balcony, the sunset lit her up. Her hair burned even more coppery, the light made her eyes look even more green, even her freckles seemed to stand out more. Waterdeep suited her. Still, as he looked out over the horizon, melancholy washed over him. He missed his home. He was thankful to the tadpole for bringing him to Ora, but…he would never come home again. He would never see Tara or his mother again. Never walk the streets, never visit the market, never watch the ships sail from the docks. The sound of pages ruffling brought him back to the present. 
“You’ve found my favorite spot. I would sometimes find myself out here from evening to night to daybreak, lost in words.” 
“Up all night reading? What a rebel,” she laughed as she kept flicking through the pages of the book. “What’s this book?” she asked, handing it to him.
He laughed and took the book from her, one he had placed there on purpose. “This is The Art of the Night - about a newlywed king and queen’s first thousand nights together. They turned everything into an art - conversation, the exploration and acceptance of the self and the other, the art of the body, the night itself.” Here goes. “I say we take a page from their book.”
Ora raised an eyebrow at him. “Leave it to you to seduce someone with a book.” Gods, he loved how she teased him. She knew him so well. “But…I don’t see a bed.”
“The stars will be our bed. There are endless worlds out there, countless ways to declare love. Let me show you more,” he said. He wanted to show her all of the wonders of the universe, let her feel his love in infinite ways, not just within the confines of their mortal flesh. 
She put her hand on his face, looking at him adoringly. “I want to be with you, not a fantasy, not an illusion. I am in love with Gale.”
He paused. “Are you sure? I could use the Weave to make us feel sensations beyond our reckoning. I could wow you. I want to wow you, Ora.”
She smiled, taking his hands in hers. “This isn’t a test, Gale. You don’t have to impress me with these grand gestures to show off your abilities. I’m no goddess. I am in love with you .”
He leaned in, pressing his forehead to hers. “Yes, you are, Ora. Trust me, I would know.” He snapped his fingers, placing them back in the forest by camp, the aurora still dancing across the sky, the stars sparkling just for them. “Let’s do it your way then - the old ways. As long as it’s with you.” 
She kissed him as he waved his hand, conjuring a large bed. “For your comfort, of course.”
She laughed then. “I have been living in the wilds for almost my entire life, I’m pretty sure this bed is for your comfort.” She walked over to it, kicked off her slippers and climbed on, patting the mattress next to her. “Though, you will not hear me complain.”  
He smiled and walked to the bed, climbing onto it next to her, his calm exterior belying the chaos within him. His heart was racing with anticipation and his brain was moving a million miles a minute. It had been so long since he had been with anyone physically, since before becoming Mystra’s lover. Could he live up to her expectations? Would this all be a waste of time? Why did he even confess his feelings to her when he was just going to die in a few days time? His breathing picked up as he balanced on the knife’s edge of panic. 
“Gale?” He felt a warm touch on his hand. Ora . “Gale, come back to me,” she said, placing a tender kiss on his cheek, then a soft kiss on his lips. She was a balm to him - his mind quieted again, focusing only on her. He kissed her back and placed a hand on the side of her face, his thumb gently running over her cheek. 
“I apologize. My mind momentarily was…elsewhere. I am here now.” 
“Thinking about Mystra’s demand?” Her brows furrowed as they always did when Mystra was brought up, especially after Elminster came with his missive. 
“Yes.” He paused. “I must admit it is always on my mind. More so now even than before. To know that I’ve found you, and that you are in love with me as I am in love with you only to - ” His voice caught in his throat as tears formed in his eyes. “Only to have to leave you in a few days’ time…I must admit I am more terrified now than I was at the beginning of the night. I do not want to lose you, Ora. I do not want to leave you.” He smiled softly, tears spilling down his cheeks as he pictured what life could have been like with her in his tower, walking through the market each week, sunsets on the balcony, watching the Midwinter fireworks together.
She grasped his hand. “Then don’t, Gale. Stay with me. Live. Live with me.” She kissed him again, her own tears mingling with his. “Let’s live.” 
He nodded and closed his eyes, holding on to her hands tightly. She made it seem so simple, to just live . That she alone could defy a goddess’ machinations and find a way to circumvent his fate. Perhaps she could. He opened his eyes and found her staring at him, full of concern. This was not the direction he wanted this evening to go, and yet it only made him fall deeper in love with her. Made him want her even more, if that was possible. Made him want to believe the impossible. 
Stay. Live. Could I?
“Live,” she pleaded, her voice barely above a whisper.
Could I?
He kissed her deeply, pulling her close to him. Their tongues slid together again, finding a rhythm of push and pull as their hands roamed each other’s bodies, discovering a new closeness that they had been on the edge of for weeks now. She smelled faintly like the peppermint balm she massaged on her sore muscles after a long day of fighting or training. His fierce ranger. Her hands found their way to the bottom of his soft velvet tunic and grasped it, starting to pull it up. He broke the kiss to reach down and slid it off over his head. 
“Hells Gale, you’ve been hiding all of this? Doesn’t seem fair, really, to keep this secret,” she teased as she saw him without so much as an undershirt on for the first time, her eyes moving down the lean athletic build of his body and fine covering of hair on his chest and stomach. She reached down to the hem of her own sleep tunic, pulling it over her head. The filtered moonlight cast a pale silvery glow on her breasts and her nipples started to pebble and harden against the slight chill in the late night air. 
“I could say the same to you,” he said playfully in return. The scar on her cheek continued down past her collarbone almost to her left nipple, some areas thicker than others. He reached out and traced it with his fingers, pressing kisses into it as he followed his fingers with his mouth. A story for another time. Her breathing quickened as he reached his destination, taking the hard nipple in his mouth, sucking on it lightly as she gasped. 
Something in the air changed, a new electricity charged between them. 
“You’re so beautiful, Ora,” he said before moving to the other breast, giving it the attention it deserved. Her hands went to his head, running her fingers through his hair as she arched her back, pressing herself closer to him. 
“I want you, Gale,” She said, her voice thick with lust.
“And you’ll have me before the night is done,” he smiled against her soft skin, toying at her nipple with his tongue before pressing a hand to her chest, laying her back on the bed. His hands went to the waistband of her leggings, his fingers slipping inside and rubbing along the softness of her stomach. “I want to watch you come undone for me first.” She lifted her hips to help him easily slide the fabric off her legs. He kissed each inch of newly bared skin as he pulled them off of her before discarding them on the ground beside the bed.
He looked at her in wonder as she laid before him, fully bared. So beautiful, so perfect. She propped herself up on her elbows, tilting her head to the side. “Everything okay?”
He smiled. “Everything is perfect. How did I get so lucky?” He kissed her ankle. “You are so stunning.” He kissed her knee. “I will never be able to fully tell you just how heavenly you look right now lying in front of me with nothing on, illuminated by moonlight. My divine Ora.” He wanted to worship her, to bow down at the altar of her body for the rest of his time on this plane. He kissed her thigh, higher and higher as he placed himself between her legs, spreading them and baring her sweet center to him. He could resist no longer. He looked up at her from between her legs as he flattened his tongue and tasted her for the first time. Her moan was an answer to the prayers on his lips and music to his ears, her taste was the sweetest nectar. He hooked his arms under her thighs, pulling her down to his mouth as he flicked her sensitive bundle of nerves with his tongue before sealing his mouth over it, sucking softly. 
Her hips started to rock against his face as he hummed against her, sending vibrations through her body. He teased at her entrance with a finger, reveling in how warm and wet she was as he touched her. For him. Because of him. He paid special attention to that sensitive spot inside he remembered women liking from his dalliances years ago, before Mystra. No. No thoughts of Mystra tonight. 
He turned his mind back to Ora, this beautiful, writhing woman who lay before him, who wanted him, who loved him. He added a second finger and moved them faster, in and out, his firm tongue working her in tandem as he devoured her. She had moved her hands to his head, her nails delightfully scratching his scalp as waves of pleasure washed over her and she began to unravel. He was relentless in the pursuit of her undoing, keeping a steady pace with both his hand and his tongue as she cried out his name and he felt her pulse as she reached her peak and crashed over. He crawled over her, kissing up her stomach to her breasts again, taking each one into his mouth before moving up to her neck. He finally kissed her lips, impossibly turned on as she kissed him back, tasting herself on him. 
“My turn,” she said, smiling against his mouth as she pushed him onto his back, his desire clearly evident. She rubbed at his erection gently over his pants as she kissed his neck. Gods, I forgot how good that feels, he thought. He felt her starting to pull his pants down, and he lifted his hips off the bed to help her just as she did for him earlier. He was suddenly conscious about his body, wondering if it would be pleasing to her. His physical form hadn’t been important in matters of desire in so long, coming back to it made him feel like he was a teenager again, full of nerves and anticipation of learning what he liked. She wrapped her hand around him. He definitely liked that. 
“Gods, Ora,” He inhaled sharply as she touched him, the first mortal touch he had had in years. She kissed his orb marking softly, then traced down the line of his stomach with kisses. What was she….oh. OH. 
He rose up on his elbows, looking at her. “Ora, I don’t…are you sure? Please, don’t feel like you have to.” 
