#Tatsuuma ushiyama
bowietiee · 3 months
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it's still us.
part 1 || part 2
god i love golden kamuy as much as i love creating things that make you think and feel and cry and think even more about the story
it took me a while (a day) to find all these panels and GOSH im obsessed
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tikihoneybee · 2 years
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Gold people
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senjo · 1 year
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lowkeyartdemon · 6 months
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Sex god
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bellamer · 2 years
Ushiyama's way of flirting is really "Your ass is fat and your voice is pretty, lemme hit it."
I admire it.
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whydoyouaskmethis · 1 month
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Some other screencaps from Golden Kamuy new teaser
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arill-b-r · 3 months
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More of these!!
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bless-the-seventh · 1 month
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goldenkamuyhunting · 3 months
hi!! i just finished the manga and your blog has been helping a lot with overcoming the sadness :') personally, i really enjoyed the latest arcs and ending (some deaths aside...) but i know you didn't. i'm curious as to how your ideal ending would be like, or at least how you think some characters evolution/end should've been approached in order to make more sense to the story, if you're ok with sharing!! (sorry if this has been discussed before, i'm still catching up with all your posts :0)
I'm glad I was of some help!
That's great you enjoyed the ending, I'm really happy for you! ^_^
Yes, things I was hoping for the ending were discussed in the past but I can give a quick recap, just keep in mind those are my thoughts, and I'm not Noda, everyone can have different preferences. Also those aren't necessarily happy endings for the characters... and they were better explained in past posts. Those are just summaries so they might not make a great deal of sense without all the context if one didn't read the past posts.
The land deed: getting lost, destroyed, burned, you name it. As far as we know there was no land deed in real life. If there's a land deed in the story, either the Ainu should get MORE than what they obtained in real life or the land deed should get destroyed. Since the intention was never for them to get more because the story should end up overlap with real life, destroying the land deed was the best option.
Sugimoto: facing the fact killing got too easy on him and that he would never heal if he keeps on going for that path (it was discussed in his fight with Toni Anji and in other points but it never went anywhere). Going back to Umeko alone, discovering he didn't need to leave her because she viewed him as a moster or something (which also never went anywhere). Either starting a life with her or being rejected by her. If he were to be rejected eventually he could go back to Hokkaido after a year or two. Eventually overcoming his PTSS and be happy in a more peaceful life.
Asirpa: remaining in Hokkaido and fighting for AInu rights WITH OTHER AINU. Uniting them and, with them work for a pacifical way to preserve their culture. Growing up from her crush for Sugimoto and either remain single or find herself someone else. Become a great person and leader figure for her people.
Shiraishi: getting close to Kiro's family as he was Kiro's friend and cared for him. Eventually marry and keep contact with Asirpa and Sugimoto.
Inkarmat: lose her child due to the stab wound and eventually die, not from the stab wound but because she discovers what Tsurumi plans to do to Asirpa and ends up killed in the process.
Tanigaki: going back home not because he got married but because he was finally ready to face his family and tell them of his sister's fate which was a goal he should have had early on. Regret he left again someone he loved for vengeance which lead him to lose Inkarmat. Finally learn leaving the ones you love to pursue vengeance isn't a good idea. Also that Tsurumi isn't the good person he assumed.
Chikapasi: I'm fine with him getting adopted by Enonoka's grandfather... what I didn't want for him was the whole implication he's meant to form a family with Enonoka. I wanted the grandfather to adopt him because he's a child in need of family and he grew fond of him, instead there's hardly any interaction between him and Enonoka's grandfather and the story implies he and Enonoka are going to build up a family like in the whole Ainu story they filmed.
Hijikata: die but in a much better fight (because again I know the story want to realign with reality and in real life Hijikata dies).
Nagakura: either die or keep on caring for Hijikata's goal also post Hijikata's death.
Ushiyama: survive, not get the gold but find his own path in life without it. Possibly remain friend with Asirpa and help her.
Tsurumi: die but, before doing it, seeing her daughter in Asirpa and finding some peace.
Ogata: either die in Karafuto or have something to do in the following plot. My main complain for Ogata was that post Karafuto he fundamentally does nothing relevant and ends up on offing himself on his own.
