#Uzi being sleepy
dronebiscuitbat · 4 months
Oil is Thicker Then Blood (Part 8)
Both drones landed in the spire at once, just beating out the morning sun as it rose on the horizon. They both looked back at it, before Uzi laughed and lurched forward, nearly landing in the sun.
“Uzi!” N felt himself move instinctually to her side, only for Uzi to hoist herself up, although still hunched over, halfway holding herself up with the hand on her wing.
“B-brown out. I'm A-okay-y-y.” Her voice glitched although she sounded more bubbly then he'd ever heard her, giggling like mad. And her eyelights exceptionally dim.
“Let's get some some rest then, come on.” N smiled, keeping a lid on the situation that just unfolded and focusing on her well-being.
“Sure” She spread her wings out to fly up to his nest only for them to suddenly retract into her with a snap. Almost sending her careening into the floor, if N hadn't caught her with his arm.
“Heehee… whoops.” She hummed, still giggling slightly, it seemed that on low charge, certain functions got turned off to conserve power. Like her wings, or her sense of balance, or… her sense at all.
Uzi gripped lightly onto his shoulder to keep herself upright, her other hand holding onto his arm that he'd caught her with. She blinked slowly, like she was fighting off sleep.
“Uh, m-i-i-ight need a hand.” She said, looking over at him with a wary smile. Ah, so she was at least partially aware.
‘Right, hold tight.” He picked her up bridal style and flew up to his nest, ignoring both his growing fluster and her “weeee!” as they went up. He released her, and she fell face first into it, before rolling to the side to give him some room.
He sat on the edge, putting his wings away, watching as the low battery indicator on her visor blinked even more frantically. It didn't make sense on why she'd been so low in only a day, unless she hadn't slept at all in awhile.
“Sorry, it's not as soft as yours.” He apologized, although she didn't seem to notice, squishing the nearest pillow in her fingers and letting out another sleepy giggle.
“I like it, you're like a bird…” She cooed before another brown out hit her system, causing her to breifly enter sleep-mode before coming right back out with a stream of happy giggles.
“You need sleep.” He said, taking the pillow gently from her and smiling, taking great care to remain perched on the side of the nest, any contact would likely send him into a flustered mess right now.
“So do you! Come here!” She grinned, patting the empty spot next to her, another blush crept up to his visor, but reluctantly he laid next to her, tossing the pillow aside.
“Is this be-” As soon as he'd gotten comfortable, Uzi shuffled right up next to him, curled under his arm, and her tail wrapped around his leg, much like his had always done.
“You're more comfortable then my bed anyway…” She purred, before her systems all but forced her to enter sleep mode, her grip going slack and all the eyes on her tail closing.
Leaving N to stare up at the ceiling, feeling his best freinds core humming into his side, her vents taking in air, and her soft silicone cheek burying into him.
His core was like a drum, whirring and taking in oil to try and cool himself off, his eyes wide, a more and more noticeable blush stained his face. The more he thought about the day.
He had a crush on Uzi.
And he'd probably had one for awhile, considering the strength it all hit him at once, he felt like screaming, either from his stupidity, or just because of how overwhelming it felt; he wasn't sure.
She mumbled in her sleep, her tail tightened around him. And his core tightened even more, her brought her closer, even if it made his temperature rise a few ticks.
He'd kept that song playing on repeat, letting the image of her wash over him again and again, each time he had something new to admire, her hair turning pinkish blue, her wings shining light between them, the embers dancing next to her face…
Holy hell had he fallen hard.
He moved a strand of hair out of her face before realizing she still had her beanie on, so he gently removed it, letting free her purple and black hair, he felt her tense, before relaxing.
He wanted to card his fingers through her hair, or pull her close so he could feel her core beat next to his, or even just… hold her hand as she slept.
He let out a shaky breath, and his hand tangled in her hair without his conscious input, detangling each strand with his fingers.
This proximity was both fueling his nerves and the tugging on his core. This… did not feel the same as it did with V. Maybe it was because Uzi was already his best freind, that it felt so much heavier in his chest.
“Nnnh… N…?” He froze solid, glancing over at her visor, it still said [Sleep Mode] but she was still reacting slightly to his touch in her hair.
“Shhhh…” It came involuntary out of his mouth, and his hand resumed it's journey through her hair, a small smile made it's way to her face, and it spread to his, his core swarmed with butterflies as her arm wrapped around him, gripping the fur of his jacket and pulling herself ever closer.
She was so cuddly when she slept…
What was he going to do…? She had so much stress on her shoulders right now, she didn't need… this! His weird, awkward feelings that he just now realized he had for his very pretty best freind.
He frowned, he couldn't just tell her… the chances were she didn't feel the same way, she didnt… like stutter, or seem to act any differently then she always did around him. She was… less prickly sure, but that didn't mean much. They were freinds.
So another crush he had to keep to himself, he could do that right? He could just act normal. Be there for her in all the ways he always was and just… not mention it. At least until they figured out everything that was going on. Then… then he'd tell her, and maybe she'd feel the same way? Or… reject him. Like V had.
But Uzi wasn't V. She wouldn't break his heart like that. If anything she'd just laugh! And tell him something like “ew you're so sappy N.” And then it would be over, and she'd know and they would move on.
For now though, his mind was made up, he could keep it to himself, just for a little bit right? Until they found Doll and figured out what was happening. Yeah, yeah he definitely could.
Uzi made a squeak before she began twitching, her tail beginning to constrict tightly around his leg, her body shook, and small beeps came from her system.
“No… no…no…” N was knocked out of this thoughts, replaced with concern, he turned his body to face her, ignoring his strumming core and cupped her cheek.
“Uzi?” He whispered, and although she was still solidly in sleep mode, he heard her whimper, her visor glitching with the solver symbol, he felt her curl in on herself, as if she was terrified.
“N…V…” She murmured, shuddering, fingers balling it fists, breathing getting erratic and uneven.
“I'm right here Zi…” He ran a thumb over her cheek, his other hand pulling her close into his chest, he felt her core whirring as hard as it would go, and another whimper escaped her mouth.
“It's okay.” He wasn't sure why he was talking, he wasn't even sure she could hear him. But it did seem to be working, the slower symbol slowly fizzling out.
“I'm sorry… I'm sorry… I'm sorry…” Her voice was small, weak, and distant. It sounded so scared.
“I'm here, it's okay…” He didn't know what else to say, his tail found her own and wrapped around it in an attempt to comfort her in her sleep.
He gulped, he wished he could do more, but her systems had forced her to sleep and now it was impossible to wake her up, he had no idea what horror she was experiencing, but his hand found her back, pushing her head into her chest, right above his core.
He felt her tense before one of her hands found the one retreating from her cheek, grabbing it and holding it so tight it almost hurt.
“Leave me?”
“Never.” He squeezed back, and finally she seemed to settle, the grip on his hand loosened, but now he was tangled up in her legs, unable to move. His face lighting up in a golden blush.
Yeah… he could definitely keep this to himself, no problem…
Next ->
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dollcherray · 1 month
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⋆˚ 𝜗𝜚 LIMBO ˚⋆
₊⊹ N with a sleepy s/o who falls asleep randomly.
𓏲 ���࣭  ࣪ ˖ Pst! Cherry says: HAIII, i know requests and updates are slow now but i swear its for a very personal reason ☹️ I'm tryin my best to give you guys more updates but its kind of complicated rn, reader is a drone in this, kind of short.
۶ৎ Type: Romantic, Fluff, Headcanons
✧₊⁺ Song: Melting !!
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₊⊹ While he mostly finds your antics endearing, it also worries him to death, because sometimes you guys could be in a dangerous place and you just suddenly drop to the ground, just sleeping peacefully as if you guys aren't in a life or death situation.
₊⊹ N tries to help you by giving you pills, energetic or anything that makes someone electric, while it may work for some time, when it wears off you'll just instantly flop down to the ground and proceed to sleep for hours because of whatever he gave you.
₊⊹ But even though he usually gets frustrated because of your odd behavior, N finds it somewhat cute? it's just how sleepy you sound when you're not sleeping but on the verge of it, you look so peaceful and unbothered it just makes his frustration fade away.
₊⊹ After some time, N just knows when your about to pass out, so when you just sleep, he scoops you with his arms and take somewhere your safe to rest.
₊⊹ Already let you go with him and the others to explore... lets say you and everyone almost died that day because you simply slept in the middle of something chasing you guys.
₊⊹ Now when he's about to wander off with Uzi and V, he made you stay in the ship or somewhere safe and isolated from where their going all the time, sorry but he can't risk putting you in danger because of ability to just sleep even in the most threatening situations.
₊⊹ It kinda bugs him off because when he's just chatting with you, he has to keep an eye on you to not let you fall asleep while he talks, it's kinda annoying to him at times like these but he knows you can't control it so he just sucks it up deals with his own frustration.
₊⊹ Despite everything, he does enjoy sleeping with you for hours when he gets the chance, don't get him wrong, N is not the type to sleep for too much time but for you? he would sleep for days if that made you happy.
₊⊹ N does kinda worry for you, as he thinks it may be a problem on your system and it can affect you, but when you just sleepily explains to him its just your way of being, he feels calmer and less worried.
₊⊹ In general you drive him nuts but he deals with it for you <3
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♡ Uzi x Reader x N Cuddles hcs ♡
My eighth request! Hope you like it! <3
Oki doki! Look at what we have here-
☠ Uzi:
For me, Uzi says that she is the type that hates physical contact, but the truth is that she only gives this "power" to those she has a lot of affinity with...with you and N being the only ones allowed to hug her. (Sorry dad-)
Uzi would never admit that she likes to hug you, and if you questioned she, you would get a big: " BITE ME! " with embarrassed shiny cheeks.
If Uzi is having a bad day, she would immediately come to you, demanding hugs, which you would never mind bringing the drone to your lap, hugging the drone affectionately while stroking her hair and massage her back.
Uzi would definitely want to watch anime cuddling you, resting her head on your shoulder in a pleasant silence.
If you were short like her, she would sometimes pull you into her lap to hug you.
Now if you were tall- Get ready for a flying hug attack! That drone would lunge towards you and grab you like a gremglin lmao-
✿ N:
I see N wanting to take every opportunity he gets, like:
>Has he not seen you in a while? Hugs!
>Did he literally see you yesterday? Hugs!
>Did he see you literally an hour ago?! Hugs!