She smiled at him, her eyes soft. “Let me give you the pleasure you gave me. We are equals here, in this bed, in this relationship. No one is above the other. Besides, I enjoy doing this, just like you do. Let me take care of you. Allow me this,” she said as she leaned down, taking the tip of him in her mouth, sucking gently. 
Gale saw stars. He grasped at the bedsheets, the pleasure and desire coursing through him stronger than anything he had felt in so long, setting him ablaze. She took him deeper into her mouth, her head and hand working him in rhythm as she hummed against his hardness. His hips started to rock, moving with her as he moaned loudly. At this rate, it would not be long before he finished, and he wanted his first time to be inside her. 
“Ora, I need to be inside you, please,” he practically begged. He was at the mercy of her, of his new goddess. “Please, let me.”
“I want you, Gale,” she said. 
“Come here,” he smiled, guiding her up to him, a finger hooked under her chin as he kissed her deeply, laying her back on the bed. “I want to watch you, see you when I finish inside you,” he whispered in her ear before kissing her again.  
He used his thigh to spread her legs, running his fingers across her slick entrance before holding himself to her. His heart was pounding. He knew this was a line they could never uncross. It was a line he knew with absolute certainty he wanted to cross, but he had to be sure it was the same for her. 
“Are you sure you want this, Ora? Do you want me?”  He looked her in the eyes, his tip pressed against her. He needed to hear her say it. 
“I want you,” she repeated, closing her eyes and moaning softly as he pressed in, sinking into her. 
Every thought left his head as he felt her give around him, all warm and soft velvet against his hardness. He closed his eyes as he fully seated himself within her, staying still for a moment, reacquainting himself with this feeling - how had he ever derided this as “just” pleasures of the mortal flesh? This was everything. This was better than anything metaphysical. She had converted him. Astral pleasure could no longer compare to this. This was real. 
He buried his face in the crook of her neck, whispering his adoration to her. He wrapped his arms around her, pressing her close, their bodies in complete contact as he began to thrust into her with slow, deep rolls of his hips, feeling every inch of her as he pulled almost all the way out and pressed fully back in again. Ora wrapped her arms around his back, her fingertips digging into his skin.
He pulled back, settling up on his knees between her legs. She looked so perfect laid out on her back before him, his length sheathed deep inside her. He continued his same slow rhythm, thrusting back into her a little harder than before, watching where their bodies joined in awe and wonder.
“Gale…you feel so…so good,” she moaned, her hands moving to his thighs, holding on to him, rocking her hips to meet his. 
“You feel better than any heavens, Ora. Better than I could have imagined all those nights I thought about taking you, imagining doing this with you.” He said, remembering the nights in his tent after his orb was stabilized where he pictured Ora in a similar position to the one she was currently in as he used his hand to pleasure himself. It didn’t even compare. 
He couldn’t hold back any longer, Desire, lust, and the discovery of how good sex with her could be drove him. He moved her legs so her feet were on his shoulders, and started thrusting into her deeper, faster. He kissed her calf, her ankle, the side of her foot, punctuating each kiss with a soft “I love you.”
His fingers dug into her hips as he grasped them to lift them up, allowing him to get even deeper inside her. He needed to be as deep as possible, as close to her as possible. He watched her. Her cheeks were flushed, her breasts bounced, her back arched against the bed as he hit a spot that drove her wild. He had once thought watching her fight was like watching an opera. Watching her while making love was like viewing the finest art. 
“I’m so close,” she panted. He felt her tightening around him, getting close as his own precipice drew near. 
“Come for me, Ora. I want to hear you call my name while I’m buried inside you,” he said as he reached between them and began rubbing her at her most sensitive spot, feeling her hips jerk at the slight touch. He felt her tighten around him, the feeling drawing him even closer as the fire in his abdomen grew hotter. “But look at me when you do.”
She opened her eyes, and just the sight of them darkened with desire almost sent him over the edge right then and there. 
She cried out, his name on her lips as her body froze and then shattered around him. He felt her shudder and pulse as her orgasm rocked through her. He kept thrusting through it, harder, faster, lost to his own finish as she held onto his arms tightly, her nails slightly digging in. 
He felt his abdomen tighten. He maintained eye contact and drove himself into her one last time as she nodded and writhed underneath him before he felt himself fill her with his own release, crying out her name loudly for all the gods to hear. Panting, he stayed buried within her as his orgasm shuddered through him. She was covered in a thin sheen of sweat and most of her hair was loosened from her twisted ponytail, and he could only imagine he looked similar. She looked so beautifully undone. 
Finally he pulled out of her, instantly feeling cold without her warmth enveloping him. He was changed, wholly and truly. He was a different man from earlier this evening. He crawled beside her and dropped to the bed, planting a kiss on her shoulder. 
“I love you, Ora.” 
“I love you, Gale.” 
Auroria curled into Gale, resting her head on his chest as they both came down from such blissful heights. She traced the lines of the orb marking as he lazily ran his fingers up and down her back. She felt herself drifting off to sleep when she heard it, the faintest whisper. 
“I will stay with you. I will live.”
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xiv-wolfram · 7 months
Hello - Comic Script
A Realm Reborn - lvl 15
Wolfram performs his envoy duties, kind of. He tries. Let's be proud of him for trying. 👏
Yes, I was listening to Adele.
Wolfram Saga Comics
This is the script for a future comic. Posting for those who don’t want to wait to get the story. Numbers indicate frame number.
Part 1
Wolfram in the Lotus Stand with Kan-E-Senna. Kan-E smiles “You have done the people of Eorzea a fine service this day, and I would not put you to further trouble. I shall see that my reply reaches the Admiral anon.”
Zoomed out shot
Kan-E smiles “I thank you for coming. May the Twelve see you safe to Ul'dah and beyond.” Wolf smiles “Thank you Seedseer. It was nice to see you again.” Thought ‘If only I could find comfort in faith.’
He leaves, walking towards the residential area. Thought ‘Surely this isn't so urgent I can't take a nap.’
Wolf enters his apartment. Looking around smiling “Been a while…”
Zoomed out shot of apartment as Wolf walks to the bed
Wolf laying on bed on his back, smiling “Rhun wasn't kidding about cleaning. This is nice.”
A) Wolf closes his eyes, smiling. B) Wolf opens his eyes, straight face.
A spectral version of his 27 year old self (in sleep clothes) is huddled on the other side of the bed, quietly crying. Whispers “I miss him so much… I ruined everything.”
A) Real Wolf lays on his side, closing his eyes, amused, mutters “Gods was I pathetic.” B) Wolf opens his eyes, annoyed at not being able to sleep. He looks over at -
Spectral Wolf (in conjury robes) standing in the middle of the room yelling at a wand “WORK GODSDAMN YOU! MAKE WIND OR WATER. DO SOMETHING!”
The wand sparks with dark magic, Spectral Wolf looks horrified “Not that! Never again.”
A) Close up ghostly hands grasping the wand B) snaps the wand
Spectral Wolf leaning against wall with head in hand, sobbing “Yes, I know it's not the wand. It's me. You don't have to point it out, arsehole.” “Why can't you just leave me alone?! I had to lie to him because of you.” “Yes I did!”
Real Wolf, sad, sighs “The hellhound sure was loud back then…before I learned to quiet it.”
A) Wolf closes eyes, frowning sadly B) Wolf opens eyes frustrated
Spectral Wolf (half undressed) passed out drunk at the foot of the bed, sitting on floor with head on mattress, liquor bottle rolling out of his hand
Real Wolf walking to the door, exhausted frown “Now I remember why I avoid Gridania. Guess I'd better go face my fears.” “As if fighting a voidsent and passing out in front of Merlwyb wasn't bad enough.”
Part 2
Raubahn holding coffee cup at the table in his apartment (Same apartment from 13 years ago. Almost nothing has changed), using linkshell, smiling “Hopefully these movements mean naught, yet you are wise to stay vigilant. Is there aught else to report?”
Rau leaning back, laughing “Oh gods! No I do not want to meet some farmer in Gridania. I do not care how kind he was.”
Rau leans forward resting is chin on his hand, grinning in amusement “Pray continue to focus on your duties, not matchmaking.” “Aye, I'll speak with you later, Pipin.”
Rau smiling, looking over towards the kitchen but camera focused on him. Thought ‘Ah, the lad means well. He doesn't understand the demands my position places on me.’
Spectral 27 year old Wolfram cooking in the kitchen. Spectral 32 year old Rau standing behind him kissing his cheek.
Real Rau smiles. Thought ‘Odd that I'd think about him right now…’
Rau walking away from the residential area, wearing his armor. Frowning. Thought ‘I wonder how he's doing… if he's alive.’
Walking further, down an alley in Pearl Lane, Rau glances at the corner. Spectral Wolf and Rau kissing.
Raubahn smiles sadly as he passes, turning toward the market. Thought ‘He's got to be alive. If what he went through didn't kill him, nothing would… not even a bloody calamity.’
Part 3
Wolfram standing in the airship area, tucking his flask into his pocket. Nervous smile. Thought ‘Well, I'm back…”
Wolf exiting the elevator, nervous, takes a deep breath. Thought ‘Surely he wouldn't still be upset... right?’ ‘He's so accomplished. A living legend. He couldn't possibly be angry at his ex from over a decade ago…right?’