Ariko: either die when he was shoot or join Asirpa into trying to preserve Ainu culture.
Sofia: I'm not overly fond of how she had to bring her men in Hokkaido to fight an AInu battle but whatever, if she had to die, I want for her to die WITHOUT FEELING SORRY FOR TSURUMI. She might feel sorry for her men, for Wilk and Asirpa, she doesn't have to feel guilty for Tsurumi's baby when she hardly had any place in her death and she ESPECIALLY doesn't have to feel sorry for him when he plans to take his revenge on Asirpa.
Koito: cut his ties with Tsurumi or either be punished because he didn't and losing his position and rank.
Tsukishima: cut his ties with Tsurumi and learn to love himself PRIOR TO TSURUMI'S SUPPOSED DEATH. Decide on his own to remain with Koito instead than Koito having to go ask him removing him from his Tsurumi search.
There were more but I think as a summary this covers it.
Thank you for your ask!
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seedsofagony · 2 years
Tomcat (GK)
Series: Golden Kamuy
Characters: Hijikata Toshizou, Nagakura Shinpachi; in alphabetical order: Ienaga Kano, Kadokura Toshiyuki, Kirawus, Okuyama Kantarou, Toni Anji, Ushiyama Tatsuuma
Summary: I don’t want to let the Hiji-cat-a out of the bag: SFW, fluff, alternate timeline, spoiler free
Word Count: 1,945
Notes: Inspired by the ohiru neko (sleepy cat) prize figures and this comic by tyag53, along with my desire for everybody to be together under one roof. ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ
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Image Credit: Alexander Possingham
Hijikata sat up slowly, blankets puddling in his lap, stretched and yawned. Light filtered in through the windows, cutting golden angles across the tatami mats and walls. He was surprised by the hour. Normally he would never sleep this late - it was a waste of daylight - but his futon was warm and soft, practically begging him to stay just a little while longer. His jaws cracked with another yawn and he rubbed bleary eyes.
No. He slapped his hands to his cheeks and shook his head to clear out the cobwebs. Hair falling over his face, he tucked it behind his ears. The long grey strands fell loose back into his face. Absently, he tucked them back again, but the strands fell into his face. Furrowing his brow, Hijikata swept back his hair a third time only to realize there was nothing to hold it back.
Not a man to panic, he reached up and carefully felt the sides of his head. No ears. That couldn’t be - he could hear the birds outside the window, chittering and singing in a way that suddenly seemed to draw all of his attention. Soft movement on the top of his head amplified the sound. Tentatively, Hijikata smoothed his hands over his hair to discover two triangular ears covered in sleek fur.
His tail bristled - tail?! It stuck out straight behind him, a slender exclamation point with every grey hair on end. Taking a deep breath, Hijikata felt it relax slightly. The fur was still fluffed, but the tail curled around and into his lap for closer inspection. Tentatively, he stroked the raised fur, surprised by the pleasant buzz - not unlike a comb run through your hair.
Frowning thoughtfully, he held the tail - his tail - in his hands. First, he wondered how something like this could happen. Was he dreaming? He pulled a few hairs from the tail and winced. If he wasn’t dreaming, then why had no one else noticed? It was unusual for him to sleep this late, so why hadn’t anyone woken him up? Rousing himself with great difficulty from the warmth of his bed and stretching with markedly feline languor, Hijikata slid open the screen.
At the sound of the screen sliding open behind him, Nagakura couldn’t help but feel a certain degree of relief. If that old demon wanted to sleep in - if he’d found some woman to spend the night without him knowing - that was his business. But there was always a part of him that worried. Hijkata Toshizou might be a legend, but he wasn’t immune to the ravages of old age. A heart attack or a stroke might take him as easily as any bullet.
He half-turned as Ienaga ladled miso soup into his bowl, knitting his shaggy brows together to disguise his relief. “I trust you slept well?”
The whole lot of them were early risers. It went without saying that Nagakura himself was awake before dawn - he practiced his sword, but the older he got, the less he found he needed to sleep. Ushiyama always got himself up early to train, and Toni was never long after. Ienaga busied herself with cooking breakfast or gathering herbs, and Kantarou had wisely learned to keep to her schedule. Kirawus was up early to hunt or fish - it was only his layabout companion, Kadokura, who couldn’t be bothered to rise in a timely manner. Ogata, well, he came and went and was little more than a stray cat.
