#Ushiyama the undefeated
lowkeyartdemon · 6 months
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Sex god
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speyerboot · 4 years
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Happy Birthday Ushiyama! 牛山 辰馬 (March 10th)
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cavewomania · 2 years
Golden Kamuy characters as LPS I own let’s go.
In pictures where there’s more than one pet, characters listed in the captions go from left to right.
They’re dirty after not being played with in a while. Should’ve cleaned them before taking photos...
Golden Trio. Sugimoto, Asirpa and Shiraishi.
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More, and provided context as to why I chose some of them, under the cut.
That cat just gave me Sugimoto vibes. Otherwise I would’ve imagined he’d be better as a dog. Also with Shiraishi, I was planning on having every Abashiri tattooed prisoner be a Postcard LPS since I have a handful of those, but later on it’ll be clear I ran out and went with more conventional LPS for some of them.
There’s also a lot of Fairy LPS in here since I collected those as a kid somewhat. I have like, 20.
Boutarou the Pirate.
The butterfly was one of my handful of Postcard LPS, so that’s why he’s a butterfly. Nothing else. Though I think he’d do well if he magically had large butterfly wings one day since they’re pretty.
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Koito, Tsukishima and Koito. Tsukishima declined to drink Usami’s “milk.”
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Nikaidou Twins. Who’s who?
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Tsurumi. Tsuru-gull, more like.
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...Is Yuusaku just shy?
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Ariko and Kikuta. I figured they’d like a good campfire.
Choosing regular LPS for these two were difficult since so many were made with being “cute and delicate” in mind, which isn’t what these two are, so going for Fairy LPS was kind of a cop-out. Though I still think they fit, body wise, since Kikuta’s on the heavier side anyways and Ariko still looks imposing.
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Inkarmat, Ogata Trinity White, Tanigaki. 
Inkarmat’s a ladybug since she’s on the smaller side of the cast to begin with and red & black work well, color-wise, with her personality. Ogata needed to be a cat and while Tanigaki wouldn’t be a hippy-dog-thing, I think it works.
I believe the sushi was a part of a real LPS set. The big beer bottle though...
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Wilk, Kiroranke and Sofia.
Wilk’s the old Savanah Reed beagle simply because 1) I have no wolves, 2) Otherwise, no other animal fits him, 3) I own two of them and as a kid it made me feel like I was on the top of the world to have two of her them.
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Nihei and Henmi.
“ERECTION!” “Are you thinking of your execution, ripping you into pieces? I understand you perfectly.”
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The walking pets are really buff. Not the best for play, but great for portraying buffer Golden Kamuy characters in a shitpost thread.
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Edogai and Ienaga.
After going to the salon, (I have so many salon accessories...) They go to the cemetery to do unspeakable acts.
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Almost forgot Vasily Pavlichenko.
Despite him not having a rabbit motif, I think a “snow bunny” motif is good on him. 
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Toni, Hijikata and Nagakura.
Hijikata is a dragon because why not.
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Ushiyama the Undefeated.
His LPS is huge compared to the rest. The wings especially. They light up, actually, but it doesn’t do that well with this light I’m using to take pictures.
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Kantarou and Kamezou.
Kamezou’s name has the kanji for turtle in it, so that’s his animal motif in general. Most LPS turtles look the same, so choosing one for him was the easiest in the whole cast. 
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Kadokura and Kirawus to close things off. It looks like Kadokura fell over...
Funny story about that LPS. I found it years ago while doing yard work in my backyard after it had been there for... Who knows how long. Might have been months. So dirt is still in its little wool details. Kadokura may not have a sheep motif, but it’s a lucky/unlucky pet who’s also a postcard pet, so...
Also I have no good deer LPS for Kirawus, so he’s a chinchilla now.
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kamuykaici · 3 years
Golden Kamuy vocabulary part 4
After some previous Golden Kamuy vocabulary lists (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3) I made a last one. Hope you will like it!
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Hijikata Toshizou    土方 歳三
Shinsengumi (新選組): special police force organized by the military government
oni (鬼): demon
Fukuchou (副長): Vice-Commander
Bakumatsu (幕末): final years of the Edo period when the Tokugawa shogunate came to an end
Ezo Kyouwakoku (蝦夷共和国): Republic of Ezo, a short-lived state in 1869
bushi / samurai (武士 / 侍): samurai warrior
aitou (愛刀): favourite sword
furimawasu (振り回す): to wield a sword
raifuru-juu (ライフル銃): rifle
jijii (ジジイ): old man
shiraga (白髪): white hair
ochazuke (お茶漬け): rice with tea poured on it
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Ienaga Kano    家永 カノ
geka-i (外科医): surgeon
shujutsu (手術): operation
nokogiri (のこぎり): saw
chuusha (注射): injection
bijo (美女): beautiful woman
dansei (男性): man
hokuro (ほくろ): mole, beauty spot
okami (女将): mistress of a traditional Japanese inn
shokuyoku (食欲): appetite
niku-ryouri (肉料理): meat dish
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Ushiyama Tatsuma    牛山 辰馬
fuhai no (不敗の): undefeated
juudouka (柔道家): judo practitioner
hitai (額): forehead
kobu (コブ): bump
kyotai (巨体): huge body
kinniku (筋肉): muscle
seiyoku (性欲): sexual desire
sebiro (背広): suit
hanpen (ハンペン): pounded fish cake
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Shiraishi Yoshitake    白石 由竹
Datsugoku-Ou (脱獄王): Escape King
tensaiteki na (天才的な): talented
nigeru (逃げる): to escape
kata (肩): shoulder
ana (穴): hole
hadaka de (裸で): nakedly
nukedasu (抜け出す): to slip out
tsukamaru (捕まる): to be caught
shuujin-fuku (囚人服): prison uniform
yuukaku (遊郭): red light district
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Kiroranke    キロランケ
Tataaru-jin (タタール人): Tatar people
Kyokutou (極東): Far East
shousuu-minzoku (少数民族): minority peoples
musuko (息子): son
dokuritsu (独立): independence
ansatsu suru (暗殺する): to assassinate
tazunemono (尋ね者): wanted person
tehai-sho (手配書): wanted poster
bakudan (爆弾): bomb
hige (ひげ): beard
ni-kiseri (ニキセリ): Ainu wooden tobacco pipe
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goldenkamuyhunting · 4 years
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1. Gotō Takechiyo (後藤 竹千代): Status: Deceased (Killed by a bear) - Crime: He murdered his wife and son while he was drunk.
2. Kasahara Kanjirō (笠原勘次郎) Sugimoto-tachi o Bikō Shite Ita Shūjin (杉元達を尾行していた囚人 “Prisoner who was tailing Sugimoto’s group”): Status: Deceased (Killed by Ogata) - Crime: Unknown.
3. Hijikata Toshizō (土方 歳三) aka Oni no Fukuchō (鬼 の 副長 “Demonic vice-commander”), Bakumatsu no Baragaki (幕末 の バラ餓鬼 “Lingering ghoul of the Bakumatsu”), Baragaki (バラガキ “Brat with a thorny personality”): Status: Alive - Crime: He was on the enemy side in the battle of Hakodata and therefore is considered a political prisoner.
4. Shiraishi Yoshitake (白石 由竹) aka Datsugoku-ō (脱獄王 “Escape king”): Status: Alive - Crime: Robbery was what put him in juvenile prison but due to his many escaping from prison to prison he ended up in Abashiri.
5. Tsuyama Mutsuo (津山 睦雄): Status: Deceased (Killed by Tsurumi Tokushirō) - Crime: He killed 33 people.
6. Ushiyama Tatsuma (牛山 辰馬) aka Fuhai no Ushiyama (不敗 の 牛山 “Ushiyama the Undefeated”): Status: Alive - Crime: He killed his master, wounded several of his master’s students causing one to remain bedridden for the rest of his life.
7. Nihei Tetsuzō (二瓶 鉄造) aka Kumauchi (熊撃ち “Bear hunter”) and Tōmin-chū no higuma mo unasareru akumu no kumauchi (冬眠中 の 羆 も 魘される 悪夢 の 熊撃ち “The bear hunter who gives hibernating bears nightmares”): Status: Deceased (Killed by Retar’s mate) - Crime: Murdered three thieves who stole prey from hunters and also killed them when they threatened to do the same with him.
8. Henmi Kazuo (辺見 和雄): Status: Deceased (Killed by Sugimoto Saichi) - Crime: Murdering over a hundred of people around the country.
9. Ienaga Chikanobu (家永 親宣) aka Ienaga Kano (家永 カノ): Status: Deceased (Killed by Tsukishima Hajime) - Crime: Killing a bunch of patients in order to get their blood and, from it, their youth.
10. Takara Tetsuo (宝井 哲夫) previously just known as Barato de irezumi ninpi nomi torihikiki sa rete ita shūjin (茨戸 で 刺青 人皮 のみ 取引き さ れて いた 囚人 “Prisoner whose tattooed skin was traded in Barato”): Status: Deceased (Killed by Wakayama Kiichirō) - Crime: Unknown.
11. Wakayama Kiichirō (若山 輝一郎) aka Oyabun (親分 “Boss”) and Wakayama no Oyabun (若山の親分 “Boss Wakayama”): Status: Deceased (Killed by a bear) - Crime: He’s a Yakuza boss who makes his living with gambling and clearly has killed other people… though we don’t exactly know why he ended in the jail.
12. Funabashi Sōroku (船橋 荘六) previously just known as Yūbari no tankō jiko de shibō shita shūjin (夕張 の 炭鉱 事故 で 死亡 した 囚人 “Prisoner who died in an accident in the coal mine in Yubari”): Status: Deceased (Killed by a mining incident) – Crime: Unknown.