Wolf walking out into the street. Thought ‘Anyroad, I'm an envoy of the Admiral. Even if he were, he wouldn't have me arrested… right?’
A) Close up of face but he's walking on the main road. Worried look. Thought ‘What if…what if he doesn't even remember me?’ B) Looks hurt and a bit scared.
Wolf walking into the Hall of Flames. An unusually tall blond Viera in a lieutenant uniform is talking to the trader at the desk.
Bran turns as Wolf walks up to him. Wolf addresses him with a big fake smile “You look important. Can you get a message to your General? It's from Merlwyb.”
A) Bran beams brightly “I am! Very important! Well, a lieutenant. I'm important to myself and that's what matters. I’d be happy to deliver it to him for you.” B) Wolf smiles awkwardly ”Uh, thanks.” Thought ‘This guy sure has pep... I have to get out of here.’
Raubahn walks in as Wolf disappears in a concealing cloud of aether. Rau surprised.
A) Close up shot. Rau looks left. B) Rau looks right.
Rau amused “I must assume we were just robbed?” Bran laughs, walking over to him “No, don't worry. It was just an odd and unnecessarily attractive envoy. They had a message for you from Admiral Bloefhiswyn.”
A) Rau chuckles, taking the message “Ah, so I trust you scared them off with an unexpected advance?” B) Bran shrugs “I'd like to take the credit, yet they seemed a bit on edge already. Hopefully that doesn't indicate a gloomy message.”
Rau straight face “Aye, our city is still recovering. I trust if it were urgent she would have called my linkshell.” Bran smiles “Oh, surely nothing like that. Everything will work out. Always does.” Rau “I pray you're correct. I'll open it with Eline. Stop by my office later, Lieutenant Thorvald.”
Wolfram Saga Comics
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coochiequeens · 2 years
First it was a menstrual care product shortage, then it was a baby formula shortage that could last until spring now there is a shortage of children’s painkillers. 
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People seeking over-the-counter medication for their sick children are often finding sparse or empty shelves, as a spike in respiratory illnesses pushes pediatricians and emergency rooms to the limit.
Usual supplies of fever- and pain-reducing medicines, such as liquid acetaminophen and ibuprofen recommended for children with RSV, flu or the coronavirus, have not kept up with demand in recent weeks in pockets of the country hit hardest by surging illnesses.
Fast, informative and written just for locals. Get The 7 DMV newsletter in your inbox every weekday morning.
Unlike in Canada where the government has issued emergency orders to address a shortage of acetaminophen and ibuprofen, commonly known by the name brands Tylenol and Advil, and similar products, U.S. manufacturers and retailers emphasized that supplies should rebound within weeks. On the prescription side, increased demand for the antibiotic amoxicillin has caused shortages in the United States, Canada and parts of Europe.
In the meantime, pediatricians say they worry limited access to medicines could result in more urgent-care and emergency visits as parents struggle to keep sick children comfortable.
“It’s a huge problem,” said Kristina Powell, a pediatrician in Williamsburg, Va., and president of the Virginia chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics. “This is a result of the ‘triple-demic.’ Parents run to Walmart or Target, the shelves are empty. … This is going to be a long fall and winter of viral infections.”
A crop of influenza-like illnesses, which includes RSV, hit the South and Southeast hard a month ago, federal data show, and those illnesses have slowly progressed westward. By mid-November, Texas, New Mexico and Tennessee reported the highest incidence of illness, while levels remained very high in Virginia and D.C., followed closely by Maryland, according to data tracked by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Kylie Moriarty, 30, of Buffalo, Mo., searched her local Walmart for Tylenol or ibuprofen to treat her sick 9-year-old daughter and found nothing but empty shelves. That seemed odd, she said, because just last week she had no trouble buying the same products for her 2-year-old son in a merry-go-round of illnesses affecting families with young children.
“I was very frustrated that it’s 2022 and we can’t keep something in stock for parents to help their children get better,” she said in a phone interview. “It makes me want to cry, almost, because these are my kids.”
She and her husband called other pharmacies looking for medicines to soothe the girl and couldn’t find any guaranteed availability.
“When they’re sick, there’s only so much that loving on them and cuddling with them you can do. So when there’s no medicine or something that you can give them … it’s hard,” Moriarty said.
Feeling powerless, the couple gave up and cautiously shared their younger child’s more concentrated medicine with the older one, which seemed to help. Just as they began to relax, their little boy came home from day care with a fever. Moriarty plans to schedule an appointment with his pediatrician for treatment — and samples to take home.
The ordeal reminded her of the height of the pandemic when supply chain problems left consumers scrambling for toilet paper and other basics.
Generic varieties play a large role in the market for over-the-counter comfort drugs, and that industry runs on profit margins so lean that companies typically lack capacity to boost production on short notice, according to supply chain experts. That left shelves bare during the early days of the pandemic.
The same dynamic is playing out now as RSV, flu and the coronavirus hit simultaneously, prompting sporadic shortages of commonly used ibuprofen and Tylenol at some hospitals and retail stores.
The extent of those shortages isn’t clear. The Food and Drug Administration hasn’t reported any shortages of fever or pain medications. Drugmakers, pharmacists and industry organizations say there aren’t any constraints to manufacturing and expect supplies to rebound within weeks.
The University of Utah’s Drug Information Service, which tracks drug shortages, received its first report of a shortage of liquid ibuprofen — generally for children — on Monday, and quickly confirmed it with several manufacturers. Most of the drugs tracked by the service are purchased in large quantities by hospitals, but some formulations had over-the-counter labels. Erin Fox, the service’s director, said it was impossible to know how widespread retail shortages were given the variety of store-branded versions.
“There are definitely distribution and supply chain problems that still exist,” she said, such as a company not being able to hire enough drivers. “These shortages seem to be mostly a demand spike and should resolve relatively quickly,” she added.
Until then, both chain stores and independent pharmacies are dealing with the unpredictability of high demand and uncertain supplies.
Martin McCarthy struck out at 5 p.m. Wednesday when he stopped by Brookville Pharmacy in Chevy Chase, Md., looking for liquid Motrin for his 10-year-old son, who probably picked up a bug at school.
The pharmacy’s stock of children’s fever reducers was depleted after two busy weeks of parents and grandparents stopping in to buy Tylenol or Motrin for little ones suffering from colds, RSV, flu and other viruses.
By Wednesday evening, only three boxes of generic ibuprofen chewables, two boxes of generic acetaminophen chewables and six boxes of suppository acetaminophen remained. Other parents peeked down the aisle looking for liquid fever reducer and fever reducer for children younger than 3, only to leave empty-handed.
McCarthy scanned the cold-medicine aisle for a few minutes and called home to confirm that his son would tolerate grape-flavored chewable tablets instead of the liquid Motrin he was used to.
“It is surprising because it’s basically completely out,” he said. “And it’s just generic.”
A spokeswoman for Walgreens said McCarthy’s experience is typical. Even if their usual choice of medication is unavailable because of high demand, parents can usually find an alternative.
“Although demand for pediatric OTC medications have increased, Walgreens is prepared and able to continue meeting the needs of our customers and patients. We are working with our diverse set of suppliers and distributors to ensure our patients have the products they need most,” Walgreen spokeswoman Zoe Krey said in a statement.
Martha Welman, a pediatrician and medical director at Neighborhood Health, a primary care provider serving low-income and underinsured patients in Alexandria, Arlington, and Fairfax, said staff will sometimes call pharmacies to find medicines for patients — a time-consuming process at a busy time.
“If it’s between helping someone find a medicine or seeing a sick child, we have to make that choice. We’re all kind of compromising right now,” she said.
Perrigo, an Ireland-based manufacturer of over-the-counter products, said “shortages are occurring in a number of markets we supply” because of high demand. The company has increased production of medications for fever and pain by 46 percent through October compared with a year ago, and increased shipments by a similar rate.
The Consumer Healthcare Products Association, which represents companies making over-the-counter drugs, said parts of the country are seeing a rise in pediatric illnesses but that there aren’t “overall widespread shortages here in the United States” of children’s pain relievers.
“We understand it might be frustrating for some parents who are unable to quickly locate these products from their usual pharmacy or retailer due to limited out-of-stocks in some stores,” the association said in a statement, but it emphasized the importance of calling around for medications and not hoarding, which could lead to widespread shortages.
Elizabeth Murray, a pediatric emergency medicine physician at Golisano Children’s Hospital in Rochester, N.Y., said from the bed shortage to overflowing emergency rooms, the last thing parents need is another hurdle. But until the early and aggressive onset of respiratory illness abates, health-care providers and parents have no choice but to ride it out together.
“Everyone would like to have one thing to blame and there isn’t one thing to blame,” she said. “This is happening for a variety of reasons and we’re going to move through it and we’re going to be okay.”
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cedricfernandomd · 1 year
Unmasking the Alarming Rise: Prescription Pain Pill Overdoses Quadrupled in the Last Decade
Prescription pain pill overdoses have become a silent epidemic lurking beneath the surface of our healthcare system. These overdoses have experienced a staggering quadrupling in numbers in the past decade, raising concerns and demanding urgent attention. This article aims to shed light on the alarming rise of prescription pain pill overdoses, examining the underlying factors, exploring the devastating consequences, and highlighting potential solutions to curb this alarming trend.
