#V: Densetsu Sentai Ikimonger
starfoam-archive · 7 years
What do you think about the champions? Do you know your child has a crush?
“Nonny, I was there when they tried to flirt with that sweet boy in the wrong language. Believe me, I know. As for the Champions, I’ve only seen three of the five, and honestly? The fact that one looks exactly like my child in some sort of outlaw aesthetic is really, really creepy.”
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Luka’s outfit for the Masquerade ball
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sentainokyodo · 7 years
Okay, and quickly covering some things about Ahim, Luka, and Vera in the Densetsu Sentai Ikimonger verse:
Luka’s continued search for a new planet for the people she left behind actually turned up an uninhabited planet with a similar environment to Famille. After what happened to Vera’s village, Ahim and Luka decided to settle the planet and sent out a call for all the surviving people of Famille to come to this new planet. Luka also brought the orphans and others from her planet, and they settled a little closer to the poles where the weather was colder and closer to weather back on their planet.
Ahim and Luka are still Gokaigers, and spend time travelling with the crew, but Ahim at least has her responsibilities to her people. Vera stays with them, whether with the crew or on New Famille.
Ahim and Luka are married, partially just to get Ahim’s advisers to stop pestering her about it. They both kept their last names, and are very happy. They chose to give Vera Ahim’s last name, as she is officially her heir.
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carminasiderum · 7 years
Mikan’s holding a bright yellow balloon out to Haneul that says Sorry I’m such an asshole, and giving him a hopeful look that he remembers what she’s apologizing for.
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midorinoyusha · 7 years
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“I don’t normally say things like this but, come at me bro.” Someone just spent some time comforting an upset librarian, a murderous professor, and a furious cafe owner, and isn’t about to take any shit from the source of their distress. 
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starfoam-archive · 7 years
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“That’s a good look for him.” She’s saving this to her phone.
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Lucky’s outfit
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ofendlessstardust · 7 years
[[Reminder of verses I currently have:
Main Verse
Carnal Dreamers
No Man’s Land
and on @endlessstarsin, Hotel Eros.
If you want to ask questions specifically to a verse, please do. Information is in the tags bellow]]
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Tai had heard that Sophie was on a team and wished he was on the team as well! Tai does get onto the team and is now the silver ranger just like Gai and is called Ikimo Pegasus!
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Taikan’s outift
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sentainokyodo · 7 years
Akio got his Ikimo Charm defending the secret base and his father from some Beasties. His desire to protect his family and nature called the Fairy Charm to him, and he transformed into Ikimo Fairy. Afterwards, he asked his father if he thought his uncle would be jealous that he’s pink, Yuuto laughed and said that, yes, Right probably would be.
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