#Utakata no Uchronia Awayuki
the-himawari-otome · 9 months
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[Utakata no Uchronia] Official LINE New Year's Fortunes
・゚・:,。★ click the images to view the translation ★,。・:・゚
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wildflower-otome · 3 months
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Utakata no Uchronia - B'sLOG April 2024 Poster
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katokathy · 2 years
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NEW GAME IN DEVELOPMENT! Artist is RiRi (Piofiore no Banshou/Yunohana Spring!)
Utakata no Uchronia from B’s Log Magazine February 2023
Scans: katokathy
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sakura-otome · 5 months
Alright, since Utakata no Uchronia is finally being released and I'm gonna be picking up my reservation at Stella Worth tomorrow, let's go through the main and also side characters and talk about which ones I would totally smash
For those of you who don't know Broccoli, the company that produced Jack Jeanne, has come out with a new otome game as of 4/11.
The writing team is basically the exact same team as the one that worked on Piofiore, including the artist RiRi
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I'm genuinely so hype for this game. I never ever ever reserve the special edition for a game, but I'm confident this will be a masterpiece like Piofiore. The character designs are all great, the voice actors are top notch A-listers, and they even used live 2D to animate all the sprites! Which has never been done in an otome game before.
This game also has a free trial, which let's you play through the common route, so I definitely encourage anyone who's interested and able to read Japanese to go ahead and play it.
Anyways, let's get to the main cast!
Okay first and foremost, our lovely protagonist ~ ❤️❤️
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Her default name is Hinagiku, which is so darn cute!
I don't play games if I don't like the MC's design, but she passes with flying colors. I love white hair, her outfit is fantastic, and I don't find her personality grating. She's actually quite fun!
1000% SMASH
Next is Yashiro
VA: Kobayashi Chiaki
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He's clearly the main hero. Putting aside plot stuff and other predictions, his big thing is being quite mysterious. Though he's very friendly, due to his amnesia at the story, we know basically nothing about him. From what I could glean from the info on the site and character PVs, I'm definitely sensing self hatred and angst, and also he's much bolder than I would have expected!
Next is Tobari
VA: Okamoto Nobuhiko
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So far, he's the one I'm most looking forward to. He's the face of the red light district, and is very dependable despite his age. I really adore the deep kindness that seems to underly his tough exterior, and the voice samples give me the picture of a someone who won't reach out to the MC because of his role, and what it would do to her if he were to take that chance. It doesn't matter if she wants it, it would lead to her unhappiness —
Listen I could go on. But to summarize.
Here's the thing about me. I'm always craving a specific kind of angst. I love when one party rejects the other, not because the feelings aren't mutual, but because they have to choose to live by their principles in some way. And I feel that Tobari is the most likely to scratch this itch.
Next up is Awayuki
VA: Saito Soma
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He is basically the MC's personal butler/guardian. They've been by each other's sides since they were children, and he was one of the few that remained after the fire that destroyed her home and killed her parents when she was 8.
I certainly don't dislike this dynamic, but it's not necessarily my biggest thing. The notes said that the theme for his route was "attachment" or "obsession", from the both if them, which is intriguing to me because MC doesn't seem intense to me in that way, but we'll have to see!
Next is Yori
VA: Eguchi Takuya
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He's an officer in the militia Kurozuru, and is outright stated in his bio to have quite the nasty personality.
Tbh he pisses me off too much for me to make a fair assessment of him. He's perfectly physically attractive but I cant get past the urge to strangle him Homer Simpson style.
I'm looking forward to his route only insofar as I hope he gets put in his goddamn place.
Next up, Tsuyukusa
VA: Matsuoka Yoshitsugu
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He's a skilled craftsman and a childhood friend to the MC.
He has the biggest, fattest, most obvious crush on the MC right out the gate, and it's honestly the cutest thing ever.
I'm honestly shocked this girl hasn't noticed, he barely hides it. Bitch is cute but hella dense.i honestly feel bad for him at this point.
He's really giving me cat energy. Real meow meow catboy energy if you will. Anyway
Moving onto side characters! Woo!
VA: Azakami Yōhei
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So apparently he's Yori's older brother who also works in Kurozuru. From what I've seen of this guy, he's genuinely one of the nicest people ever, and I cannot believe he is related to Tori in any capacity. A mystery how he turned out so well-adjusted while Yori is an unapologetic dickhead. Would love to see a side story with him.
This is Aijiro
VA: Toya Kikunosuke
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Works for Yori. Hates his boss but is one of the few actually capable of working with him. Personally, not my type, design or personality wise.