Unveiling the Statistics
The statistics are unequivocal: prescription pain pill overdoses have undergone an astonishing four-fold increase over the last ten years. According to recent data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the United States witnessed a sharp rise in overdose-related deaths, surpassing other forms of substance abuse. From 2010 to the present day, the number of lives claimed by prescription pain pill overdoses has skyrocketed, illustrating a crisis often overshadowed by the public's focus on illicit substances.
The Root Causes
Understanding the root causes of this disturbing trend is essential to addressing the issue effectively. Several factors contribute to the rise in prescription pain pill overdoses. Firstly, overprescribing practices have created an abundance of pills in circulation, leaving patients vulnerable to misuse or accidental overdose. Inadequate education among healthcare professionals regarding pain management alternatives and the risks of opioid medications has further exacerbated the problem. Additionally, the aggressive marketing strategies employed by pharmaceutical companies have fueled the widespread use of prescription pain pills, often leading to dependence and addiction.
The Human Toll
Behind the statistics lie the heartbreaking stories of individuals and families devastated by prescription pain pill overdoses. Lives are shattered, futures erased, and communities are left grappling with the aftermath. The victims of these overdoses come from all walks of life, dispelling the myth that this crisis is limited to a specific demographic. It affects people of all ages, races, and socioeconomic backgrounds. The impact extends beyond the immediate loss of life, as survivors and their loved ones face long-lasting physical, emotional, and financial consequences.
Combating the Crisis
Addressing the prescription pain pill overdose crisis requires a multifaceted approach. The medical community plays a crucial role in promoting responsible prescribing practices and educating patients about the risks and benefits of pain medications. Enhanced training programs should equip healthcare professionals with alternative pain management strategies, empowering them to offer comprehensive care. Stricter regulations regarding prescription monitoring programs and limiting pill quantities can help prevent excess pills from entering the black market.
Furthermore, public awareness campaigns are essential to inform individuals about the risks associated with prescription pain pills and encourage safer medication use. These campaigns should emphasize the importance of properly disposing of unused medications and promote alternative pain management options, such as physical therapy, cognitive-behavioral therapy, and non-opioid medications.
Collaboration between healthcare providers, policymakers, and pharmaceutical companies is vital to implementing effective policies and regulations. Pharmaceutical companies should be held accountable for their marketing practices and incentivized to develop safer, non-addictive pain management alternatives.
Over the past decade, the quadrupling of prescription pain pill overdoses has been a harrowing trend that demands immediate action. By addressing the root causes, amplifying public awareness, and implementing comprehensive strategies, we can strive to reverse this epidemic. Our collective responsibility is to protect the well-being of individuals and communities, ensuring that access to pain relief does not come at the cost of human lives. Only through concerted efforts can we hope to alleviate the burden of prescription pain pill overdoses and forge a healthier future.
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paydayquid · 2 years
Short-Term Loans: Resolve Urgent Cash Needs Immediately
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It is impossible to foresee when an urgent crisis will arise. It can enter anyone's life at any time without knocking on their door. Financial emergencies that arise in the middle or near the end of the month are difficult to manage when funds are few. You need to set up additional financing in order to cover all of your unforeseen expenses. It is not always successful to ask friends and family for financial assistance. In these situations, the availability of short term loans direct lenders is a wonderful lifesaver.
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uboat53 · 2 years
All right, something has come up that has sparked a thought that I need to get out of my head. Specifically I need to tell you exactly why the "take care of yourself" individualistic approach we've adopted toward Covid and toward disease in general here in the United States is a terrible idea. LONG RANT (TM) time!
Recently, as you may have noticed if you have kid(s), infant/child Tylenol is in very short supply. It's not a coincidence that this is happening at the same time as outbreaks of RSV, Flu, and other respiratory and inflammatory illnesses are hitting kids hard and sending many of them to the hospital.
As far as the individualism, it's the general American idea that people should take care of themselves. We don't have a universal health insurance program, you have to buy it yourself (or, if you're lucky, get it through your work). We don't have a universal health care system either, people are asked to navigate a highly decentralized system of hospitals, urgent care centers, and private providers who may or may not be covered under their insurance; even the same provider for a different procedure.
Where these come together is in terms of drug distribution. You see, in many places if there was a shortage of a drug there would be a centralized system to collect and distribute it according to need. In our decentralized system, individuals are responsible for getting their own drugs.
So let's think of this in terms of market forces. If something is plentiful you're not going to worry about it; you'll just go out and get it when you need it. If the supply is restricted for some reason, or if you think it might be, you'll probably try to stock up when you have the chance to get it.
If enough people stock up on it who don't actually need it, they can actually end up causing exactly the problem that they fear. Enough people buying and stockpiling can create exactly the shortage that they were buying and stockpiling in order to protect themselves against. This is known as "panic buying".
Of course, if someone who hasn't pre-emptively stockpiled the thing needs it, they may be out of luck.
After several years where respiratory diseases weren't much of an issue due to measures taken against them (masks and social distancing worked guys!) they've suddenly come roaring back. RSV, Flu, Covid, and others are now hitting kids particularly hard for a number of reasons and have overwhelmed pediatric wards in much of the country.
Even kids who don't get sick enough to go to the hospital are still getting sick and their parents are doing what we all do, giving them cold and flu medication to help ease the illness. More importantly, parents whose kids are not sick (yet?) have heard of the shortage of kids cold and flu medication and are stocking up in case their own kid gets sick.
What this means is that there a lot of parents whose kids are sick who cannot get any medication for them while some parents whose kids are not sick have medication they are not using.
And I want to be clear, this is not the fault of any of those parents. I'm one of them, I have extra Tylenol in case my own kid gets sick. This is the fault of a system that shifts responsibility for a society-wide issue onto individuals.
Understanding the issue is best done by understanding some of the theory behind it.
Let's say that, in normal times, X amount of a good is made. When something happens to increase the demand for that good, those factories have to increase production to X+Y amount. This takes a certain amount of time. You have to secure additional raw materials, additional labor, and, if necessary, additional equipment.
In the meantime, while production gets up to speed, you encounter a potential shortage. If more people need the good than what was initially able to be produced and especially if, in addition to that increased demand, people who don't immediately need the good are stockpiling it in fear of a shortage, you can quickly run out of that good until such time as the factory or factories can increase output to meet the new demand.
In the case of something that isn't immediately necessary, this isn't terrible. If, for example, string cheese were the product in question, I think we'd all agree that it's okay and we can survive until production gets ramped up.
In the case of medication, however, this situation can literally cost lives. Children's Tylenol isn't exactly the kind of thing that will cause you to die immediately if you don't have it, but a lack of it will cause the symptoms of some children who don't get it to escalate to the point where they will need to go to the hospital when they otherwise wouldn't. Once at the hospital they will take up other resources which are also limited and which another child may die without. In other words, the lack of children's Tylenol is causing shortages of other goods which are more critical.
I should point out that none of this section is controversial, even those who promote market and individual solutions over government or centralized solutions acknowledge that these periods of adjustment occur under their proposed systems, they just believe that the benefits outweigh the costs. I simply disagree.
By making each American responsible for their own individual outcomes rather than making even the slightest effort at providing some form of centralized assistance we have created the conditions that lead to enormous market inefficiencies whenever a scarcity exists or even if one is feared to exist.
Ordinarily these are just annoyances, but when it comes to medication these inefficiencies can cost lives. There are some goods that simply need to be available when they are needed.
In a rational system we would acknowledge that some goods cannot be simply left to market forces, but our current system leaves us vulnerable to market swings when unexpected events force changes to supply and/or demand. In this way, our dedication to hyper-individualism is quite literally killing us and it would be wise of us to think about the things that we could make better instead of leaving each person to fend for themselves in a system that we know will kill some of them.
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jcmarchi · 23 hours
AI for health & networking: Christie Mealo's tech impact
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/ai-for-health-networking-christie-mealos-tech-impact/
AI for health & networking: Christie Mealo's tech impact
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My name is Christie Mealo, and I’m a Senior AI Engineering Manager at CVS Health, where I focus on AI-driven health products, primarily in the area of diabetes management. 
In addition to my work at CVS, I’m the founder of Orbit, an AI-powered contact book and networking app designed for value-based networking. 
I also lead the Philly Data & AI Meetup group, help guide the Philly Tech Committee, and serve as a chair on Philly iConnect. 
Through these roles, I’m deeply involved in organizing communities and events across Philadelphia and the larger East Coast, helping to foster collaboration and innovation in the tech space.
It’s been a crazy year for those in tech—what’s excited you most about recent developments?
It’s been an incredible year in tech, and what excites me most is how generative AI has significantly lowered barriers to entry and creativity for so many people. This technology is empowering individuals with new and novel ideas, allowing them to bring their visions to life in ways that were previously out of reach. 
I believe this will shake up the economy in a positive way, leading to the development of a lot of innovative products and introducing new competitors into the market. While we’re undoubtedly in the midst of a hype cycle—or perhaps only at the beginning—it’s thrilling to see where this will take us in the coming years.
