#V: Do the Bad Thing - TimThad
dementedspeedster · 5 months
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Thad hums sipping tea: "Oh, I always keep my promises."
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dementedspeedster · 6 months
Smash or Pass + @volucerrubidus
Accepting || Send Smash or Pass + a name and my muse will say if they would smash or pass on that person.
Thad zips away and then zips back in with a drink.
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dementedspeedster · 5 months
it will feel better if you tell me.
It's the furrows of his eyebrows, the pout of his lips, the way he refused to look at Tim as he spoke to him, and the closed off body language that made it so clear that Thad didn't want to tell Tim what had been on his mind.
"But what if it makes things worse?" He mutters out quietly. His brows furrow deeper, scrunching together, his body language screamed 'worry'.
His hands gripped tightly at his own arms, and his jaw tightly clenched and unclenched as he tried to get the words trapped in his chest out.
Thad was always fine. It was a part of him he had prided himself on. It was that perfectionist part of his youth that he had never let go. If he was fine, then he wasn't a burden. If he wasn't a burden he wouldn't be abandoned.
His head was tilted down toward his chest, hiding away his face.
"It's stupid, Tim. I'm just...I don't want you to get bored of me."
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dementedspeedster · 2 years
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 V: Do the Bad Thing (TimThad)
You Can’t Always Get What You Want.
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dementedspeedster · 8 months
I heard Tim is just using you to gather intel on you and all your friends in order to find out their weaknesses and how to take them down.
Accepting || Send me a very scandalous rumor about my muse to see how they would react. @nrth-wind (Tim)
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Thad scowls at the rumor. No matter what it seemed liked people were trying to sow discord between them. "He wouldn't do that. Tim wouldn't need to date me in order to get intel on me or my friends. He's 1. A better person than that. He wouldn't emotionally manipulate me to get that kind of information. There would be no point in us entering into a relationship in order to get any of that information. 2. He's much smarter than that. There are better methods of finding out our weaknesses or how to take us out. And 3. Our weaknesses aren't exactly unknown. I'm a speedster. Aim for my knees."
"So whatever shit you've heard about Tim? It's untrue."
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dementedspeedster · 1 year
[text]: Attached file: A selfie of Kon and Deb at a Jonas Brothers concert, Deb's sitting on Kon's shoulders. She's looking at the camera giving it the peace sign. Kon's grinning one hand holding on to Deb's leg the other also giving the peace sign. [text]: You wish you had a cute girl on your shoulders you're just at home with tim drake 😬 [text]: We've decided that you've become a certified square.
Reference to all the previous Jonas Brother's related asks/stuff
@kryptonianclone, @legacychosen (Deb) and @nrth-wind (Tim) since I'm mentioning Tim as well.
When Thad had settled down this evening with a book in his hand and pulling in Tim to snuggle up with him on the sofa, he had expected a quiet night with no interruptions. Though when he heard his phone buzz and saw the photo and texts from Kon he couldn't help the amused snort that escapes him.
"Kon's calling us squares for staying home." He informs Tim as he raises his phone for him to see the texts.
Then he quickly shoots him a reply back:
[text]: I'm now just a certified square? Wow I'm honored that I've avoided it for this long. 🤣 [text]: Naaah. You're just jealous you don't have someone like Tim to stay home with. >;3c
He takes a quick photo of himself curled up next to Tim with a smirk on his face and sends it off to Kon.
[text]: Have fun you two and try not to get into trouble. ✌️
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dementedspeedster · 2 years
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V: Do the Bad Thing (TimThad)
I’ve Wasted A Lifetime Pretending to Be Me.
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dementedspeedster · 2 years
(i'm so sorry these are all just so tim) “First of all, I didn’t “miss” the red flags. I looked at them and thought: yeah, that’s sexy.”
Accepting || Tumblr Text Posts Prompts V: Do the Bad Thing
"Oooooh?" There's an inhale and a soft gasp formed around the word spoken soft and low and drawn out of Thad by Tim's statement. The surprise of it like cold air contrasting so clearly with the warmth inside his chest, "Is that so?" He leans in closer, placing his hands on the wall behind Tim bracketing him in between the space of his arms.
"Well, is there anything else you find sexy about me that you'd like to report on?" He asks. The speedster is close enough that one could see how the light dances in his yellow eyes almost mischievously as his grin spreads across his lips, "...Though, you know...you're not the only one because I certainly have a few choice words for you too." His eyes lock with Tim's own and he winks at him.
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dementedspeedster · 2 years
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V: Do the Bad Thing (TimThad)
Burn It Down.
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dementedspeedster · 11 months
Don't mind him, he's just watching Thad and Deb's conversation from a distance. With popcorn. -arobinwithoutbatman
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Spotting the younger Tim, Thad's body jolts with surprise and embarrassment overtakes him.
"I...uh...Well," He stutters out, "Well, this is awkward." Thad finally says as he feels heat rise to his face. He was just going to, uh, zip out of here. Right. Now.
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dementedspeedster · 1 year
deb vc; i recommend anyone that's not a hero. really why do you keep dating heroes? like not even /cool/ heroes
Accepting || Recommend romantic candidates for my muses and see their reaction! Or question my muse's taste. @legacychosen Heroes referenced: @volucerrubidus (Tim Drake) & @beyondiism-blog (Terry McGinnis) Verses: V: Do the Bad Thing & V: The Schway and the Shirt Stealer
Standing before Deb is not one, but two Thad Thawnes, and neither looks pleased by Deb's comment about their respective partner.