13. Suzukawa Kiyohiro (鈴川 聖弘): Status: Deceased (Killed by Koito) - Crime: Being a con artist.
14. Sakamoto Keiichirō (坂本 慶一郎) aka Inazuma Gōtō (稲妻 強盗 “Lightning Bandit”): Status: Deceased (Killed by Tsurumi Tokushirō) - Crime: Thief sentenced to life prison in Kabato. He escaped and was captured and sent to Abashiri.
15. Anehata Shiton (姉畑 支遁) aka Anehata Sensei (姉畑 先生 “Professor Anehata”): Status: Deceased (Died of heart attack while having sex with a bear) - Crime: Animal rape and animal slaughter.
16. Toni Anji (都丹 庵士) aka Mōmoku no tōzoku-dan no oyadama (盲目 の 盗賊団 の 親玉 “Leader of the Blind bandits”): Status: Alive - Crime: Unknown.
17. Gansoku Maiharu (岩息 舞治): Status: Alive - Crime: He was initially imprisoned for dojoyaburi (t/n: challenging dojo masters and bringing them to ruin) and his crimes got heavier while in prison because he kept causing mayhem.
18. Doi Shinzō (土井 新蔵) aka Hitokori Yōichirō (人斬り 用一郎 “Yōichirō the Manslayer”): Status: Deceased (Killed by Hijikata Toshizō) - Crime: We know he was a hided assassin who killed countless people for a samurai who served the emperor but what caused him to end up in prison was merely the fact 8 years ago he murdered a man to get his wife back.
19. Sekiya Waichirō (関谷 輪一郎): Status: Deceased (Killed by Hijikata Toshizō) - Crime: He killed 30 people with strychnine.
20. Matsuda Heita (松田 平太) aka Dōtō no higuma otoko (道東 の ヒグマ 男 “The Bear Man of East Hokkaido”) and Heita Shishō (平太 師匠 “Master Heita”): Status: Deceased (Suicide) - Crime: He was discovered while murdering and eating a man while wearing a bear pelt… but actually he had killed way more than just one man.
21. Ōsawa Fusatarō (大沢 房太郎) aka Kanbō no kaizoku (監房 の 海賊 “Pirate of the prison”) and Kaizoku Bōtarō (海賊 房太郎 “Pirate Bōtarō”): Status: Deceased (Killed by Tsurumi Tokushirō and Kikuta Mokutarō) - Crime: 55 known cases of robbery, murders, injury, arson, theft plus many more still unknown.
22. Michael Ostrog (マイケル・オストログ) aka Jack the Ripper (ジャック ザ リッパー): Status: Deceased (Killed by Sugimoto Saichi) - Crime: around 10 years ago he stabbed multiple times a prostitute in Yokohama. He’s also responsible for murdering prostitutes in London.
23. Ueji Keiji (上エ地 圭二): Status: Deceased (He slipped from a high chimney) –Crime: he’s a murderer who abducted tons of kids and buried them in his garden.
24. NOT A CONVICT: It turned out that the 24 tattooed convict is actually not a convict but Kadokura Toshiyuki (門倉 利運) former Abashiri head jailer, currently Hijikata Toshizō’s loyal ally, whose tattoo is however incomplete. The image above doesn’t include him because this was meant to be a list of convicts and Kadokura isn’t.
That’s because:
- Tsurumi handed Hijikata some real skins among the fake ones, but we don’t know which they are.
- the tattooed skins entrusted to Kadokura has partly ended in Tsurumi’s hands and partly in Sugimoto’s hands.
Long story short, we don’t know anymore which skins has Tsurumi, which skins has Sugimoto and which skins has Hijikata.
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chibivesicle · 6 years
I really wish the anime wouldn’t skip so much content. . .
We’ve lost so many awesome moments for the sake of keeping the story moving as well as what was said to be unfit for broadcast.  I’m going to go out on a limb and state this likely has to do with some of the violent scenes from the silent kotan arc.
Thanks peeps at Kamuy Central:
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No epic waiting to enter the fake Ainu village here:
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I was really waiting to see how they would animate this with Sugimoto acting like a 5 year old and Ogata doing his cat thing.
It means we also lost the proper use of the long-eared monster scene which I loved.
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Which resulted in one of the best ending jokes when Sugimoto figures out they are criminals and has greatly improved in his long-eared monster growling technique.
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It also cut back on what becomes one of my other favourite chapter title pages here. I love the “Right here and now, Sugimoto the immortal, Ushiyama the undefeated, and Ogata the wildcat will bring forth . . . . AN APOCALYPTIC VISION OF HELL!”
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aka, these boys are gonna kick your yakuza asses.
No longer do you Ogata’s sarcastic remark to one of the criminals as he shoots him in the back.  . . . you can almost hear his “heh heh heh”.
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But when saddens me even more is the lost of the Ushiyama vs the bear scene [sniff sniff sniff].  I loved the entire scene!  I love how it ended with the bear.
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When a bear has a speech bubble that is “. . . .”.  You know it is good.
Furthermore by cutting this arc some very important dynamics are skipped, first off, the fact that Ogata saves Sugimoto.
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They took the time to animate Sugimoto saving Ogata in Edogai’s house from the 7th and the two of them antagonizing each other (S2EP15).  But they didn’t animate this.  This leaves a very disjointed balance between their character dynamics.
All we are left with this exchange as everyone discusses how to rescue Shirashi from the 27th.
Ogata asks if Sugimoto will save him only to eventually kill him.
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With Sugimoto replying anyone who betrays you once will do it again.
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This brief exchange is trying to cover chapters of Sugimoto-Ogata interaction, it really doesn’t do it justice.  They also have toned down Sugimoto a lot since we also lost this panel.
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Sugimoto almost single-handedly killed most of the criminals hiding out on the kotan.  Yeah, Ushiyama beat up a few (and totally owned that bear) and Ogata shot a few and saved Sugimoto’s life without him even realizing it, but we are stuck with this image of total carnage that was all a result of Sugimoto.  And Asirpa’s reaction to what Ogata is pointing out to her is just so important, she’s at a loss for words, those emotions with the screentones when Sugimoto touches her.  I love it.  It says so much, yet we’ve completely lost this depth.
I’m curious to see how the anime will cover things with Sugimoto, with a lot of his rage much more hidden or skipped over how will they resolve his PTSD and how he convinces himself it is okay to kill others b/c they aren’t people (Russian soldiers) or they are bad people (criminals).
Edit: I also forgot to mention.  The punishment rod scene was also removed!!!
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recentanimenews · 6 years
100 Years of Mastery: Golden Kamuy and Judo
Golden Kamuy digs deep into the history and culture of 1900s Japan, showing us life in snowy Hokkaido both in its growing cities and the Ainu's wilderness homes. We've learned all about Ainu food, survival techniques, and even the series' tense political climate--and while we're all wrapped up in the conspiracies and jagged alliances, it's easy to forget that Golden Kamuy is also a violent, rough-and-tumble action-adventure.
  In fact, one thing that's surprised me from the get-go (but shouldn't have, really) is how much detail and thought is put into Golden Kamuy's martial arts, and how they and the series' action are informed by the state of martial arts in 1900s Japan. This is covered on multiple fronts with a variety of characters, but let's start with one of the best--Ushiyama the Undefeated and his judo!
    Judo, meaning "the Gentle Way," was invented in 1882 by Jigoro Kano, a Tenjin Shin'yo-ryu jujutsu practitioner who was blessed with a great mind and technique but cursed with a small body. Seeking a way to defeat larger, stronger opponents, he collected throwing and submission techniques from multiple jujutsu schools that he later codified into the Go Kyo no Waza, or Five Sets of Techniques. These throws, chokes, armbars, and leg locks became the curriculum of a new fighting system--instead of being a list of physical techniques (jutsu), judo was intended to be an all-encompassing philosophy or way (do), separating it from its origins in jujutsu.
  Judo places a heavy emphasis on randori, free practice that focuses on practical application of techniques. It's one thing to practice forms and imagine throwing a human body, and it's another to internalize judo's philosophy of "maximum efficiency, minimum effort." The idea of leverage and technique over strength meant that a judo practitioner would conserve energy and use the smartest possible technique at the right time, instead of muscling through techniques to force a submission or throw. This also means that like in jujutsu (and later aikido), a judo practitioner has to know how to fall, and how to safely receive techniques so their partner can practice with them.
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  Not like this.
  In the time Golden Kamuy takes place, judo is a refreshing new style, almost a fad, that combines the tradition and discipline of martial arts with the excitement and camaraderie of sports. With the Meiji Era's sword ban leading to the development of kendo, it was jujutsu's turn to evolve into a modern style, and competitive judo spread throughout Japan and further, with Kano visiting the United States and Europe. By 1900, changes were made to the competitive judo ruleset prohibiting certain joint locks to create a safer sport, and in 1911 it was inducted into Japan's educational system.
  Today, judo is one of the world's most notable, popular martial sports, with schools across the globe. Judo has been an Olympic event since 1964, where it saw a resurgence in worldwide popularity--there was an even an episode of Happy Days where Arnold, played by Pat Morita, taught the kids judo. Martial arts themselves have come full-circle, with jujutsu going through yet another evolution to become Brazilian jiu-jitsu, leading to the modern definition of mixed martial arts. (For real, when you're done reading this go watch Fighting in the Age of Loneliness.)
  In the 1964 Tokyo Olympics, Japan took Gold in the Light, Middle, and Heavyweight divisions, but the Netherlands' Anton Geesink took the Open Division Gold
  Golden Kamuy mainly uses judo through Ushiyama the Undefeated, an escaped Abashiri convict who's been training for ten years without a single loss. The man already sounds like a monster on that alone, but then you can add the whole seducing-his-master's-wife-and-killing-his-master thing for flavor. Hell, when Shiraishi accidentally runs into him in episode 7, Ushiyama does (kind of an) okuri-ashi-harai on a horse:
          And a real one for comparison--watch Hedvig Karakas in blue:
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    Episode 11 features Sugimoto's group running into Ushiyama again, and Sugimoto takes note of Ushiyama's ears--these are called cauliflower ears, and are a condition caused by blood clots (or other fluid) collecting in the ears' cartilage from blunt trauma. This is most common in combat sports (like judo!) or in contact sports where the ears are unprotected, like rugby.