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What role do you see generative AI playing across industries over the next 6-12 months, and where do you think it will have the biggest impact?
Generative AI is poised to significantly impact various industries over the next 6-12 months. While it’s clear that it will continue to transform fields like copywriting, advertising, and creative content, its influence is much broader.
On one hand, generative AI is incredibly exciting because it lowers barriers to entry for innovation and creativity. Tools like ChatGPT, Claude, Gemini, and GitHub Copilot are not only enabling individuals and smaller companies to bring novel ideas to market more quickly but are also optimizing workflows. Personally, these tools have streamlined my day-to-day work, saving me approximately 10 hours each week by automating routine tasks and enhancing productivity.
However, there are valid concerns about the impact of generative AI, particularly regarding its effect on the internet and the truth. As AI-generated content becomes more prevalent, there is a real risk of misinformation and the proliferation of fake information online. This not only threatens the integrity of the internet but also raises ethical questions that need urgent attention.
Interestingly, these challenges are creating new opportunities for AI ethics as a field. We’re likely to see significant job growth in areas focused on developing frameworks and tools to manage these risks, ensuring that AI is used responsibly and that the internet remains a trusted source of information.
While we are only getting started, the balance of benefits and challenges will ultimately shape the economic and social impact of generative AI. It’s an exciting time, but also one that demands careful consideration of the ethical implications.
How can companies effectively navigate the ethical considerations that come with the rapid advancements in AI technology? 
As an ex-McKinsey person myself, I feel compelled to steal some good advice and guidelines they have provided for this one:
Establish clear ethical guidelines: Companies should start by defining ethical principles that align with their values and business goals. These should cover critical areas such as bias and fairness, explainability, transparency, human oversight, data privacy, and security. For instance, ensuring that AI models do not inadvertently discriminate based on race, gender, or other protected characteristics is essential.
Implement human oversight and accountability: It’s important to have a “human in the loop” to oversee AI decisions, particularly in high-stakes scenarios like financial services or healthcare. This ensures that there is always a human judgment applied to AI outputs, which can help mitigate risks associated with AI decision-making.
Continuous monitoring and adaptation: Ethical AI isn’t a one-time effort. Companies should establish ongoing monitoring systems to track the performance and impact of AI models over time. This includes regular audits to check for biases or inaccuracies that might emerge as the AI system interacts with new data.
Educate and empower employees: Building a culture that supports ethical AI requires educating employees across the organization about the importance of these issues. Providing training on ethical AI practices and ensuring that teams are equipped with the necessary tools to implement these principles is crucial for long-term success.
Generative AI is a whole new ballgame, and we still have a lot to learn, but these pillars provide a good start.
What are you excited about at Generative AI Summit Toronto, and why is it important to get together with other leaders like this?
I’m really excited about the opportunity to connect with a diverse group of AI professionals and thought leaders at the Generative AI Summit in Toronto. 
The event will feature cutting-edge discussions on the latest advancements in generative AI, and I’m particularly looking forward to the workshops and panels that provide opportunities to interact directly with experts. It’s important to gather with other leaders in the field to share insights, foster collaboration, and drive innovation in this rapidly evolving space.
Christie will be moderating at AI Accelerator Institute’s Generative AI Summit Toronto.
Join us on Novevember 20, 2024.
Get your tickets below.
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oliviaphleb · 4 days
Opening Your Future: Top Phlebotomy Jobs in Orange County, CA
In today’s competitive job market, finding a career that ⁢offers stability, growth opportunities, and ‍a sense of fulfillment is crucial. One such field that‍ ticks all those boxes is phlebotomy. If you’re looking‌ to unlock your future with a rewarding career in⁤ Orange County, CA, then⁤ exploring the top ‌phlebotomy​ jobs in the area is a great place‌ to start.
Phlebotomy, the practice of drawing ​blood⁣ for medical testing, transfusions, donations, or ⁢research, is a⁤ critical part‌ of the healthcare industry. With the‌ demand for skilled⁢ phlebotomists on the⁢ rise, pursuing a career in this ​field can lead to promising job prospects and a steady income.
So, what are some of the top phlebotomy jobs in Orange County, CA? Let’s explore⁤ some of the leading healthcare facilities and organizations in the area where phlebotomists‌ are in⁣ high demand:
1. **Hospitals:** Hospitals are ⁣the primary employers of phlebotomists,⁣ offering a wide range ⁣of job opportunities in ‍Orange County. From large medical centers like Hoag Memorial ⁣Hospital Presbyterian and St. ⁣Joseph Hospital to smaller community ‌hospitals,‍ there are‌ plenty of positions ⁢available for skilled phlebotomists.
2. **Laboratories:** Clinical laboratories, such as Quest Diagnostics ⁤and LabCorp,⁢ also hire phlebotomists to ⁣collect blood samples and⁤ perform various lab​ tests.⁣ Working in a laboratory setting can provide opportunities for⁣ career advancement and⁢ specialization in areas like hematology, ⁤immunology, and microbiology.
3. **Outpatient Clinics:** Outpatient clinics, urgent care centers, and physician’s offices are other places where phlebotomists can find employment. These settings offer a ⁢more personalized and patient-focused approach to phlebotomy, ⁣making ⁢it ⁢a ⁤rewarding‌ experience for those who⁤ enjoy interacting with patients on a one-on-one‌ basis.
4. ​**Blood Banks:** Blood donation ​centers and blood banks,⁣ such as ‌the American Red Cross and the ‍Lifestream⁤ Blood Bank, rely ​on phlebotomists to collect ⁢blood ​donations from volunteer ⁤donors. Working in a‌ blood bank can be particularly fulfilling​ as you play a‍ vital role in saving ⁢lives through blood transfusions and donations.
Benefits of Pursuing​ a Phlebotomy Career in Orange County, CA:
1. **Job Security:** The healthcare industry is known for its ‌stability, and phlebotomy⁢ is ⁢no exception. With an aging population​ and advancements in medical technology, the demand for phlebotomists is expected to grow in the coming years.
2. **Competitive Salaries:** Phlebotomists⁤ in Orange⁣ County can earn competitive salaries, with the average annual wage ⁤ranging from‌ $35,000 to $45,000, depending on experience and qualifications.
3. **Flexibility:** Phlebotomy offers ‍flexible work schedules, allowing you to choose between full-time,⁣ part-time, or per diem positions. This flexibility ‍is especially beneficial for those who are looking to balance work with other commitments.
Practical Tips for ⁣Landing a Top Phlebotomy Job in⁢ Orange County, CA:
1. **Get Certified:** Although certification is not ​always⁣ required, having a phlebotomy certification from an accredited program can enhance your job prospects and credibility as ‌a phlebotomist.
2. **Gain Experience:** Consider starting with‌ an entry-level position⁢ or‌ volunteering at a‍ healthcare facility to gain practical experience and build your skills as a phlebotomist.
3. **Network:** Attend job fairs, healthcare conferences, ⁢and networking events to connect ⁣with potential employers⁢ and ⁢industry professionals in Orange ⁣County.
unlocking your future with a phlebotomy ⁣career in Orange County,⁣ CA⁣ can open doors⁣ to a ⁤fulfilling and lucrative profession in the healthcare industry. By exploring the top phlebotomy jobs in the ⁢area, pursuing certification, gaining⁤ practical experience, ⁢and networking​ with industry professionals,⁢ you can set yourself ​up for ⁢success in this in-demand field. Whether⁣ you choose to‌ work in a hospital, laboratory, ⁢outpatient clinic, or blood bank, the opportunities for growth and advancement as a phlebotomist in Orange​ County are endless. Start your journey today and‌ embark on a rewarding ‌career path as⁤ a phlebotomy professional in Orange ‌County, CA.
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Global Medical Equipment Rental Market 2024: Market Share, Outlook, Future Growth
The global medical equipment rental market, valued at USD 58.57 billion in 2023, is projected to grow steadily at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 5.85% from 2024 to 2032, reaching USD 97.69 billion by the end of the forecast period. The surge in demand for cost-effective healthcare solutions, coupled with the increasing need for advanced medical devices, is fueling the growth of this market.
Medical equipment rental services allow healthcare providers to access essential medical devices without the high upfront costs of purchasing. These rental services cover a wide range of equipment, including imaging devices, respiratory machines, hospital beds, mobility aids, and surgical instruments, among others. As the demand for healthcare services continues to rise globally, medical equipment rental is becoming an increasingly attractive option for hospitals, clinics, and home care providers.
Key Growth Drivers
Cost Efficiency and Flexibility: One of the primary drivers of the medical equipment rental market is the cost advantage it offers healthcare providers. Purchasing medical equipment can be prohibitively expensive, especially for small- to mid-sized healthcare facilities. Renting medical equipment enables these organizations to access high-quality devices at a fraction of the cost, reducing capital expenditure and financial strain. Additionally, the flexibility to upgrade or switch to newer technologies without being tied down to long-term ownership is another compelling benefit.