Surprise hugs! He would sneak up behind you and give you a surprise hug, scaring you in the process but in the end you always forgive him- he's just too adorable-
N would like to pick you up if you let him! Let the boy pick you up please!- He'll be so happy-
If you were shorter than him, he would give you hugs where ever you were lifted off the ground, not that you're complaining lol-
Now- If you were tall- N wouldn't really mind after all he loves you for who you are! Please pick this boy up and let him lie in your lap too! He absolutely loves it!
♥ Uzi and N:
Constant fights between these two to see who will hug you first (Being started by Uzi most of the times-)
Congratulations! Now whenever you go to sleep, you'll be hugged by a worker drone and a murder drone! Yipee!
If they were both hugging you at the same time, Uzi likes to rest her head on your chest or shoulder, while N likes to rest their head on your head or the side of your face.
Sleepy Cuddles Sandwich! + lots of kisses on the cheek and forehead! (+ slow kisses on the lips and neck too maybe-)
In spoon hugs, you would be Uzi's big spoon, while you would be N's little spoon! (Very comfortable!)
If N is feeling really needy and wants hugs, he'll "steal" you from Uzi and hug you upside down vampire style- (would Uzi be really upset and give you a pouty look- cute?)
If Uzi is feeling really needy and wants hugs, she'll act meaner and shun you- (Logic? Lol-) she wants you to notice that she's needy and give her a hug- (Uzi doesn't like to seem " weak" or "too sentimental" but she's always act like this for you lol-)
V looked at the three of you with an expressionless face, then rolled her eyes.
" Can you guys do this somewhere else? This is annoying- " V spoke with an annoyed tone looking at you.
You looked back at V while still being hugged by Uzi and N.
" Damn...bacause of stuff like this you get no bitches + ratio + That's why I get all your bitches " You replied with a grim smile.
" HOOOOOOOOOOOOO " Thad yelled as he cupped his hands to his cheeks dramatically. XD
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moonshineplaydate · 6 months
Hiya against starlights! I’m taking a quick break from Hazbin content because I have been dying to pump out some Murder Drones Agere content, because it is very underrated and there is a new episode coming out which I am very, very excited for! Here’s some long overdue headcanons!
Ps, sorry for my absence, exams suck.
Tw: Mentioned knives, not proofread (very sleepy).
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Uzi Doorman
•Uzi is a switch, that flips between an involuntary regressor and babysitter!
•Her age range can be anywhere from 2-6 depending on why she’s regressing, she’s normally younger if she’s scared or upset.
•Uzi wasn’t much of a fan of her regression, it totally ruined her dark and edgy aesthetic if she was acting like a little kid!
•Though, after meeting N and seeing him regress, she began to soften up juuuuust a little bit. She ended up slipping after the whole Promening ordeal and pretty much clung to N. She didn’t want to lose him again.
•And afterwards, she felt a lot better now that someone had taken care of her! N pretty much became Uzi’s full time caregiver after that, always trying to be there for the little one!
•Since she had a caregiver, she was actually about to regress more and slowly came to terms that it was a part of her.
•Uzi is scared of the dark when she’s little, part of her little gear is a night light that makes it look like they’re stars on her bedroom ceiling. She says it’s her ‘favouritest thing ever!’
•Speaking of her little gear, she has a purple paci along with some cozy black PJ’s to wear!
•She’s partially touch averse, things like hugs or kisses are a big no no, but being picked up, head pats, hand holding are all things she loved when she’s small.
•Uzi can be pretty quiet when she’s little, when she’s with someone she doesn’t know/like/doesn’t know about her regression, she just doesn’t talk at all. She’s really only verbal with N and V.
•She sees V like a big sister when she’s little, and V doesn’t have the heart to be mean to what’s basically a kid and plays along with her.
•Uzi likes nicknames when she’s little, even if she doesn’t show it her whole face lights up whenever she gets one!
•Her favourites are, ‘Baby Bat’, ‘Little Rascal’, and ‘Honey’.
•Uzi can get fussy when she’s little, not for any particular reason, she just doesn’t like listening to people all the time.
•N has to be patient with her to avoid tantrums.
•Uzi actually really loves bed time, she finds it peaceful, when she’s either a little or a caregiver!
•Uzi makes a pretty decent caregiver, usually to N.
•Has the vibes of a very chill babysitter, who says they hate kids but really doesn’t.
•N really cried once when he was little because he heard her say that, and she had to spent an hour comforting him and telling him she didn’t mean it.
•Can be a very relaxed babysitter, but whatever she says goes and she will not back down on that.
•Acts a bit softer with the littles just so she doesn’t upset them, is still pretty edgy though.
•Uzi sometimes makes little robots or machines to keep littles entertained when she can’t watch them fully! No rail guns though.
•She talks to littles like normal, and not like their a child. But she still uses nicknames for them and can be affectionate.
•Lowers herself down so she can look her littles in the eye when she’s talking to them.
•All in all, pretty fun and chill to be around when your little, especially if you wanna get away with things!
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Serial Designation N
•Oh, the sweet baby boy. Literally.
•N is definitely a flip, though I see him forced into being a caregiver role more often than not. Not maliciously or anything, he just gets caught up with looking after Uzi and very rarely V. (Never J though, she still doesn’t like him, even if little).
•N is a pretty versatile caregiver. He’s able to lower himself down, so to speak, to his little’s personality/how they’re feeling. If he’s got a quieter little, he’ll also be quieter. If he has one that’s more excitable, he’ll be pretty happy and bubbly with him! If he has one that’s violent, well, that’s something he has to sort out.
•N first learned about regression through some books in the mansion, but didn’t think robots could do it until he saw V regressed once. Since then, he just took up the roll of being a caregiver.
•And he was (and still is) amazing at it! He keeps a bag with some emergency little gear (things like pacis or toys) in case anyone needs them, he never leaves the littles unsupervised, is great at calming them down or getting them to bed.
•Even though N is great is interacting with littles, he’s not the best when he’s the little.
•N’s age range can be from 7 to younger than that, again, depending on his mood, usually how stressed he is though.
•N first started regressing after everything that went down with Cyn, and didn’t really do well at hiding it on a small spaceship from V and J.
•J was still disinterested in the whole thing and basically pawned him off to V to take care of him, who did a decent job. She wasn’t that emotionally intelligent and usually just bribed him with toys, and rarely cuddles, to get him to stop crying.
•It probably took N a while to explore his little side, mainly because he didn’t have many opportunities to regress. Or rather he did, he just didn’t want to bother anyone.
•But oh my stars once he was more open, he became a total sweetie!
•N is definitely a very giggly little, everything is funny to him when he’s in his little space!
•He can be a little shy and usually keeps his hands over his mouth or his arms at his sides, he sometimes has trouble speaking but it depends on how he’s feeling. He can get pretty loud if he’s excited!
•N loves being picked up, but it’s a little difficult due to his size so it’s usually V who has to do it, or he’ll have to settle for sitting in someone’s lap (which he also loves)
•N’s little gear consists of a blue paci, some nice, comfy PJs, a couple sensory toys that he can fiddle with, with his hands and a golden retriever teddy that he called Vun!
•He LOVES Vun, little or big though he’s a lot more clingy to it when he’s little and practically needs to sleep, or power down with it.
•N has a hard time speaking if he’s feeling really small and has to rely on gestures, like holding up his arms if he wants to be carried, pointing to things he wants, etc.
•N really loves nicknames when he’s little, his favourites are ‘Special little guy’, ‘Sweetie’, ‘Darling’, and ‘Baby boy’!
•He calls his caregivers a variety of things, V is usually just V since it’s easy for him to say, Uzi is usually too hard for him to pronounce and he just babbles whenever he tries to say her name! Tessa is also one of his caregivers but they don’t get much time together.
•Had a really bad habit of thumb sucking before he got his paci.
•Not good with asking for things when he’s little so his caregivers have to make sure that N is doing what he wants to do and not just whatever’s easiest for everyone else.
•All in all, just a total sweetie, big or small!
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Serial Designation V
•V is a flip (I’m saying that a lot, I can’t help it, these fit being a flip so well, I can’t imagine them not taking care of at least one of the others) whose regression is a lot more rare than N’s or even Uzi’s.
•I think she’d be more of a sleep regressor or even a trauma regressor, whichever it is though her regression is definitely involuntary.
•She wouldn’t want to be vulnerable like that in front of someone, so would try and hide to be alone while regressed.
•V generally regresses to around four, so she thinks she’s big enough to be on her own.
•She really likes small spaces when she’s small, like in a closet or underneath a bed, it feels secure.
•That’s also the reason part of her little gear is a weighted blanket, however those work for robots, she loves hiding underneath one! It’s best for her caregiver to leave her alone if she’s like that and not let know that they’re watching her, otherwise she’ll get grumpy someone’s interrupting her independent blanket time.
•Speaking of, her main caregiver is N and very rarely Uzi if N isn’t around or if Uzi doesn’t want to leave N while he’s taking care of V. V doesn’t outwardly dislike Uzi while she’s little, she could even be a little scared of her but N assured her that she’s safe there.
•She’s absolutely terrified of the Solver when she’s little, which isn’t much of a problem since it’s not like it’s just going to show up but she gets nightmares sometimes which really, really upset her.
•It’s one of the reasons she refuses to sleep alone while later, she’ll normally curl up next to someone since she doesn’t want outright cuddle with her caregiver but once she falls asleep, she usually clings to their arm.
•Other than her weighted blanket, V doesn’t have much little gear, she doesn’t really like using pacis but she has a ton of different PJ’s she likes getting into, some with little stars on them, some with angel wings, they’re all really important to her! She can’t really sleep without them when she’s small.
•One thing she really, really loves is lullabies, it doesn’t matter who she gets them from, she’ll be out like a light the moment she hears a lullaby.
•When she’s not sleepy, she has a few toys that she plays with, namely her bubble blowers since she’s not allowed to play with knives when small, also a stress ball because she likes squishing it.
•V has a love hate relationship with nicknames, she loves feeling small but when people treat her like she’s small, she can get upset and embarrassed, feeling like they’re talking down to her.
•The only nickname she’ll tolerate is ‘baby’.
•In terms of her being a caregiver, she does a pretty good job! She’s not amazing with kids but is a lot better at getting down to their level then someone like Uzi.
•As stated, she lowers her guard just a bit with the littles, she knows they actually think like children so she’s safe with them but being vulnerable is still hard.