      Here's UFC legend Randy Couture's cauliflower ear, which got made fun of in The Expendables:
    Moments after this, Ushiyama shakes Sugimoto's hand, and the two of them immediately get into a standing grapple, or kumi kate. Ideally, you're holding your opponent's sleeve with one hand and their lapel with the other. From here, you start trying to apply kuzushi, or unbalancing techniques, to get into a favorable position to perform a throw. Sugimoto notices that Ushiyama's center of gravity is incredibly low (he feels like it's "below the ground"), so trying to use a throw on Ushiyama would be super difficult and dangerous.
    After a filling dinner and a lot of Sapporo beer, everything goes insane and Sugimoto actually has to fight Ushiyama the Undefeated back at the hotel. It's just as ludicrous and insurmountable a task as it sounds, but let's go through it technique-by-technique and watch Sugimoto totally almost die.
  First things first: Ushiyama and Sugimoto lock up again, and Ushiyama just slams Sugimoto through a wall.
    Sugimoto steps in and goes for what's probably judo's most recognizable technique, the shoulder throw called seoi nage.
    And a real seoi nage for comparison:
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    But Ushiyama, being the UNDEFEATED FREAK THAT HE IS, sticks his hand out in the middle of the throw to readjust his balance, and puts his feet up against (and through) the wall to prevent the throw.
    And then... yeah, I can't really call this a judo technique as much as it's just the first half of a straight-up Power Bomb (but for the sake of this article, we'll say Ushiyama's doing a modified ushiro goshi, or back drop). Bye, Sugimoto.
    To compare, here's a real ushiro goshi:
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    Sugimoto bravely tries to apply a juji gatame armbar on the still-not-fallen Ushiyama, but gets wrenched off the ground and slammed into the ceiling like he weighs nothing. Sugimoto then falls through a trapdoor and that brings this awesome fight to an end.
      We don't see much of Ushiyama's judo until the second-season OP, where he does what looks like an uchimata (or a harai goshi?) on a freaking bear:
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    And then a real uchimata now:
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    And while Ushiyama hasn't yet had as intricate a fight as the one in episode 11, in episode 21 we got to see an accurate depiction of the technique hadaka jime (aka a rear naked choke) by blind marksman Toni Anji. Notice how he's grabbing hold of his shirt to lock the choke, like how a jujutsu or judo practitioner would grab their gi.
    While fighting Toni Anji, Sugimoto goes for another seoi nage, this time tucking his chin to try and drop Anji on his head. It's a very short sequence, but it's safe to say that Sugimoto's regular go-to technique is the seoi nage.
  With season 2 of Golden Kamuy over, we're going to have to wait to see if there will be more judo on display. In the meantime, I'll be doing another article soon, this time talking about the history of karate and kenpo as used by the Japanese military, how it's portrayed in Golden Kamuy, and the history of kenjutsu and kendo, specifically Hijikata Toshizou's "Shinsengumi kenjutsu," reportedly derived from Kondo Isami's Tennen Rishin-ryu.
  What have you found interesting in Golden Kamuy's martial arts? Have you ever trained in judo or jujutsu? You think you could take Ushiyama? Sound off in the comments and let us know!
Nate Ming is the Features Editor for Crunchyroll News and creator of the long-running Fanart Friday column. You can follow him on Twitter at @NateMing. His martial arts webcomic, Shaw City Strikers, launches January 15, 2019.
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goldenkamuyhunting · 4 years
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It’s March 10!
Happy Birthday, to the awesome, undefeated Ushiyama Tatsuma!
We don’t really know when you were born but we love you just the same!
Thank you for having been with us from 06/November/2014!
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goldenkamuyhunting · 4 years
Ramblings and crazy theory time about GK chap 251 “Sapporo Brewery”
And so in this new chapter for many of our characters is time to meet…
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…yeah, the man of their dreams. Sadly their dreams aren’t romantic, more likely murderous.
But let’s start with the chapter… or better with the colour cover as this chapter has a colour cover showing Tsukishima and Koito.
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Around them, framing them, there are all the objects that kind of appeared in their stories. Next Tsukishima is mostly various weapons… but there’s also Edogai’s bag and what I think is the basin with the towel Japanese people use when they go have a bath (something Tsukishima loves to have). Near Koito, along with the sabre we see the De Dion-Bouton he used when younger, the Tsukisappu Anpan, the photos with Tsurumi aTsukishima gave him, the Menko cards, the umbrella he used in the circus show.
In a way it’s as if to say around Koito there are much more personal objects, wherein around Tsukishima is just weapons and the Edogai’s bag with the things he uses to go have a bath, which can mean his regret for Edogai’s death (Edogai was attacked when he had left to have a bath).
Even the attitude of the two in the picture is different. Koito is standing straight, looking seriously straight ahead, as a man ready to face what’s coming.
Tsukishima has his hands in his pockets and his head lowered, as a defeat and helpless man. He’s not looking at us but on the side, maybe to the weapons around him. He’s not even covering Koito’s back, he’s next to him but, a little behind him and looking in a direction different from him, as if unable to follow him.
Overall there’s a nice contrast between these two men, Koito, ready to face the future, and Tsukishima, stuck on regretting the past but unable to move on.
And with this said we move to the chapter… which is mostly an action chapter so there’s little to analyze.
Sugimoto is rushing to where the fireworks had been fired, chased by Asirpa and Shiraishi who changed himself at light-speed and is now stating he thinks the firework is the one in which Ushiyama group is.
Well, thankfully Shiraishi is at the end of the line so I know Ueji won’t manage to snatch Asirpa away while Sugimoto is busy running ahead.
Anyway Sugimoto claims they’ve to hurry because they can’t rely on Kadokura and Kirawus and therefore the killer might escape. He conveniently avoids to mention there’s Ushiyama there and HE couldn’t escape Ushiyama. That’s because Sugimoto has made clear in the past chapter is real goal is to be the one who’ll get the skin. After all Hijikata has plenty of them while Sugimoto has only 3 (one of which Hijikata already has) so I guess he’d like to even the stakes a bit.
We’re shown a map of the Sapporo Brewery.
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Hijikata had his 4 groups one at each side of the brewery. Unluckily (or luckily, it really depends on how things will develop later) Ushiyma’as group, which has fired the firework, is at the opposite side of the Hijikata’s group, which is facing Ostrog/Jack.
Back to the fight between Usami and Ushiyama we go where Usami tries to shoot his rifle at Ushiyama but fails to hit him. This only pushes people to hurry there further and, apparently, catches Ogata’s attention, albeit he doesn’t move.
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It’s possible he has recognized it was the sound of a type 38 and therefore that it was likely it was fired by a Tsurumi’s soldier so he remains on standby... or he just decided that’s not the best moment to move. I wonder if from his position he can see all the 4 sides of the brewery.
Meanwhile Usami, who’s trying to fight Ushiyama, is forced to realize Ushiyama is an unbeatable monster. Well, there’s a reason if he’s Ushiyama the undefeated.
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Ushiyama though realizes Usami can’t be Jack and Kadokura confirms he’s one of Tsurumi’s men and they should take him down. In that moment Kikuta’s group joins the mess with Kikuta telling Ushiyama to stay away from Usami but not trying to shoot him down.
Koito tells them not to fire as they could hit Usami, so he’ll go and cut him down, which makes sense and shows some form of care for his underling, even if it’s Usami.
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Nikaidou, who had previously met Ushiyama (remember chap 34 in which Nikaidou managed to shoot Ushiyama’s shoulder?),
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recognizes him and warns him not to go near him as Ushiyama isn’t easy to beat.
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Usami still tries to fight Ushiyama with his bayonet but Ushiyama, figuring he’s outnumbered, tosses Usami at the 7th division group the way he did so long ago when he tossed a prostitute to Hijikata in chap 12.
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Tsukishima warns Koito to dodge and he does by lowering himself, more acrobatically but less elegantly than Hijikata did,
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while the remaining men of the 7th are forced to jump to avoid being hit by the now falling body of Usami.
Meanwhile Ushiyama crashes into the brewery through a window.
Kikuta orders Tsukishima to make his way around and go through the back door.
Now, remember the map?
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Kikuta’s order doesn’t mean Tsukishima will have to go and meet Hijikata’s group as the brewery is formed by more buildings and therefore Tsukishima doesn’t need to go that far, but he could end meeting up with Toni’s group (as I’ll spoiler things a bit and tell you he doesn’t met up with Sugimoto’s group) or not as he might have managed to take the other way around the building before Sugimoto where to reach that side.
We’ll see.
Usami, instead than focusing on Ushiyama, who is a tattooed prisoner or at least help the other members of the 7th, prefers to chase after Kadokura as he clearly holds him in great contempt.
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Back to the Hijikata group we go. Ostrog figures it’s better to escape from Hijikata, Kantarou tries to stop him and Ostrog, slash him, which gives Hijikata the time to shoot him in the shoulder before he’ll manage to turn a corner and be hidden from the view. Hijikata orders Nagakura to fire the firework… and really, I’ve no idea what Nagakura was waiting for. Anyway Nagakura fires.
Sugimoto’s group is confused.
Toni’s group split up, Boutarou wondering if the killer ran in that direction and Toni saying he heard Hijikata’s gun firing. I’m not quite sure of who goes back to Hijikata though, but I would expect Toni to do it.
Vasily, thanks to the light of the firework, manages to spot Ogata observing the scene from what looks like some sort of observation tower.
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This time he seems to remain calm and not go into super excited blushing schoolgirl who had just met her sexy senpai mode. Good as it’s more fitting of his character.
