#Ushiromiya Rosa
3amsoda · 5 months
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ushiromiya rosa
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crocrubies · 7 days
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a little obsessed with the umineko moms </3
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rosebunnys · 5 months
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unholy communion in honour of the broken child
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mutyatelier · 9 months
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thank you for the requests over @ twitter :3
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jorrated · 8 months
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hate her
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jichanxo · 4 months
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redraw of an umineko piece from 2019 (original under the cut)
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this one was drawn/lined traditionally, then coloured digitally. the redraw is all digital.
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mossyolk · 9 months
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filthyliremain · 5 months
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oh wow who couldve guessed i have an umineko brainrot now
og design ref
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nxtequal · 17 hours
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my final message
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jaldrah · 2 months
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ifuckingloveherpes · 2 years
Nothing to uu about today
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Currently considering the level of trauma that Rosa suffered in her early childhood, and a really weird headcanon(?) that my brain came up with. Specifically, her trauma pertaining to Beatrice and her siblings.
Then weird kind-of parallels between Beatrice’s incident and the destruction of her stuffed rabbit, Uu-tan, at the hands of Rudolf.
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Spoilers for Banquet of the Golden Witch (Ep3 of Umineko) below.
Starting point was wondering if Uu-tan was ripped up before or after the incident. I think it was before, since she looks younger in the manga panels of Twilight, and mentions fearing the witch of the forest, but I’m not sure? In the manga, beat up as poor Uu-tan seems, I think Rosa did try to fix them, though.
I'll try my best to be somewhat coherent. Going back to 1967 for this.
Rosa…literally saw this girl she’d just met, a girl who was noticeably naive and had little concept of danger, just a little bit older than her, literally plummet over thirty feet to her death.
The lines in the VN make it clear, too, that Rosa ran down to ask if Beatrice was alright. That she stayed by Beatrice’s side for a while, shaking her corpse and trying to get her to react, all the while watching as blood and brain matter seeped from the elder girl’s broken skull and wouldn’t stop.
Beatrice died with her eyes open, too - so Rosa would have been staring down at the unfaltering literal death stare of a young woman she had literally just been speaking to, and trying to get her to move and react to see if she was okay.
The manga panels of Beatrice’s body after the fall were horrifying to look at, the first time I saw them. It makes sense, considering just how far she fell, but - imagine a child seeing that? Especially the way her fingers were bent?
I...am not going to put a photo of Beatrice's body here, solely for peace of my own mind.
Rosa was in middle school at the time. At the youngest, she could have been 12. The eldest she could have been was 15. Her birthday falls in June, but I don’t think we’re ever given any indication when in the year the incident happened.
My really morbid thought was that, maybe Rosa grew more dependent on her toys - especially Uu-tan - due to the trauma of witnessing Beatrice’s death (this is probably more likely if Uu-tan had been ripped up after the incident, but my line of thought is that Rosa still clung to them some time after trying to repair them).
It’s noted multiple times throughout the VN, especially in Turn, that there is a sizable age difference between Rosa and her elder siblings. They didn’t get along with Rosa, because she was so young and additionally, their own trauma and aspirations - if anything, they took their trauma and abuse out on her.
Krauss used to take her toys as punishment for things she didn’t remember doing, Eva would lie and trick her, and Rudolf would do both but make it ten times worse for Rosa, because Krauss and Eva were just as awful to him, and he could take it on on Rosa. And this is just the simplified rundown of the situation, doesn’t even touch on the full complexity of the layers of abuse and trauma that eventually are brought to bear their weight on Rosa’s shoulders.
On top of being unable to reach out to her elder siblings, Rosa lives and is brought up on an isolated island. She likely went to school off-island and made friends there, but it’s a known fact that Rokkenjima could be a difficult island to reach, despite its small size, even if a small amount of wind picked up.
Rosa has no close neighbors, no easy way of conversing with friends from school or visiting their houses. The closest she might have had for companions were the servants hired to work in the mansion.
This is what, similarly to her daughter Maria in the next generation, led Rosa to be reliant on the toys she owned for friends and company. Namely, her stuffed rabbit Uu-tan.
I’m not exactly sure about the scenario, but I think that Rosa only ever mentioned what happened to Genji - and that was to tell him about Beatrice’s fall. I think she was even told not to mention it to anyone else?
She couldn’t talk to her siblings about it, definitely couldn’t talk to her parents about it, so who else did she have to turn to, but her stuffed animals and dolls?
In the manga, Uu-tan literally had their head and arm ripped straight off by Rudolf. Their stomach was also torn open. It's some hardcore gore, even for a plushie. Which is my brain must have tied then to Beatrice.
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In Twilight of the Golden Witch, when Rosa and Maria are hiding in Rosa's old room, Rosa actually finds Uu-tan on accident - and this is what I meant when I mentioned it looked like someone had tried to put them back together. Uu-tan's arm and head were reconnected to the body, and the stomach sewn up a little bit. Badly, as stuffing was still leaking out, some several decades later - but someone had tried to fix Uu-tan. They even had a little bandage around a leg,
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My first morbid line of thought was that if Uu-tan had been ripped apart after Beatrice's death, it would have been made ten times worse by the fact that Rosa had already seen another person die from brutal head trauma, and something like seeing Uu-tan's head getting ripped off just made me think about Beatrice's fall.
If Uu-tan was ripped apart beforehand, and Rosa had tried to sew them back together, I imagined the comparison of Uu-tan's damaged body - despite the best repair efforts - and the leaking stuffing to the appearance of Beatrice's corpse post-fall.
The imagery is stuck in my brain, I swear. don't know if this makes much sense, but my brain won't drop it, so I decided to post about it. Literally has no bearing on the actual story, except for additional trauma for Rosa which...isn't good for anybody.
I'd call this self-indulgent rambling, but really this is just very morbid thoughts rambling which came to haunt me at one in the morning.
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metalsnowflakes · 11 months
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Umitober2023 Day 29: Mother
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ushiromiyacestcentral · 4 months
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An funny Rosa ushiromiya meme
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8bitsupervillain · 1 year
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Got my stickers of some of the fabulous women from Umineko today. Done by the wonderful @blunemone
They look really nice on my laptop, and fit the one square of empty space very well.
Bought them at romaquarium.bigcartel.com
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kawotari · 2 years
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i drew this back when I was reading ep1 so yeah now i hate rosa but i gotta admit she's pretty
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