•V’s really good at guessing what a little needs, even if they can’t/don’t feel like talking. They’ll be times where N could try for hours trying to find out what a baby Uzi wants and V just walks in and figures it out in a couple seconds.
•Not that attentive of littles, she’ll keep an eye on them for sure and stop them from getting hurt but wouldn’t really mind them doing something dangerous, like standing on high places.
•N usually has to look out for things like that.
•Speaking of, she loves little N, taking care of him feels like she’s making up for him looking after her when she was in a coma back at the mansion.
•Plus, he’s a sweetie and V is actually capable of carrying him so they just work well together.
•She doesn’t keep things like toys on her but she does have a bag of batteries to give to the littles as treats.
•Has a kind of stern mom energy to her when actually enforcing a role, she is a very stubborn caretaker and will get the littles to listen to her.
•She can have fun though, it’s one of the few times she can let down her guard with the group.
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Serial Designation J
•J is the first person on this list that I see as strictly a regressor, I can’t really see her looking after someone else
•Plus she deserves some time to relax, being the leader of the murder drones and dealing with Tessa is definitely a lot.
•J regresses from about 1-5, she needs some baby time where someone can take care of her.
•In the mansion, it was always Tessa looking after her so she stopped regressing after she was sent away on missions and couldn’t see her anymore, but did slip up a few times with V.
•She basically threatened her to not tell anyone about it, she was obviously mortified of being in a small state of mind in front of her.
•J was meant to be a leader after all and behaving like that wasn’t…leader-ish to her but that was just the first crack in the wall as she found she actually liked V as a caregiver and would slip around her more frequently, but it was still pretty rare.
•J also tried to look after a regressed V once to ‘make things even’ but failed hard and only managed to get V to go to sleep to keep her calm. It’s why she’s only a regressor.
•J considered letting N look after her but, no.
•How she acts when she’s small depends on why she regressed as it’s usually involuntary. Generally, she can be a bossy little who also demands attention, essentially a Princess regressor.
•One thing she loves while being little is sitting in between her caregiver’s legs and having her hair brushes, she finds it really relaxing.
•Surprisingly, J can be a bit physically clingy when she’s little. Normally when she’s smaller or sleepy , she’ll try and hug her body around her caregiver’s.
•She had a ton of little gear, namely sparkly outfits and PJ’a, some pink or yellow pacis, a few auditory toys (like pressing them and they make a sound) and also a white noise machine. Being able to relax is super important to her little routine and she will throw tantrums if something is bothering her.
•J doesn’t have total meltdowns though, she’ll throw one or two things or maybe flail her arms and legs about for a bit if she’s frustrated just to get it out of her system. Afterwards, she’ll still be a bit grumpy but as long as her caregiver can help her relax, she’ll be fine.
•One random thing that J loves while little is money, coins, notes, she loves holding it, playing with it, eating it occasionally. One of the toys she had a piggy bank.
•Tessa was the first person she regressed around and she became very clingy to her once she got to regress more afterwards.
•Tessa honestly loved little J, she could be demanding but she was also so much more happier and adorable; J being little was the first time Tessa heard her laugh. She was too smiley and giddy to not give her all the attention she wanted.
•And J, clearly being someone who wants the attention of people with authority, ie Tessa, soaked it all up.
•J can be really protective over the little gear she got from Tessa. Since she can’t regress with her anymore, it’s the next best thing. She ended up crying and regressing when she thought she lost one of her pacis but V helped her find it.
•J’s speech while little isn’t the best, when she’s feeling a little bigger, she can actually speak pretty well but for when she’s smaller, it’s mainly just babbling.
•She loves being praised for anything while she’s little, knowing she’s doing something good when she’s in a headspace that doesn’t feel productive is really nice for her.
And that’s all I’ve got for this post, starlights! I was originally gonna try and write some Tessa Headcanons but episode 7 put me through a roller coaster of emotions, so I wasn’t sure how to write for her! If I do, it’ll probably just be younger Tessa! Anyway, I hope you enjoyed these, lemme know if you want to see anymore!
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skraktech · 20 days
would absolutely love to hear more of your v thoughts she has Consumed My Brain and i am always looking to talk abt her more
YES OFC MOOTIE I LUV YAPPING 🙏🙏🙏 have fun getting through this one ((badly written cause I sleepy)))
Out of everyone in the show, V genuinely has my favourite development by far.. I also think it's probably the best character development in the show
The time skips between episodes were unfortunate, because we don't get to see too much.. but the small things we do see are done so well!!:D The way we see her learn to accept others being around her, to being close with people is so well done
Ep3, she starts to show tiny bits of remorse, and we get to see her in genuine fear and panic - it's so good cause it subtly implements ideas that she's not just a mindless murder machine and there's more to her, even though she keeps up an act at points. And then ep4 we start to learn that she has REASON to want Uzi gone. She's genuinely scared. And yet she ends up covering up for Uzi by the end, showing her capacity to feel guilt. Ep5 we get a real look at the REASONS she is the way she is
AND DONT EVEN GET ME STARTEEED ON EP6 OH MY LOOOORD!!!!! I'm so normal about her. V actively starts working to protect Uzi and N, not for her own sake but theirs. Despite everything and all her trauma she wants to protect Uzi, a literal host of the solver... AND THEN THE SACRIFICE? "UZI I TRUST YOU"??? Oh my god it's so good. She trusts that Uzi can fight solver, as well as trusting her to be with N during this time. It's so good not only does it show her recognition for uzis growth, but also N's. She trusts that N will be okay with Uzi. UAGAHAUSHAHHA
My favourite thing of all is that despite her growth and development, by the end she's still V. Her trauma and personality aren't just erased and she doesn't just go back to being manor V. She's still V, she still carries absoloutely everything with her - but now she knows how to love and exist again
I like V a bit
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lilywily143 · 4 months
This is older art. I will design them more sometime in the year
But this au idea is that idea of Uzi being able to split into smaller versions of herself, even spliting her emotions up. So she has a limit to how much she can split. But there is a theory that there is a Uzi for every emotion, and so, she can be the size of a atom
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Yellow Green=Sickly
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Mint Green=Calm
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Joke Feelings/Colors
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Glowing Green and also WEED
And I have some fun blanks if people want to make their own emotions or something :>
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devastator1775 · 4 months
Hope, Love and V - Chapter 1: What the hell happened while I was offline?
Summary: Weeks after the events of Cabin Fever Labs, V finally wakes up from her coma. Things have changed, in more ways than one and V finds it hard not to think she deserves this. Luckily, she can count on the love and support of her friends to get her through these hard times. (Nix Doorman AU)
Darkness. All she could see, was Darkness. Alone in the dark, while surrounded by creatures out to destroy her.
Her eyes closed; she could hear everything. Bullets roaring. Sentinels screeching and flashing of their boot-loop-inducing lights. Her blades swishing through the air. Her own frightened gasps. The lingering echoes of a loud impact at the bottom of the elevator shaft. The faint sound of someone calling out her name. Faint explosions.
Pain. She felt pain. No …agony. Another chunk bitten out of her arm. Out of her leg. Her gun ripped out of its socket. Claws tearing at her metal skin. Metal teeth sinking into her wings as she tries to get some distance between them. Tearing one out. More damage than her nanite healing can keep up with and eventually …even that stops.
She feels her body give out. Her thirst is unbearable. Her body craves oil and is unable to get it.
Then, more sounds. First, the Sentinels closing in on her, the scraping of their claws on metal floor, encircling her. Then, shouting, chaos, Sentinels screeching in pain.
She’s low on power. Everything is shutting down. She can’t even open her eyes. She can only faintly hear someone speaking to her.
She’s being dragged. She feels her back falling against something, maybe a wall.
More words. Sad words? She can almost understand some. ‘Forgive’… Something shuts close. She’s alone.
Silence again. For the longest time, just silence. She falls in and out of consciousness. Her healing nanites still haven’t kicked in.
The world rumbles. Something deep down is roaring. A desperate, frustrated roar.
Then, a jolt, deep inside her. Her core aches. Then…
Pain? An excruciating pain? Her insides are twisting and burning? She’s so low on power, she can hardly perceive anything around her.
Then it stops. A blissful feeling.
Silence, once again. Minutes? Hours? Days? She doesn’t know. Until finally….
Voices. Searching?
“I found her!”
“Seems the same thing happened to her as with the other one.”
“She’s in bad shape.”
“She needs med-technical attention immediately.”
“You grab her there. I’ll hold her here. On three. One, two, …three!”
V’s eyes jolted open with a loud gasp. She bolted upright, but something pulled at her, making her fall backwards again. Something around her wrists. Restraints of some kind. Around her chest as well. She frantically looked around. She was in a room, in a bed. Looks like …an infirmary or a hospital-like room, or something? How long had she been here? While she was pondering on that, it was then that she noticed something …missing.
The thirst. The hunger. That unsatiable craving for oil …gone? That wasn’t possible. While she had made sure she’d ‘topped up’ before entering the labs, that battle had taken so much out of her. She should be starving. She should have gone in Auto-Hunt mode. The only feelings she now felt were …sleepy. And confusion.
She heard a door open, quickly followed by someone gasping and something falling to the floor. Her eyes fell on a Worker Drone in a hospital outfit, a nurse by the look of it. Judging by the clipboard on the ground, V’s sudden awakening hadn’t been something she expected. She looked frightened. Wait, no …surprised?
“Oh my gosh…” The nurse – V could read the name Ratched on her nametag – quickly ran to the door, sticking her head out. “I need a doctor here, STAT! She’s awake!”
A doctor? For what? Experiments? Torture? Taking advantage of an injured enemy? V pulled on her restrains, her anger growing. Why was she here? What had happened? What of N and Uzi? Tessa? The Absolute Solver?
Why wasn’t she dead?
A Drone in a doctor’s outfit ran in. “Miss V, I need you to calm down.”  “Please, don’t try to exert yourself. The state of your injuries are- “
“Release me!” V yelled, pulling on her restraints as hard as she could. Suddenly, without any sort of warning, she felt pain surge throughout her entire body as she completely cramped up. It felt like every single joint in her body tried to pull itself inwards. She couldn’t move. She couldn’t even open her mouth to scream in pain. On her visor flashed the [ENERGY SURGE] warning.
The doctor and the nurse rushed to V’s side as the former pulled a drive out of his pockets. “Quickly, undo her bindings.”