Aging Population and Chronic Disease Prevalence: The growing global geriatric population and the rising prevalence of chronic diseases, such as diabetes, cardiovascular conditions, and respiratory disorders, are contributing to the increased demand for medical equipment. Elderly patients often require long-term care and assistive devices, which can be rented for home care or temporary usage in hospitals. The rise in chronic diseases has also led to a surge in the need for diagnostic and monitoring equipment, driving demand for rental services in both hospital and home care settings.
Post-Pandemic Impact on Healthcare Infrastructure: The COVID-19 pandemic highlighted the importance of accessible medical equipment and emphasized the need for flexible healthcare infrastructure. During the pandemic, healthcare facilities faced unprecedented demand for ventilators, oxygen therapy machines, and other life-saving devices. Medical equipment rental services provided essential support during this period, helping hospitals meet urgent needs. Post-pandemic, the focus on preparedness for future health crises is expected to sustain demand for rental services as hospitals seek to maintain operational flexibility.
Technological Advancements: The rapid advancement of medical technology also plays a significant role in driving the medical equipment rental market. Newer models and innovations are frequently introduced, making it financially impractical for healthcare providers to constantly invest in the latest equipment. By renting medical devices, healthcare facilities can access state-of-the-art technology without being burdened by ownership costs. This ensures that patients receive the best possible care with the latest advancements in medical technology.
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Challenges and Opportunities
While the medical equipment rental market is growing, challenges such as regulatory hurdles and maintenance requirements may pose obstacles. Ensuring that rented equipment meets stringent quality and safety standards is critical for market players. Additionally, companies offering rental services must invest in regular maintenance and calibration to ensure optimal functionality.
However, the rise of home healthcare and the increasing demand for patient-centric care offer significant opportunities for the market. With more patients opting for at-home treatment and care, the demand for rental equipment like mobility aids, respiratory devices, and monitoring systems is on the rise. This shift towards home-based care opens new avenues for growth in the rental market.
Regional Insights
North America currently leads the medical equipment rental market, driven by a well-established healthcare infrastructure and a high prevalence of chronic diseases. The U.S. healthcare system’s emphasis on cost-effective solutions is expected to continue driving the demand for rental services. Europe follows closely, with growing investments in healthcare infrastructure and an aging population.
Meanwhile, the Asia-Pacific region is expected to witness the fastest growth during the forecast period. Increasing healthcare investments, rising awareness of advanced medical technologies, and expanding access to healthcare services are boosting demand for rental services in countries like China, India, and Japan.
Future Outlook
As healthcare systems worldwide continue to evolve and emphasize cost-effective, flexible solutions, the medical equipment rental market is set to experience steady growth over the next decade. With a projected CAGR of 5.85%, the market will expand from USD 58.57 billion in 2023 to USD 97.69 billion by 2032. Advances in medical technology, the shift towards home healthcare, and the growing demand for affordable healthcare services are expected to be key drivers of this market expansion.
In conclusion, the global medical equipment rental market is well-positioned for growth, offering a sustainable, cost-effective solution to healthcare providers. As technology evolves and healthcare demands increase, rental services will play a pivotal role in ensuring access to high-quality medical devices across the globe.
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Courier Services in Hertfordshire: A Key Offering by VSL Logistics
Hertfordshire, a county rich in history and strategically located in the South East of England, serves as a vital hub for businesses of all sizes. Whether it's small local enterprises or large national corporations, the need for efficient, reliable, and flexible courier services in this region is paramount. VSL Logistics is here to meet these demands, offering tailored courier solutions that cater to the unique needs of Hertfordshire’s thriving business landscape.
Why Hertfordshire Is a Prime Location for Courier Services
Hertfordshire’s strategic proximity to London, major motorways such as the M1 and M25, and key airports like London Heathrow and Luton, makes it a crucial location for fast, cost-effective delivery solutions. Many businesses in Hertfordshire rely on timely deliveries to maintain operations, whether they are in manufacturing, retail, or other service sectors. This is where VSL Logistics comes in, offering seamless courier services designed to optimize both speed and reliability.
VSL Logistics: Meeting Hertfordshire’s Business Needs
At VSL Logistics, we understand that each business in Hertfordshire has unique delivery needs. Whether it's same-day delivery, next-day delivery, or international shipments, our courier services are flexible enough to adapt to varying demands.
1. Same-Day Delivery Services
For urgent deliveries that need to reach their destination within hours, VSL Logistics offers efficient same-day courier services. This service is perfect for time-sensitive deliveries, whether it's crucial documents, medical supplies, or retail orders. Our local knowledge ensures that we can navigate Hertfordshire’s roads quickly and avoid delays, ensuring that your package reaches its destination on time.
2. Next-Day Delivery
For businesses that may not require the immediate urgency of same-day services but still need reliable, next-day delivery options, we provide an effective solution. Our next-day service ensures your parcels are collected, processed, and delivered with care, maintaining the high level of customer satisfaction that businesses in Hertfordshire depend on.
3. International Courier Solutions
Hertfordshire’s businesses are increasingly global, and VSL Logistics offers international courier services to cater to this expanding market. Whether shipping across Europe or worldwide, our international courier network ensures smooth and timely deliveries, helping businesses in Hertfordshire stay competitive on the global stage.
Why Choose VSL Logistics for Your Courier Needs?
VSL Logistics offers more than just transportation services; we provide efficiency, cost savings, and peace of mind. Our local expertise in Hertfordshire allows us to understand the specific logistics challenges faced by businesses in the county. We combine this knowledge with cutting-edge technology and a dedicated team to ensure that your deliveries are handled with precision.
Reliable Tracking: Stay informed with real-time tracking of your deliveries, ensuring transparency at every stage of the process.
Flexible Solutions: Whether your delivery needs are local or international, urgent or routine, we have the right service to meet your requirements.
Customer Support: Our dedicated customer service team is available to assist with any queries, ensuring that you receive the support needed to keep your business running smoothly.
Sustainability in Logistics
At VSL Logistics, we are also committed to reducing our environmental impact. Hertfordshire, with its picturesque countryside and commitment to sustainability, aligns with our goal to integrate greener solutions into our courier services. Our fleet includes eco-friendly vehicles, and we are constantly exploring innovative ways to reduce emissions while maintaining top-notch service quality.
For businesses in Hertfordshire, partnering with VSL Logistics means choosing a courier service that understands the local landscape, prioritizes reliability, and offers a range of solutions tailored to your needs. Whether you’re looking for same-day delivery, next-day solutions, or international shipping, we are here to help your business thrive by ensuring your packages are delivered efficiently and cost-effectively.
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7 Reasons to Choose DHL Express Courier for Festival Deliveries.
1. Unparalleled Global Network and Local Expertise
When it comes to festival deliveries, selecting the correct courier service can make all the difference in getting your gifts and items delivered on time and in pristine shape. DHL Express courier stands out as a top choice, particularly for those looking for dependable DHL Express courier services near Mumbai, Maharashtra. DHL's extensive global network, which spans over 220 countries and territories, allows it to handle packages of all sizes and sorts. What distinguishes DHL is not only its global presence but also its extensive knowledge of local markets.
2. State-of-the-Art Tracking and Real-Time Updates
In today's fast-paced world, staying informed about your package's progress is critical, especially when shipping holiday gifts. Sending parcels by DHL Express excels in this area, providing cutting-edge tracking technology that allows you to trace your shipment's journey in real-time. This function is handy for individuals using DHL express courier services near Mumbai, Maharashtra, where traffic and logistical issues occasionally arise. DHL's tracking system is user-friendly.
You can get up-to-date information on your package's location, projected delivery time, and any delays. Customers can quickly find a DHL express courier near my contact number to receive specialized updates or resolve any issues. This level of transparency and communication provides peace of mind, allowing you to concentrate on the joy of giving rather than worrying about the status of your holiday delivery.
3. Customized Solutions for Festival Rush
Festivals in India, particularly in bustling cities such as Mumbai, are recognized for their grandeur and an increase in gift exchange. DHL Express courier understands the unique demands of festival seasons and provides personalized solutions to satisfy them. For individuals looking for a dependable DHL express courier near Mumbai, Maharashtra, the company offers customized services to accommodate the increased number and variety of festive goods. From delicate traditional delicacies to massive home decoration items,
DHL has the expertise to package and carry a wide range of holiday items. The company also provides flexible pickup and delivery choices, recognizing that senders and recipients may have hectic schedules during the festival season. By selecting a DHL express courier near me with a readily available contact number, customers may arrange for appropriate pickup times or rerouted deliveries, ensuring that logistical barriers do not dampen the holiday spirit.
4. Express Delivery Options for Last-Minute Gifting
We've all been there—realizing at the last minute that we neglected to send a present to a loved one for a forthcoming festival. This is where DHL Express courier truly shines, with its quick delivery alternatives that can save the day. For residents in and around Mumbai looking for a DHL express courier near me with a phone number, the organization offers same-day and next-day delivery options for urgent items. These quick choices are ideal for last-minute gifting, ensuring that your thoughtful gifts arrive in time for the festivities.
DHL's broad network in Maharashtra means that even if you're looking for a DHL express courier near Mumbai to deliver to a neighboring city, you can expect prompt and dependable service. The company's commitment to speed does not mean sacrificing care, as even the most time-sensitive parcels are handled with the utmost care to maintain their festive beauty.