Cat. Nagakura didn’t even notice the hot soup spilling over into his lap - didn’t even notice that Ienaga had not stopped pouring, her eyes fixed on Hijikata standing in the open screen. They all stared - chopsticks halfway to open mouths, conversations left dangling in mid-air. It was Ushiyama who finally spoke first.
“Well,” he said, returning to his rice, “I saw that in a brothel once. I just didn’t expect you to go in for that sort of thing, Hijikata.”
Nagakura exploded to his feet, half-foaming with wordless sounds, soup bowl sloshing over in his white-knuckled grip. “Wh-”
Hijikata held up a hand, the triangular ears on top of his head flicking back mildly. “I know this must come as a shock,” he began.
“Shock?!” Nagakura spluttered. “I expect this kind of prank from them,” he jabbed his chopsticks at Kirawus and Kadokura - who echoed a soft and simultaneous, Hey! -”But, Hijikata… you?”
Hijikata pursed his lips in a patient smile and began again. “I know this must come as a shock - to no one more than myself - but this is the way of it until we can find a cure.”
Still clutching the pot, Ienaga crowded around him, squinting at his ears. “They’re real?”
“Apparently,” said Hijikata. “And there’s more.” He coughed softly into his hand, a sinuous grey tail suddenly curling into view.
For a fraction of a second, you could have heard a pin drop - then the room erupted. Nagakura’s eyes rolled back into his head and he hit the floor, soup spraying across the tatami mat. Ienaga wondered if, at some desperate point in time, Hijikata had ever eaten a cat. Kantarou squealed then immediately covered his mouth, eyes wide but sparkling. Kadokura could only stutter and flush bright red while Kirawus banged him on the back, convinced he must be choking.
Only Ushiyama and Toni failed to react. Wiggling a finger in his ear, Toni grimaced. “Can somebody tell me what the hell is going on?”
Once the excitement died down and Nagakura had been revived, Hijikata tried to conduct business as usual. He went over the day’s plans, talked strategy, and doled out the necessary funds, but all the while, he couldn’t shake the heaviness of fatigue. All he wanted to do was crawl back into bed and take a little cat nap for, say, ten to twelve hours. After that? Something to eat and maybe a bath before going back to sleep. It was utterly unlike him, but he didn’t pay it any mind - it was instinctively feline hedonism.
The feeling only grew as the day progressed. His men came and went, while Hijikata found himself following the rays of the sun as they moved around the room. When the sun sank below the horizon, bathing the room in cool blue shadows, he nestled up to the brazier, nearly close enough to singe the fur on his ears and tail.
Stifling a yawn, neither seemed all that strange to him now. They weren’t entirely convenient - when Kadokura and Kirawus began to bicker like an old married couple, Hijikata’s ears flattened against his head, tail lashing in annoyance. That shut them up faster than his feline glare. It was becoming impossible to maintain his usual cool facade.
By the time dinner rolled around, the house was full again. Ienaga served up bowls of rice (which Hijikata mostly ignored) with grilled fish (which he devoured). Sake, while not quite as palatable as the fish, was still welcome, and deep into their cups, Hijikata’s new appendages became the center of attention again.
Kantarou sprawled out on the floor, face flushed, entranced by Hijikata’s lithe grey tail. “Can I touch it…?” he asked, words thick with drink.
Before Hijikata could answer, Kantarou circled his hand around the tail, gently stroking it from bottom to top, letting it fall from his loose grip. Hijikata sat bolt upright, struck by that pleasant buzz again, and a soft, deep Prrp! rumbled in his chest.
For the second time that day, you could have heard a pin drop. And for the second time, the room absolutely exploded, everyone crawling over the top of each other to pet ears and tail. Nagakura reacted better this time, emboldened by his sake. Swinging a broom like a katana - deadly if domestic - he chased them off or at least in circles. Hijikata slunk out of the room unnoticed. He’d had his share of the commotion and it was long past time for bed.