The nurse hesitated for a second, but after a stern look from the doctor she undid the bindings around V’s chest. They both lifted her up a bit as the doctor plugged the drive into a data port on V’s nape. She felt the pain gradually subside and her body relaxed again. She let herself fall on her pillow again, panting heavily. That had taken much more out of her than she realized.
“Wh-what happened to me?” V asked after a few moments of collecting herself. She slowly sat up. “What did you do? How did I get here?”
The doctor gestured the nurse to bring him the fallen clipboard, giving it a look as he walked over to the foot of V’s bed and dismissed the nurse with a wave of his hand. “I am doctor Steen. You may call me Francis. You’ve been under my care since you were brought in.”
“Didn’t ask that and I’m not doing that.”
“Fair enough.” The doctor adjusted his glasses. Heh, she used to have a pair just like those. “This might come to a shock to you, but you have been here for several weeks. Almost over 6 weeks, to be less than precise.”
“6 weeks?” V repeated softly. Had she been offline so long? She should’ve overheated and died by now, but …she didn’t feel any thirst at all. Questions for later.
“What you just experienced, Miss V, was a seizure brought on by a disruptive energy surge, triggered by excessive motion.” The doctor explained. “Simply put: if you don’t stay calm – in any every way possible – you unquestionably will trigger another attack. Do you understand what I’m saying, Miss?”
V bit back a sarcastic insult, the thought of going through that pain again the only thing being from doing so. She nodded slowly.
“As for what I gave you…” Steen held out the drive. “This patch tricks your system to ‘divert excess energy toward auxiliary components’, temporarily pacifying the damaged circuitry causing the surges. It’s – at the moment - the only thing we found that can bring you some relief.”
“Damaged circuitry?”
“Putting it …mildly.” Steen frowned, flipping over a page. “You were brought in with …well, you were on the brink of deactivation. Chewed up, as those in the rescue unit that brought you told me.”
Chewed up. The sentinels. V flinched as a vision of those beasts flashed before her eyes – and on her visor. She had tried to buy the others as much time as she could, held out as long as she could – as long as her healing allowed her. At one point …she just couldn’t anymore. She got boot-looped, unable to move …but still able to feel as those things started to feast on her.
“Miss V, still with us?”
Startled back to the here-and-now, V shook her head and turned back to the Doctor, who – to her dismay – looked upon her with concern. She scowled at him and judging by the shrug, got the message.
“Anyway …” Steen continued, unperturbed by the scowling murder drone under his care. He had dealt with more vicious patients in the past – most often Miss Doorman. “We tried to repair what we could, but ….there wasn’t much we were able too. Whatever you did that caused your damage, you exerted your systems beyond their advised parameters. I’ll spare you the tech-medical jargon, but in short: 45% your circuits are fused together, your wiring has melted and corrupted software is wreaking havoc on other systems and those are just a few on that list.”
“So why aren’t I repaired yet?” V asked.
“We are, but these repairs need be done in intervals. The extent your injuries require – “
“Not what I meant!” V almost yelled. She took a deep breath. She felt her patience was running low, but figured she wouldn’t get answers by yelling and being a nuisance. That was more Uzi’s style. “You know I’m a Disassembly Drone?”
“I’m aware.”
“You know I can heal myself? Head blown off, arms ripped off, things like that are nothing to me.”
“I know. I was chaperoning my son during prom.”
“So …why aren’t I regenerating?” V asked.
“If I had to take a guess, because of the same thing what happened to Miss doorman and her …companions.”
“They’re alive? Uzi? N? Tessa, I guess?” V asked, more surprised than relieved – even if that sensation was there as well.
“Heavily damaged, in shock and both in very critical condition, but …yes, alive.” Doctor Steen took a chair and sat down next to V. “Maybe I should start from the beginning. I guess, it all started when it felt that the planet was going to die.”
V listened as Doc Steen told what had transpired in the weeks before she had woken up. How the planet seemed to be turning against itself. Gravity got weird, there were tremors and storms. Real ‘End Times’ stuff.  Everyone in the bunker was naturally terrified, thinking they would – along with the planet – would die. This went on for several hours, until …it stopped. No storms, no tremors, no danger.
It wasn’t long after that that Khan returned to the bunker, bringing the injured Uzi, N – and to anyone’s surprise – J and a human named Tessa with him. So, they had managed to make it out as well. Uzi and N were heavily damaged, and in dire need of repairs. Tessa also was wounded, but it seemed J refused to let anyone but herself get close to her. Maybe for the best, since no Worker Drone doctor has any knowledge about how to treat human wounds anyway.
But V started to notice something weird about his story after that. It was something about what he said about the explanation that Khan had given the colony. He had told a story about ‘a rogue AI’, who – to her surprise – was also responsible for the destruction of Earth. This ‘rogue AI’ was also responsible for the creation of the Disassembly Drones, which was true.
But there were things in things in that story that just didn’t make sense. So, after Uzi and N had helped Tessa destroy the AI, the nanites in their bodies were deactivated and thus that ‘freed them from its control’? V had done many questionable things – both necessary and unnecessary – during her time on Copper-9, but she had always been in control of her own action – whether or not she liked doing them.
V wasn’t dumb. She figured that Uzi and N had withheld the whole story, but for whatever reason she’d need to ask them. V was so lost in her thoughts; she didn’t notice that the doc had finished his story until he snapped his fingers in front of her visor. She hissed at him in return.
“Back with us, Miss V?”
“Bite me.”
“Yes, you are indeed friends with Miss Doorman.” Doc said dryly, standing up. “But she’ll be pleased to hear that you have woken up. Your friends have been visiting you pretty much daily.”
“Oh, you allow your prisoners to have visiting hours?” V asked coldly. It was an unnecessary remark, but she was absolutely fed up with this man. Normally, she’d pop off his head and have his oil for supper, but without the constant thirst plaguing her and threatening her with overheating, the vey thought made her feel …queasy.
Steen chuckled. “Miss V, you are not a prisoner. You are my patient.”
“IF I’m not a prisoner …why these?” V gestured to the undone restraints. “Why bind me to my bed when I was out cold most of the time?”
“Those were for your own safety.” The doctor explained. “You were having extreme night terrors the first few days, and you were triggering your seizures by thrashing around. It was the only way make sure your system wouldn’t overload while we weren’t here to supervise. “
“Well, I’m awake now. Take the rest off.”
“The rest?” Steen seemed confused.
V was seriously on her last bit of patience. “My legs are still bound! I’m done sitting in this bed. I want to stretch my legs! If you’re scared I’m gonna bolt, I promise I-!”
The look in Steen’s eyes made her halt. Something was wrong.
“I …I’m sorry. I should have mentioned this could happen, but with this whole situation it completely slipped my mind.” Steen said softly.
An icy feeling formed in V’s chest. “Wh-what are you talking about?”
“You must understand, the damage you sustained was severe and despite our initial repairs there was always a change that-“
V’s eyes hollowed as she realized what Steen was talking about. She tore her sheet from her body …and her entire body went numb at the sight. It was clear that her legs had undergone numerous repairs. There were welding seams, pieces of plating, nuts and bolts holding things in place.
But what scared her the most…
Was that she couldn’t feel her legs. She had been so distracted by her situation that she never realized she hadn’t moved them at all. She grunted, trying to her knees to her chest.
Nothing. Not a twitch.
“My …my legs.” V looked at her legs, stunned, confused, angry, sad, …a plethora of emotions was running through her processor. She wanted to yell, to curse, to make promises of violence untold and cause unbridled harm.
She could only stare.
“Miss V?”
V looked up slowly at her doctor.
“I know this is quite the shock, especially after all you’ve been through already.” He smiled softly at her. “But I promise you we’ll do anything in our power to help. There are several courses of action we can undertake and improve your mobility. We can-“
His voice faded away as V stared at her legs again, slowly reaching out the give them a soft squeeze, as if they would spring back to life. All she could hear was her own core beating in her chest, a ringing in her ears. Tears were starting to form in her visor as the hard truth was dawning on her.
“I can't move my legs ...I’m paralyzed….”
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sneakyboycream · 6 months
23 year old N, babysitting his older friend's kid, Uzi, while he goes on a work trip. She's 15 or so-- definitely old enough to stay by herself, but her dad gets so paranoid to leave her alone in the house, so he trusts this guy he found on a babysitting website (after grilling him with safety questions, of course.)
After only 2 days of their weeklong time together, Uzi's oversize bat plush had to be put in the wash. She refused to say what happened to it, though N had his suspicions. She was so, so embarrassed to admit it, but she knew she had to.
Uzi can't sleep without her plush.
After some hemming and hawing, she finally asked him to sleep in her bed. Just as something warm and soft and nice so she could get to sleep that night.
So, N curled up around Uzi (naturally, as the taller of the two,) and Uzi drifted off.
N didn't mean for it to happen; really, he didn't.
Just... She was so soft, and small, and her cute little butt was right there. It wouldn't take much shifting to get it right where he wanted it.
He swallowed his pride and pressed himself closer. He was not expecting Uzi, still asleep, to press back into him. And oh, fuck, great. Now he's half-hard. N used the arm already wrapped around Uzi's waist to pull them fully together, tilting his hips up a fraction of an inch. Testing the waters.
Uzi made a soft, sleepy noise in response. Forget being half-hard, this man was at full mast. Wait, shit, full mast already? To a child??
Yes. To a child. Apparently that revelation wasn't guilt-inducing enough, because he did it again, and again. Tilting his hips juuust enough to get some friction.
He was panting, now-- open breaths falling just over Uzi's head. N wondered how far deep he would reach in her. To V, it was just shorter than satisfying (despite its well-endowed girth), but to someone as small as Uzi...
The thought that he might be able to feel himself poke through her little tummy was what pushed him over the edge. He was never one to cum a lot, and luckily his dick was more aimed up than forward. No way Uzi would be able to feel it.
She stirred slightly, then, making another sleepy noise; just as N was about to get up to take the guiltiest shower of his life.
"Mm? Why'd you stop?"
BRAVO 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏
I love your MD fanfics so much star anon, cant wait to see what you will write when episode 7 premiers
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gohkim · 5 months
[Stealing You - FoFo x Reader]
(This story wrote back in 2023 Summer during the time that EDG had an issue of a fan stealing some goods before. Ciao.)
Shanghai, China
“TIAAAAAN YE!” A scream had just came inside of a famous professional eSport team named Edward Gaming. The scream had just came from Y/N, one of the most finest EDG managers and translators. Within this particular time of 00:00, she basically came out from the dormitory that was basically 3 floors above the place where she had screamed. “Fucking shit, TIAN YE! MEIKOOOOOO!”