Next up, Karatachi
VA: Fukuyama Jun
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The head of Kurozuro. Is known to be quite eccentric and difficult to work with.
Listen, out of everyone in this game, he's the one I would personally jump in an alley. OBSESSED.
Moving on, Shioji
VA: Yoshimura Kazuhiro
He's Tobari's right hand man, and also sort of "older brother". He's friendly and charming but I'm not particularly struck by him or his design.
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the-himawari-otome · 1 year
B’s-LOG September 2023 - Utakata no Uchronia Character Interview Translation [Awayuki]
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What kind of mansion is the main character living in?
Awayuki: The mansion of the princess I serve is a quite a new building for a family with such a long history. It was rebuilt when it burned down 10 years ago. I make sure to keep it clean, including the rooms that are currently not in use. Besides taking care of my master’s personal needs, it is my job to ensure her comfort from assisting her in her official duties to managing the residence.
Although there are more servants than just me now, I try to do as much as possible for the princess myself. One thing I do is manage the food, and I pay particular attention to the ingredients. There are times when I shut myself in the kitchen for the princess who makes requests, saying she wants to eat this or that. But I don't mind at all. I want her to only eat foods that are good for her health.
Q&A - Awayuki and Hinagiku
Q1: What kind of person is the other?
Hinagiku: He has always been devoting himself to my family and I for a long time now. He even coordinates the other servants. He can truly to anything, so I tend to rely on him... He cooks delicious meals everyday, and he’s also skilled at sewing since he’s good with his hands. Moreover, he likes things clean, so he always keeps the house nice and tidy.
Awayuki: Ever since her parents passed away, she has taken over her family estate with the help of her guardian. For better or for worse, she’s full of curiosity. Despite being a noble, she enjoys strolling around town and chatting with the commoners. She’s more nosy than kind, and she can’t lie to save her life. All of her thoughts show on her face...  I’ve been with her for such a long time, so I might be the only one who knows that.
Q2: What do you like and think is wonderful about the other person?
Hinagiku: He listens to everything I say... is what I’d like to say. But he doesn’t give me what I want and he scolds me for doing things that I shouldn’t do quite often. I know he’s strict for my sake though. And besides, if I truly beg him for something, then he usually gives in. All things considered, Awayuki is sweet to me. 
Awayuki: Let me think... The fact she never refuses to try food she might dislike, and when she does have something she likes, it shows clearly on her face? I also think it’s cute that she makes all sorts of expressions as she reads popular novels. She works diligently everyday, and it’s impressive that she’s always bright and rarely catches colds. Well, even if she was someone who was full of flaws, there’s no way I would ever dislike her.
Q3: What do you dislike about and wish the other person would change?
Hinagiku: I’m a little worried that he’s too much of a workaholic. Work is the only thing on his mind from morning until night. While I appreciate his dedication as my servant, I think it might be better if he had more hobbies.
Awayuki: There’s nothing in particular. If she is living as she pleases, then that’s all... Ah, no. It’s not good that she wants to do everything herself. I am her servant, so it will trouble me if she doesn’t make more use of me. I even do her hair for her every morning... there’s no need for her to lift anything heavier than chopsticks, isn’t that right?
Q4: What do you think about the other person?
Hinagiku: He’s my servant, but he’s my family. I suppose he’s someone who will always be by my side no matter what. We’re always together, so I can generally tell what he’s thinking even if he doesn’t say a word.
It seems I’ll always be a small child in his eyes no matter how much time passes... but I hope I can be recognized as a splendid head of the household soon.
Awayuki: She is my one and only master. The one to whom I should dedicate my all. Her words are more important to me than Lord Taiju’s.
I’ll die if she tells me to die... Wait, no. That won’t do. I’m too worried to take my eyes off of her, so I can’t die even if I wanted to. My princess is helpless without me. You can see that, can’t you? I must stay by her side and take care of her, always.
Lastly, please give a message to the main character!
Awayuki: I think it's admirable that you're working hard every day to be a splendid head of the house. But you only just became an adult, so it's natural that there are things that you can't do. You don’t have to force yourself beyond your limits.
Oh right. Would you like to have milk agar jelly as your snack tomorrow? I already have some syrup-soaked fruit, so I’ll prepare it tonight.
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the-himawari-otome · 1 year
B’s-LOG May 2023 - Utakata no Uchronia Short Story Translation [Devoted Servant]
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Also available on the official website
The curtains open in a single rush followed by the windows being thrown open mercilessly.