5. Eco-Friendly Initiatives for Sustainable Celebrations
In recent years, there has been an increased concern about the environmental impact of our celebrations and consumption patterns. DHL courier services has made tremendous progress in resolving these challenges, making it an excellent alternative for eco-conscious customers. When you choose a DHL express courier in Mumbai, Maharashtra, you are supporting a service that is dedicated to reducing its carbon footprint.
The company has implemented numerous eco-friendly initiatives, including the use of electric vehicles for last-mile deliveries in urban areas like Mumbai, as well as sustainable packaging options. For those who prioritize green practices, finding a DHL express courier near me with a contact number allows you to discuss eco-friendly shipping options for your festival deliveries. By choosing DHL, you're not just ensuring timely delivery of your festive gifts, but also contributing to more sustainable celebrations that future generations can enjoy.
6. Enhanced Security Measures for Valuable Festive Packages
Festivals frequently feature the exchanging of significant gifts, ranging from priceless jewelry to expensive equipment. When shipping such things, security is critical. DHL Express courier provides increased security measures for both senders and recipients. DHL express courier services near Mumbai, Maharashtra, provide access to superior packaging choices, secure handling techniques, and insurance alternatives for high-value items.
The organization implements cutting-edge security mechanisms throughout the shipping process, from pickup to delivery. Furthermore, finding a DHL express courier near me with a contact number enables consumers to arrange speciality services such as signature-required delivery or discrete packing for surprise gifts. These security safeguards ensure that your valuable festival items reach their intended recipients securely while preserving the element of surprise and excitement that comes with gift-giving.
7. Exceptional Customer Service and Support
The actual test of a courier service is frequently when problems develop or consumers require assistance. DHL Express courier distinguishes itself with excellent customer service and assistance, which is especially important during the hectic festive season. Customers in Mumbai and neighboring areas benefit from having access to a DHL express courier near me with a contact number, ensuring that immediate support is only a phone call away. Whether you need assistance monitoring a delayed parcel, learning about customs restrictions for foreign festival presents, or making last-minute modifications to your delivery instructions, DHL's customer support team is prepared to address a wide range of inquiries effectively.
The company's dedication to customer satisfaction goes beyond simple problem handling; they seek to provide a good experience that complements the celebratory character of festival delivery. By selecting a DHL express courier near Mumbai, Maharashtra, you are not just selecting a delivery service but also a partner in ensuring that your festive gestures arrive safely and on schedule.
Trade Link International is proud to offer DHL express courier services for all your international parcel needs. As a trusted partner of DHL, one of the world's leading courier companies, we provide fast, reliable, and secure shipping solutions to destinations worldwide.
Our partnership with DHL allows us to leverage their extensive global network, ensuring your packages reach even the most remote corners of the world efficiently. Whether you're sending important documents, commercial goods, or personal items, Trade Link International's DHL express service guarantees
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rentalsdirect4u · 12 days
Reliable Van Rentals in Suffolk with 24/7 Recovery by Rentals Direct LTD
When it comes to finding dependable van rentals in Suffolk, Rentals Direct Ltd stands out as a premier option for both individuals and businesses. Whether you're planning a home move, transporting goods for your business, or simply need a vehicle for a short-term project, Rentals Direct Ltd offers a comprehensive solution tailored to meet your needs. Their commitment to customer satisfaction and reliability sets them apart in the competitive van hire market.
One of the key features that customers appreciate is the extensive fleet of vehicles available for local van hire. Rentals Direct Ltd provides a range of vans, from compact models perfect for city driving to larger commercial vehicles designed for heavier loads. This versatility makes it easy for customers to select the right vehicle for their specific requirements, ensuring a seamless rental experience. Additionally, the booking process is straightforward, allowing customers to reserve their chosen vehicle with minimal hassle.
Beyond the variety of vehicles, Rentals Direct Ltd is recognized for its exceptional 24/7 vehicle recovery service. This feature is crucial for those who rely on their rental vehicles for business operations or urgent personal needs. In the event of a breakdown or emergency, customers can count on the company's round-the-clock support, ensuring they are never left stranded. This level of service not only enhances the peace of mind for renters but also reflects Rentals Direct Ltd’s commitment to reliability and customer care.
For businesses looking for commercial vehicle rental options, Rentals Direct Ltd offers tailored solutions that can adapt to the fluctuating demands of operations. Whether you need a vehicle for a day, a week, or even longer, the company provides flexible rental terms that accommodate various business needs. This flexibility allows companies to manage their logistics efficiently without the burden of long-term commitments or the overhead costs associated with maintaining a fleet of vehicles.
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Moreover, Rentals Direct Ltd prides itself on maintaining their vehicles to the highest standards. Each van undergoes regular maintenance checks and thorough inspections before being rented out, ensuring that customers receive a vehicle that is not only reliable but also safe to drive. This focus on vehicle quality is particularly important for local businesses that depend on their transportation solutions to uphold their reputation and meet customer expectations.
In addition to their impressive range of vehicles and exceptional service, Rentals Direct Ltd is deeply rooted in the Suffolk community. They understand the local landscape and the unique needs of their customers, which enables them to provide personalized service. This local expertise enhances the overall rental experience, as customers feel valued and understood.
Whether you require local van hire for a weekend project or a commercial vehicle rental for an extended period, Rentals Direct Ltd is equipped to meet your demands with professionalism and efficiency. Their 24/7 vehicle recovery service further underscores their commitment to customer satisfaction, ensuring that you are supported at all hours of the day or night.
In conclusion, Rentals Direct Ltd emerges as a top choice for reliable van rentals in Suffolk. With a diverse fleet, flexible rental options, and a dedicated recovery service, they offer an unbeatable combination of convenience and peace of mind. For those in need of a trustworthy partner in transportation, Rentals Direct Ltd is the ideal solution, serving both individual and commercial needs with excellence.
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conniephleb · 12 days
Discover Lucrative Phlebotomy Jobs in Springfield MA: Your Guide to Thriving in the Healthcare Industry
Title: Discover Lucrative Phlebotomy⁤ Jobs⁢ in Springfield MA: Your Guide ⁣to Thriving in the Healthcare Industry
Introduction: Are you considering‍ a career in healthcare and⁢ looking for lucrative job opportunities in the ​Springfield, MA area? ​If ⁤so, phlebotomy might be⁢ the perfect fit for you. Phlebotomy is a critical healthcare ‍profession‍ that⁢ involves drawing blood​ from patients for diagnostic ⁢testing, transfusions, donations,⁤ or research. As the demand for skilled phlebotomists‌ continues‌ to rise, there are plenty ⁢of exciting job opportunities ⁢in Springfield, MA, and beyond. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the world of phlebotomy jobs in Springfield, MA, and provide you with valuable insights on‌ how to thrive in this rewarding healthcare industry.
Benefits of⁤ Pursuing a Career in Phlebotomy: Before diving into the details of phlebotomy ‍jobs ​in Springfield, MA, let’s ​first discuss‍ some of‍ the benefits of pursuing a career‌ in this field:
1. High Demand: As the healthcare industry continues to grow, there⁢ is a⁤ constant need for skilled phlebotomists ⁤to perform ‌blood draws ​and other related tasks. 2. Competitive Salaries: Phlebotomy offers​ competitive salaries, with opportunities⁢ for ⁢growth ​and⁤ advancement. 3. Job Stability: Phlebotomy is a stable and secure career choice, as blood draws are a crucial part of healthcare diagnostics. 4. Flexibility: Many phlebotomy jobs offer flexible⁢ hours and the ‌ability to work in a variety of healthcare ‌settings. 5. Personal Fulfillment: Working⁣ as a phlebotomist​ allows you to make⁤ a difference in patients’ lives by helping to diagnose and treat illnesses.
Phlebotomy‍ Jobs​ in Springfield, MA: Now, let’s dive into the‍ world of phlebotomy jobs in Springfield,​ MA. Here are some of the key locations where you can find‍ lucrative job opportunities in the area:
1. Hospitals: Hospitals in Springfield, MA, such as Baystate Medical Center and Mercy Medical Center, are often in‍ need of skilled phlebotomists to perform blood draws for patients. 2. Clinics: Medical clinics​ and urgent care ‌centers throughout Springfield also hire‌ phlebotomists to assist with⁤ diagnostic​ testing and patient care. 3.‌ Laboratories: Clinical laboratories and research facilities in the ‍area ⁢require phlebotomists to collect and process ​blood samples for testing and analysis. 4. Blood‌ Donation Centers: Organizations like the American Red Cross and local blood⁢ donation centers rely on⁢ phlebotomists to collect blood donations from volunteers.
Practical ⁤Tips for Thriving in the Healthcare Industry: To succeed in the ​competitive‌ world of phlebotomy jobs in⁢ Springfield, MA, consider the following practical tips:
1. Earn Certification: Pursue certification​ through organizations‍ like the ⁢American Society of Phlebotomy Technicians to ⁣enhance your skills and marketability. 2. Gain Experience: Seek out internships ⁣or volunteer opportunities to gain hands-on experience in phlebotomy and build your professional network. 3. ‍Network: Attend industry events, job fairs, and professional conferences to‌ connect with other‌ phlebotomists and potential employers. 4. ​Stay⁤ Updated: Stay current with advancements⁢ in phlebotomy techniques, equipment, and regulations to remain competitive in the field. 5. Develop Soft Skills: Improve your communication, empathy, and customer ⁣service skills to provide quality care to patients.