A man suddenly came out from a particular room that was near at the place where Y/N was, “Ooooi?!” He replied with his sleepy tone, with his appearance of messy hair and clear eyeglasses, he was forced to woke himself up after the scream. “What the hell is that scream for, Y/N?”
“They must be placed in that particular area and it was placed in an-- What goods? DID YOU SAY GOODS!?” 
“The fan merch that WASN’T SUPPOSE TO BE RELEASED YET?!”
Y/N realizes that the person she had called, were haven’t awareness on what she was talking about at all. “Oh my god.” She muttered and she ended up turning the lights on as her whole body froze on spot and began walking back-and-forth. Her actions causes some unpleasant noises.
Meiko trying his best to calm the person he was basically suppose to get mad for waking him up, but looks like the situation was way worse. “Ey, ey... Y/N, calm down. I know you really love your job here in the same organization as I do. Please calm down yourself right away and let’s call the others, sis.”
“I can’t!” The woman replied as she was basically searching every single shelf without hesitation and had caution making sure it won’t fall off or whatsoever. 
With those noises, the other members of Edward Gaming ended up appearing inside of the room. “What the hell is that noise came in the scrims room!?” The voice from the TOP laner Jiale “Ale” Hu, came in.
Another man came as if he felt little bit of tipsy and seemed to be annoyed on the noise that was being produced. “Y/N, what the heck are you doing within 12? Aren’t you gotten to bed yet?” Zihao “Uzi” Jian had muttered as Meiko shake his head, “What happened here with your sister, Tianye?”
“Well, she actually yelled at my name first. I was the first person to came in.” Meiko replied as he seemed to be concerned to what Y/N said to him. “And she was here in the scrims room, checking the fan goods that was suppose not to be ‘released’ yet that was placed in that shelf.” Afterwards, he pointed the shelf that suppose to hold the so called ‘goods’.
“Was the goods are really meant not to be released yet?.” EDG’s jungler, Lijie “Jiejie” Zhao had came in the area and became curious about the noise that was basically produced by their manager and Meiko’s sister. “If that so, it must be at the said shelf.”
Y/N suddenly became furious and at the same time, she became more anxious. “If someone stole them, my salary will be reduce on the same amount as the goods that was being taken away!”
A man suddenly came in, with his eyeglasses and his posture, he seemed to be aware already on the situation and he had even came from somewhere, “Y/N!”
Y/N turned her head to meet the person who called her, “Chunlan! Don’t dare to prank me or what the hell you are even thinking by calling my name!”
“Why would I do that?” The EDG’s MID laner named Chunlan “FoFo” Chu, replied to Y/N’s remark. “Come with me, I better show you something.”
“Not right now, Fofo.” Uzi muttered as he shake his head. “We... had a bad time now about the fan goods.”
FoFo seemed to be aware, yet. “Speaking of those, Y/N, again. Come with me, we better go to the office where the CCTV cameras are in. Mengqi was with me with Coach Aaron and Coach Maokai.”
Y/N seemed to be lighten up with the situation, “God, a savior indeed. Thanks a lot Chu-chun!”
FoFo’s forehead then had some markings as if he was basically asking, “What did you just called me, you lil..”
After that interaction with Chunlan, Y/N and him came to the CCTV area that was within the offices of the General Manager of the team and began to had a serious conversation alongside with Mengqi “Monki” Wang. Within the few minutes after having a conversation with the coaches, the other managers and members of the management. Y/N came back to the scrims room where the players are waiting for her, Meiko seemed to be worried.
“Hey, sis. What happened.” He quickly called her. “Did you know who took them? Do you guys already know what will we need to do about it?”
“What about the goods itself? Would we can have them back?” Jiejie asks.
“Was someone even came here to steal them?” Ale also asked.
Uzi took a sigh, beside him was his own friend and former player of EDG, Ming “Clearlove7” Kai. “Hey, Y/N. What about your salary, will the management will take charge on everything that was taken away and will reflect to your monthly earning?”
Meiko was more convinced that something had happened. “I will take care of the salary for my sis, she won’t have her salary being deducted after with a stolen goods that wasn’t her fault!”
Y/N took a sigh, beside her was FoFo, who encourage her to tell the others on what had just being stated on the meeting that she had even joined and discussed some changes. FoFo and Monki were the ones that are not allowed to listen on that emergency meeting.
“W-well, to answer your questions. Let me remind you first that I won’t basically answer it one-by-one.” Y/N responded. “For my salary, Meiko-gege, I will hesitate to accept your offer that your salary should take the charge for that deduction, I will take responcibility.”
“Even that it wasn’t your fault?” Clearlove asks. “How could you be this careless, Y/N?”
“Enough of that, let me continue.” Y/N then sideback the topic that had erupted the players into fear.. “Someone had sneaked in here in the headquarters and took the fan goods that wasn’t meant to be release as of the moment, and sadly, it was already sold online.”
“What the heck!?” Jiejie reacted with stomping his feat. Ale ended up having a frustrated facepalm, while Uzi seemed to be displeased. Meiko seemed to be annoyed. 
“Whoever that ‘fan’ is, I will track them down.” Meiko hisses as he ended up seated in front of the chair and began to search. 
“And lastly.” Y/N took a sigh about the next thing she would going to mention. “About my salary, yep. My salary will be deducted to the amount of how much the goods are being stolen, guess that I will suffer some harsh comments from my team leader and the other managers here.”
FoFo seemed to be concerned right after Y/N told the others about the meeting. Meiko decided to give his own younger sister a hug, and the other members gave her a reassurance that everything will be alright.
“Good night everyone.” Y/N greeted them one-by-one as they returned to their perspective rooms.
Chunlan didn’t hesistate to stay for more minutes until Y/N seemed to be finished on fixing the shelves that was basically being ruined by her desperation to find the missing goods, the MID laner didn’t mind if Y/N will ignore what he will offer on what happened.
“O-oh, Chu-chun.” Y/N suddenly got startled on FoFo’s appearance, as he was resting in a nearby wall and crossing his arms. “Aren’t you’re going to head back to your sleep?”
FoFo shake his head and afterwards, he looked to Y/N’s eyes. “You’re salary was deducted right after the goods are stolen, let me treat you for a while. Don’t hesitate or decline this.”
“But Chu-chun.”
“Let’s have some fresh air, shall we?” FoFo ignore Y/N’s hesitation and held her hand to join him outside.
The busy streets of Shanghai had drown Y/N’s worries into a different vibe, she became comfortable and release her stress right after FoFo invites her to reduce some negativity from what happened. 
“Seems that it was a great idea from you to have some night stroll here in Shanghai.” Y/N muttered as they walked. “I never had a chance to walk in this place again.”
FoFo just followed her steps. “I think you forgot that I wasn’t originated here in LPL if we are going back to my old times.”
“Oh, right. Sorry!” Y/N apologized, but FoFo shake his head with a small laugh. “It’s quite embarassing that I haven’t known some places here despite me being a local here since my brother’s debut.”
“Meiko-gege was really a kind brother to you, ‘no?” He asks as the midnight breeze was seemed to be visible. “Ey, speaking of the incident. Mind if I would like to have some ‘knock-knock’ joke to you.”
“Chunlan, please. Don’t you even dare...”
“Only once, please.”
Y/N rolled her eyes and she crossed her arms as they stopped in a lamp post and seemed that it was a romantic ideal spot for a confession, it seems?
“Fine, Chu Chunlan. You always gave some knock-knocks since you came in the team and you’re the only one who’ve even dare to do that to me. Go ahead.”
“Alrighty, ehem... knock-knock?”
“Who’s there?”
FoFo’s eyes became sincere when he was looking upon Y/N’s eyes. “Stealing.”
Y/N’s eyes shot him a glare, but FoFo seemed to be serious and at the same time, a laugh was in his lips. “Are you kidding me?”
“No, I’m not! C’mon, Y/N! Please?”
“Oh-kay, stealing, who?”
A block of confusion had came to Y/N’s mind as if she haven’t understand what FoFo meant. “Hah-what?”
“You don’t get what I meant?” FoFo crossed his arms and a smirk had came to his lips. “Okay, let me sing first. You had stole my heart, oh yea. Never gonna let go-oh oh.”
A blush had appeared in Y/N’s cheeks and she already realized what Chu Chunlan had meant. “Stealing, you? Me?” Y/N repeats what Chunland said.
“Yeah, stealing you.” FoFo muttered as he approached Y/N. “I’m, going to steal you away from them. NO ONE... will ever claim you and sell your heart away from me.”
“I’m stealing you away from them and from now on. No one, nor anyone else will be a thief of your heart.” FoFo added as he placed his hand on Y/N’s cheek, “It will be only me. No one else could ever be, okay?”
As the lamp post had shrink it’s light upon them, a kiss was sealed off within the dark, that the thief who said “stealing you” already got her.
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pervysenpaix · 3 years
I have no idea what this is but, I needed to get it off my chest after listening to this song 😭
“Damn Katsuki, if looks could kill then you’d be an uzi or a shotgun. BANG! What’s up with that thang ? I wanna know, how does it hang ?” you leaned closer, smirking as the lord explosive blonde looked away in embarrassment.
“Get the fuck away from me, dumbass” he growled, pushing you off the desk; it would’ve been bad if Deku hadn’t caught you. “(Y/N) you’ve gotta stop teasing Kacchan” he says, face a bit flushed from being pressed against you.
“I can’t be blamed for this Izu, he’s sitting over there looking magically delicious like a box of lucky charms. Can you blame for wanted to lick him like a lollipop?” laughter erupted across the classroom, the only ones complaining were sleepy Aizawa, in his bean bag, Iida who was lecturing, and Brokechako who was internally outraged.
Katsuki sunk further in his sit, staring at his desk with a fierce blush covering his cheeks, probably plotting his revenge.
“(Y/N)-“ Izuku warned, “you know you shouldn’t tease Kacchan like that.” You smirked, turning to wrap your arms around the greenette’s neck. “You’re right, let me chill on him for a bit. I’ve been meaning to ask you for your mom’s number” Izuku looks confused, “why do you need her number ?”
“Cause I’d like to personally thank her for a butt like that. Can I get some fries with that shake, baby?” Izuku’s blush now rivaled Katsuki’s, “(Y/N) calm down, p-please.” You could see that he was to get riled up and you wanted to know how far you could push.