We don’t know what he’ll do but apparently the only exit to that tower in on Vasily’s sight so he can keep Ogata basically trapped there. I like to doubt he would immediately try to shoot him without a warning, as it wouldn’t be that much of a duel, but he can always try. I’m pretty sure though it’s unlikely Ogata will die in a duel against a character who’s barely characterized.
Maybe this is Ogata’s chance to prove he’s a ‘Sogeki-hei/Segekihei’ (狙撃兵) which is generally translated as “sniper” but which is formed by the kanji which means 狙 “aim” 撃 “shoot” (with 狙撃 meaning “shooting”) and 兵 “soldier”.
Meanwhile Kantarou, bandaging his wound, reaches Hijikata.
Hijikata must be fond of him because he asks him how bad the wound is and when Kantarou tells him it’s just a cut above his eye Hijikata praises him telling such wound is a man’s scar that proves Kantarou didn’t turn his back in battle.
Kantarou is so overjoyed his eyes shine.
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It’s worth to mention Kantarou’s eyes aren’t normally completely black but the irises are usually tiny and with an even tinier white dot of light that sometimes isn’t even visible due to the iris being too tiny. Now the light in them is very well visible, basically it’s more than a half of the eye.
We switch to Sugimoto’s group who meets Kirawus who apparently went unnoticed and therefore remained where he was, without attempting to help either Kadokura or Ushiyama and who informs Sugimoto that “Ushiyama and the others” (牛山たち ‘Ushiyama-tachi’) are inside the brewery.
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Sugimoto rushes in, so he doesn’t hear Kirawus explaining that with ‘others’ he meant the 5 soldiers that were chasing Ushiyama, not Kadokura or Ostrog/Jack.
Shiraishi is quite shocked at the news. I’m not sure if Asirpa hear them as she’s shown tailing close to Sugimoto. I think not as Shiraishi, who was held back by the news, once inside the brewery tries to warn them only to discover Sugimoto and Asirpa has disappeared.
Asirpa too realizes they’ve got separated from Shiraishi and turns back. No idea if she tries to go search for him because in that moment Sugimoto sees a dark shape, thinks it’s Shiraishi’s and instead is Nikaidou, now screaming Sugimoto’s name while Sugimoto points his rifle at him.
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The chapter ends here.
@chibivesicle​ in her past meta has called this as ‘Abashiri 2.0’ and the fact that the whole group get parted in many smaller groups and Sugimoto and Nikaidou get to have a rematch seems to confirm this.
Now we only need Tsurumi to use his cannons against the brewery and Sugimoto to lose Asirpa again… hopefully not to Ueji or Tsurumi.
Anyway, as I was expecting, the thing has turned into a mess with almost everyone acting on his own and not in a coordinated manner.
Sugimoto, despite the second firework being shoot, didn’t assets the situation with Kirawus but merely rushed into the brewery without waiting for Shiraishi.
Kirawus was useless, Kadokura… well, he at least diverted Usami’s attention, albeit unwillingly, from Ushiyama. Usami acted on his own and Nikaidou is going to do the same in his ‘murder Sugimoto obsession’.
It’s possible Koito and Tsukishima are parted since Kikuta only sent Tsukishima on the back.
Nagakura should have shoot the firework sooner, although him shooting it later might have ensured Kikuta’s group didn’t see it.
Hijikata’s group couldn’t hold Ostrog, although Hijikata managed at least to wound him.
Ogata is on standby but he got himself discovered, Vasily is acting merely to pursue his own revenge.
The group was situation is the most confused is the Toni’s one. We know they meant to split to check both firework but we don’t know who go where and we can’t see Ariko anywhere. Ariko is likely planning to help Kikuta so knowing where he is, is relevant.
I wonder if he means to try and grab Asirpa to hand her to Tsurumi in exchange for the salvation of their families. It’ll be an interesting mirror for Abashiri. In Abashiri Kiro took Asirpa wanting her code to save all the Ainu and minorities. In ‘Abashiri 2.0’ Ariko might want Asirpa’s code to save his own immediate family, even if this might mean sacrificing her and the other Ainu.
In short Ariko might be in contraposition with Kiro. It would be interesting if he were also allied with Ogata… Or with Kirawus… but probably he’s just allied with Kikuta and therefore with Central (or if you prefer the government of Wajin) which is standing in direct opposition to the partisan movement (or if you prefer whose who aims for a state governed by minorities) same as Hijikata’s plan of a republic stands in direct opposition with Tsurumi’s plan of a military dictatorship.
Moving on from this I wonder if GK is planning to dig into how harmful it is to obsess on a revenge.
Nikaidou wants his revenge on Sugimoto and this had caused him to became a crippled person and a drug addict. Vasily wants his revenge on Ogata and therefore had deserted and left his own country. To pursue revenge they basically gained nothing and lost the little they had before.
And in the middle of this there are Sugimoto and Ogata, who wants to kill each other, Sugimoto because Ogata shoot him and took Asirpa and therefore out of revenge as well… but Ogata too seemed to want Sugimoto out of the picture, even if he didn’t clearly said why. Is it because Sugimoto almost killed him? Or because he believes Sugimoto is responsible for Tamai and Co’s death?
In fact do you remember how, when he believed the one who caused it was Tanigaki he chased him even though Tsurumi could end up tracking him down? Therefore it’s possible if he start to believe Sugimoto was guilty of it, he’d like to murder him the way he wanted to murder Tanigaki.
It’s hard to say and in all this I wonder where Boutarou’s allegiance truly lies as Sugimoto basically made him no promises and Boutarou, as far as we know, still hadn’t find another goal to pursue… unless he was charmed by Hijikata’s plan.
Well, we’ll see.
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goldenkamuyhunting · 4 years
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1. Gotō (後藤): Status: Deceased (Killed by a bear) - Crime: He murdered his wife and son while he was drunk. - Skin owned by: Sugimoto Saichi, Tsurumi Tokushirō.
2. Sugimoto-tachi o Bikō Shite Ita Shūjin (杉元達を尾行していた囚人 “Prisoner who was tailing Sugimoto’s group”): Status: Deceased (Killed by Ogata) - Crime: Unknown. - Skin owned by: Sugimoto Saichi, Tsurumi Tokushirō.
3. Hijikata Toshizō (土方 歳三) aka Oni no Fukuchō (鬼 の 副長 “Demonic vice-commander”), Bakumatsu no Baragaki (幕末 の バラ餓鬼 “Lingering ghoul of the Bakumatsu”), Baragaki (バラガキ “Brat with a thorny personality”): Status: Alive - Crime: He was on the enemy side in the battle of Hakodata and therefore is considered a political prisoner. - Skin owned by: Hijikata Toshizō (copy).
4. Shiraishi Yoshitake (白石 由竹) aka Datsugoku-ō (脱獄王 “Escape king”): Status: Alive - Crime: Robbery was what put him in juvenile prison but due to his many escaping from prison to prison he ended up in Abashiri. - Skin owned by: Shiraishi Yoshitake, Hijikata Toshizō (copy), Tsurumi Tokushirō (copy), Sugimoto Saichi (copy) (?) [We don’t know if Sugimoto made a copy].
5. Tsuyama (津山): Status: Deceased (Killed by Tsurumi Tokushirō) - Crime: He killed 33 people. - Skin owned by: Tsurumi Tokushirō.
6. Ushiyama Tatsuma (牛山 辰馬) aka Fuhai no Ushiyama (不敗 の 牛山 “Ushiyama the Undefeated”): Status: Alive - Crime: He killed his master, wounded several of his master’s students causing one to remain bedridden for the rest of his life. - Skin owned by: Ushiyama Tatsuma, Hijikata Toshizō (copy).
7. Nihei Tetsuzō (二瓶 鉄造) aka Kumauchi (熊撃ち “Bear hunter”) and Tōmin-chū no higuma mo unasareru akumu no kumauchi (冬眠中 の 羆 も 魘される 悪夢 の 熊撃ち “The bear hunter who gives hibernating bears nightmares”): Status: Deceased (Killed by Retar’s mate) - Crime: Murdered three thieves who stole prey from hunters and also killed them when they threatened to do the same with him. – Skin owned by: Sugimoto Saichi, Tsurumi Tokushirō.
8. Henmi Kazuo (辺見 和雄): Status: Deceased (Killed by Sugimoto Saichi) - Crime: Murdering over a hundred of people around the country. - Skin owned by: Sugimoto Saichi, Tsurumi Tokushirō.
9. Ienaga Kano/Chikanobu (家永 カノ/親宣): Status: Deceased (Killed by Tsukishima Hajime) - Crime: Killing a bunch of patients and transfusing their blood into himself. - Skin owned by: Hijikata Toshizō (copy), Tsurumi Tokushirō (copy).
10. Barato de irezumi ninpi nomi torihikiki sa rete ita shūjin (茨戸 で 刺青 人皮 のみ 取引き さ れて いた 囚人 “Prisoner whose tattooed skin was traded in Barato”): Status: Deceased (Killed by Wakayama Kiichirō) - Crime: Unknown. - Skin owned by: Wakayama Kiichirō, Hidoro Tamotsu, Ogata Hyakunosuke, Hijikata Toshizō.
11. Wakayama Kiichirō (若山 輝一郎) aka Oyabun (親分 “Boss”): Status: Deceased (Killed by a bear) - Crime: He’s a Yakuza boss who makes his living with gambling and clearly has killed other people… though we don’t exactly know why he ended in the jail. - Skin owned by: Sugimoto Saichi, Tsurumi Tokushirō.
12. Yūbari no tankō jiko de shibō shita shūjin (夕張 の 炭鉱 事故 で 死亡 した 囚人 “Prisoner who died in an accident in the coal mine in Yubari”): Status: Deceased (Killed by a mining incident) – Crime: Unknown. - Skin owned by: Edogai Yasaku, Tsurumi Tokushirō.