In the morning, Hijikata found himself curled up on the blankets, tail wrapped snugly around his body and over his nose. It was dark still, but he could make out each sleeping shape as easily as if it were daylight. His ears swiveled toward the window, catching the chirping of birds - fascinating stuff. Rousing himself, he arched his back into a full-body stretch and padded toward the shades for a peek. Hands caught him up before he could even make it off the blanket.
Nagakura peered at him, holding him under his arms. Hijikata flicked his tail in annoyance.
“Is that really you?”
Apart from his own name, the rest of Nagakura’s soft sounds were lost on Hijikata, totally unintelligible. He was more interested in those birds, and he’d just about enough of being held. But instead of putting him down, Nagakura hugged his small grey body to his chest, tucking his fuzzy head beneath his bristled chin. He tolerated it, and the longer Nagakura held him like this, the more pleasant it became. A deep purr emanated from his chest as Nagakura buried his nose into his fur.
At breakfast, no one knew what to say. The old grey cat lay curled in Nagakura’s lap, dozing, purring in its sleep as he stroked its fur. Of one thing, however, they were certain. The Hijikata Toshizou they knew was gone, his nightclothes in a wrinkled heap on his futon, his sword untouched. He had been replaced, every whisker, by this feline and showed no signs of recognition. Although, now that he was a cat, it was hard to tell if he really didn’t know them or if he was just doing as cats are wont to do.
Kantarou was the first to speak. “So… now what?” He stared down at the cat, torn between heartbreak and desperately wanting to hold the little animal himself.
Kadokura rubbed his stubbled chin. “Do we continue the mission?”
“Can we?” Ushiyama frowned, arms folded across his chest. “Is there a mission without him?”
“The gold is still out there,” said Toni. “We have a copy of his tattoo. We could try.”
“Carry on his dream?” Ienaga tapped her finger on her lips. “I suppose there’s no reason why he couldn’t turn back someday…”
Kirawus took a drag on his pipe. “It’s worth a try.”
Nagakura cleared his throat, but his voice was rough with emotion. “If you all want to keep going, then have it. As for me… I'm staying with him.”
He looked down at the cat and scratched it behind the ears, tender in a way he could never have been before. The cat purred louder, stretched, toes splayed, then looked up at him, blinking slowly. Nagakura pursed his lips, whiskers bristling, as he held back tears.
“Then it’s decided,” said Ushiyama suddenly. He rubbed furiously at his nose and sniffed hard. “Kantarou, today you’re coming with me. Kadokura, Kirawus, you two are-”
Assignments and funds were given. Breakfast was cleaned up, the dishes washed and put away. The house emptied out save for Nagakura and the cat, who remained where they sat, bathed in warm rays of morning light.
“If you ever get well,” murmured Nagakura, “I hope you remember this day.” The cat did not stir, but sat in a loaf on the old man’s lap. “Alive or dead, Hijikata Toshizou still commands the hearts of men.”
At this, the cat opened one eye - its slitted pupil meeting Nagakura’s gaze - before closing it again. A deep purr rumbled through its chest, and Nagakura could not be sure that the demon vice commander was not still there, somewhere, in the soft body of a small grey cat.
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iheartkirawus · 1 year
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: ゴールデンカムイ | Golden Kamuy (Manga), ゴールデンカムイ | Golden Kamuy (Anime) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Kadokura/Kirawus (Golden Kamuy) Characters: Kirawus (Golden Kamuy), Kadokura (Golden Kamuy), Hijikata Toshizou (Golden Kamuy), Nagakura Shinpachi (Golden Kamuy), Ushiyama Tatsuma, Okuyama Kantarou Additional Tags: Sickfic, Falling In Love, Canon Compliant, Let's Explore Kadokura's Past, Alternate Title: Sassmaster Kirawus Catches Feels Summary:
Kadokura catches his death and is bedridden after the Lake Akan fiasco. As it falls on Kirawus to take care of his sloppy coworker, he learns more about him, and his opinion of him begins to change…
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bowietiee · 4 months
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dude they love far-back shinsengumi
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tikihoneybee · 2 years
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Gold seekers
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senjo · 2 years
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ojamas · 2 years
do you ever struggle explaining what golden kamuy is about to someone?
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ber-go · 2 years
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Excuse me! They SAID no pickles >:I
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