Might as well. I’m already gonna get wrecked, let’s do it plus ultra.
“But Mr. Lover, I can’t help myself you’re a sexy motherfu-
“(Y/N) PLEASE !” Izuku’s large hands covered your mouth and you couldn’t help yourself from laughing. Their responses were golden. Izuku glared at you, leaning down he whispered, “since you keep running that big mouth of yours, we’re gonna make sure that you don’t close it for a while”.
I’m in danger 😃
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dronebiscuitbat · 3 months
Oil is Thicker Then Blood (Part 44)
The next morning was a slow one, spending the night in the buff, Uzi was curled up, head slotted into N's shoulder, her hand placed on his chest almost on top of his core. It was him who woke up first, groggy, humming in contentment as he turned to bury his face into her soft purple locks.
Despite the initial awkwardness, sleeping this way had definitely proven to be the best way to curb both of their needs. For the first time all week, he woke up feeling recharged and recovered instead of needy with a side of brain fog.
He couldn't help but trail his eyes down to his still sleeping girlfriend, [Sleep Mode] painted on her visor, she looked peaceful, content, she made a noise in her sleep purred as she tried to somehow bring herself closer.
How had they ended up this way? The day they met she had shot off his head and he'd tried to kill her. But here they were, she had enough trust in him to sleep completely exposed, he'd never ever, been this physically or emotionally close to anyone. He wasn't sure if he ever could with anyone else, his core fluttered as he continued to lovingly gaze at the drone beside him, drinking up her every detail.
He moved a strand of hair out of her face, only for his hand to linger and trace circles into her cheek, was it weird that even though they were as close as phyically possible he still wanted to touch her?
His alarm went off, internally ringing in his systems telling him it was time to get up and start getting ready, he really didn't want to, he wanted to stay here… just a little longer.
But it seemed even the universe around him wanted him to get up, because Uzi's eyes flickered on, opening slowly, a low whine escaped her lips, clearly not wanting to be awake.
“Morning precious.” He hummed, causing Uzi's first conscious action that morning to be groaning, blushing, and placing her whole palm on his face to shove him lightly.
“Too early…”
“Aw, but you are, you're so beautiful my precious little amethyst.” He couldn't stop himself, his core was overflowing with affection, he nuzzled into her neck, causing a peel of sleepy giggles to erupt from her mouth.
He took it up a notch, ceasing his nuzzling to place tiny kisses up and down her neck, Uzi squeaked, body tensing up for a moment before her giggling turned into squeals, clearly not prepared for his loving assault.
“Ah! N-no!-” Interrupted my more squealing laughter as N explored this newly found sensitive area “N! Hah-cut it out!” She protested through the wonderful sound that was her uncontrolled laughter.
He did stop, but not until she was breathless and squirming, giggles mixed in with small gasps.
But he still held her close from behind, his hand gripping her waist while he trailed a finger up her side, making her shiver as the featherlight touch was registered in her sensors.
“D-don’t you have work?” She asked, turning to face him as he looked at her with half lidded eyes, in all fairness, she was just trying to distract him, his touch had no business feeling that nice.
“You're not wanting to get rid of me, are you?” He replied, his voice husky and spoken directly into her audio receptors, the heat in her visor doubled, and she fought back an embarrassing squeak. Her body getting the drone equivalent to goosebumps.
His voice also had no business being as hot as it was, he had to be doing this on purpose.
“No. Of course not, j-just don't want you to be late.” She replied, shit, it had been her idea to sleep like this in the first place, but with N behaving… like this, she wasn't sure of it was a bad idea, or the best idea she'd ever had.
N meanwhile, was enjoying teasing his girlfriend immensely, there was very little for him to be nervous about when they were already nude, so it may have been bolstering his confidence a wee little bit.
He sighed, unfortunately she was right, it was his first real day of work and he would be late if he didn't get up, but even so, before he left he moved down to give Uzi a slow, meaningful kiss that had her processors melting into useless goo.
“Love you.” He hummed after it ended, chuckling at the heart that had replaced one of her eyes, she blinked, and it was gone.
“Love you too.” She replied back, every time she said it was always softer then her normal tone, and it always made N smile.
He threw the covers off and stretched before digging into his bedside table for his now freshly laundered coat, he pulled it over his shoulders and buttoned it with practiced speed, his tail thankfully not getting stuck this time.
He heard Tera chirp sleepily from her crib and went over to check on his daughter, she'd clearly just woken up, one eyelight open and the other shut as she yawned, arms stretching our towards him as a smile made it's way to her face.
“Morning Jellybean.” He pulled her into his arms as she immediately gripped onto the fur of his coat with one of her hands, she giggled at him, nearly vibrating with energy.
“Papa!” She beamed, blinking up at her father, he tapped her visor with his finger in response, causing it to glitch for a moment and a peel of happy laughter to escape her mouth.
“Be good for mommy okay? I'll be back later.” Tera nodded her head clumsily yet rapidly, And N set her back into her crib, she stood on both her legs for a moment, before falling backwards into the nest of pillows.
He strolled into the kitchen, taking his hat from the rack and looking at it, it no longer bared the pilot emblem on the front, instead he'd replaced it with his WDF badge, the old emblem being stored away in his nightstand.
Maybe one day he'd give it to Tera… when she grew out of trying to eat everything small enough to fit in her mouth.
He put it on his head, grabbed his container of oil, took a big gulp of it, before stashing it in his pocket and heading out the door.
People still looked at him strangly, sometimes with fear or with worry, but after so many months in the bunker, he more often then not was paid little mind, being relegated to normal bunker activity for most of the drones he passed going about their day.
It gave him a little hope, one day he'd not be feared anymore, he just had to be patient, and work to earn people's trust.
“N! Buddy! Ya look way better then yesterday!” He heard Hal behind him and he turned the give the man a beaming smile, he'd been right in front of the WDF office ready to open the door.
“Yeah…just needed to be home I guess.” He said sheepishly, a not-so-well hidden blush on his face.
“That girl must be a doll with ya, with a face like that.” Hal chuckled, a knowing look on his face that only succeeded in making N blush more.
“I'm only teasin’. Come on, let's get ya acquainted.” Hal led him inside with a hand on his back and a smile on his face, the man looked incredibly jolly and his smile was quickly spreading to N.
There were a few people already inside, namely Khan and Dale, which were having some sort of conversation behind the translucent, marbled glass of Khans private office, Guy was here too, though asleep with his legs propped up on the desk, Hal rolled his eyes.
“Kid has no respect…” The typically jolly drone mumbled under his breath, shaking his head and making his beard shake with the movement.
There were several other people there he didn't recognize, a couple drones waved at him, including a green eyed woman with glasses that seemed to beam at him, he waved back, happy to see friendly faces even if he didn't know them yet.
“Alright, here's your desk!” Hal stopped and gestured over to a desk to his right, two desks behind Guy, it was absent of any kind of decoration or tool, aside from a bronze plaque.
Elliot, S-D N.
He inwardly cringed at that, his “last name” carrying a lot of baggage that he truly didn't want tied to him, he didn't want to carry the name of those who hurt him, but now it was here, on his desk.
“Didn't know ya had a last name.” Hal pointed out, his hand combing through his beard as he looked between N and the nameplate.
“I-I don't. Just something I had to do for my daughter…” N explained, he tore his eyes away from it, and looked at Hal for whatever else he had to say.
“Well alright! You're gonna be shadowing me today, seeing as I'll be the one you'll mostly be working under.”
N was surprised at that, as far as he was aware, he was working under Khan.
Seeming to read his mind, Hal spoke up again. “Khan’s leader of the Engineering team, unless you know about hydraulics n’ math, you won't see him much.”
“I'm Chief of Police, Dale covers outside threats, through he's had a lot less to do lately…” Hal trailed off before shaking his head free of whatever thought was plaguing him.
“I'm sure if something serious came from outside he'd come get you, but for now, I'm taking ya.”
“Aye, aye captain.” N gave him a salute that had been programmed into him, Hal looked amused for a moment, before he chuckled.
“This ain't the military son, but I like your spirit.” There was a beep on Hal's visor and his florescent pink eyelights flickered to the side, his face falling slightly as he read through whatever report he'd been sent.
“Agh… not again.” He grumbled, looking unamused as he pinched his visor. N cocked his head.
“Is something wrong?”
“Just Old Mrs. Hopkins calling in another “break in”. No one's ever broken in, She's just paranoid n’ her memories going.”
“Still, we gotta check it out. Can't just ignore it. Stay here, let me go get my coat.”
Hal disappeared into a door in the back, inside one of the three private offices that was in the room, in another moment, he reappeared in a coat that was a little too small for him, opened completely to continue to show off the red shirt he normally wore. His badge was pinned near his collar.
“Come on, this should be an easy one.”
Next ->
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fnf-amateur-writing · 3 years
Hey! It’s Fox again! How are you doing? I just started school back up today, so I’ve been busy Xp.
Think you would be cool with writing some Pico with an s/o who is a writer, and tends to ask him about things like “hey, how long does it take someone to bleed out” or other things like that?
I understand if you don’t feel like it, and I hope you’re having fun 😊
Hello again Fox, I'm doing quite well rn. I'm cool with your prompt, especially since I need more writing material anyways.
Took me a while, because I didn't want to do a hc, but rather come up with a oneshot with a little twist to the style. Well, hope it works well.
Good luck with school, mate!
TW: Mentions of violence, swearing, slight sexual reference, and crime.
Pico with a writer S/O who asks him strange questions
On a chilly autumn morning, you were sitting out on your patio with a laptop and a mug of your favourite beverage next to you. Whenever you looked up, you could see the warm coloured leaves fall as the breeze accompanied you. The whole scene was an aesthetic.
When your boyfriend, Pico, came outside to see this, he knew that the nice environment you surrounded yourself with meant one thing. "You're back in your writing space already. Heh, with that bestseller you published, I thought you were comfy taking a break." You simply smiled and said, "can't waste the inspiration rush I got right now."
Pico had a good point though, with your rising popularity as an author, you were near set to retire before turning fourty. But you wish you weren't given all of the credit, since your boyfriend's stories of his dodgy job has occasionally sparked some ideas for your stories. However the books you wrote in the past were usually meant for the young adult and had few mature themes. This time, you thought maybe it's time to garner extra inspiration from those stories.