13. Suzukawa Kiyohiro (鈴川 聖弘): Status: Deceased (Killed by Koito) - Crime: Being a con artist. - Skin owned by: Sugimoto Saichi (copy), Tsurumi Tokushirō, Hijikata Toshizō (copy).
14. Sakamoto Keiichirō (坂本 慶一郎) aka Inazuma Gōtō (稲妻 強盗 “Lightning Bandit”): Status: Deceased (Killed by Tsurumi Tokushirō) - Crime: Thief sentenced to life prison in Kabato. He escaped and was captured and sent to Abashiri. - Skin owned by: Tsurumi Tokushirō.
15. Anehata Shiton (姉畑 支遁) aka Anehata Sensei (姉畑 先生 “Professor Anehata”): Status: Deceased (Died of heart attack while raping a bear) - Crime: Animal rape and animal slaughter. - Skin owned by: Sugimoto Saichi, Tsurumi Tokushirō.
16. Toni Anji (都丹 庵士) aka Mōmoku no tōzoku-dan no oyadama (盲目 の 盗賊団 の 親玉 “Leader of the Blind bandits”): Status: Alive - Crime: Unknown. - Skin owned by: Toni Anji, Hijikata Toshizō (copy), Sugimoto Saichi (copy), Tsurumi Tokushirō (copy).
17. Gansoku Maiharu (岩息 舞治): Status: Alive - Crime: He expressed himself through violence so likely he was sent in jail for brawling and since he kept on doing it even hen in jail his sentences piled up, in fact, he says he spent most of his life incarcerated but never that he murdered someone. - Skin owned by: Gansoku Maiharu, Sugimoto Saichi (copy), Tsurumi Tokushirō (copy), Sofia (copy) (?) [We don’t know if Sophia mande a copy].
18. Yōichirō/Doi Shinzō (用一郎/土井 新蔵): Status: Deceased (Killed by Hijikata Toshizō) - Crime: We know he was a hided assassin who killed countless people for a samurai who served the emperor but what caused him to end up in prison was merely the fact 8 years ago he murdered a man to get his wife back. - Skin owned by: Hijikata Toshizō.
19. Sekiya Waichirō (関谷 輪一郎): Status: Deceased (Killed by Hijikata Toshizō) - Crime: He killed 30 people with strychnine. - Skin owned by: Hijikata Toshizō, Tsurumi Tokushirō (copy).
20. Matsuda Heita (松田 平太) aka Dōtō no higuma otoko (道東 の ヒグマ 男 “The Bear Man of East Hokkaido”) and Heita Shishō (平太 師匠 “Master Heita”): Status: Deceased (Suicide) - Crime: He was discovered while murdering and eating a man while wearing a bear pelt… but actually he had killed much more than just one man. - Skin owned by: Sugimoto Saichi.
21. Ōsawa Fusatarō (大沢 房太郎) aka Kanbō no kaizoku (監房 の 海賊 “Pirate of the prison”) and Kaizoku Bōtarō (海賊 房太郎 “Pirate Bōtarō”): Status: Alive - Crime: 55 known cases of robbery, murders, injury, arson, theft plus many more still unknown. - Skin owned by: Ōsawa Fusatarō, Sugimoto Saichi (copy) (?) [We don’t know if Sugimoto made a copy].
22. ? (?) aka Jack the Ripper (ジャック ザ リッパー): Status: Alive - Crime: around 10 years ago he stabbed multiple times a prostitute in Yokohama. – Skin owned by: Michael Ostrog.
23. Ueji Keiji (上エ地 圭二): Status: Alive – Crime: he’s a murderer who abducted tons of kids and buried them in his garden. - Skin owned by: Ueji Keiji.
24. ?
Sugimoto (3 skins?)
Gotō Sugimoto-tachi o Bikō Shite Ita Shūjin Nihei Tetsuzō Henmi Kazuo Wakayama Kiichirō Suzukawa Kiyohiro (copy) Anehata Shiton Toni Anji (copy) Gansoku Maiharu (copy) Shiraishi Yoshitake (copy) (?) [We don’t know if Sugimoto made a copy] Heita Matsuda Ōsawa Fusatarō (copy) (?) [We don’t know if Sugimoto made a copy]
Hijikata (9 skins)
Hijikata Toshizō (copy) Shiraishi Yoshitake (copy) Ushiyama Tatsuma (copy) Ienaga Kano/Chikanobu (copy) Barato de irezumi ninpi nomi torihikiki sa rete ita shūjin Suzukawa Kiyohiro (copy) Toni Anji (copy) Yōichirō/Doi Shinzō Sekiya Waichirō All the 6 fake skins
Tsurumi (15 skins)
Tsuyama Yūbari no tankō jiko de shibō shita shūjin Shiraishi Yoshitake (copy) Sakamoto Keiichirō Gotō Sugimoto-tachi o Bikō Shite Ita Shūjin Nihei Tetsuzō Henmi Kazuo Wakayama Kiichirō Suzukawa Kiyohiro Anehata Shiton Toni Anji (copy) Ienaga Kano/Chikanobu (copy) Sekiya Waichirō (copy) Gansoku Mahiru (copy)
Sophia (1 skin?)
Gansoku Mahiru (copy) [We don’t know if Sophia made a copy]
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goldenkamuyhunting · 6 years
How are the characters called? (Vol 1 & 2)
So, since I’m making a re-reading I thought to take advantage of it to check how the characters call themselves and each other as this goes often lost in the translations but can turn relevant later on.
By the way, in order to do this:
- characters will be listed by their own name (regardless of it being used in the volume)
- in case of characters whose name is still unknown, I’ll use the Japanese labelling given to them for the Golden Kamuy contest
- if a character appears in the volume but has no speaking role I’ll only list his name and update it with new info when I’ll do the following volumes (yes, even if I know the new info already… I’m trying to keep this ordered).
- the way characters addressed to themselves will be listed and so will the various form of ‘you’ they use to talk with other people.
- for soldiers their ranking, if known, will be listed.
- in case of nicknames they’ll be listed as well.
- next to each way of calling themselves/the others will be listed the number of the chapter when this happened for the first time.
- at the bottom you can find some useful explanation on the various way to say ‘I’, ‘you’ and the suffixes character use.
So let’s go on and see how the characters called each other in Vol 1-2 (which covers chap 1-17)
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Asirpa (アシㇼパ)/Kochōbe Asuko (小蝶辺 明日子) – Previous name: Ekasiotonpuy (エカシオトンプイ)
Asirpa: She uses ‘Watashi’ (わたし “I”) to talk about herself (Chap 2). She defines herself an ‘Ainu woman for a new era’ (新しい時代のアイヌの女 “Atarashī jidai no Ainu no onna”) (Chap 12).
Gotō: Well, they don’t really get to talk so she refers to him simply as ‘Sono otoko’ (その男 “That man”) (Chap 1).
Huci: Predictably Asirpa calls her ‘Huci’ (フチ Ainu word for “Grandmother”) (Chap 11).
Osoma: She calls her ‘Osoma’ (Chap 12).
Retar: Of course Asirpa calls him just ‘Retar’ (Chap 2). She also calls him ‘Horkew Kamuy’ (ホロケウカムイ Ainu word for “Wolf god”) (Chap 11) or ‘Omae’ (おまえ “You”) (Chap 14).
Shiraishi Yoshitake: In the beginning she keeps mispronouncing his nickname, calling him ‘Dappun-ō’ (脱糞王 “Defecation king”) (Chap 17) though she also uses ‘Omae’ (おまえ “You”) to call him (chap 15). When he tries to escape from her and fail though, she uses his true nickname ‘Datsugoku-ō’ (脱獄王 “Escape king”) (Chap 17).
Sugimoto Saichi: In the beginning she uses just ‘Omae’ (お前 “You”) to call him (chap 1) and she’ll also refers to him as ‘Sisam’ (シサム Ainu word for “not-Ainu Japanese person”) (Chap 2). Then she’ll starts to call him ‘Sugimoto’ also (Chap 2), though occasionally she’ll still call him a ‘Sisam’. She’ll call him ‘Fujimi no Sugimoto’ (不死身の杉元 “Sugimoto the Immortal”) when she’ll ask him what that nick means (Chap 5) though. She calls him ‘Baka’ (バカ“Stupid”) when he forgets his knife and bayonet (Chap 13).
Wilk: She calls him ‘Aca’ (アチャ “Father”) (Chap 14).
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Gifutarō (妓夫太郎 “Pimp”)
Gifutarō: He uses ‘Ore’ (俺 “I”) to talk about himself (Chap 15).
Asirpa: He calls her ‘Ainu no gaki’ (アイヌのガキ “Ainu brat”) first, ‘Ainu no onna’ (アイヌの女 “Ainu woman”) short after and, when Asirpa hits him, ‘Kono kuso gaki’ (このクソガキ “this goddamn brat”) (Chap 3).
Sugimoto-tachi o Bikō Shite Ita Shūjin: He calls him ‘Otoko’ (男 “Man”) (Chap 3).
Sugimoto Saichi: He calls him ‘Omae’ (お前 “You”) (Chap 3) but later he switches to ‘Anta’ (あんた “You”) (Chap 15).
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Gotō (後藤)
Gotō: He uses ‘Ore’ (俺 “I”) to talk about himself (Chap 1).
Sugimoto Saichi: He calls him first with his full name ‘Sugimoto Saichi-san’ (杉元佐一さん) then just ‘Sugimoto-san’ (杉元さん) or ‘Anta’ (あんた “You”). He also mentions how people during war used to call him ‘Fujimi no Sugimoto’ (不死身の杉元 “Sugimoto the Immortal”) but doesn’t use this nick (Chap 1).
Wilk: He calls him just ‘Otoko’ (男 “Man”) (Chap 1).