Conclusion: phlebotomy is a rewarding⁢ and in-demand career path with plenty of lucrative job opportunities in Springfield, MA, and beyond. By following the tips outlined in this guide and pursuing certification and experience in ⁤the field, you can thrive in‍ the ⁣healthcare industry‍ as a‌ skilled phlebotomist. Whether you choose to work in ⁢a hospital, clinic, ⁢laboratory, or blood donation center, phlebotomy offers a ⁣fulfilling ‌career with opportunities for growth and personal‍ development. Start your journey to success in phlebotomy jobs in‌ Springfield, MA today and make a positive ‌impact ⁤on the lives of patients in need.
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militantis · 13 days
How to Choose Reliable Medical Equipment Suppliers in UK?
Choosing the right medical equipment suppliers in UK can be a daunting task, given the sheer number of options available. It's important to prioritize suppliers who offer certified, high-quality products that meet UK and EU regulations. One key factor is the supplier's ability to offer a broad range of medical devices, from life-saving equipment to everyday consumables. Trusted suppliers often have strong relationships with manufacturers, enabling them to offer the latest in medical technology, ensuring healthcare professionals have access to cutting-edge tools and equipment. Many medical equipment suppliers in UK also provide added services such as leasing, training, and technical support, ensuring healthcare facilities can maximize the benefits of their equipment. Customer service and timely delivery are also essential, as delays in equipment can directly impact patient care. Comparing reviews, testimonials, and certifications can help in narrowing down the best suppliers.
Custom Solutions from Medical Equipment Suppliers in UK
Many medical equipment suppliers in UK offer customized solutions to meet the specific needs of healthcare providers. Whether it's tailoring equipment to fit a particular space or developing bespoke tools for specialized procedures, these suppliers ensure that their clients have the right equipment for their unique requirements.
Role of Medical Equipment Suppliers in UK During the Pandemic
During the COVID-19 pandemic, medical equipment suppliers in UK played a crucial role in supplying essential items like ventilators, PPE, and testing kits. Their ability to quickly ramp up production and distribution helped the healthcare system respond to the surge in demand, saving countless lives during the crisis.
Choosing the Best Medical Equipment Suppliers in UK for Your Needs
When selecting medical equipment suppliers in UK, it's important to consider factors like product quality, range, and after-sales support. Reading reviews, checking certifications, and comparing services can help you find a supplier that meets your specific needs. A trusted supplier ensures that your healthcare facility operates smoothly and efficiently.
How Medical Equipment Suppliers in UK Handle Distribution?
Distribution logistics are a key component of the service provided by medical equipment suppliers in UK. Efficient supply chains ensure that medical devices reach healthcare facilities promptly, reducing the risk of stock shortages. These suppliers work with reliable couriers and have streamlined processes to meet urgent demands.
The Future of Medical Equipment Suppliers in UK
The future of medical equipment suppliers in UK looks promising as technology continues to advance. Suppliers are expected to integrate more AI-powered devices, robotic surgery tools, and telemedicine equipment. These innovations will revolutionize healthcare delivery, offering more precise diagnostics and treatments.
How Medical Equipment Suppliers in UK Contribute to Patient Safety?
By providing high-quality, certified equipment, medical equipment suppliers in UK directly contribute to patient safety. Reliable medical tools help healthcare providers diagnose and treat patients accurately, reducing the risk of errors. Suppliers also offer training and maintenance services to ensure equipment is used correctly.
Key Players Among Medical Equipment Suppliers in UK
Several major medical equipment suppliers in UK dominate the market, offering comprehensive portfolios of products and services. These key players have established reputations for delivering quality products, reliable customer service, and innovative solutions. Working with top-tier suppliers ensures that healthcare facilities can operate with the best tools available.
To sum up, medical equipment suppliers in UK play an indispensable role in maintaining the efficiency and quality of healthcare services. Their ability to provide compliant, certified, and high-quality medical devices ensures the safety and well-being of both healthcare professionals and patients. By working with the best medical equipment suppliers in UK, healthcare institutions can access the latest innovations and benefit from reliable, long-lasting medical equipment that supports optimal patient care outcomes.
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laraphleb · 16 days
Finding Phlebotomist Opportunities in Las Vegas: Your Path to a Rewarding Career
Title: Discovering Phlebotomist Opportunities in Las Vegas: Your Path to a Rewarding Career
Meta Title: Explore Phlebotomist Opportunities in Las Vegas for a Fulfilling Career
Meta Description: Looking to start a career as a phlebotomist in Las Vegas? Discover the various opportunities available in ‌the city⁤ and learn how to kickstart your path to a rewarding​ career⁢ in the healthcare industry.
If you’re considering a ​career in ⁢the‍ healthcare industry and have a passion for patient care and working ‌directly with ‌individuals, becoming a phlebotomist ‌could⁢ be the perfect fit‍ for you. ⁣As a phlebotomist, you will be responsible for drawing blood samples from patients for ‌medical testing, transfusions, donations, or research ⁢purposes. Las Vegas, a vibrant and diverse city, offers a multitude of opportunities for aspiring phlebotomists to kickstart their careers.
In this article, ⁣we will explore the​ various phlebotomist opportunities available in Las Vegas, the ‌benefits of pursuing a⁢ career in this field, as well as practical tips on how to enter this rewarding profession.
Phlebotomist Opportunities in Las Vegas:
Las Vegas, known for its bustling healthcare industry, offers‍ a‍ plethora of opportunities for individuals‌ interested in pursuing ⁢a⁢ career as a phlebotomist. Whether you’re looking to work in hospitals, clinics, diagnostic laboratories, or blood banks, Las Vegas has a high demand for skilled phlebotomists ​to support its growing healthcare ​sector.
Here are some common places where⁤ you ​can find phlebotomist opportunities in Las Vegas:
– Hospitals: Major medical facilities in Las Vegas, such as Sunrise Hospital and Medical Center, University Medical⁢ Center, and ⁣Desert Springs Hospital Medical Center, often have openings for phlebotomists⁤ to work⁣ in various departments.
– Clinics: Private medical⁣ clinics ⁣and urgent care centers throughout Las⁤ Vegas regularly hire phlebotomists to⁢ assist with blood sample collection and patient care.
– Diagnostic Laboratories: Laboratories like Quest ‍Diagnostics ⁢and LabCorp have branches in ‍Las Vegas and require phlebotomists to collect‍ and process⁣ blood samples for testing.
– Blood ​Banks: Organizations like ‌United Blood Services and American Red Cross operate blood donation centers ‍in Las ⁣Vegas and seek phlebotomists ​to conduct blood donation procedures.
Benefits of Pursuing a Career as a Phlebotomist:
– Job Stability: The healthcare‌ industry is constantly growing, and‍ there is a high demand ⁣for skilled ⁢phlebotomists in Las Vegas and beyond.
– Fulfilling Work: Phlebotomists play‌ a crucial role in the healthcare system ​by ensuring accurate blood sample collection for diagnostic ⁢purposes, making a direct ⁤impact on ⁤patient care.
-‍ Competitive Salary: Phlebotomists in Las Vegas can ​earn competitive salaries, with opportunities for advancement and professional​ growth.
– Flexible⁢ Hours: Many healthcare facilities in Las Vegas ⁤offer flexible scheduling options for ‍phlebotomists, allowing for a good work-life ‍balance.
Practical Tips for Aspiring⁤ Phlebotomists:
– Obtain the Necessary Education and Training: To ​become ⁣a certified phlebotomist in⁣ Las Vegas, you will need to complete a phlebotomy training program and​ pass a certification‍ exam.
– Gain‌ Hands-On Experience: Consider volunteering or seeking internships at ​healthcare facilities in Las Vegas to gain practical experience in blood collection techniques.
– Network with Professionals:‌ Attend industry events, job fairs, and networking sessions to connect with experienced phlebotomists and potential employers in Las Vegas.
– Stay Updated on Industry Trends: Keep up-to-date with the latest advancements in ⁣phlebotomy techniques and technologies to enhance your skills and⁣ marketability.
Embarking on⁤ a career as a phlebotomist in Las Vegas can lead to a fulfilling and rewarding profession in the healthcare industry. With a high demand for skilled phlebotomists in various ​healthcare settings, Las Vegas offers ample opportunities for individuals looking to enter this dynamic ⁤field. By pursuing the ⁢necessary education and training, gaining hands-on experience, networking with professionals, and‍ staying updated on industry trends, you can pave your way ⁣to a successful career as a phlebotomist in Las Vegas.
Whether you choose⁤ to work in hospitals, clinics, diagnostic laboratories, or blood banks, the diverse healthcare landscape of Las Vegas provides a promising environment for phlebotomists to ‍thrive and make a positive impact on⁣ patient care. Start your journey towards a rewarding career as a phlebotomist‍ in ‍Las Vegas today!
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