You were met with some disappointment when you realised that your mug was empty, only a drop entering your mouth. "Here, babe, I'll ya some more," Pico said, taking your mug and walking inside. "Quick question," you stopped him. "Yeah?"
"What would be the best place for a murder cemetery?"
"... What?"
Chapter 1:
"So you're doing some story about the police hunting down a mass murderer?"
"Pretty much."
"And to think you were gonna write Pixar's next script. Aight' I respect that." Pico takes a seat next to you with a refill of your drink placed next to your favourite writing laptop. "Thanks, Pico. But yeah, I want to branch out to something edgier, and I think you can help too."
"Let me show you what I've got so far." You showed him some of your notes in a little notepad document, detailing the story thus far and your current plans for this chapter. "Oh, that's it? Just looks like boring police preparation mainly," Pico commented. "Yeah, it's not much right now. But it'll get juicy later." "And bloody?" "And bloody."
"Welp, I'm gonna head back in," Pico got up, "let me know if you need anything." He head back inside, closing the door, but then opened it almost immediately afterwards. Pico stuck his head out, "by the way, the guy should use some strong alcohol or something to throw off those sniffer dogs."
Chapter 2:
"And then, because they used a silencer, the police don't immediately notice the--"
"Nope! I'm calling bullshit (Y/N)!" Pico had suddenly interrupted your explanation of the scene you were currently working on. "Silencers can help prevent some hearing loss, sure, but they're not magic."
"Alright," you reply, "no silencer, but the killer still has to kill in a way to not get blood on them, so I thought shooting and killing them from a distance would work." "Well, they're alone. Instead, have the guy get shanked in the neck or something, and have the killer use a plastic bag as a glove. It saved my ass one time."
"Woah!" you exclaimed with a giggle, "you used a knife once? What happened to my trigger happy boyfriend, huh? That's pretty sus."
"I forgot to reload the Uzis, alright?"
"What an impostor would say."
Chapter 3:
"What would be the best way to muffle the scream of someone you kidnapped?"
You two were sitting on the couch together watching a show. You didn't have your laptop on you, so Pico didn't expect you to still be thinking about that book. "I can't say from experience, really," he said as he paused the show. "However, shove a rag in their mouth and duct tape it in, and you should be good."
"Thanks Pico, also one more thing." "Yeah?" "What if our killer also wanted to..." God, this one was gonna be awkward, but you had to say it or else no help. "You know, cut off this victim's willy. How would you do that?"
"Wai-wha-uh-ga," Pico started fumbling his words like never before. He stopped, then took a deep breath. "YO, WHAT THE FUCK?!" "It'll make sense in the story later, I promise!" You watch Pico begin to lose it, breaking into laughter. "Ladies, gentlemen, and others," Pico dramatically stood up, pulling a little Showcaster impression and directing his arms towards you, "my famous 'young' adult novelist partner!"
Chapter 4:
It was in the dead of night, but you awoke to Pico on his phone. His vpn was on and Tor was up. As per usual, he was checking up on his little hitman service, where others could request for a certain someone's guts to fly if they paid him a hefty sum first. Though tired, you ound this to be the best time to ask him some more questions.
"Pico, how do those sites work?"
"Oh, you're awake," Pico blankly stated, sleepy too. But he still answered you. "Basically, some anonymous rich guys in the area give me money and a target, then I just do the thing and send a mission accomplished email." "Do they pay you in person?" "Nah, we use always use Bitcoin. It's a lot harder to trace than real money."
"Thanks Pico. Goodnight," you wish him, yawning and going back to sleep. "You too... So this guy is a hit man too?" "Hush. Tomorrow." "Okay." Pico puts his phone away, leaving it on a nightstand. You then spoon the night away, peacefully thinking of murder as you drifted off.
Chapter 5:
On a morning similar to before, you two sat on the patio with your drinks and laptop at the ready. Pico watched rather awkwardly as you typed away, wondering why you haven't entertained him with another question yet.
"You gonna ask anything else?" "What? Oh, nah," you plainly state. Inevitable, sure, but he was kind of saddened. He liked being able to share his messed up wisdom. "So, you're done?" "Almost." You turn to look at him, "want the spoilers?" Pico smiled, "sure thing."
In the novella you and Pico crafted together, the main character is a cop who hunts down a killer. They eventually notice that there would be two murders at a time for unknown reasons. Well, it was unknown until one victim had left up a dark web hit man for hire site. They that the hit man not only kills the target, but the client as a hidden price for the service.
And any request will be fulfilled, according to the hit man's site.
"Do they catch 'em?" Pico asked. "Well, ANY request is granted. So, if our hero were to... hire him to kill himself..."
"No way!"
"He did. They find both of their bodies in his bedroom."
Pico was a bit impressed with the ending you came up with, but then he remembered something. "Why did that guy get his thing cut off?" "Lol, I forgot," you giggled. "He sent a message to the hit man, saying he wishes the target would choke on his dick."
"That's my favourite part."
After everything was finished up, you sent the book off to your editor. After the initial joy of knowing how the story ended, you saw that Pico was still in thought. "What's up with you?" "Oh nothing, well it's just... I'm probably just biased, being that I'm a bit of a hitman myself, but it's kind of sad to see the guy go."
"Then I should spoil the epilogue I came up with." Rather than being excited, Pico nervously asked, "what's an epilogue?" He didn't get an answer, only you staring at him. "Sorry, school held too many bad memories for me to pay attention."
"Anyways," you continue, "the rest of the police gang did some background checks, and find that our killer was a normal guy with no criminal history."
"No. But I did decide to take a more supernatural approach here. Somewhere across the country, another string of double homicides occur and that site is active once more. And the story kind of repeats itself."
"You joker," you give him a playful little kiss on the cheek, one that definitely caught him off guard. "So is it canon?" Pico smirked. "Nah, just thanking you for being my cute little co-author." "Oh," Pico started, "so we're flirtin' now, huh. Come here babe!" He tackled you onto the ground, giving you several kisses in exchange.
"Actually, I think we call that 'making out'," you chuckle out, flustered. "But that doesn't mean I said stop'!" You pull him in for more, accidentally bonking your heads together rather painfully. "Nice double kill there, (Y/N)."
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.° Uzi x Enigmatic! Cyborg! Reader °.
My ninth request! Hope you like!
Uzi was always curious about you, after all…you were a CYBORG?? A human- part robot?! Like?? But even after getting to know you better, befriending you, getting really close, Uzi concluded one thing: You were a mystery to her, no matter what she did.
It was as if you didn't have a pattern, much less a distinct personality, if that was logical.
Despite all of this, Uzi found herself starting to grow feelings for you, even if it was strange or even bizarre for her. She even liked the feeling, it was strange but lovely.
It was something about how you loved puzzles, board games, or just playing tic-tac-toe with her. Or how you once said you wanted to make a snowmen, and I mean you really did, dragging Uzi with you to play in the snow.
You were so special in her eyes, you don't know how much…
Another day began inside the colony, being a Saturday! where Uzi was sleeping late, not bothering to worry about her father, who had left early that day for his "mega important work on doors" or something… not that Uzi gave a damn about what he does.
As for you..well… we can say you were watching Uzi sleep, not in a creepy way or anything! You were watching her for your newest drawing! Like Uzi, you enjoyed drawing at times, and the drone in question was your "Muse" for drawing, being the basis for many of your art creations.
Uzi started his systems slowly, giving a sleepy yawn, but soon getting startled by you, and falling out of the bed.
" Good morning Uzi my dear " You spoke in a calm voice, continuing to drawing of a sleepy Uzi. Uzi snorted getting up from the ground, looking at you with an accusing look.
" Ugh! (Y/n)! You did that on purpose! I already told you to stop watching me while I'm not awake! " Uzi grumbled in an irritated tone, throwing herself back on the bed still watching you.
" I'm really sorry..I was just drawing another drawing, I hope you're not mad at me.. " You spoke in a low tone, touching your fingers together cutely 👉👈.
" Ugh..bite me! It's okay- I forgive you- just try not to do that anymore! " Uzi grumbled shuffling in their pajamas closer to you, finally sitting up and leaning on your shoulder lazily.
" What are you drawing anyway? It's literally 6 am- " Uzi asked in a sleepy manner, wrapping both of their arms around one of your arms, affectionately.
" Uzi " You said simply continuing to draw, which for a moment Uzi was confused still being tired, but soon understanding looking at your sketchbook.
In the sketchbook were several small drawings of expressions Uzi make, in addition to a large realistic drawing in the middle, where she appeared to be asleep in a field of [favorite flowers]. Uzi gave a defeated sigh resting his head on your shoulder, feeling her cheeks flush.
" I'll never be able to understand you (Y/n)… can we just… go back to sleep please? I'm still sleepy.. " Uzi said rubbing her eye screen pulling away from you a little. You looked at her in silence for a moment, but then you closed your sketchbook and placed it on top of the headboard along with your pencil.
You dragged yourself further to the middle of the bed, thus lying down slowly, soon being followed by Uzi, who carefully lay down on your warm chest, listening to your calm heartbeat.
You stroked the drone's purple hair, watching as her eyes looked more and more sleepy, almost closing completely.
" I like that (Y/n)… " Uzi said in a low tone, something that rarely made you smile fondly at her.
" I like that too…and I like you Uzi " You said nonchalantly with a smile. Uzi fell asleep on your chest with a happy smile in a long time, hoping that it would never end, which was soon followed by you, who soon also ended up falling asleep.
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Okay! Here's what I imagine Uzi initially taking care of a human child would be like. Kid starts crying? "Uuuuhhh... Your face is leaking... Want me to take a look at that?" Kid gets hungry? "Okay, so I found this blue stuff under that sink over there. That's food, right?" Kid gets sleepy? "Oh crap, you're shutting down?! Where's the nearest charging station?!"
I feel like N and V would know better about humans, if JCJenson is being run by humans. I also headcanon them to have the Three Laws hardwired into them, while Uzi would not.
Also, imagine the kid sleeping on either Disassembly Drone, because they're warm and the world is cold. There'd probably have to be a few layers of blankets between them, though, depending on how hot a Disassembly Drone runs.
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valorshqs · 4 years
Tumblr media
˖⋆࿐໋₊ congratulations, PENDING, & TAURUS! you’ve won a six month luxury cruise around the world! you better get packed and hurry over to port in the next EIGHT hours before they open your spot up to someone else. and don’t forget to check in at @VALORSHQS!  
kim jihyeon (youi) & jordanlewistucker
*can we please ask the kim jihyeon applicant to send us a new name? thank you! 