I squirm and curl up under my blankets.
I want to escape the dazzling light and cool morning air that fills the room.
“…I’m awake…”
“Say that after you get out from your covers. And don’t fall asleep again, understand?”
The sound of his footsteps fade away.
(…I’m sleepy.)
I want to stay in my soft, warm bed forever.
I can’t open my drooping eyelids.
With a hazy sense habit and obligation, I reluctantly step out from my blankets.
I languidly slide down from my bed and wash my face with the lukewarm water that Awayuki has prepared for me. Then I’m finally awake.
After I finish changing my clothes, Awayuki returns as if he anticipated it.
“…See? I got up properly, didn’t I? Great job, right?”
“Yes, yes. Very good.”
When I sit in front of the dresser like usual, Awayuki glances at me in the mirror and frowns.
“Princess… I told you to sleep early yesterday, didn’t I?”
“Your eyelids are swollen. Did you stay up late reading a book again?”
My heart skips a beat.
In the mirror, my face looks just as it always does. But it appears Awayuki can see the difference.
“Your complexion isn’t bad… However, I hope you’re not scrubbing too hard when you wash your face.”
“I’m doing it like usual. Like usual!”
I wash my face gently.
Awayuki has mentioned this many times over the years. Apparently, I have strong skin, so it doesn’t get rough even if I scrub it hard.
“…Princess? Is there something on your mind?”
“Oh, no. It’s nothing! I was just thinking that you’re the same as always.”
“? What are you trying to say?”
“Um, well… it seems you have your own personal perception of ‘me’, don’t you?”
Awayuki, who’s standing behind me, inadvertently cracks a smile.
“Why, of course I do. I have to. After all, I’m the one who knows our precious princess the best.”
My servant is truly dedicated to his job.
He knows me more than I know myself.
“I’d like a bellflower hairpin today.”
“As you wish.”
He gently brushes my hair back with his gloved fingers.
I gaze absentmindedly at the mirror as he softly and carefully combs my hair with a boxwood comb.
“What’s the matter?”
Although Awayuki’s gaze was lowered to focus on my hair, he immediately notices my stare.
“Say, Awayuki. I’m grown up, aren’t I?”
“You are.”
“So I’m already an adult?”
“According to the laws of Itehari, yes.”
“…Isn’t it about time then? Don’t you think I can at least tie up my own hair?”
“Absolutely not.”
I couldn’t get a single edge in.
Awayuki cuts me off, his expression unchanging.
“You’re clumsy, so you’re not suited for this type of task.”
“T-That’s not true! We won’t know unless I try…”
“I understand. But I can’t allow my princess to walk around with messy hair. Let it go.”
He didn’t have to say it like that!
A pout forms on my lips as I grumble.
“You treat me like a child no matter how much time passes.”
“…That’s not true. You are a proper adult now.”
“Do you mean it?”
“Yes. When you were young, I helped you change your clothes and I brushed your teeth—”
“You’re talking about a long, long time ago!!”
Seeing me so offended, Awayuki laughs out loud.
He combs my hair with affection. He speaks, sounding a bit more earnest than usual.
“Please, don’t take my job as a servant away. I’m here to take care of you.”
“Oh, you…”
I let out a sigh with a tinge of exasperation.
It’s not that I absolutely want to tie my hair myself.
It feels good when Awayuki plays with my hair and I can’t say I have any complaints—.
“…There’s nothing I can do about you, huh, Awayuki? You can’t do without me.”
However, I simply feel a little worried about the workaholic attitude that my reliable servant shows from time to time.
Yet he has no idea how I feel. He keeps his composed expression behind me.
“Well, you’re the one who took me in. You have to take responsibility for that.”
“Of course. I’m not going to send you away all of a sudden, you know? You’re mine, Awayuki.”
“That’s right. That’s all I need.”
Awayuki smiles, his eyes closing in satisfaction.
“…I can’t live without you.”
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wildflower-otome · 6 months
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Utakata no Uchronia - Promo CG's
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wildflower-otome · 6 months
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Utakata no Uchronia - Promo CG's
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the-himawari-otome · 8 months
B's-LOG July 2023 - Utakata no Uchronia Short Story Translation [Terse Liar]
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Also available on the official website
It was the middle of the day with trails of steam hanging in the clear sky.
I arrived at Hangetsudou—a familiar general store slash mechanical workshop.
"—Are you in, Tsuyukusa?"
I peer into the shop, but it appears deserted.