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Hijikata Toshizō (土方 歳三) - Nicknamed ‘Oni no Fukuchō’ (鬼の副長 “Demonic vice-commander”)
Ushiyama Tatsuma: When he first sees him he calls him ‘Fuhai no Ushiyama’ (不敗の牛山 “Ushiyama the Undefeated”), although he immediately switches to just ‘Ushiyama’ (Chap 12).
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Huci (フチ Ainu word for “Grandmother”)
Asirpa: She calls her ‘Asirpa’ (Chap 11).
Sugimoto Saichi: She calls him ‘Sugimoto Nispa’ (スギモトイシパ Ainu word for “Mister Sugimoto”) (Chap 12).
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Makanakkuru (マカナックル)
Makanakkuru: He uses ‘Watashi’ (私“I”) to talk about himself (Chap 13).
Asirpa: He calls her ‘Asirpa’ (Chap 13).
Retar: He calls him ‘Retar’ (Chap 14) and defines him a ‘Horkew Kamuy’ (ホロケウカムイ Ainu word for “Wolf god”) (Chap 14).
Sugimoto Saichi: He calls him ‘Sugimoto-san’ (杉元さん “Mister Sugimoto”) (Chap 14).
Wilk: He calls him ‘Asirpa no tō’ (アシㇼパの父 “Asirpa’s father”) (Chap 13).
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Nikaidō Kōhei (二階堂 浩平) - Rank: ‘Ittōhei’ (一等兵 “Private First Class”)
Nikaido Yōhei: He calls him ‘Yōhei’ (Chap 17).
Sugimoto Saichi: He uses ‘Omae’ (お前 “You”) to call him (chap 15) and then after Tsurumi has interrogated him ‘Kushi dango yarō’ (串団子野郎 “Dango boy”) (Chap 17).
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Nikaidō Yōhei (二階堂 洋平) - Rank: ‘Ittōhei’ (一等兵 “Private First Class”)
Nikaidō Yōhei: He uses ‘Ore’ (俺 “I”) to talk about himself (Chap 17).
Nikaidō Kōhei: He calls him ‘Kōhei’ (Chap 17).
Sugimoto Saichi: He calls him ‘Temē’ (てめえ “You”) when he asks him what he’s babbling about (Chap 17).
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Noma (野間) - Rank: ‘Ittōhei’ (一等兵 “Private First Class”)
Noma: He uses ‘Ore’ (俺 “I”) to talk about himself (Chap 10).
Sugimoto Saichi: Understanding who he is, first he calls him ‘Dai ichi shidan no Sugimoto’ (第一師団の杉元 “Sugimoto of the first division”) then ‘Fujimi no Sugimoto’ (不死身の杉元 “Sugimoto the Immortal”) (Chap 9). Ordering him to get down on his stomach he calls him ‘Sugimoto’ (Chap 10).
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Ogata Hyakunosuke (尾形 百之助) - Rank: ‘Jōtōhei’ (上等兵 “Superior Private”)
Sugimoto Saichi: In the beginning he uses ‘Kisama’ (きさま “You”) to call him, then, understanding who he is, first he calls him ‘Dai ichi shidan no Sugimoto’ (第一師団の杉元 “Sugimoto of the first division”) then ‘Fujimi no Sugimoto’ (不死身の杉元 “Sugimoto the Immortal”) (Chap 5).
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Okada (岡田) - Rank: ‘Ittōhei’ (一等兵 “Private First Class”)
Sugimoto Saichi: After Noma told him who he is, he calls him ‘Fujimi no Sugimoto’ (不死身の杉元 “Sugimoto the Immortal”) (Chap 9).
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Osoma (オソマ)
Osoma: She uses ‘Atashi’ (あたし “I”) to talk about herself (Chap 12).
Sugimoto Saichi: She first calls him ‘Sinna kisar’ (シンナキザラ Ainu word for “Strange ears”) then ‘Henna mimi’ (変な耳 “Strange ears”) (Chap 12).
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Retar (レタㇻ)
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Shiraishi Yoshitake (白石 由竹) - Nicknamed ‘Datsugoku-ō’ (脱獄王 “Escape king”).
Shiraishi Yoshitake: He uses ‘Ore’ (俺 “I”) to talk about himself (Chap 6) although he also refers to himself by his nickname ‘Datsugoku-ō’ (脱獄王 “Escape king”) (Chap 7).
Asirpa: He calls her ‘Sono Ainu’ (そのアイヌ “That Ainu”) when he asks Sugimoto if she’s his ‘Kaiinu’ (飼いイヌ “Pet dog/Pet Ainu”, through it’s actually a wordplay that takes advantage of how the last part of the word aINU is ‘Inu’, which written with this kanji 犬 means “dog”). Meeting her again he calls her ‘Ainu no Gaki’ (アイヌのガキ “Ainu brat”) (Chap 17) to switch to just ‘Omae’ (おまえ “You”) when he thinks Sugimoto double crossed her (Chap 17).
Hijikata Toshizō: He defines him as ‘Shūjin-tachi no Oyadama’ (囚人たちの親玉 “leader of the prisoners”) (Chap 7) and explains they thought he was just a ‘Jī-san’ (ジイさん “Old man”), a ‘Seiji-han’ (政治犯 “Political prisoner”), ‘Mohan-shū’ (模範囚 “Model prisoner”) but then discovered he was a ‘Kyū bakufu-gun no samurai’ (旧幕府軍の侍 “Samurai of the former shogunate army”), the ‘Shinsenkumi Oni no Fukuchō Hijikata Toshizō’ (新撰組鬼の副長土方 歳三 “Demonic vice-commander of the Shinsengumi Hijikata Toshizō”) (Chap 7).
Retar: When he’s awakened by him he calls him ‘Yōkai’ (妖怪 “Ghost/Monster”) (Chap 17).
Sugimoto Saichi: At first he calls him ‘Omae-chan’ (お前ちゃん “You”) (chap 6) to switch to just ‘Omae’ (お前 “You”) when they risk dying of hypothermia (Chap 7). After they talk, when he says bye to him he calls him ‘Fujimi no Sugimoto’ (不死身の杉元 “Sugimoto the Immortal”) (Chap 7)
Wilk: He calls him ‘Nopperabō’ (のっぺら坊 “Faceless male”) as he didn’t have a face (Chap 7).
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Sugimoto Saichi (杉元 佐一) – Nicknamed ‘Fujimi no Sugimoto’ (不死身の杉元 “Sugimoto the Immortal”)
Sugimoto Saichi: He uses ‘Ore’ (俺 “I”) to talk about himself (Chap 1). Sometimes, when in danger, he also refers to himself by his nickname ‘Fujimi no Sugimoto’ (不死身の杉元 “Sugimoto the Immortal”) (Chap 2). When talking with Makanakkuru he defines himself as ‘Wajin’ (和人 “Japanese”) (Chap 13).
Asirpa: When he first sees her he just refers to her as an ‘Ainu’ (アイヌ). Then, to talk with her, in the beginning he uses only ‘Anta’ (あんた “You”) to call her (chap 1) but later he will also start to use ‘Asirpa-san’ (アシㇼパさん) (Chap 2). When referring to her in front of Tamai’s group he calls her ‘Ainu no gaki’ (アイヌのガキ “Ainu brat”) (Chap 9). When she calls him stupid he calls her ‘hidoi’ (ヒドーイ “Mean”) (Chap 13).
Gifutarō: When meeting him a second time Sugimoto calls him ‘Dekabutsu’ (デカブツ “Huge guy”) (Chap 15).
Gotō: In the beginning he uses ‘Anta’ (あんた “You”) to call him (chap 1). When he discovers he was one of the prisoners he calls him ‘Kono Oyaji’ (このオヤジ “Old bastard”) (Chap 1). In front of Asirpa he’ll call him ‘Kono Hito’ (この人 “This man”) (Chap 2).
Hijikata Toshizō: Asking info about him he calls him ‘Oyadama’ (親玉 “leader”) (Chap 7).
Huci: Meeting her he calls her ‘Obāsan’ (お婆さん “Grandmother”) (Chap11) but then he later switches to ‘Obāchan’ (お婆ちゃん “Grandmother”) (Chap 13).
Nikaidō Kōhei and Yōhei: He calls them ‘Omae-ra’ (お前ら and おまえら “You (plural)”) (Chap 16).
Nikaidō Yōhei: When he says he’ll mark him he calls him ‘Omae’ ( おまえ “You”) (Chap 17).
Ogata Hyakunosuke: When Ogata removes his coat Sugimoto calls him simply a ‘Heishi’ (兵士 “Soldier”).
Osoma: When he asks her for her name he calls her ‘Ojōchan’ (お嬢ちゃん “Miss”) (Chap 12). Later, when talking with her father, he calls her ‘Osoma-chan’ (オソマちゃん).
Retar: First seeing him Sugimoto calls him a ‘Yaken’ (野犬 “Wild dog”) as that’s what he thought Retar was (Chap 2) and also referred to him as a ‘Dekai Shiroi Inu’ (デカイ白い犬 “Huge white dog”) (Chap 2). When seeing him with Asirpa after his confrontation with Tamai group he calls him ‘Shiroi Ookami’ (白いオオカミ “White Wolf”) and then just ‘Ookami’ (オオカミ “Wolf”) (Chap 11).
Shiraishi Yoshitake: When they capture him with the squirrel trap he labels him ‘Nibikime’ (二匹目 “the second small animal”) they captured (Chap 6). He then calls him ‘Omae’ (お前 “You”) (Chap 6). When Shiraishi is trying to escape he calls him ‘Kono yarō’ (この野郎 “You bastard”) (Chap 6). When Shiraishi tries rub a huge piece of wood to make a fire he calls him ‘Aho’ (アホ “Idiot”) (Chap 7). Then, when searching for the cartridges in the river calls him ‘Temē’ (テメー “You”) (Chap 7). After they talk though, he starts to call him ‘Shiraishi’ (Chap 7).