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"Whoa, whoa, whoa there." The older of the two Thad's pipes up first. This one dressed in their civilian clothes and seemingly pulled from their universe into this one, "Excuse you. How is dating someone who was the Batman of the Future, not cool?"
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Thad, the Thad from this universe who was still dressed in his costume, shoots the other a quirk of the brow at hearing that there was a version of himself dating a...future Batman. That was...interesting. Hopefully this didn't actually say anything about him as a person other than he seemed to have a thing for people with dark hair. The jury wasn't out on whether 'heroes' was another qualifier he had to add to the list.
"And...okay. I admit Tim doesn't seem cool at first, but he is. Sure he's a bit of a nerd and dork, but that's what makes him cool. He's always genuinely himself and is an amazing and talented person. Plus you'd know he wasn't such a bad person if you tried to get to know him. C'mon," He nudges her shoulder, "For me?"
"And look I don't know if heroes are exactly my thing given my limited track record with dating, but It's not as if anything's gone wrong so far, Deb. Despite our history and with a bit of work, Tim's been good to me. I don't think there's anything exactly wrong with my dating a hero. Certainly isn't anyone's business if I just happen to date one. I can't help that there was just something between us." His eyes avoid Deb at that last statement. He was not going to admit it was because Tim was a hero.
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"Uh-huh." Thad rolls his eyes and lets out an audible scoff that earns him a glare from the younger Inertia. He saw right through his other self.
"Look. As much as I hate to agree with the Inertia who thinks it's a good idea to date one of Bart's best friends. As if that's not going to blow up in your face." And also earns him a heated glared from the other Inertia.
"He is right. Chemistry just happens and in both of our instances it just happened to be with a hero." That surely wasn't his biases talk there. No, not at all. (It was.) "Anyway. In my case, Terry was the one who came after me. He was persistent and we had already had a friendship. And after I said 'yes,' it just all worked out. He's good to me. He's always good to me. He's sweet, and kind, and he cares. I was skeptical about our relationship, but we just clicked. And given my life" He pauses for a second before he nudges Deb's shoulder with his own, "Annnnd let's be real here. Isn't it a bit fun when everyone keeps telling you not to do something? Maybe you should try dating a hero, hm? At least don't knock it until you try it." He snickers.
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Inertia rolls his eyes at his other self's statement and turns his attention back to Deb, "Anyway, I guess what we're getting at is that we can't help who we have chemistry with. Just so happened that across universes that Thad Thawne has fallen for a hero twice." He shrugs as if it's not big deal, "It's not exactly a pattern we've got going here. Just a coincidence. No big deal. So don't worry about it."
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dementedspeedster · 2 years
@desmuerte replied to your post “(i'm so sorry these are all just so tim) “First of...”:
​What can I say? Tim's fucking hot.
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dementedspeedster · 1 year
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Thad suddenly sits up, “I have to buy full price chocolate this year.”
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dementedspeedster · 1 year
@nrth-wind [Tim] liked for a starter with Craydl
Thad had explained it all to Craydl before he brought him back from his lab and implanted his personalty into a new set of technoplasm. Things had changed in the years they were apart, Thad had changed, his life had changed, goals, all of it. To make a long story short his little speedster was all grown up and Thad wanted the most important people in his life to meet.
Craydl was proud of Thad, his life was heading in what logically looked like a better direction, but what he hadn't expected was the hero in his life.
Craydl, in his small technoplasm body (small enough to fit into the palm of Thad's hand for easy portability), twists and writhes on his spot at the kitchen table as he stares at Tim and contemplates him.
>>I remember you. You're the smart one of your Young Justice group. Robin.<< He chimes up as he inchworms toward Tim, >>Do you remember me?<<
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dementedspeedster · 2 years
Accepting || Send 🌿 to accidentally get caught under the mistletoe with my muse.
Finding himself with Tim under mistletoe was less of an accident and more of Thad just hiding some in his hoodie pocket ready to pull it out at the right moment...just...like...right now.
Just before Tim can slip out the door of their apartment for his meeting regarding the Neon Knights program Thad zips right in front of him, one arm outstretched blocking the doorway while he tried to look as casual as possible and not as if he had been waiting and watching for an opportunity to pounce like Cheeto does with her little mouse on a string.
Emphasis on try, of course, but as Thad did so a sprig of mistletoe suddenly appeared in Thad's raised hand above their heads, "Well, look at this. Looks like mistletoe." Thad chuckles, shaking the sprig of mistletoe above their heads for a moment before lowering his arm and tossing the sprig away, "I think we both know what that means." He smiles at his boyfriend and tilts his chin up toward him with his freehand.
Thad leans in and presses his lips to Tim's own, humming into the kiss pleased, and though he wanted to continue this for a bit longer, to linger with Tim for a few minutes more, Thad was mindful of the time as he reluctantly pulled back from him.
"Alright, go get 'em. Go make Gotham a better place." He slides out of Tim's way and from the doorway, "Oh, and Tim?" He pipes up just as Tim steps out the doorway.
"Love you."
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dementedspeedster · 2 years
I'm on the wrong acc, but 🐦 from @volucerrubidus ?
Accepting || Social Media & Texting Prompts @volucerrubidus
One for normal verse Tim:
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One for ship verse Tim:
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