After a few seconds, a familiar voice calls back from upstairs.
"...My hands are a bit full right now. Just come up."
"Got it!"
Well, he did answer.
(But I wonder if it's a bad time...)
Normally, he comes down as soon as he gets a visitor. But this reaction indicates how busy he must be.
I climb up the narrow staircase and enter the workshop on the second floor.
"Come on in. What's up?"
Tsuyukusa asks with his back turned to me, his gaze fixed down at his hands.
Tsuyukusa is the apprentice of an expert mechanic that used to frequent my home, and he's been a friend of mine ever since we were kids.
"I was passing by, so I just figured I'd check up on you. Sorry for bothering you. I'll head back for today."
Tsuyukusa lifts his head and looks over his shoulder.
"No, don't go home."
"But you're working right now, aren't you?"
"...I want to tinker with this machine, but I also want you to stay."
I really don't wish to bother him while he's concentrating. I can come back any time if it's inconvenient for him.
"You came all the way here, so I don't want you to leave. ...Take a seat over there? Please?"
"...If you say so."
I can't refuse if he insists.
I still felt like I was intruding, but I fold my legs and sit down on the cushion that Tsuyukusa pointed at.
He breaks into a wide, happy smile and returns to his work.
In his hands he holds a brass pocket watch.
(Amazing...! I'd love to own my own watch one day.)
But they're so expensive you could easily purchase a house for that price.
And in any case, they're rare items, so it's not that easy to get your hands on one.
As I watch him at work, carefully and delicately unfastening various sized gears with baited breath—
Tsuyukusa, who had been focused on his hands, lifts his face again.
"I know I'm the one who told you to sit over there, but when you stare at me so intently, it's a bit... erm, how do I put it?"
"...It feels embarrassing."
Tsuyukusa's gaze wanders around the workshop.
I swear his ears peeking out from his blonde hair are tinged a bit red.
"I wonder this every time, but you always watch me without getting bored, huh? Don't you get tired of it?"
"Well, I love it after all."
"I mean, things that have stopped will come alive when you tinker around with them. I can't help but admire that."
"...Right, that. I know. Thanks."
I intended to convey how great he is in my own way, but it seems I didn't do a very good job.
"I may not be familiar with mechanics, but I know that you're amazing!"
"...Err, that's too much."
"After all, you have a magic touch that can fix anything. I can tell how much you care about machines!"
"Maybe that's why I feel so comfortable in your workshop—mmph."
All of a sudden, a fluffy, soft rice cake is shoved against my mouth.
I take a bite on reflex, and the refined sweetness of red bean paste fills my mouth.
"...I had some stuffed rice cakes that I got from someone. Want some?"
"...Mm, mmph."
(He made me eat it before he even asked...!)
I wanted to say something like that surprised me, or that I can eat it myself. But I just chewed wordlessly.
Tsuyukusa reaches for a small teapot and adds some tea leaves inside.
"I'm a bit tired, so I'm gonna take a break. Sit with me."
As he speaks, he pours hot water from a metal pot and quickly brews some green tea for us.
"—So? What happened?"
I blink my eyes as I chew the rice cake.
"I assume you have a request for me. Am I wrong?"
I swallow the food in my mouth and take a sip of green tea.
It tastes delicious.
I let out a breath and begin to speak.
"So, you see. There's a water well in our district that's in bad shape."
According to the reports, the pump mechanism that draws the water up might be broken.
"I was wondering if you would take a look at it."
"Sure. If that's your request."
Tsuyukusa agrees so readily that it feels a little anticlimactic.
"Not having access to water would be a problem. I'll finish this job up and go take a look at it today."
If Tsuyukusa's going to take care of it, then there's no need to worry anymore.
"Thanks, Tsuyukusa. You're a lifesaver! I can't think of a more reliable mechanic than you!"
Tsuyukusa casts his eyes down slightly.
"Yeah, of course. ...If not, then you'd go to someone else."
For some reason, his voice that quietly spilled out with a sigh sounded sad.
A mysterious hesitation hid beneath his bashful smile.
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wildflower-otome · 5 months
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Hinagiku: 'And also, I'll have it made with similar material to the clothes I bought for myself not long ago.' Hinagiku: 'I think that colour would suit you, Awayuki.' Awayuki: 'Yeah yeah.....Thank you for always picking things out for me. Still, you don't need to spend so much money on a servant's clothes.' Hinagiku: 'But after all, beautiful clothes suit you, Awayuki. That's why I want you to wear them.'
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