Sugimoto-tachi o Bikō Shite Ita Shūjin: When they capture him with the squirrel trap he claims he is the ‘Itsupikime’ (一匹目 “the first small animal”) they captured.
Tamai, Noma and Okada: He calls their group ‘Anta-ra’ (あんたら “You (plural)”) (Chap 9) and then just ‘Henshi-tachi’ (軍士たち“Soldiers”) (Chap 17).
Tanigaki Genjirō: When he sees him lying on the ground Sugimoto calls him simply a ‘Heishi’ (兵士 “Soldier”) (Chap 11).
Toraji: He calls him ‘Toraji’ (Chap 1). Talking about Toraji with Asirpa he calls him first ‘Osananajimi’ (幼なじみ “childhood friend”) then switches to ‘Senyū’ (戦友 “comrade in arms/war buddy”) (Chap 1).
Tsurumi: Talking with the Nikaidō brothers he calls him ‘Omae-ra no Taishō’ (お前らの大将 “Your commander”) (Chap 16). When thinking he should have pretended to join him he calls him ‘Ano Tsurumi toka iu chūi’ (あの鶴見とかいう中尉 “That lieutenant Tsurumi or whatever”) (Chap 17)
Tsurumi and his men: He calls their group ‘Anta-ra’ (あんたら “You (plural)”) (Chap 16).
Umeko: Talking about her with Toraji he uses ‘Umeko’. Calling her he uses ‘Ume-chan’ (梅ちゃん) (Chap 1). When talking with Ogata about why he’s searching the gold he calls her ‘Horeta Onna’ (惚れた女 “the woman he fell in love with”) (Chap 5). He however calls her ‘Omae’ (お前 “You”) when he tells her to marry Toraji (chap 6).
Wilk: He calls him ‘Nopperabō’ (のっぺら坊 “Faceless male”) as this was how Sugimoto-tachi o Bikō Shite Ita Shūjin told him he was called (Chap 6).
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Sugimoto-tachi o Bikō Shite Ita Shūjin (杉元達を尾行していた囚人 “Prisoner who was tailing Sugimoto”) better known by the fandom as Prisoner number 1 (囚人番号一 Shūjin Bangō Ichi)
Sugimoto-tachi o Bikō Shite Ita Shūjin: He uses ‘Ore’ (俺 “I”) to talk about himself (Chap 4). When he compares himself to the other prisoners he defines himself as a ‘Koakutō’ (小悪党 “Small villain”) (Chap 4).
Hijikata Toshizō: He calls him a ‘Kaibutsu’ (怪物 “Monster”) (Chap 4).
Sugimoto Saichi: He calls him ‘Nīchan’ (にーちゃん “older brother/young man”) (Chap 4).
Wilk: He claims everyone called him ‘Nopperabō’ (のっぺら坊 “Faceless male”) as he didn’t have a face (Chap 4).
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Tamai (玉井) - Rank: ‘Gochō’ (伍長 “Corporal”)
Asirpa: Talking about her he calls her ‘Kodomo’ (子供 “Child”) (Chap 9)
Ogata Hyakunosuke: Talking about him he calls him ‘Ogata Jōtōhei’ (尾形上等兵 “Superior Private Ogata”) (Chap 8).
Sugimoto Saichi: He uses ‘Kisama’ (きさま “You”) to call him and then ‘Sugimoto’ (Chap 9). When warning his men to keep distance he calls him ‘Fujimi no Sugimoto’ (不死身の杉元 “Sugimoto the Immortal”) (Chap 10).
Tanigaki Genjirō: Talking about him he calls him ‘Tanigaki’ (Chap 9).
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Tanigaki Genjirō (谷垣 源次郎) - Rank: ‘Ittōhei’ (一等兵 “Private First Class”)
Tanigaki Genjirō: He uses ‘Ore’ (俺 “I”) to talk about himself (Chap 9). He also defines himself as a ‘Tōhoku Matagi’ (東北マタギ “Matagi of Tohoku”) (Chap 9).
Asirpa: Talking about her he calls her ‘Kodomo’ (子供 “Child”) (Chap 9) and, seeing she tried concealing her steps he called her ‘Kashikoi Ko’ (賢い子 “Clever child”) (Chap 9). While talking with her he calls her ‘Ojōchan’ (お嬢ちゃん “Miss”) (Chap 9).
Retar: He calls him a ‘Ezo Ookami’ (エゾオオカミ “Hokkaido Wolf”) which is what Retar is (Chap 11) and then just ‘Ookami’ (オオカミ “Wolf”) (Chap 11).
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Toraji (寅次)
Toraji: He uses ‘Ore’ (俺 “I”) to talk about himself.
Sugimoto Saichi: He calls him ‘Saichi’ (Chap 1) or ‘Omae’ (お前 “You”). Talking about their relation he calls him ‘Osananajimi’ (幼なじみ “childhood friend”) (Chap 1).
Umeko: Talking about her with Sugimoto he calls her ‘Umeko’ (Chap 1). He also refers to her as his ‘Nyōbō’ (女房 “Wife”) (Chap 1).
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Tsukishima Hajime (月島 基) - Rank: ‘Gunsō’ (軍曹 “Sergeant”)
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Tsurumi (鶴見) – Rank: ‘Chūi’ (中尉 “First Lieutenant”)
Tsurumi: He uses ‘Watashi’ (私 “I”) to talk about himself (Chap 16) however when he says he’ll bite Sugimoto’s candle he uses ‘Ore’ (俺 “I”) to talk about himself (Chap 16). Talking with Sugimoto he’ll also defines himself ‘Omae no Shinigami’ (お前の死神 “Your God of Death/Your reaper”) (Chap 16).
Ogata Hyakunosuke: Talking about him, first he refers to him as his ‘Buka’ (部下 “Subordinate”), then he calls him ‘Ogata Jōtōhei’ (尾形上等兵 “Superior Private Ogata”) (Chap 16).
Sugimoto Saichi: He uses ‘Omae’ (お前 “You”) to call him (chap 16), then he’ll use ‘Fujimi no Sugimoto’ (不死身の杉元 “Sugimoto the Immortal”) when he’ll try to confirm his identity (Chap 16).
Tanigaki Genjirō: he calls him both ‘Tanigaki’ and ‘Matagi’ (マタギ “Matagi”) (Chap 13).
Wada: he calls him ‘Wada Taii-dono’ (和田大尉殿 “Captain Wada, sir”) (Chap 13)
Tsuyama (津山)
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Umeko (梅子)
Umeko: When talking about herself with her child she calls herself ‘Okāchan’ (お母ちゃん “Mother”) (Chap 15), while talking with Sugimoto she uses ‘Watashi’ (わたし) (Chap 15).
Sugimoto Saichi: Calling him she uses ‘Saichi-chan’ (佐一ちゃん) (Chap 1). When she can’t recognize him she uses ‘Anata’ (あなた “You”) (Chap 15).
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Ushiyama Tatsuma (牛山 辰馬) - Nicknamed ‘Fuhai no Ushiyama’ (不敗の牛山 “Ushiyama the Undefeated”)
Hijitaka: When he sees him he calls him ‘Hijitaka no Jijī’ (土方のジジイ“Old man Hijitaka”) but then switches to ‘Jīsan’ (爺さん“grandfather/old man) (Chap 12).
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Wada (和田) – Rank: ‘Taii’ (大尉 “Captain”)
Wada: He uses ‘Watashi’ (私“I”) to talk about himself (Chap 13).
Tsurumi: He calls him ‘Tsurumi’ and also ‘Kisama’ (貴様 “You”) (Chap 13).
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Wilk (ウイルク/Вилк) – Nicknamed ‘Nopperabō’ (のっぺら坊 “Faceless male”)
Nuances in the words used to say ‘I’
Atashi (あたし or アタシ): The “I” which is an informal effeminate form of watashi. It has a kind of “cute” nuance to it. Because kanji are generally seen as masculine, this word has no kanji form. It is written in either hiragana or katakana.
Ore (俺): The masculine way to say “I”. This is the word tough guys use, and as such it’s almost never used with a polite verb form. It’s worth to note though that it was also the way soldiers would say “I”, though since Sugimoto and Toraji used it prior to join the army I guess it doesn’t matter.
Watashi (私 or わたし): The standard, gender-free way to say “I”.
Nuances in the words used to say ‘you’
Anata (貴方 or あなた): The most common, average, regular-looking, no-nuance second person pronoun of the language. Basically you'd use anata is when you don't know someone's name.
Anta (あんた ): The “you” which is a shortened version of anata, highly informal and generally rude or admonishing in nature.
Anta-ra (あんた等 or あんたら): A plural form of anta which is slightly more rude than Anta-tachi.
Kisama (貴様 or きさま): The “you” who’s currently rude, usually used between enemies and by Japanese males when angry. In old Japan it was actually a term of respect though and, later, it was commonly used among soldiers to talk to each other.
Omae (お前): The “you” used in very informal situations or toward people of lower status. This word feels very “blunt” and can easily come off as rude.
Temē (手前 or テメー or てめえ): The “you” rude and confrontational. Literal meaning “the one in front of my hand”. It’s a reduction of temae and it’s ruder. Used when the speaker is very angry. Originally used for a humble first person. The Kanji are seldom used with this meaning, as unrelated to its use as a pronoun, 手前 can also mean “before”, “this side”, “one’s standpoint” or “one’s appearance”.
Chan (ちゃん): A diminutive suffix; it expresses that the speaker finds a person endearing. Also used to speak about children or among childhood friends.
Dono (どの or 殿): Roughly means “lord” or “master”. It does not equate noble status; rather it is a term akin to “milord”, and lies below -sama in level of respect. It was also used in place of “sir” in the army.