↳ ♔ ( kim jihyeon (youi). she/her. cisfemale. ) ┈┈ congratulations  ( pending ) , you’re one of the lucky winners ! just to confirm: you turned ( TWENTY ) last ( JUNE 18TH ) ? and it seems on your entry application that you’re originally from ( NEWARK, NJ ) ? i heard the reason you entered this contest was because ( YOU WANTED A VACATION ). hope your neighbors don’t get tired of hearing you listen to ( LIL UZI VERT ) in your room. people seem to describe you as ( COMPASSIONATE ) but ( SUPERFICIAL ) at times. just make sure that the fact you ( BEEP ) doesn’t get around. we wouldn’t want your cruise experience being ruined ! written by: ( sleepy, 19, she/her,est. ) 
↳ ♔ ( jordanlewistucker. he/they. male. ) ┈┈ congratulations  (TAURUS JAMES ) , you’re one of the lucky winners ! just to confirm: you turned ( EIGHTEEN ) last (MAY 15TH ) ? and it seems on your entry application that you’re originally from ( CHICAGO ) ? i heard the reason you entered this contest was because ( HE WANTED TO PAY FOR HIS SISTER’S COLLEGE ). hope your neighbors don’t get tired of hearing you listen to ( BEYONCÉ ) in your room. people seem to describe you as ( RESILIENT ) but ( FACETIOUS ) at times. just make sure that the fact you ( BEEP ) doesn’t get around. we wouldn’t want your cruise experience being ruined ! written by: ( z, 19, they/them, cst. )
0 notes
6onmyshoulder · 5 years
Having watched countless concert compilations on youtube, and having been to The Weeknd’s concert when he touched down in Singapore, I think it’s safe to say that when it comes to hip hop, there is a slight(and I use this carefully) disconnect in the hip hop concert culture, as compared to the crowd’s energy and hype in the US/UK/Canada/Holland etc. The recent A$AP Rocky performance at Marquee seemed to be a testament to that, as the crowd only seemed to know two songs Rocky performed, one of which wasn’t even his own song to begin with...goddamn ‘Plain Jane’.
Some of the performances that have stood out in those compilations have been Playboi Carti’s performances, whenever and wherever.
(Now, I just want to add a disclaimer that I’m not dissing Singapore’s concert crowds. And that I would love to have had the opportunity to fly over and catch my favourite artists live. But my bank account doesn’t let me, which pretty much sucks...)
Carti’s performances seem like the place where you’d...die...lit h a h a. He’s barely singing along to his own song, and seems to spend a large majority of his stage presence hyping the crowd up and screaming 10 of his 1026 ad-libs at any given point. The crowd vibes along, going completely ape-shit.
It’s raw. It’s animalistic. It’s loud. It’s in your face. It’s wild. The fact that Carti fans sing along to his snippets at concerts is amazing to me. A 30 second snippet completely changes the mood of the crowd, sending them into a frenzy, as evidenced by the countless concert recordings of Carti performing ‘Cancun’.
It’s in this raw energetic sphere that Carti absolutely thrives in. And that’s exactly where Carti’ sophomore release, ‘Die Lit’, exists.
‘Die Lit’ has also become kind of a comfort album. I was on a bus at night a while ago, and as usual, I felt this overwhelming urge to listen to ‘So Far Gone’ or ‘Take Care’(2 Drake albums notorious for putting one in their feels). As my thumb hovered over the ‘Drake’ artist arrow, something shifted and I found myself playing ‘Die Lit’. Granted, I was initially feeling kinda sad(what’s new), but ‘Die Lit’ weirdly put me at ease with my emotions. I didn’t think, I didn’t reflect and I didn’t feel, as I’d usually do with those two Drake albums(or other sadboi albums). ‘Die Lit’ allowed me to sink into the beats and Carti’s repetitive hooks that were catchy and easy to listen to.
The album art features a black and white photo of Carti jumping into a mosh pit while flipping people off and it serves as a perfect metaphor for what the album is about. The picture looks brash, unadulterated, insane, chaotic and yet, weirdly poetic, and the album itself, sonically, captures all those.
Die Lit opens with ‘Long Time - Intro’ with Carti talking about how he hasn’t ‘felt like this in a long time,’ while repeatedly ad-libbing in the background(pss, slatt, ooh, pow, pa, yeah). Some really nice synths on the instrumental that sound organic. Carti saying ‘I’d rather get caught with it than without it,’ is the highlight of the track. A fun track that serves as a nice opener to an enjoyable album.
I don’t know how many of you have watched ‘The Matrix: Reloaded’(reloaded is the second movie and it’s trash, so is revelations. only the first movie is fire and worth the watch.) but there’s this underground rave scene where people absolutely lose their minds and party like there’s no tomorrow(i mean they have to seeing as they’re living in a technologically dystopic world). The second track off ‘Die Lit’, ‘R.I.P.’, sounds like it could have been the perfect song to accompany this particular scene. If organised chaos was a song, it would be R.I.P......stripped back production, a slightly overblown bass that has a weird metallic quality to it and Carti’s flow over such a simple instrumental creates such an intense atmosphere, a chaotic one. At certain points, the song is literally just the bass line, one synth and ad-libs, and it somehow, fits into the whole ‘organised chaos’ idea. ‘I’m on demo lit, I’m on migo lit,’ raps Carti. He fits into the track perfectly, and finds the perfect gaps to spit his ad-libs. Him saying that he ‘bought a crib for momma, off that mumbling shit’ begets a sense of awareness of exactly what he brings to the table lyrically.
‘Lean 4 Real’ feels like a mellower ‘R.I.P.’. Slower but just as stripped back, the instrumental has an animalistic quality to it, probably because of the weird background synth that makes it sound like it was recorded in a forest at midnight. Skepta comes in with a reliable verse, countering Carti’s chaotic nature and giving the listener a sense of uniformity with his verse. Carti hops back on and re-hypnotises the listener by repeating ‘I’m on the beans 4 real, i’m on the lean 4 real.’ Simple in its execution, insanely good in its presentation.
Old Money picks up where Lean 4 Real left off, with Carti repeating ‘old money, new hoes,’ then throwing a bunch of ad-libs around, peppering the song with a few more simple rap lines. The bass kicks in with a vengeance through out the song, and Carti’s effortlessness is just put on display for one to enjoy.
Love Hurts(lmao) comes in with a jarringly metallic synth and a hypnotic bass line that just seems into every nook and cranny of your mind, creating a very dark and slightly hellish soundscape. This track genuinely gave me Stockholm Syndrome, as I found myself listening to this insanely jarring song on repeat. ‘Shawty want a rockstarrrrr okay!’ sings Carti, while Travis Scott comes in with a pretty good verse, encapsulating all that’s good with the entire track. His delivery fits the mood of the track perfectly, and the auto tune blends in gorgeously with the grungy vibe of the track.
Lil Uzi Vert and Carti can’t do anything wrong together and in the wake of wokeuplikethis* and left, right, Shoota becomes another song that strengthens their power couple status. Uzi flows on the track even before the beat drops, and once it does drop, Carti picks up where Uzi leaves it on this bouncy and slightly happier sounding track, with the shimmering synth creating an upbeat vibe.
Right Now and Poke It Out are pretty fun to listen to. Bouncy production, Carti’s effortless flows and Pierre’s and Nicki’s features are decent(Pierre’s is actually pretty good not gna lie...would write more but I really just wna focus on my faves).
I like Home(KOD) enough and it’s mainly cause Carti says ‘bring that money home, daddy waiting for it’ over and over and over again...
Fell In Luv’s production is something else man. Really simple lyrics from Carti(i mean did you really expect anything else?). Pierre’s production throughout the album has been special and Fell In Luv is no exception. The vocal sample is such a minor aspect of the song but adds so much character to the beat, and Bryson Tiller’s lofi feature(sounds like he recorded it on his iPhone) actually adds to the aesthetic of the track.
Foreign and Pull Up are pretty decent tracks. Not really my faves and felt a bit ‘filler-ish’.
Mileage has one of the funniest choruses I’ve heard in a while. ‘Molly cyrus, catching bodies, don’t care if your pussy got some mileage mileage....’ Carti dismantling the idea of slut-shaming in one line that’s who I stan uno. Chief Keef’s deeper voice lends a certain gravitas to what feels like a ‘higher pitched’ track cause of Carti’s voice and the production of the beat.
Flatbed Freestyle gives us a good look at baby voice Carti. The beat’s high synth and repeated bass create a repetitiveness that’s unrivalled by the other beats, and Carti literally starts of with ‘BUH BUH BUH BUH BUH BUH’. The beat and Carti compliment each other insanely well, and the track actually ends up being one of the most fun tracks on the entire album. ‘Beeh!’ is my favourite ad-lib after ‘Buh!’ on here. Baby Voice Carti really shines through on this track. He doesn’t sound annoying and doesn’t sound cringe. The Baby Voice is actually...here to save hip hop....
No Time is such an underrated track. Feels like a trap nursery rhyme instrumental, and the sleepy and shimmery xylophone type synth creates an innocent atmosphere as Carti sings about having ‘no time’. Gunna flows over the instrumental like he was born into it. He’s smooth and charismatic, and is perfectly positioned between two Carti verses, forming the perfect palate cleanser within the same song. Definitely one of the better beats on an album already stacked with excellent beats.
I honestly skip middle of the summer...don’t really fuck with it...
Choppa Won’t Miss is an absolute bop in terms of production, and Carti going ‘pew pew pew pew’ in the back is TO DIE FOR. I also just want to ask if anyone can explain the line ‘suck on my dick like a tick’ to me. Thug is pretty good as usual. Flows in and around the beat mans a fucking GOD among men.
R.I.P. Fredo interpolates the R.I.P. beat and sounds amazing sonically. Top is...decent I guess.
Carti created something timeless and fun by sticking to what he knew. Insane production from Pierre and an insane beat selection helped Carti create one of the better albums of 2018(okay i will not play into the 2018 aoty meme).
An album that I enjoyed vastly in 2018, and am still enjoying in 2019, it has snuck into my all time favourite albums list. Carti worked to his strengths and the reception the album received is testament to that. While Playboi Carti may not be for everyone, and especially not for hip hop purists, the effortlessness and simplicity create amazing soundscapes within and across songs. Carti is definitely an acquired taste, and I’m really glad I got into his music.
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