San (さん): The most commonplace honorific and is a title of respect typically used between equals of any age. Although the closest translations would be “Mr.”, “Miss”, “Ms.”, or “Mrs.”, -san is almost universally added to a person’s name and can be used in formal and informal contexts for both genders.
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goldenkamuyhunting · 3 years
Ramblings and crazy theory time about GK chap 301 “Second wave”
So we’ve the last chapter for this year, which shows us...
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...how cool and amazing Ushiyama the Undefeated is.
But let’s go with order.
So we resume the story with Shiraishi and Co realizing they got aboard a train carrying Tsurumi’s reinforcements. In short it’s as if they’ve walked straight into his army.
However, as the soldiers didn’t expect them to appear, they are completely caught by surprise by Ushiyama grabbing two of them and using them as non conventional weapons to knock off all the other soldiers. So, Ushiyama the Undefeated begins a massacre fest with all the poor soldiers of the 7th. Really, I kind of feel bad for them, Ushiyama is like a bullet train squashing everything on his tracks.
Hijikata and Sugimoto supposedly get into the fray as well but really, Noda doesn’t pay them any attention, he’ll likely expand their role in the volume version, as we only see Hijikata pull out his sword and Sugimoto, supposedly before start fighting, tell Shiraishi to grab Asirpa and get off the train… which really isn’t a great plan considering they likely had let go of the horses.
I mean, trains back then were slower but jumping off of one at full speed likely wasn’t healthy and they would still be without horses and chased by Tsurumi and his men who instead had them.
(That is unless they forced their poor horses to keep up with the train)
Whatever, Asirpa tries to reach back to Tanigaki, who had yet to enter into the wagon, to tell him they should leave asap when Tanigaki is shoot from behind right in front of her eyes... evidently because poor Asirpa wasn’t traumatized enough yet so Noda decided some more psychological harm won’t hurt.
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Or, possibly, would hurt enough to get her to the point he wants her to reach.
I mean... I wonder if Noda is trying to break her so as to push her to shoot someone so as to save Sugimoto or someone else, even though he previously had shown her resisting to it when Ostrog threatened her.
Is he trying to find a way to trigger her to... push the trigger?
Is Asirpa’s arc meant to be tied to Sofia’s in some way? While Sofia hesitated and couldn’t kill Tsurumi out of guilt, is the idea that Asirpa will have to overcome that guilt or she’ll have to keep on seeing the people she cares about die all around her?
We’ll see.
Anyway, after having been shoot, Tanigaki manages to close the door of the wagon before he falls off the train. The wound was bad and the fall isn’t going to help. His own daughter might be about to become orphan before learning to say ‘papa’.
Bright plan Tanigaki, go help Asirpa, get killed in front of her so she’ll get traumatized and make your daughter an orphan.
Nihei told you, you get only a shoot at life so you’ve to use it well. I understand paying back your debts but sometimes you’ve to pick up what’s more important and, although I love Asirpa more than your daughter, you should prioritize ensuring your own child grows up with a father.
Okay, I get you didn’t get yourself shoot on purpose, I get you meant well, A side of me loves this side of you but really, sometimes picking up the safe option isn’t wrong.
Anyway, while Asirpa is frozen in shock, Shiraishi holds the door close.
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I’m not sure if he’s locking it, but it doesn’t matter because Tsurumi, after giving a creepy peck at Asirpa from the window, uses his own head to break it (in a scene that reminds me of some horror movie, can’t remember which one, I saw long ago) and then tries to rip away the quiver from Asirpa, as he believes the land deed is in it.
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Oh, and yeah, this also mean he was the one who shoot Tanigaki.
Sugimoto tries to stop him, stabbing Tsurumi’s hand with his own bayonet, and Tsurumi replies shooting Sugimoto twice. Don’t worry, Sugimoto, differently from Sofia, Vasily and Tanigaki is the main character with a solid plot armor so this is surely a flesh wound and he’ll be better in a moment.
Asirpa pushes Tsurumi’s gun away but Tsurumi catches this chance to free his hand and resume trying to pull away the quiver, only for Shiraishi to grab it while Sugimoto tries again to stab Tsurumi, this time going for his head.
Tsurumi’s plot armor is even better than Sugimoto as Sugi doesn’t even manage to scratch him.
Sugimoto tells Asirpa to stand back so she hides under the seats and start moving toward the front of the train.
Tsurumi notices her actions and warns Tsukishima, who’s still riding his horse forcing it to go at the same pace of the train, about it. Tsukishima tries to move toward the front of the wagon while Ushiyama tosses out of it more and more soldiers.
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Too bad he doesn’t catch Tsukishima with one of them.
Meanwhile both Koito and Ogata hear the gunshot and realize they come from the train, of which they can see the smoke. By the way, Ogata seems to be riding now so yes, he shoot one of Koito’s men to steal his horse.
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I expect both Koito’s group and Ogata to converge on the train because we need more people to make this trainwreck even bigger.
Anyway Asirpa and Shiraishi keep on crawling under the seats, trying to reach the front exist. Asirpa is clearly still in shock, all sweating and thinking at Tanigaki, again looking as if she’s turning into water.
Ushiyama catches sight of her and tells her to give a good look at him as he deals with the soldiers so she’ll be able to add the tale of Ushiyama to her Ainu legends, making Ushiyama’s story an Ainu favourite.
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Surely Ushiyama looks like he’s basically disposing of the whole 7th division single handedly, Noda having forgotten about Hijikata who wasn’t shown again (he’ll probably add him back in the volume version) and while this is very, very cool for me as a viewer I’ve two main worries, the first being I’m not sure how psychologically healthy for an already traumatized Asirpa is to see Ushiyama massacring people left and right, and the second is that Ushiyama is pulling up a goddamn huge red flag with his own words.
On the other side Ushiyama has already pulled up red flags in Abashiri and survived to them easily, never mentioning he was on the right side of the survival road so I feel pretty confident the undefeated Ushiyama will not lose to death either… but something can happen that might make Asirpa believe he died too (kind of like she believed Ariko died), possibly a meeting with Tsukishima, since Tsukishima is heading toward the front of the wagon.
That or Noda decided the survival road wasn’t that safe after all and that allt he bets are open and everyone can die.
Whatever, I really think my poor girl needs to catch a breath and stop seeing so many deaths of people she cares about, this can’t be good for her.
Anyway, with this the chapter ends, leaving us wonder if Tanigaki died or not.
So I know some people are wondering if it was the tiger curse and some others just aren’t thrilled by the idea of blaming the tiger curse for what’s happening to Tanigaki.
What was the tiger curse exactly and how does it involve Tanigaki?
In chap 181 Sofia explained how, according to the Nanai people, tigers are gods and therefore shouldn’t be harmed. They actually have a legend that anyone who kills a tiger will live a life of misfortune.
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In that same chapter they make a point to inform us that Kiroranke’s true name, Yulbars, means tiger, tracing a parallel between him and the tiger that attacks the prison.
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Later Kiro will be murdered. He dies of blood loss and the ones drawing his blood were Tanigaki, Koito and Tsukishima, Tanigaki being the first and the one who gave him a fatal blow (albeit one who would kill him slowly).
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Ironically Tanigaki is also the last (he shoot Kiro along with Tsukishima) and, of the three, he’s the only one who owned his life to Kiro.
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He’s also there for a misguided reason as he believed Kiro attempted to kill Inkarmat and so that he’s avenging them, when Kiro actually stabbed her by incident (they were fighting and fell and she ended up on the knife, he would have wanted to help her but Inkarmat instead clung to the knife, sinking it even deeper).
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Long story short, the introduction of what ended up being called by fans ‘tiger curse’ where in this case the tiger would be Kiroranke, ends up becoming a narrative trick to foreshadow that who was involved in Kiroranke’s death will face misfortune… kind of like characters being drawn with naked feet might foreshadow their death.
There’s no tiger out for Tanigaki’s blood, there’s just a narrative warning Tanigaki (and Tsukishima and Koito) will have bad karma at play due to their own actions.
My personal interpretation of this specific foreshadowing was that the three of them wouldn’t die but live a life of misfortune (example: They’ll end up jailed by Central). Of course it can be Noda instead wanted to foreshadow they’ll die instead.
Alternatively, he might have forgotten his foreshadowing and decided to go for a different ending for them. It’s a pity but it’s something a writer is entitled to do.
Tanigaki’s wound seems to be in the abdominal area, so it’s likely a wound which ensures a slow and painful death same as the one he would have given Kiro with his stabbing. Tsurumi was pretty close so, unless Tanigaki was wearing some form of protection (courtesy of Inkarmat which can occasionally see the future) and the blood that sprayed out wasn’t his own, I would say it’s unlikely Tanigaki will survive.
We’ll see though if Inkarmat managed to save him of if this is what will kill Tanigaki off.
If Tanigaki will die I’ll be sorry but not surprised as Tanigaki has been nursing a long string of bad decisions so, even without the bad karma, he was a character that was at risk of not getting out of this story alive.
Noda also said
Q21: Will Inkarmat, Tanigaki and Cikapasi ever reunite, just the three of them? Noda: I think it would be more compelling if Tanigaki and Cikapasi never meet again. (Q&A section from the Golden Kamuy fanbook translation courtesi of @piduai​)
The interesting part of this reply is that this person asked if INKARMAT, Tanigaki and Cikapasi will reunite and Noda replied solely that Tanigaki and Cikapasi will not reunite, meaning Cikapasi and Inkarmat might. Of course Noda might have also said so because, since Inkarmat has become Tanigaki’s wife of some sort, she couldn’t be away from Tanigaki so saying he and Cikapasi will not reunite implies Inkarmat will not get a chance to meet with him as well.
We’ll see.
I’ll probably talk more about Tanigaki’s death if or when it comes to pass, for now I think I’ll stop here. This should be the last Golden Kamuy chapter for this year so let’s wait and see what next year will bring us!
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